Wee 4 Quiz IS535

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Week 4 Quiz – IS535

1 Question: TCO A: List and describe the four information systems serving each of the major
functional areas of a business.

Your TPS (Transactional Support System) Computerized systems that perform and
Answer: record daily routine transactions necessary to conduct the business; they serve
at the organization's operational level MIS (Management Information System)
The study of information systems focusing on their use in business and
management DSS (Decision Support System)Information systems at the
organization's management level that combine data and sophisticated analytical
models or data analysis tools to support semistructured and unstructured
decision making ESS (Executive Support System) Information systems at the
organizations strategic level designed to address unstructured decision making
through advanced graphics and communications
Instructor • Sales and marketing information systems are systems that help the firm
Explanation: identify customers for the organization's products and services. Such systems
help to identify customer preferences, potential customers, sell the products or
services, and provide support to salespeople and customers.
• Manufacturing and production information systems are systems that provide
information for planning, product development, production or service
scheduling, and controlling the flow of products and services.
• Finance and accounting information systems keep track of an organization's
financial assets and fund flows.
• Human resources information systems maintain employee records, track
employee skills, job performance, training, employee compensation including
pensions and benefits, legal and regulatory requirements, and career

Points 35 of 35
Comments: You misunderstood the question a little bit. Yes, all the systems are defined
from constituency perspective; however they can exist for every business
functional area. The question asked to explain how these systems would serve
each area. Partial credit. See the possible answer below Sales and marketing
information systems are systems that help the firm identify customers for the
organization's products and services. Such systems help to identify customer
preferences, potential customers, sell the products or services, and provide
support to salespeople and customers. Manufacturing and production
information systems are systems that provide information for planning, product
development, production or service scheduling, and controlling the flow of
products and services. Finance and accounting information systems keep track
of an organization's financial assets and fund flows. Human resources
information systems maintain employee records, track employee skills, job
performance, training, employee compensation including pensions and benefits,
legal and regulatory requirements, and career development.
2 Question: TCO B: The text describes Michael Porter's view of the Internet as somewhat
Week 4 Quiz – IS535

negative. What negative influences does Porter see? Describe several positive
influences the Internet has on business. Do these outweigh the negative influences?

Your Some of the negative aspects viewed about the internet was that it destroyed
Answer: some industries and have threatened more. However, the internet's good may
outweigh the bad. New markets and a multitude of new businesses are being
formed because of the internet. E-commerce transformed the business world of
books, music and air travel. Telephone services, movies, television, jewelry,
real estate, hotels, bill payments and software have all seen more efficient ways
to strategically do business because of the internet. I think the positive aspects
on competitive advantages outweigh the negative influences, especially for start
up and new entry companies. The internet allows them to be more efficient and
self sufficient as a business
Instructor Porter sees the Internet as creating ever more intense rivalry, through allowing new
Explanation: competitors to enter the market, and forcing competition on price alone, raising the
bargaining power of customers, and dampening profits.
Positive influences of the Internet would be lowering telecommunications costs,
creating new opportunities for building brands and loyal customer bases, lowering
costs of globalization. You could also view Porter's negative take on lowering the
barrier to entry as a positive for new companies.
The Internet's influence being negative or positive depends in part on the point of view
from which the influence is being seen. For example, a telephone utility is impacted
negatively by the emergence of Internet telephony, while other industries may be
impacted positively either through the use of this technology or through engaging in
Internet telephony as a business.

Points 35 of 35
3 Question: TCO A: The fact that online advertising revenues are growing at 30% a year, while
offline traditional advertising is growing at about 5% a year, suggests that:

Internet advertising is very inexpensive
Offline traditional advertising is not very effective

The Internet is transforming the traditional 1
advertising business model CORRECT
New technologies are more efficient at selling to

Points 5 of 5
4 Question: TCO A: The three activities in an information system that produce the information
organizations use to control operations are:
Week 4 Quiz – IS535

Your Information retrieval, research, and

Answer: analysis

Input, output, and feedback

Input, processing, and output
Data analysis, processing and

Points 5 of 5
5 Question: TCO A: What type of information system is an intranet most easily adapted to:
Your CR
Answer: M


KM ( pp. 58-

Points 0 of 5
6 Question: TCO B: The value chain model:
Your Categorizes five related advantages for adding
Answer: value to a firm's products or services.
Sees the supply chain as the primary activity for
adding value.
Categorizes four basic strategies a firm can use
to enhance its value chain.
Helps a firm identify points at which 1
information technology can most effectively 0 CORRECT
enhance its competitive position.

Points 5 of 5
7 Question: TCO B: Internet content providers:
Generate from directing buyers to sellers
Week 4 Quiz – IS535

Answer: Save users money and time by processing

online sales dealings
Provide a digital environment where buyers and
sellers can establish prices for products
Create revenue by providing digital content 3
over the Web 8 CORRECT

Points 5 of 5
8 Question: TCO B: Which type of decision is calculating gross pay for hourly workers?
Your Structure ( p.
Answer: d 452 )



Points 0 of 5
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