Ztrans Exercise

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Activity 11 – The z-transform

F = ztrans(f)
F = ztrans(f, w)
F = ztrans(f, k, w)

F = ztrans(f) is the z-transform of the scalar symbol f with default independent variable n.
The default return is a function of z.

f = f(n)  F = F(z)

The z-transform of f is defined as

where n is f's symbolic variable as determined by symvar. If f = f(z), then ztrans(f) returns
a function of w.

F = F(w)

F = ztrans(f, w) makes F a function of the symbol w instead of the default z.

F = ztrans(f, k, w) takes f to be a function of the symbolic variable k.

Z-Transform MATLAB Operation
f(n) = n4 syms n;
f = n^4;
ans =
(z^4 + 11*z^3 + 11*z^2 + z)/(z - 1)^5

g(z) = az syms a z;
g = a^z;
ans =
-w/(a - w)

f(n) = sin(an) syms a n w;

f = sin(a*n);
ztrans(f, w)
ans =
(w*sin(a))/(w^2 - 2*cos(a)*w + 1)
Study the examples above and find the z-transform of the following

1. f(n)=9n(2n-1)-2n+3 n = 0,1,2,3….
2. X(n) = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7…]
f(n) = [0 0 0 1/3 2/3 1 1 1…]
Determine the convolution of X(n) and f(n)
3. −an
f (n)=1−e





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