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Schwarzschild 1/3 inch Black hole


Karl Schwarzschild Alfred Nobel Joe Nahhas Pirate

Time travel bus driver Einstein, Physicist Yukawa, John wheeler, Physicist Homi
Alfred Nobel academia on "University" Campus and masters of black holes
Schwarzschild Wheeler Stephen Hawking and others telling us and teaching and
giving PHD's in:
Page 1
If you can shrink objects then you can achieve the escape velocity on an
object surface to light velocity c = 300,000 kilometers per second. Karl
Schwarzschild said if you can shrink Earth from a radius of 6,371,000 meters
to a small size cock roach radius of 0.88 centimeter while keeping all Earth
mass inside then you can have planet Earth as a 0.88 centimeter black hole
with nothing escaping out of it because escape velocity would become the
fastest velocity of c?

Can anyone tell us how Karl Schwarzschild can shrink Earth from size
6,371,000 meters radius to size 0.88 centimeter radius while keeping all the
mass? Or, how University professor is going to shrink Earth an unbelievable
¾ billion times: 6,371,000 x 100/0.88 = 723,977,273
Here is the proof
Escape velocity v = (2GM/r) 1/2 = 11.2 kilometers per second
Was changed by light velocity c = 300,000 kilometers per second = (2GM/r) 1/2
Or, r = 2GM/c2
If we want the escape velocity to be c on Earth we have to shrink the size of
Earth from 6371 kilometers radius to what radius?
That is: r (earth) v2 = r c2
Or, r= (11.2/300,000) (11.2/300,000) 6371000
= 0.0088 meters = 0.88 centimeter size Earth? Or maybe a cock roach?
For the sun escape velocity on the Sun is 617.2 km/second
(c/v) 2 = (300,000/617.2)2 = 236031 or shrinking the Sun 236031 times its size

I never knew what a dumb ass is till I met my science teacher!

Alfred Nobel academia is 200 IQ using 1/200 IQ journalists to say anything

publish anything based on nothing and nothing is cock roach 0.88 centimeters
Earth where "free press" is free to be dumb! And get Nobel prizes!

Unless someone show us how he can shrink Earth to 0.88 centimeters or 1/3
inch or shrink Earth (300,000/11.2)(300,000/11.2) = ¾ billion times
western academia and western press can keep "science" to themselves or
ship to Alfred Nobel and if after hours ship it to Princeton University home of
Black holes!

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