Childhood Is A Promise That Is Never Kept

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Childhood is a promise that is never kept

Intra Hostel Creative Writing

18th August, 2010

I felt this life is like a prize

When I first stepped on earth

But later to my utmost surprise

It’s not a penny of worth

I still recall those merry days

The golden era of life

All the day full of plays

No worries about children and wife

I was everyone’s apple of eye

And how eager girls were to take me

And loft me high in the sky

Oh! No bound to my glee

Just when I felt the sun is on the rise

It rather turned out to be twilight

Soon, gone were the days of paradise

And I was greeted by the dark night

The horrors of quizzes took over

Weaving a cage all around

Never saw a morning again ever

The eyes wet as I frowned

It didn’t take far too long

To finally realize that how apt

Is the title of this song

Childhood is a promise that is never kept

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