Body Language IN Communication: by Sowmiya Jakkal Manager, HR

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By Sowmiya Jakkal
Manager, HR
What do we mean by “Body Language” ??

The medium through which people

and animals communicate using
gestures, expressions and posture.
Why is Body Language
• Body language plays a big role in intuition
as it gives us messages about the other
person, that we can interpret at an
intuitive level.


Components of Body Language

Facial Expressions
 There are some universal facial
expressions; a smile, a frown, etc.

 Eye contact is direct and powerful. 

 The use of eye contact varies significantly

from culture to culture
 Fidgeting shows boredom and restlessness.
 Pressing fingers together to form a steeple
shows interests, assertiveness and
 Touching the nose or rubbing eyes
indicates discomfort.
 A hand to the back of the neck may
indicate withdrawal from a conversation.
Open Stance
 Interested people always have an erect
posture, pay attention and lean forward
 A firm handshake will give the impression of
assertiveness or honesty
 People showing open hands, both feet planted
on the ground are accepting
 A head tilted to the side indicates interest
Closed Stance
 Leaning backwards demonstrates aloofness or
 Folding arms across ones chest or body is
protective and gives the impression of a
closed, guarded and defensive character.
 People with arms folded, legs crossed and
bodies turned away are signalling that they are
rejecting messages.
 A head down is negative and judgmental
• There are four distinct zones in which most
people operate:

• Intimate Area 15-50 cm

• Personal Area 0.5-1m

• Social Area 1-3m

• General Area 3m

Brisk, erect walk Confidence

Standing with hands on hips Readiness, aggression

Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly Boredom

Sitting, legs apart Open, relaxed

Arms crossed on chest Defensiveness

Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched Dejection

Hand to cheek Evaluation, thinking

Touching, slightly rubbing nose Rejection, doubt, lying

Rubbing the eye Doubt, disbelief

Hands clasped behind back Anger, frustration, apprehension

Locked ankles Apprehension

Head resting in hand, eyes downcast Boredom

Rubbing hands Anticipation

Sitting with hands clasped behind head, legs crossed Confidence, superiority

Open palm Sincerity, openness, innocence

Pinching bridge of nose, eyes closed Negative evaluation

Tapping or drumming fingers Impatience

Steepling fingers Authoritative

Patting/fondling hair Lack of self-confidence; insecurity

Tilted head Interest

Stroking chin Trying to make a decision

Looking down, face turned away Disbelief

Biting nails Insecurity, nervousness

Pulling or tugging at ear Indecision

Do’s and the Don'ts
How do I know as to what I am doing is right or
not ……..????
What is My Body Language like !!!!!
Let us find out.
Don’t cross your arms or legs
Have eye contact, but don’t stare
Don’t be afraid to take up some space
Relax your shoulders
Nod when they are talking
Don’t slouch, sit up straight
Lean, but not too much
Smile and laugh
Don’t touch your face
Keep your head up
Slow down a bit
Use your hands more confidently
Don’t stand too close
Don’t fidget
Keep a good attitude

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