Then Stars Burn Ash

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Then Stars’ Burn Ash

(An Outline)

 A father at a desk writes a letter by candlelight, knowing his death is near. The narration
 We witness a funeral. A woman with child stands grieving while seven men look on as if
expecting something from plans composed before this funeral. The time of year is spring, the
rain sprinkles down from the sky and drops off of a tree-branch. Flowers bloom, birds flutter and
hands flex within gloves. The seven men make a deal with the woman, if she would give up her
son to them, this widow will be housed and taken care of. They also promise that the boy will
also be well taken care of.
 A mad man being lead down a hall within a hospital, other crazies are hanging out of their cells.
He is whimpering and breathing heavy within a cell during a cold winter. Snow floats seen
through the high window.
 A young man and girl embrace during summer, the ocean swells around them in slow motion.
The man professes his love and admiration for the girl, contemplates love, in the process
growing indifferent, then becoming disinterested and disgusted with her. The oak trees are full
with leaves, filtering sunlight upon her.
 The girl while walking in the woods encounters a deer. She gets close then touches its forehead
with her first finger, and the deer runs away.
 The mad man mumbles words, while making strange gestures into the air. Some of his phrases
match those of the scene before.
 The future takes the shape of his nice, and he needs to destroy the tribe of his sister before they
destroy him.
 The evil are used to destroy each other by the good that are then destroyed by evil.
 His guide to the world of his mind is a grotesque woman
 The woman is surrounded by demons, she explains that the demons are not hers but are the
main characters. They are his thoughts actualized.
 The man has no choice but to visit each demon, and vanquish its distortions.
 The woman changes into his former love interest (Beverly), and offers calm.
 The man in the end overcomes death as his old body dies from disease. He, within his mind,
reinvents his mind and becomes conscious as a human. The mind is engulfed within a storm of
flame from his power and he transmutes into a divine being.
 He awakes from death on a hospital operating table, and tries to get away from his captors by
crawling towards the door, but his frail state of existence prevents him from attaining freedom.

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