L TEX 2ε Cheat Sheet: Document classes

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LATEX 2ε Cheat Sheet Lists Verbatim text

\begin{enumerate} Numbered list. \begin{verbatim} Verbatim environment.

Document classes \begin{itemize} Bulleted list. \begin{verbatim*} Spaces are shown as .
book Default is two-sided. \begin{description}Description list. \verb!text! Text between the delimiting characters (in
report No \part divisions. \item text Add an item. this case ‘!’) is verbatim.
article No \part or \chapter divisions. \item[x ] text Use x instead of normal bullet or number.
letter Letter (?). Required for descriptions.
slides Large sans-serif font. Environment Declaration
Used at the very beginning of a document: References \begin{center} \centering
\documentclass{class}. Use \begin{document} to start \begin{flushleft} \raggedright
\label{marker } Set a marker for cross-reference, often of the
contents and \end{document} to end the document. \begin{flushright} \raggedleft
form \label{sec:item}.
Common documentclass options \ref{marker } Give section/body number of marker. Miscellaneous
\pageref{marker } Give page number of marker.
10pt/11pt/12pt Font size. \linespread{x} changes the line spacing by the multiplier x.
\footnote{text} Print footnote at bottom of page.
letterpaper/a4paper Paper size.
twocolumn Use two columns. Floating bodies Text-mode symbols
twoside Set margins for two-sided.
landscape Landscape orientation. Must use dvips \begin{table}[place] Add numbered table. Symbols
-t landscape. \begin{figure}[place] Add numbered figure. & \& \_ ... \ldots • \textbullet
draft Double-space lines. \begin{equation}[place] Add numbered equation. $ \$ ˆ \^{} | \textbar \ \textbackslash
Usage: \documentclass[opt,opt]{class}. \caption{text} Caption for the body. % \% ˜ \~{} # \# § \S
The place is a list valid placements for the body. t=top,
Packages h=here, b=bottom, p=separate page, !=place even if ugly. Accents
fullpage Use 1 inch margins. Captions and label markers should be within the environment. ò \‘o ó \’o ô \^o õ \~o ō \=o
anysize Set margins: \marginsize{l}{r }{t}{b}. ȯ \.o ö \"o o̧ \c o ǒ \v o ő \H o
multicol Use n columns: \begin{multicols}{n}. ç \c c o. \d o o \b o o
o \t oo œ \oe
latexsym Use LATEX symbol font.
Text properties Œ \OE æ \ae
Æ \AE å \aa Å \AA
graphicx Show image: \includegraphics[width=x ]{file}. Font face ø \o Ø \O l \l L \L ı \i
url Insert URL: \url{http://. . . }.  \j ¡ ~‘ ¿ ?‘
Command Declaration Effect
Use before \begin{document}. Usage: \usepackage{package}
\textrm{text} {\rmfamily text} Roman family Delimiters
Title \textsf{text} {\sffamily text} Sans serif family ‘‘ “ ‘‘ { \{ [[ (( < \textless
\author{text} Author of document. \texttt{text} {\ttfamily text} Typewriter family ’’ ” ’’ } \} ]] )) > \textgreater
\title{text} Title of document. \textmd{text} {\mdseries text} Medium series
\date{text} Date. \textbf{text} {\bfseries text} Bold series Dashes
These commands go before \begin{document}. The \textup{text} {\upshape text} Upright shape Name Source Example Usage
declaration \maketitle goes at the top of the document. \textit{text} {\itshape text} Italic shape hyphen - X-ray In words.
\textsl{text} {\slshape text} Slanted shape en-dash -- 1–5 Between numbers.
Miscellaneous \textsc{text} {\scshape text} Small Caps shape
\pagestyle{empty} Empty header, footer and no page num- em-dash --- Yes—or no? Punctuation.
\emph{text} {\em text} Emphasized
bers. \textnormal{text}{\normalfont text}Document font Line and page breaks
Document structure \underline{text} Underline \\ Begin new line without new paragraph.
\part{title} \subsubsection{title} The command (tttt) form handles spacing better than the \\* Prohibit pagebreak after linebreak.
\chapter{title} \paragraph{title} declaration (tttt) form. \kill Don’t print current line.
\section{title} \subparagraph{title} \pagebreak Start new page.
\subsection{title} Font size \noindent Do not indent current line.
Section commands can be followed with an *, like \tiny tiny \Large Large Miscellaneous
\section*{title}, to supress heading numbers.
\setcounter{secnumdepth}{x} supresses heading numbers of
\scriptsize scriptsize
\footnotesize footnotesize
October 23, 2006.
Prints ∼ instead of \~{}, which makes ˜.
depth > x, where chapter has depth 0.
Text environments
\small small
\normalsize normalsize
\huge huge ~ Space, disallow linebreak (W.J.~Clinton).

\begin{comment} Comment block (not printed).

\begin{quote} Indented quotation block.
\large large \Huge Huge \@. Indicate that the . ends a sentence when following
an uppercase letter.
\hspace{l} Horizontal space of length l (Ex: l = 20pt).
\begin{quotation}Like quote with indented paragraphs. These are declarations and should be used in the form {\small \vspace{l} Vertical space of length l.
\begin{verse} Quotation block for verse. . . . }, or without braces to affect the entire document. \rule{w}{h} Line of width w and height h.
Tabular environments Citation types The LATEX document should have the following two lines just
\cite{key} Full author list and year. (Watson and Crick before \end{document}, where bibfile.bib is the name of the
tabbing environment
1953) BibTEX file.
\= Set tab stop. \> Go to tab stop.
\citeA{key} Full author list. (Watson and Crick)
Tab stops can be set on “invisible” lines with \kill at the end \bibliographystyle{plain}
\citeN{key} Full author list and year. Watson and Crick
of the line. Normally \\ is used to separate lines. \bibliography{bibfile}
tabular environment \shortcite{key} Abbreviated author list and year. ?
\shortciteA{key} Abbreviated author list. ? BibTEX example
\begin{tabular}[pos]{cols} \shortciteN{key} Abbreviated author list and year. ? The BibTEX database goes in a file called file.bib, which is
\begin{tabular*}{width}[pos]{cols} \citeyear{key} Cite year only. (1953) processed with bibtex file.
All the above have an NP variant without parentheses; Ex.
tabular column specification \citeNP. @String{N = {Na\-ture}}
l Left-justified column.
BibTEX entry types author = {James Watson and Francis Crick},
c Centered column.
@article Journal or magazine article. title = {A structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid},
r Right-justified column.
@book Book with publisher. journal = N,
p{width} Same as \parbox[t]{width}.
@booklet Book without publisher. volume = {171},
@{decl} Insert decl instead of inter-column space.
@conference Article in conference proceedings. pages = {737},
| Inserts a vertical line between columns.
@inbook A part of a book and/or range of pages. year = 1953
tabular elements @incollection A part of book with its own title. }
\hline Horizontal line between rows. @misc If nothing else fits.
\cline{x-y} Horizontal line across columns x through y. @phdthesis PhD. thesis. Sample LATEX document
\multicolumn{n}{cols}{text} @proceedings Proceedings of a conference. \documentclass[11pt]{article}
A cell that spans n columns, with cols column @techreport Tech report, usually numbered in series. \usepackage{fullpage}
specification. @unpublished Unpublished. \title{Template}
Math mode BibTEX fields \author{Name}
To use math mode, surround text with $ or use address Address of publisher. Not necessary for major \maketitle
\begin{equation}. publishers.
Superscriptx ^{x} Pn
Subscript x _{x} author Names of authors, of format ....
x \section{section}
\frac{x}{y} \sum_{k=1}^n
√ Q k=1
booktitle Title of book when part of it is cited. \subsection*{subsection without number}
x \sqrt[n]{x} \prod_{k=1}^n chapter Chapter or section number. text \textbf{bold text} text. Some math: $2+2=5$
edition Edition of a book. \subsection{subsection}
Math-mode symbols editor Names of editors. text \emph{emphasized text} text. \cite{WC:1953}
≤ \leq ≥ \geq 6= \neq ≈ \approx institution Sponsoring institution of tech. report. discovered the structure of DNA.
× \times ÷ \div ± \pm · \cdot journal Journal name.
◦ ^{\circ} ◦ \circ 0 \prime ··· \cdots key Used for cross ref. when no author. A table:
∞ \infty ¬ \neg ∧ \wedge ∨ \vee month Month published. Use 3-letter abbreviation. \begin{table}[!th]
⊃ \supset ∀ \forall ∈ \in → \rightarrow note Any additional information. \begin{tabular}{|l|c|r|}
⊂ \subset ∃ \exists ∈/ \notin ⇒ \Rightarrow number Number of journal or magazine. \hline
∪ \cup ∩ \cap | \mid ⇔ \Leftrightarrow organization Organization that sponsors a conference. first & row & data \\
ȧ \dot a â \hat a ā \bar a ã \tilde a pages Page range (2,6,9--12). second & row & data \\
α \alpha β \beta γ \gamma δ \delta publisher Publisher’s name. \hline
 \epsilon ζ \zeta η \eta ε \varepsilon school Name of school (for thesis). \end{tabular}
θ \theta ι \iota κ \kappa ϑ \vartheta series Name of series of books. \caption{This is the caption}
λ \lambda µ \mu ν \nu ξ \xi title Title of work. \label{ex:table}
π \pi ρ \rho σ \sigma τ \tau type Type of tech. report, ex. “Research Note”. \end{table}
υ \upsilon φ \phi χ \chi ψ \psi volume Volume of a journal or book.
ω \omega Γ \Gamma ∆ \Delta Θ \Theta year Year of publication. The table is numbered \ref{ex:table}.
Λ \Lambda Ξ \Xi Π \Pi Σ \Sigma Not all fields need to be filled. See example below. \end{document}
Υ \Upsilon Φ \Phi Ψ \Psi Ω \Omega
Common BibTEX style files
Bibliography and citations abbrv Standard abstract alpha with abstract Copyright c 2006 Winston Chang
When using BibTEX, you need to run latex, bibtex, and alpha Standard apa APA $Revision: 1.10 $, $Date: 2006/10/23 08:40:17 $.
latex twice more to resolve dependencies. plain Standard unsrt Unsorted http://www.stdout.org/∼winston/latex/

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