Talent Acquisition

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 is the process
of attracting, finding, and ’  

selecting highly talented
individuals (those who align
with the business strategy,
possess required
competencies, and who will 
integrate smoothly and 

productively into the
organization and its culture)
to meet current and future
employment needs. 


a he Commonwealth must have the right people to
fill the right needs at the right time.
± î  J Effective Acquisition sets the stage for the success
of the agency and the employee.
± J Multiple sources identify the cost of a bad hire as 1.5
to 3 times/salary.
 J he amount of time a need is left unfilled
results in opportunities unrealized and costs incurred.

phat Is An Employment Brand?
± An employer¶s brand is the image seen through the eyes of employees
and potential hires.
± Employment branding is the employer¶s unique traits and characteristics
that are valued by employees and prospective employees and is used as
part of the employer¶s marketing strategy.
± It is the way an organization distinguishes itself internally and externally.

Employment is a 2-way partnership; the employer and prospective employee sell each
other an employment proposition. As part of creating this proposition, an employer
needs to understand its current and future audience and how this audience intersects with
what the employer is and what it hopes to achieve. he employment brand will allow the
organization to know what it is ³selling´ and will help candidates know what they may be
³purchasing´ in terms of potential commitment.
ArticleJ ERE.net - he 8 Elements of a Successful Employment Brand


    ! "  !  ! 
       ! #
Ú phat is Sourcing?
± Determining the most effective places to find the talent needed
± Includes internal and external sources
± he process includes announcing the job¶s availability to the market
and identifying and attracting qualified candidates to apply.
± Includes traditional techniques like advertisements, job fairs and
± Also includes techniques like social networking, finding passive
candidates, and targeted functional searches

ArticleJ ERE.net - Develop a Recovery Sourcing Strategy
ArticleJ ERE.net - Rrecruiting Lessons From the OlympicsJ Learning From Outside Your Box
ArticleJ ERE.net - Determining the Correct Source of HireJ he First Step in Recruiting Excellence

Ú he process used to choose the $ %$ 
best talent to make the best fit  m  

aBehavioral ± based upon the premise that
with the organization. past behavior is the best predictor of future
Ú he process involvesJ aSituational ± based upon hypothetical
± Interviewing to reveal certain situations and the candidates¶ responses
a raditional ± basic questions usually centered
desired characteristics;
around education, experience, skills«
± measuring applicants on those a echnical ± focused on specific skill and
characteristics; and knowledge needs for a particular function or
± extending an employment offer

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a re-Boarding is the process of beginning the
integration of a new hire into the new organization
and work team.
± Begins as soon as the employee is offered and accepts the
± Should immediately connect the employee to the agency via
the supervisor, human resources, and the work
buddy/mentor as the primary points of contact
± Initiates the process for the employee¶s workstation,
equipment, supplies, technology and online access











è   G  ercentage of new hires that were the organization¶s top choice

è       he ability of the organization to define the knowledge, skills
and abilities needed to succeed in the job and work
environment and to source candidates that meet the
     Hiring manager satisfaction with the recruitment and hiring
process and quality of candidates
$ ( (G  he time it takes to hire a candidate to fill a position from job
open until the position is offered and accepted
G    he number of new hires who remain on the job for the first
12 to 18 months
G     he percentage of new hires in key jobs that were terminated
or asked to leave

G    he number of new hires who remain on the job for the first
12 to 18 months
 ,  ' -  phether top candidates meet or exceed expectations on
,"     ' - performance reviews




© ! 
a roactively build and expand the pool of candidates.
a Seek to fill positions internally, if applicable.
a Improve candidates¶ pre-screening process.
a Enhance employer brand and reputation in the recruiting market place.
a Explore new marketing outlets using Internet-based technologies (i.e., social
networking sites) to reach passive candidates and targeted groups.
a Create efficiencies in recruitment processes and workflows.
a Obtain input from hiring managers.
a Solicit new hire feedback.
a Emphasize strategic workforce planning beyond 18-months.
a Scale back or freeze talent acquisition efforts, when the need arises.
$! . 

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