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Ecorse fee eet) the center of the European art scene and exhibited alongside the likes oF Picasso, Jawlensky, Kandinsky, Klee, and Matisse Interested in different cultures and religions, Plotie studied China ond explored Buddhism So deep wos his interest in Jewish culture and religion that he tought himself Hebrew. Platte had a close friend ship with the ost Alexej von Javlensky, threugh whom he met the noted art collector and | dealer, Emmy Esther (Galka} Scheyerwho took the works of the ‘Blue Four’—Jawlensky, Kandinsky, Feininger, and Klee—to prominence with @ tour of America, In 1927, Seheyer arranged an exhibition entilad European Modernist in loz Angeles with Platte among the featured artists. Scheyer alo collected Platte’: work The respec! was mutual; Platie pointed « portrait oF Scheyer in her honor. Platte’s work become another of the many casuolties ofthe rise of fascism in Europe and World War II: he Nazis considered his ort “degener tte.” His works were removed from museums and destroyed Gnd Fate wes boned. Kom exhibiting, though he continued to work in secretin is atic. In 1943, however, he saw his se ret studio and paintings go up in flames in an Allied frebomb raid. Though he survived, his ‘onlysondied afew months ter in the war. Platte continued to create for the next 40 years, developing new techniques with bis woxpoiniings and collages ‘An exhibition of core ‘works from his estate will sart otArtTiove'sgollery on October 3, 2010. Ms, Christina Rou will be a special guestat the oxhibi tion's official opening event a few days later, which will also coincide withthe release of a new book on the artist. Mrs. Ravi he wife of he loteformer German president, Dr Johannes Rav, who wos an avid collector of Plote's work. Art Trove director Nicoloi von UsxkillGildenbond scid that he intends to keep Platte’ main works together in a core eallecion ond give it propor exposure. Thecollection willbe augmented by documentation, films, and other media pertain: ing to Plates Ife. He intends to use ingoporeas ospringboard to exhibit Platte's work around the world Prior tothe Platte exhibi- tion, Art Trove is displaying the works ofeontemporary German cist Jirgen Bottcher. Better known under the pseudonym Strewalde, the pointes, sculp tor, and filmmaker has o large following in Europe. Sirowalde also struggled against an av- thortarian East German regime to creole his art In 1961, he was expelled from the German Academy of Arts ofter being accused of *aestheticism.” Manyartisisfled to the West under similor pres: sures but Strawalde elected to stay on for family reasons. ‘When the Berlin Wall fll cond Germany was reunified Strawalde's stor once agoin began to ascend. He was elacted a member of the Ars ‘Academy in Berlin ond hos sincebeen exhibited aroundthe ‘world. Hispainiingsgroce many public collections including the National Gallery in Beli, the German Bundestag in the Reichstag building, Albertinum Wwe tachnigue on papee aexaoen. Image Gouresy of Art Save Galery (Dresden), Dresden Royal Palace, Albertina (Vienna), Museum Ludwig, Bibliothaque Nationale de France, and The Boston Public Library. Art Trove Gallery is lo cated at 51 Waterloo Street, #0201. Tel: (65) 6336 0915. Fax: (65) 6336 9975. AnUrbanPerspective ichard Koh Fine Art is presenting works bby Phuan Thai Meng, Malaysia's foremost photore- clit, The exhibition, The WE Project, showcases Phuon’s recentconceptualworks, includ ing new paintings, installation, andvideoond sound works. The WE Project centers on Phuan's interestin urbanization. Hiseor- lier work provided viewers with «a fresh perspective on fomilior lecal imagery. This ime, he has incorporated previous work by cther artists, reinterpreted their concepis and placed them in «a context of his own, building @ social framework from vi sual art that parallels the social framework of complex urban communities The WE Project appears «son intelli, buil round the conceptofa dwelling, filled with ort created specifically for the exhibition. Renowned for putting o twist on the notions of typical art production ond display, Phuan is intentionally allowing this collaboration be ‘ween himself and Richard Koh Fine Arto bring on entirely now experience to gallery visitors cand mall goors with ¢ tongue in-cheek play on space, Phuen produces truly Melaysian contemporary art, indirectly documenting, with acute awareness, the progres: sive and increasingly cosmo- politan Kuala Lumpur, o city many simultaneously enjoy ond struggletolivein Phuarisexplo rations of his urban and social landscape uncover the paradox cfliving in Kucla Lumpur, where ospects of the best and worst lifestyles possible are offered ct different fimes throughout any given day. Phuan’s work has been Phuan Thai Meng, Truly Malaysia, 200, serve and olen canvas, 23 ft Image! Courtesy of Richard Koh Fine A 26 ASIAN ART NEWS, SEEM _— | | MODERN ABSTRACT & CONTEMPORARY ARTWORK Say Yong Rising Wind Surging Water 2009 cilon canvas 122x pipal fine art artfolio Lot-S-215, 2nd Floor, The Gardens Mall, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur. TIF: +603-2282 6942 W: E: HP: +6016-220 7828

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