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How am I

Am I learning What are my doing?

in the best strengths and
way for me? weaknesses?
What is really
making me

What can I
remember How will I
and know if my
understand? work is good?

What are my
Where do I targets? What do I
have to focus need to do to
my revision? improve?
How am I
going to make

AAIA North East Region

Pupil self-assessment This booklet has been produced by a group of AAIA members who live and
work in the north east of England. Their work has focussed on the multi-
faceted ways of encouraging and enabling teachers to use assessment to
promote and monitor learning for the benefit of the pupils.

The most recent focus for the group has been to work co-operatively to
develop ideas on pupil self-assessment. Most of the contributors work with
learners in primary schools. The case studies reflect this bias. However, all
the ideas that are presented can be and are being used in secondary
classrooms. It is the skill of the teacher to recognise the principles and
convert the ideas into the actual setting.

In this document “self-assessment” is the term used to describe all the

activities employed within and outside the classroom to enable the pupil to
reflect on what has been learnt and judge it against a set of criteria.

“Self-evaluation” is the term used to describe the process of a pupil gaining

an understanding of how one is learning as opposed to what one is learning.
It is the means of making real strides in understanding oneself as a learner.

Contributors –
Durham : Carol Gater
Jennifer Jones
Annette O’Brien
Sarah Patterson
Ron Rooney
Gateshead: Ellen Good
Tim Nelson
North Tyneside: Dave Shearsmith
Sunderland: Marcia Ewart
Lesley Smith

Thanks to the many teachers in the north east of England who have supported this
publication by trialing self-assessment strategies in their classrooms, enabling
their work to be the focus of the case studies.

Pupil self-assessment Section Page
Assessment FOR Learning 4
Pupil self-assessment
· Who says self-assessment is important? 5
· Why bother with self-assessment? 6
· What does one need to get started? 7
· Building blocks to self-assessment 9
· Key points to note 10
Strategies to engage pupils in self-assessment
· 1: Modelling using exemplars 12
· 2: Questioning skills 14
· 3: Self-assessment “tools” – graphic organisers 17
· 4: Reflection as a process for closing the learning gap 21
· 5: Response partners 25
· 6: Future Developments - Digital Portfolios 28

Audit of self-assessment 31
Glossary of terms 32
References 33
The Assessment Archipelago: backpiece
exploring assessment FOR learning on a map

Pupil self-assessment Assessment FOR Learning
Following the publication of “Inside the Black Box” (1998) and “Beyond the Black Box:
Assessment FOR Learning” (1999) teachers in schools have experimented with ways of
encouraging pupil participation in the assessment process. Since then many publications,
courses and research papers have helped teachers to explore ways of using assessment to
raise attainment of pupils, including “Working inside the Black Box” (2002) which
illustrates ways of implementing the essential elements in the process in secondary school

At its heart Assessment FOR Learning is a way of informing and involving the
learners themselves in the process of assessment. Teachers have responded by questioning
their long-held principles and practices in order to see how they could use assessment not
just to measure the amount of the learning that has happened, but to enable the pupils to
learn more effectively through playing an active role.

These are the important elements. Some teachers use them all the time

– DO YOU? *
w share the learning objectives of the lesson with the pupils

w plan and encourage periods of reflection on what learning has taken place and
how the learning has taken place

w encourage pupils to assess their own work

w strive to build a positive climate inside the classroom so that making errors is
seen as a way of improvement, not a record of an individual’s failure

w incorporate curriculum targets into discussions with pupils

w support pupils to recognise their next steps and share the criteria that outline
the standards at which they are aiming

w experiment with giving feedback that supports, motivates and enables the
pupils to improve.

All these elements are interlinked. Sharing the learning objectives helps in the process
of self-assessment, as does having a clear curriculum target; receiving positive and
informative feedback enables pupils to decide their next steps; being confident that
progress can be achieved is a necessary precursor to taking a risk. Each is a different
way into encouraging self-assessment by the learners themselves.

This document limits itself to an analysis of pupil self-assessment and self-evaluation. It

looks at what these terms means, how schools are attempting to involve the pupils in the
process in a planned way, and gives some pointers to teachers on certain strategies that
may help this process. Each teacher must choose the best route towards self-assessment
and self-evaluation depending on the individual’s experiences and circumstances.

please refer to self-assessment / self-evaluation audit in appendix 1
Who says self-assessment is important?
Pupil self-assessment
… pupils can only assess themselves when they have a sufficiently clear picture of the targets that their
learning is meant to attain. Surprisingly, and sadly, many pupils do not have such a picture, and appear to
have become accustomed to receiving classroom teaching as an arbitrary sequence of exercises with no
overarching rationale. … When pupils do acquire such an overview, they then become more committed
and more effective as learners: their own assessments become an object of discussion with their
teachers and with one another, and this promotes even further that reflection on one’s own ideas that is
essential to good learning.
“Inside the Black Box”, Black & Wiliam, 1998, page 9/10

Learners should be helped

to develop the capacity and
the habit of self-reflection
The link with and feedback into planning shows how so that they can increasingly
valuable pupil self-evaluation is as an assessment tool, become self-monitoring and
with assessment information very clearly being used to self-regulating.
inform future planning. … The enthusiasm of the children
should be no surprise, considering the clear increase in “QCA Review of assessment
their self esteem … With more time, children become arrangements : Assessment
more able to identify and solve their own learning needs. for Learning”, 2001

“Unlocking Formative Assessment”, Clarke, 2001,

page 48-9

Teachers are very uncertain about the value of self-assessment and how to go
about using it effectively … There is a need to recognise the necessity for
training pupils to evaluate their work. Pupils with these skills so that they are
more able to persevere with tasks, achieve better standards of work and raise
their self-esteem.
“Classroom Assessment”, Suffolk Advisory Service, 2000, page 18

There is nothing special about the

Metacognition is the process of being aware of
techniques we can use for involving
one’s own learning: good learners monitor their
learners in reviewing in the classroom.
What is special is the belief that this learning and thinking processes through self-
monitoring. It focuses the pupil’s evaluation on
process actually helps learning.
his or her own performance rather than in
“Assessment for learning”, Sutton,
comparison with others, which we know is more
1995, page 136
likely to maintain motivation.
“Assessment”, Stobart & Gipps, 1997,
page 18
The key skill of improving their own learning
and performance involves pupils reflecting
on and critically evaluating their own work
and what they have learnt, and identifying
ways to improve their learning and Pupils can only achieve a learning goal if they
performance understand that goal and can assess what they
National Curriculum Handbook need to do to achieve it. So self-assessment is
page 21 (Primary) and page 23 essential to learning.
(Secondary) “Working Inside the Black Box”, Black et al,
2002, page 10

Pupil self-assessment Why bother with self-assessment?
Self-assessment is an essential component of “Assessment FOR Learning”, not a
luxury in classroom teaching. It is the means by which the pupils take responsibility for
their own learning.

What’s in it for the pupils?

The pupil
· becomes responsible for own learning
· is able to recognise next steps in learning
· feels secure about not always being right
· raises self-esteem and become more positive e.g. I can from I can’t
· is actively involved in the learning process (partner not recipient)
· becomes more independent and motivated

This is really
I am learning I know my strengths I see how I making me
in the best and weaknesses am doing think
way for me
I know
why my
work is
I see what I good
can remember
and understand

I know what I
need to do to
I see where I
have to focus
my revision I know my
targets I know how I am
going to make an

What’s in it for the teachers?

· There is a shift of responsibility from teacher to pupil
· Smoother, more efficient lessons if pupils are motivated and independent
· Feedback helps teacher identify pupil progress
· Identifies next steps for a group/individual
· Matches pupils’ perceptions of understanding with teachers – pupils explain
strategies so teacher identifies thinking process
· More efficient lessons allow greater challenge

What does one need to get started?
Pupil self-assessment The teacher needs to ensure that the classroom climate is conducive to effective

The classroom climate

· for pupils to learn, the fear of failure has to be taken away in order to
encourage honesty and openness
· pupils need to be provided with support, by being able to try out techniques in
a safe and secure place

In a ‘normal’ classroom, where success matters (“Ten out of ten! Excellent!”), the
high attaining pupils are praised. High marks, being able to answer questions,
getting things right merit attention and are celebrated. High attaining pupils
develop a positive self-image, but do not necessarily learn as much as they are able

“Where the classroom culture focuses on rewards, ‘gold stars’, grades or place-in-
the-class ranking, then pupils look for the ways to obtain the best marks rather than
at the needs of their learning which these marks ought to reflect. One reported
consequence is that where they have any choice, pupils avoid difficult tasks. They
also spend time and energy looking for clues to the ‘right answer’.”
(“Inside the Black Box” pp 8-9)

Meanwhile, low attaining pupils have their low self-esteem reinforced by constant

“Many are reluctant to ask questions out of fear of failure. Pupils who encounter
difficulties and poor results are led to believe that they lack ability, and this belief
leads them to attribute their difficulties to a defect in themselves about which they
cannot do a great deal. So they ‘retire hurt’, avoid investing effort in learning which
could only lead to disappointment, and try to build up their self-esteem
in other ways.”
(“Inside the Black Box” pp 9)

We can learn a lot about these cycles by understanding the play of emotions in
learning. Pupils who believe they can learn, face new challenges in a state of
‘relaxed alertness', an optimum state to take risks and learn. Success reinforces
self-esteem and the cycle is complete. Low attaining pupils, who believe they
cannot learn, experience stress when facing a challenge. This causes ‘emotional
flooding’, when all they can think about is how to get out of the situation - a flight
response - and hence no learning takes place. In each case, there is feedback that
amplifies the output, so self-esteem – negative or positive – grows with each
repetition of the cycle.

Pupil self-assessment Low self-esteem High self-esteem

failure I can’t success I can

emotional stress learning relaxed
flooding alertness

The question for the teacher is how to turn A type pupils into B type. In some
schools, streaming separates higher attaining from lower attaining pupils and
removes some of the competition. Questions are differentiated, so some of the A
pupils experience success. However, the classroom climate remains the same, so it
becomes a mini version of the original where some pupils rise to the top and others
remain at the bottom. The problem is still that success is what matters, rather than

Research in Gillingham (Gillingham Partnership Formative Assessment Project,

Institute of Education, 2000-2001) has shown that teachers can change this culture
and counteract the fear of failure by helping pupils to see difficulty as part of the
learning process. Getting all the answers right quickly and easily is no longer seen
as praiseworthy – quite the opposite. It is a sign that little has been learned.
Making mistakes, struggling to understand and asking for help are all seen as signs
of the learning process and pupils are praised for showing that they are learning.

“It’s OK, that’s how you learn”

“When you find something challenging. It is an opportunity

to learn something new.”

“So nobody found it difficult? So it was a waste of time – you know it all!”
(Teachers in Gillingham project)

In this climate, high attaining pupils are more willing to own up to having difficulties
and lower attaining pupils begin to understand that they are not essentially different
from their ‘clever’ peers. Learning is hard; it’s about feeling uncertain; it’s about
taking risks and it’s the same for everyone.

“I like the question about ‘what did you find hard?’ because
you learn more if it’s hard.
If you find your work easy, you’re not learning much.”
(Pupil in Gillingham project)

Pupil self-assessment
The building bricks Strategies to enable self-assessment
in place to support learning
Success criteria learning

Questioning skills


Feedback from marking
by the teacher

intended learning
Peer partners
Pupil self-assessment

Modelling of self-assessment

There is a climate for learning in the

Pupils have a clear understanding of the

In each of these strategies there is a development from

being introduced to it, being helped to use it, and onto full
independent use.
Building blocks to pupil self-assessment
Pupil self-assessment Key points to note
“Assessment for learning” involves pupils being active
Pupils need to look for information about how well they are doing and search for what
steps to take next in order to improve. Clarity of action depends on feedback from the
teacher and also on what they discover themselves about their own learning. The
encouragement of life-long learning requires pupils being skilled at applying what they
know about their current learning to future events.

Self-assessment is WHAT we learn

It can take place at any time within a lesson. The pupils benefit from a clear
understanding of the learning objective and from being trained in asking the right
questions (especially those which interrogate actual learning against the intended).
This training should be an important element of the plenary element in a lesson.

Self-evaluation is about learning HOW we learn

Too often self-assessment is seen as the pupils reflecting on WHAT has been covered.
They are encouraged to identify the activities in which they have recently taken part.
In many cases they are simply repeating the learning objectives. Self-evaluation is
more than this – it involves an analysis of HOW they have learned and it involves skills
that need to be planned and developed over time.

We need to train pupils to self-evaluate – it does not just

w e.g. Choose one of these questions and model the answers they might say to it:
1. Think about what has happened when the learning has taken place
2. What really made you think? What did you find difficult?
3. What do you need more help with?
4. What are you pleased about?
5. What have you learnt new about x?
6. How would you change the learning activity to suit another class?
w Thinking time (e. g. 1 minute) to reflect on answer to question
w Use variety in allowing them to share their thoughts – avoid writing (it limits
thinking to what can be written and in the space provided)

There are clear benefits from helping pupils to self-evaluate

w It increases self-esteem
w The pupil recognise difficulties as a true sign of learning
w They see that others have same problems
w They develop an enthusiasm for reflection
w Their learning improves – they concentrate on how rather than what they learn

There are many different platforms for self-evaluation

w during whole class discussion
w in one-to-one reviews
w via paired comments – peer or buddy evaluation
w by choosing a question from a poster to respond to
w by writing at the end of a piece of work
w by the pupils doing the first marking of the product
w by using self-evaluative tools such as graphic organisers
w by writing self-evaluative logs and journals
Case Studies

Classroom strategies
to support self-assessment

q 1: Modelling using exemplars

q 2: Questioning skills

q 3: Self-assessment “tools” – graphic organisers

q 4: Reflection as a process for closing the learning gap

q 5: Response partners

q 6: Future Developments - Digital Portfolios

Case Study 1

Modelling using Exemplars

Definition and Introduction
Modelling work is a valuable technique to help develop pupils’ self-assessment skills. It involves
using an example piece of work to help pupils self-assess.

It can be used at different stages throughout the teaching and learning process:

· At the beginning of a unit of work, by showing pupils an example of a piece of work and
comparing this with written objectives - they should gain a clearer view of what they need
to achieve to meet the expectations of a unit or lesson

· As their work develops they can use the model as a guide in order to improve and modify
their own work

· Once they have completed their work, they can use the model as a comparison for their
own work using it to help them identify the success criteria. They can use the model to
help them see how they have matched it, how they have done better and where they need
to improve. These comparisons should be made in relation to learning objectives.

CASE STUDY: An example of Year 2 poetry work – using exemplars to improve understanding and develop self-assessment in young pupils


Pupils had experience of using exemplar material as a stimulus for their own work, particularly
in literacy. They had also had experience of writing acrostic poems in a previous literacy lesson.
They had less experience of using the exemplar material to assess their own work.

The Lesson Itself

The learning task of the lesson was shared with the pupils. It was: “To write a poem called The
Witch”. The teacher offered the class an exemplar poem entitled “The Witch” which was both
displayed and read out.

Together the teacher and the pupils came to an agreement about 3 important factors that this
poem had and their poem should also have. These success criteria were identified as:

· spell witch down the side

· make sense
· be exciting to read

Case Study 1

The teacher made it clear that it would be against these factors that the pupils would judge
their own work. These factors were displayed and continually referred to by the teacher and
gradually by the pupils, throughout the lesson.

At the end the lesson, pupils were asked to discuss their poem with a partner and decide how
well they had done against the 3 success criteria displayed. They were then asked to describe
how they would improve their work, in terms of the 3 factors.

How does this process support self-assessment?

For Pupils

· it gave them information about the desired intentions in a visual and auditory way e.g.
teacher and pupil referred to the factors displayed throughout the lesson

· it allowed them to look at evidence about their present position by comparing with a
standard e.g. they compared their poem and their partner’s poem against the exemplar
material, both during and at the end of the lesson

· it helped them to develop some understanding of a way to close the gap, by seeing and
listening to an example of how that can be done e.g. pupils were able to make
suggestions about how their work could be improved by using the factors as a measure

Using this strategy teachers should ensure that they:

· make the learning intentions clear

· share the assessment success criteria
· model judgements – using the model ,show the pupils how the teacher has arrived at a
particular judgement

Key texts or resource:

1. -a website illustrating exemplar materials in different
curriculum areas and at different key stages

Case Study 2

Questioning Skills
Definition and Introduction
Teachers use questioning skills as part of a process to encourage pupil thinking at all levels
from basic knowledge to evaluative and analytical assessment. Since we use questioning skills
to elicit information at all levels we need to extend this to consider how pupils can be taught to
develop these skills themselves.

There are two stages in this process:

1. Enable teachers to better use their questioning skills. There is little doubt that the
majority of questions used in classrooms are of the lower order, with the most frequently
used being the closed variety. Pupils in many classes have become adept at fielding this
type of question. Thus neither teacher nor pupils gain real understanding of learning.
2. Teachers need to practice higher order questioning skills. They need to understand why,
when and how to use questioning techniques to their best advantage. It is an incorrect
assumption that informing practitioners of different types of questions will miraculously
mean that they will use them. Like much good teaching the way to improve performance
is through teachers modelling the techniques of questioning well, then pupils will better
understand how and when to use them themselves.

When pupils begin to develop higher order questioning skills (and all learners are capable of
this) then the level of thinking needed is also improved. Pupils begin to find different solutions
to problems, they begin to create their own questions - they start to use metacognition.


Most pupils had experienced work on developing thinking and had used the community of
enquiry as a model for this work.

The lesson itself

The class teacher first offered the class three religious artefacts and asked them to consider
which was the odd one out. Each pupil examined each artefact and then as a group discussed
their thoughts on which was the odd one out; they then shared their ideas with the class. The
teacher asked them to explain why they felt the artefact was different to the others. The
teacher then asked the pupils to think of five questions that they wanted to know more about,

Case Study 2

once she had finished reading a text from the Torah on the ‘Creation’. They were encouraged to
decide which was their best question, though they were first challenged to describe what made
a good question. The pupils were then regrouped and each group were asked to decide which
was their best question (they were only allowed one per group).

The 4 questions chosen by the pupils were:

¨ How was God created?

¨ How did God decide all the names of the animals?
¨ How did God know how to make the world, and if God asked something why did it always
¨ How was God made?

The pupils then began a community of enquiry, the teacher having asked them to explain the
rules for this type of discussion.

The level of questioning used by the teacher helped to stimulate discussion, and unless the
teacher was trying to clarify a statement made by a pupil all questions were open ended.

Below is a list of the teacher’s questions used in this enquiry.

1. Can you explain that a little more?

2. How do you think he chose it?
3. What made you change your mind?
4. Can you explain the big bang in space?
5. What do you think about that answer?
6. Can you explain a little more about the egg coming before the chicken?

Pupils’ questions mostly began with why, what or how though some other forms were used.
Below is a range of typical beginnings used by pupils:

What is……?
Why did……?
How did……?
What do you…..?
Should we…….?
What does it mean…….?
Where did…….?

At the end of the discussion the pupils were asked to evaluate their learning through a number
of questions.

Case Study 2

Question Response
Whether they had enjoyed I think it was really good.
the morning? It’s more fun than what we usually do.
I thought it was all very good.

What they liked best? You get different ideas.

It made my brain think a lot.
You got to say what you wanted without other people
butting in.
The best bit was the ‘inquiry’.
I enjoyed looking at the artefacts.
I enjoyed disagreeing with people.
I like being able to say what you think.
I liked it because you didn’t have to do much writing.
I learned lots of things about how to behave towards
others and what other people think.
You get to hear other peoples thinking.
What they liked least? I didn’t really like thinking up the questions from the
What they found difficult? It was hard at first but then it got easier.
What they found easy? Everyone can be a part of this; it’s quite straightforward
and fun.
Whether they would like to Yes but next time can we decide on the questions in
do this type of activity again? pairs rather than on our own.
I’m thinking I really want to do this again.

How does this process support self-assessment?

w They challenge and move learning forward.
w Learning is delivered through real life problems for pupils to solve.
This would require them to create scenarios through devising their own set of questions,
and both teachers and pupils can then see how thinking is being developed.
w The teacher assesses each pupil’s input into their work, and each pupil assesses their own
and other pupil’s work. The discussion over which question to choose during a community
of enquiry can clearly show those pupils who are developing knowledge and skills often not
obvious in the didactic style of teacher/ pupil exchange.

Key texts or resource:

1. “Questions-Assessing and Developing Children’s Understanding and
Thinking” (Manchester City Council Education department, 2000)
2. “How do they walk on hot sand? Using questions to develop learning”,
Suffolk LEA, 2002,

Case Study 3

Self-assessment ‘tools’: graphic organisers

Definition and Introduction
There are many ways in which teachers support pupils to become proficient at actively reflecting on the
nature of their work. One method is to use “graphic organisers”, which are tools that enables pupils to
self-assess. Usually in the shape of a graph, chart or drawing they are designed to encourage pupils to
structure work in a way that assists their exploration of their knowledge and understanding. Graphic
organisers are useful in developing self-assessment skills in learners of all ages and all abilities.

Key skills such as sequencing, comparing, contrasting and classifying can be developed using graphic
organisers, which help pupils demonstrate elements of knowledge and understanding. As such, they can
be used as a key component in training pupils to reflect on recent learning. The graphic organisers
support pupils by reducing the complexity of learning into a meaningful summary diagram. Such skills
are not inherent – pupils have to be helped to see how the graphic organisers help illuminate the true
nature of learning and of their learning gaps.

Self-assessment doesn’t just happen. It needs to be learned. The following are ideas/tools that can be
modelled in lessons. With practice learners use them independently. The examples that follow have been
tried in both primary and secondary classrooms.

The School Trials: in primary schools

One of the most popular graphic organiser is the KWL Grid, first developed by Donna Oggle.

KWL grids can be used at the beginning of a ‘topic’ to enable pupils to direct their own learning.
Prior to research pupils ‘brainstorm’ what they already know, what they want to learn and later
record what they have learnt. An extra column can be added in which pupils record how they
would find the information - KWHL grids.

What do I What do I want How I will What have I

know? to know? learn? learnt?

Teacher benefit: Pupil benefit:

· Allows teacher to see how much · Provides opportunity to connect

prior knowledge pupils have and the prior learning
to spot any misconceptions · Pupil can prioritise / select train
· Views ongoing process of enquiry
· Evaluate learning that has taken
· See success

Case Study 3

Traffic Lights Thumbs up /thumbs down

Red – doesn’t understand

Amber – not quite there

Green – got it!

Individuals indicate their level of Similar to Traffic Lights in that it can be used
understanding or feelings by showing the at any point to ascertain understanding or
appropriate coloured card. feelings.
Useful at various stages in the lesson – but
particularly in mini-plenaries and plenaries.

Teacher benefit: Pupil benefit:

· Gives an immediate indication of · Allows pupils to give an immediate
pupils’ understanding and/or feelings response in a secure environment
· Teacher is able to tailor support and · Avoids trials of writing self-
amend plans assessments. More fun!

Talk Partners Post –it’s

Groups, pairs, individuals evaluate learning
Pupils share with a partner; on post-it notes
· 3 new things they have learnt · What have I learnt?
· what they found easy · What did you find easy?
· what they found difficult · What did you find difficult?
· something they would like to learn in · What do I want to know now?
the future.

Teacher benefit: Pupil benefit:

· Gains an overview of learning that · Focuses on thinking about learning

has taken place · Encourages them to think ‘beyond’ to
· Has an opportunity to change the the next step.
focus of teaching – if necessary

Case Study 3

The School Trials : in secondary schools

Teachers in several comprehensive schools in County Durham have experimented with these
graphic organisers in their classrooms (ranging from Maths, English, Humanities, Drama, Music,
ICT and Modern Foreign Languages).


? What I have What I would

seen ask now

what I have what I have

heard done

· Useful in organising ideas

· Place the major topic in centre · pupils place knowledge and feelings in
· Similar to “mind map” or “concept map” different areas e.g. what I have seen, heard
and done which has helped me learn
It can map the learning at beginning or end of · inter-connecting senses and emotions
module. The pupils see the key areas which they
have identified or missed. It support the
The organiser is used to breakdown certain types
development of linking ideas and elements.
of learning. There are 4 sections to be used
creatively. It can support the VAK ideas; pupils
can add questions they would like to ask; it can
help the pupil to think ahead to what else they
Ladder would like to learn or remember to do next time

Venn diagram
different - same - different
· Useful for ranking, prioritising, identifying
areas of clarity and locating unsure ground

It can help the pupil come to a decision by

involving her in placing learning in a ranking
order – which was most important? which have I
really understood best?

· useful for comparing and contrasting

PMI diagram · shows interrelations between two elements

Pupils use the venn diagram to re-arrange

+ information in order to reveal to themselves more
I - clearly similarities and differences. In placing key
information on the diagram the pupil is more likely
to understand their pattern of learning
Pie graph for plus, minus and interesting
elements of the work plus minus interesting
Developed by Edward de Bono

· Encourages pupils to identify what has

worked and not worked for their learning
· It can also be drawn as a table

Case Study 3

How graphic organisers supported self-assessment in secondary schools?

organiser benefits to pupils benefit to teacher

w useful as summary after a module w helps recognise what
w encourages recognition of links between linkages the different pupils
different factors make between different parts
w able to illustrate growth in knowledge of their learning
and understanding w helps identify areas with little
Web w computer generated webs can be pupil understanding,
developed (ICT skills) identifies misconceptions and
w helps to develop the “big picture” of necessary changes in short-
topic or learning term planning

w pupils enjoy using organiser w can be used as individual or

w creates active discussion class- based strategy
w helps differentiate categories e.g. “blow” w helps build up a picture of
Triangles “pluck” “hit” division in musical what helps pupils learn -
instruments identifies imbalance of
learning opportunities
w when learning objectives placed on w helps teacher prioritise
ladder it is more likely that a review learning objectives
about learning takes place w useful mechanism for sharing
Ladder w encourages identification of key learning learning objectives with
w helps pupils come to decision on pupils
w very useful for comparing and w gains an understanding of
contrasting pupils’ skills at identifying
Venn w easy to use in summarising knowledge similarities and differences
and demonstrate learning
w enables teachers to avoid what is w releases crucial lesson time
already known for more important items
KWL w pupils react favourably to reporting on
what they have learned against what
they wanted to learn
w start them off with the plus! w the “i” section is the most
w easy way to get them to identify what difficult in early stages but
PMI they liked and did not like, found useful worth persevering with
or not

There are many others. Collect them, use them, share them!

Key texts or resource:

1. for an excellent introduction to graphic organisers.
2. Others include, (see Mrs. Dobbs’ website - it is a

Case Study 4

Reflection as a process for closing the learning gap

Definition and Introduction

Closing the learning gap is the skill of moving learning forward. In order to develop this, pupils
need to have a clear understanding of:

· The objectives of their learning

· The criteria against which their work will be assessed (success criteria)

Only when these are shared with the pupils are they better equipped to:

· identify their own achievements against the learning objectives and success criteria
· recognise areas for improvements
· direct their own improvement

The achievement of these skills is a developmental process highly dependent upon the classroom
ethos established by the class teacher.

Integral to the achievement of these skills is:

· The provision of a learning climate in which trust and respect are valued by both pupil and
teacher alike
· The direct teaching and practising of the skills
· The provision of opportunities for reflection and questioning related to the learning objectives

Improving pupils’ ability occurs through a series of skills. National Curriculum suggests that the
process is

“to identify the purposes of learning, to reflect on the learning processes of learning, to
assess progress in learning and to plan ways to improve learning” (National Curriculum

These will not happen automatically. They need to be taught and as with the teaching of all valued
skills, needs to be planned, integrated and given appropriate time scales from within the lesson.
Only then will pupils become familiar with the process and begin to use the skills independently in
their own learning.

Initially the teacher, introducing basic self-assessment skills to learners of all abilities, should model
the questions and process orally. Once pupils are familiar and are confident in using the process
within the support of the whole class it can be adapted to paired pupil assessment. This is where its
true value lies, as it provides pupils with the opportunity to share and listen to assessment skills with
their peers before taking the wider step of independently closing their own gap.

Case Study 4

CASE STUDY: An example of Year 6 work using reflection time to close

the learning gap as – a process of self-assessment

All pupils had been introduced to the learning objectives and were beginning to determine their
own success criteria. The teacher had already modelled a marking strategy that gave feedback
against the learning objectives. The pupils had limited experience of using reflection time within
the lesson, and similarly limited experience of using the success criteria against which to give
feedback to peers or for their own use.

The Lesson itself

The learning objective was shared with the pupils (Literacy Strategy; Year 6, Term 1 – Writing
Composition: “to write own poems experimenting with active verbs and personification; produce
revised poem for reading aloud individually”). The task was to write a poem in the first person
using the witches poem from Macbeth as inspiration. Having shared the poem the teacher
asked the pupils to explain some of the sounds the water in the pot would be making. After
exploring these ideas she informed the pupils that they were now the water, and asked how
they would respond as different objects were thrown into the pot. The pupils were now
discussing the ideas in the first person. Their actions, thoughts and feelings were shared
collectively and recorded on the flip chart.

The pupils were asked what they thought the success criteria could be and they determined as
a class that their poem should include:

· thoughts and feelings

· alliteration
· similes

They were then asked to think carefully which of the success criteria they thought they would
be able to achieve. They were encouraged to think of this as a reflection of their own ability
and as an opportunity to set their own criteria against which they would be given feedback.
This was the beginning of reflection time for self-assessment. The pupils recorded their own
agreed success criteria beneath the title.

The pupils were stopped at an appropriate time and asked to read through their own work
before exchanging with their partner. They were asked to identify an achievement, something
“good” in their partners work. At this stage no reminder was given about the success criteria or
learning objective

Comments included: “Well done”

“This is good”
“You have written loads”
“You have used some good words”

Case Study 4

Most of the resulting feedback was general or hinged on the amount or neatness of writing. The
pupils, however, were motivated with their oral comments and continued with the task.

At the beginning of the next reflection period the pupils were asked to look for some way of
improving their partner’s work. They were reminded of the learning objectives and asked to
read their partner’s success criteria.

This time all comments for improvement had to “link to” their success criteria and the following
questions were given to help their thoughts:

1. Which part is not very clear?

2. Are there words/phrases which could be improved?
3. Did they understand the simile?
4. Were the thoughts/feelings convincing to the reader?

Pupils were invited to contribute other aspects which they might look for. This was an
assessment opportunity to determine whether they fully understood how their feedback was to
focus upon the quality of learning. Afterwards they were given a further opportunity to read
their partner’s work in order to improve the quality. During this reflection time the teacher
listened in to some of this oral feedback and chose specific pupils to relay their comments as
models for others.

Pupils were able to make some improvement comments which used the learning objectives and
success criteria. Examples of these were:

“There are good thoughts in your poem. What about saying more about your
“You have used a good simile, could you do another?”

This was the beginning of closing the gap in their learning during reflection time. The pupils
used these improvement comments in the further development of their work. In the final
reflection time of the lesson they were asked to give both a positive comment and an area for
improvement using both the learning objectives and the success criteria.

Examples which illustrate how successful this reflection process had been, was a closing the
learning gap comment made by two of the pupils:

“You have done well. You used feelings and thoughts. Could you put in an alliteration?”
(low achieving pupil)

“I like the poem you have written. It has a good simile about the volcano erupting.
Three of your sentences all start the same. Could you change these?”
(high achieving pupil)

Case Study 4

How does this process support self-assessment?

How pupils benefited

· understand what they’re learning.
· more motivated.
· understand what is agreed as a successful outcome.
· develop self esteem
· develop team work.
· develop greater team work independence in their learning
· accept more readily that work can be improved.
· develop a skill that can be used in most subjects and areas of learning.
· are encouraged to remain more focused throughout the lesson (this may also impact upon
improved behaviour).
· the quality of their work improves and the pupil attainment is improved.
· focus upon their learning for longer periods of time.

It is necessary for teachers to:

· believe that the time spent upon allowing the pupils to reflect and to improve their work is
more valuable than learning facts and being content driven
· be committed long-term to the focus of closing the learning gap so that pupils become more
aware of developing their own learning, and ultimately become independent learners,
thinking and acting upon their own initiatives.

Key text or resource:

1. “Unlocking formative assessment” Shirley Clarke, Hodder and Stoughton,

Case Study 5

Response partners
Definition and Introduction

It is paired or partnership oral marking. Pupils choose a partner to discuss their work or invite
pupils within a group to comment on their work. In secondary schools there is good practice in
PE, Art and other departmental areas. For it to succeed, and have an impact on learning, it is
essential that pupils are clear about the learning objective and success criteria and that they
understand the role of a response partner.


The class teacher had successfully used response partners with a previous Y6 class but had only
recently introduced the strategy to Y3 pupils.

The lesson itself

Clearly displayed in the classroom was the role of a response partner.

A response partner is someone who:

Helps me with my work
Tells the truth about my work
Helps me to make my work better
The learning objectives for the lesson were displayed on a board –
To set out dialogue correctly
To use different voices in dramatised readings

After the teacher had read a section of dialogue from the chosen text, the pupils were given
one minute to discuss with their partner where the next piece of dialogue might occur and what
it might be. She then asked them to explain their partner’s idea and the pupils collectively
decided which would be best for shared writing.

In the written task the pupils worked with their response partner to continue writing dialogue –
one as character A and one as character B. The pupils were very supportive of each other and
prompted each other. In their discussions they frequently referred to the learning objective (to
set out dialogue correctly) and one child reminded her partner that he needed to start a new
line and use capital letters.

As the pupils read out their dialogue they were reminded of the learning objective (to use
different voices in dramatised readings) and were asked to comment ‘What was good about
that one?’

Case Study 5

During the plenary the pupils were asked to tell their partner what they had learned and the
teacher encouraged self- evaluation by asking ‘What did you find difficult?’ ‘How did your
partner help you?’

The pupils were able to identify how their partner had helped them and how their learning had
moved forward.


The school is a newly amalgamated primary school. The pupils have had no previous experience
of learning to self-assess using response partners. The teacher is a leading maths teacher.

The lesson itself

The context is a Year 2 numeracy lesson. The pupils have a ‘magic spot’ on the carpet and
always work with the same partner of similar ability.
The learning objective for the mental starter was specific – to be able to put numbers to 100 in
order. The teacher placed arrows on a blank number line and asked the pupils to tell their
partner what they thought the arrowed number was.
On a 1-10 number line the teacher marked an arrow where 4 should be. Child A decided the
number was 6 but his partner explained why this was incorrect. ‘It can’t be 6 because 6 is more
than 5 and it’s pointing before 5’
On a blank 1-100 line the teacher marked where 60 should be. One child told her partner that
the number was 50. Her partner replied ‘that’s not right because 50 is in the middle’.
During the main part of the lesson the objective was: To be able to measure accurately using
centimetres. The context was to measure several lines and the pupils were told to compare
their answers as they should be the same. Where pupils did not have the same result they each
checked their own and their partner’s work and discussed any errors. After discovering her
partner’s mistakes one child showed her partner how to line up the ruler correctly thus
reinforcing the learning.

How does this process support self-assessment?

What are the benefits?

To the teacher:
Pupils are more honest about what they do not understand and are not afraid of expressing
their difficulties.

Pupils take more control of the learning, asking themselves and their partner questions about
their work. This leads to greater independence, less reliance on the teacher and an increase in

Case Study 5

To the pupil:
Working with a response partner is less inhibiting for pupils to express difficulties and all
pupils are able to respond. Pupils talk openly about the learning.

Pupils talk analytically about their work with each other.

It overcomes the fear of failure and they are no longer afraid of making mistakes.

Pupils learn from their partner’s responses.

Pupils are able to co-operate with a partner and are able to accept suggestions about where
their work can be improved.

Key texts or resource:

1. “Targeting assessment in the primary classroom” Shirley Clarke, Hodder
and Stoughton, 1998

Case Study 6

Future Developments: Digital Portfolios

Definition and Introduction
A digital portfolio is a system of storing, recording and encouraging pupils to compare their
work with that of others within their class, cohort, school, Lea or the rest of the country. It
also has implications for all teachers in all settings.

How Portfolios Aid Pupil Self Assessment/Evaluation

It aids pupil self-assessment through:

· Practical approaches to formative assessment that provides support through digital

· Pupils will be able to record their evaluations and compare them with others
· Pupils will be able to look at examples of the current level of work of themselves and and
· They will be able to see what the next level is like and what they need to do to improve
· It will store all aspects of the work and be a true record of all achievements

It will celebrate improvement as the pupils work progresses, and show areas for
It is a highly flexible system that can also match summative and formative information
together to give a view of the whole child.

The project on Pupil Self Evaluation / Assessment

led by Nick Packard, Marie Hindmarsh
North Tyneside along with Grid Ref and other North Eastern L.E.A.s are looking at digital portfolios as
part of pupils evaluating and storing samples of a wide range of pupils work.

The project is based

on self-evaluation/
techniques, but
involves the latest
in technological
tools to facilitate
easy pupil self-
Initial recordings of
pupil discussions
show clearly that
pupils have a strong
inclination towards
evaluating their
learning, given the
right climate.
Case Study 6

The focus of the study is to use ICT:

· as an assessment tool – to promote pupil self-assessment

· as a catalyst – to focus pupils’ thinking
· as a microscope – to focus on a specific aspect of learning
· as an archive - to store pupils work efficiently and effectively

The initial findings reveal that teachers are able to assess group activities more successfully
and that speaking and listening can be assessed excluding adult intervention.

The intention is to create pupil/school portfolios that focus on the process of learning and
enables pupils and partners in the pupil’s learning to assess and as a consequence promote
effective learning.

Pupils will be involved in the review and assessment of their work supported by digital
technology to enable them to use a variety of self-assessment/learning tools as mentioned in
other parts of the document. The intention is to be able to collect digital evidence about
learning that in the past has been almost impossible to record due to its intangible nature.
Speaking and listening and early years development will be the focus for some of the work.

Methods and systems that will be set up will be simple, fast and manageable and
child/teacher friendly. They will form a clear record of achievement for every pupil in a
format that will be easily accessible by all partners in the pupils’ learning.

Pupils and teachers will also be able to use the QCA ncaction website to compare their work
with that of others in terms of standards and as a result work can be viewed prior to and
after a learning experience.

Teachers will also be able to model self-evaluation techniques and promote digital tools to
facilitate learning through ICT.

Pupils will be able to access

digital versions of mind
mapping and other graphic
organisers to promote pupils
thinking and understanding of
the learning process They will
be able to have a virtual
response partner through web
based activities.

Case Study 6

How does this process support self-assessment?

What are the benefits to the teacher?

Teachers are able to:
· see progress over time
· assess pupils’ ability to self-evaluate
· see pupils’ ability to improve
· see pupils work quickly
· see easily how pupils compare with national standards

What are the benefits to the pupils?

Pupils are able to benefit from the process through
· easy access to their work
· ability to be able to compare their work with others
· ability instantly to see their improvement
· easy access to a self evaluation process and tools to help them
· ability to assess their performance in areas not easily assessed (eg: P.E.,
music etc)

Appendix 1
Audit of Self-Assessment
Importance How well this
attached reflects your school

Low High Low High

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
We create a positive learning environment where
differing learning styles are valued.

We share learning objectives with pupils.

Learning objectives are written in pupil friendly


We plan/encourage a time for reflection on what we

have learnt.

We encourage pupils to assess their own work.

We see making mistakes as a way of improving.

Teachers incorporate targets in their discussions

with pupils.

We support pupils in recognising their next steps.

We share standards of achievement and attainment

with pupils

Teachers give feedback that supports and motivates

and enables pupils to improve.

We use a variety of techniques which focus on

pupils self-assessment.

Modelling is seen as an effective approach to

encouraging self-evaluation.

Oral work is seen as a method of developing

questioning towards self-evaluation.

Pupils are encouraged to explain the process of


The above tool could be used by schools to assess their current use of self-evaluation processes in order to
support school self review

Appendix 2
Glossary of terms

achievement accomplishment of pupils in relation to what one would

expect of those particular learners; it relates to progress and
success valued by the individual
attainment accomplishment of pupils in relation to a clear benchmark; it
relates to progress and success that is externally valued
assessment FOR learning everyday classroom practices which support the process of
learning; often referred to as formative assessment
assessment OF learning school processes which place a value on the amount of
learning, enabling teachers and pupils to monitor progress
towards expected ends; often referred to as summative
classroom climate the social, emotional, psychological environment in which the
learning takes place
curriculum targets short term elements of work that the pupil focuses upon in
the learning and demonstrates personal improvement
digital portfolio the use of ICT to store, record and encourage pupils to
compare their work with that of others, in order to identify a
pathway to improvement
feedback information the learner receives about current work that may
improve standards in the future
graphic organisers simple drawings which enable pupils to explore and
graphically represent their learning – they are also known as
visual tools or thinking organisers
learning objectives the learning planned to be developed within the lesson –
sometimes also named the “learning intention” or the
“teaching objective” (QCA schemes of work)
modelling using exemplars to illustrate assessment practices so that
pupils are able to judge the standard of their work
next steps a series of improvements in the work that will lead the pupil
eventually to a higher standard; it is the learner who needs
to see the nature and relevance of these short term changes
peer partners a classroom friend or partner who works with a learner to
identify strategies for improvement
reflection the skill of looking at what one is learning and how that
learning is developing; the aim is to use this increased self-
awareness to improve learning in the future
response partner using paired groups to discuss each other’s work and
suggest improvements
self-assessment the activities employed within and outside the classroom to
enable the pupil to reflect on what has been learnt and judge
it against a set of criteria.
self-evaluation the process of a pupil gaining an understanding of how one
is learning as opposed to what one is learning. It is the
means of making real strides in understanding oneself as a
success criteria how one will recognise the accomplishment of the planned
learning – also referred to as the “assessment criteria” or
“learning outcomes”

Appendix 3

References on Assessment FOR Learning

1. “Inside the Black Box” Paul Black & Dylan Wiliam, King’s College London, tele 020-7836
5454 ext 3189. The online article at is very easy to

2. “Beyond the Black Box” the Assessment Reform Group, University of Cambridge School of
Education, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2BX, 1999 ( free download from www.assessment-

3. “Working inside the Black Box” Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Clare Lee, Bethan
Marshall & Dylan Wiliam, King’s College London, tele 020-7836 5454 ext 3189

4. “Assessment for Learning: 10 principles” a leaflet from the Assessment Reform

Group, (free download from

5. "Assessment and Classroom Learning" Black & Wiliam, in Assessment in Education,

vol 5, no 1, March 1998 for a full account of the initial research

6. “Teacher Assessment in Action” AAIA

7. “Assessment for learning in practice: criteria for observation” Oxfordshire CC,


8. “Primary Assessment Practice: Evaluation and Development Materials”

AAIA, 2001

9. “Secondary Assessment Practice: Evaluation and Development Materials”

AAIA, 2001

10. “Pupils’ learning from teachers’ responses” AAIA, 2000

11. “Assessment – A framework for teachers” Ruth Sutton, 1991, NFER Nelson

12. “Using assessment for (Secondary) School Improvement” Mary James,

Heinemann, 1998

13. “Assessment in Secondary Schools” Val Brooks, OUP, 2002

14. “Assessment: What’s in it for schools” Paul Weeden, Jan Winter & Patricia Broadfoot,
RoutledgeFalmer, 2002

15. “Teaching and targets: Self-evaluation and school improvement” John

Blanchard, RoutledgeFalmer, 2002

16. ”Promoting Assessment as learning: Improving the learning process” Ruth

Dann, RoutledgeFalmer, 2002

17. “Targeting assessment in the primary classroom” Shirley Clarke, Hodder and
Stoughton, 1998

18. “Unlocking formative assessment” Shirley Clarke, Hodder and Stoughton, 2001

19. “Classroom Assessment – a survey of current practice in Suffolk schools”

Suffolk LEA, 2000

20. “How am I doing? Assessment and feedback to learners” Suffolk LEA, 2001

21. “How do they walk on hot sand? Using questions to develop learning” Suffolk
LEA, 2002

22. “Gillingham Partnership Formative Assessment Project 2000-2001

– parts 1,2,3” Shirley Clarke et al, Institute of Education, University of London, 2000-2,
(available on AAIA website)

23. "Investigating Formative Assessment, Teaching, Learning and

Assessment in the classroom" Torrance & Pryor, Open University Press, 1998

24. "Assessment for Learning" Ruth Sutton, RS Publications, 1995

25. “Assessment – a teacher’s guide to the issues” Stobart & Gipps, Hodder &
Stoughton, 1997

26. “Assessment - making a difference” - a video produced by Birmingham City Council

Education Service £50.

27. see the assessment FOR learning materials on this website

28. - the best up-to-date website on assessment for learning

29. - General Teaching Council website’s research of the month June 2001

30. latest ideas from the Assessment Reform


31. - Suffolk LEA assessment website

The Assessment Archipelago - a land of self-assessment where everyone learns and develops

Where teachers make

Assessment is fun isle (try & visit) short term planning
changes based on
Next Steps Lagoon (shallow water) assessment
Exemplars modelled Closing the
Gap Bay See next steps
Activities match
Support from
Quality Questions objectives from here Star Island
Bay Positive Point
Clear tasks Feedback Bay Portfolio Port
seen Success Peak Self assessment
Assessment –
Peer assessment
central point What we learn
Clear standards
Clear Viewpoint Main Learning Isle How we learn
(must be seen)
Metacognition Hills
What will work Cape
look like Bay? Revision
Learning Plain

Objectives Assessment FOR Learning Targets

Isle Sharing intentions
Sea of Discovery Graphic Plain

Revisit How will I know

Reflection Island
village when I get there Point
Island often
Assessment Improvement
High self-esteem lost in mist!!!
Reform Group City Tests to show what you don’t know
to the rescue! Lighthouse (and missed through lack
(Disused Lighthouse)
We are all learners together plain of time to explore)

Learn from Errors Mount

No Grades Bay
Motivation Mountain!
You can do it spur! Risk taking
We’re here Climate Island tribe
© Ron Rooney
to help Point


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