Swot Analysis

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Swot Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

 Highly skilled human resource •  Absence of practical knowledge

 Low wage structure
 Quality of work •  Dearth of suitable candidates
 Initiatives taken by the Government
(setting up Hi-Tech Parks and •  Less Research and Development
implementation of e-governance
projects) •  Contribution of IT sector to India 's GDP is
 Many global players have set-up still rather small.
operations in India like Microsoft,
Oracle, Adobe, etc. •  Employee salaries in IT sector are
 Following Quality Standards such as increasing tremendously. Low wages benefit
ISO 9000, SEI CMM etc. will soon come to an end.
 English-speaking professionals
 Cost competitiveness
 Quality telecommunications
 Indian time zone (24 x 7 services to
the global customers). Time
difference between India and
America is approximately 12 hours,
which is beneficial for outsourcing of

Opportunities Threats

 High quality IT education market  Lack of data security systems

 Increasing number of working age  Countries like China and Philippines
people with qualified workforce making
 India 's well developed soft efforts to overcome the English
infrastructure language barrier
 Upcoming International Players in  IT development concentrated in a few
the market cities only


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