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ES 62 Problem Set

Write your solutions with corresponding illustrations/figures in a clean, short bond paper. Submit this on
or before July 7, 12:00 pm at my table in the CerE/ChE/MetE Department. Problem sets passed beyond
this deadline will not be accepted.

1. A motorcycle starts from rest at t = 0 and travels along a straight road with a constant
acceleration of 6 ft/s2 until it reaches a speed of 50 ft/s. Afterwards it maintains this speed. Also,
when t = 0, a car located 6000 ft down the road is travelling toward the motorcycle at a constant
speed of 30 ft/s. Determine the time and the distance travelled by the motorcycle when they
pass each other.

2. If the effects of atmospheric resistance are accounted for, a freely falling body has an
acceleration defined by the equation a=9.81 [ 1−v 2 ( 10−4 ) ] m/s2, where v is in m/s and the
positive direction is downward. If the body is released from rest at a very high altitude,
determine (a) the velocity when t = 5 s, and (b) the body’s terminal or maximum attainable
velocity (as t → ∞ ).

3. Pin A, which is attached to link AB, is constrained to move in the circular slot CD. Knowing that at
t = 0 the pin starts from rest and moves so that its speed increases at a constant rate of 0.8
in./s2, determine the magnitude of its total acceleration when (a) t = 0, (b) t = 2 s.

4. An elevator starts from rest and rises 40 m to its maximum velocity in T seconds with the
acceleration record shown in the figure. Determine (a) the required time T, (b) the maximum
velocity, (c) the velocity and position of the elevator at t = T/2.
5. The initial velocity v0 of a hockey puck is 170 km/h. Determine (a) the largest value (less than
45°) of the angle α for which the puck will enter the net, (b) the corresponding time required for
the puck to reach the net.

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