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Emerson Elementary PTO Meeng Highlights

February 2011
Reminder PTO Meeting!
Tuesday, March 8th Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports approved.
No principal’s report tonight.
Pot Luck 5:30 p. m. - Cafeteria

PTO 6:00 p. m. - Auditorium Commiee Reports:

Child care provided in the cafeteria

1. Fundraising

• Eagle Fest planning meeng on Thursday, February 8.

• Mark J. will give fundraising summary at March PTO

2. Events

• Fun Night was a great success!!

• Monday, March 7 from 1-6 will be Kindergarten Registraon. Sign up for volunteering.
3. Publicity

• 250 new bumper sckers ordered

• Possible upcoming projects include “Welcome to Emerson” video/DVD and website updang

• Faye B. is working with Principal Kepler on a policy regarding posng students’ photos on Emerson’s Facebook page
4. Staff Appreciaon

• The snacks provided at the half-day teacher work day were MUCH appreciated!

Staff Grants

• Staff grant requests were tabled unl March meeng pending approval of adapted grant request form.

New Business

• Suzy G. reminded us that this is Emerson’s 90th year! There was some discussion of ways in which we might celebrate.
Discussion will connue next month.

Next meeng: Tuesday, March 8. Potluck at 5:30, meeng following aEer. See you then!

Quesons? Contact -
Ginger Niva, 608-446-8305,

Chrisne Hillestad, 608-335-1405,

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