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Itis only obedience to Gad's word that can bring about God actually sent this kind of miracle. Aunty Jassica 2 All rights reserved. Pathrestorer’s comics 2010. You know |am a voracious reader. | Ihave started and itis quite interesting. itis all about a group of Christians ‘wha committed thair livas 7a doing what they thought Jesus wauld do in any given cireumstanca. Well we have la work aul our martiage as we are working out our salvation. At least we now know what Christianity is all about. It’s Sunday in church. Meet the CHRISTOPHERS : It costs tha ch The chureh just almmast five Mi purchased a new naira oipe organ What is that to me? He gave the church ‘one million naira when wa have ne food at ane is lucky we are in the church. She would have received same spanking in full measure pressed You are so down and shaken together, absent minded. You don't seam to ba excited at what | am {i Qh sory | didn’t know you were saying something. Ty Branfons rnntesxe ra a moncearis | Caniatran Ter sicide wae af pe ars wire, i = Baerusen we raany Gov rox Que Noon suet euegam, G0 rirat bees ETHOS WSO MADE POSE You Ste A PURE RESISIOWN 15 TO TARE CARE OF THE WGONS: ASD ORPHANS AND TO VE A MOM LIEB, FAIS YEAR WE SHALL Fuiaw awrcow. WELL T aM ALREaOF AN ORF HAH. Jw racy T WANT U9 Te START 765 DAY BF PRALIIG FOR widow AND ORPHANS, TF Ys ARE A wiCOn ‘OR AN ORPHAN PLEASE STAND PP var ans raw Sanus Fane Yau eee Te wate vouremear War Z fa Poe ae aaah ave fie ae Taree rhoan SHOCED. THR aise TAL? ONC a wigan, ao aw AAICGHS ANE ORPHANS POW ARE STANCES Catal

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