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Hope Children’s Center Orphanage Hope Children’s Center Orphan-

age (HCC). - IHA funded a 25X35
Micro Loans foot addition to HCC. Students from
the University of Utah Uganda
Education Project
Study Abroad Program made bricks
Solar Lanterns for the construction. This addition
doubled the living and classroom
Housing space.

Micro Loan Program - As a result

of several generous donations, we
have been able to greatly expand a
micro loan program in rural com-
munities. Nine loans have been ap-
proved as of 12/31/10 and we an-
ticipate funding an additional nine
loans by summer 2011.

Education Project - Due to a very

large donation of 300 used solar
panels, we plan to install solar
power in 50 rural schools (and 10
hospitals/clinics) in Uganda. Each
school will be provided with one to
two laptop computers with learning
software. This project will pro-
vide additional educational
opportunities for an estimated
10,000 children.
Solar Lantern Project - In 2010,
IHA received a generous donation of
15 solar lanterns and 6 solar panels
from 2 companies. With these dona-
tions, seed micro loan lighting projects
were started with 3 women’s groups.
Students at Great Aubrey College
Tororo, Uganda practiced assembling
the systems and they, in turn, in-
structed the women.

Housing - The brick making ma-

chines used at HCC were subse-
quently sent to Great Aubrey Col-
lege. Father Centurio Olaboro the
director, recently reported that stu-
dents are currently making bricks
for housing. Houses will be built
for destitute families and to house
orphans plus a caretaker.


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