Noni Juice

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More than two thousand years ago, a group of Polynesians migrated to the Hawaiian Islands,
bringing with them some of their most prized, life sustaining plants. Some of these essential plants
were specially selected varieties of Noni (Morindacitrifolia), used by Native Hawaiian for their
restorative and healing powers. These Noni cuttings were planted in well-guarded, secret locations
on the Big Island of Hawaii and expertly managed since their arrival. Early Hawaiian Healers used
noni for everything from healing wounds and broken bones to the treatment of skin disorders, viral
infections and pain. Today, people around the world are finding out about the great health benefits
of Noni as scientists begin to unlock the mystery behind its effectiveness.


Our Noni has Mana, or life force energy. Hawaii Noni is very much sought after and this is due to
the combination of four factors:

Our special stock of Noni

The volcanic soil it grows in
The pristine air on the Big Island
Our proprietary direct press-bottle procedure

Big Island noni fruit trees are very unique. Our tress can have buds, flowers, young fruit and ripe
fruit naturally occurring at the same time all year long! Our Noni trees grow on newly formed lava
fields that benefit from pure Pacific Ocean daily rains and warm trade winds. These lava fields are
rich with micronutrients that are never depleted. We handpick only ³matured on the tree´ ripe fruit
daily. Tree ripened fruit is sweet and rich with juice. We press the whole fruit and bottle within
seconds to lock in the potency! We feel that Hawaii Island Noni Juice is the very best because of
this procedure. From the tree to the bottle, we supervise every aspect of the juice. We vouch for our
product. Now you can have the pleasure of enjoying the same Noni as that of the early Hawaiian
Kings! We wish you Ola Maika¶s (Good Health)!


When you first open a bottle of cawaii¶s couse of Gold cawaii Island Noni Juice, you will notice
the strong smell and taste. Even so, people are lining up to buy it because it does so much for them.
Here are just a few ailments Noni has been reported to help:

Acne Arthritis Asthma Broken Bones Cancer Colds Constipation Depression

Diabetes High Blood Pressure Heart trouble Kidney problems Low Energy Menstrual
Problems Pain Rheumatism Throat Infections Thrush Weight Loss Wounds


Scientist have been studying noni since the 1950¶s. Some of the beneficial elements that have been
found include:
Alkaloids- Essential to maintain life
Anthrquinones - Antibacterial agents
Amino Acids - Building blocks of protein
Ascorbic Acid ± Vitamin C
Bamnacanthal - Anti-cancer agent
Enzymes- Aid digestion
Iron, Maganesium, Phosphate, sodium - Essential minerals
Scopopetin - anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, dilates blood vessels
Sterols and Sitosterols- Immune system boosters
Protein - Essential for growth and repair
Plus More!


Simply pure Noni Juice is all you will get! It takes 5 pounds of ripe fruit to fill one of our 32oz
bottles. Other Noni manufactures add other fruit juices to help cover up the strong smell and taste of
the Noni, and to cut cost, they use as little as 4oz of green pulp per bottle. The result is that you
may receive a product that is less than 10% Noni and 90% ordinary fruit juice. Why pay more for
less? We add no other fruit juices, preservatives, colors or flavors, and our unique processing
technique makes our Noni taste relatively smooth. You can mix it with fruit juice yourself if you

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