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Efficient INDIA Efficient Learning

Message: The knowledge is always appreciable, so One should always try to enhance
their knowledge by doing Learning. We here at Efficient INDIA, started a learning
process for the member of Efficient INDIA, Efficient Learning. The process gives the
ideas and topics related to the specific domain , where the team member works, and that
also be useful for their career.

1. In the efficient and advance technology era, one must know the programming

Programming language Topics

Program & Programming ,

Programming Languages,
compiler , Linker, loader, Interpreter
Algorithm and Flowchart
Classification of programming Languages ,

C Language
Constants, Variables and Data types in C
Operators and Expressions
Managing Input and Output operation
Decision making and Branching
Decision making and looping
Character Arrays and Strings
User defined function in C
Structures and Unions
File Management in C
Dynamic Memory Allocation and Linked List
Allocation block of memory (Malloc)
Allocation Multiple Blocks of Memory : Calloc
Releasing the used space: free
Altering the size of block : Realloc
Linked list, Advantages of Linked list
Create, Insert, Delete operations of singly linked list

Rahul Kumar Verma -1-

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