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Web 2.

Management Information Systems

Web 2.0 – Unpacked!

 Web 1.0 – Alternative distribution outlet for content

 Web 2.0 - Interactive, participatory, and collaborative behaviors,

consumers co-create

 Wikipedia, MySpace, YouTube, eBay, Twitter, Flickr,, etc.

 Consumer co-creation

 Social affiliation

 Sharing
Why is Web 2.0 Interesting?

 Web 2.0 technologies if adopted inside the organization can

radically alter the flow of information - Enterprise 2.0

 Extremely important for marketers to understand the full

implications of Web 2.0 technologies – Marketing 2.0?
IT currently used by Knowledge Workers

 Information technologies that knowledge workers use

 Channels – email
 Platform – company intranet, information portals, KM systems
 Knowledge workers are not happy with the channels and platforms
available to them
 Email - 26% overused, 21% overwhelmed, 15% deterrent to
 Intranet – 44% easy to find what is present in the intranet
 Current technologies no good at capturing knowledge
Enterprise 2.0 - Components

 Search

 Links

 Authoring

 Tags

 Extensions

 Signals
Enterprise 2.0 - Characteristics

 Easy to use

 No impositions on how work should be done

 Enterprise 2.0 technologies are subjected to network effects

The Role of Managers

 Receptive Culture

A Common Platform

 An Informal Rollout

 Managerial Support
Issues and Challenges

 Busy knowledge workers won’t use it

 Use can be exactly as intended but it upsets the existing

scheme of things

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