Boys Town

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he wind is blowing tke a ‘whore on 2 busy night. Tha ‘tec Piper bounces un and own inthe a tke » chic's bal. We're dangling donger cusiy somewhere over Sen Astonia, headed or trouble Once we descend for this bastord storm, ‘wel and in Laredo, iakoa short hike across the bridge and border into Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, then hich ity c39to the outskirts of town to caso ti, ve been told stale and don’ know whether oF fot its tue. Boy's Town - also known as La Zona, ot Zona Rosa ~is supposedly a teeming village of bawdy prostiutes, According to my hosts, is atin, seeey, bur tring community ‘where wornen wai round in thle underway hawking thei wares for Amercan colors Gf theyre"hod and pesos Uf theyre not, Back in the 60s end 70s it was 8 womyfee getawy for Vietnam vets stungout fom the wot, shunned by thai courerymen and lacking for @ tle no- ‘stings love Is been renovated in the lst sev feral yeors and maintains @ noaemyrhicl lure for those looking to score some cveap dls | went fo know how it works, so! accompany 8 team of regulars from Dass who know every inch ofthe place ko thei own bedrooms back home. Andy, a Dall stip eb owner Tale ee. who invented @ tamae-mating machin: Doc, a Dallas prysicon; and Oregon Lee, 3 Korean tae kwon do grandmaster (who i also a newbie ke mel; are my Gang. Andy tes me, “Pussy for mies, pussy as fer as the aya can see" Sounds lke drunken man’s halucnation tome, so! need some proct As soon a5 we cross the border | sell aw ‘sewage and tacos. The steets are grimy and boy’stOWN Text by Robin Postell Mlustration by Laura Brink sweaty, ubiquitous fith the norm, The heat makes you drunk, sticky, salty and slow, Any "movement crestes new torrents of sweat ieking ‘nd curing around the underside of every Body Dar. Cas and rickety taxis rarnble around with the windows led down, Leino beats blesting from cheap, busted soeakers. Orunk toursts rmeender gassy2yed, coated ina sheen of ciy Decspration that wil not leave thom unt they (1085 back over the border and huddle in the ie conditioning fora least soayiegged hour We look fora rostaurnt, ut its ta ate. Andy hails 8 tas and we plein i's @ $10 jaunt and we're acked in ight, ikea greasy fit. ‘The taxi wings through Nuevo Laredo and passes bulighting arene thotting with bood- ‘hist fons, Then its upon us ~the famed Boy's Town, surrounded by @ white brick wall, One ‘wey in, one way out I study the garish, noon ‘embossed entrance where cars swarm in and ‘ut like worker bees toa hive. cacophony of Mexican pop jams, laughter and crunken bantar create aheady din forthe senses, Andy pays the ab diver as we poel our dame bodes of the vinyl cae seats surely sweatcosted with hun- dreds if net thousends of previous fre. We stop of at a comer fate stand jut inside the entrance, whore shor. wet Mexican man are cooking strips of flank steek on an eutcoor gil thick with soot anc grees. ‘We st at one ofthe outdoor tabla. I'm look- Ing aroun for nakeo ehcks "Quatros Carta Blancas, por favor” Andy says to the wited waivess. Ardy points across the dusty street to # dark buléing “That's the elie ‘wher athe girs get checked out” he explains Prostitution is legalin Mexico, but confined to ‘ed zones, ik Boy's Town. Guatded by lethargic Federals, whose presence is prominent (some somberly wagging machine guns st the entrance, Boy's Town isan atomet to keep at least some of te deadly sins confined to desig ated areas ofthe country, Apparently, the worsen who work here are ‘eauired to get prysical exams every sweek and ‘carry a cerd resembing @ passport wth their Dhoto and scrip stating they‘ heathy enous to bang. They receive these from the Boys Town, Bysiian who works on-site at the clic. In _2daition to their waokty exams, they have blood ‘work dane ties year, testing or HV and ep Bits, Free condoms are given out, or can be purchased for 8 buck when you choose your ‘hick If you ask the women wether they use them. they always say yes, sthough plenty of hoxny guys have paid double co 1055 the latex “Show me something” | say to my craw. They all rod at each other and srile smugly, scaring down thir ata with verde sauce, Dov and Tamale Joe are sprawled out in the ‘rough ron cals atthe Taryso Club, smiles plastered on their mugs. They looking ata ‘he women wine walk around in their underwear and stato hoe's. Tamale Joe wears 2 basebal ‘cap with “I Love Tamales” stencied in red ‘across the om, He els me that fl go stand by the jukebox. that means I'm avsible, “Yeah od. "I guess il stay hare” 16 few chicks standing by it, Immediately | note that ane af them would tun me oni \were 2 man. This dssppoints me. | wantedto be surrounded by not horny babes, nat hot hoiny whores. What id expect? Were siting at a tabi that has 2 huge cok turnin the center which Blocks everyones view ‘of everyone else except the person siting ‘rect to your let or ight. W's an absucd bit of soci engineering. | elect to wander around instead of siting there craning my neck end staising my voie to make smal ak wth my posse. | excuse mysel, Carta Blancs in hand, ‘whl the boys eet doused ‘On my way tothe john I get 8 load of the place. When you exit she main lounge area there's & center cour file with greenery — big leafy tees and short, mubberyeafed shrubs Flowers in concrete uns squat next to weath- ered wrought fon tables and chairs scatered shout the place. The cour is surounded by 2 {ort of rooms for rent bythe half hour. When you ‘choose a at, she pays the bartender Five bucks for a toy: Prices are nagotabe behind closed ors, but usualy i's between $10 and $100, averaging about S45. There are two levels with black stairs juting up them. ‘Ahavy Mexican gin a G'sting teddy and high*oeled patent leather sandals leads o skin- 1h Fnning American teenager up the sais to the second floor He tkes short bashful lances ack to the ground level wre his fonds > ‘one another an giggle. ‘The aces roam sa erack in the wal near he bar, no frills, just the essentials: a miror and = commeds. | smack my guimetalrose colored Chanel ips and return to the masses. A guy approaches me and says, "Hey, | noed a git fiend He leans into me sight an atixes one hhand yoon the turk of a tae. “'m nat a hook Isa, tying to enunciat so hel got mi ei. Tm hero with fiends” His English is not 30 00d an I never make up my mind whether he gets what I'm tling hr, but it doesnt matter anyway Iain the one Theresa group of Texas boys standing around in pinpoint Oxfords and trovn lather losers, ‘Thy all18~ which ig Mien legal crnkng age. They sey thoy come here every other weekend, smoke a jin and freak out on chicks But they say they never buy one. Thecos chhrubfeced it siting on ane of ther laps and Task her what it tk 1 Reok hero "Its work she says in a thick accent. “t's not ove” laskcher how many times @ week she has sx and sho ys, “How many ties week do you have sex?" She goes on to say, in Spanish, ‘which one of he teenagers tansstes for mo, that she has only bean working here 30 days and hates it But she is saving up money 10 90 104 RAZOR MAGAZINE to medical school ro hecome a doctor. She says many ofthe wornen here are saving seit money to start businesses tke ha salons oF clothing ‘boutiques. Many ofthe women ve here insige the compound, some with ehilaren. in tiny rooms. You see thase rooms, doors open 10 reveal their lone, needy occupants standing hotly at the tvesholds, maping someone wil ‘come seve thor, msyoo tote them across the border to grooner pastures. Andys looking for me, thinking fm gating ‘raped or krited out back. He masts me at the ‘ocr. We stat one ofthe tables in the courtyard and he rails the walress, “Dos Cartas Blancas, por fav" he says. Andy waves over a group of lotring musicians. One has a smal gut, te ‘other @ huge bass and ancther an accordion Soon 2 cache of hunary hookers have gotten ‘wise 10 what's cong on nd join us nthe canter =“ : courtyard, A couple of them sit dwn with us, wearing nothing but clingy, see-thvough fngerc and high heels. Theyre fen, but not He hus ters Toy may want our money, but they arent rabid gold goers. You cant help but have 2 strange, poignant respect or them as thoy, with ‘our gull, ae craw to your ight in tei carne. It's geting looser. Everybody's miling about. Poor gis smell money. Were gradually colect- ing an entourage. Mor everyone polishes off their sw, we cutout for the next place. Thre ‘te so many, you must move though them ‘uickly ~ sean the promises while you dink @ beer. it looks good, suck around, The next stop, and the most femous bar in Boy's Town, is Pepagayos Is larger and more ke a regular bar with beterlooking women. A big room with tables and chs, tresded down one sie with aba. Chicks walk around in ther panties and whatever other kind of foxy out ‘thoy have fashioned out of ile pees of abe. ‘here ae 38 n Boy's Town and we've hit about four I'm geting the hang of it | cant helo but wonder whether these gis are having @ {00d time. They 10k like they ae, but | know the ways of women, They ean fake alto rings = orgasms being only one. We've got # big round table and the women {218 swarming around. Even though the women usualy work one bar, many have raved fom other cuts because they've heard about te ich {lu onner and his crunk pal. None of my erew have hooked up with any women yet. | was expecting them tobe in and ut of rooms with 2 ciferent booker every half hour But I aways ceverestmato the appetites of men. Then | S60 the git of my eeaams, No other woman in Boys Town compares, She i al and thin for @ Mexican, with warm, moist. dark skin ‘and long sutty legs. She's wearing a black G- sting end a black bra, har tits sping over. ‘ere 2 guy, this is the ene 18d. | nudge Doc ‘and nod at her, “Go gether” he says. “I'l take her? Jun off imo the erowd after hes, trailing her, stering to her stleto heels cick on the ry stone foo. She senses me and turns. Our eyes meet. | ask her to join us and she takes my hand. “You'e beautiful” she sms We sitdown at our table, our bate thighs brushing against ‘28h other. When she talks to ‘me, she touches my knoe for emphasis and her fingertips linger I'm pissed that Doe's going to take her and volete her, but sho says she's got # ke at home she's got to fead. "itis nacessary” she 5218 in broken English whea ie her she does- have to go off with Doe f she doesrit want to, Her name is Aurora and sha s 20 beautiful land sad thet | give her my damond bracelet This is how men get taken | thnk Andy has ordered tequila shots for everyone ‘nd Aurora's getting crunk. She leans over end {a2ks me iI went to do some coctine. She ‘wobbles off unsteady to get her purse and then returns, guiding me into the bethreom, Dif the end of her long res fingernail | snort» couie of bumps and she kisses me before we 9 Beck out. Nethor one of us are drunk any- ‘ore and shes got enough guts 0 go give Doc the $50 blow job he's boen waiting for Something about this bothers me. but | dea! wth it, Mexican women here ar@ poor The lunemployeant rate is so high in Mexico that ‘when jobs do come avalabe,onty tha men get lusky. At least she's mating money, buying shoes forthe baby, ‘We leave Papagayos and Andy is determined te show me tho moat and bores ofthe place — ‘saving the best far fast. We skip Monkeys, Which hes a big fake goritastending out Font {and Andy tolls me a guy cessed up in a gorils Sut has sex with a weren in tere. The show's not that great, Andy ols his eves. Tere ae sex shows aplenty here, most of them themed Lesbians, hetero, monkeys ‘And doakeye: ‘The best fr ast, Maras. A donkey, a real ‘one, sted up suspiciously outside the entrance ‘and 2 wity Mexican men is screaming at passersby to come watch the shows The donkey ‘doest look happy, ribs protucing, "Why fed tim when hes got all the pussy he ean stand?” ‘Andy laughs, ‘The ASPCA would havea field day here, Inside we grab a booth and Andy orders @ ‘und of Carta Blancas and tequila shots, Women of al ages and descriptions minglo about the Sarkened, loweceingod space. Elaborate mako- up and costumes abound, The walls are covered in red fol, which lends the decor helish Ha Damond-shaped smoked miners ate hung hao A dancer in a black G-string slithers over to our table and Doc says, “Can you believe Ue Pae hazarly hore and there onthe vs. glowing jukebox squsts in tho rear Webby tabes and ‘ry! booths suround 8 eantal dence oc A ‘marachi band of fat, oksicked men in soakod sinty cothes grind out tunes. Prched on wood fen two-byfour shelf over our table is @ huge Blackeyed ov who dink watar rom haa pias ‘ie mi jug. Free 10 do asi ples, it occasion. aly takes fight forthe other side ofthe bar By this time wo've accumulated quite @ fol lowing of personable hookers. One of them, Christan tes me that 90 percent of the women" in this bar are relly hombres. She 878 they work hereto save up money for ther ‘operations. Most of the “gis” have ass and ‘reast implants and take hormones a8 well This sheds new light on the situation. | scuint Sseercing forthe tlae signs of manhood, but it cimostimpossite to deract saything, Christian’ tis me they tea string around the ed end pult back between thei ass eneoks, vere thay secure i with ape ‘A dancer in a black G-sting slthers ove to ‘ur table and Dec says, “Can you balive thts ‘a man?” I cant, “Her” name is Deane ond she has braces, Her sts arent big, but she does indeed have tts — they dont ook fake and damn 15426 not many, ‘She speaks no English end seems to be uch more secure with her body than any of the fetes inthe compound n fat, al he so- called women here at Marte seem more at 2980 ond hapsie than the real women, Deana ‘sts between Doe and me and downs a shot of ‘ecu. 'm fling her bast, tying to detect 2 slicone ba, but i’ feu. The skn is tht ‘butnot unnaturally so. More ike the taut stn of 8 teenager. ty lok for an dans ape, bet “she” keeps moving end | dont want t be tco ‘obvious, These “gis” ao senstve about ther ‘ender afiaton. Deana gets up on our tbie and starts taking of hercothes andl sure ery minute 'm going to se0 pons and testes crap betwocn her smoot Sli highs. She's ears. Something n te way she moves makes ma tink she's hing something - someting inthe near cuaty of het pes. Dragon Lees looking fer @ penis, 0, "ow that he's bean cued in. Neither one of us bolwes is & guy. Aer few mote shots of tequila, no one cares. They squeeze fme juice onher dest and tet met bk t oft en do because ma spor {2nd its easy 1 raonaize acts he that when youre not even suits a erick “The meio band takes 3 break and @ Muzak vrsion of ot Lenoris Imagine sets 2 ew mood. There's 8 commo- tonatthe entance asthe lights ‘kr. The small cub is fig with patrons. An ‘verwwight dancer mates her wey Out into the ‘enter ofthe canes floor holding a Parana. The ‘woes of too many babies are clay defined on her sagay abdomen. In seconds shes pooled the banans ands on her bak To everyones Su ‘se, demure Dragon Lee takaa hat ot and ‘sauets down beside he supine woman sticking it inher holiest of oles. Two tied, of seo ied in the equally tied ‘ls donkey. Sucdniy 'm stranded ina Sehador at pairing so sure! squint, shake my nee (One man stands in feet, the oer inthe roa, and with some shutting dexterity they grab the ‘oor buco’ fogs and tape him over on fis Picky back. This is esting and rds to ‘observe, but more so when the bansne lady stradles him. | watch the woman ginding on the ovrured beast and thine about haw my Mama would be sheking her hes. they could see me now, that ite gang of mine. Another wansvestte. with @ wild Faroh Feet mane sis nex to mein slong sequined Sonn, the neckine ving in betweon two sal ish eats, She's up net. “I dance for You" she whispers in my ea. forget for a moment its uy. forget t's ag. Ie doese't matter. Da, | hink, would tove this ‘The owl tokes fight for the other sido of the "0m and no one even glances ait nS@.ABar, Fora 2¢hau be this primetime, Ist back, snd, prop my foot up onthe table the other stretched out in rot of me, and lan and cen, and cap. @ 195 PA7NE AAAceA7INE

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