Drug Study Cva

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Name: R.D.C. Age: 58 Sex: Male Diagnosis: Cerebrovascular disease

Name of the Drug Action Dosage Indication Contraindication
CITICOLINE Citicoline is a 500mg/cap BID Patient’s with Hypertonia of the >Obtain patient’s
derivative of cerebro-vascular parasympathetic medical history.
Brand Name: choline ad cytidine accident. nervous system >Assess patient’s
Brainact, involved in the condition
Cholinerv, biosynthesis of Adverse Reaction: >Monitor Vital
Nicholin lecithin. It is Insomnia Signs
claimed to increase (BP, PR, RR)
Classification: blood flows and >Assess for allergic
Neuroprotective oxygen reactions like GI
CNS Drugs consumption in the disturbances.
>Give parenteral &
Oral administration
>Direct IV
should be very
slowly to prevent
episodes of

Health teaching:
>Teach patient to
gain benefits & not
to miss any dose
>Instruct patient to
take only prescribed
>Advised patient to
consult the
physician if any
problem occurs
during medication.

Name of the Drug Action Dosage Indication Contraindication
LOSARTAN Selectively blocks 100mg/ tab OD Treatment for Hyperkalemia >Obtain patient’s
the binding Hypertension. medical history.
Brand Name: Angiotensin II to Reduction of Adverse Reaction: >Assess patient’s
Lozargard receptor sites in Cardio-Vascular Fever and Insomnia Blood Pressure
many tissues, morbidity and before starting
Classification: especially the mortality in therapy & regularly
Angiotensin II vascular smoot h hypertensive thereafter
blocker muscles and adrenal patients. >Monitor for
glands. This possible adverse
prevents the reaction
vasoconstriction and
aldosterone – Planning:
secreting effects of >Administer without
angiotensin II on regard to meals.
these tissues. >Explain to the
patient about the
drug his receiving.

Health Teaching:
>Advise patient to
comply with dosage
schedule, even if
feeling better
>Tell patients to
avoid sodium
substitutes because
they may contain
potassium can cause
>Inform patient that
drug may cause
dizziness, fainting or
light headedness.

Name of the Drug Action Dosage Indication Contraindication
AMLODIPINE Inhibits influx of 10 mg/ tab OD Treatment for Hyperensitivity >Obtain patient’s
calcium ion across hypertension medical history
Brand Name: all membranes to Adverse Reactions: >Monitor the
Vasalat, Amlodipine produce relaxation Syncope, patient’s blood
Besylate of coronary vascular Dizziness pressure
smooth muscle >Assess hydration
Classification: (dilation of coronary ad fluid volume
Antianginal arteries) decrease status.
Antihypertensive peripheral vascular
Calcium channel resistance of smooth Planning:
blocker muscle (decreased >Give once a day
BP) and increases without regards to
oxygen delivery, meals
vasoplastic angina.
Health Teaching:
>Teach patient to
use the drug as
directed even if
feeling better
>advise patient to
avoid hazardous
activities until

Name of the Drug Action Dosage Indication Contraindication
CLONIDINE Stimulates central 75 mcg/ tab Management of all Hypersensitivity of >Obtain patient’s
alpha-adrenergic PRN for BP of grades of clonidine. medical history
Brand Name: receptors to inhibit 160/100 hypertension. >Monitor vital signs
Catapres sympathetic cardio Adverse Reaction: especially the BP
accelerator and Sleep disturbances and Heart Rate
Classification: vasoconstrictor >Check edema in
Cardiovascular centers. feet and legs daily
agent; central-acting >Monitor input and
antihypertensive; output ratio
analgesic >Assess for
patient’s mental

patients may need to
decrease sodium and
calories in diet.
--PO route: give last
dose at bedtime

Health Teaching:
>Instruct patient not
to discontinue drug
abruptly, or
symptoms may
occur anxiety,
increase BP and
>Advise patient to
take drugs 1 hour
before meal.

Name of the Drug Action Dosage Indication Contraindication

LACTULOSE Causes an influx of 80 cc OD HS Treatment for Abdominal >Assess patient’s

fluid in the constipation discomfort condition before
Brand Name: intestinal tract by therapy and reassess
Duphalac Lilac increasing the Patient who requires Adverse Reaction: regularly
osmotic pressure a low lactose diet Nausea and
Classification: within the intestinal vomiting >Advise patient to
Gastrointestinal lumen. consult the
agent; physician if having
Hyperosmolar discomfort in taking
laxative the medications
Name of the Drug Action Dosage Indication Contraindication

PARACETAMOL Decrease fever by 300g TIV every 4 Relief of mild to Hypersensitivity. >Obtain patient’s
inhibiting the hours for fever moderate pain and Alcohol intake medical history
Brand Name: effects of pyrogen treatment for fever
Acetaminophen on the hypothalamic Adverse Reaction: >Monitor client’s
heat regulating Drowsiness vital signs
Classification: centers especially the
Anti-pyretic increase of
temperature q1

>Have the patient

for Tepid Sponge
Bad (TSB) ideally
with ice chips to
decrease the heat

>Advised the
patient to drink
plenty of water.

Drug Action Dosage Indication Contraindication
Competitively 50 mg IV every 8 Management of Contraindication: >Assess stomach
RANITIDINE inhibits gastric acid hours peptic ulcer disease, Cirrhosis of the pain, noting
secretion by GERD, persistent liver, impaired renal characteristics,
Brand Name: blocking the effect dyspepsia, & or hepatic function frequency of
Zantac of histamine on patients at risk of occurrence, triggers,
histamine h2 acid aspiration Adverse Effects: things that
Classification: receptors. Both during general GI: constipation, alter/relieve
Histamine-2 (H2) daytime and anesthesia. diarrhea, abdominal
anatagonist nocturnal basal pain >Provide concurrent
gastric acid antacid therapy to
secretions, as well CNS: headache, relieve pain
as food- and dizziness, malaise,
pengastrin- insomnia, vertigo, >Note H. pylori,
stimulated gastric confusion, anxiety, UGI, or endoscopy
acid are inhibited. hallucinations findings
Weak inhibitor of
cytochrome P-450 CV: bradycardia or
(drug metabolizing tachycardia
enzymes); thus,
drug interactions HEMATOLOGIC:
involving thrombocytopenia,
inhibitions granulocytopenia,
involving inhibition leukopenia,
of hepatic pancytopenia
metabolism are not
expected to occur

Drug Action Dosage Indication Contraindication
VITAMIN B A coenzyme that 1 tab OD Pernicious anemia >hypersensitive to BEFORE:
COMPLEX stimulate metabolic vitamin B12 or ~ Determine
function and is cobalt. reticulocyte count,
Classification: needed for cell >early Leber’s hct, Vit. B12, iron,
Vitamins and replication, disease folate levels before
Minerals hematopoiesis, and beginning therapy.
nucleoprotein and Adverse Effects: ~ Obtain a
myelin synthesis. CV: peripheral sensitivity test
vascular history before
thrombosis, heart administration
failure. ~ Avoid I.V.
GI: transient administration bec.
diarrhea. faster systemic
Respi: pulmonary elimination will
edema. reduce effectiveness
Skin: itching, of vitamin.
transitory DURING:
exanthema, ~ Don’t give large
urticaria. doses of vitamin
Other: anaphylaxis, B12 routinely; drug
anaphylactoid is lost through
reactions with excretion.
parenteral ~ Don’t mix
administration, pain parenteral
or burning at preparation in same
injection site. syringe with other
~ Protect Vit. B12
from light. Don’t
refrigerate or freeze.
~ Monitor patient
for hypokalemia for
first 48 hours, as
anemia correct
itself. Give
supplements, as

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