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Carpe Diem

"Seize the Day!!!"

Have u got what it takes to be the best among the best…well here’s an opportunity to find
out. We bring to you an event full of interactive games & challenging tasks which will test
your skills, challenge your spirit of adventure and surely test your fun quotient. No
preparations, no special skill set- an event for everyone. All we ask for is the attitude of a
winner- Do you have it in you??


It is a team event, with each team consisting of three members. The event will be conducted
in two phases over two days.

First Phase:

This phase will be the short-listing phase. All the teams would be subjected to group
discussions and a personal interview. The interviews will be stress-interviews and one
member per team will be allowed to participate. The combined score of both, the group
discussions and personal interviews, will be considered for the shortlisting of 8-10 teams
which will then move onto the second & the final phase.

 Second phase:

            The second phase would consist of various team tasks and challenges which will be
conducted at various places across the IITR campus. The tasks will require the team members
to interact with the crowd present and try their best to explore the campus within a limited
time. The tasks would be given at certain time intervals throughout the day and the teams will
be given marks according to their performance in each task. The team with the highest scores
will be declared the winner at the end of the day.

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