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Master of Business Administration

Duration – 2 Years

Programme Structure and Curriculum

Semester II: Academic Session 2008


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Second Semester
Course Code Course Title Lectures Tutorials Practical Credit
(L) Hrs per (T) Hrs per (P) Hrs Units
week week per week
MGBGM 10201 Business Environment 3 - - 3
MGBFN 10201 Financial Management 3 1 - 4
MGBHR 10201 Organisation Behaviour 2 1 - 3
MGBLW 10201 Business Law 2 1 3
MGBOM 10201 Production & 3 1 - 4
MGBMK 10201 International Marketing 3 1 - 4
MGBEG 10201 Business 2 - - 2
Communication – II
MGBBS 10201 Behavioral 1 - 1 2
Communication and
Total 25

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Syllabus: MBA Semester II
Academic Year 2008-09
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Table of Contents

SEMESTER 1I ....................................................................................................................................................................4

Business Environment .................................................................................................................................. 4

Financial Management .................................................................................................................................. 7
Organisation Behaviour ................................................................................................................................ 9
Business Law .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Production & Operations Management ...................................................................................................... 13
International Marketing Management......................................................................................................... 16
Business Communication - II...................................................................................................................... 19
Behavioural Science – II (Behavioural Communication And Relationship Management) ........................ 20

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Course Code: MGBGM 10201 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The main purpose of this paper is to educate the students about the broad Economic Environment, its
contents and the Indian Economic scenario in the Global Picture. The course illustrates a wider picture of
the Indian Business Environment, Role of Government, state of Indian Economy with a view that
conducting business is exciting, challenging and globally oriented. This course will provide the students
with an integrated and practical approach to understand the concepts of Global Management and also to
provoke critical thinking about various principles, guidelines and practices of Global Business Management.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students are expected to:
• Understand the external influence of economic environment on managerial decision making.
• Develop an understanding with the present economic environment of India, Government Policies and
• Develop a clear understanding of the conceptual frameworks and definitions of specific terms that are
integral to the literature of business environment
• Attain a clear understanding of the various factors that help determine the appropriateness of different
management strategies for different types of business ventures in different business environments

Course Contents:

Module 1: Introduction to Business Environment

Concept of Business Environment
Basic Indicators and factors

Module 2: Business Planning Environment in India

Process of Planning
India’s five year Plans
Business Policies and Reforms
Trade & Foreign Exchange Policy
Foreign Investment & Technology Policy
Fiscal & Monetary Policy

Module 3: Globalization and trends in Management System

Introduction, definition and explanation of globalization
Drivers of Globalization
Managing in Global Marketplace
Strategies for going global
Different Entry Modes
Strategic Alliances

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Module 4: The Cultural, Political, Legal and Economic environment facing Global Business
The Cultural Environment
The concept of culture
The strategy for managing across culture
Cross-cultural differences & similarities
The Political and Legal Environment
The Political system and its functions
Impact of Political system on management decision
Formulating legal & political strategies in International Business
The Economic Environment Facing Global Business
Classifying Economic System
Key Macroeconomic issues
Adapting to Foreign Economic System

Module 5: Corporate Governance

The concept of Corporate Governance
Leading Indicators of Corporate Governance
Norms in India:
Kumar Manglam Birla Committee Report
Naresh Chandra Committee Report

Module 6: Foreign Investment & Multinational Corporations

Need & Components of Foreign Capital
FDI and FII inflow in India: Trends & Pattern
Advantages & Disadvantages of Foreign Investment Inflows
Multinationals in India

Module 7: Stock Exchange and its regulations

Dealings on Stock Exchanges
Organization of Stock Exchange in India
National Stock Exchange of India
SEBI- Capital market reforms and developments

Teaching and Learning Methods

Tutorials, Interactive sessions, Case studies, Field visits, Management games, Extensive research projects,
Seminars, Weekend experience in companies - the course is covered by adopting a combination of lecture
methods, class presentation by groups of students, self study sessions. Each student is required to do the
back ground reading from the specified chapters of the prescribed book before coming to class. Cases are
also to be analyzed, discussed in groups (teams) outside the class as preparatory work.

Examination Scheme:

Components P1 C1 CT1 EE
Weightage (%) 10 10 20 60

Text & References:

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• Francis Cherulinum; Business Environment, Text & Cases, Latest Edition, Himalaya Publishing House

• Economic Survey, Government of India, 2007-2008
• Economic Environment of Business, Millennium Edition , Himalaya Publishing House, S.K. Mishra &
V.K. Puri
• Bedi Suresh, Business Environment, 1st Edition 2004, Excel Books,
• Fabozzi, Frank J, Foundation of Financial markets and institutions, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill New
Delhi 2006
• Hodgetts Richard M. Luthans Fred (2003), International Marketing Cultural Strategy & Behaviour, Tata
McGraw Hills Publishing Co. Ltd.
• Daniels John D., Radebaugh Lee H., Sullivan Daniel P., (2002), Globalization and Business, Prentice
• Daily Newspaper: Business Standard, Economic Times, Business Line, The Financial Express
• Periodicals: The Week, Economist, Forbes, Fortune, Business World, Business Week

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Course Code: MGBFN 10201 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The purpose of the Financial Management is to furnish students with a general understanding of the
financial decision making process globally. The course principally concentrates to develop a high level
understanding of the tactical and strategic significance of the financial management function in the
Multinational organizations. The aim is not to turn participants into practicing accountants; the philosophy
is rather to provide critical appreciation of the significance of financial concepts in the development of
projects and operations. The unit will enhance the ability to extract relevant information from accounting
data for the purpose of decision-making.

Learning Outcomes:
On the successful completion of this module the student will be able to:
• Identify the key issues in financial management and analyze time value of money.
• Differentiate methods of investment appraisals and apply appropriate appraisal technique for a given
organization and Evaluate risk & return.
• Understand and apply the inter-relationship of exchange rates, inflation rates and interest rates.
• Design capital structure of a company and understand the determinants of dividend
• Identify and analyze the different forms of risk faced by organizations in an international environment
• Implement strategies to manage these risks.

Course Contents:

Module I
Financial Management: An Overview
Functions & objectives of financial management
Time Value of Money: Concept of value and return, time preference for money, compound value, present
value, value of an annuity and perpetuity.

Module II
Basics of Capital Budgeting
Analysis of capital budgeting decisions
Project Analysis: Capital Budgeting, Techniques of Selecting Capital Projects, Complex investment
decisions, Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting, Capital Rationing
Cost of capital and multinational financial environment, how to cost various sources of funds, calculation of
weighted cost of capital, marginal cost of capital and investment decisions, CAPM
Capital structure of Multinational Corporation, debt versus equity financing, capital structure of MNCs
versus domestic firms.
Financial leverage, Operating leverage and Combined Leverage

Module III
Dividend Theory, Dividend Policy, Forms of Dividends, factors affecting dividend decisions.

Module IV
Capital Structure theories: NI and NOI Approach, Traditional Approach & MM Hypothesis

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Factors affecting Capital Structure decisions

Working Capital Management: Financing working capital & optimal plan, principles of working capital
Cash management, Receivables management, Inventory management

Learning Methods

A series of class room lectures followed by interactive discussions will focus on International context so that
students can understand the environment in which they decisions have to be made. They have to understand
the financial complexities arising out of domestic as well as international environment. Case analysis along
with the practical problems in the class and also as part of the home assignments is also required to develop
a good understanding of the subject for the students.

Examination Scheme:

Components PI CI CTI EEI

Weightage (%) 10 10 20 60

Text & References:

• Srivastava Ashish & Mishra Amit, 2008 - Financial Management (Oxford University Press)

• MY Khan & PK Jain- Financial Management Text & Problems (Tata Mc Graw -Hill Publishing
company, Third edition
• Van Horne J C- Fundamentals of financial Management (Pearson Education, 2003)
• IM Pandey- 2001- Financial Management (Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd,)
• Gitman-2003-Principles of Managerial Finance (Pearson Education,)
• Chandra P 2003 -Financial Management Theory & Practice (Tata Mc Graw -Hill Publishing company,)
• Kemp, R., White, M. and La Rue, D. 2003 national Financial Management
• Jeff Madura-2000, International Financial Management, 6th ed., ITP
• Madura & Schnusenberg-2000, Study Guide, ITP
• Moffett, Stonehill, and Eieman-2004, Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, First Edition, Addison

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Course Code: MGBHR 10201 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The main purpose of this paper is to familiarize the participants understanding the human as well as
organisational behavior and management practices. Emphasis is on practically applied behavioral science
concepts and techniques to understand and learn the challenges of human organisations in this highly
competitive world. To course will equip the student with the skills which visualize the impact of
globalisation on individuals and organisation, with a blend of theoretical formulations with practical
applications in global context.

Learning Outcomes:
On the successful completion of this module the student will be able to:
Identify the key issues in Organisational Behaviour.
Understand the factors of globalisation, effect on organisational behaviour.
Impact of changing trends in Organisational structure and functioning
Identify and analyze issues related to work and motivation in organisation

Course Contents:

Module I: Approach to Organisation Behavior

Introduction & Modern approach to Organisation behavior
Changing Profiles of employers and employees
Globalisation of Organisation and business
Challenges of leading an organisation
Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies.

Module II: Impact of changing trends

Human relations – dimensional importance & Values, tools and techniques
Diagnosing the environs
Impact of IT & Outsourcing on Organisations
Social and cultural approach for global change
Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies.

Module III: Managing work and Motivation

Models & Integration of Four Motivation theories
Job satisfaction and morale
Promotion of intrinsic motivation in global context
The Global perspective of motivating through work
Coping behavior, managing stress, frustration and burnout
Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies.

Module IV: Personality and Leadership

Concepts of Leadership, Determinants, Models of Personality
Concept of self – esteem, Socialisation, Components of attitudes
Leadership styles and organisational values
Challenges in Global business environs and Situational Leadership
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Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies.

Module V: Leading Effective Teams & working in Groups

Team as a competitive strategy & obstacles for effective team performance
Groups – Importance & Dynamics
Global Organisation, Reaching out the Global Customer & Role of individuals
Functional & Dysfunctional competition and cooperation in Organisation
Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies.

Module VI: Organisation Design & Development

Various types of Organisational Structure & design
Impact of technology on Organisation design & development
Role of Ethics in organisation growth
Social responsibility – Organisational obligation
Summary & Review Questions, Case Studies.

Learning Methods:
Tutorials, Interactive sessions, Case studies, Field visits, Management games, Extensive research projects,
Seminars, Weekend experience in companies - the course is covered by adopting a combination of lecture
methods, class presentation by groups of students, self study sessions. Each student is required to do the
back ground reading from the specified chapters of the prescribed book before coming to class. Cases are
also to be analyzed, discussed in groups (teams) outside the class as preparatory work.

Examination Scheme:

Components P1 C1 CT1 EE
Weightage (%) 10 10 20 60

Text & References:

Griffin & Moore, 2004, Organisation Behaviour and Managing People, Jaico Publications

- Robbins, Stephen. P., 2004, Organizational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Drunker, Peter F, 1975, The Practice of Management, Allied, New Delhi
- Udai Pareek, 2001, Understanding Organisational Behaviour, Oxford University Press.
- Nirmal Singh, 2001, Organisational Behaviour, Deep & Deep, New Delhi
- Paul Hersey, 2002, Dewey Johnson Management of Organisational Behaviour, PHI, New Delhi
- Monappa, Arun, 2000, Managing human resources - Delhi: Macmillan
- Sikula, Andrew F, 1984, The Management of human resources: personnel text and current issues /
Andrew F Sikula and John F McKenna - New York: John Wiley
- Towers Brian, 1992, The Handbook of human resource management - Oxford: Blackwell

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Academic Year 2008-09
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Course Code: MGBLW 10201 Credit Units: 03

Course Objective:
The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the basic fundamentals of business related laws
which have significant bearing on business organization.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Understand and analyze various business laws
• Understand taking business decisions under legal framework of business.
• Understand the issues and challenges in wake of various amendments

Course Contents:

Module I: Companies Act, 1956

- Meaning, definition and characteristics of company
- Type of companies and features of various types of companies
- Incorporation of companies
- Memorandum and articles of Association
- Prospectus and commencement of Business' Allotment of share and debentures
- Transfer and transmission of shares
- Share warrant and share certificate
- Membership of companies
- Borrowing powers; meetings; managerial remuneration
- Winding up of companies.

Module II: Contract Act, 1872

- Essentials of valid contract
- Offer and acceptance
- Consideration, Capacity to contract
- Free consent, discharge of contract
- Breach of contract; remedy of breach of contract.

Module III: Sales of Goods Act 1930

- Formation of contract of sales
- Capacity to buy and sell
- Bail agreement
- Conditions and warranties
- Rule of Caveat Emptor
- Rights of unpaid seller.

Module IV: Information Technology Act 2000

- Technical terms, Electronic Governance attribution and acknowledgement of electronic records,
certifying authorities
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Module V: Consumer Protection Act 1986

- Rights and duties of the consumer
- Tribunal forums and appellate authorities
- An understanding of significant cases and role of NGO’s.

Module VI: Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881

- Differences from a contract
- Classes
o Promissory note
o Bill of exchange

Module VII: Important Provisions

- Foreign exchange management Act regarding holding, handling and transfer of foreign exchange.

Learning Methods:
Tutorials, Interactive sessions, Case studies, Extensive research projects, Seminars- the course is covered by
adopting a combination of Lecture methods, Class presentations by the students groups, self study sessions
and real life case analysis by the students.

Examination Scheme:

Components PI CI CTI EEI

Weightage (%) 10 10 20 60

Text & References:

• Kapoor N.D. (Latest Edition) Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand

• Maheshwari and Maheshwari-Business Law, Sultan Chand
• Kuchal M.C. Company Law, Sultan Chand
• Pagare Dinkar -Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand
• Shukla M.C. -Mercantile Law Sultan Chand

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Course Code: MGBOM 10201 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
It is endeavored to lay a strong foundation of basics of production and operation management and its
application amongst the student to help them to apply to problem solving. The course content will also
improve the knowledge to improve the quality of product and minimize cost.
Learning Outcomes:
On the completion of the module the student will be able to:
• Undertake methods and procedures for facility location and layout planning.
• Understand and apply Production planning and control.
• Identify type of process techniques and plan Demand Forecasting.
• Evaluate methods of capacity planning and utilization of capacity.
• Undertake production scheduling and work measurement
• Examine statistical quality control and inventory management.

Course Contents:
Module I
Role and scope of Production Management
Production management vs operation management
Product Decision

Module II
Facility location
Factor effecting location decision
Method of facility location
Procedures for facility planning

Module III
Layout planning and analysis
Various type of layout
Factor affecting layout decision
Quality of a good Layout

Module IV
Production planning and control
Relationship between planning and control
Process of Production Planning
Method of controlling the Production Planning

Module V
Production process analysis
Various type of process techniques
Batch Processing
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Job Processing

Module VI
Demand forecasting for operation
Statistical tool for demand forecasting
Non statistical tool for demand forecasting
Analysis of external environment

Module VII
Production capacity
Effective utilization of capacity
Method of Capacity Planning
Capacity Planning environment

Module VIII
Production scheduling
Gantt chart

Module IX
Work measurement
Motion study,
Time study
PMTS techniques of work measurement

Module X
Inventory management
EOQ, various inventory control techniques
Type of Inventory
Importance of Inventory

Learning methods:
The course is covered by adopting a combination of lecture methods, class discussions and presentations
with self study sessions. It also encompasses tutorials, interactive sessions, case studies, extensive research
projects, seminars, and weekly assignments. Each student is required to do back ground reading from the
specified modules before coming to the class. Case studies are to be analyzed, discussed outside the class a
preparatory work.

Examination Scheme:

Components PI CI CTI EEI

Weightage (%) 10 10 20 60

Text & References:

• Stevion Nahmias- Latest edition, 2001-Production and Operation Management Analysis, McGraHill
International edition.
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• Production and Operations Management, Chary, Tata McGraw Hill
• Production and Operations Management, Nair, Tata McGraw Hill
• Production and Operations Management, Russell Taylor, Pearson Education
• Operations management for MBA’s, Meredith, Jack R, John Wiley & Sons
• Operations management: process, Krajewski, Lee J, Pearson Education
• Dilworth James B - Fifth edition, 1997-Production Operation Management -, McGraw-Hill International
• Krejewshi Lee J- sixth edition, 2002-Operations Management –Pearson Education Asia
• Ebert. Ronald J- fifth edition, 1996-Production and Operation Management - Prentice Hall of India
• Nair N.G- Fifth edition, 1994-Production Operation Management - Tata McGraw-Hill Ltd. Publication

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Course Code: MGBMK 10201 Credit Units: 04

Course Objective:
The course introduces the student to the various aspects of international marketing with the principle
objective of developing skills in the identification, analysis and solution of the problems encountered in the
theories and the practice international marketing abroad.

Learning Outcome:
On the completion of the module the student will be able to:
• Undertake secondary research into the national and international target markets.
• Analyze and rank- order market opportunities.
• Commission appropriate primary research in foreign markets.
• Propose adaptations to the marketing mix to meet the needs of individual product/ market combinations.
• Plan and create a programme of market expansion abroad.

Course Contents:
Module I: Global Marketing: An Overview
Introduction to Global Marketing
Reasons / Objectives
Environment of International Marketing
Transnational Marketing – Domestic to global
Various terms
EPRG framework
Driving & Restraining Forces

Module II: Social & Cultural Environment

Basic aspects of culture
Cultural Knowledge
Culture and its elements
Analytical Approaches to Cultural Factors
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Hofstede’s Cultural Typology
Enviromental Sensitivity

Module III: Global Advertising

Global Advertising and Branding
.Selecting an advertising agency
Creating Advertising

Module IV: Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution

Channel objectives and Constraints
Distribution Channels: Terminology and Structure
Physical Distribution and Logistics

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Module V: Global Marketing Information Systems

Overview of GMIS
Sources of Market Information
Formal marketing Research

Module VI: Global segmentation Targeting & Positioning

Global Market Segmentation
Vertical Vs Horizontal
Global Targeting
Criteria for Global targeting
Selecting a GTMS
Global Positioning
Marketing in a Developing Country

Module VII: Global e-marketing

The Death of Distance
Relationship marketing
Living in an Age of Technological Discontinuities
Components of the Electronic value chain

Learning Methods:
The assessment programme will be student driven, requiring the student to develop his/ her communication
skills by presentation and debate. Critical participation of students is expected in each of the assessment
programme. Students will be assessed on the basis of, their acquired knowledge of theory and the ability to
apply the same to practical situations, in the form of projects and research assignments, which will reflect
the various views available to the marketer.
To achieve the pass in the module student should gain 40% in the both, examination and the course work.

Examination Scheme:

Components P1 C1 CT1 EE
Weightage (%) 10 10 20 60

Text & References:

• Warren. .J. Keegan, Global Marketing Management, 7th, Prentice Hall, USA, 2002

• Matt.H, Brand Failures- 100 Branding Mistakes of all The Time, Kogan Page, 2003, UK
• Cateora.P and Graham.J, International Marketing, 12th, Mc Graw Hill, 2005, USA,
• Hemel Hempstead, Prentice-Hall, 1995
• Kotler.P, A Framework for Marketing Management, 2 , Prentice hall, USA,2002
• Boone.e and Kurtz.D, Contemporary Business 2003, Thompson Press, USA, 2003

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• Kotler.P, Armstrong.G, Saunders.J and Wong.v, Principles of Marketing , 2nd, Pretice Hall, USA, 1999
• Hooley. G, Saunders.J and Piercy.N, Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning,2nd, Prentice-Hall,
• Kotler P and Kinzer C, Marketing Management, 11th, Pearson Education, London, 2002
• Kotler P, Armstrong G, Saunders J and V Wong, Principles of Marketing, 3rd European edition, Pearson
Education, London, 2001

Helpful Web Sites


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Course Code: MGBEG 10201 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
This course is designed to hone the PR skills of the budding managers and enable them to be an integral part
of the corporate communication network. The Verbal Communication (oral and written) will be the lingua
franca of this endeavour.

Course Contents:

Module I: Communication in Practice

Verbal Communication
• Communication Networks
• Developing writing skills
Inter- office communication
The business letters
E mail – Netiquette (etiquette on the mail)
Intra- office communication
Agenda and Minutes
Business Report writing
Resume writing

Module II: Cross Functional Communication

Marketing/ Integrated marketing communication
Project management communication
Human Resource communication
Financial Communication

Module III: Communication for Public Relations

Functions and activities of PR
Reputation Management
Building Corporate Image and Identity
Negotiation Techniques

Note: 2 tests of 20 marks of one hour duration each will be conducted over and above the teaching hours.
They will have to be programmed accordingly.

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Course Code: MGBBS 10201 Credit Units: 02

Course Objective:
This course aims at imparting an understanding of:
Process of Behavioral communication
Aspects of interpersonal communication and relationship
Management of individual differences as important dimension of IPR
Course Contents:
Module I: Behavioral Communication
Scope of Behavioral Communication
Process – Personal, Impersonal and Interpersonal Communication
Guidelines for developing Human Communication skills
Relevance of Behavioral Communication in relationship management

Module II: Managing Individual Differences in Relationships

Types of issues
Understanding and importance of self disclosure
Guidelines for effective communication during conflicts

Module III: Communication Climate: Foundation of Interpersonal Relationships

Elements of satisfying relationships
Conforming and Disconfirming Communication
Culturally Relevant Communication
Guideline for Creating and Sustaining Healthy Climate

Module IV: Interpersonal Communication

Imperatives for Interpersonal Communication
Models – Linear, Interaction and Transaction
Patterns – Complementary, Symmetrical and Parallel
Types – Self and Other Oriented
Steps to improve Interpersonal Communication

Module V: Interpersonal Relationship Development

Relationship circle – Peer/ Colleague, Superior and Subordinate
Initiating and establishing IPR
Escalating, maintaining and terminating IPR
Direct and indirect strategies of terminating relationship
Model of ending relationship
Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal
Viva based on personal journal
Assessment of Behavioral change as a result of training
Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer

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Academic Year 2008-09

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