Because, All Vision Without Action Is

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Don't do unto others what you don't

want others to do unto you. This will

1 conserve lot of time and energy for our
Live and let others live. If you can
extend yourself further, please help
2 others live. Let this be a golden rule to
create a better society to live and love.
Be always creative and imaginative. We
all say that God is the greatest creator.
3 By being creative we can at least be
closer to him and participate in his
Nature has not given us the mind to
deceive others, but to protect ourselves
4 and others from the deceivers. Make
positive and creative use of this tiny and
most powerful piece called 'Mind'.
5 Time is precious for both, you and
others. Don't waste neither your nor
anybody's time. Every day find some
time for action, some time for relaxation
and some time for contemplation.
Because, all vision without action is
hallucination and all action without
vision is blind.
The past may be responsible for the
present to some extent. But the present
has a much bigger responsibility for the
future. Let us not brood over the past.
6 Let us undo the past. Let the future
unfold out of a meaningful present. Let
us create a meaningful present for a
meaningful future. 
Electrons, protons and neutrons are the
building blocks of matter. In a similar
way thoughts, emotions and silence are
the building blocks of our
consciousness. Let us create positive
7 thoughts and positive emotions. When
an electron can have such an enormous
power, can you just imagine the power
of our positive thoughts and positive
Never allow anybody to imprison your
freedom. Do not let anybody encroach
8 your soul. Let responsibility and freedom
be our ultimate joy.
Our content is our intent. Unless our
intent is intuitive our content can never
be creative. Let all our content fulfill a
9 dual objective. It should either create a
contentment or a thirst for contentment
in the individual. Then the content can
really be said to be meaningful.
Any organization built on the
foundations of a wrong philosophy is
bound to collapse sooner or later. Let the
ultimate objective of an organization be
that of an organism. Every organization
10 must create capabilities to fulfill both the
subjective and objective needs of an
individual in order to survive and
sustain for long. Let this need
fulfillment be a competitive advantage.

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