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2nd  Committee  Meeting    

Present:  Jani  Helle,  Colm  Delaney,  Heather  Bosselmann  and  Isolde  Boyd    
Meeting  started  at  18.53  on  09/11/10  

1. Create  further  schedule  for  coming  meetings:  
a. It  was  discussed  and  we  figured  out  that  we  are  going  to  have  a  
film  night  or  alternatively  a  Pint  and  Politics,  an  exam  revision  
session  linked  with  Pint  and  Politics  and  a  games  night  before  term  
ends.  Next  semester  we  discussed  the  possibility  of  a  trip  to  City  
Halls  and  another  pub  crawl.    
2. Pint  and  Politics  topics:    
a. It  was  discussed.    
3. 2  Pub  Quiz  and  Prizes:    

a. The  Pub  Quiz  was  held  last  week  (16th  November)  and  prior  to  that  
the  topics  and  prizes  were  discussed  by  the  Committee  
4. Constitutional  Amendments:    
a. The  constitutional  amendments  were  discussed  and  a  preliminary  
date  was  set  for  the  7th  December  2010.    
b. We  also  discussed  the  changing  of  the  election  from  the  fall  to  be  
held  in  May  instead.  This  will  be  discussed  at  the  EGM  
5. By-­‐  election  for  Treasurer:    
a. We  also  discussed  a  date  for  voting  on  a  new  Treasurer  as  Heather  
is  leaving.  This  will  most  likely  also  be  held  on  the  7th  December  
6. Posters:    
a. The  locations  for  posters  to  be  hung  around  campus  was  discussed  
by  Jani  and  Colm.    
7. Union  Affiliation    
a. SRC  
b. GUU  
c. QMU  
8. Voting  Referendum  speaker  and  co-­‐op  with  other  societies:    
a. We  discussed  the  possibility  of  having  a  joint  talk  with  the  Fair  
Vote  UK  representative  along  with  other  societies.  We  discussed  
possible  dates,  all  of  which  fall  next  semester.    
9. Other  speakers:    
a. Colm  is  looking  into  if  the  MSP  for  our  Constituency  has  been  
announced.  There  was  discussion  about  having  a  MSP  debate  next  
10.  Other  event  suggestions:    
a. As  mentioned,  we  discussed  the  possibility  to  tour  the  City  Halls.  
We  also  discussed  whether  we  should  have  another  Pub  Crawl,  
possibly  explore  the  city  centre  this  time  around.    
11.  Bake  sale  and  theme:    
a. The  bake  sale  was  discussed,  and  it  was  suggested  that  we  should  
have  one  during  the  exam  period  in  order  to  raise  money  for  the  
society.  We  also  talked  about  having  one  next  semester,  before  the  
election  and  theme  it  around  the  Scottish  election.  Plans  need  to  be  
made  and  a  date  for  the  first  bake  sale  must  be  set.  A  suggestion  
was  made  that  we  could  stand  outside  the  library  and  target  
students  who  are  going  to  exams/studying  in  the  library.    
12.  Bank  account  and  payment  
a. This  was  discussed  with  the  Treasurer  
13.  Sponsorship  
a. A  suggestion  was  made  that  we  could  target  local  pubs  and  
eateries  to  sponsor  us,  give  us  deals  and  cheaper  drinks  an  in  
return  we  have  their  logo  on  official  Politics  Society  notices  etc.    
14.  Time  for  feedback/  contributions  from  members  
a. Bake  sale  was  discussed  further,  an  email  will  be  sent  out  to  the  
people  who  volunteered  to  help  out,  bake  cakes  and  stand  at  the  
Meeting  ended  at  19.25  

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