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An asset can be defined as anything that which can be bought,

or exchanged; and an asset class is nothing but a category of
asset. An asset class is a group of securities that have similar
financial characteristics. There are many asset classes but the
traditional and popular ones are cash, bonds and shares, but
assets are also considered as investments. These are
art, classic cars and wines.
In recent years there has been a rise or increase of interest in
alternative asset classes such as commercial property. ‘Modern
alternatives’ which includes investments in various mutual
securities etc. which are absolute return funds are also
more and more popular.
Thus the various asset classes are as follows:
1. Real estate
2. Mutual funds
3. Commodities
5. Securities and Bonds
6. Money market
7. Fixed deposits
8. Public Provident Fund
9. Post savings
10. Insurance
11. Arts

1) Bonds:
A loan made by an investor to a government or a company is
as ‘bond’. It is also referred to as ‘fixed income’ or ‘fixed
investment. In return for the money that has been invested by
investor the borrower agrees to pay a certain rate of interest
repay the amount of loan at the end of the pre agreed period or
maturity date.
There are mainly two types of bonds:
 Government bonds: As the name suggests these bonds are
issued by the government itself. These bonds are traditionally
considered to be the ‘safest’ type of bond as they are backed
by the government guarantees and are generally easy to buy
and sell.
 Corporate bonds: Corporate bonds are issued by companies
mainly to finance or expand operations. Generally the returns
on these bonds are higher than the government bonds but they
also carry a higher level of risk.
 Bonds can offer a steady and predictable income, as well as
security of capital if bonds are held to the date of maturity and
there are no defaults by the issuers i.e. the investor.

 There is a risk that the issuer may default on the loan and
probability of this happening is directly dependent on the credit
worthiness of the investor.
 Fluctuations in interest rates can affect the value of a bond
generally when the interest rates rise, bond prices fall and vice

Shares represent ownership stakes in the companies that issue
When a person buys shares, he becomes a part owner of the
company and may have a right to vote on key decisions and
share profits through the payment of dividends.
Shares often have proved to be the best performing asset class
giving returns greater than bonds, commercial property and
investments. They have also had a very high volatility of
Shares generally have a high risk-reward profile than cash or
 Over the years, shares have outperformed other asset
over the long-term
 Shares can also provide a combination of income (through
dividend payments) and capital growth i.e. when the profits of
the company in which investment has been done continue to
increase then the demand of its shares is likely to grow and its
share prices more likely to rise.
 High volatility of stock market and have experienced both
extreme highs and lows.
 There are chances of winding up of a company and the
shareholders are last to get their money invested in that
 May not be possible to recover the original amount invested
value of shares can go up as well as down.


Commodities are mainly raw materials such as energy, metals

gold and silver, corn, wheat, cotton, coffee, sugar etc. When all
raw materials are grouped together, commodities forms an
Commodities at times can be a very good investment as they
differently than other asset classes. So, moderate investment in
commodity market apart from shares and various other
portfolios can
reduce the overall risk of the investment. That means there can
be a
benefit to diversing a portfolio by making a modest allocation
commodities. Similar to shares, commodities also have a high
 Lack of supply and growing demand has created a very
market in certain commodities such as oil and basic metals.
 Commodities are a very effective means to branch out
investment risk because they move differently from shares and
 Commodities, unlike shares and bonds, react well to
unexpected inflation – so they can be a good way to protect the
 Commodity prices can be volatile so it is necessary to
investment over a wide range of sectors.
 Commodity prices suffer whenever the economic growth is
slowing down.
Commodity market is a market where raw or primary products
traded. Various metals are also traded such as gold, silver, zinc
The trade is regulated by the Forward Markets Commission. For
the investment universe for Indians consisted of stocks,
real-estate and bonds. Now, yet another avenue has opened up

commodity futures. Commodity trading is nothing but trading in
commodity spot and derivatives (futures). Commodity
derivatives are
traded on the National Commodity and Derivative Exchange
(NCDEX) and the Multi-Commodity Exchange (MCX). Gold,
agri-commodities including grains, pulses, spices, oils and
mentha oil, metals and crude are some of the commodities that
exchanges deal in. Trading in commodities futures is quite
similar to
equity futures trading.
The commodity market in India gives a daily average turnover
of Rs
12,000-15,000 crore.
All commodities produced in the agriculture, mineral and fossil
sectors have been sanctioned for futures trading. These include
cereals, pulses, ginned cotton, un-ginned cotton, oilseeds, oils,
jute products, sugar, gur, potatoes, onions, coffee, tea,
petrochemicals, and bullion, among others.
Though it is four years since the government issued a
allowing futures trading, commodities attract but lukewarm
among retail investors.
A large number of brokerage firms are yet to open divisions for
commodities market. Common misgivings among investors are
“commodities are risky” and that “they are difficult to
Commodities generally carry a high risk and attract only those
investors who are willing to take higher risks and earn money.
It is commonly assumed that every trader passes through three
stages and they are:
 Every trader loses initially: Every investor who is trading
the first time or is a novice in the commodity market or stock
market initially loses as he might not be able to have control
over his greed and fear. A cycle of fear of loses and the greed
to earn more may make him initially give loses.
 Trader begins to make no profit no loss: It is seen that
out of
the total investors who enter the first stage, 80% of them finish
of at the first stage only and after an year or two find that the
stock market or commodity market is not their cup of tea. So in
the 2nd stage only the 20% investors try to break even in their
trading and quite a lot of them are able to have control over
their fear and greed with a result that they stop giving losses.
Now these traders are ready for the 3rd stage.
 The trader starts to make profits: This stage where a
makes consistent profit i.e. he does not give loss cheque to the
broker. In fact this is the stage which everyone wishes to have
in the stock market. But it is strongly believed that anybody
wishes to come to the 3 rd Stage has to pass through the
above 2 stages.
Analysis of Commodity market:
There are two primary approaches of analyzing commodity
 Fundamentals focus on financial and economic theories as
as political developments to determine forces of demand and
 Technical focus on the formation of charts and formula to
capture major and minor trends, identify buying or selling
opportunities assessing the extent of market turnarounds.
Commodities allow a portfolio to improve overall return at the
level of risk.
Any investor who wants to take advantage of price movements
wishes to vary his portfolio can invest in commodities. Investors
understand the demand cycles those commodities go through
should have a view on what factors may affect this.
Investments must
be made in those commodities which can be easily analyzed
than speculate across products which the investor does not
have any
What Commodity Futures Market does:
A well-developed and effective commodity futures market,
physical market, facilitates offsetting the transactions without
impacting on physical goods until the expiry of a contract. A
number of different market players participate in buying and
activities in the market based on diverse domestic and global
information, such as price, demand and supply, climatic
and other market related information. All these factors put
result in efficient price discovery as a result of large number of
and sellers transacting in the futures market. Price behavior of
commodity in the futures market might show some aberrations
reacting to the element of speculation and ‘bandwagon effect’
inherent in any market, but it quickly reverts to long-run
price, as information flows in, reflecting fundamentals of the
respective commodity. In futures market, speculators play a
role in
providing liquidity to the markets and may sometimes benefits
price movements, but do not have a systematic causal
influence on
Equities versus commodities
Unlike equities, commodities touch every day life. For instance,
sugar. Yet, investors keep away from commodities, unable to
understand the market. But commodity markets are easier to
understand than one imagines.
For one, there are relatively few factors at play, unlike in the
case of
the equity market where a wide spectrum of factors —
earnings, free
cash flows, interest rates and risk premiums — drives prices.
unlike equities, commodities do not carry operational and
management risks.

Though to a certain extent, commodity prices are driven by

geopolitics and duty structures, they most often reflect the
demand-supply situation. A mismatch between them causes
The risk tag
Investment in any asset class — commodities, stocks, bonds or
treasury bills — carries its own risk element. Commodities, in
are tagged high-risk. This has been validated using statistical
based on historical data.
Standard deviation is the common tool used to quantify risk,
but it
reflects volatility more. The risk element is the possibility of the
varying, on the negative side, from the expected.
Commodity trading is done in the form of futures and that
throws up a
huge potential for profit and loss as it involves predictions of
future and hence uncertainty and risk. A major difference is
that the
information availability on supply and demand cycles in
markets is not as robust and controlled as the equity market.

Money Market:
It is a financial market for short term borrowing and lending
mostly for
thirteen months. In the money market banks lend to and
borrow from
each other, short term financial instruments such as certificate
deposits (CDs) or enter into agreements such as repurchase
agreements (repos). It provides short to medium term liquidity.
Money Market funds:
Money market funds better known as liquid funds provide
liquidity, capital preservation and most importantly high
interest rates
than bank accounts. Investing in money market funds means
the fund
manager invests in ‘cash’ assets such as treasury bills,
certificates of
deposit and commercial papers. The return on these funds,
fluctuate but the rate of fluctuation is very minimal as
compared to
other funds but they are not guaranteed. These funds are
purchased by corporate and individual investors who wish to
put their
surplus money in a fund for a short period.
Balanced funds:
As the name suggests, these funds aim for balance and hence
made up of a mixture of equities and debt instruments. These
are mostly suitable for investors who are looking for a
capital appreciation as the risk is relatively low as compared to
funds. The investors interested in these types of funds are
those who
seek to grow their capital and get regular income. The debt or
element of the fund provides a level of income and acts as the
net during dynamic periods in the market, while equities
provide the
potential for capital appreciation.
Debt funds:
The aim of debt or income funds is to make regular payments
to its
investors, although dividends can be reinvested to buy more
units of
the fund.
To provide you with a steady income, these funds generally
invest in
fixed income securities such as bonds, corporate debentures,
government securities (gilts) and money market instruments.
Opportunities for capital appreciation are limited and the
downside is
that as interest rates fluctuate, the net asset value or NAV of
the fund
could follow suit – if interest rates fall, the NAV is likely to
and vice versa.
There is also a risk that a company issuing a bond may default
on its
payment, if it is not financially healthy. However, if the fund
invests in
government securities there is little risk of the government
on its payment.
Equity funds
Equity funds (often described as growth funds) aims to provide
growth by investing in the shares of individual companies.
on the fund’s objective, this could range from large blue-chip
organizations to small and new businesses. Any dividends
by the fund can be reinvested by the fund manager to provide
growth or paid to investors. Both risk and returns are high but
could be a good investment if you have a long-term perspective
can stay invested for at least five years.
Money market includes the following:-
1. Treasury Bills
2. Commercial papers
3. Certificate of deposit
4. Call or Notice money
5. Any other instruments as may be permitted by RBI/SEBI from
time to time
1. Treasury bills:-
Meaning: - Treasury Bills are money market instruments to
finance the short term requirements of the Government of
The Treasury Bills are commonly referred as T-bills. These are
discounted securities and thus are issued at a discount to face
value. The T-bills are issued by the Government/Reserve Bank
of India. The return to the investor is the difference between
maturity value and the issue price.
Types of Treasury Bills: - There are different types of Treasury
bills based on the maturity period and utility of the issuance
ad-hoc Treasury bills, 3months, 12months Treasury bills etc. In
India, at present, the Treasury bills are the 91-days, and 364-
days Treasury bills.
Benefits of investment in Treasury Bills:-
 No tax deducted at source
 Zero default risk being sovereign paper
 Highly liquid money market instrument
 Better returns especially in the short term
 Transparency
 Simplified statement
 High degree of tradability and active secondary market
facilities meeting unplanned fund requirements.
 Form: - The Treasury bills are issued in a form of a
promissory note in physical form or by credit to Subsidiary
General Ledger (SGL) account or Gilt account in
dematerialized form.
Minimum amount of bids for Treasury bills are to be made
for a minimum amount of Rs. 25000/- only and in
multiples thereof.
 Eligibility:- All entities registered in India like Banks,
Financial institutions, Primary dealers, Firms, Companies,
Corporate bodies, Partnership firms, Mutual funds,
Foreign Institutional Investors, State Governments,
Provident Funds are eligible to bid and purchase Treasury
 Repayment:- The Treasury bills are repaid at par on the
expiry of their tenor at the office of the Reserve Bank of
 Availability: - All the Treasury bills are highly liquid
instruments available both in the primary and secondary
 Day Count: - For Treasury bills the day count is taken as
365 days.
Primary Market
In the primary market the Treasury Bills are issued by auction
Types of auctions:-
 Multiple Price Based or French Auction: Under this
all bids equal to or above the cut-off price are accepted.
However, the bidder has to obtain the treasury bills at the price
quoted by him. This method is followed in the case of 364days
treasury bills and is valid only for competitive bidders.
 Uniform Price Based or Dutch auction: Under this
system, all
the bids equal to or above the cut-off price are accepted at the
cut- off level. However, unlike the Multiple Price based method,
the bidder obtains the treasury bills at the cut-off price and not
the price quoted by him. This method is applicable in the case
of 91 days treasury bills only.
Secondary Market
The major participants in the secondary market are
scheduled banks, financial Institutions, Primary dealers,
mutual funds, insurance companies and corporate
treasuries. Other entities like cooperative and regional rural
banks, educational and religious trusts etc. have also begun
investing their short term funds in treasury bills.
 Market related yields
 Ideal matching for funds management particularly for
short term tenors of less than 15 days
 Transparency in operations as the transactions would
be put through Reserve Bank of India’s SGL or
Client’s Gilt account only.
 Two way quotes offered by primary dealers for
purchase and sale of treasury bills.
 Certainty in terms of availability, entry & exit
Tredepasury Bills - An Effective Cash Management
Treasury Bills are very useful instruments to deploy short
term surpluses depending upon the availability and
requirement. Even funds which are kept in current accounts
can be deployed in treasury bills to maximize returns. Banks
do not pay any interest on fixed deposits of less than 15
days, or balances maintained in current accounts, whereas
treasury bills can be purchased for any number of days
depending on the requirements. This helps in deployment of
idle funds for very short periods as well. Further, since every
week there is a 91 days treasury bills maturing and every
fortnight a 364 days treasury bills maturing, one can
purchase treasury bills of different maturities as per
requirements so as to match with the respective outflow of
funds. At times when the liquidity in the economy is tight,
the returns on treasury bills are much higher as compared to
bank deposits even for longer term. Besides, better yields
and availability for very short tenors, another important
advantage of treasury bills over bank deposits is that the
surplus cash can be invested depending upon the staggered
2. Commercial Papers:
Commercial papers are short term borrowings by Corporate,
FI’s, PD’s from Money Market.
 Commercial Papers when issued in physical form
are negotiable by endorsement and delivery and
hence highly flexible instruments.
 Issued subject to minimum of Rs 5 lakhs and in the
multiples of Rs. 5 Lac thereafter
 Maturity is 15 days to 1 year
 Unsecured and backed by credit of the issuing company
 Can be issued with or without Backstop facility of Bank /
Commercial Papers can be issued in both physical and demat
When issued in the physical form Commercial Papers are issued
the form of Usance Promissory Note. Commercial Papers are
in the form of discount to the face value.
Commercial Papers are short-term unsecured borrowings by
companies that are financially strong and carry a high credit
These are sold directly by the issuers to the investors or else
by borrowers through agents / brokers etc. Companies use CPs
save interest costs.
3. Certificate of Deposit:-
CDs are short-term borrowings in the form of Usance
Notes having a maturity of not less than 15 days up to a
maximum of
one year.
CD is subject to payment of Stamp Duty under Indian Stamp
1899 (Central Act).
They are like bank term deposits accounts. Unlike traditional
deposits these are freely negotiable instruments and are often
referred to as Negotiable Certificate of Deposits.
 All scheduled banks (except RRBs and Co-operative
banks) are eligible to issue CDs.
 Issued to individuals, corporations, trusts, funds and
 They are issued at a discount rate freely determined by
the issuer and the market/investors.
 Freely transferable by endorsement and delivery. At
present CDs are issued in physical form (UPN).
These are issued in denominations of Rs.5 Lacs and Rs. 1 Lac
thereafter. Bank CDs have maturity up to one year. Minimum
for a bank CD is fifteen days. Financial Institutions are allowed
issue CDs for a period between 1 year and up to 3 years. CDs
by AIFI are also issued in physical form (in the form of Usance
promissory note) and is issued at a discount to the face value.
4. Call or Notice money:-
The call money market is an integral part of the Indian Money
where the day-to-day surplus funds (mostly of banks) are
traded. The
loans are of short-term duration varying from 1 to 14 days. The
money that is lent for one day in this market is known as "Call
Money", and if it exceeds one day (but less than 15 days) it is
referred to as "Notice Money". Term Money refers to Money lent
15 days or more in the InterBank Market.
Banks borrow in this money market for the following purpose:
 To fill the gaps or temporary mismatches in funds.
 To meet the CRR & SLR mandatory requirements as
stipulated by the Central bank.
 To meet sudden demand for funds arising out of large
Thus call money usually serves the role of equilibrating the
liquidity position of banks.
Call Money Market Participants:
 Those who can both borrow as well as lend in the market
- RBI (through LAF) Banks, PDs
 Those who can only lend Financial institutions-LIC, UTI,
GIC, IDBI, NABARD, ICICI and mutual funds etc.

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