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Engelsk 3hhc Jesper Lefoli Pedersen

Starbucks to the rescue!

First of all, I want to make it clear that I have never been to a Starbucks in my life, but even so
I would prefer Starbucks coffee to other coffees – simply because of the brand. It is kind of
stupid, because I have no reason to prefer it to other brands, but that’s just a sign of what good
marketing can do nowadays. Branding means everything to modern companies, and that is
why Starbucks can allow themselves to charge 4 dollars for a cup of coffee.

But a place where good marketing means everything, and where help is always needed is in
Africa. Therefore I admire all the big companies that help to the project by making their
costumers aware of the problem.

Seen from the view of the costumers I know that it might annoy some people that they now
also are being reminded of the poverty in Africa at their local coffee provider! But I think it is a
standpoint that Starbucks has made, and that is a part of the experience of buying coffee. That
is also why I think it is okay to charge a little extra for their coffee compared to their rivals.
When you buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks you buy an experience, not just a product. You get
good service, the atmosphere and possibly also a clean conscience by helping the third world.

In my opinion it is a very good solution they have made by giving you the choice of either
donating money or by volunteering personally. Thereby they make it possible for everyione to
give a helping hand – no matter their economy. I also like the opportunity to donate a little
extra buy buying the Starbucks card.

All in all I think that Starbucks has made their choice; they want to make a difference, and they
certainly have! If people don’t like this kind of marketing, then I think it is their own decision
whether they want to support it or not. Personally I support it and I would like to see more
companies go in the same direction.

Number of words: 359

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