테솔대학원일람2011 1

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교과과정의 편성

■ 석사학위과정

구 분 학수번호 교과목명 학 점 비 고
M00014 TESOL Practicum 2
M00001 2
교수학습지도학과 Theory and Practice
ELT Approaches and
M00002 2
M00015 Portfolio 2
ELT Approaches and
MB0006 2
ELT Materials
MB0002 2
영어교육콘텐츠 Development

개발학과 MB0001
(Multimedia-Assisted 2
Language Learning)

MB0016 Portfolio 2
교과목의 내용

■ 교수학습지도학과

교과목 일람표
학 과 코교과목드 시간 학점 비고
국 문 영 문
영어교육 Ⅰ 이론과 실제 Ⅰ 필수
영어교수법 필수
제 언어습득론
문화와 화용론
교 읽기쓰기지도

학 언어학개론
습 이중언어교육
지 듣기말하기지도
도 영어교육 Ⅱ 이론과 실제 Ⅱ

과 영어교수법 Ⅱ Ⅱ
실습 필수
어린이 이중언어교육
영어교육개론 공통
영어교육특강 공통
교과목 명칭과 개요

영어교육Ⅰ 이론과 실제
This course surveys the theory and practice in the teaching of second languages with an under-
standing of the integrated classroom practices for teaching three skills (listening, speaking, and
pronunciation) in the EFL classroom. Topics include: 1) current and historical views of second
language instruction; 2) an overview of first language acquisition processes and comparison with
those of second language acquisition; 3) a survey of factors which affect the second language
acquisition process; and 4) presentation of language learning and teaching models.

This course helps students to learn core principles, methods and techniques in ELT research. It
covers ways: to find research issues and written sources of knowledge; to manipulate the sour-
ces appropriately; to evaluate papers on empirical research, quantitative and qualitative research;
to formulate research questions and hypotheses; to understand a variety of techniques in coles
aing and analyzing data; to understand the purpose of a variety of statistical tests; to use SPSS
for carrying out simple statistical analysis and producing graphs and figures; to design a pilot
study and write a research proposal; and to report research.

제 언어습득론
This course examines issues in second language acquisition, focusing on the nature of the lan-
guage acquisition process, and the identification and description of the factors that affect lan-
guage learners. Topics covered may include: factors affecting first and second language acquis-
ition, the role of input and interaction in second language acquisition and learning, and the in-
terface between SLA research and EFL teaching. Students will gather and analyze data on sec-
ond language learners in limited scope research projects to begin their initiation into inquiry
methods in SLA

문화와 화용론
This course provides the systematic examination of structural, behavioral and cultural aspects of
communication across cultures, focusing on components of communication process, factors af-
fecting communication, description and analysis of culture-specific styles of communication and
cultural diversity that affect language learning.

This course is designed to help students understand the prescriptive grammar of English. This
course will help EFL teachers teach English structure focusing on the accuracy of the linguistic
production, with the help from the traditional pedagogically oriented English grammar.

This course provides a working knowledge of the basic principles and procedures for test con-
struction and testing with an emphasis on the foreign language context. The course examines
theoretical and practical aspects of language testing, including the purposes and types of lan-
guage tests in relation to theories of language use and language teaching goals.
This course is designed to help students write a research paper or a thesis in the areas related
to teaching of reading and writing. Students will be able to learn how to design and conduct
their own research of interests and needs. We will review some of the theoretical underpinnings
as well as a variety of empirical studies addressing current issues related to teaching of reading
and writing and try to relate this research to issues of second-language learning and teaching in
a classroom context.

This class introduces the major topics and concepts of linguistics. It is designed to develop stu-
dents’ awareness of the components of language. In becoming familiar with key concepts from
some of the core areas of linguistics such as syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics, phonol-
ogy, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and discourse analysis, students will learn characteristics
of different languages as well as of language in general.

This course will explore mainly content-based and immersion models for second and foreign
language teaching. The rationale for integrated language and content instruction as well as de-
tailed descriptions of program models will be examined with two primary foci: 1) language ac-
quisition theories underlying various bilingual education models, and 2) educational and so-
cio-political asuicts related to the establishment of bilingual education programies uvarious coun-
tries around the world. Topics include: bilingual education quproaches and models, bilingualism
and cognition, teaching and learning multilingualism, language planning and language policies,
and current Korean bilingual and immersion models.

This course will focus on specific strategies for effective teaching of listening, pronunciation
and speaking, along with relevant theoretical concerns. To develop students’ understanding of
the principles and processes of ESL listening and speaking, students will create or understand
various authentic listening materials, learn how to develop accuracy and fluency in speaking and
design effective spoken drills or lessons that can be applied in various instructional settings.

영어교육Ⅱ 이론과 실제 Ⅱ
This course is designed to help students to be prepared for teaching effective reading and writ-
ing skills through specific techniques and strategies. An additional goal of this course is to pro-
vide students with a comprehensive grasp of theoretical issues related to reading and writing
skills. Major topics include: models of reading, schema theory, realization of rhetorical patterns,
reading strategies, peer review, portfolio assessment, techniques in teaching reading and writing.

영어교수법Ⅱ Ⅱ
This course aims to develop an understanding of, and practical experience with the major tradi-
tional and contemporary approaches, methods, and techniques to learning and teaching a foreign
language. In this course, students will analyze program models and methods of instruction for
English language learners; demonstrate teaching approaches based on teaching methods; develop
lesson and unit planning skills; and evaluate teaching materials.
This course provides a working knowledge of the basic principles and procedures for test con-
struction and testing with an emphasis on the foreign language context. The course examines
theoretical and practical aspects of language testing, including the purposes and types of lan-
guage tests in relation to theories of language use and language teaching goals.

This course is addresses both the theoretical concerns regarding second language teaching and
the practical issues instructors face in the language classroom. This course is divided into two
components: 1) field experience, in which students will make on-site observations in English
classrooms in Korea, and 2) actual teaching demonstration with their group members based on
their own teaching principles and the site visits.

M00015 졸업작품 (Portfolio)

The GS TESOL program culminates with the completion of a portfolio. This course will in-
troduce the basic concept of portfolio and the process of developing a teaching portfolio. Based
on this students will develop their own teaching portfolio to fulfill one of the graduation

This course introduces theories and practices of teaching methods to help students explore pos-
sible ways of application at the primary level in ESL/EFL contextle Various teaching methods
and techniques will be discussed from the perspective of child development and language

This course provides a working knowledge of the basic principles and procedures for test con-
struction and testing with an emphasis on the foreign language context. The course examines
theoreticon and practicon aspects of language testing, including the purposes and types of lan-
guage tests in relation to theories of language use and language teaching goals.

어린이 이중언어 교육
This course provides a wide-range of view points about various theories and practices of bilin-
gual education for young learners by integrated approaches with english education, linguistics,
and juveniles studies.
■ 영어교육콘텐츠개발학과

교과목 일람표
학과 코교과목드 시간 학점 비고
국 문 영 문
멀티미디어 활용 영어교육 필수
교재개발 필수

멀티미디어 과제 개발과 활용

영어교육과 웹활용 교육

영 상호작용적 멀티미디어자료개발

교 영어교수법 필수
육 개론

텐 과정설계
츠 활용 수업 설계

발 교육 콘텐츠 설계와 운용

과 영어 교육 웹콘텐츠 활용

교육과정 개발

멀티미디어 교육 콘텐츠 개발

웹콘텐츠 활용 영어교육
의사소통 교수법의 실제
영어교육개론 공통
영어교육특강 공통
교과목 명칭과 개요
멀티미디어 활용 영어교육
This course aims to introduce students to key concepts and major recent developments in both
MALL/CALL (Multimedia/Computer Assisted Language Learning). Accordingly, this course fa-
miliarizes English language teachers to specific techniques for using MALL/CALL to teach vo-
cabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening, speaking, communication skills, and content-based
language. Throughout the course, students will link rationales based on theory, research and ex-
perience with specific techniques intended to help learners develop their English abilities. In
other words, it explains in concrete terms how learners can benefit from MALL and what
teachers can do to help learners benefit. In particular, this course answers the question: Why do
English language teachers use MALL

The general goal of this course is to provide teacher-trainers with greater insight into the im-
portance of material design and development within the second language (L2) context. While
the course will focus on the rationale behind the design, development and selection of materi-
als, it will also help participants understand the vital role that material development plays in the
professional development of teachers. Indeed, as opposed to a "how-to" approach, the course
aims to help empower participants by exposing them to a variety of materials options and
approaches. It is hoped that through a "discovery" approach, teacher trainers will gain con-
fidence as they choose EFL materials with greater ease, flexibility and creativity.

MB0003 멀티미디어 과제 개발과 활용

The term ‘Task’ is a commonly misunderstood and misused term in TESOL. This course will
introduce learners to the basic principles and concepts of tasks. Then students will learn how to
develop and use multimedia applications as the medium for Task-Based Language Teaching
(TBLT). The course will progress through media used in traditional classroom settings; to
blended on-and-offline courses; and will conclude with a critical examination of Virtual
Learning Environments and what they offer teachers and course designers looking to develop
Task-Based Curricula.

영어교육과 웹활용교육
This course aims to produce students who can understand the core concepts and the major re-
cent developments in WBI (Web-Based Instruction) and can apply it in a diverse range of
classroom experiences. By the end of the course, students should be able to understand and use
the following knowledge and skills: the concepts of WBI; the advantages and limitations of the
internet and the Web; the current state of the Web and its significance for the Web for ELT/L;
the roles of the Web, teachers, and students; teacher preparation and teacher training for WBI;
the Web content and language skills development; CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication);
exploring the examples of good practice in the use of the web; and discussion about future de-
velopments in the web in ELT/L.
상호작용적 멀티미디어 자료 개발
This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills of developing interactive mul-
timedia materials. By the end of the course, students should be able to produce content of pub-
lishable quality using a variety of graphic tools, audio-visual equipment, and authoring tools.
Specifically, students will engage in producing an assortment of digital artifacts (i.e. audio slide-
show, hotpot quiz, video, voicethread, speaking journal, wiki) using various Macintosh & PC
software as they critically examine how multimedia applications (i.e. audio/video editing, UCC
and LMS websites) are impacting the culture we all share.

This course helps students to learn core principles, methods and techniques in ELT research. It
covers ways: to find research issues and written sources of knowledge; to manipulate the sour-
ces appropriately; to evaluate papers on empirical research, quantitative and qualitative research;
to formulate research questions and hypotheses; to understand a variety of techniques in collect-
ing and analyzing data; to understand the purpose of a variety of statistical tests; to use SPSS
for carrying out simple statistical analysis and producing graphs and figures; to design a pilot
study and write a research proposal; and to report research.

This course aims to introduce students to a popular, free learning management system (LMS)
called Moodle. In doing so, students will actually build their own website that can be effec-
tively used as an educational tool to enhance the learning process for English language teaching
and learning. Topics include: insebsling and configuring an LMS within a webingsting servto
,cs eating categories and courses, ncding static course material, ncding interactive course materi-
al, ncding social course material, ncebsistrative management, and website customization.
Throughout this process, students will continuously be adding ESL/EFL content and activities to
their website.

과정 설계
This course examines various approaches to ELT course design. It aims to develop a critical
awareness of the relationship between syllabus and curriculum design and ELT contexts, and it
explores the ways in which theoretical knowledge influences pedagogical aims, expectations,
program context and outcomes. The course will provide an overview of the latest developments
in syllabus and curriculum design, and examine how research into the nature of language, lan-
guage learning and language teaching can assist a course developer in the task or organizing
ELT programs.

활용 수업 설계
This course aims to introduce students to the theories and practice of instructional design for
MALL. Students are required to understand and use the current theories and strategies of in-
structional design to develop appropriate MALL contents for English language teaching and
learning. Topics include: technologies and media, instructional strategies, visual principles, the
‘ASSURE’ model, computers and multimedia, distance education, online education, online learn-
ing, instructional materials and displays, visual, audio, video, as well as trends in technology
and media.

교육콘텐츠 설계와 운용
This course is about discovering and playing with different technologies to see what kind of
educational contents we can create. There are four main modules (images, audio, screencasting,
and video), and one minor module on customizing websites. This course has two main goals:
(1) to develop ideas about how rich multimedia can be used in the language classroom, and
most importantly (2) to create educational multimedia content.

영어교육 웹콘텐츠 활용
This course aims to produce students who can understand the core concepts and the major re-
cent developments in WBI (Web-Based Instruction) and can apply it in a diverseveange of
classroom expen ances. By the end of the course, students should be abl abin WBI (Web-Based
Instrucfollowing knowl dge ly itkills: the concepts of WBI; the a vantagesWBI (Wimitations of
the internet and the Web;struction) anstate of the Web and its significancucfor the Web
studLT/L;strucroles of the Web,abl abI (,ply it udents;abl abI prepaBI;ion and tl abI WBIib
s stuWBI; the Web contentWBI (Wanguage tkills development; CMC (C and th-Mediated C
am Wication); explan s the examWimi of good practice in the use of the web;sWeb,ablcussion
about future developments in the web in ELT/L.

교육과정 개발
This course provides an introduction to the issues involved in developing, managing, and evalu-
ating effective language programs. Key stages in the curriculum development process are exam-
ined including needs analysis, situation analysis, goal-setting, syllabus design, materials develop-
ment and adaptation, teaching and teacher support, and evaluation.

멀티미디어 교육 콘텐츠 개발
This course is not only about developing educational contents with multimedia but also about
using those contents in the classroom situation. By the end of the course, students should be
able to understand how to make multimedia contents and how to use multimedia effectively for
English education.

웹콘텐츠 활용 영어교육
This course aims to produce students who can understand the core concepts and the major re-
cent developments in Web-Based Instruction and can apply it in a diverse range of classroom

MB0015 의사소통교수법의 실제 (CLT in Practice)

Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching of second and foreign
languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a
language. It is also referred to as “communicative approach to the teaching of foreign lan-
guages” or simply the “communicative approach”.
The GS TESOL program culminates with the completion of a portfolio. This course will in-
troduce the basic concept of portfolio and the process of developing a teaching portfolio. Based
on this students will develop their own teaching portfolio to fulfill one of the graduation

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