The Tommy Interviews, 07-08: Naima Mora From America's Next Top Model

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Recenly I caught up with ANOTHER beautiful model from America's Next Top Model,

Naima Mora, whose individuality and unique look propelled her to the top.
She is also the singer of the band Chewing Picks, so here it is, our interview.
Q: EVERYBODY knows you from America's Next Top Model. What modeling did you do b
efore the show?
A:i was just working hard to make test shoots with Friends like make up artists
and photografers... nothing too big.
Q: The judges loved how individual and unique you look. Do you think that if you
fit the normal Barbie doll look, that you would have made it to the top of the
A:The way i look is part of who i am and makes my character. its my culture and
reflection of what that means to grow up bi-racial in america. and the show cele
brates differences and being able to have models that can relate to all people.
But i think i made it to the top because of my persona, which is indirectly infl
uenced partially by my ethnic back gorund.
Q: Who did you like and dislike the most in the house?
A:hahahahaaa, wouldn't you like to know? i didn't dislike any one. I don't judge
people, i try to understand them and empathize, thats why i didn't get into dra
ma with other models. K-len did become a good friend of mine and still is.
Q: What's next in line for you? More TV, music, or what?
A:CHEWING PICS : the rock band that i sing for.... its an amazing journey, and i
had not expected that i would become a singer in my lifetime.... but it fell on
me and i had to take it because i realize that i love it and take it very serio
usly. www. myspace. com/chewingpics We just release our first EP "TARANTULA" tha
t is available on the page as well. But Maybe some movies in the future too... m
Q: What do you consider your self in politics, Republican or Democrat?
A: oooooooo! thats touchy! haha not really, "Humanist"
Q: If you were president, what is the first thing you would do with all that pow
A:Promote public educational funding and compassion. Global awareness and green
Q: Where do you see your self in 10 years?
A: happy... but i'm happy now too, so probably more mature, touring with my band
mostly... cause modeling at that point is a little off... i'll be 34! HA
Q: What are your super powers?
A: Compassion
Q: What is your weakness?
A: Vanity
Q: Paper or plastic?
A: hmmmm... plastic, being that it be recyled properly. Stop waisting the earths
Natural resources by cutting more trees.... or even better, digital! that saves
Q: If you were an animal, what would you be specifically?
A: a dodo bird.... or chinese crested dog. hmmm thats a tough one.
Q: Is there anything you have to say to my league of readers here on "The Tommy
Talk Box"?
A: Just thanks for keeping interest in my career. Thanks for supporting me.... R
ock out. Live Living, not Dieing... not meaning recklessly- we all have the pote
ntial to fulfill ourselves/lives/hearts completely if we stay honest and work ha
rd. The universe ensures that you're happy, but we have the ultimate deciscion.
Q: I hope to get a follow-up with you and now consider you my friend? Do I reser
ve the right to call you a "famous friend" among the other celebritites who have
been here on "TBTB"?
A: Of course!!!

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