From Journal To Essay

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Hendricks 1

Austin Hendricks

Lisa Weaver

406 LNG

7 March 2011

From Journal to Essay

I agree with the assertion that adolescent’s heads are full of advice from elder

generations that are meant to have them conform to the values that society says are

important. Because I was born and raised in a Southern society, my parents, family

members, and teachers have tried to instill in me certain Southern values and behaviors

that they believe are important. For example, my parents, especially my mother, believe

that men should behave a certain way towards women. To my parents, a respectable

Southern man holds the door open for women, pulls out their seats when they sit down,

and pays for any date or social outing that the two of them participate in. They have

taught me to believe the same thing, and they insist that every true Southern individual

will behave in a similar manner. Whenever we observe someone that does not do these

actions, my mother insists that they must be a “Yankee” as any Southerner would have

known how to properly behave.

Another part of Southern society that I have been taught to believe is important is

saying “please,” “thank you,” “yes ma’am,” “no ma’am,” “yes sir,” and “no sir.” When I

was young, my parents required that I say those words whenever the situation would

arise. They would scold me whenever I neglected to address those older than I with
Hendricks 2

“ma’am” or “sir,” and whenever I did not voice my gratitude for what others did for me.

They taught me to act in a polite and courteous manner towards those that were older

than I was, as well as respecting the opinions of those younger than I.

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