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Transaction A: Civil Engineering

Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 89{95

c Sharif University of Technology, April 2010

E ect of Anti-Vortex Plates on Critical

Submergence at a Vertical Intake
S.M. Borghei1; and A.R. Kabiri-Samani2
Abstract. One of the sources of disturbance at intakes is the occurrence of free-surface vortices with
an air core. The most common solution for avoiding air-entrainment is the use of anti-vortex devices
and, especially, plates for large pipe or shaft intakes. If plates are used, then, the geometry and position
of them should be studied experimentally. Since only general guidance for use of plates is available, a
study for the more precise placement of plates is needed. Hence, a comprehensive set of experiments have
been carried out using rectangular plates with di erent dimensions and at various positions with respect
to the vertical outlet pipe intakes and two di erent pipe diameters (D = 75 and 100 mm). The results
of critical submergence with respect to the dimensions and positions of the plates are presented as graphs
and equations. Thus, design guides and recommendations are provided.
Keywords: Air entrainment; Experimental data; Intakes; Pipe ow; Plates; Vortices.

INTRODUCTION variation in a pressurized ow due to air entrain-

ment is shown by Kabiri-Samani et al. [3], there are
Pipe intakes are used to convey water for turbines, several means of avoiding air-entrainment where for
pumps, ood routing, irrigation and other demands. large structures, the most cost-e ective option is often
When the water level above a pipe intake is low (less determined by a physical model study. One of the most
than critical value), strong vortices may be formed, popular ways is the use of special vortex suppression
which may lead to air-entrainment and which may devices [1]. Among the most economical and common
cause loss of eciency, cavitation and vibration in measures of reducing the e ect of air-entrainment and
pumps, turbines and pipelines. An intake that is swirl strength, is anti-vortex plates (e.g. for shaft
prone to vortex formation, results in a considerable spillways, submerged culverts and gates). These plates
entrainment of air and swirl (the conditions for vortex can have any geometry and be used singly, in pairs
formation is fully discussed in [1]). Intake vortices are or in other combinations, and perpendicularly or with
the result of angular momentum conservation at the an angle to the free surface ow. Ample research
ow constriction where angular velocity increases with work has been carried out to have a better knowledge
a decrease in the cross sectional area [2]. The common of vortex formation and critical submergence depths
solution for avoiding air-entrainment and swirl is to for vertical pipe intakes. Among the analytical ap-
provide sucient submergence to the intake. If the proaches, the works of Odgaard [4] and Hite and
required approach ow conditions cannot be met to Mih [5] are more relevant. However, for experimental
avoid swirl and air entrainment, it is economical to published work, the studies can be divided into two
consider other approaches for preventing vortices at categories. First, the understanding of free vortex
water intakes. While the e ect of extreme pressure hydrodynamics [6-11] and second, parameters a ecting
the critical submergence depth [2,7,12-16]. On the
1. Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Tech- other hand, while many attempts have been made
nology, Tehran, P.O. Box 11155-9313, Iran.
2. Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Tech- numerically to analyze the hydrodynamics of vortex
nology, Isfahan, P.O. Box 84156, Iran. and cavity development [17,18], not much published
*. Corresponding author. E-mail: work with a numerical basis exists on air entrainment
Received 28 February 2009; received in revised form 24 October due to shaft intake.
2009; accepted 20 February 2010 Although much research has been carried out for
90 S.M. Borghei and A.R. Kabiri-Samani

a better understanding of swirl ow and submergence where S = submergence depth; D = pipe intake
depth, there is no design criteria for anti vortex plates. diameter; = circulation intensity; Q = discharge;
Hence, in this paper, the e ect of using anti-vortex g = gravitational acceleration;  = kinematic viscosity;
plates as a means of fully reducing critical submergence ro = pipe intake radius (D=2);  = surface tension;
depth and air entrainment is studied experimentally.  = density and f = a function. It should be noted
Anti-vortex plates with di erent dimensions are used that some of the dimensionless numbers have been
singly, in pairs and in di erent combinations and introduced with di erent variables as well (Table 1).
positions, to study the e ects on critical submergence The e ects of viscosity or the Reynolds number (RN ),
depth. and the surface tension or the Weber number (WN ),
which often occur in model studies, are of major
GOVERNING PARAMETERS interest to many investigators. A summary of the range
of in uence of the two numbers by some investigators
Important dimensionless terms which should be used is shown in Table 1 (V is the ow velocity in pipe).
for experimental studies to de ne the swirling ow at As seen, di erent de nitions and values are suggested.
a pipe intake are [1]: It seems that while the minimum values in the table
should be satis ed, it would be better if the results were
S=D : Relative Submergence; (1a) checked by a scale e ect analysis. Also, the Swirling
Parameter (SP ) can be used instead of Froude and
D Kolf numbers [1], as:
N = : Kolf Number; (1b)
Q 4
SP = N FN = : (3)
(gD3 )1=2
FN = : Froude Number; (1c) By employing one or a pair of anti-vortex plates for
(gD5 )0:5
reducing the swirling ow strength, it can be concluded
Q that critical submergence also depends on normalized
RN = : Reynolds Number; (1d) plates dimensions (a=D and b=D) and positions (r=D,
z=D and ). Considering that RN and WN are above
(Qr0 S )2 the critical values and not in uential (see Table 2)
WN = : Weber Number; (1e) and that the value of the critical submergence depth
=(r0 )
is directly represented by (S=D)cr , it can be seen that:
S a b r z
= f SP; ; ; ; ; : (4)
S=D = f ( N ; FN ; RN ; WN ); (2) D cr D D D D

Table 1. The values for WN and RN to a ect results.

Reference Weber No. (WN ) Reynolds No. (RN )
Daggett and Keulegan [6] V 2 D=  120 Q=(D)  3  103
Anwar et al. [7] V 2 D=  120, Q=(S )  104
V 2 S=  100
Jain et al. [8] V 2 D=  120 RN =FN = (gD3 )0:5 =  5  104
Padmanabhan and Hecker [9] V 2 D=  600 V D=  7:7  104
Odgaard [4] V 2 D=  720 V D=  1:1  105

Table 2. Minimum values of RN and WN for present study.

D = 75 mm D = 100 mm D = 75 mm D = 100 mm
Q=(S ) 74322 123869 V 2 D= 147 169
V D= 29264 39019 | | |
Q=(D) 24773 30967 | | |
RN =FN = (gD3 )0:5 = 71719 110419 | | |
E ect of Anti-Vortex Plates on Critical Submergence 91

EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT AND TEST the centre of the plate) and the angle between the
VARIABLES two plates with a plan view ( as in Figure 2). The
Tests were conducted in a cylindrical tank, 1.0 m in dimensions of plates are taken as multiples of the inlet
diameter and 0.8 m in hight. The circulated water pipe diameter (D), and shown as width by height (i.e.,
was pumped from a large sump and the discharge was 2D  D means a plate which has 2D width or horizontal
measured by an electronic owmeter (while passing dimension and D height or vertical dimension). The
through the pipe) and checked by a rectangular sharp rst set of tests were done using one plate placed under
crested weir at the end of the ume before returning di erent conditions. Then, the second set of tests were
to the sump. Flow enters the tank horizontally and done for two plates in di erent positions as well as
uniformly through a set of vanes. These vanes were di erent .
set at speci c angles to provide the desired entrance
circulation parameters, i.e. the ratio of tangential to RESULTS
axial velocity. The ow discharges through a vertical
shaft or pipe intake, 0.35 m in height, at the center In this study, the discharge was chosen such that the
of the tank. For preventing negative pressure and e ect of viscosity and surface tension would be small
reducing the suction e ect at the entrance of the inlet, and, thus, RN and WN are omitted (Table 3). The
air vents are used so that the tests are conducted under results in the table are minimum values. Comparing
atmospheric pressure at the inlet. Figure 1 shows the these values with the ones in Table 1, minimum values
experimental setup. are satis ed and the assumption of not including WN
The test variables, as shown in Table 3 and and RN in the results is acceptable. Hence, the most
Figure 2, were discharge, intake diameter, anti-vortex signi cant and relevant parameters involved in this
plate dimensions (rectangular), positions (r = hor- situation, as discussed previously, are Froude number,
izontal distance from pipecentre to the side of the circulation number or Kolf number and relative depth
plate, z = vertical distance from top of the pipe to (or critical submergence depth). It is not possible to

Figure 1. Schematic of experimental setup.

Table 3. Test variables.

Q D Plates Dimensions a  b Plate Position Plates Angles
(m3 /hr) (mm) (WidthHeight) r z 
(From Edge of Plate) (From Center of Plate)
D  D , D  2D , D  3D ,
6-34 75, 100 2D  D, 2D  2D, 2D  3D, 0:5D, D, 1:5D D, 0:5D, 0, 180, 135, 120,
0:5D, D, 1:5D 90, 60, 45
3D  D, 3D  2D
* For 75 mm pipe complete range of plates and for 100 mm pipe only some of the plates have been tested. Overall 12 plates have
been used (8 for 75 mm, and 4 for 100 mm pipe).
92 S.M. Borghei and A.R. Kabiri-Samani

Figure 2. Plates and pipe intake geometry and position. Figure 3. Critical submergence versus SP (equations in
Table 4).
show the results of all the tests and, hence, samples
representing typical or, sometimes, extreme values are
presented in the graphs and gures. However, the nal
conclusions include all the measured data. In Figure 3,
the results of critical submergence depth, (S=D)cr , ver-
sus Swirling Parameter (SP ) is checked with previous
published works (Table 4). The agreement between
observed results and those of previous works [4,5] can
be seen.
On the other hand, to check if the diameter of
the tank was large enough for avoiding the wall e ect
and the ow eld representing the swirling vortex, the
theoretical tangential velocity was checked with the
measured, using a pitot tube (Figure 4). The gure
illustrates two important points. First, the velocity
pro le is well matched with theoretical values [1] and
expected ow eld; second, the tank is large enough for
the ow eld, and the velocities near the wall, except Figure 4. Example of tangential velocity versus
at the vicinity of the entrance, were almost zero with nondimensional radial distance.
a minimum wall e ect.
Now, the e ect of anti-vortex plates is checked The suggested relation from these results is:
on the critical submergence depth. Thus, the results  
from the di erent sizes and positions of the plates S 1:65(SP )  a 
are analyzed. In this case, the non-dimensional factor D cr
 0:053 + 1:431
in Equation 4 should include the plate variables too.   
With a trial and error methodology and using all the b r
observed data, the relation for Equation 4 can be found.
 0:18 + 1:445
0: 5
+ 1:67
z 2 z
Table 4. Critical submergence relations used in Figure 3.  0:31
0:2 + 1:63
Reference Relation
0:84 F )0:5
 ( 0:07 + 1:6); (5)
Jain et al. [8] (S=D)cr = 5:6( N N
where is in radian and a and b are the length
Hite and Mih [5] (S=D)cr = 1:65 N FN and width of a single plate, respectively. Also, the
limitations to the equation are =4   , a=D  3,
Odgaard [4] (S=D)cr = 48 =FN (gD3 )0:5 b=D  2, r=D  5, and jz=Dj  3. The equation is
E ect of Anti-Vortex Plates on Critical Submergence 93

Figure 6. (S=D)cr versus FN with free vortex, partially

reduced vortex and without swirling ow from present
Figure 5. Critical submergence (S=D)cr .
veri ed by observed data in Figure 5. The deviation For reducing the critical submergence depth at vertical
of 7% between the calculated and observed values of pipe intakes and omitting the swirling ow, anti-
(S=D)cr , R2 = 0:91 and NRMSE = 0.17, for so many vortex plates can be used. Equation 5 can be used
variables and data points, is acceptable. Although the while knowing ow conditions ( N and FN ), required
proposed equation is for a pair of symmetrical plates, submergence depth (Figure 6), pipe diameter and
it has been checked by the authors that the equation symmetrically positioned plate positions. Also, for
can also be used for asymmetrical plates. In this case, a single plate and for non-symmetrical positions, the
the position of each plate can be used in the formula suggestions using the equation are given. It should
and, then, the average of the two values multiplied be noted that the proposed conclusion is made with
by 1.1 should produce the result. Also, for a single the present experimental set-up. There is no doubt
plate, the value from Equation 5 should be divided that many more experimental models with di erent set-
by 0.6, while = . Another presentation of the ups from di erent research will be needed, in order to
results showing the e ect of anti-vortex plates with nalize and achieve a generalized equation.
non-dimensional values of (S=D)cr and FN , is given in
Figure 6. In this gure, the relation between (S=D)cr NOMENCLATURE
and FN , for the cases of using anti-vortex plates (no-
vortex) and no-plate (fully circulating ow condition) Ap area of a single plate (m2 )
is plotted. It can be seen that by using the anti-vortex
plates and completely omitting the vortex, the critical ab anti-vortex plates dimensions (m2 )
submergence of ow is reduced compared with the free D pipe intake diameter (m)
vortex ow condition. FN Froude number
Another important result of this study is the val- f function
idation of the model scale and the sensitivity analysis, g gravitational acceleration (m/s2 )
since two di erent pipe sizes (75 and 100 mm) and dif-
ferent dimensionless parameters were used. The same RN Reynolds number
trend and the good correlation between the results r radial distance (m)
have been observed, which is encouraging for both pipe r0 pipe intake radius (m)
sizes. The results from the two pipe intakes show that
the smaller pipe diameter is large enough to avoid in- Q discharge of intake pipe (m3 /s)
signi cant forces and, also, that the ow conditions for Q0 reference discharge (m3 /s)
the experiments have been suitable. Also, sensitivity V pipe velocity (m/s)
analyses have been done among di erent important pa- V tangential velocity (m/s)
rameters a ecting critical submergence depths. After
the analysis of di erent parameters, using experimental S submergence depth (m)
data, the best t has been resulted as Equation 5. Scr critical submergence (m)
94 S.M. Borghei and A.R. Kabiri-Samani

S1 water depth far from the intake (m) 10. Rocklage-Marliani, G., Schmidts, M. and Ram, V.I.V.
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WN Weber number Scienti c Research, Springer Netherlands, 70(1-4), pp.
z axial distance (m) 43-67 (2003).
anti-vortex plates angle (rad.) 11. Carriveau, R. \The hydraulic vortex - an autocataki-
netic system", Intl. Journal of General Systems, 35(6),
circulation intensity (m2 /s) pp. 707-726 (2006).
N Kolf number 12. Reddy, Y.R. and Pickford, J.A. \Vortices at intake in
 kinematic viscosity (m2 /s) conventional sumps", Water Power, No. 3, pp. 108-109
 water density (kg/m3 )
13. Yildirim, N. and Kocabas, F. \Critical submergence
 surface tension (N/m) for intakes in open channel ow", Journal of Hydraulics
Division, ASCE, 121(12), pp. 900-905 (1995).
Subscripts 14. Yildirim, N. and Kocabas, F. \Prediction of critical
nv no vortex or ow through pipes submergence for an intake pipe", Journal of Hydraulic
without any visible vortex or swirling Research, IAHR, 40(4), pp. 507-518 (2002).
ow when using the anti-vortex plates 15. Borghei, S.M. and Kabiri Samani, A.R. \Critical sub-
np no plate when the ow is natural or mergence of vertical intakes using anti-vortex plates",
has free swirl Proc. of 6 Int. Conf. Civil Eng., IUT, Isfahan, Iran, 7,
pp. 59-66 (2003).
cr critical
16. Yildirim, N. \Critical submergence for a rectangular
intake", Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 130(10),
REFERENCES pp. 1195-1210 (2004).
1. Knauss, J. \Swirling ow problems at intakes", Hy- 17. Emdad, H. and Nikseresht, A.H. \Application of
draulic Structures Design Manual 1. A.A., IAHR, vortex lattice and quasi-vortex lattice method with
Balkema, Rotterdam (1987). free wake in calculation of aerodynamic characteristics
of a hovering helicopter rotor blade in ground e ect",
2. Gulliver, J.S., Rindels, A.J. and Lindblom, K.C. \De- Scientia Iranica, 10(1), pp. 84-90 (2003).
signing intakes to avoid free-surface vortices", Journal 18. Kazemzade Hannani, S. and Parsinejad, F. \Incom-
of Water Power and Dam Construction, 38(9), pp. 24- pressible stokes ow calculation using a nite point
28 (1986). method", Scientia Iranica, 10(1), pp. 44-55 (2003).
3. Kabiri-Samani, A.R., Borghei, S.M. and Saidi, M.H.
\Entrapped air in long water tunnels during transition BIOGRAPHIES
from pressurized to free surface ow regime", Scientia
Iranica, 13(2), pp. 174-186 (2006). S.M. Borghei was born in Tehran, Iran on 23 Dec,
4. Odgaard, A.J. \Free-surface air-core vortex", Journal 1954. He received his BS in civil engineering in 1977,
of Hydraulics Engineering, ASCE, 112(7), pp. 610-620 and his PhD in hydraulic engineering in 1982 from
(1986). Nottingham University in the UK. Dr Borghei began
5. Hite, E.J. Jr., Mih, W.C. \Velocity of air-core vortices his academic career at Sharif University of Technology,
at hydraulic intakes", Journal of Hydraulics Engineer- Iran, in 1983 and became professor in 2006. His main
ing, ASCE, 120(3), pp. 284-297 (1994). research interests include experimental and physical
modeling of hydraulic structures, and river engineering.
6. Daggett, L.L. and Keulegan, G.H. \Similitude in He has published and presented, respectively, more
free surface vortex formations", Journal of Hydraulics
Division, ASCE, 100(11), pp. 1565-1580 (1974). than 100 papers in scienti c journals and at conferences
in these areas of interest.
7. Anwar, H.O., Weller, J. and Amphlet, M.B. \Simi-
larity of free-vortex at horizontal intake", Journal of A.R. Kabiri-Samani completed his PhD in civil
Hydraulic Research, 16(2), pp. 95-105 (1978). engineering at Sharif University of Technology in the
8. Jain, A.K., Ranga Raju, K.G. and Garde, R.J. \Vor- eld of hydraulics. He has been faculty aliate as
tex formation at vertical pipe intakes", Journal of Assistant Professor in the civil engineering department
Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 104(10), pp. 1429-1445 of Isfahan University of Technology since 2006 until
(1978). the present. Since 2008, he is the graduate program
9. Padmanabhan, M. and Hecker, G.E. \Scale e ect in coordinator of the department.
pump sump models", Journal of Hydraulics Division, Dr Kabiri received the 2008 \Elite National
ASCE, 110(10), pp. 1540-1556 (1984). Foundation" for being ranked the highest of all PhD
E ect of Anti-Vortex Plates on Critical Submergence 95

graduated students in the civil engineering depart- pleted their graduate degrees in hydraulic engineer-
ment of Sharif University of Technology and the 2006 ing.
\Tavakkoli Award" due to his applicable research in He serves on the review board of the Journal of
two-phase ow mechanics. In 2003, he also received an Fluids Engineering (ASME), the Canadian Journal of
award for being among the top 10Education at Sharif Chemical Engineering (CSChE), the National Journal
University of Technology. of Hydraulics (Iranian Hydraulic Association) and the
He has authored more than 40 scienti c pub- National Journal of Water and Wastewater (Isfahan
lications, including 10 papers in scienti c journals, Water and Wastewater Consulting Engineers Co.).
30 conference papers and 4 technical reports. Un- He is also a member of seven professional societies,
der his guidance, six MS students have also com- including IAHR, EWRI, IHA, etc.

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