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Different Types of Drugs

caíne is a white powder made from the leave? ; í J ^ 3 Í ' - ^ ^ ! í ^ e s - t*!ie --hallueinatíons.. of

the coca bush. Cocaine ¡s a rapid-actirig, fr^$QÍy ¡unjpMasánt,\antt are called 'bad trips'
powerful stimulant. At first it gíves a feeling of -Tfiey c^ri cauáer feari dépression and mental
energy, confidence and strength. But after about, i^nessi 20 minutes users feel confused and
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are unable tó sleep. Repeated cocaine use can; d^J.uesnífferS-breáthein fumes from
cause tissue damage ¡n the nose and even hojesi thiilgsi jike glúe, paintf and cleaning fluid, they
in the nasal septum, the wall dividing the tyvo get a flóatihg feeliríg and hállucinations. But the
halves of the nose. An addítional risk of cocaine: fumes get ¡rifo the btoochandi o^amáge the heart.
isthepossibilityof beíng infécted withHIVwhen They a I so cause síckness/depressiorv, and bad
using a shared needle to inject it. \ facial acne\ People breathing thjs drug
\ |o feel gpod but theyend^up feeling very bad.
is made from a fungus. Users may see things
around them changing in colour, shape, and
size. Or they may see things which are not there

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líeróírTis made frotn^-opiufñ poppjeSr-lt gives^a-^ addicts: They may become reckless and tijrn to feettng"of~pbwer and^cgntentmént. ButjwherTthis ^,,erírhe to get money for it.Once yo,uare xaddicted -weafs off,users become
anxjousand cfepresse.dSo'" to_a drug, gjving up becomes-^difficült and -theyíake ínere-herotñ tóTeel better.Sooñíhey feej.-- painfuL«xperience: Orug addiets cause themselves
it and they become héroin\ ,and their famflies great unhappíness and stress.

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