The Clumsy Automobile

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The Clumsy Automobile

Sam Tremain

Draft 1
Ext: a small car park, Day

Act 1

A car enters a car park searching for a space, He finds

one but it is a tight fit. He contemplates the challenge
for a couple of seconds. Then looking confident he speeds
towards the space and, smash! He has hit one of the cars
flanking the space.

Act 2

A nearby dozing security camera is woken by the noise. He

looks over to see the struggling car reversing for
another run at the space. The car zooms forward and hits
the other car flanking the desired space. The camera
begins to chuckle.

The car notices the chuckling camera and begins to get

angry. He reverses to take another run but is too
vigorous and reverses into a lamppost. The camera is now
lathing hysterically, and the car looks even angrier.

Act 3

There is a look of intense concentration on the car as he

focuses on the space; the camera looks on anticipating
the next crash. The car closes his eyes, he zooms strait
in-between the flanking cars into the space and stops
abruptly. He has done it; he looks proud of his
achievement and looks at the camera, who looks very

Suddenly the car jerks forward and both characters look

surprised. He zooms strait forward smashing through the
wall directly in front of him, and directly underneath
the camera. The camera looks bemused for a moment, then
the wall collapses and the camera falls with it.

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