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3-D Drawings 1

Drawing Cubes

1 2 3 4
1. Draw a 'Y' shape.
2. Draw 2 lines straight down to make an 'M'.
3. Complete the top to make a 'table'.
4. Complete the base.
✎ Practice drawing some cubes. Try different sizes.

Drawing Cuboids
3 2
1 2

1 2 3 4
1. Draw a 'Y' shape.
2. Draw 2 lines straight down to make an 'M'.
3. Complete the top to make a 'table'.
4. Complete the base.
✎ Practice drawing these cuboids.

3 4
1 3 3
2 1

• Use a sharp pencil and a ruler.
• Count the gaps, not the dots.
• Take your time. Accuracy is more important than speed. ✔ ✘
• Get the paper the right way round ─ portrait not landscape. Page 1 2003-12-10

3-D Drawings 2
Hidden Lines
You can't see the edges at the back of the shape. You can show these hidden lines by
drawing dashed lines.

✎ Draw the hidden lines on the cuboids from sheet 1.

Putting Cubes Together

You can make more complicated shapes by putting cubes together.

You can rub out some of the lines to make the shape clear.

✎ Take 3 cubes. How many shapes can you make? Draw them. Page 2 2003-12-10

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