Paneer Reciepes

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Grind cloves, cinnamon to fine powder

2. Heat oil, fry few paneer cubes on medium heat until golden brown. Set the paneer pieces
3. Grate remaining paneer and keep it aside
4. Heat oil or butter, fry onions, ginger garlic paste, for 3 minutes.
5. Add tomato paste and puree and simmer for 5 minutes.
6. Add cashews, Dhania powder, Cumin powder, garam masala powder, salt,chilli powder,
extra butter and masala powder from step 1.
7. Add yogurt and stir until gravy becomes thick. Add fried paneer cubes, grated paneer add
1/2 -1 cup water and simmer for 5 minutes , until all the flavour is absorbed into paneer.
8. Serve hot garnished with coriander leaves.

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 Cut the paner into cubes.

 Mix together the cottage cheese, 1 tsp salt, egg, corn flour, garlic, ginger and water to just
coat the paneer pieces with the mixture.
 Heat oil in a pan and fry the paneer pieces caoted with mixture till golden in color.
 Heat 2 tbsp of the oil in a wok and stir fry the onions in it over high heat for half a
 Add the green chillies, salt, soya sauce, vinegar, ajinomoto and the fried paneer cubes.
 Mix well, and garnish the chilli paneer with finely cut spring onions and coriander

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