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(INDUSTRY-2) HELD DURING 19th?20th August, 2010

VENUE: Tagore Hall, SCOPE Convention Centre, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi - 110 003

TIME 10.00 A.M.

13.0 Opening Remarks of the Chairman

The Chairman could not attend the first day proceedings on 19th August,
2010 due to personal constraint. The Vice Chariman Shri R. K. Garg chaired
the proceedings on the first day. He welcomed all the Members present and
thereafter agenda items were taken for discussion.

The committee was briefed about the O.M. dated 9th August, 2010 regarding
accreditation/registration of the consultants by the QCI/NABET. It is informed
that last date for the accreditation/registration of the consultants is extended
till 31st December, 2010. However, presentation before the Expert Appraisal
Committees will be allowed by only those consultants who have either
accreditation/registration by the QCI/NABET or whose application is
satisfactory and complete by 30th June, 2010. No consultant who have
submitted application to QCI after 30th June, 2010 to QCI will be allowed until
& unless accreditated. List of such 206 consultants is provided by the
QCI/NABET and is available at the Ministry?s website.

The committee was also informed that site inspection of following 3 projects
at Mundra, Vadodara and Surat, Gujarat is carried out during 3rd?7th August,
2010 and site inspection report are placed before the committee.

1. Expansion of Production Capacity of hard Carbon Black (225 TPD to 365

TPD) and Cogeneration Power Plant (16 MW to 18 MW) at Village Moka,
Taluka Mundra, District Kuchchh in Gujarat by M/s Philips Carbon Black

2. Expansion of Dye & Dye Intermediates Unit and Power Plant (5 MW) at Sy.
No. 637, Village Kalamsar, Taluka Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat by
M/s Cambay Chem Limited.

3. Expansion of Pesticide unit and Co-generation Plant (2 MW) at GIDC,

District Surat Gujarat by M/s Hindustan Chemicals Company (Formerly
Cyanides & Chemicals Company).

A list of participants is annexed. Shri S.D. Attri from IMD could not
attend the meeting due to other preoccupations.

13.1 Confirmation of the Minutes of the 12th Meeting of the Expert

Appraisal Committee-2 (Industry) held during 15th - 16th July, 2010
Before confirming the Minutes, the Committee was informed that
some minor corrections are required in the proposal of M/s Paradeep
Phosphates Limited considered for the expansion of Fertilizer Plant
[Sulphuric Acid (2000 TPD to 2400 TPD) and DAP (2400 TPD to 5000 TPD)
by retrofitting at Paradeep, District Jagatshignpur, Orissa in the 12th EAC(I-2)
meeting held during 15th?16th July, 2010 due to representation by the PAs
vide e-mail dated 11th August, 2010.

It is stipulated to monitor Fluoride at S.N. ii in the

recommendations represented as below:

S.N. ii Wet scrubbing system to DAP and Alkali scrubbing system to PAP
Plant should be provided to control fluoride and emissions.
Cyclones, venturi scrubbers and mist eliminators alongwith stack
of adequate height should be provided to DAP Plant to control
particulate emissions. Alkali scrubber should be provided to SAP
unit to control SO2 and SO3. V2O5 catalyst and candle filters
should be provided to SAP unit to improve efficiency and reduce
emissions. PM2.5, PM10, Fl, SO2, NOX HCl, NH3 and fertilizer dust
emissions should be monitored.

PAs have clarified that since proposed plant is for Sulphuric acid plant,
no monitoring of Fluoride is required.

It is stipulated at S.N. xxxiii in the recommendations represented as


S.N. xxiii Permission and recommendations of the Chief Wildlife Warden

should be obtained regarding impact of the propowed expansion
of the plant on the wild life habitat at 10 km and all the
recommendations implemented in a time bound manner.

PAs have submitted in writing that no wildlife habitat or sanctuary is

located within 10 km radius of the project and therefore, above mentioned
condition is not applicable in their case.

After discussion, the Committee decided to withdraw Fluoride monitoring

from the condition at S.N. ii and delete condition at S.N. xxiii in view of the written
confirmation by the PAs.

The Minutes of the 12th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee-2

(Industry) held on 15th ? 16th July, 2010 were confirmed.

13.2 Consideration of the Projects

19th August, 2010

13.2.1 Grain based Distillery Unit (ENA and Rectified Spirit 60 KLPD) at Plot No.
B1 Bhediadangi Industrial Estate, Kishanganj, Bihar by M/s Precious
Suppliers Private Limited (TOR).
Project authorities didn?t attend the meeting and, therefore, it was decided that
proposal should be considered afresh whenever requested by the PAs.

13.2.2 Distillery Plant (Grain based; Extra Neutral Alcohol; 45 KLD) at Sy. No.
57/1 of Village Pothavaram, Mandal Nalljerla, District West Godavari,
Andhra Pradesh by M/s Jagruthi Biotech (P) Ltd. (TOR)
The project authorities and their consultant (SV Enviro Labs & Consultants,; QCI
S.N. 102) gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the project and
proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken alongwith the draft Term
of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All cane juice/non-molasses based
distilleries (> 30 KLD) are listed at S.N. 5 (g) under category ?A? and appraised at
Central level.

M/s Jagruthi Biotech (P) Ltd. have proposed for Distillery Plant (ENA; 45 KLD) at
Sy. No. 57/1 of Village Pothavaram, Mandal Nalljerla, District West Godavari, Andhra
Pradesh. Project area is 13.4 acres. Total project cost is Rs. 55.00 Crores.

PAs informed to the Committee that Cereal and grain will be used as raw
material. Coal and bagasse will be used in boiler. PAs earlier informed that ESP will be
provided to boiler to control particulate matter within CPCB standards and now informed
that Cyclone separator followed by scrubbers alongwith stack (30 m) will be used in the
boiler. During presentation, PAs have confirmed that bag filter will be used in boiler
instead for cyclone separator or ESP to control emissions within 100 mg/Nm3. Emission
released from storage/handling/transport of material will be suppressed by water
sprinkling to control SPM level. Ground water requirement is revised from 626 m3/day to
800 m3/day but Committee insisted for 626 m3/day only. Wastewater generation is
revised from 25 m3/day to 324 m3/day. Boiler blow down and cooling water will be
treated by neutralizing the effluents and treated water will be used for ash quenching
and green belt. Sewage will be treated through septic tank followed by soak pit. DG
sets (2x500 KVA) will be installed. Spent oil will be sold to MoEF approved vendors or
sent to TSDF. Boiler Ash will be disposed off to brick manufacturing units. ETP sludge
(30 kg/day) will be used as manure. Evaporation sludge will be used in cake preparation.

Green belt will be developed in 6.0 acre and further revised to 5.0 acre. Acoustic
enclosure will be provided to DG set. Double cavity wall will be provided in the closed
chamber to reduce noise levels generated from dryer section hammers. Coal (60 MTD)
and bagasse will be used as fuel. During presentation, bagasses will be also

After deliberations, the Committee prescribed the following TORs for undertaking
detailed EIA study:

1. Executive summary of the project.

2. Detailed break up of the land area alongwith photograph of the area.
3. Present land use based on satellite imagery.
4. Details of site and information related to environmental setting within 10 km
radius of the project site.
5. Information regarding eco-sensitive area such as national park / wildlife
sanctuary / biosphere reserves within 10 km radius of project area.
6. List of existing distillery units in the area alongwith their capacity.
7. Number of working days of the distillery unit.
8. Details of raw material and source of raw material including cereal grains.
9. Sources of fuel and quantity for the boiler
10. Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards for PM10,
PM2.5, SO2 and NOX as per GSR 826(E) dated 16th November, 2009 ..
11. One season site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative
humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall and AAQ data (except
monsoon) for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX should be collected. The monitoring stations
should take into account the pre-dominant wind direction, population zone and
sensitive receptors including reserved forests. Data for water and noise
monitoring should also be included.
12. Mathematical modeling for calculating the dispersion of air pollutants and ground
level concentration along with emissions from the boiler.
13. An action plan to control and monitor secondary fugitive emissions from all the
sources as per the latest permissible limits issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R.
414(E) dated 30th May, 2008.
14. Details of the use of steam from the boiler and use of fuel.
15. Ground water quality around spent wash storage lagoon and the project area.
16. Detailed water requirement and water balance and measures for conservation
water by recycling and reuse to minimize the fresh water requirement.
17. ?Permission? for the drawl of 626 m3/day (restricted from 800 m3/day) water from
the CGWA/SGWB/concerned authority. Water balance cycle data including
quantity of effluent generated recycled and reused and discharged.
18. Hydro-geological study of the area for availability of ground water.
19. Proposed effluent treatment system and scheme for achieving ?zero? discharge.
20. Details of the spent wash treatment.
21. Details of solid waste management including management of boiler ash.
22. Green belt development as per the CPCB guidelines.
23. List of flora and fauna in the study area.
24. Noise levels monitoring at five locations within the study area.
25. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details
of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring
frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation
measure should be provided.
26. EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
27. Risk assessment for storage and handling of alcohol and mitigation measure due
to fire and explosion and handling areas.
28. Alcohol storage and handling area fire fighting facility as per OISD 117 norms.
29. Provision of Foam System for fire fighting to control fire from the alcohol storage
30. Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site should be included to
harvest rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the
ground water.
31. Details of occupational health surveillance programme.
32. Details of socio-economic welfare activities.
33. Action plan for post-project environmental monitoring.
34. Any litigation pending against the project and /or any direction /order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
35. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on
the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular
chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.
36. Total cost of the project alongwith total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for
environmental pollution control measures.
37. A tabular chart with index for point-wise compliance of above TORs.

The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
(v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter and that raised in Public Hearing/consultation alongwith duly filled
in Industry Sector questionnaire. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must
indicate the specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the
above issues and the issues raised in the Public hearing have been
(vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.

The Committee decided that the proponent should prepare EIA/EMP Report
based on the above TORs and submit the same to the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control
Board for conducting public hearing/consultation. The EIA/EMP Report should be as per
the generic structure given in Appendix-III of EIA Notification, 2006. The concerns
emerged during the Public Consultation should be incorporated in the EIA/EMP Report
and the final EIA/EMP submitted to the Ministry for obtaining environmental clearance.

13.2.3 Distillery Plant (Molasses as well as grain based; 60 KLD) with Co-
generation Power Plant (2.0 MW) in the existing Sugar Manufacturing Unit
at Village Desanur, Tehsil Siruguppa, District Bellary, Karnataka by M/s
NSL Sugars (Tungabhadra) Ltd. (Formarly, Siruguppa Sugars & Chemical
Ltd) (TOR)
The project authorities and their consultant (Pioneer Environ Labs; QCI S.N. 34)
gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed
environmental protection measures to be undertaken alongwith the draft Term of
References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All molasses based distilleries and cane
juice/non-molasses based distillery (>30 KLD) are listed at S.N. 5(g) (i)&(ii) under
category ?A? and appraised at Central level.

PAs vide letter dated 18th August, 2010 have informed that name of M/s
Siruguppa Sugars & Chemical Ltd has been changed to M/s NSL Sugars (Tungabhadra)
Ltd. and submitted a copy of Memorandum of Articles of Association and Register of
Company Certificate of NSL Sugars (Tungabhadra) Ltd. Affidavit is yet to be submitted.

M/s NSL Sugars (Tungabhadra) Ltd. (Formarly Known as Siruguppa Sugars &
Chemical Ltd) have proposed for setting up of Distillery Plant (Molasses as well as grain
based; 60 KLD) alongwith Cogeneration Power Plant (2.0 MW) in the existing Sugar unit
at Sy. No. 111, 112, 113, 114, 114A, 115, 115A, 115C, 116 to 120, 124, 125A, 125B,
125C, 126, 127, 128, 128A, 129, 129B, 130, 131A & 131B, Village Desanur, Tehsil
Siruguppa, District Bellary, Karnataka. Nearest town is Siruguppa at 1.8 Km.
Tungabandra River is located at 0.9 Km. Total plot area is 141.97 acres. Total project
cost is Rs. 69.00 Crores. No litigation/court case is in pending against the project. PAs
have confirmed that no national park/wildlife sanctuaries/reserve forests is located within
10 Km. PAs have informed that State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority
(SEIAA) has accorded environmental clearance for the captive power plant (28 MW,
under implementation) with bagasse/biomass fuels. A copy of environment clearance
letter for expansion of sugar plant (1500 TCD to 3500 TCD) and establishment of Co-
gen power plant (28 MW) at Desanur, Siruguppa, Bellary by M/s Siruguppa Sugars and
Chemicals accorded by SEIAA, Karnataka vide No. SEIAA: 56: Ind: 2008 dated 14th
August, 2009 alongwith compliance report is submitted. Rs. 15.00 Crores and Rs.
100.00 Lakhs are earmarked toward capital cost and recurring cost/annum for pollution
contol measures. No litigation/court case is pending against the project. Details of
existing units and proposed units alongwith production capacity are as given below:

S. N. Units Existing Proposed Total

1 Sugar [1500 TCD(operational) + 2000 -- 3500 TCD
TCD (under implementation)]
2 Captive Power Plant 28 MW (under implementation) 2 MW 30 MW
3 Distillery (Ethanol, -- 60 KLD 60 KLD
Rectified Spirit and Extra
Neutral Alcohol)

PAs informed to the Committee Sugar cane juice/grains/molasses will be used as

raw materials. ENA production will involve the extraction and saccharfication of starches
and their conversion into alcohol by fermentation process involving various processes
such as grain milling, cooking, fermentation and distillation. The process of converting to
alcohol is by the single continuous fermentation process. Cereal grain will be broken into
small particle size by the milling. In cooking, grain meal will be mixed with water and
then mixed with pre-liquefying enzyme. This mash will be fed into a jet cooker, where
steam will be mixed and held at high temperature and pressure. The purpose of cooking
and saccharification is to achieve hydrolysis of starch into fermentable sugars.
Saccharified slurry will be pumped into fermentation tank and added with suitable yeast,
which will be kept for 50 to 55 hours. The fermented mash will be collected in the clarifier
wash tank and then pumped to Mesh or primary column for distillation. In multi-pressure
distillation, ethanol will be separated and concentrated using principal of fraction

In Thermo-permeation Technology based process and plant for sugar cane

processing, prepared sugar case stem will be fed into the trough with help of belt feeder.
97 to 98% of the fermentable sugar will be extracted in the main juice. The juice will be
treated and sent for evaporation, where clarified juice will be concentrated to about 36%
w/w fermentable sugars and 72% fermentable sugar as syrup storage. The cooled syrup
will be fed into fermentors. At steady state, activated cell mass from yeast activation
vessel will be transferred continuously to fermentor-I. Syrup, process water and vinasse
from yeast activation vessel will be added to fermentor. Fermented wash from
Fermentor-I will overflow to Fermentor-II, Fermentor-II will overflow to Fermentor-III &
Fermentor-II will overflow to Fermentor-IV. Fermented wash from this fermentor will be
sent to wash charger & then for distillation.

ESP will be provided to the boiler (25 TPH) to bring down particulate matter in
the flue gas less than 100 mg/Nm3 to comply with KSPCB norms. The treated flue gas
will be discharged into atmosphere through stack. CO2 (45.6 TPD) will be recovered in
CO2 recovery plant and will be given to bottling units. The imported/indigenous coal will
be brought to the site through covered trucks. Dust generated near raw material
handling and transfer point will be suppressed by spraying of water and extraction
systems with bag filters to control fugitive emission due to material handling. Pucca road
will be provided.

Total water requirement for proposed distillery plant from Tungabadra River will
be 1,500 m3/day. Spent wash (Molasses) will be passed through decanter and then the
thin slop from decanter will be dried in Multiple Effect Evaporators (MEE) followed by
incineration. Spent wash (Grain) will be treated in MEE to concentrate the solids to 30 %
w/w and then taken to a dryer alongwith wet cake from Decanter to concentrate the
solids to 90% w/w and will be sold as cattle feed. The boiler blow down water will be
reused in the MEE cooling tower. The cooling tower blow down will be utilized for green
belt and ash quenching. The treated effluent will comply with standards stipulated by
KSPCB for wastewater for inland for irrigation and will be utilized for green belt. Sewage
will be treated through septic tank followed by soak pit. No effluent will be discharged
outside the plant and ?Zero? discharge will be adopted.

DDGS will be used as cattle feed. Ash generated will be given to brick
manufacturers/cement plants. Yeast sludge will be used as manure.

Green belt is already developed in 15 acres and another 35 acres is under

development of greenbelt. Acoustic enclosures will be provided to turbines to regulate
noise levels. Coal (440 MTPD), Concentrated spent wash (160 TPD) or biomass (135
TPD) will be used as fuel for 25 TPH boiler. During presentation, PAs have requested
for usage of coal as fuel in 28 MW Co-genration power plant alongwith bagasse &
biomass fuels.

After deliberations, the Committee prescribed the following TORs for undertaking
detailed EIA study:

1. Executive summary of the project.

2. Affidavit regarding change in the name of the company.
3. Detailed break up of the project cost.
4. Detailed break up of the land area along with photograph of the area.
5. Present land use based on satellite imagery.
6. Details of site and information related to environmental setting within 10 km
radius of the project site.
7. Information regarding eco-sensitive area such as national park/wildlife sanctuary/
biosphere reserves/reserve forests within 10 km radius of project area.
8. List of existing distillery units in the area alongwith their capacity
9. Details of raw material and source of raw material including grains.
10. Details for the molasses & gain based plant and CO2 recovery plant.
11. Data on existing ambient air, stack emission, fugitive emissions data; water
requirement and water balance cycle; generation, re-utilization and disposal of
solid/hazardous waste for the existing plant and predicted increase in pollution
load (GLCs) due to proposed expansion should be incorporated.
12. All the environment clearances accorded by the Ministry, Consent to Establish
and Operate and point-wise compliance to the specific and general conditions
stipulated in the Environmental Clearance and Consent to Establish and Operate
for all the existing plants. Sources of fuel and quantity for the boiler
13. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring for PM10, PM2.5, SO2 and NOx as per GSR 826(E)
dated 17th November, 2009 for three months except monsoon.
14. Mathematical modeling for calculating the dispersion of air pollutants and ground
level concentration along with emissions from the boiler.
15. Details of the use of steam from the boiler and use of fuel.
16. Ground water quality around spent wash storage lagoon and the project area.
17. Number of working days of the distillery unit.
18. Details of the spent wash treatment.
19. Proposed effluent treatment system and scheme for achieving ?zero? discharge.
20. Detailed water requirement and water balance and measures for conservation
water by recycling and reuse to minimize the fresh water requirement.
21. Permission for the drawal of 1,500 m3/day from Tungabadra River from the
Irrigation Department.
22. Hydro-geological study of the area for availability of ground water.
23. Details of solid waste management including management of boiler ash
alongwith action plan.
24. Green belt development as per the CPCB guidelines.
25. Noise levels monitoring at five locations within the study area.
26. List of flora and fauna in the study area.
27. Environment Management Plan.
28. Risk assessment for storage and handling of alcohol and mitigation measures
due to fire and explosion and handling areas.
29. Fire fighting system as per OISD-117 norms.
30. Provision of Foam System for fire fighting to control fire from the alcohol storage
31. Rainwater harvesting measures.
32. Details of occupational health surveillance programme.
33. Details of socio economic welfare activities.
34. Post project environmental monitoring.
35. Any litigation pending against the project and /or any direction /order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
36. Action plan in the tabular form to the issues/suggestions made during the public
hearing along with the implementation plan and allocation of funds.
37. A tabular chart indicating point-wise compliance of the TORs.

The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
(v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter and that raised in Public Hearing/consultation along with duly filled
in Industry Sector questionnaire. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must
indicate the specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the
above issues and the issues raised in the Public hearing have been
(vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.

The Committee decided that the proponent should prepare EIA/EMP Report
based on the above TORs and submit the same to the Karnataka Pollution Control
Board for conducting public hearing/consultation. The EIA/EMP Report should be as per
the generic structure given in Appendix-III of EIA Notification, 2006. The concerns
emerged during the Public Consultation should be incorporated in the EIA/EMP Report
and the final EIA/EMP submitted to the Ministry for obtaining environmental clearance

13.2.4 Greenfield Molasses/Grain based Distillery Unit (ENA/AA 120 KLPD)

alongwith Captive Power Plant (4.5 MW) at Village Vadaseri, Taluk
Orathanadu, District Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu by M/s Kings India Chemicals
Corporation Ltd. (EC)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs) again awarded during the 3rd
meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 15th-16th September,
2009 for preparation of EIA/EMP report. All Molasses based distillery and juice/non-
molasses based distillery (>30 KLD) are listed at S.N. 5(g) (i) & (ii) under category ?A?
and appraised at Central level. The proposal regarding Greenfield Molasses/grain based
distillery unit (120 KLPD) was earlier considered by the Expert Appraisal Committee in
its 87th meeting held during 25th & 26th November, 2008. The Committee prescribed the
TORs for undertaking the detailed EIA study and advised the project proponent to
submit the EIA/EMP report to the State Pollution Control Board for conducting public
hearing. However, PAs vide letter dated 8th July, 2009, requested the Ministry to issue
fresh TORs since there is change in scope of the proposal and change of site. All
Molasses and juice/non-molasses based distillery (>30 KLD) are listed at S.N. 5(g) (i) &
(ii) under category ?A? and appraised at Central level.

Before initiating technical presentation, the Committee was informed that a writ
petition against the proposed project was filed before Madurai bench of Hon?ble Madras
High Court (WP No. 5026 of 2010). Hon?ble Court order dated 15th July, 2010 has
directed 4th Respondent (MoEF) ?to afford sufficient oppurtinities to all the parties
concerned before arriving at any decision on the issue of establishing the first
Respondent Unit,now pending consideration before him and pass appropriate orders on
merits and in accordance with law. All the parties are entitled to make their submissions
before the said Authority for appreciation and assessment?.
As per the Hon?ble High Court Order dated 15th July, 2010, all the petitioners
were invited by the MoEF vide letter dated 30th July, 2010 to submit the views in person
as well as in writing to all the members of the EAC (I-2) for consideration in the meeting
on 19th August, 2010. On behalf on the petitioners, Shri S. Vijayan, Advocate, T.N. High
Court informed the Ministry just one day before that Shri Ritwick Datta and Shri Vijay
Subramanian will also accompany the petitioner. Following persons participated in the
EAC(I) meeting on behalf of the petitioners :

1. Shri Ritwick Dutta, Advocate, N 71, GK-1, New Delhi.

2. Shri S. Manikandan, Advocate
3. Shri S. Vijayan
4. Shri A Krishanmurthy
5. Shri N Relvur
6. Shri M Sovkkthivelun
7. Shri C. Palanivielraj and other 4 persons
8. Shri M Natrajan
9. Shri S. M. Sikka
10. Shri T Mohan
11. Shri R B Rajkumar
12. Shri Pramod Pillai

A comparison of the above mentioned participants with the following real

petitioners revealed that none of the following petitioner participated in the Expert
Appraisal Committee (Industry-2) meeting :

1. A.R. Thangavel
2. P.N.S. Raja
3. Tmt. Bharathi Manivasagam
4. Tmt. M. Parvathi
5. A.L.Kannan
6. P.R. Manikandan
7. Tmt. P.M.Santhi

Most of the persons participated were advocates except 2 local villagers. The
committee clearly informed to the participants that Expert Appraisal Committee
(Industry-2) being a Technical Committee will evaluate the project based on the
technical aspects only. This is a rare case where advocates have appeared in large
number in EAC alongwith a few petitioners.

M/s Kings India Chemicals Corporation Limited have proposed for Greenfield
Molasses/Grain based Distillery Unit (ENA/AA; 120 KLPD) alongwith Captive Power
Plant (4.5 MW) at Village Vadaseri, Taluk Orathanadu, District Thanjavur, Tamilnadu. No
Wildlife Sanctuary/National Park/Biosphere reserve etc. is located within 10 km radius of
the project. No Forest land and rehabilitation and resettlement is involved. Total land
requirement is revised from 20.20 acres to 20.21 acres. Total cost of the project is
revised from Rs. 120.00 Crores to Rs. 147.47 Crores. Rs. 50.00 Crores and Rs. 4.41
Crores are earmarked toward capital cost and recurring cost/annum respectively for
environment protection measures. PAs have informed that distillery plant will be in
operation for 365 days per year either on molasses or grain.
Raw material requirement will be Molasses (511 MTPD) / Grains (maize/sorgam,
308 MTPD), Urea/DAP (180 Kg/day), Turkey red oil (anti-foaming oil, 360 Kg/day).

It is mentioned in the EIA/EMP report that ambient air quality monitoring was
carried out at 7 locations during January, 2009?March, 2009 but later on informed to the
Ministry that monitoring has been carried out during January, 2010?March, 2010 and not
in January, 2009?March, 2009 which is a typographical error. Data submitted indicated
as SPM (92-183 ug/m3), SO2 (15-19 ug/m3), NOx (2-7 ug/m3) and HC (BDL) and are
within the permissible limit. Incremental concentration due to proposed project was
estimated as SPM (2.08 ug/m3), SO2 (6.94 ug/m3) and NOx (3.28 ug/m3) which are within
the permissible limit. Bag filters will be provided to incinerator boiler to control
particulate matter and waste gases pass through stack (80 m). Stack (10 m) will be
provided to DG set (3x 550 KVA).

Total water requirement will be 4,819 m3/day. However, PAs during presentation
informed that actual fresh ground water requirement will be 1,813 m3/day and balance
quantity of 3,006 m3/day will be met from the recycled streams to be used again in the
process. Total water requirement for the molasses based alcohol production and grain
based alcohol production will be 1,708 m3/day and 1,813 m3/day respectively. A copy of
the agreement signed between PAs and Executive Engineer, PWD, Ground Water
Division, Thanjavur for ground water drawl (1,722 m3/day) is submitted. Total
wastewater generation for molasses based operations will be 2,088 m3/day out of which
spent wash generation will be 1,155 m3/day. The total wastewater generation for grain
based operations will be 1,287 m3/day out of which spent lees generation will be 608
m3/day. The low strength inorganic wastewater stream will be filtered and reused for
horticulture purpose. Spent wash will be concentrated by multiple effect evaporators
(MEE) and used for power generation, thereby, reducing the fossil fuel requirement. The
process condensate from the spent wash evaporator will be mixed with spent lees
stream and taken for two stage reverse osmosis for water recovery. Domestic
wastewater will be treated in sewage treatment plant (STP) consistin of electro-
coagulation, degasser tower, pressure sand filter treatment facility. All the treated
wastewater will be recycled/reused in the process, cooling tower, dust suppression and
green belt development. PAs confirmed that no treated wastewater will be discharged
outside the premises and ?Zero? discharge will be strictly adopted.

PAs confirmed that rainwater harvesting structure for roof top and storm water
will be created to harvest approximately 80,000 m3 water which will be used to recharge
sub-soil water table.

PAs informed that incinerator boiler residue will be sold to the vendors as cheap
fertilizer. Sludge will be mixed with incinerator boiler ash. However, the Committee
didn?t agree for the same and asked to follow Fly Ash Notification.

Green belt will be developed in 6.0 acres out of total land 20.21 acres. Total
power requirement for the proposed unit from captive power plant (3.0 MW). DG sets (3
x 550 KVA) will be installed for power back up. Acoustic enclosures will be provided. Ear
muffs and ear plug will be provided to workers. Coal (100 TPD) and concentrated spent
wash (340-360 TPD) will be used as fuel.

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board on 9th
April, 2010. The main issues raised during the public hearing included adequate
pollution control measure, effect on agricultural land due to the establishment of the
factory, benefits to the villagers, ground water availability, effluent disposal system,
electricity to the villagers, supply of compost, employment etc. PAs clarified all the
issues before the Expert Appraisal Committee and also informed about the commitment
made to the public for providing direct and indirect employment approximately to 200
and 500 persons respectively.

To the question from the Committee whether any detailed study has been carried
out by the Project Proponent?s in respect of ground water availability and impact of their
withdrawal on other users, particularly for agriculture, it was mentioned that they have
given the approval by the Ground Water Board.
The Advocates representing the petitioners made their presentation before the
Committee. Initially, a few discrepencies in the EIA/MP report were reported. It was
clarified that Ministry also noticed the same and have already been communicated to
PAs vide Ministry?s letter dated 11th August, 2010 and have received point-wise reply
also. They have been incorporated in the presentation but yet to be incorporated in the
final EIA/EMP. The letter provided by the Advocate was provided to the PAs to respond
to incorporate the amendments in the final EIA/EMP.
Since the Committee wanted to have first hand information from the affected
persons, two local villagers who accompanied the Advocates were called on the dais to
express their real concerns. Both the villagers expressed their main concern and fear in
local language (translated by one of the Advocate and verified by one of the EAC
Member) about the ground water depletion in the past in the area and installation of
distillery unit which will further aggravate the situation due to withdrawl of ground water
and will affect their agricultural activities particularly paddy. Besides, discharge from the
distillery unit may also cause pollution. ?NOC? was initially accorded by the Village
Panchayat and has been withdrawn later on.
A videofilm prepared by NGO was also displayed before the Committee showing
people being stopped by the police for proceeding. As per the petitioners, they were
stopped from attending the public hearing. The public hearing report alongwith
representations is submitted by the TNPCB vide letter dated 13th April, 2010 to the
Ministry wherein it is mentioned that public hearing is conducted on 9th April, 2010 with
99 signatories. It is mentioned that people who attended the public hearing were other
than those from the Village Vadaseri. Reason for delay in starting the public hearing
meeting is also mentioned as demonstration by the public for holding the meeting at
place other than factory site. And damage to vehicles parked near the public hearing
After these deliberations, the Committee came to the conclusion that before a
recommendation could be made, information would be needed as follows :
1. From TNPCB confirming whether public hearing was concluded as per the EIA
Notification, 2006 or not? Whether public hearing was complete or not? When
and where the disturbance started and how long it continued? Whether public
hearing was vitiated? Who represented District Collector in his absence and what
was his designation? Was it below the rank of ADM? Videofilm prepared by the
TNPCB does not show any violence (although reported in the public hearing
report) but the same has been reported by the NGOs. Location of the violence
and its impact on the proceedings of the public hearing may be illustrated.
2. From Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) to comment upon ground water
depletion in the recent past years and impact of the proposed project on ground
water depletion. A report may be asked to be submitted at the earliest.
The proposal is deferred till the information from the TNPCB and CGWA is

13.2.5 Grain based Distillery Unit (60 KLPD) and CPP (1.5 MW) at Simalwadi,
District Kishanganj, Bihar by M/s Kishanganj Jute Mills Ltd. (EC)
The project authorities and their consultant (M/s Mantras Resources,
Maharashtra; QCI S.N. 69) gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the
project and proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken as per Draft
Terms of References (TORs) awarded during the 4th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal
Committee (Industry) held during 23rd -24th October, 2009 for preparation of EIA/EMP.
All cane juice/non-molasses based distillery (>30 KLD) are listed at S.N. 5(g) (ii) under
category ?A? and appraised at Central level.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Kishanganj Jute Mills Ltd.
have proposed for Grain based Distillery (RS & ENA, 60 KLPD) at Simalwadi, District
Kishanganj, Bihar. Project area is 9.5 acres. No forest land and R & R is involved. No
wildlife sanctuary/ reserve forest or archeological monument within 10 km. Mahananda
River is at 5 Km. Total project cost is Rs. 80.00 Crores. Rs. 525.00 Lakhs are earmarked
toward capital cost for pollution control measures. Distillery will operate for 330 days.
Grain (4750 MTPM) will be used as raw material. ENA production will involve the
extraction and saccharfication of starches and their conversion into alcohol by
fermentation process, which will include various processes such as grain milling,
cooking, fermentation and distillation. The process of converting to alcohol will be by the
single continuous fermentation process. Corn grain will be broken into small particle
size by the milling. In cooking, grain meal will be mixed with water and then mixed with
pre-liquefying enzyme. This mash will be fed into a jet cooker, where steam will be
mixed and held at high temperature and pressure. The purpose of cooking and
saccharification is to achieve hydrolysis of starch into fermentable sugars. Then
saccharified slurry will be pumped into fermentation tank and added with suitable yeast,
which will be kept for 50 to 55 hours. The fermented mash will be collected in the clarifier
wash tank and then pumped to Mesh or primary column for distillation. This distillation
section, comprising of unit like beer column, rectified, stripper, molecular sieve beds etc.
Alcohol recovered in stripper column is concentrated and purified in subsequent
distillation column to get high grade rectified spirit product. The product is condensed,
cooled and stored. The proposed co-generation plant will have one boiler (20 TPH) for
supplying steam to turbo generator of 1.5 MW.

Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 4 locations during November,
2009 and January 2010 and submitted data revealed concentration of SPM (98-150
ug/m3), RSPM (20-53 ug/m3), SO2 (5.4-8.8 ug/m3) and NOx (6.8?12.3 ug/m3). The
exhaust gases of boiler will be passed through cyclone followed by bag filter or ESP and
discharged into atmosphere from stack (32 m) to control the particulate emission below
CPCB standards.
Total water requirement from bore well / Mahananda River will be 1,000 m3/day
but Committee restricted to 800 m3/day. Permission will be taken from CGWA/SGWB/
competent authority. Spent wash generation from the proposed distillery will be about
480 m3/day. No effluent will be discharged from the proposed distillery. ?Zero? discharge
will be maintained. Spent wash from distillation section will be passed through high
speed decanter, which will separate suspended grain fiber and solids from the spent
wash and will split spent wash feed into two streams. Solids stream (wet cake)
consisting of majority of the suspended solids having approximately 30 % solids and 70
% water. Thin spillage will be collected in a tank and pumped to a stream heated high
energy efficient multi-effect evaporators for concentration. Part of thin spillage will be
recycled back to the liquefaction section. The concentrated syrup from multi-effect
evaporator system will be mixed with wet cake from spent wash decanter and mixture is
known as DWGS (Distillers Wet Grain and Soluble). The effluent generated from boiler
blow down, cooling tower blow down and WTP wash will be treated in ETP and treated
wastewater will be used for gardening besides recycling as mentioned above. ?Zero?
discharge will be maintained.

DDGS will be sold to the local feed lots/dairies. Fly ash and bottom ash from
boiler will be used as fertilizer / brick production / land filling.

Green belt will be developed in 3.5 acres out of total land 9.5 acre. Proper
lubrication and regular maintenance of all machineries will be done. Green belt, barrier
and landscaping will be done. Rubber sheet packing will be done in the foundation of
machineries. Power requirement from captive power plant will be 1.5 MW. Imported coal
and rice husk will be used as fuel in boiler.

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Bihar State Pollution Control Board on
27th April, 2010. The issues raised during the public hearing were regarding local
employment, impact of project on environment, stack emissions etc. and have been
incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report

After detailed deliberations, the Committee suggested submission of following

information for records :

3. Recheck ambient air quality emission data and resubmit.

4. Reanalysis of ground water data.
5. Water balance cycle alongwith flow chart.

The Committee recommended the proposal for considering for environmental

clearance subject to stipulation of following specific conditions:
1. Multi-cyclone followed by bag filter alongwith stack of adequate height should be
provided to boiler. Stack should also be provided to DG sets.
2. Total water requirement from bore well / Mahananda River should not exceed
800 m3/day and prior permission should be obtained from the Competent
Authority/Central Ground Water Authority/State Ground Water Board.
3. Spent wash from distillation section should be passed through high speed
decanter and multi-effect evaporators for concentration. Thin spillage should be
recycled back to the liquefaction section. The concentrated syrup from multi-
effect evaporator system should be mixed with wet cake and used as cattle feed.
4. No effluent should be discharged outside the premises and ?Zero? discharge will
be adopted.
5. Green belt should be developed in 3.5 acres (35 %) out of total land 9.5 acre.
6. Fire Fighting System should be as per the OISD-117 Norms.
7. All the commitments made during the Public Hearing / Public Consultation
meeting held on 27th April, 2010 should be satisfactorily implemented and
adequate budget provision should be made accordingly.

13.2.6 Distillery Unit (Grain based; 45 KLPD) at Khatkhati, Block Bokajan,

District Karbi Anglong, Assam by M/s Radiant Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd.
(TOR to EC)
The project authorities and their consultant (Shiva Test House; QCI S.N. 137)
gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed
environmental protection measures to be undertaken as per Draft Terms of References
(TORs) awarded during the 1st EAC (I-2) meeting held during 24th-25th July, 2009. All
the Cane juice / non-molasses based distillery units (>30 KLPD) are listed at S.N. 5(g)
under Category ?A? and appraised at the Central level.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Radiant Manufacturers Pvt.
Ltd. have proposed for the Distillery Unit (Grain based; 45 KLPD) at Khatkhati, Block
Bokajan, District Karbi Anglong, Assam. Distillary unit will be based on grain based only
and no molasses based distillery unit will be installed. No wildlife sanctuary/national
biosphere reserve is located within 10 km radius of the project site. River Dhansiri flows
at 2 km. Total project area is 15 acres. ?Consent to Establish? has been accorded by
the Assam Pollution Control Board vide letter no.WB/GOL/T-15/09-1-/155/1836 dated
31st March, 2010 (Annexure-IV in EIA/EMP). No litigation is pending against the project
in any court. Total cost of the project is Rs. 50.00 Crores. Rs. 155.00 Lakhs and Rs.
1.63 Lakhs are earmarked towards capital cost and recurring cost/annum for
environment pollution control measure. During presentation, capital cost for pollution
control measures has been revised to Rs. 750.00 Lakhs.
Process will involve fermentation, distillation and evaporation. Distillery unit will
work for 339 days and revised to 330 days. Alcohol will be produced by fermentation of
saccharine or oligo-saccharide materials by yeast under suitable conditions. Sugar
available in grains will be recovered in the process. The sugar will be utilized by yeast to
produce ethyl alcohol. Grains like broken rice, wheat, jawar, maize (122-132 TPD),
Sodium hydroxide (caustic) (100 kg/day) Sulphuric acid (95 kg/day), Ammonia (110
kg/day), Liquefying enzymes (30 l/day) and saccharifying enzymes (50 kg/day) will be
used as raw materials.

Ambient air quality was maintained at 50 location for SPM (90.8-1546 mg/m3),
RPM (49.9-83.5 mg/m3), SO2 (11-42.4 mg/m3), NOx (13-44.5 mg/m3) and are within the
permissible limits. Bag filter and stack (35 m) will be provided to the boiler (15 TPH) to
control particulate emission within 150 mg/m3 but Committee insisted to achieve 100
Total ground water requirement from bore wells is revised from 2,034 m3/day to
1,550 m3/day after recycling and ?Permission? from the CGWA/SGWB is yet to be
obtained. Freshwater requirement will be only 560 m3/day. The wastewater generation
will be 1,314 m3/day. Liquid effluent will be evaporated in the multiple-effect evaporator
(MEE) entirely and its process condensate will be utilized in fermentation process.
Wastewater (990 m3/day) will be recycled back to the process for utilization in
liquefaction/fermentation/cooling tower and for gardening. The raw spent wash will be
fed to the centrifugal decanter for separation of suspended solids followed by
evaporation in evaporation and used as cattle feed. Domestic effluent will be treated in
septic tank followed by soak pit. No effluent will be discharged outside the premises and
?Zero? discharge will be adopted.

Solid waste generated in the process of fermentation sludge (5 MTPD) will be

used for land filling after drying in sludge drying beds. Wet cakes (90-100 MTPD) will be
generated and used as cattle feed. Waste oil will be sold to authorized recyclers/re-
processors. Boiler ash (15 MTPD) will be used for landfilling.

Out of 15 acres, green belt will be developed in 5 acres. Total power requirement
will be 1717 KW. Coal/rice husk will be used as fuel in the boiler (15 TPH) and HSD in
the D.G. Sets.

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Assam Pollution Control Board on 17th
February, 2010. The issues raised included no discharge of waste water, air pollution
control measures, solid waste management, employment to local people etc. and have
satisfactorily been incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report
adequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other
environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance :

1. Distillery unit should be based on grain based only and no molasses based
distillery unit should be installed.

2. Bag filter alongwith stack of adequate height should be provided to the boiler (15
TPH) to control particulate emission within 100 mg/m3.

3. The total Freshwater requirement from ground water should not exceed 560
m3/day. Permission for the drawl of 560 m3/day ground water from the Central
Ground Water Authority / Central Ground Water Board (CGWA/CGWB) should
be obtained.

4. The wastewater generation should not exceed 1,314 m3/day. Spent wash should
be fed to the centrifugal decanter for separation of suspended solids followed by
evaporation in the multiple-effect evaporator (MEE) entirely and its process
condensate should be utilized in fermentation process. Wet cake from decanter
should be used as cattle feed. Wastewater (990 m3/day) should be recycled back
to the process for utilization in liquefaction/fermentation/cooling tower and for
gardening. The treated effluent quality should comply with CPCB/State Pollution
Control Board norms.
5. No effluent should be discharged outside the premises and ?Zero? discharge will
be adopted.
6. All the commitments made during the Public Hearing / Public Consultation
meeting held on 17th February, 2010 should be satisfactorily implemented and
adequate budget provision should be made accordingly.
7. Green belt should be developed in 33% of the total land (15 acres).

13.2.7 Expansion of Distillery Unit (Molasses based; 40 KLPD) by adding

Molasses/ Grain based Distillery Unit (40 KLPD) at Amrutnagar, Post
Sangamner, District Ahmednagar, Maharashtra by M/s Sangamner Bhag
SSK Limited. (EC)
Project authorities vide their e-mail ref. no. SBSSK/R &D/1992/2010-11 dated 5th
August, 2010 informed to the Ministry that they are unable to attend the meeting due to
certain technical constraint and have requested for the postponement of the presentation
for the next meeting. Since project authorities didn?t attend the meeting, it was decided
that proposal should be considered afresh as per the priority dated 5th August, 2010.

13.2.8 Integrated Sugar Unit (3500 TCD), Distillery (Molasses based; Ethanol 30
KLPD) and Co-generation Power Plant (20 MW) at Shri Uttamnagar,
Saikheda/ Devinagar, Taluka Sonpeth, District Parbhani, Maharashtra by
M/s Maharashtra Shetkari Sugar Ltd. (EC).
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs) awarded during the 6th meeting of
the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 14th December, 2009 for
preparation of EIA/EMP. All molasses based distilleries are listed at S.N. 5 (g) (i) under
category ?A? and appraised at Central level.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Maharashtra Shetkari

Sugar Ltd. have proposed for Integrated Sugar Unit (3500 TCD), Distillery (Ethanol, 30
KLPD) and Co-generation Power Plant (20 MW) at Shri Uttamnagar,
Saikheda/Devinagar, Taluka Sonpeth, District Parbhani, Maharashtra. No protected
forests/eco-sensitive areas are located with in 10 Km. The land area required for the
proposed unit will be 37.5 acres. During presentation, PAs confirmed that distillery will
operate for 270 days. The total project cost is Rs. 241.00 Crores. Rs. 471.00 Lakhs and
Rs. 20.00 Lakhs earmarked towards capital cost and recurring cost for pollution control
measures have been revised to Rs. 107.14 Lakhs and Rs. 101.15 Lakhs respectively. .
Molasses (157.5 MTPD), press mud (64 MTPD), Urea, DAP, anti-foam will be
used as raw material for distillery. Sugarcane will be shredded in crusher and squeezed
through a series of pressure mills containing grooved walls. Juice will be treated with
calcium phosphate followed by lime to precipitate the colloids. Then SO2 will be bubbled
through sugar solution until pH is 7.0-7.1. Closed steam in a coil will be used to heat and
further flocculate the impurities in a continuous settler. The clarified liquor will overflow to
the evaporator. The underflow mud will be processed on a continuous rotary press to
recover sugar solution, which will either pass forward to the evaporator or backward to
the thickener again if it is not clear. The clarified juice will be concentrated from 80-85 %
water to 40 % in 3 to 4 effect evaporators with completed crystallization in a vacuum pan
unit. The mixture of crystals and syrup will be separated via high speed basket

Molasses will be diluted to 10?15 % sugar concentration and pH will be reduced

to 4 to 5. The diluted mixture will be transferred into large steel fermentation tank. Yeast
solution will be added and fermentation will take place. Fermented liquor will be
separated into alcohol through series of distillations. 110 TPH boiler will be installed in
the co-generation plant and will generate 17 MW power during first 160 days and 20 MW
during the remaining days in season.

Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 4 locations during December,
2009?February, 2010 and submitted data indicates PM10 (32.4-58.6 g/mµ3), PM2.5 (2.8-
13.6 ug/m3), SO2 (3.6-9.0 ug/m3) and NOx (7.6-16 ug/m3) which are within the
permissible limit. Incremental SPM concentration due to proposed project was estimated
to be 34.8 ug/m3. PAs confirmed during presentation that only bag filter will be provided
to boiler and waste gases will be discharged into atmosphere through stack (60 m).

Total water requirement from Khadka barrage (Godavari River) for sugar unit
including cogeneration plant and distillery unit will be 3089 m3/day and 532 m3/day
respectively and prior permission is obtained from Jayakwadi Irrigation Division vide
letter no. JID No. 2/TS/7/5856/SP dated 9th October, 2009. Wastewater generation from
sugar unit will be 856 m3/day and will be treated through effluent treatment plant based
on aerobic and anaerobic treatment method with state of the art bio-tower and diffused
aeration technologies. Spent wash will be stored in impervious tank having holding
capacity for 30 days. Components of spent wash treatment will comprise of bio-
methanation treatment, evaporation through triple effect falling film evaporation unit
followed by bio-composting of press mud with primary treated spent wash. Rain water
harvesting structure will be constructed. Domestic effluent will be disposed through
septic tank/soak pit.

Press mud (200 TPD) will be used for composting. Ash (6324 MTPA) will be sent
for land filling. Sludge generated from ETP/STP will be used in composting.

Green belt will be developed in 33 % area. Power requirement will be met from
the captive power plant. Excess power will be exported to the grid. Bagasse (708 TPD)
will be used as fuel for the boiler.

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board on
4th May, 2010. The issues raised include air & water pollution, pollution control measures
etc. and have satisfactorily been incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report
adequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other
environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance:

1. As suggested, bag filter alongwith stack of adequate height should be provided to

the boiler to control particulate emission within 100 mg/m3.
2. Total water requirement from Khadka barrage (Godavari River) for sugar unit
including cogeneration plant and distillery unit should not exceed 3,260 m3/day
and 532 m3/day respectively as per the permission accorded by the Jayakwadi
Irrigation Division vide letter no. JID No. 2/TS/7/5856/SP dated 9th October, 2009.

3. The wastewater generation from sugar unit should not exceed 856 m3/day and
properly treated in the effluent treatment plant (ETP) based on aerobic and
anaerobic treatment method with state-of-the-art bio-tower and diffused aeration
technologies. The treated effluent should comply with CPCB/Maharashtra PCB

4. As proposed, the spent wash should be treated by bio-methanation process,

followed by multi-effect evaporation and bio-composting of press mud with
primary treated spent wash. Single stage evaporator should not be used.

5. Spent wash should be stored in impervious lagoon with HDPE lining as per
CPCB guidelines and should be kept in proper condition to prevent ground water
pollution. Storage capaicy of spent wash lagoon should be as per CPCB

6. Adequate numbers of ground water quality monitoring stations by providing

piezometers around the project area should be set up. Sampling and trend
analysis monitoring must be made on monthly a basis and report submitted to
MPCB and this Ministry. The ground water quality monitoring for pH, BOD, COD,
Chloride, Sulphate and suspended solids should be monitored.

7. ?Zero? discharge for the distillery unit and 100 m3/Ton of sugar criteria should be
followed regarding water discharge.

8. Press mud and sludge generated from ETP/STP should be used for composting.

9. Proper utilization of fly ash should be ensured as per Fly Ash Notification, 1999
and as amended time to time. All the fly ash should be provided to cement and
brick manufacturers for further utilization.

10. Only 15 % coal should be used alongwith other agricultural waste (bagasse, rice
husk etc) as a fuel as per the MNRE guidelines.

11. Green belt should be developed in 33 % area out of lotal land (37.5 acres).

12. All the recommendations/commitments made in the EIA/EMP report in respect of

public hearing/Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Maharashtra
Pollution Control Board on 4th May, 2010 relating to the proposed project should
be implemented.
13. Fire fighting arrangements for alcohol storage should be as per OISD-117 norms.
13.2.9 Oil & Gas Exploration in off-shore NELP-VII Block MB-OSN-2005/2 in the
Arabian Sea at the Mumbai Shallow Offshore by M/s Adani Welspun
Exploration Limited (EC)
The project authorities and their consultant (Asian Consulting Engineering Pvt.
Ltd.; QCI S.N. 16) gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the project and
proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken as per Draft Terms of
References (TORs) awarded during the 7th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee
(Industry) held during 15th-16th January, 2010 for preparation of EIA/EMP. All the
Offshore and onshore oil and gas exploration, development and production projects are
kept at S.N.1(b) under Category ?A? and appraised at the central level.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Adani Welspun Exploration
Limited for Oil & Gas Exploration in off-shore NELP-VII Block MB-OSN-2005/2 in the
Arabian Sea at the Mumbai Shallow Offshore was awarded ?Terms of Reference? vide
Ministry?s letter dated 9th February, 2010. EIA Notification, 2006 is not applicable to the
project due to location of the Block 12 nautical miles from the coast (Off-shore).
However, as per the Model Production Sharing Contract of National Exploration
Licensing Policy (NELP), project proponents have to get approval of EIA report and
accordingly have submitted EIA report. No oil drilling will be carried out since block is for
gas only. Drilling will be carried out at a depth of 3,500 m.
Total area of the block is 1,191 km2. No eco-sensitive areas are located within
10 km radius of the drilling site. The distance of the block is 72.42 km from Pipavav
and 120.53 km from the Daman Coast. Total cost of the project is USD 91.63 Million.

Public Sharing Certificate (PSC) is signed with the Govt. of India on 22nd
December, 2008. Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) is granted by the M/o
Petroleum and Natural Gas on 4th February, 2009. M/s Adani Welspun Exploration Ltd.
has 100% participating internet and is the operator of the Block. Exploration and drilling
activity will involve:

1. 3D seismic acquisition, processing and interpretation.

2. Drilling Preparation activities.
3. Pre-drilling activities (mobilizing & rig up)
4. Drilling
5. Well Testing and
6. Drill site abandonment and suppression.

Air emissions (SO2 3.54 kg/hr), SPM 0.07 kg/hr)) will be generated due to
installation of mobile D.G. sets. Earlier, PAs informed that total water requirement from
the base will be 20-25 m3/day but during presentation informed that water requirement
will be 38.5 m3/day/well. Water based mud system will be used. During drilling
operation, drilling fluid (mud) will help in removal of drill cuttings. Water based drilling
mud (WBM, 300-400 m3/well) will be generated and discharged to the sea after proper
dilution as per E(P) Rules vide G.S.R 546(E) dated 30th August, 2005.
All the drill cuttings will be washed and mud free cuttings will be disposed in sea
in line with EP Rules. Hazardous waste will be in the form of drill cuttings containing oil
(250-500 m3/well) and will be disposed off as per EP Rules as amended vide GSR
546(E) dated 30th August, 2005. Used oil (1 m3/ drill site) will be sold to MoEF approved
recyclers. Domestic waste from kitchen, laundries and galleries located on drilling
facilities comprise of metal cans, glass or plastic batteries, papers, boxes and
biodegradable kitchen garbage. Biodegradable garbage will be separated from other
domestic wastes which will be grinded in a crushing machine and dumped over board.
The other solid waste will be collected, compacted and stored in containers, or metal
baskets or plastic bags and will be transported on shore for further treatment and

On completion of activities, the well will be either plugged and suspended (if the
well evaluation indicates commercial quantities of hydrocarbon) or killed and
permanently abandoned with a series of mechanical plugs and well cap. If well is
suspended, it will be filled with a brine solution containing small quantities of inhibitors to
protect the well.

Power requirement will be met through D.G. sets. High Speed Diesel (HSD, 15
kl/day) will be used as fuel. Risk Assessment & Consequence Analysis has been carried
out and incorporated in EIA. Disaster Management Plan is also covered in EIA report.

Public hearing is not required as the distance of the Block is 72.42 km from
Papavav and 120.53 km from the Daman Coast.

After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report
adequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other
environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance :

i) Total water requirement should not exceed 25 m3/day/well. Water based mud
system should be used.
ii) Water based drilling mud (WBM, 300-400 m3/well) should be discharged to the
sea after proper dilution as per E(P) Rules vide G.S.R 546(E) dated 30th
August, 2005.
iii) The company should monitor the petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals
concentration in the marine fish species regularly and submit report to the

iv) Treated waste water (produced water or formation water or sanitary sewage)
should comply with the marine disposal standards notified under the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

v) The drill cutting (DC) wash water should be treated to conform to limits notified
under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, before disposal into sea. The
treated effluent should be monitored regularly.

vi) All the guidelines should be followed for the disposal of solid waste, drill cutting
and drilling fluids for onshore and offshore drilling operation notified vide
GSR.546(E) dated 30th August, 2005.

vii) All the hazardous waste generated at the rig/offshore facility should be
properly treated, transported to on shore and disposed of in accordance with
the Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement)
Rules 2008. Used oil should be sold to MoEF/CPCB authorized
viii) The company should undertake conservation measures to protect the marine
animals/ biota in the region.

ix) The International ?Good Practices? adopted by the Petroleum Industry viz
international norms to safeguard the Coastal and Marine biodiversity should be
implemented by the company.

x) Requisite infrastructure facilities should be provided near the offshore

installations so that booms and skimmers/chemical dispersants could be
deployed immediately in case of oil leakage from the installations. Efforts
should be made to curtail the oil slick within 500 meters of the installation and
accordingly, action plan and facilities to check the oil slick beyond 500 meters
should be provided.

xi) Approval from DG Shipping under the Merchant Shipping Act prior to
commencement of the drilling operations should be obtained. At least 30 days
prior to the commencement of drilling, the exact location should be intimated to
the Director General of Shipping and the Company should abide by any
direction he may issue regarding ensuring the safety of navigation in the area.

xii) The Company should take necessary measures to reduce noise levels such as
proper casing at the drill site and meet DG set norms notified by the MoEF.
Height of all the stacks/vents should be provided as per the CPCB guidelines.

xiii) The flare system should be designed as per good oil field practices and oil
industry Safety Directorate (OISD) guidelines. The stack height should be
provided as per the regulatory requirements and emissions from stacks will
meet the MOEF/CPCB guidelines.

xiv) The design, material of construction, assembly, inspection, testing and safety
aspects of operation and maintenance of pipeline and transporting the natural
gas/oil should be governed by ASME/ANSI B 31.8/B31.4 and OISD standard

xv) The project authorities should install SCADA system with dedicated optical
fibre based telecommunication link for safe operation of pipeline and Leak
Detection System. Intelligent pigging facility should be provided for the entire
pipeline system for internal corrosion monitoring. Coating and impressed
current cathodic protection system should be provided to prevent external

xvi) The project proponent should also comply with the environmental protection
measures and safeguards recommended in the EIA /EMP /RA/NIO report.

xvii) The spent oil should be sold to the registered recyclers.

xviii) On completion of activities, the well should be either plugged and suspended
(if the well evaluationindicate commercial quantities of hydrocarbon) or killed
and permanently abandoned with mechanical plugs and well cap. If well is
suspended, it should be filled with a brine solution containing small quantities
of inhibitors to protect the well.

xix) Recommendations mentioned in the Risk Assessment & Consequence

Analysis and Disaster Management Plan should be followed.

xx) Full drawings and details of Blow Out Preventor to encounter well kick due to
high formation presence, if encountered, should be submitted to the Ministry
within 3 months of the issue of environment clearance.

xxi) Adequate funds both recurring and non-recurring should be earmarked to

implement the conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Environment and Forests
as well as the State Government alongwith the implementation schedule for all
the conditions stipulated herein. The funds so provided should not be diverted
for any other purposes.

13.2.10 Seismic Survey & Exploratory Drilling in Oil & Gas block, AA-0NN-2004/3
at Dhemaji, Assam by M/s Essar Oil Limited (E&P Division) (TOR)
The project authorities gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the
project and proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken alongwith the
draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All the Offshore and Onshore
oil and gas exploration, development and production projects are listed at S.N. 1(b)
under Category ?A? and appraised at the Central level.

M/s Essar Oil Limited (E&P Division) have proposed for the Seismic Survey &
Exploratory Drilling in Oil & Gas block, AA-0NN-2004/3 at Dhemaji, Assam. Total area of
the block is 1250 km2 and M/s Essar Oil Ltd. (EOL) has proposed to carry out
exploratory drilling for 12 wells. 120 m x 90 m land will be required for one well and
taken on lease from the concerned land owner. The site, if abandoned, will be restored
as per national regulations. No national parks and wildlife sanctuary within 10 Km. No
exploratory drilling sites are within the reserve forests. No litigation / court case is in
pending against the proposal.

M/s EOL & GOI has already signed the contract for the above mentioned block.
A Copy of Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) signed with Govt. of Assam on 2nd May,
2008 is submitted.. Total cost of the project is Rs. 63.00 Crores. 2% of the total cost is
proposed for pollution control measures and CSR activities. Co-ordinates of all the 12
wells will be as follows:

Coordinates of Well Location

ESSAR-01 27 24 51.5543 94 15 9.5757
ESSAR-02 27 26 3.9509 94 16 31.7860
ESSAR-03 27 27 36.6796 94 19 37.0326
ESSAR-04 27 23 54.4206 94 22 35.3467
ESSAR-05 27 33 8.5602 94 35 35.9015
ESSAR-06 27 29 5.5941 94 34 38.4513
ESSAR-07 27 24 5.3873 94 24 52.1738
ESSAR-08 27 20 33.8799 94 12 35.9602
ESSAR-09 27 17 32.4050 94 08 26.2481
ESSAR-10 27 26 49.2036 94 33 7.0402
ESSAR-11 27 28 8.1725 94 31 37.7412
ESSAR-12 27 26 3.6731 94 30 21.6645

Prior to commencement of site preparation and continuation activities, initial soil

testing and sub-surface profiling will be done to determine actual soil resistance to
sustain drilling rig derrick and substructure. Only exploratory work will be carried out and
no commercial production is envisaged at this stage. Only site preparations, drilling, well
completion and decommissioning activities will be carried out. Roads will be
strengthened. Seismic surveys (2D/30) will be carried out and 12 exploratory. Drilling
activity will involve:
• EIA Study and Obtaining Environmental Clearance
• 2D/3D seismic data acquisition
• Seismic data processing & interpretation for fixing of the well locations
• Pre-drilling activities like mobilizing & rigging up
• Drilling of wells
• Well testing
• Drill site restoration and abandonment

After drilling, top-hole section will be used with ?Casing?. After running caring,
space between hole well and ?caring? will be cemented. Well designed blow out
?Preventer? will be installed to encounter well kick due to high formation presence, if
encountered. The gas flowing facility will be provided at each well location as per CPCB
guidelines. Drilling rig will be truck mounted (Mobile Landing Rig) and will be completely
dig mantled and de-mobilized from the well site along with other equipments and
machinery. Water based drilling fluid treatment system will be used.
Emissions will be generated for D.G. sets and due to burning of oil during well
testing for maximum 2 days leading to SPM (10.8 kg/day), SO2 (5.1 kg/day), NOx (57.6
kg/day), HC (2.1 kg/day) and CO (3.0 kg/day). Stacks of D.G. set will be as per CPCB
guidelines. All the equipment during drilling viz. D G sets, drilling rig component will be
properly maintained to minimize emissions of NOx and noise generation. etc. Flare stack
will be minimum 10 m high to minimize the impact of radiation on vegetation at ground
Total water requirement from local water suppliers will be 49 m3/day. The
effluent will be in the form of drill cuttings and mud having pH (7.15-10.3), TSS (200-850
mg/l), COD (500-800 mg/l), BOD5 (100-150 mg/l), oil & gases (5-50 mg/l) will be solar
evaporated at the drilling site in a lined pits. Domestic sewage will be treated in septic
tank followed by soak pit.

HDPE lined pits will be constructed at the site for the storage and disposal of drill
mud (800 m3/day), drill cuttings (400 m3/day) and temporary storage and disposal of
wash water. Drilling fluid (20 m3/day) will be generated. Drill cuttings (consisting of
shaker, sander and clay) will be non-hazardous due to use of water based drilling fluids
and disposed in HDPE lined pit in accordance with CPCB regulations specified for on-
shore oil & gas industry. Drilling mud (fluid) (containing Barite, Bentonite, Traces of
heavy metals) will be evaporated in lined mud pits and disposed in approved land fill
area. Water based mud will be used (non-hazardous). Waste oil (5-10 kg/well) will be
sent to registered recyclers. Acid lead batteries (2-3 per drilling) will be recycled through
authorized recyclers as per Batteries (M&H) Rules, 2001.

Green belt will be developed. Noise will be generated during operation of rig,
D.G. sets and pumps. Acoustic enclosures will be provided to D.G. sets as per EPA
Rules. Vibration isolators will be provided to reduce vibration and noise in all process
equipments. D.D. sets (1x90 KVA & 1x125 KVA) will be installed. HSD( 5 KLD) will be
used for drilling operation.

After detailed deliberations, the Expert Appraisal Committee prescribed the

following TORs for preparation of EIA/EMP:

1. Executive summary of the project.

2. Details of existing and proposed activities in tabulated form including
3. No. of development wells for which environmental clearance is accorded
and no. of new wells proposed during expansion. Status and no. of the wells
which are completed and closed.
4. Compliance to the conditions stipulated in environmental clearance
accorded for the existing project alongwith point-wise compliance report.
5. Point-wise compliance report to the ?Consent to Establish? ?Consent to
Operate? and Authorization for the existing units alongwith all the necessary
6. Project Description and Project Benefits
7. Site details including satellite imagery for 10 km area. Conformation that there is
no National Park/Wild life Sanctuary/Eco sensitive area.
8. Land use along with maps & cropping pattern, vegetation ecology, flora & fauna
9. Demography & Socio-economics of the area.
10. Process details for survey and drilling.
11. Forest Clearance in case the forest land is involved.
12. Base line data for land subsidence measurements should be incorporated.
13. Base line data collection for air, water and soil for one season leaving the
monsoon season in an area of 10 Km radius with centre of Oil Field as its centre
covering the area of all proposed drilling wells.

 Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards

notified by the Ministry on 16th September, 2009 at various locations.
 Ambient Air Quality monitoring at 8 locations for PM10, PM2.5. SO2,
 Background levels of hydrocarbons as HC (Methane and Non-
methane) and VOCs (5 samples).
 Soil sample analysis at 10 locations
 Base line underground and surface water quality in the vicinity of 10
km area.
 Climatology & meteorology including wind speed, wind direction,
temperature, rainfall etc.
 Measurement of noise levels at 10 locations in the block
14. ?Permission? for the drawl of 49 m3/day/well water from the Competent authority.
Detailed water balance, wastewater generation and discharge.
15. Treatment and utilization of produced water.
16. Detailed solid waste generation, collection, segregations, its recycling and reuse,
treatment and disposal
17. Estimation and computation of air emissions resulting out of drilling operations
18. Assessment of impact on air, water, soil, solid/hazardous waste and noise levels
19. Evaluation of the adequacy of the proposed pollution control measures to meet
the air quality emission standards, water discharge norms, solid/hazardous waste
generation and disposal
20. Estimation of noise level due to operation of drilling, its associated equipments
and vehicular movement & prediction and evaluation of impacts due to increase
in noise levels arising out of the proposed activities on the surrounding
environment. Proposed mitigation measures for noise pollution
21. Storage of chemicals at the site, proposed preventive measures for spillage and
22. Environmental Management Plan
23. Risk Assessment & Disaster Management Plan
• Identification of hazards
• Consequence Analysis
• Risk Presentation & proposed mitigation measures for Risk Reduction
• Disaster Management Plan (DMP)
• Design details of Blowout Preventer (BOP) and how it works.
• Oil Spill Contingency Plan and Emergency Response Plan
24. Measures to be taken for decommissioning of the rigs and projects
25. Post project closure and monitoring programme
26. Documentary proofs for Memberships of common disposal facilities, if any
27. Details of proposed occupational Health Surveillance program for the employees
and other labour.
28. Environmental Monitoring program while survey and drilling is undertaken.
29. Any issues related to land subsidence.
30. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control
31. Any litigation pending against the project and / or any direction /order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
32. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on
the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular
chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.
33. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.

The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
(v) A copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the specific
chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the above issues have
been incorporated.
(vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
(viii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (QCl)/National Accreditation Board
of Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F. No.J -l1013/77/2004 -IA ll (l) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted
on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
(ix) Status of approval of Accreditation with Quality Council of India / National
Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCI/NABET) as per circular no
F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 28th June, 2010 available on the
Ministry?s website
(x) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental
consultant should be included.
The Committee decided that the proponent should prepare EIA/EMP Report
based on the above TORs and submit the same to the Assam Pollution Control Board
for conducting public hearing/consultation. The EIA/EMP Report should be as per the
generic structure given in Appendix-III of EIA Notification, 2006. The concerns emerged
during the Public Consultation should be incorporated in the EIA/EMP Report and the
final EIA/EMP alongwith ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be
submitted to the Ministry for obtaining environmental clearance.

13.2.11 Seismic Survey and Exploratory Drilling in Oil & Gas block, AA-ONN-
2004/05, at Village Duarmara, Tehsil Dumduma, District Tinsukiiya, Assam
by M/s Essar Oil Limited (E&P Division). (TOR)
The project authorities gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the
project and proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken alongwith the
draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All the Offshore and Onshore
oil and gas exploration, development and production projects are listed at S.N. 1(b)
under Category ?A? and appraised at the Central level.

M/s Essar Oil Limited (E&P Division) have proposed for the Seismic Survey and
Exploratory Drilling in Oil & Gas block, AA-0NN-2004/05 at Village Duarmara, Tehsil
Dumduma, District Tinsukiiya, Assam. Only oil will be drilled. Total area of the block is
46 km. No forest land is involved. 200 million barrel oil is anticipated. The eastern side
of the boundary of the block is abutting with the State boundary of Arunachal Pradesh.
Otherwise, block is located in Assam. M/s EOL and GOI has signed a contract for
exploration and production of oil & gas in 46 km in block, AA-ONN-2004/05. Copy of
Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) signed with Govt. of Assam on 2nd May, 2008 is
submitted. PAs have confirmed that no exploratory drilling sites are proposed within the
reserve forests. Total cost of the project is Rs 51.00 Crores. 2% of the total cost is
proposed for pollution control measures and CSR activities. No litigation / court case in
pending against the proposal.There will be 10 blocks. Only oil will be drilled. Location of
AA-ONN-2004/5 block is as follows:

Coordinates of Well Location

ESSAR-01 27 31 46.9388 95 46 28.6777
ESSAR-02 27 32 20.6041 95 47 10.0427
ESSAR-03 27 32 43.4833 95 48 24.1508
ESSAR-04 27 34 23.2941 95 47 41.2705
ESSAR-05 27 32 56.7488 95 48 58.1755
ESSAR-06 27 33 37.2965 95 49 20.9234
ESSAR-07 27 33 48.5774 95 50 1.7676
ESSAR-08 27 33 20.8398 95 47 37.6137
ESSAR-09 27 34 35.2669 95 48 32.8932
ESSAR-10 27 35 51.5833 95 46 53.7541

Prior to commencement of site preparation and continuation activities, initial soil

testing and sub-surface profiling will be done to determine actual soil resistance to
sustain drilling rig derrick and substructure. Only explanatory work will be carried out and
no commercial production is envisaged at this stage. Only site preparations, drilling, well
completion and decommissioning activities will be carried out. Roads will be
strengthened. Seismic surveys (2D/30) will be carried out and 12 exploratory Drilling
activity will involve:
• EIA Study and Obtaining Environmental Clearance
• 2D/3D seismic data acquisition
• Seismic data processing & interpretation for fixing of the well locations
• Pre-drilling activities like mobilizing & rigging up
• Drilling of wells
• Well testing
• Drill site restoration and abandonment

After drilling, top-hole section will be used with ?Casing?. After running caring,
space between hole well and ?caring? will be cemented. Well designed blow out
?Preventer? will be installed to encounter well kick due to high formation presence, if
encountered. The gas flowing facility will Be provided at each well location as per CPCB
guidelines. Drilling rig will be truck mounted (Mobile Landing Rig) and will be completely
dismantled and de-mobilized from the well site along with other equipments and
machinery. Water based drilling fluid treatment system will be used.
Emissions will be generated for D.G. sets and due to burning of oil during well
testing for maximum 2 days leading to SPM (10.8 kg/day), SO2 (5.1 kg/day), NOx (57.6
kg/day), HC (2.1 kg/day), CO (3 kg/day). Stacks of D.G. set will be as per CPCB
guidelines. Flare stack will be minimum 10 m high to minimize impact of radiation on
Total water requirement from local water suppliers will be 49 m3/day. The
effluent will be in the form of drill cuttings and mud having pH (7.15-10.3), TSS (200-850
mg/l), COD (500-800 mg/l), BOD5 (100-150 mg/l), oil & gases (5-50 mg/l) which will be
solar evaporated at the drilling site in a lined pits. Domestic sewage will be treated in
septic tank followed by soak pit.

HDPE lined pits will be constructed at the site for the storage and disposal of drill
mud (800 m3/day), drill cuttings (235 m3/day) and temporary storage and disposal of
wash water. Drilling fluid (20 m3/day) will be generated. Drill cuttings will be disposed in
accordance with CPCB regulations specified for on-shore oil & gas industry. Drill cuttings
(consisting of shaker, sander and clay) will be non-hazardous due to use of water based
drilling fluids and disposed in HDSE lined pit. Drilling mud (fluid) (containing Barite,
Bentonite, Traces of heavy metals) will be evaporated in lined mud pits and disposed in
approved land fill area. Water based mud will be used (non-hazardous). Waste (5-10
kg/well) Spent oil (0.3 m3/well) and used batteries will be sold to authorized

Green belt will be developed. Noise will be generated during operation of rig,
D.G. sets and pumps. Acoustic enclosures will be provided to D.G. sets as per EPA
Rules. Vibration isolators will be provided to reduce vibration and noise in all process
equipments. D.G. sets (1x (90 KVA revised to 950 KVA) & 1x125 KVA) will be installed.
HSD (5 KLD) will be used for drilling operation.

After detailed deliberations, the Expert Appraisal Committee prescribed the

following TORs for preparation of EIA/EMP:

1. Executive summary of the project.

2. Details of existing and proposed activities in tabulated form including
3. No. of development wells for which environmental clearance is accorded
and no. of new wells proposed during expansion. Status and no. of the wells
which are completed and closed.
4. Compliance to the conditions stipulated in environmental clearance
accorded for the existing project alongwith point-wise compliance report.
5. Point-wise compliance report to the ?Consent to Establish? ?Consent to
Operate? and Authorization for the existing units alongwith all the necessary
6. Project Description and Project Benefits
7. Site details including satellite imagery for 10 km area. Conformation that there is
no National Park/Wild life Sanctuary/Eco sensitive area.
8. Land use along with maps & cropping pattern, vegetation ecology, flora & fauna
9. Demography & Socio-economics of the area.
10. Process details for survey and drilling.
11. Forest Clearance in case the forest land is involved.
12. Base line data for land subsidence measurements should be incorporated.
13. Base line data collection for air, water and soil for one season leaving the
monsoon season in an area of 10 Km radius with centre of Oil Field as its centre
covering the area of all proposed drilling wells.

 Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards

notified by the Ministry on 16th September, 2009 at various locations.
 Ambient Air Quality monitoring at 8 locations for PM10, PM2.5. SO2,
 Background levels of hydrocarbons as HC (Methane and Non-
methane) and VOCs (5 samples).
 Soil sample analysis at 10 locations
 Base line underground and surface water quality in the vicinity of 10
km area.
 Climatology & meteorology including wind speed, wind direction,
temperature, rainfall etc.
 Measurement of noise levels at 10 locations in the block

14. ?Permission? for the drawl of 49 m3/day/well water from the Competent
authority. Detailed water balance, wastewater generation and discharge.
15. Treatment and utilization of produced water.
16. Detailed solid waste generation, collection, segregations, its recycling and reuse,
treatment and disposal
17. Estimation and computation of air emissions resulting out of drilling operations
18. Assessment of impact on air, water, soil, solid/hazardous waste and noise levels
19. Evaluation of the adequacy of the proposed pollution control measures to meet
the air quality emission standards, water discharge norms, solid/hazardous waste
generation and disposal
20. Estimation of noise level due to operation of drilling, its associated equipments
and vehicular movement & prediction and evaluation of impacts due to increase
in noise levels arising out of the proposed activities on the surrounding
environment. Proposed mitigation measures for noise pollution
21. Storage of chemicals at the site, proposed preventive measures for spillage and
22. Environmental Management Plan
23. Risk Assessment & Disaster Management Plan
• Identification of hazards
• Consequence Analysis
• Risk Presentation & proposed mitigation measures for Risk Reduction
• Disaster Management Plan (DMP)
• Design details of Blowout Preventer (BOP) and how it works.
• Oil Spill Contingency Plan and Emergency Response Plan
24. Measures to be taken for decommissioning of the rigs and projects
25. Post project closure and monitoring programme
26. Documentary proofs for Memberships of common disposal facilities, if any
27. Details of proposed occupational Health Surveillance program for the employees
and other labour.
28. Environmental Monitoring program while survey and drilling is undertaken.
29. Any issues related to land subsidence.
30. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control
31. Any litigation pending against the project and / or any direction /order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
32. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on
the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular
chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.
33. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.
The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
(v) A copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the specific
chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the above issues have
been incorporated.
(xi) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
(xii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (QCl)/National Accreditation Board
of Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F. No.J -l1013/77/2004 -IA ll (l) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted
on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
(xiii) Status of approval of Accreditation with Quality Council of India / National
Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCI/NABET) as per circular no
F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 28th June, 2010 available on the
Ministry?s website
(xiv) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental
consultant should be included.
The Committee decided that the proponent should prepare EIA/EMP Report
based on the above TORs and submit the same to the Assam Pollution Control Board
for conducting public hearing/consultation. The EIA/EMP Report should be as per the
generic structure given in Appendix-III of EIA Notification, 2006. The concerns emerged
during the Public Consultation should be incorporated in the EIA/EMP Report and the
final EIA/EMP alongwith ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be
submitted to the Ministry for obtaining environmental clearance.

13.2.12 Exploratory Drilling in NELP-VI Block MB-OSN-2004/2 in Mumbai Offshore

Region, Maharashtra by M/s Petrogas E&P. (TOR)
The project authorities and their consultant NEERI; QCI S.N. 52) gave a detailed
presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed environmental
protection measures to be undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for the
preparation of EIA/EMP. All the Offshore and Onshore oil and gas exploration,
development and production projects are listed at S.N. 1(b) under Category ?A? and
appraised at the Central level.
M/s Petrogas E&P have proposed for the Exploratory Drilling in NELP-VI Block
MB-OSN-2004/2 in Mumbai Offshore Region. Petrogas EPP LLC has signed the
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with the govt. of India on 23rd March, 2007 for
exploration and production of Hydrocarbon in the Offshore Exploratory Block MB-OSN-
2004/2 under NEPL-VI. Only oil will be explored. The Block is awarded to a consortium
of GAIL, IOC, HPCL & Petrogas. Production Sharing Contract (PSC) issued with the
Govt. of India for Block MB-ONS-2004/2 is submitted. Petroleum Exploration License
(PEL) accorded by ONGC vide letter No. 12012/14/2007-ONG-III dated 28th May, 2007
is submitted. Petrogas is designated as operator of the Block.

The MB-OSN-2004/2 Mumbai Offshore Explanatory Block covers an area of

about 741 sq. km with water depths ranging from 25-62 Meters. Many parts of the basin
are intensely explored, but potential remains in several areas for small discoveries. This
block is sun area. The block area is beyond 12 nautical miles (26 km) from the West
Coast line. Total block area is 741 sq. km with water depth ranging from 25 m to 62 m.
The block boundaries are:

A 18 39 23.00N 72 35 50.00E
B 18 35 30.00N 72 21 04.99E
C 18 28 30.00N 72 24 30.00E
D 18 27 12.00N 72 27 15.00E
E 18 22 00.00N 72 32 30.60E
F 18 22 00.05N 72 41 00.00E
G 18 27 00.00N 72 41 00.00E
H 18 39 23.00N 72 36 52.38E
A 18 39 23.00N 72 5

Based on the results available on seismic surveys and other relevant evidences,
PAs have decided to carry out drilling of 3 exploratory wells and one additional
exploratory wells (subject to permission from DGH) based on requirement. EIA study
has to be carried out as per Article 14 of the PSC before drilling activities are
undertaken. Mumbai airport is at 70 km. Alibagh town and Kashid Village is located at
38 km and 25.5 km. No forest and wildlife is located within 10 km are being offshore
project. CRZ Notification, 1991 is also not applicable being located offshore located 24
km from the coast. Total expected cost of the project will be about US $ 90 million. Total
capital cost for environmental pollution control measures is earmarked Rs. 80.00 Lakhs.
No litigation/court case is pending against the proposal.

Site survey and geo-hazard survey will be carried out by drilling a well. Jack up
Drilling rig position may change depending upon the survey. Drilling of exploration wells
will be carried out upto 2000 m and may change depending upon the locations in the
Block. Supply vessels and Helicopter will be used during drilling operations. Only rig
personals will be on board. Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and HSE System will be

A cantilever Jack Up Rig will be deployed for drilling. Geo hazard and geo
technical studies will be carried out to ensure safe drilling operation. Resource
expectations from the Block may be in the range of 170-380 mmbbls of oil, if discovered.
Barites (100 MT) and Bentonite (10 MTPD) will be used for drilling mud. In case of
abandonment of a well, guidelines laid down by the regulatory authorities (DGH) will be

Gas production during testing will be flared. Approximately, 20 KLD now revised
to 30-35 KLD water will be used for personnel on board and operation. Drilling cuttings
(450 m3/well) will be washed with water and disposed offshore. Sewage will be treated
before discharge into sea.

The waste food will be incinerated at the rig. Waste oil from the engines will be
brought to the shore or disposal as per laid down procedures. Sewage sludge will be
treated on board. Acoustic enclosures will be provided to D.G. sets.
Approximately, 3500 KW electricity will be generated from D.G. Sets. (3x1680
KW) only 2 DG sets will be used at a time. 8-10 KLD fuel will be used.

After detailed deliberations, the Expert Appraisal Committee prescribed the

following TORs for preparation of EIA/EMP:

1. Executive summary of the project.

2. Permission from the DGH for drilling of 3 exploratory wells and one
additional exploratory wells should be enclosed.
3. Details of existing and proposed activities in tabulated form
including GGSs/CTF/CPF.
4. No. of development wells for which environmental clearance is
accorded and no. of new wells proposed during expansion. Status and no. of the
wells which are completed and closed.
5. Compliance to the conditions stipulated in environmental clearance
accorded for the existing project alongwith point-wise compliance report.
6. Point-wise compliance report to the ?Consent to Establish? ?Consent to
Operate? and Authorization for the existing units alongwith all the necessary
7. Project Description and Project Benefits
8. Site details including satellite imagery for 10 km area. Conformation that there is
no National Park/Wild life Sanctuary/Eco sensitive area.
9. Land use along with maps & cropping pattern, vegetation ecology, flora & fauna
10. Demography & Socio-economics of the area.
11. Process details for survey and drilling.
12. Forest Clearance in case the forest land is involved.
13. Base line data for land subsidence measurements should be incorporated.
14. Base line data collection for air, water and soil for one season leaving the
monsoon season in an area of 10 Km radius with centre of Oil Field as its centre
covering the area of all proposed drilling wells.

 Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards

notified by the Ministry on 16th September, 2009 at various locations.
 Ambient Air Quality monitoring at 8 locations for PM10, PM2.5. SO2,
 Background levels of hydrocarbons as HC (Methane and Non-
methane) and VOCs (5 samples).
 Soil sample analysis at 10 locations
 Base line underground and surface water quality in the vicinity of 10
km area.
 Climatology & meteorology including wind speed, wind direction,
temperature, rainfall etc.
 Measurement of noise levels at 10 locations in the block

15. ?Permission? for the drawl of 30-35 KLD water from the Competent authority.
Detailed water balance, wastewater generation and discharge.
16. Treatment and utilization of produced water.
17. Detailed solid waste generation, collection, segregations, its recycling and reuse,
treatment and disposal
18. Estimation and computation of air emissions resulting out of drilling operations
19. Assessment of impact on air, water, soil, solid/hazardous waste and noise levels
20. Evaluation of the adequacy of the proposed pollution control measures to meet
the air quality emission standards, water discharge norms, solid/hazardous waste
generation and disposal.
21. Estimation of noise level due to operation of drilling, its associated equipments
and vehicular movement & prediction and evaluation of impacts due to increase
in noise levels arising out of the proposed activities on the surrounding
environment. Proposed mitigation measures for noise pollution
22. Storage of chemicals at the site, proposed preventive measures for spillage and
23. Environmental Management Plan.
24. Risk Assessment & Disaster Management Plan
• Identification of hazards
• Consequence Analysis
• Risk Presentation & proposed mitigation measures for Risk Reduction
• Disaster Management Plan (DMP)
• Design of Blowout Preventer (BOP) and how it works.
• Oil Spill Contingency Plan and Emergency Response Plan.
• Contigency plan for sudden thrust, methane explosion etc.
25. Measures to be taken for decommissioning of the rigs and projects
26. Post project closure and monitoring programme
27. Documentary proofs for Memberships of common disposal facilities, if any
28. Details of proposed occupational Health Surveillance program for the employees
and other labour.
29. Environmental Monitoring program while survey and drilling is undertaken.
30. Any issues related to land subsidence.
31. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control
32. Any litigation pending against the project and / or any direction /order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
33. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.

The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach
a copy of the letter.
(v) A copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the
issues in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the
specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the above issues
have been incorporated.
(xv) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
(xvi) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (QCl)/National Accreditation Board
of Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this
regard circular no F. No.J -l1013/77/2004 -IA ll (l) dated 2nd December, 2009
posted on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
(xvii) Status of approval of Accreditation with Quality Council of India / National
Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCI/NABET) as per circular
no F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 28th June, 2010 available on the
Ministry?s website
(xviii) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental
consultant should be included.
The Committee decided that the proponent should prepare EIA/EMP Report
based on the above TORs. The EIA/EMP Report should be as per the generic structure
given in Appendix-III of EIA Notification, 2006. The final EIA/EMP alongwith ?Certificate
of Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be submitted to the Ministry for obtaining
environmental clearance. Public hearing is not required as project site is located 12
nautical miles from onshore.

13.2.13 Exploration and Appraisal of Block CB-ONN-2005/5 at District Ahmedabad

and Gandhinagar, Gujarat by M/s Omkar Natural Resources Pvt. Ltd.

The project authorities and their consultant (Kadam Environment Consultants,

Vadodara, Gujarat; QCI S.N. 17) gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of
the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken alongwith
the draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All the Offshore and
Onshore oil and gas exploration, development and production projects are listed at S.N.
1(b) under Category ?A? and appraised at the Central level. PAs have informed that
nearest critically polluted area is Ahmedabad with CEPI (75.28) located at 12 km east of
the western boundary of the block CB-ONN-2005/5.

M/s Omkar Natural Resources Pvt. Ltd. (ONPRL) have proposed for the
Exploration and Appraisal of Block CB-ONN-2005/5 at District Ahmedabad and
Gandhinagar, Gujarat. M/s ONPRL designated ?Operator? of the Block has signed a
Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with the Govt. of India under NELP-VII on 12th
December, 2008 for on shore block CB-ONN-2005/05 to drill 4 exploratory and appraisal
wells in next 5-7 years. Total area to be used for drilling is 83 sq km located in Taluk
Daskroi, Ahmedabad and Dehegam & Gandhinagar, District Gandhanagar, Gujarat.
Nearest Railway Station is at 3 km and airport 15 km. Nearest town Dahegam is at 8 km
and Ahmedabad at 12 km. No forest land is involved. Approximately, 2 acres/well land
will be required during drilling. Total cost of the project is revised from Rs. 30.00 to
35.00 Crores and again to 125.00 Crores. About 3 % of the drilling cost of the wells will
be the incurred as capital and recurring cost earmarked for environmental protection
measures. No litigation / court case is pending against the project. PAs confirmed during
presentation, no national park/wildlife sanctuary within study area. Location of the Block
CB-ONN-2005/5 in Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad, Gujarat is will be as follows:

Points Latitude Longitude

Deg. Min. Sec. Deg. Min. Sec
A 72 42 2.07 23 5 48
B 72 42 30 23 5 48
C 72 42 8 23 5 48
D 72 44 24.706 23 5 48
E 72 44 24.706 23 6 3.634
F 72 44 59.863 23 6 3.95
G 72 46 26.73 23 6 3.95
H 72 44 5.18 23 9 2.19
I 72 46 10 23 8 57
J 72 48 4 23 6 43
K 72 48 4 23 3 19
L 72 47 43 23 3 19
M 72 47 36 23 1 4
N 72 45 58 23 1 4
O 72 46 0 23 2 20
P 72 43 50 23 2 37
Q 72 42 58 23 3 45
A 72 42 2.07 23 5 48

Seismic study with bore holes will be carried out to check the procedure of
hydrocarbons and soil testing will be done for the construction of drilling platform. 10
wells (4 exploratory and 6 appraisal) with maximum depth of 5,200 m each will be drilled.
Drilling equipments and construction waste will be removed after completion of drilling
operations. Activities will involve:
1. Site Survey
2. Road and site construction
3. Exploratory / Appraisal Drilling Operation
4. Site Restoration and Rehabilitation.
Each drilling will require about 2 acres (0.8 ha.) land area and drilling period is about 45
Emission from mobile D.G. sets and flaring of natural gas for 2-3 days, of
hydrocarbons are formed, is envisaged. Flaring will last for 2-3 days. Water sprinkling
will be done on unpaved roads to reduce dust generation. Total water requirement from
transportable water tube for preparation of mud during exploratory during activity will be
40-50 m3/day for each well during 45 day drilling period. About 10 m3/day wastewater
will be generated from single well from drilling operation. The waste water from drilling
operation will be treated in mobile ETP/ETC. The mud after recycling will be collected in
HDPE lined pits and mixed with the soil and disposed off in on-site landfill in line with
EPA Rules as amended vide G.S.R. 546(E) dated 30th August, 2005. No synthetic
based mud will be used for drilling. Service water will be passed through oil separator to
remove oil content in the effluent. Domestic sewage will be treated in septic tank
followed by soak pit. Separate facilities for the removal of drill cuttings from drilling mud
(WBM) will be part of the drilling rig and non-hazardous drilling mud (water based) and
drill cuttings will be disposed off in poly-lined (HDPE) pits. All the standard safety
precautionary measures will be followed to reduce accidental spillage and fire hazard of
HSD. Waste oil will be sold to authorized recyclers / re-processors.
Green belt will be developed. Acoustic enclosures will be provided to control
noise from D.G. Sets. Diesel (2-3 KLD) will be used in portable D.G. Sets (1,200 KVA)

After detailed deliberations, the Expert Appraisal Committee prescribed the

following TORs for preparation of EIA/EMP:

1. Executive summary of the project.

2. Details of existing and proposed activities in tabulated form including
3. No. of development wells for which environmental clearance is accorded
and no. of new wells proposed during expansion. Status and no. of the wells
which are completed and closed.
4. Compliance to the conditions stipulated in environmental clearance
accorded for the existing project alongwith point-wise compliance report.
5. Point-wise compliance report to the ?Consent to Establish? ?Consent to
Operate? and Authorization for the existing units alongwith all the necessary
6. Project Description and Project Benefits
7. Site details including satellite imagery for 10 km area. Conformation that there is
no National Park/Wild life Sanctuary/Eco sensitive area.
8. Land use along with maps & cropping pattern, vegetation ecology, flora & fauna
9. Demography & Socio-economics of the area.
10. Process details for survey and drilling.
11. Forest Clearance in case the forest land is involved.
12. Base line data for land subsidence measurements should be incorporated.
13. Base line data collection for air, water and soil for one season leaving the
monsoon season in an area of 10 Km radius with centre of Oil Field as its centre
covering the area of all proposed drilling wells.

 Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards

notified by the Ministry on 16th September, 2009 at various locations.
 Ambient Air Quality monitoring at 8 locations for PM10, PM2.5. SO2,
 Background levels of hydrocarbons as HC (Methane and Non-
methane) and VOCs (5 samples).
 Soil sample analysis at 10 locations
 Base line underground and surface water quality in the vicinity of 10
km area.
 Climatology & meteorology including wind speed, wind direction,
temperature, rainfall etc.
 Measurement of noise levels at 10 locations in the block

14. ?Permission? for the drawl of 40-50 m3/day/well water from the Competent
authority. Detailed water balance, wastewater generation and discharge.
15. Treatment and utilization of produced water.
16. Detailed solid waste generation, collection, segregations, its recycling and reuse,
treatment and disposal
17. Estimation and computation of air emissions resulting out of drilling operations
18. Assessment of impact on air, water, soil, solid/hazardous waste and noise levels
19. Evaluation of the adequacy of the proposed pollution control measures to meet
the air quality emission standards, water discharge norms, solid/hazardous waste
generation and disposal
20. Estimation of noise level due to operation of drilling, its associated equipments
and vehicular movement & prediction and evaluation of impacts due to increase
in noise levels arising out of the proposed activities on the surrounding
environment. Proposed mitigation measures for noise pollution
21. Storage of chemicals at the site, proposed preventive measures for spillage and
22. Environmental Management Plan
23. Risk Assessment & Disaster Management Plan
• Identification of hazards
• Consequence Analysis
• Risk Presentation & proposed mitigation measures for Risk Reduction
• Disaster Management Plan (DMP)
• Design details of Blowout Preventer (BOP) and mechanism of control.
• Oil Spill Contingency Plan and Emergency Response Plan
24. Measures to be taken for decommissioning of the rigs and projects
25. Post project closure and monitoring programme
26. Documentary proofs for Memberships of common disposal facilities, if any
27. Details of proposed occupational Health Surveillance program for the employees
and other labour.
28. Environmental Monitoring program while survey and drilling is undertaken.
29. Any issues related to land subsidence.
30. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control
31. Any litigation pending against the project and / or any direction /order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
32. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on
the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular
chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.
33. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.

The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
(v) A copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the specific
chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the above issues have
been incorporated.
(xix) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
(xx) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (QCl)/National Accreditation Board
of Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F. No.J -l1013/77/2004 -IA ll (l) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted
on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
(xxi) Status of approval of Accreditation with Quality Council of India / National
Accreditation Board of Education and Training (QCI/NABET) as per circular no
F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 28th June, 2010 available on the
Ministry?s website
(xxii) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental
consultant should be included.

The Committee decided that the proponent should prepare EIA/EMP Report
based on the above TORs and submit the same to the Gujarat Pollution Control Board
for conducting public hearing/consultation. The EIA/EMP Report should be as per the
generic structure given in Appendix-III of EIA Notification, 2006. The concerns emerged
during the Public Consultation should be incorporated in the EIA/EMP Report and the
final EIA/EMP alongwith ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be
submitted to the Ministry for obtaining environmental clearance.

13.2.14 Expansion of Polyester Filament Yarn Unit (POY) and (FDY); 1,200 MTPM
to 2,400 MTPM and Polyester Lumps and Rejected Yarn (25 MTPM to 50
MTPM) at Bolck No. 280-282, Village Nana Borsara, Taluk Mangrol, District
Surat, Gujarat by M/s Gujarat Polyfils. (EC)

The project authorities and their consultant (Envisafe Environment Consultant,

Ahmedabad, Gujarat; QCI S.N?) gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of
the project and the proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken along
with the draft TORs for preparation of EIA/EMP. The project was considered for TOR in
9th EAC (Industry-2) meeting held during 10th?19th March, 2010 and TORs were awarded
vide Ministry?s letter No. J-11011/103/2010-IA(II)-I dated 15th April, 2010.
The project activity is listed at S.N. 5(d) of EIA Notification, SO. No.1533 dated
14.09.06 and further amended vide SO-3067 (E) dated 01.12.09. This is a ?B? category
project. However, the project was considered by the Expert Appraisal Committee (I-2)
as per the General Condition of the said Notification as the project site is located within
10 km from the boundary of critically polluted area viz. Ankleshwar (5 km) & Panoli GIDC
(3 km) Gujarat and appraised at the Central level. However, proposed unit is located in
Village Nana Borsara, Taluk Mangrol, District Surat, Gujarat. Since the proposed unit is
not located inside the critically polluted area, considered by the Committee at the Central

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Gujarat Polyfils (A Unit of
Modern Insulators Ltd.) is an existing large scale unit involved in manufacturing of man
made fibers namely Polyester Filament Yarn [Partially Oriented Yarn (POY) & Fully
Drawn Yarn (FDY); 1,200 MTPM] and Polyester Lumps & Rejected Yarn as by-Products
(25 MTPM) and have proposed for the expansion of Polyester Filament Yarn Unit (POY
& FDY, 1,200 to 2,400 MTPM and Polyester Lumps and Rejected Yarn; 25 to 50
MTPM) of Man Made Fibres at Block No. 280-282, Village Nana Borsara, Tehsil
Mangrol, District Surat, Gujarat. Details of products and by products after expansion will
be as follows:

S. Name of Products / By- Production Capacity (MTPM) Use of

N. products Existing Proposed Total after Product
Expansion Expansion
1. Polyester Filament Yarn 1200.0 1200.0 2400.0 Polyester Fabric
(POY and FDY) manufacturing
2. Polyester Lumps and 25.0 25.0 50.0 --
Rejected Yarn (By-
Total 1225.0 1225.0 2450.0

Environmental clearance for the existing unit was accorded by the Ministry vide
letter No. J-11011/1321/20070IA(II)-I dated 6th June, 2008 and compliance report is
submitted. ?Consent to Establish? for the existing plant has been accorded by the
GPCB vide letter dated 6th August, 2008. Now, the unit proposed to expand the existing
manufacturing activity 1,225 MTPM to 2,445 MTPM (Revised from earlier proposed
1,200 & 2,400MTPM Units) alongwith by-products 25 MTPM to 50 MTPM in the same
premises. No eco-sensitive area and protected area is located within 10 km of the site.
No additional land will be required for the proposed expansion. Total project area is
88,312 m2. Total project cost is revised from Rs. 2,862.00 Lakhs to Rs. 6,735 Lakhs after
expansion. Total cost of the proposed expansion will be Rs. 3,873.00 Lakhs. Rs.
124.00 Lakhs are earmarked toward capital cost for pollution control measures and
recurring cost per annum will be increased from Rs. 11.05 Lakhs to Rs. 15.75 Lakhs.

Polyester chips (2,410 MTPM) and Spin finish oil (50 MTPM) will be used as raw
material after expansion. The main raw materials required for the manufacturing of
product is Polyester Chips. Manufacturing of PFY from Polyester chips will involve no
chemical reaction or charge except physical change in shape or state of Polyester chips
(Polyethylne Terapthalate). The manufacturing process of the Polyester Filament Yarn
(POY & FDY) involves different mechanical and engineering operation viz. Drying,
Melting, Spinning. Quenching, Hot/Cold Godets & Winding etc.
Ambient air quality was monitored in April, 2010 at 4 locations within 5 km are
and data submitted indicated PM10 (20-65.3 mg/Nm3), SO2 (10-35 mg/Nm3), NOx (11.3-
67 mg/Nm3) and VOC as Ethylene Glycol (BDL) and are within the permissible limit of
AAQS. No flue gas emissions will be generated by Thermic Fluid Heater as same is
based on electricity. D.G. Set (2x860 KVA each) are installed and common stack is
attached to both the D.G. sets having 12 m. height. HSD (80 l/day) will be used as fuel.
No air pollution control measures are required due to use of HSD. Stack will be attached
to both the D.G. sets having proper stack height (12 m) for the proper dispersion of
pollutants into atmosphere. No additional D.G. sets will be installed. Entire
manufacturing activity will be carried out in closed system. No fugitive emissions will be
generated due to melting of chips in the extruder.
Total ground water requirement after proposed expansion will be enhanced from
145 to 275 m3/day. As per Central Ground Water Authority, New Delhi, the unit falls
under Safe zone and is not covered under the list of critical areas published by CGWA.
No wastewater will be generated from the manufacturing process. Industrial effluent (@
11.0 m3/day) will be mainly generated from cooling blow down & regeneration of DM
Plant. Since the effluent does not have any organic contamination and is alkaline in
nature, the unit has provided ETP only for neutralization. The treated effluent after
conforming to the prescribed standards will be utilized for gardening & plantation
purpose within premises. No effluent will be discharged outside the premises and
?Zero? discharge will be adopted. The total industrial effluent after proposed expansion
will be @ 22.0 kl/day, which will be treated in the existing ETP and the existing effluent
treatment plant is adequate to handle the existing as well as proposed effluent load.
Domestic effluent will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit.

Drums and liners will be generated as hazardous waste which will be

decontaminated and reused/resold to authorized recyclers. Used oil will be reused as
lubricant and also sold to authorized recyclers.

Out of 88,312 sq. m, green belt will be developed in 30,000 sq. m (34%). Total
power requirement will enhance from 2,500 KW to 5,000 KW and sourced from Daxin
Gujarat viz Co. Ltd. (DGVCL) and used for heating four Thermic Fluid Heater (capacity
? 90 KW/each) and sourced from DGVCL (Daxin Gujarat Vij Company Ltd.). DG Sets
(2x860 KVA) are existing and no additional D.G. sets will be installed. The unit has also
provided (4x90 KW) electrically operated thermic fluid heaters.

The Committee noted that there will not be any manufacturing of polyester chips
which will be bought. There will no ?zero? discharge of effluent. The Committee
categorized the project as B-2 and exempted the project from public hearing. After
detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report adequate and
suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other environmental
conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance:

i) The Company should provide stacks of adequate height to the D.G. Sets
alongwith acoustic enclosures for noise control as per CPCB guidelines. The
DG Sets should comply with the norms notified under Environmental
(Protection) Act, 1986.

ii) The Company should provide the monitoring arrangement with the stack and
regular monitoring should be carried out and reports submitted to the Daman
PCC, CPCB and Ministry?s Regional Office at Bhopal.

iii) Total ground water consumption and waste water generation should not
exceed 275 m3/day and 22.0 m3/day respectively. The total industrial effluent
(mainly from cooling blow down & regeneration of DM Plant) after proposed
expansion should be treated in the existing ETP and reused for gardening &
plantation purpose within premises after achieving standards prscribed by the
Daman Pollution Control Committee. The existing effluent treatment plant
should be adequate to handle the existing as well as proposed effluent load.
No wastewater should be discharged outside the factory premises and
?zero? discharge should be maintained.

iv) The company should construct a guard pond for treated effluent and should
carry out the water quality test by collecting the treated effluent into the guard
pond before application on land. The reports should be submitted to CPCB
and Ministry?s Regional Office at Bhopal.

v) The company should obtain the permission for drawl of ground water (275
m3/day) from the Competent Authority and a copy submitted to the Ministry?s
Regional Office at Bhopal.

vi) The project authority should obtain the membership of TSDF within three
months for disposal of solid and hazardous waste and copy of the same
should be submitted to the Ministry and Ministry?s Regional Office at Bhopal.
The company should maintain the valid membership.

vii) As proposed, green belt should be developed in 30,000 sq. m (34%) out of
88,312 sq. m. as per the CPCB guidelines to mitigate the effect of fugitive

viii) Occupational health surveillance of the workers should be done on a regular

basis and records maintained as per the Factories Act.

ix) The company should make the arrangement for protection of possible fire
hazards during manufacturing process in material handling.

13.2.15 Bulk Drugs Manufacturing Unit-II Sy. No. 443, Neja, Taluk Khambhat,
District Anand, Gujarat by M/s Shital Chemical Industries (Unit?II) (EC)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs) awarded during the 5th Meeting of
the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 12th & 13th November, 2009 for
preparation of EIA/EMP. All synthetic organic chemical industries (bulk drugs &
intermediates) located outside the notified industrial estate/area are listed at S.N. 5(f)
under category ?A? and appraised at Central level.
Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Shital Chemical Industries
have proposed for bulk drugs manufacturing unit-II at Sy. No. 443, village Neja, taluka
Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat. It is Greenfield project. No national park/wild life
sanctuary/reserve forest is located within 10 km radius of the project site. Total plot area
is 29,037 m2. Total cost of the project is revised from Rs. 2.00 Crores to Rs. 4.00 Crores.
Rs. 50.50 Lakhs and Rs. 11.55 Lakhs are earmarked toward capital cost and recurring
cost per annum for pollution control measures. Details of products and its production
capacity are given below :

S. N. Products Quantity (MTPA)

1. Aripiprazole 60
2. Cilostozole 60
3. Doxazocine 60
4. Fexofenadine 60
5. Irbesartan 60
6. Lisinopril 60
7. Lumefentrine 60
8. Metoprolol 60
9. Nibivolol 60
10. Pantoprazol 60
11. Pioglitazone 60
12. Telmisartan 60
13. Zonisamide 60
14. Benzotrichloride 1500
15. Acetyl chloride 450
16. Benzoyl chloride 900
17. Propionyl chloride 60
18. Chloroacetyl chloride 150
19. Trimethylacetyl chloride 750
20. 4 - Fluorobenzyl chloride 60
21. 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl chloride 120
22. N - Butyryl Chloride 60
23. Isobutyryl chloride 120
24. N - Valeryl chloride 120
25. Isovaleryl chloride 120
26. 3-Chloropropionyl chloride 60
27. Isopthaloyl chloride 120
28. 4-Fluorobenzoyl chloride 60
29. 2,4- Dichloro acetophenone 240
30. 4-fluoro benzaldehyde 120
31. 2-Chloro-6-fluoro 120
32. 2,6-Dichloro benzaldehyde 120

Following by products will be manufactured:

33 HCl (30 %) 5,400

34 Sodium bisulfite 600
35 Alluminum Chloride 973.4
36 Sodium bromide 351.6
37 Sodium Iodide 23.1
38 Sodium fluoride 27.3
39 Ammonium 15.2
40 m-Chlorobenzoic 25.5
41 Potassium Iodid 20
42 Potassium Chloride 117.3

PAs informed that only 5 products will be manufactured at a time. Total quantity
of bulk drugs and intermediates manufactured will be 5-6 MTPM and 50-60 MTPM
respectively. Manufacturing process will involve mixing of raw materials with solvents,
heating upto desired temperature for certain duration followed by solvent recovery,
purification, drying, packing and dispatching etc.

Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 6 locations during November,
2009?January, 2010 and submitted data revealed as SPM (92-140 ug/m3), RSPM (22.3-
43.7 ug/m3), PM10 (55.3-90.7 ug/m3), PM2.5 (25.3-60.7 ug/m3), SO2 (6.7-13.6 ug/m3) and
NOx (12.1-24.0 ug/m3) which are within the permissible limit. Incremental concentration
due to proposed project was estimated to be SPM (2.68 ug/m3), SO2 (4.6 ug/m3) and
NOx (1.64 ug/m3). Multi-cyclone will be provided to biofuel/lignite fire boiler and thermic
fluid heater to control particulate matter and waste gases will be discharged into
atmosphere through stack (30 m). Stack (5 m) will be provided to DG sets (2 x 125
KVA). HCl/Chlorine and HCl/SO2 gases will be scrubbed in the three stage scrubbers to
control HCl within 20 mg/Nm3, Cl2 within 9 mg/Nm3 and SO2 within 40 mg/Nm3. The
vents of the reactors will be connected to chilled water condenser system. The
recovered solvent will be reused.

Total ground water requirement will be 85.50 m3/day. Total wastewater

generation is 27 m3/day. Industrial wastewater will be treated in ETP comprising primary,
secondary and tertiary treatment facility. Treated wastewater will be discharged to
CETP, ECIL for further treatment after meeting inlet norms of CETP. Domestic effluent
(2 m3/day) will be disposed through septic tank and soak pit. A copy of membership of
CETP for disposal of treated effluent issued by M/s EICL vide letter dated 12th April,
2010 is submitted.

Distillation residue (300 MTPA) will be sent to CHWI for Incineration at NECL,
Nandesari. ETP Sludge (750 MTPA) will be sent to TSDF, NECL, Nandesari. Fly ash
(600 MTPA) will be sold to brick manufacturers. Waste oil (100 LPA) and discarded
bags/ containers/drums (10,000 Nos./year) will be sold to authorized dealers. HCl 30%
(5,400 MTPA), Sodium bi-sulfite (600 MTPA), Alluminium Chloride (973.4 MTPA),
Sodium Chloride (351.6 MTPA), Sodium Iodide (23.1 MTPA), Sodium Fluoride (27.3
MTPA), Ammonium Chloride (15.2 MTPA), m-Chlorobenzoic acid (25.5 MTPA),
Potassium iodide (20 MTPA) and Potassium Chloride (117.3 MTPA) will be sold to
actual users/vendors. A hazardous waste storage room measuring 25 m2 having
impervious RCC flooring and leachate collection pit will be provided. A copy of
membership of SETP for disposal of treated effluent issued by M/s EICL vide letter dated
12th April, 2010 is submitted. A copy of membership of TSDF for disposal of solid waste
issued by M/s EICL vide letter dated 28th April, 2010 is submitted.

Green belt will be developed in 9,582.2 m2 out of total land 29,037 m2. Power
requirement from M.G.V.C.L. will be 250 KVA. D. G. set (125 KVA) will be installed for
emergency power back up. Fuel for boiler and thermic fluid heater will be lignite / bio-fuel
(17 MTPD). Fuel for DG set will be diesel (100 LPD). PAs informed to the Committee
that gas is available in the area but not provided to the PAs and can?t switch over to

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on 8th
June, 2010. The issues raised included environmental compliance, wastewater disposal,
local employment, green belt, implementation of pollution abatement programme etc.
and have satisfactorily been incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

After deliberations, the Committee desired submission of following information :

1. Total capacity of the plant.

2. Maximum quantity of drugs and intermediates to be manufactured at a time.
3. Maximum bulk storage of drugs and intermediates.
4. Maximum storage capacity of incompatible chemicals.
5. List of solvents to be used in manufacturing.
6. Risk assessment of hazardous chemicals for handling, storage, transportation,
transferring into process etc for worst scenario.
7. Comprehensive risk assessment plan and proposed mitigation measures.
8. Inlet efficiency of the scrubbers and secondary scrubbers
9. Details of the solvents to be used in the process and solvent recovery plan.
10. A note on handling of Benzene alongwith transfer system.
11. Cumulative impact on the agriculture and water table due to drawl of ground
water. An hydrological study should be carried out.
12. A detailed note on occupational health system including medical facilities at the
site, nearby, provision of Doctor (occupational health expert), frequency of visit
and maintenance of records etc.
13. List of mishappening/accidents happened during last 15 years.
The Committee observed that following 3 projects belong to one project
proponent out of which one is green field (new, non-operating) and two expansion
projects (operating) and are of similar type:

1. Bulk Drugs Manufacturing Unit-II Sy. No. 443, Neja, Taluk Khambhat, District
Anand, Gujarat by M/s Shital Chemical Industries (EC).
2. Expansion of Chemicals Manufacturing Unit-1 at Sy. No. 194/1, Vaduchi Mata
Road, Village Sokhada, Taluka Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat by M/s Shital
Chemicals Industries (Unit-I) (EC)
3. Expansion of Chemical Manufacturing Unit at Sy. No. 293, Village Lunej, Taluka-
Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat by M/s Gujarat Halogen Petrochem
Corporation. (EC)

The Committee decided that a sub-committee comprising of Shri R.K. Garg, Vice
chairman, Dr. B. Sengupta, Member and a representative of the Ministry will visit all the
3 plants (one non-operating and two operating) to assess the existing pollution control
measures adopted in the existing plant in operaing plants and suggest additional
pollution control measures to be adopted during proposed expansion, if any.

The proposal is deferred till the site inspection report is submitted and pollution
control measures will be discussed after the site visit in presence of PAs.

13.2.16 Expansion of Bulk Drug Manufacturing Unit (135 to 9,635 TPA) and
Captive Power Plant (8 MW) at Free Enterprise Zone, Derabassi, District
Mohali, Punjab, by M/s Kudos Chemie Ltd. (EC)

The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs) considered during the 72nd
Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 8th-20th September,
2007 and awarded on 7th December, 2007 for preparation of EIA/EMP. All the Bulk Drug
Units outside the notified industrial area are listed at S.N. 5(f) under Category ?A? and
appraised at the Central level. General condition is applicable as project is located at 3
Km from interstate boundary. The proposal was considered for ?TORs? in 72nd EAC(2)
meeting held during 8th-20th September, 2007 and awarded on 7th December, 2007.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Kudos Chemie Ltd. have
proposed for the Expansion of Bulk Drug Manufacturing Unit (135 to 9,635 TPA) and
Captive Power Plant (8 MW) at Free Enterprise Zone, Derabassi, District Mohali,
Punjab. During presentation, PAs informed that CPP (8 MW) will be installed with
additional cost Rs. 40.00 Crores. Proposed project is located at 3 Km from interstate
boundary. PAs have informed that land requirement is enhanced from 25 acres to 75
acres due to purchase of 50 acre more land. PAs have confirmed that total cost of the
project is Rs 126.20 Crores for the proposed expnasion. Rs. 1,550.00 Lakhs and Rs.
400.00 Lakhs are earmarked toward capital cost and recurring cost per annum for
pollution control measures. No litigation/court case is pending against the project.
Following will be manufactured:
S.N. Item Name Present Expansion Total Capacity after
Capacity (TPA) Planned (TPA) expansion (TPA)
1. Caffeine 35 6,000 6,035
2. Theophylline 100 2,500 2,600
3. Aminophylline 400 400
4. Etophylline 500 500
5. Theobromine 200 200
TOTAL 135 9,600 9,735

Liquor Ammonia, Acetic Acid, Sodium Sulphate and mixed salts will be generated as by

Raw materials required to manufacture above mentioned drugs, material

balance of all the drugs and manufacturing details of all the products are submitted.
Ambient air quality is monitored for SPM (198-346 mg/m3), RPM (118-220 mg/m3), SO2
(10.8-18.6 mg/m3), NOx (19.4-33 mg/m3), CO (115-140 mg/m3) and are within the limit
except RPM. Ammonia gas (by product), HCN gas (recycle), Chloroform vapors and
NOx (recycle) will be generated. Absorbers will be provided to absorb these gases.
Flue gas from boiler and D.G. sets generated will be trapped in Multiple cyclone
separator and stack (32 m to 20 m). ESP will be installed in the proposed power plant to
trap particulate matter. Scrubber will be provided to absorb NH3, HCN & NOx emissions.
NH3 will be absorbed in water whereas HCN & NOx in Sodium hydroxide (10-19%)
solution. Ammonia gas will be sold as a by product whereas Sodium cyanide and
sodium nitrite will be recycled in the process as an input vent. Solvent MIBK/Chloroform
will be condensed in condenser with chilled water and brine water in circulation to
eliminate solvent vapors. No incinerator will be installed since no incineration is required.

Total ground water requirement from bore wells will be enhanced from 490
m3/day to 615 m3/day after expansion. Total effluent generation will be 444 m3/day.
38.85 m3/day low TDS effluent will be generated having inorganic salts only. Therefore,
entire effluent will be segregated into high TDS and low TDS streams. Salt from high
TDS effluent will be recovered in Salt Recovery Plant (SRP) with the help of Multiple
Effect Evaporators (MEE). The condensate will be recycled in cooling towers. Low TDS
stream will be treated in Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP). BOD & COD will be maintained
within limit with the help of activated sludge (Biomass treatment) and treated waste
water will be used for irrigation. Service water will be passed through oil separator to
remove oil content in the effluent. Domestic effluent will be treated in septic tank
followed by soak pit. Treated effluent will be used for horticulture and gardening inside
the premises. No effluent will be discharged outside the premises and ?Zero?
discharge will be adopted.

No organic sludge will be generated. Iron oxide waste will be given to cement
industries. PAs informed during presentation that recovery plant will installed for the
activation of spent carbon. After re-activation the carbon will be reused in the process.
The company has developed in-house process for re-activation of spent carbon and
setting up of recovery plant for the same. Ash from boiler (350 MTPM) will be generated.
Any other hazardous waste will be disposed off in TSDF at Nimbua. Membership to
TSDF is yet to be obtained. Waste oil and used batteries will be sold to authorized
recyclers / re-processors.
PAs calrified that green belt is developed in 6 acres and earmarked another 4
acres of land for green belt, however, the Committee insisted to develop green belt in 33
% area. Acoustic enclosures will be provided to D.G. sets. Power (2500 KW) from
Punjab State Electricity Board will be required. PAs have informed that they have
placed an order for installation of Co-generation Plant (8 MW) and will be commissioned
by end 2011 for which permission will be obtained from PPCB before commissioning of
plant. D.G. set will be installed for emergency. Rice/husk based boiler will be installed.
HSD (2500l/day) will be used in D.G. sets.

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Punjab Pollution Control Board on 12th
March, 2010. The issues raised included solid waste disposal, employment, vehicular
traffic, health, waste water discharge, awareness programme for the workers, green belt
development, ground water tank, fly ash utilization etc. and have satisfactorily been
incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

After deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report inadequate to
deal with the bulk drug unit proposed and desired that a sub-committee of EAC(I-2)
comprising of Shri R.K. Garg, Vice Chairman, Dr. G. K. Pandey, Member, a
representative from the Regional Office of the MoEF at Chandigarh and Ministry should
visit the unit to assess the pollution control measures being adopted in the existing plant
and suggest additional pollution control measures to be adopted in the proposed
expansion plant, if any.

Following information should also be incorporated the fin the final EIA/EMP
report :

1. One month baseline data for all the components including PM10, PM2.5, SO2,
NOX, HCN, NH3 as per the guidelines for the month of the October, 2010.
2. Commitment for on-line monitoring of HCN.
3. Stack emissions data for the HCN from the existing unit.
4. Ground water analysis report within 5 km radius at 10 locations.
5. Noise level monitoring inside the premises.
6. A note on follow up of International Cyanide Management Code.
7. Comprehensive and Quantitative Risk Assessment covering risks due to
transportation, storage of chemicals, solvents.
8. Risk assessment of hazardous chemical for storage, transportation, handling etc.
Cyanide emission from Cyanide column.
9. A note on existing safety arrangements and proposed during expansion, training
to workers alongwith the history of accidents and measures adopted to take care
of accidents etc.

Besides, final EIA/EMP should include a copy of the ?TORs awarded, Point-wise
compliance to TORs, Public hearing report and Point-wise clarifications given to public
alongwith commitments made, if any.

The proposal is deferred till the site inspection report is submitted and pollution
control measures will be discussed after site visit in presence of PAs.
13.2.17 Bulk Drugs & Intermediates Manufacturing Unit (100 MTPA) at Sy. No. 57,
58, 69 and 70, Raichur Growth Centre, District Raichur, Karnataka by M/s
Vibrant Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd. (TOR)

The project authorities and their consultant (SV Enviro Labs & Consultants, A.P.;
QCI S.N. 102) gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the project and
proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken alongwith the draft Term
of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All synthetic organic chemical industries
(bulk drugs & intermediates) located inside the notified industrial estate/area are listed at
S.N. 5(f) under category ?B? and should have been appraised at State level. However,
due to location of the project within 10 km of the interstate boundary and applicability of
general condition, proposal is appraised at central level.

Raichur is listed at S. N. 53 of Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index

(CEPI) under severely polluted area as per Ministry OM dated 13th January, 2010. The
CEPI score for Raichur is 68.77. In this regard, Ministry vide letter dated 12th February,
2010 has asked to the project proponent to submit written comments of state pollution
control board in respect of pollution load in terms of ambient air quality/water quality or
solid waste/hazardous waste management. Further, PAs vide letter dated 29th April,
2010 have submitted the comments letter from State Pollution Control Board indicating
water pollution & air pollution control measures and hazardous waste management to be

M/s Vibrant Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd. have proposed for setting up of Bulk Drugs &
Intermediates Manufacturing Unit (100 MTPA) at Sy. No. 57, 58, 69 and 70 Raichur
Growth Centre, District Raichur, Karnataka. A copy of allotment of land in Raichur
Growth Centre Industrial Area issued by Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board
vide letter no. KIADB DDO/GLB/RGC/429/2008-09 dated 11th July 2008 is submitted.
Total plot area is 2.0 acres (8942.4 m2). Interstate boundary is located within 10 km.
Total project cost is revised from Rs. 2.877 Crores to Rs. 2.96 Crores. Rs. 60.00 Lakhs
and Rs. 5.00 Lakhs are earmarked toward capital cost and recurring cost per annum for
pollution control measures. PAs have confirmed that no national park/wildlife
sanctuary/reserve forest is located within 10 km. No litigation/court case is pending
against the project. Details of the products and its manufacturing capacity are given

S. N. Name of the product Production (MTPM)

1 Amlodipine Besylate 0.50
2 Aripiprazole 0.50
3 Atrovastain calcium 1.0
4 Carvedilol 1.0
5 Clopidogrel bisulphate 1.0
6 Gemcitabine Hydrochloride 0.10
7 Itraconazole 0.50
8 Lamotrigine 0.50
9 Montelokast Sodium 0.40
10 Olmesertan 0.50
11 Pantoprazole Sodium 0.40
12 Quitiapine fumarate 0.60
13 Terbinafine Hydrochloride 0.50
14 Tramadol 0.90
Total 8.40

Toluene, Methanol, Acetone, Piperazine, Methylene dichloride, Ethyl acetate,

Cyclohexane, n-Hexane, Iso propyl alcohol, Acetonitrile and Tetrahedrafuran will be
used as solvents. Manufacturing process will include reaction between chemicals in
presence of solvent in a reactor followed by filtration and centrifugation.

Stack emission will be controlled by providing cyclone separator. Stack (32 m)

will be provided to coal/husk based boiler to discharge flue gas into atmosphere.
Scrubbing system will be installed to control process emissions. Distillation
column/dedicated reactors with condensers will be installed for effective recovery of
solvents. Sub-coolers for chilled brine circulation will be installed to effectively reduce the
solvent evaporation losses into the atmoshphere. All solvent storage tanks will be
connected with vent condensers.

Total water requirement from KIADB will be 70 m3/day. Wastewater generation

will be 33.80 m3/day. Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) consisting of Screen & Grit
Chamber, Oil & Grease trap, Neutralization Tank, Multiple Evaporation System and
sludge drying bed will be installed to treat wastewater. Part of treated effluent will be
recycled and used for the process. Part of treated effluent will be sent to multiple effect
evaporator for final treatment.

Fly ash will be sold to brick manufacturers. Coal ash yard will be constructed.
Process organic waste, inorganic waste, Inorganic salt from MEE system and ETP
sludge will be disposed to TSDF. A copy of membership certificate No.
KWMP/DBSPT/HZW/314 dated 08th June, 2010 issued M/s Karnataka Waste
Management Project for disposal of hazardous waste in TSDF is submitted. Hazardous
material will be stored in drums on an elevated platform, provided with leachate
collection pits.

Green belt will be developed 1.0 acre (50%) out of 2.0 acres land. Power
requirement from state electricity board will be 200 KVA. A DG set (200 KVA/150 KVA) will be
installed for power backup. Husk (300 MTPM) and HSD (40 LPD) will be used as fuel.

After detailed deliberations, the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) prescribed

following Terms of reference for undertaking detailed EIA study:

1. Executive summary of the project

2. Justification of the project.
3. Promoters and their back ground
4. Regulatory framework
5. Recommendations of the Karnataka Pollution Control Board regarding issue of
environment clearance to the project.
6. A map indicating location of the projrct and distance from severely polluted area
7. A copy of notification issued by the Govt. of Karnataka indicating location of the
project in Raichur Growth Centre, a notified industrial area.
8. Project location and plant layout.
9. Infrastructure facilities including power sources.
10. Total cost of the project alongwith total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for
environmental pollution control measures.
11. Project site location along with site map of 10 km area and site details providing
various industries, surface water bodies, forests etc.
12. Present land use based on satellite imagery for the study area of 10 km radius.
Location of National Park/Wild life sanctuary/Reserve Forest within 10 km radius
of the project.
13. Details of the total land and break-up of the land use for green belt and other
14. Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity,
hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall is necessary.
15. All the environment clearances accorded by the Ministry, Consent to Establish
and Operate and point-wise compliance to the specific and general conditions
stipulated in the environmental clearance and Consent to Establish and Operate
for all the existing plants.
16. List of products alongwith the production capacities and list of solvents and its
recovery plan.
17. Detailed list of raw material required and source, mode of storage and
18. Manufacturing process details alongwith the chemical reactions.
19. Air pollution control measures proposed for the effective control of gaseous
emissions within permissible limits.
20. Design details of ETP, incinerator, if any alngwith control of Dioxin & Furan,
boiler, scrubbers/bag filters etc.
21. Details of water and air pollution and its mitigation plan
22. Ambient air quality at 6 locations within the study area of 5 km., aerial coverage
from project site. Location of one AAQMS in downwind direction.
23. Ambient air quality modelling for plant.
24. Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards notified by
the Ministry on 16th September, 2009.
25. One season site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative
humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall and AAQ data (except
monsoon) for PM10, SO2, NOx including HC and VOCs should be collected. The
monitoring stations should take into account the pre-dominant wind direction,
population zone and sensitive receptors including reserved forests. Data for
water and noise monitoring should also be included.
26. An action plan to control and monitor secondary fugitive emissions from all the
sources as per the latest permissible limits issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R.
414(E) dated 30th May, 2008.
27. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment
of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-
specific meteorological features.
28. ?Permission? for the drawl of 70 m3/day water from KIADB from the the
concerned authority. Water balance cycle data including quantity of effluent
generated recycled and reused and discharged. Action plan for ?Zero
Discharge? of effluent as proposed should be included.
29. Ground water monitoring minimum at 6 locations should be carried out.
Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area and ecological
status (Terrestrial and Aquatic).
30. The details of solid and hazardous wastes generation, storage, utilization and
disposal particularly related to the hazardous waste calorific value of hazardous
waste and detailed characteristic of the hazardous waste. Action plan for the
disposal of fly ash generated from boiler should be included.
31. Precautions to be taken during storage and transportation of hazardous
chemicals should be clearly mentioned and incorporated.
32. Details of landfill alongwith design details as per CPCB guidelines. Location of
secured land fill/TSDF.
33. Authorization/Membership for the disposal of liquid effluent in CETP and
solid/hazardous waste in TSDF.
34. Ground water monitoring around the project site as well as around land fill site
35. Risk assessment for storage, transporation, handling of chemicals/solvents and
phosgenes. Action plan for handling & safety system, whenever any cyanide is
involved in process.
36. An action plan to develop green belt in 33 % area
37. Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site should be included to
harvest rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the
ground water.
38. Occupational health of the workers needs elaboration including evaluation of
noise, heat, illumination, dust, any other chemicals, metals being suspected in
environment and going into body of workers either through inhalation, ingestion
or through skin absorption and steps taken to avoid musculo-skeletal disorders
(MSD), backache, pain in minor and major joints, fatigue etc. Occupational
hazards specific pre-placement and periodical monitoring should be carried out.
39. Socio-economic development activities should be in place.
40. Note on compliance to the recommendations mentioned in the CREP guidelines.
41. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details
of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring
frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation
measure should be provided.
42. EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
43. Name and location of the TSDF alongwith membership should be incorporated.
44. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control
45. Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
46. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on
the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular
chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.
47. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.

The following general points should be noted:

i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the specific
chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report.
vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
viii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (OCl)/National Accreditation Board of
Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted
on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
ix) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental
consultant should be included.

It was decided that ?TORs? prescribed by the Expert Appraisal Committee

(Industry) should be considered for preparation of EIA / EMP report for the above
mentioned project in addition to all the relevant information as per the ?Generic
Structure of EIA? given in Appendix III and IIIA in the EIA Notification, 2006. The
Committee (Industry-2) also noted that no public hearing/consultation is required due to
project being located in notified Raichur growth centre as per Section (iii), Stage (3),
Para (i)(b) of EIA Notification, 2006. The final EIA/EMP alongwith ?Certificate of
Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be submitted to the Ministry for obtaining
environmental clearance.

13.2.18 Grain based Distillery (RS/ENA/Ethanol/IA, 60 KLPD) Unit and Captive

Power Plant (2.0 MW) at Village Jekkepally, Hemlet of Bennur, Mandal
Yalal, District Rangareddy, Andhra Pradesh by M/s Radical Bio-Organics
Ltd. (EC)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs) awarded during the 9th Meeting of
the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 18th-19th March, 2010 for
preparation of EIA/EMP. All cane juice/non-molasses based distillery (>30 KLD) are
listed at S.N. 5(g) (ii) under category ?A? and appraised at Central level.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Radical Bio-Organics

Limited have proposed for grain based distillery (RS/ENA/Ethanol/IA, 60 KLPD) unit and
captive power plant (2.0 MW) at Sy. No. 36, 38, 41 & 43, Village Jekkepally, Hemlet of
Bennur, Mandal Yalal, District Rangareddy, Andhra Pradesh. Total plot area is revised
from 26.0 acres to 27.28 acres. Total project cost is revised from Rs. 56.59 Crores to Rs.
62.12 Crores. No national park/wildlife sanctuary/biosphere reserves are located within
10 km. Kagna River is located at 2.0 Km. Jekkeepalle RF, Tirmalapur RF, Appaipalle
RF, Jutpalle RF, Kamlapur RF, Antaram R F, Timmiapalle RF are located within 10 km.
No litigation/court case is pending against the project.

Grains (160 TPD), Indian coal (100 TPD) /Biomass (150 TPD) will be used as
raw materials. RS/ENA/Ethanol/IA production will involve the extraction and
saccharfication of starches and their conversion into alcohol by fermentation process,
which will include various processes such as grain milling, cooking, fermentation and
distillation. The process of converting to alcohol is by the batch fermentation process.

Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 6 locations during December ?
February, 2010 and submitted data indicated as PM2.5 g/mµ(12.9-19.5 3), PM10 (22.8-
33.6 ug/m3), SO2 (6.1-8.4 u/m3) and NOx (7.0-9.4 ug/m3). Incremental concentration due
to proposed project was estimated to be PM10 g/mµ(0.7 3), SO2 g/mµ(6.6 3) and NOx
(0.07 g/mµ3). Bag filter alongwith stack (43 m) will be provided to boiler (25 TPH) to
control PM2.5 emissions within 50 mg/M3. All material transfer points will be provided
with dust extraction system with bag filter. Raw material unloading areas will be provided
with dust suppression system. Carbon dioxide produced during fermentation will be
recovered by means of scrubbing arrangement and recovered CO2 (45.6 TPD) will be
supplied to soft drink manufacturers in cylinders.

Total water requirement from River Kagna will be 1200 m3/day but Committee
asked to restrict to 800 m3/day. Total wastewater generation will be 466 m3/day. The
spent wash generation will be restricted to 6Kl/Kl of spirit production. Spent wash (360
m3/day) will be treated in ETP. ?Zero? discharge will be maintained in the unit. The
spent wash will be centrifuged in decanter to form wet cake (30% solids W/W) and thin
slop which will be treated in Multiple Effect Evaporator to concentrate the solids. The
concentrated thin slop will be mixed with wet cake which will be either sold as cattle feed
directly or dried to concentrate the solids to 90% to produced DDGS. Spent wash
storage lagoon of storage capacity of 3 days with impervious HDPE lining will be
provided as per CPCB guidelines. The boiler blow down & DM Plant regeneration water
will be treated in a neutralization tank and after treatment will be mixed with CT blow
down and stored in holding tank. Treated effluent will be utilized for dust suppression,
ash conditioning and green belt after ensuring compliance with APPCB norms. Rain
water harvesting structure will be created.

Ash (45 TPD) will be used as manure/given to brick manufacturers. DDGS (40
TPD) will be sold as cattle feed.

Green belt to be developed is revised from 8.7 acres to 9.1 acres out of total land
27.28 acres. Boiler (25 TPH) will be installed to meet the steam requirement and
generate 2 MW electricity. Coal/ rice husk will be as fuel in boiler.

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board
on 7th July, 2010. The issues raised included air pollution, water pollution, foul smell,
local employment, water supply to villagers, water recycling, water harvesting, ash
handling etc. and have satisfactorily been incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report
adequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other
environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance :

1. Prior permission from the State Forest Department regarding likely impact of the
proposed plant on the surrounding reserve forests viz. Jekkeepalle RF,
Tirmalapur RF, Appaipalle RF, Jutpalle RF, Kamlapur RF, Antaram R F,
Timmiapalle RF located within 10 km. Measures should be taken to prevent
impact of particulate emissions / fugitive emissions, if any from the proposed
plant on the surrounding reserve forests Further, Conservation Plan for the
conservation of wild fauna in consultation with the State Forest Department shall
be prepared and implemented.
2. Bag filter alongwith adequate stack height should be provided to boiler (25 TPH)
to control PM2.5 emissions within 50 mg/Nm3 or limit prescribed by the APPPCB,
which ever is more stringent.
3. As proposed, Carbon dioxide (CO2) produced during fermentation will be
recovered by means of scrubbing arrangement and recovered CO2 should be
supplied to soft drink manufacturers for further use.
4. Total water requirement from River Kagna should not exceed 800 m3/day and
prior permission should be obtained fromconcerned authority/agency. No ground
water should be used.
5. Total wastewater generation should not exceed 466 m3/day. No process water
should be discharged outside the premises and ?zero discharge? should be
strictly adopted.
6. The spent wash generation should be restricted to 6Kl/Kl of spirit production.
Spent wash (360 m3/day) should be centrifuged in decanter to form wet cake
(30% solids W/W) and thin slop which should be treated in Multiple Effect
Evaporator to concentrate the solids. The concentrated thin slop should be mixed
with wet cake which should be either sold as cattle feed directly or dried to
concentrate the solids to 90% to produced DDGS.
7. Storage capacity of spent wash lagoon should not exceed 3 days and lagoon
should be provided with impervious HDPE lining as per CPCB guidelines.
Ground water monitoring of wells/peizometers should be done accordance with
CPCB guidelines.
8. Fly ash and bottom ash should be utilized as per fly ash Notification., 1999 and
subsequent amendments issued time to time. DDGS should be used as cattle
9. Green belt should be developed in 9.1 acres (33 %) out of total land 27.28 acres.

13.3 Reconsideration :
13.3.1 Expansion of Hard Carbon Black (225 TPD to 365 TPD) and Co-Generation
Power Plant (16 MW to 22 MW) at Village Koka, Taluka Mundra, District
Kuchchh, Gujarat by M/s Philips Carbon Black Limited (EC)

Proposal of M/s Philips Carbon Black Limited for the expansion of Hard Carbon
Black (225 TPD to 365 TPD) and Co-generation Plant (16 MW to 22 MW) at Village
Mokoka,Taluka Mundrai, District Kuchchh, Gujarat was considered and discussed in the
10th Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-2) meeting held during 29th?30th April, 2010.
After deliberation, the EAC(I-2) desired additional information as well as recommended
for site visit by the following Members:

1. Shri M.B. Lal, Chairman

2. Shri S.K. Hazra, Member
3. Representative of the MoEF

As per recommendation of the Committee, Shri M.B. Lal, Chairman; Dr. R.K.
Garg, Vice Chairman (in place of Shri S.K. Hazra being abroad) and Dr. P.B. Rastogi,
Member Secretary visited the project site on 4th August, 2010. Following is the list of

(A) From M/s Philips Carbon Black Ltd.:

i) Sh/Shri Ashok Goyal, Managing Director

ii) S.K. Lall, General Manager
iii) Anshuman Chaudhury, Manager (Project)
iv) Rushi Shah
v) Sudipto Ghosh
vi) K. Bose
vii) P. Jain

(B) Consultant:

i) Shri Mahendra Sadoriya, San Enviro Vadodara, Gujarat.

(C) Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-2) :

i) Sh/Shri M.B. Lal, Chairman

ii) R.K. Garg, Vice Chairman

(D) Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi :

i) Dr. P.B. Rastogi, Member Secretary

Project Proponent before initial site visit, briefed about the process details; raw
materials & storage; emissions from different sources and APCS installed; source of
water, treatment methods and recycle/reuse; solid/hazardous waste generation,
management & disposal; green belt development, occupational health etc.

The Committee visited water storage area, feed stock storage area, waste heat
recovery power plant, process & manufacturing plant of Carbon Black, packaging plant,
effluent treatment plant (ETP) sludge storage area, green belt etc.

PAs informed the Committee that existing Carbon Black plant (225 TPD) and
WHRB plant (16 MW) was accorded environmental clearance on 19th August, 2008 and
has produced Carbon Black upto 165 TPD only. It is informed that they are awaiting
approval from different Companies for the quality and type of the products desired by
them before achieving final production capacity. It is observed that no work related to
expansion project is started so far. PAs confirmed that no court case is in pending
against them.

In the existing plant, feed stock (liquid hydrocarbon of petroleum & coal tar) is
cracked in reactors (4 Nos.) in air-deficient atmosphere under controlled conditions and
transformed into Carbon Black which is passed through bag filters to separate solid
(Carbon Black) from gas (to be used in WHRB to run steam turbine generator to
generate power). Before going to the bag filters, the gas containing Carbon Black is
passed through an air precipitator and a pre-heater to recover useful heat energy. After
expansion, total water requirement will be 1200 m3/day and sourced from GWIL of
Narmada Canal. Reverse Osmosis & De-mineralization Plant are existing. All the
treated effluent is recycled/reused in the process, dust suppression and green belt
leading to ?Zero? discharge. No effluent is discharged outside the premises. ETP
sludge is dried, temporarily, stored in the cemented disposal pit and sent to TSDF site
from time to time. PAs informed that approximately 10,000 trees have been planted.

PAs informed that similar process line for manufacturing Carbon Black and
another WHRB based plant (6 MW) will be installed. It was also informed that the
average Sulphur content in the feed stock is about 2.5% and about 40% of this is
released to the environment through stack of 65 m as SO2. Overall house keeping was
found to be satisfactory except in packaging area where more ventilation is required to
reduce fugitive emission in the work zone environment. PAs also informed that no fire
explosion or any other accident is reported so far in any of the Carbon Black Plants
operated by them. No information is available to PAs in this regard from the worldwide
sources also.

After deliberations, discussion and site visit, the Sub-Committee recommended

following specific conditions for incorporation in the environment clearance while
considering proposal for environment clearance:

i) ?Sulphur? content in the feed stock should not exceed 3% as per the CPCB

ii) Continuous monitoring and recording facilities to monitor particulate matter,

SO2 and CO should be installed and should be on-line whenever plant is in

iii) Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) should be monitored in fugitive dust

emission area particularly in Packaging Plant. Data should be properly
monitored, recorded, and submitted to the Ministry?s Regional Office at

iv) Industrial exhaust and proper ventilation should be provided in packaging plant

v) All the workers involved in packing of Carbon Black in Packaging Plant area
should use (PPE) instead of cloth (being presently used) and masks to avoid
direct exposure to Carbon Black dust.
vi) All the workers should be regularly monitored for occupational health for
relevant parameters and records maintained.

vii) Total water requirement after expansion should not exceed 1200 m3/day. Air
cooled condenser should be provided to reduce fresh water consumption even
for expansion. Steps should be identified to conserve water and measures
adopted for minimizing the same. Further efforts should be made to minimize
water consumption.

viii) No treated process effluent should be discharged outside the premises and
?Zero? discharge should be ensured.

ix) All the solid/hazardous waste including ETP sludge and waste oil should
properly stored at the site as per CPCB guideline and disposed off to nearby
authorized TSDF and recycler/re-processors respectively.

x) Proper and valid authorization and membership should be obtained from the
concerned authorities for the disposal of solid/hazardous waste and a copy
submitted to the Ministry?s Regional Office at Bhopal.

xi) Proper house keeping should be maintained and no spillage of Carbon Black
should be permitted. Preventive measures should be taken to avoid and
prevent any accidental release of Carbon Black to the environment.

xii) As proposed, green belt should be developed in 30 acres out of total 62 acres.

xiii) Possibilities should be explored to make use of coal tar available from coal
gasification plants.

xiv) Proper energy conservation measures should be adopted and a report

submitted to the Ministry and it?s Regional Office at Bhopal.

xv) A proper occupational health monitoring system should be implemented for all
personnel / workers in the plant / laboratory and other areas which may have
an impact on their health.

xvi) All the recommendations/standards mentioned in the CPCB guidelines for the
Carbon Black manufacturers should be implemented.

The Committee (I-2) discussed the site visit report submitted by the sub-
committee and its recommendations in the meeting. The committee accepted
recommendations of the sub-committee in toto and recommended proposal for
consideration for the environmental clearance.

13.3.2 Expansion of Dye & Dye Intermediates Unit (60 MTPM to 2355 MTPM) and
Power Plant (5 MW) at Sy. no. 637, Village Kalamsar, Taluka Khambhat,
District Anand, Gujarat by M/s Cambay Chem Limited (EC)
Proposal of M/s Cambay Chem Ltd. for the Expansion of Dye & Dye Intermediate
Unit (60 MTPM to 2355 MTPM) and installation of Power Plant (5 MW) at Sy.
No.637,Village Kalamsar, Taluka Khambat, District Anand, Gujarat was considered and
discussed for ?TORs? in 85th EAC (Industry-2) meeting held during 23rd?25th
September, 2008 and for environment clearance in 10th EAC (Industry-2) meeting held
during 25th-26th April, 2010 and Committee desired additional information. The proposal
was reconsidered in 12th EAC(Industry-2) meeting held during 15th?16th July, 2010 and
recommended for site visit by the Sub-Committee comprising of Shri R. K. Garg, Vice
Chairman; Shri S.K. Hazra, Member and Representative of the MoEF due to
unsatisfactory information.

As per recommendation of the Committee, Shri R.K. Garg, Vice Chairman, Dr.
G.K. Pandey, Member and Dr. P.B. Rastogi, Member Secretary visited the site on 6th
August, 2010. Shri S.K. Hazra, being abroad could not join the site visit. Following is the
list of participants:

(A) From M/s Cambay Chem Ltd:

i) Sh/Shri Radhey Shyam Agarwal - Chairman
ii) Rohan R. Agarwal - Managing Director
iii) Mahendra A. Kavadia - Production Manager
iv) Jaybal - Manager (EHI)
v) Ajay Agarwal - Director
vi) Bhikubhai Patel - Manager (Admn.)

(B) Consultant:
i) Naitik Shah - Environment Consultant

(C) From EAC (Industry-2)

i) Dr. R.K. Garg - Vice Chairman
ii) Shri G.K. Pandey - Member

(D) From MoEF, New Delhi:

i) Dr. P.B. Rastogi - Member Secretary

The Sub-Committee visited the existing process unit, which was under shut down
since July, 2009. PAs didn?t inform about closure of the factory before site visit. It was
observed that existing unit is in very bad shape as evidenced by poor house keeping,
rusted reaction vessels, pipes, motors, transfer tanks, broken walls and roofs etc. It was
felt that no further processing in the existing unit should be allowed to avoid untoward
incident in future and virtually existing unit needs to be scrapped, specially in view of
handling of highly toxic materials/chemicals. The Sub-Committee also visited DASA &
DASDA units, incinerator site, solid waste disposal site and effluent treatment plant

It was observed that incinerator which had only a single chamber, is now being
modified to double-chambered as per CPCB guidelines under direction of GPCB.
Dr.Garg, VC of EAC noticed that there is provision to feed the waste material to be
incinerated from the top of the incinerator, which is not correct as the volatile material in
the wastes will get evaporated without proper burning and opined that the feeding point
of wastes need to be modified (Bottom feeding ). Also, the so called scrubber provided in
the incinirator was basically working as a ventury and as such needs to be changed/
modified/retrofitted. It was informed that about 1 ton per month ash comes out of
incinerator and the same is sent to TSDF located in Vatava. No effluent discharge could
be seen due to project being under shut down. Solid waste in the form of Gypsum (ETP)
sludge and Iron sludge is stored in cemented pit and supplied to cement plants as
evidenced by the documentary proofs shown from M/s Ambuja Cement, M/s Ultra Tech
Cement Ltd. M/s Siddhi Cement Ltd. Hazardous wastes are sent to TSDF viz. M/s Green
Environment Co-op. Society, Vatva, Ahmedabad. ?No Objection Certificate? for the
existing unit from GPCB is obtained vide letter dt. 25th April, 2006. A few workers were
also called to assess their experience in the existing unit and if they experienced any
occupation related health problem. The workers informed that they are regularly
checked by a part time Doctor and six monthly medical examination for blood, lung
function test, nails etc. but have not found any occupation related disease. All the
workers who were present before the sub-committee had worked in the plant for about
2-3 years only and as such their exposure period was quite less to contract any
occupational disease.

PAs informed that adequate pollution control measures like ESP to CPP, bag
filters, scrubber (acid/alkali) with packed colours and stacks of adequate height, cyclone
separators etc. will be provided to reaction vessels in the proposed plant which was
seen under construction. Besides, solvent recovery plant and chilled brine circulation
system will be provided to condense for solvent vapors and reduce solvent losses. Out
of 1,520 m3/day ground water requirement, 1008 m3/day effluent will be generated. Low
volume high COD/TDS wastewater will be concentrated in multi-effect evaporator (MEE)
followed by incinerator to achieve ?Zero? discharge. However, high volume x low
COD/TDS effluent will be treated in ETP and discharged to Gulf of Cambay (10 km
away) through an underground pipeline after treatment. After expansion, Gypsum and
Iron sludge will be sold to Cement manufacturers. Glaubers salt and R-salt will be
reused in H-acid and dye/dye intermediate manufacturing process or sold to other dye
manufacturers. Ammonium Carbonates, spent sulphenilic acid, HCL etc. will be sold to
other units. Spent acetic acid and spent wash will be used in H-acid manufacturing
units. Scrubber residue, incinerated ash and ETP sludge will be sent to TSDF.

After having discussions and deliberations with the project proponent, the Sub-
Committee recommended following specific condition for stipulation while considering
the proposal for environmental clearance.

i) No further manufacturing or processing should be carried out in the existing

plant after proposed expansion. A written commitment should be submitted by
the project proponent in this regard.

ii) Adequate air pollution control measures should be provided to control PM10,
PM2.5, SO2, NOX, HCl, NH3, VOCs and regulator monitoring should be carried

iii) Dedicated scrubbers and stacks of appropriate height as per the Central
Pollution Control Board guidelines should be provided to control the emissions
from various vents. The scrubbed water should be sent to ETP for further
iv) Chilled brine circulation system should be provided to condensete solvent
vapors and reduce solvent losses. It should be ensured that solvent recovery
should not be less than 95%.

v) Fugitive emissions in the work zone environment, product, raw materials

storage area etc. should be regularly monitored. The emissions should conform
to the limits stipulated by GPCB.

vi) The National Ambient Air Quality Emission Standards issued by the Ministry
vide G.S.R. No. 826(E) dated 16th November, 2009 should be followed.

vii) Total ground water consumption should not exceed 1520 m3/day and prior
permission should be obtained from CGWA/SGWB.

viii) Low volume high COD/TDS wastewater should be concentrated in multi-effect

evaporator (MEE) followed by incinerator to achieve ?Zero? discharge.
However, high volume x low COD/TDS effluent should be treated in ETP and
discharged to Gulf of Cambay (10 km away) through an underground pipeline
only after conforming to the prescribed standards. No process effluent should
be discharged in and around the project site. The industrial effluent due to
washings should be treated in ETP for primary and tertiary treatment. The
domestic effluent should be disposed through septic tank/soak pit.

ix) Temporary storage of solid/hazardous waste should be as per CPCB

guidelines. Gypsum and Iron sludge should be sold to Cement manufacturers.
Glaubers salt and R-salt should be reused in H-acid and dye/dye intermediate
manufacturing process or sold to other dye manufacturers. Ammonium
carbonate, spent Sulphanilic acid, HCl etc. should be sold to other units. Spent
acetic acid and spent wash should be used in H-acid manufacturing units.
Scrubber residue, incinerated ash and ETP sludge should be sent to TSDF.

xi) ?Memorandum of Understanding? should be signed with cement manufacturer

for the utilization of Gypsum and Iron sludge and a copy submitted to
Ministry?s Regional Office at Bhopal. All the solid/hazardous waste should be
disposed off as per CPCB guidelines. ?Membership? should be obtained for
the disposal of solid/hazardous waste to TSDF and copy submitted to the
Ministry?s Regional Office at Bhopal.

xii) Incinerator should be as per the CPCB guidelines with proper arrangement for
monitoring of VOCs, in addition to other parameters.

xiii) A Risk and Disaster Management Plan alongwith the mitigation measures
should be prepared and a copy submitted to the Ministry?s Regional Office at
Bhopal, GPCB and CPCB within 3 months of issue of environment clearance

xiv) Occupational Health Surveillance of the workers should be done on a regular

basis and records maintained as per the Factories Act.

xv) The company should make the arrangement for protection of possible fire and
explosion hazards during manufacturing process in material handling.
xvi) Training should be imparted to all employees on safety and health aspects of
chemicals handling. Pre-employment and routine periodical medical
examinations for all employees should be undertaken on regular basis.

xvii) Green belt should be developed at least in 33 % of the plant area. Selection of
plant species should be as per the CPCB guidelines.

xviii) After the new plant is commissioned, the existing plant should be scrapped and
the various parts of plant and machinery should be properly decontaminated
before disposal.

xix) Seeing the bad designing and lay out of the existing unit, emphasis should be
given for better designing and lay out of new plant.

The Committee (I-2) discussed the site visit report submitted by the sub-
committee and its recommendations in the meeting. The committee accepted
recommendations of the sub-committee in toto and recommended proposal for
consideration for the environmental clearance.

13.3.3 Expansion of Pesticide Unit and Co-generation Power Plant (2 MW) at

GIDC Industrial Estate, OLPAD, District Surat, Gujarat by M/s Hindustan
Chemicals Company (formerly known as Cyanides and Chemicals
Company) (EC)

Proposal of M/s Hindustan Chemicals Company (formerly known as Cyanides

and Chemicals Company) for the expansion of Pesticide Unit and Co-generation Power
Plant (2 MW) at GIDC Industrial Estate, OLPAD, District Surat, Gujarat was considered
for ?TORs? in 3rd EAC (I-2) Meeting in August, 2009 and for environmental clearance in
9th EAC(Industry-2) Meeting held during 18th?19th March, 2010. The Committee desired
additional information and site visit by the Sub-Committee comprising of Dr. R.K. Garg,
Vice Chairman, Shri S.K. Hazra and Dr. P.S. Dubey, Member and representative of the
Ministry. Accordingly, Dr. R.K. Garg, Vice Chairman and Dr. P.B. Rastogi, Member
Secretary visited the site on 7th August, 2010. Shri S.K. Hazra could not join the site visit
due to being abroad. Dr. P.S. Dubey also could not join due to non-availability of train
reservations. Following is the list of participants:

(A) From M/s Hindustan Chemical Co. Ltd. Surat, Gujarat:

i) Sh/Shri A.K. Singh - Sr. Vice President

ii) A.K. Naikib - General Manager

iii) K.M. Shethna - A. General Manager
iv) J.M. Desai - Head

(B) Eco-Chem Sales & Service, Surat, Gujarat :

i) Mrs. Rekha Shah - Consultant (QCI S.N. 104)

(C) From Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-2)

i) Shri R.K. Garg - Vice Chairman
(D) From MoEF, New Delhi
i) Dr. P.B. Rastogi - Member Secretary

Before initiating the site visit, PAs informed that proposal is for the expansion of
HCN from 3,675 to 5,100 alongwith the installation of gas based Co-generation Power
Plant (2 MW) at GIDC, Olpad, District Surat, Gujarat. ?Consolidate Consent &
Authorization? is provided by the GPCB vide letter dated 9th June, 2009. Expansion will
be carried out in the existing company without installation of any reactor or facility. PAs
have clearly informed that production increase of HCN from 3,675 to 5,100 will not
involve additional reactor and other equipments and systems. Presently, the plant is
being run below its designed capacity because of market conditions. Additional products
based on HCN are being added to have diversified market but involve hardly any
additional emissions or effluents. Following products will be manufactured alongwith
their production capacity:

Existing After expansion

Products Capacity Capacity
A) Cyanohydrins
Meta Phenoxy Benzaldehyde Cyanohydrin (MPBAD
2 Formaldehyde Cyanohydrin (Glycolonitrile)
3 Acetone Cyanohydrin
4 Methyl Ethyl Ketone Cyanohydrin
5 Acetaldehyde Cyanohydrin (Lactonitrile) nil 5000
6 Para Anisaldehyde Cyanohydrin
7 Cyclohexanone Cyanohydrin
8 Methyl Propyl Ketone Cyanohydrin
Methyl Mercapto Butyronitrile (Methyl Mercapto
Proponaldehyde Cyanohydrin)
B) Nitriles
10 Isophoron Nitrile
11 Imino Diacetonitrile
12 Succinonitrile nil 3000
13 3-Hydroxy Propionitrile
14 Methyl Amino Acetonitrile Hydrochloride
C) Cyanide Based Products
15 Sodium Cyano Acetate
16 Cyanamide (Crystals & Aqueous Solution)
nil 3500
17 Para Anisidine
18 Di Ortho Tolyl Guanidine
D) Capacity Enhancement
19 Hydrogen Cyanide 3656 5100
20 Mandelonitrile 540 2500
21 Natural gas based power plant - 2 MW

It is also informed that all the waste gases from the process containing HCN will
be incinerated in the existing waste gas incinerator. Standby incinerator is also installed.
Bag filter and stack (40 m) is provided to the incinerator for control of emissions. Bag
filter, water scrubber and stack to heat treatment salt plant; Ammonia absorption column
to Ammonium Sulphate Recovery plant and Cyclone separator is provided to control
particulate emissions. Natural gas based CPP will be provided. Double wall pipelines of
HCN plants as well as other pipelines will be provided for transferring hazardous/toxic
substances. Such pipelines should be made up of anti-corrosive material with inner core-
primary pipe & outer cover-secondary pipelines. Total water requirement from Kakarapar
canal after expansion will be 615 m3/day. Existing wastewater generation is 150 m3/day
and wastewater generation from proposed expansion will be 108 m3/day. All the effluent
from existing unit are processed for recovery/detoxification/direct-recycling and then sent
for final treatment in full fledged effluent treatment plant. The ETP is set up in two
schemes for adequate treatment. The first scheme is provided for treatment of effluent
containing Cyanide where as the second scheme is provided for treatment of effluent
containing high solid contents. The treated effluent is disposed off in nearby Masma
Khadi through pipeline. Wastewater from proposed expansion will be treated in the
existing ETP. ETP sludge, process waste and residue from ETP will be sent to TSDF
site. Membership for Common Incineration Facility by M/s Nandesari Environment
Control vide letter dated 14th November, 2005 is obtained. Membership for common
solid waste disposal facility is also obtained. Used oil will be sold to MoEF authorized
recyclers. Green belt is developed in about 25 acres (45%) out of 56 acres total land.

Point-wise additional information desired by the Committee has been submitted

by PAs and discussed during the site visit. The information submitted has been found to
be in order and satisfactory. Discussion with the PAs revealed that:

1. HCN emission from waste gas incinerator are well below the permissible limit
and ?Consolidated Consent and Authorization? has been accorded by the GPCB
2nd June, 2009.

2. HCN detectors have been provided in HCN, NaCN and Diphenyl Guanidire,
(DPG) plant.

3. Safety Audit has regularly been carried out in 2007, 2008 and 2009 and reports
are submitted.

4. Off site Emergency Mock Drill on 16th July, 2003 and On-site Emergency Mock
Drill is carried out on quarterly basis and reports are submitted.

5. No toxic gases are generated from any leakage in pipelines or at flange points
since reactors are always under vacuum. Sprinklers are provided to reactors and
all other strategic points.
6. Occupational Health Center is provided with all the basic facilities and a full time
Doctor with MD qualification is available.

7. Jacketted pipeline with chilled brine circulation is used for transferring HCN.
Vapors of HCN are recovered and flue gases are connected to waste gas
incinerator. All the HCN generated is used captively.

After discussion, the Sub-Committee visited the Control Room. It was observed
that PAs have provided facilities for monitoring of relevant parameters like NH3, HCN,
Cl2 in the work environment. Plant is completely automatic and CCTV cameras are
provided in all the critical areas which can be viewed from a specific cabin and also
recorded. Entry to the critical areas like HCN Plant has to be with the knowledge of the
control room and necessary inspection report has to be communicated to the control
room operator. This was practically demonstrated during the site visit. It is observed that
nobody can enter the plant area without prior knowledge of the control room. Earlier the
control room was having only pneumatic equipments. Now, control and monitoring is
done through Distributed Control System (DCS). Though the CCTV camera, other areas
of the plant was also viewed including the NaCN plant and packing as well as other
Cyno-compound plant. The sub-committee also visited the laboratory, ETP area and
occupational medical health centre being headed by a full time M.D. Doctor.

During the plant round, it was observed that house keeping was quite good and
quite a large area is under green belt. It was also observed that operational staff is well
trained in use of PPEs in particular breathing apparatus.

After site visit, PAs also informed the Committee that :

1. Production increase of HCN from 3675 to 5100 MTPA will not involve additional
reactor and other equipments and systems. Presently, the plant is being run
below its designed capacity because of market conditions.

2. Additional products based on HCN are being added to have diversified market
but involve hardly any additional emissions or effluents.

3. All HCN containing gaseous emissions are taken to an incinerator with a standby

4. It was clarified that CNCl2 (Cyrogen Chloride), which is highly toxic, is directly
used in the process without any intermediate storage.

5. Maximum quality of HCN storage at any time does not exceed 600 kg. and in the
worst case scenario, the conc. of HCN will not exceed Immediate Dangerous to
Life and Health (IDLH) values beyond the plant boundary towards habitation.
6. Treated effluent will be enhanced from 158 m3/day to 258 m3/day and is being
discharged to Masma Khadi which is about 0.7 km from the plant site through a
fish pond. From the result, provided by PAs indicated that Cyanide in treated
effluent is much below the permissible limit.

7. It is observed that HCN levels are not mentioned in ambient air since there no
such stipulation by the GPCB.

8. Spent activated carbon and ETP sludge are being sent to TSDF, Nandesari,

Based on the observations, the sub-committee suggested to stipulate following

specific conditions:

i) PAs should monitor PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, HCl, HCN in ambient air. Adequate
pollution control measures should be provided. Scrubbers of more than 90 %
efficiency should be installed.

ii) Cyanide content in the incinerator flue gas and treated effluent should be
monitored regularly to meet the GPCB stipulation.

iii) Total water requirement after expansion should not exceed 615 m3/day. Total
wastewater generation after expansion should not exceed 258 m3/day. The level
of Cyanide in the treated effluent should not exceed 0.2 mg/l.

iv) Hazardous waste like ETP sludge, incinerator ash and spent activated carbon
etc. should be sent to TSDF. Authorization and Membership to TSDF should be
obtained from the concerned department and submitted to Ministry?s Regional
Office at Bhopal.

v) Detailed Risk assessment study should be carried out and recommended

mitigation measure should be implemented.

The Committee (I-2) discussed the site visit report submitted by the sub-
committee and its recommendations in the meeting. The committee accepted
recommendations of the sub-committee in toto and recommended proposal for
consideration for the environmental clearance.

13.3.4 Proposed Exploratory Drilling in Offshore NELP VI BlockGS-OSN-2004/1

and NEPL VII Block MB-OSN-2005/1, MB-OSN-2005/5 and MB-OSN-2005/6
in West Coast of India by M/s ONGC Limited (EC)

Proposal of M/s ONGC Limited for Proposed Exploratory Drilling in Offshore

NELP VI BlockGS-OSN-2004/1 and NEPL VII Block MB-OSN-2005/1, MB-OSN-2005/5
and MB-OSN-2005/6 in West Coast of India was considered in the 6th meeting of the
Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-2) held on 14th December, 2009 and proposal was
deferred since the Committee sought the ?updated data on air quality monitoring and
marine water quality monitoring? before considering for environmental clearance :

PAs vide letter dated 21st August, 2010 have submitted ambient air quality for
Block g/mµGS-OSN-2004/1, which indicates levels of SPM (63-299 3), RSPM g/mµ(32-
130 3), SO2 g/mµ(3-7 3) and NOx (3-26 g/mµ3), which are within the permissible limit
except RSPM. Ambient air quality monitoring data of winter season for Block MB-OSN-
2005/1 indicates levels of SPM (36-247 ug/m3), SO2 (3-10 ug/m3) and NOx (3-21 ug/m3)
which are within the permissible limit. Ambient air quality monitoring data of Pre-
monsoon and post monsoon season for Block MB-OSN-2005/5 and 2005/6 Mumbai
offshore area indicates levels of SPM (30-40 ug/m3), SO2 (less than 6 ug/m3) and NOx
(less than 6 ug/m3). Marine water quality monitoring data is also submitted.

Both the data have been found to be satisfactory and in order and recommended
the proposal subject to stipulation of following specific conditions alongwith other
environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance :

i. All the hazardous waste generated at the rig/offshore facility should be properly
treated, transported to on shore and disposed of in accordance with the
Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement)
Rules, 2008.

ii. M/s ONGC should comply with the guidelines for disposal of solid waste, drill
cutting and drilling fluids for onshore and offshore drilling operation notified vide
GSR.546(E) dated 30th August, 2005.

iii. The company should undertake conservation measures to protect the marine
animals / biota in the region.

iv. The International ?Good Practices? adopted by the Petroleum Industry viz
international norms to safeguard the Coastal and Marine biodiversity should be
implemented by the company.

v. The drill cutting (DC) wash water should be treated to conform to limits notified
under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, before disposal into sea. The
treated effluent should be monitored regularly.

vi. The company should monitor the petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals
concentration in the marine fish species regularly and submit report to the

vii. Treated waste water (produced water or formation water or sanitary sewage)
should comply with the marine disposal standards notified under the Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986.

viii. Requisite infrastructure facilities should be provided near the offshore

installations so that booms and skimmers/chemical dispersants could be
deployed immediately in case of oil leakage from the installations. Efforts should
be made to curtail the oil slick within 500 meters of the installation and
accordingly, action plan and facilities to check the oil slick beyond 500 meters
should be provided.

ix. Approval from DG Shipping under the Merchant Shipping Act prior to
commencement of the drilling operations should be obtained. At least 30 days
prior to the commencement of drilling, the exact location should be intimated to
the Director General of Shipping and the Company should abide by any direction
he may issue regarding ensuring the safety of navigation in the area.

x. The Company should take necessary measures to reduce noise levels such as
proper casing at the drill site and meet DG set norms notified by the MoEF.
Height of all the stacks/vents should be provided as per the CPCB guidelines.

xi. The flare system should be designed as per good oil field practices and Oil
Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) guidelines. The stack height should be
provided as per the regulatory requirements and emissions from stacks will meet
the MOEF/CPCB guidelines.

xii. The design, material of construction, assembly, inspection, testing and safety
aspects of operation and maintenance of pipeline and transporting the natural
gas/oil should be governed by ASME/ANSI B 31.8/B31.4 and OISD standard

xiii. The project authorities should install SCADA system with dedicated optical fibre
based telecommunication link for safe operation of pipeline and Leak Detection
System. Intelligent pigging facility should be provided for the entire pipeline
system for internal corrosion monitoring. Coating and impressed current cathodic
protection system should be provided to prevent external corrosion.

xiv. The project proponent should also comply with the environmental protection
measures and safeguards recommended in the EIA /EMP /RA/NIO report.

xv. The spent oil should be sold to the registered recyclers.

xvi. Full drawings and details of Blow Out Preventor should be submitted to the
Ministry within 3 months of the issue of environment clearance.

13.3.5 Expansion of Molasses based Distillery (20 KLD to 60 KLD) at Block No.
459/1, Village Garag, District Dharwad in Karnataka by M/s Sri Lakshmi
Narasimha Distilleries Private Limited (EC)

Proposal of M/s Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Distilleries Private Limited for the
expansion of Molasses based Distillery (20 KLD to 60 KLD) at Block No.459/1, Garag,
District Dharwad, Karnataka was considered in the 10th meeting of the Expert Appraisal
Committee (industry-2) meeting held during 29th-30th April, 2010. The Committee
recommended the project for environmental clearance subject to compliance of
additional specific conditions and submission of data regarding NOx. SOx and NOx
levels mentioned were at higher sides & asked to recheck the data and submit
justification for the same.
PAs vide letter no REF/SLN/09-10 dated 12th June, 2010 have informed that
ambient air quality in terms of SO2 and NOx values were found to be ranging between
2.5-11 ug/m3 and 2.3-15.7 ug/m3 for gaseous parameters. The committee observed that
highest ambient air quality 80 ug/m3. PAs have clarified in the above mentioned letter
that surrounding area is an agricultural belt and quiet thinly populated and not much of
the traffic movement is seen during the survey and monitoring work. Therefore,
Committee observed that NOx value indicating the max figures of 15.7 ug/M3 in the area
under consideration seems to be quiet acceptable. Further reverting to NOx emissions
emanating from boiler which helps run as biomass 74% and wood/coal 26% of total
volume. The maximum emissions estimated are 29.29 g/s. the value once again appears
to be quiet normal due to the fact that majority of biomass and the concentrated spent
wash generally contain significant levels of Nitrogen as one of the constituents. During
the combustion process, the Nitrogen present in the biomass (fuel) figure of 29.28
appears to be quiet logical and can be accepted for the purposed of air modeling (ISCST
3) and predicted other NOx level in that area.

Since data has been found to be satisfactory and in order, the Committee
recommended the proposal subject to stipulation of following specific conditions
alongwith other environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental
clearance :

i. Multi-cyclone followed by bag filter alongwith stack of adequate height should be

provided to boiler. Stack should also be provided to DG sets.

ii. The spent wash generation should not exceed 720 m3/day. the spent wash after
concentration in the Multiple Effect Evaporator should be incinerated in the boiler
to achieve ?zero? discharge.

iii. The spent wash should be stored in impervious pucca lagoons. The spent wash
lagoons should have proper lining with HDPE and should be kept in proper
condition to prevent ground water pollution. As per the CPCB recommendation,
storage should not exceed 5 days capacity.

iv. Adequate numbers of ground water quality monitoring stations should be set up
by providing piezometers around the project area. Sampling and trend analysis
monitoring must be made on monthly a basis and report submitted to KSPCB
and this Ministry.

v. Total fresh water requirement from ground water should not exceed 1000 m3/day
and prior permission should be obtained from the Central Ground Water
Authority / State Ground Water Board (CGWA/SGWB).

vi. Company should adopt rainwater harvesting measures to recharge the ground

vii. Fire Fighting System should be as per the OISD-117 Norms.

viii. Risk Assessment should be carried to assess the fire and explosion risk due to
storage of alcohol and report submitted to the Ministry and its Regional Office at
Bangalore within six months.
ix. As proposed, green belt should be provided in 40 acres out of 116 acres to
mitigate the effects of fugitive emissions all around the plant as per CPCB
guidelines in consultation with the local DFO.

x. Occupational health surveillance programme should be undertaken as regular

exercise for all the employees. The first aid facilities in the occupational health
centre should be strengthened and the medical records of each employee should
be maintained separately.

13.3.6 Proposed Resins Manufacturing Unit at Sy. No. 510,511 and 512, village
Sikra Bhachau Dudhai Road, Bhachau (Kutch), Gujarat by M/s Euro
Ceramics Ltd. (EC)
Proposal of M/s Euro Ceramics Ltd. for the Resins Manufacturing Unit at Sy. No.
510,511 and 512, village Sikra Bhachau Dudhai Road, Bhachau (Kutch), Gujarat was
considered and discussed in the 10th meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee
(Industry-2) held during 29th-30th April, 2010, the Committee sought following additional
information for reconsideration:

(i) Details of various raw materials used for manufacturing of ceramic and resin
(ii) Disposal plan for Coal Tar
(iii) A report on the risk analysis and risk assessment

PAs vide letter dated 14th June, 2010 have submitted:

1. Details of various raw materials used for manufacturing of ceramic and resin as :

S. Description Quantity (MTPM)

N Existing Proposed
1. Vitrified Ceramic Tiles & Galze porcelain Tile (Existing)
1 Clay 7400 --
2 Feldspar 3000 --
3 Silica Sand 400 --
2. Aluminium Extruded Secton & 3. Aluminium Composite Panel (Existing)
1 Scrap 160 --
2 Magnesium 350 --
3. High Quality Ceramics sanitary wares, Sinks, Baths, water closet, pans, flushing
cistern (Existing)
1 Ball Clay 325 --
2 China Clay 217 --
3 Quartz 270 --
4 Feldspar 270 --
5 Glaze Material 110 --
6 Deflocculatants/PoP 20 --
5. Artifical Marble Slabs (Existing )
1. Composite stone 1500 --
6. Coal Gas & 7. Electricity (Existing)
1 Coal 51 (MT/Day)
2 Lignite 250 (MT/Day)
7. Unsaturated Polyester Resin (Proposed)
1 Glycols -- 212
2 Acid Anhydrides -- 338
3 Styrene -- 250

2. Disposal plan for coal tar :

• Coal tar is the waste produced by our Gasifier & Captive Power Plant for which a
copy of NOC accorded by Gujarat Pollution Control Board issued vide letter No.
UNIT-3/FT-21 dated 24th May, 2006 is submitted.
• The authorization is already granted by the GPCB vide order no. 9366 dated
10/09/2007 vide letter no PC/CCA-KUTCH-57/26679 dated 13/09/2007 and a
copy is submitted.
• The Coal Tar generated from the CPP is stored in a safe designated area and
later sent for incineration at CHWIF of GEPIL, Surat.

3. Risk Assessment & Disaster Management Plan :

Risk assessment and disaster management plant is submitted.

The Committee observed that PAs can supply coal tar to M/s Phillip Carbons
located in the Kachhchh and can be used as raw material. Otherwise the information
submitted was found be satisfactory and in order and recommended the proposal for
environmental clearance subject to stipulation of following specific conditions alongwith
other environmental conditions :

i) Possibilities should be explored for the utilization of coal tar by supplying to

other nearby agencies viz. M/s Phillip Carbons located in the Kachh itself who
can use coal tar as a raw material for the manufacture of Carbon Black.

ii) Adequate pollution control measures including bag filters, cyclones and dust
collectors alongwith stacks of adequate height should be provided. Chiller
should be provided for chilled brine circulation to condensate the solvent
vapors and reduce solvent losses.

iii) Total water requirement from Gujarat Water Supply and Sewerage Board after
proposed expansion should not exceed 616 m3/day and prior permission
should be obtained from the concerned authority.

iv) Total wastewater generation should not exceed 76.7 m3/day after proposed
expansion. The wastewater should be properly treated and recycled/reused in
the process, cooling tower as make up water or for green belt development to
achieve ?zero? discharge.

v) During transfer of materials, spillages should be avoided and garland drains

should be constructed to avoid mixing of accidental spillages with domestic
waste and storm drains.

vi) ETP solid waste and ash should be disposed off properly. As proposed, used
ion exchange resins and coal tar residue should be incinerated at GEPIL,
vii) Green belt should be developed in 33 % area as per the guidelines of CPCB to
mitigate the effect of fugitive emissions.

viii) Occupational health surveillance of the workers should be done on a regular

basis and records maintained as per the Factories Act.

ix) The company should make the arrangement for protection of possible fire
hazards during manufacturing process in material handling.

x) Risk assessment analysis should be carried out and all the mitigations
measures should be implemented.

xi) All the commitments made during the Public Hearing / Public Consultation
meeting held on 29th January, 2010 should be satisfactorily implemented and
adequate budget provision should be made accordingly.

13.3 Reconsideration :

13.3.7 Expansion of Mini Refining Plant (55,000 KLPA to 1,20,000 KLPA) at

village Devaliya Taluka Anjar, District Kachchh Gujarat by M/s Kandla
Energy and Chemicals Limited. (TOR)

Proposal of M/s Kandla Energy and Chemicals Limited for the Mini Refining Plant
at Village Devaliya Taluka Anjar, District Kachchh, Gujarat was considered in the 9th
meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee (industry-2) held during 18th-19th March,
2010 the Committee. After detailed deliberations, Chairman observed that as per the
details provided with respect to products for which environmental clearance is required,
such products cannot be manufactured. Further, it is also not clear what is to be
processed to obtain the requisite products. The Committee desired that the company
should provide details of raw material, products and processes for manufacturing the
products. The EAC (I) deferred the proposal and sought the following information for

i. Technical detailed specification of raw material, their source specification and

commitment from the suppliers for supply of raw materials of requisite quality and
quantity. Transportation, receipt and storage facilities of raw material.

ii. Technical detailed specification of the products to be manufactured.

PAs vide letter dated 12th August, 2010 have submitted documents of
low/medium aromatics and its products alongwith specifications of M/s KECL products.

The Committee noted that PAs import heavy aromatics, xylene bottom, residue
etc. from different refineries (after Sulphur recovery) for further processing involving
distillation and fractionation. The proposal is covered under Petroleum Refinery under
4(a) under ?A category. Therefore, proposal is appraised at the Central level.
M/s Kandla Energy & Chemicals Limited has proposed for a Expansion of Mini
Refining Plant (55,000 KLPA to 1,20,000 KLPA) at village Devaliya Taluka Anjar, District
Kachchh, Gujarat. In addition the unit intends to have a waste oil processing plant also
with a capacity of 4.5 KL/ day. No National Park Wild Life Sanctuary/ Biosphere reserves
etc is located within 10 km radius of the project site. No forest land and R&R involved.
An area of 80,229.00 m2 will be utilized for the proposed unit. Cost of the project is Rs.
2.5 crores. List of products along with their production capacity are given below:


1 Mineral Turpentine Oil
2 Ink Oil
3 White Oil
4 Aluminum Oil 1,08,000 KLPA
5 Spray Oil
6 De-odorized Kerosene
7 C-9, C-10
8 Oil recovered from waste Oil and tank 30,000 KLPA

Stack height of 30 m is proposed for thermic fluid heater. Water requirement of

20 m3/day will be met through the Narmada water canal. Waste water generation will be
5 m3/day. Effluent will be in the form of cooling tower rejects and domestic effluent.
Cooling tower rejects (1 m3/day) will be collected in a tank and proportioned with raw
water supply will be used for gardening. Domestic effluent (4 m3/day) will be disposed
through soak pit/septic tank. Solid waste generation will be in the form of oily sludge (10
kl/month) and waste oil (10 kl/month) will be disposed at common hazardous waste
incineration site. Used containers (200 nos/month) will be partly used for packing and
partly will be sold to GPCB consented dealers. Power requirement of 500 HP will be met
from the State Electricity Board. Fuel for thermic fluid heater will be HSD (2000 lts/day).

After detailed deliberations, the committee prescribed the following TORs for
undertaking detail EIA Study :

1. Executive summary of the project

2. Justification of the project.
3. Promoters and their back ground
4. Regulatory framework
5. Project location and Plant layout.
6. Infrastructure facilities, existing and proposed including power sources.
7. Total cost of the project along with realistic estimates and cost for environment
protection measures.
8. Project site location alongwith site map of 10 km area and site details providing
various industries, surface water bodies, forests etc.
9. Present land use based on satellite imagery for the study area of 10 km radius.
Location of National Park/Wild life sanctuary/Reserve Forest within 10 km radius
of the project.
10. Detailed Layout of the plant.
11. Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity,
hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall is necessary.
12. Details of the total land and break-up of the land use for green belt and other
13. List of products (existing & proposed) along with the production capacities.
14. List of raw material required and source.
15. Manufacturing process details.
16. Air pollution control measures proposed alongwith sources.
17. Ambient air quality at 6 locations within the study area of 10 km., aerial coverage
from project site. Location of one AAQMS in downwind direction.
18. Ambient air quality modelling for plant.
19. One season data for ambient air quality as per the standards dated 16th
November, 2009, water and noise monitoring.
20. Environment clearance and Consent to Establish and Operate, Authorization for
the existing unit along with point-wise compliance report
21. Existing ambient air, stack emission, treated water qualityreports and
solid/hazardous waste generation and disposal should be included.
22. An action plan to control and monitor secondary fugitive emissions as per CPCB
and their control.
23. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment
of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-
specific meteorological features.
24. ?Permission? for the drawl of ground water from the CGWA/SGWB. Design
details of effluent treatment plant (ETP). Water balance cycle data including
quantity of effluent generated recycled and reused and discharged.
25. Ground water monitoring minimum at 6 locations should be carried out.
Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area and ecological
status (Terrestrial and Aquatic).
26. The details of solid and hazardous wastes generation, storage, utilization and
disposal particularly related to the hazardous waste including detailed plan for
disposal of waste rubber.
27. Action plan for solid/hazardous waste
28. Authorization and membership for the disposal of liquid effluent and
solid/hazardous waste to CETP/TSDF etc.
29. Risk assessment for storage and handling of chemicals/solvents including
engineered systems and HAZOP study
30. Occupational health of the workers should be incorporated.
31. An action plan to develop green belt in 33 % area
32. Scheme for rainwater harvesting.
33. Socio-economic development activities should be in place.
34. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details
of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring
frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation
measure should be provided.
35. EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
36. Any litigation pending against the project and /or any direction /order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
37. A tabular chart of the issues raised and addressed during public hearing/public
consultation should be provided.
38. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.
The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
(v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter and that raised in Public Hearing/consultation along with duly filled
in Industry Sector questionnaire. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must
indicate the specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the
above issues and the issues raised in the Public hearing have been
(vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
(Viii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (OCl)/National Accreditation Board of
Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F.No.J-l1013/77/2004 - IA ll (l) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted on
the Ministry?s website may be referred.

It was decided that ?TORs? prescribed by the Expert Appraisal Committee (I)
should be considered for the preparation of EIA / EMP report for the above mentioned
project in addition to all the relevant information as per the ?Generic Structure of EIA?
given in Appendix III and IIIA in the EIA Notification, 2006. As soon as the draft EIA/EMP
report is prepared, the same may be submitted to the Gujarat Pollution Control Board
(GPCB) for conducting public hearing/public consultation as per EIA Notification, 2006.
On finalization of EIA/EMP prepared as per TORs and addressing and incorporating all
concerns raised during public hearing/public consultation, the same should be submitted
to the MOEF for obtaining prior environmental clearance.

13.3.8 Molasses Based Distillery Unit (30 KLPD) located at Village Paranda,
District Osmanabad, Maharashtra by M/s Bhairavnath Sugar Works

Proposal of M/s Bhairavnath Sugar Works Limited for the Molasses Based
Distillery Unit (30 KLPD) located at Village Paranda, District Osmanabad, Maharashtra
was considered in the 10th meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee-2 (industry) held
during 29th- 30th April, 2010, the Committee noted that the data regarding air quality,
ground water quality and soil quality needs to be rechecked. Further, molasses
requirement may not be sufficient from its own sugar unit. The Committee after detailed
deliberations decided to seek the following additional information for reconsideration of
the project. :
1. Details regarding source of molasses
2. Rechecked data on ground water quality, ambient air quality, and soil quality

PAs vide letter no. BSWL/MFG/2010-2011 dated 10th June, 2010 have informed
that total Molasses requirement (3,360 MTPM) will be met from their own sugar factory
(2500 TCD). Molasses in quantum of 100 TPD should be used as raw material for the proposed
distillery. Additionally, PAs will procure the molasses from the nearby sugar industry also
located at 30 KM. Concurrence letter from M/s Shivshakti Shetkari Saha Sakhar
Karkhana Ltd. is submitted

With regard to point no. 2, PAs informed that the said laboratory is recognized by
the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, New Delhi under Environment
Protection Act. M/s Ultratech has collected data within 10 km radius surrounding
proposed distillery unit. The monitoring has been carried out in May, 2010. The different
monitoring stations/locations were based on wind directions and accordingly upwind as
well as downwind locations were monitored. Also ground water and soil samples were
collected from different locations and analyzed. Results of analysis of ground water
quality, ambient air quality and soil quality are submitted and are within the prescribed
permissible limits.

The Committee found the information satisfactory and in order and

recommended the proposal subject to stipulation of following specific conditions
alongwith other environmental conditions:

i. Multi-cyclone followed by bag filter alongwith stack of adequate height should

be provided to boiler. Stack should also be provided to DG sets.

ii. As proposed, spent wash generation should not exceed 8kl/kl of alcohol
produced and treated in bio-methanation plant followed by bio-composting
with press mud to achieve ?zero? discharge.

iii. The spent wash should be stored in impervious pucca lagoons. The spent
wash lagoons should have proper lining with HDPE and should be kept in
proper condition to prevent ground water pollution. As per the CPCB
recommendation, storage should not exceed 5 days capacity.

iv. Adequate numbers of ground water quality monitoring stations should be set
up by providing piezometers around the project area. Sampling and trend
analysis monitoring must be made on monthly a basis and report submitted to
KSPCB and this Ministry.

v. Total fresh water requirement from Kolegaon dam and bore wells should not
exceed 500 m3/day and prior permission should be obtained from the
concerned Competent Authority/Central Ground Water Authority/State
Ground Water Board.

vi. Company should adopt rainwater harvesting measures to recharge the

ground water.

vii. Fire Fighting System should be as per the OISD-117 Norms.

viii. Risk Assessment should be carried to assess the fire and explosion risk due
to storage of alcohol and report submitted to the Ministry and its Regional
Office at Bangalore within six months.

ix. As proposed, green belt should be provided in 40 acres out of 116 acres to
mitigate the effects of fugitive emissions all around the plant as per CPCB
guidelines in consultation with the local DFO.

x. Occupational health surveillance programme should be undertaken as

regular exercise for all the employees. The first aid facilities in the
occupational health centre should be strengthened and the medical records
of each employee should be maintained separately.

xi. All the commitments made during the Public Hearing / Public Consultation
meeting held on 28th August, 2009 should be satisfactorily implemented and
adequate budget provision should be made accordingly.

13.4.1 Single Super Phosphate (2 lakhs MTPA), Granulated Single Super

Phosphate (1 lakh MTPA) and Phospho-Gypsum (1 lakh MTPA)
Manufacturing Unit at Plot No 42/7, Dahej Industrial Area, Taluka Vagra,
District Bharuch, Gujarat by M/s Khaitan Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd.

The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs) awarded during the 4th Meeting of
the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 23rd -24th October, 2009 for
preparation of EIA/EMP. All Chemical Fertilizer units are listed at S.N. 5(a) under
category ?A? and appraised at Central level.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Khaitan Chemicals &
Fertilizers Limited. have proposed for Single Super Phosphate (2.0 Lakh MTPA), GSSP
(1.0 Lakh MTPA) and Phospho-Gypsum (1.0 Lakh MTPA) Manufacturing Unit at Plot No.
42/7, Dahej Industrial Area, Taluka Vagra, District Bharuch,. Total project cost is Rs.
24.30 Crores. Rs. 550.00 Lakhs are earmarked toward capital cost for pollution control
measures. Project area is 62,411.52 m2. No national parks, sanctuaries, biosphere
reserve, wildlife corridors, tiger/ elephant reserve is located at 10 km. Proposed unit is
not located in the critically/severely polluted area.

Rock Phosphate, Sulphuric Acid, Phospho-Gypsum and Micro Nutrients will be

used as raw materials.

In SSP fertilizer manufacturing process, grinding of rock phosphate will be done

to required fineness. Concentrated Sulphuric acid will be diluted and mixed with rock
phosphate for reaction. Maturation of green SSP will be taken place followed by
screening of cured SSP. Finally product will be packed for dispatch. Further powder SSP
will be fed to GSSP plant. Water will be sprayed into rotating granulator drum alongwith
the powder SSP feed. The wet granules will be discharged into rotating dryer drum,
where hot air will be passed to reduce moisture of wet granules. The dried granules will
be cooled and passed through vibrating screens. Granulated SSP will be packed in
HDPE bags.

Phospho-Gypsum will be fed to lump breaker and then fed to rotary dryer for
drying. Micronutrients will be added in the rotary dryer. Dried Phospho gypsum will be
fed to vibrating screen. Phospho-gypsum will be packed in HDPE bags for dispatch.

Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 4 locations during November,
2009 and January 2010 and submitted data revealed SPM (184-374 ug/m3), RSPM
(101-158 ug/m3), SO2 (18-30 ug/m3) and NOx (10?24 ug/m3) and CO (0.1?0.8 mg/m3).
PAs have informed that incremental concentration due to proposed project was
estimated as SPM (8 ug/m3), RSPM (6 ug/m3), SO2 (1 ug/m3) and NOx (1 ug/m3).
Existing Fluoride emissions are 18-19 mg/Nm3 against the MINAS standards as 25
mg/Nm3. The Committee emphasized the need for Fluoride monitoring through
continuous Fluoride analyzer in ambient air as well as stacks. Continuous SO2
monitoring should be carried out. Cyclone and bag filters will be installed in rock
phosphate grinding unit of SSP plant to control fine dust particles as per GPCB norms
and discharge into atmosphere through stack (30 m). The gases resulting from reaction
of rock phosphate and Sulphuric acid will be sucked from Den/Mixer and scrubbed with
3 stage water venturi scrubber, separators and separator scrubbers to absorb fluoride
bearing gases in the scrubber and gases will be discharged into atmosphere through
stack (30 m). Hot air from dryer drum and cooler drum will be sucked and passed
through multi-cyclones, cyclone and dust collection filter bag to arrest fine dust particles
before discharging into atmosphere through stack (30 m). Scrubbing will have
interlocking system with main plant.

PAs informed that Fluoride in the ground water sample was BDL. Total water
requirement from GIDC water supply will be 225 m3/day. Wastewater will be generated
from scrubber as scrub liquid acidic in nature. H2SiF6 liquor 10-12 % concentration will
be generated from the wet scrubber. The excess liquor generated during cleaning of
scrubber equipments will be transferred to RCC with FRP lining lagoon, where SiO2 will
be separated and clear H2SiF6 will be recycled back to mixer along with concentrated
Sulphuric acid by incorporating a distributed control system/PLC for computerized
control of the total process. Therefore, no effluent will be generated and discharged from
the process. ?Zero? discharge is adopted. Domestic wastewater will be collected in
septic tank then liquor will be pumped to a vermin-culture based microbiological
treatment plant and treated water will be used for gardening/horticulture purpose.

Used oil will be reused. Hydro-fluorosilic acid will be reused. On-site storage of
hazardous waste (waste oil and Hydro-fluorosilic acid) will be done as per the guidelines
prescribed by MoEF/CPCB. Peizometric well will be installed to monitor the leaching of

Green belt will be developed in 33 % area. Power requirement from Dakshin

Gujarat VIJ Company will be 1.0 MW. No information is mentioned about boiler.

Public hearing is not required as the unit is located in the notified industrial area.

After detailed deliberations, the Committee suggested submission of following

additional information for internal examination without calling PAs:
1. Collect data for PM10 and Fluoride in ambient air as well as stack emissions

2. Monitor Fluoride levels in soil also.

3. Collect data for Cl2 in SSP curing area.
4. RSPM data is very high (101-158 ug/m3). Recollect data for at least for
one month in non-monsoon period.
5. Data from GPCB regarding SPM, RSPM, Fluoride etc may also be
submitted, if available.

The proposal is deferred till the desired information is submitted and will be
considered as and when above mentioned information is submitted.

13.4.2 Mono-Chloro Acetic Acid Manufacturing Unit (4,000 MTPA) at Plot No.
104-105, Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation Ltd., Vartej, District
Bhavnagar, Gujarat by M/s Renaissance Industries (EC)
The project authorities (Consultant at QCI S.N. 236 was not allowed for
presentation) gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the project and
proposed environmental protection measures to be undertaken as per Draft Terms of
References (TORs). PAs have submitted application to SEIAA/SEAC on 20th August,
2009 and discussed in the Meeting of the State Level Expert Appraisal Committee
(Industry) held during 14th October, 2009 and issued vide letter No. EIA-10-2009-524-E
dated 16th December, 2009 for preparation of EIA/EMP. All the Chemical Manufacturing
Units are listed at S.N. 5(F) under Category ?B? due to location in notified GIDC.
However, project site is located within 10 km from critically polluted area and general
condition is applicable. Project is located at GIDC Vertij, Bhavnagar which is located
within 2.3 Km from GIDC Chitra listed at S. N. 39 (CEPI score 70.99) and categorized
under critically polluted area as per Ministry?s O M dated 13th January, 2010. Therefore,
proposal is appraised at central level.
Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Renaissance Industries
have proposed for the manufacture of Mono Chloro Acetic Acid (4,000 MTPA) at Plot
No. 104-105, GIDC, Vartej, District Bhavnagar, Gujarat. Total project area is 7,288 m2.
Victoria Park reserve forest is located within Bhavnagar city. Total cost of the project is
Rs. 3.00 Crores. Following products and by products will be manufactured:
S.N. Name of the Product Capacity (MTPA)
1. Mono Chloro Acetic Acid 4,000
By- Products :
1. Di-Chloro Acetic Acid 200
2. Hydrochloric Acid 1,545

Acetic Acid (2,650 MTPM), Acetic Anhydride (120 MTPM) and Chlorine (3,200
MTPM) will be used as raw materials. By products like Di-chloro Acetic Acid and
Hydrochloric Acid will be produced.

Gaseous chlorine will be fed to chlorinators to get a mixture of Mono-Chloro

Acetic Acid (MCA), Di Chloro Acetic Acid (DCA) and unreacted Acetic Acid from the
Chlorinator. HCL liberated from Chlorinators will be fed to Chlorinator again to make
complete utilization of chlorine. HCl will be scrubbed with water to form 31% HCL to be
used as by product. Acetic Acid will be recovered in a vacuum distillation column and
recycled to the chlorinator and then to static crystallizer by product. Molten MCA from
the static crystallizer will be flaked over flakers to get pure MCA product.

Ambient air quality is mentioned at 5 locations during November-December,

2009 and data submitted indicated SPM (48-278 ug/Nm3), RPM (34-108 ug/Nm3), SO2
(12-29 ug/Nm3), NOx (10-22 mg/Nm3) and are within permissible limit except RPM. PAs
confirmed that conc. of HCl were found to be nil. Venturi-Ejector Chlorine gas scrubber
will be installed to neutralize chlorine at the storage site. Two-stage Jet Ventury Fume
Scrubber (JUFS) and Pack Tower Scrubber (PTS) will be provided to recover HCl and
Cl2 gas from continuous chlorinator process. Traces of HCl will be scrubbed by caustic
soda solution from sodium hypo chlorite solution which will be used as disinfectant in
sewage treatment plant. Stacks of 30 m with cyclone/multi cyclone will be provided to
boilers and 3 m stack to D.G. sets.

Total water requirement from GIDC-Vartej will be 29.70 m3/day. Narmada water
supply is expected to be available to GIDC Units. No water will be required for process,
but will be required for cooling, boiler, air pollution control, domestic and green belt
development etc. The scrubbed sodium hypochlorite medium from scrubber will have
disinfectant quality and sold in the industrial market. No effluent treatment plant will be
installed. No industrial waste water will be discharged outside the premises and ?Zero?
discharge will be adopted.

Acetic Acid (60 KL), Acetic anhydride (20 KL), Chlorine (72 MT), HCl (40 KL) will
be the hazardous chemical as per MSIHC Rules, 2000 for use in the process. Risk
Management Plan, On-Site and Off-site Emergency Plant are included in EIA/EMP.

During presentation, PAs informed that green belt will be developed in 50 % of

toal land. Agro waste briqquets (4 MTPD) will be used as fuel in boiler.

After detailed deliberations, the Committee found that public hearing is not
required due to location of the project in notified GIDC-Vartej area. A copy of land
allotment letter issued by GIDC Bhav nagar is submitted. The final EIA/EMP report is
adequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other
environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance :

1. Ambient air quality data should be collected as per NAAQES standards notified
by the Ministry on 16th September, 2009.

2. Two-stage Jet Ventury Fume Scrubber (JUFS) and Pack Tower Scrubber (PTS)
should be provided to recover HCl and Cl2 gas from continuous chlorinator
process. Traces of HCl should be scrubbed by caustic soda solution.

3. On-line monitoring of Cl2 should be ensured. HCl should also be monitored.

4. If handling of Cl2 leakage during transportation of Cl2 from supplier to project

premises should be done by the supplier, a written commitment regarding safe
handling of Cl2 should be obtained.
5. Cl2 storage should not exceed 30 Tons at a time. All the safety measures should
be adopted while transporting Cl2.
6. Total water requirement from GIDC-Vartej should not exceed 29.70 m /day and
prior permission from the concerned authority should be obtained.

7. No industrial waste water should be discharged outside the premises and ?Zero?
discharge should be adopted.

8. All the solid/hazardous substances should be used as per MSIHC Rules, 2000.

9. As proposed, green belt should be developed in 50 % of toal land.

10. Risk assessment due to handling of Cl2 storage and usage should be carried out
and accordinly mitigative measures should be adopted.

11. In Chlorine handling area, a system such as a duct along the ground with
openings for sucking out any leaked chlorine and routing it to an absorber should
be installed.

13.4.3 Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Unit (1529 MTPM) at Sy. No. 77/1, Village
Ajapar, Taluka Anjar, District Kachchh, Gujarat by M/s Calpro Foods Pvt.
Ltd. (TOR to EC)
Project authorities vide their letter dated 18th August, 2010 informed to the
Ministry that they are unable to attend the meeting due to certain unavoidable
circumstances and have requested for the postponement of the presentation for the next

Since, project authorities didn?t attend the meeting, it was decided that proposal
should be considered afresh as per the priority dated 18th August, 2010.

13.4.4 Organic Pigments and Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing Unit (445 MTPM)
at Block Nos. 563, 564, 573/Aand 574/A, Village Luna, Taluka Padra, District.
Vadodara, Gujarat by M/s Rishab Colours Pvt. Ltd. (EC)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs) awarded during the 90th Meeting
of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 6th-8th January, 2009 for
preparation of EIA/EMP. All Synthetic Organic Chemicals (Dye and Dye intermediate)
Industry located outside the notified industrial area/estate are listed at S.N. 5(f) under
category ?A? and appraised at Central level.

PAs vide letter no. RCPL/Padra/MoEF/03 dated 15th July, 2010 have submitted
additional information /clarification. The TOR was awarded in 90th meeting of the Expert
Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 6th to 8th January, 2009. In the 2nd meeting of
the EAC (Industry-2) held during 20th-21st August, 2009, the Committee deferred the
proposal for submission of desired information for reconsideration. Further, in the 7th
meeting of the EAC (Industry-2) held during 15th & 16th January, 2010, it was noted that
the project falls in Vadodara District which is listed at S. N. 57 of the cluster/industrial
area of the report on comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index. The CEPI score for
Vadodara is 66.91 and is considered as severely polluted area. The Committee advised
the proponent to submit the proposal to the State Pollution Control Board to obtain their
written comments with respect to pollution load in term of Ambient Air Quality/ Water
Quality or solid/ hazardous waste management as per the circulars no. J-11013/5/2010-
IA-II (I) dated 13.01.2010 and J-11013/18/2009-IA-II (I) dated 25th August, 2009 posted
on the Ministry?s website. Further, PAs have informed that proposed unit is located
14.66 Km from severely polluted area of Vadodara and also requested to GPCB to
provide comments. Now, Committee observed that since project is located at 14.66 Km
from Vadodara, comments from SPCB is not required and considered in the EAC (I-2)
PAs have submitted the information desired inin the 2nd meeting of the Expert
Appraisal Committee-2 (industry) held during 20th-21st August, 2009 informing that first
phase of upgradation of the Effluent Channel regarding conversion of effluent channel
into closed pipeline for 40?55 km is expected to be completed before 1st March, 2010 at
the cost of Rs. 28.00 Crores. Chlorine will be handled and stored as per the
manufacturers/supplier?s recommendation in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
Ortho Nitro Tolune/Nitro Benzene, Phthalic Anhydride, Sulphuric Acid, Iso Butyl Alcohol
and Chlorine will be used as the hazardous chemicals in manufacturing. Material
balance for HCl and Chlorine is submitted. HCl-air water scrubber is designed for 97 %
and Cl2-air water scrubber is designed for 99 % efficiency. NH3 air water scrubber is
designed for 99 % efficiency. HAZOP study for storage of various chemicals.
Safety/toxic hazards other than Cl2. MSDS and TLV of chemicals to the used is
submitted. Provision of caustic scrubber alongwith exhaust blower and hood to mitigate
Cl2 emissions and steps to be undertaken for mitigation of Cl2 leakage are also
submitted. It is mentioned that Cl2 tonner will be placed horizontal on the ramp so that it
could be pushed into a dissolution tank if required. In case leakage is detected in the
tonner, it will be pushed in the dissolution tank and caustic solution will added so as to
absorb Cl2 gas. Safety and Toxicity details of the chemicals used is submitted. Layout
plan for solvent storage area is submitted. Risk assessment study and disaster
management plan is submitted.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Rishabh Colours Pvt. Ltd.
have proposed for Organic Pigments and Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing Unit (445
MTPM) at block nos. 563, 564, 573/A and 574/A, Village Luna, Taluka Padra, District
Vadodara, Gujarat. PAs have mentioned in the EIA/EMP report that they have
purchased an existing but non-operative (closed) unit. Therefore, no construction activity
is carried out. The total cost of the project will be Rs. 6.50 Crores. Rs. 0.85 Crore is
earmarked towards capital cost for pollution control measures. The total land
requirement is 11,455 m2. No eco-sensitive areas are located within 15 km. The list of
products and by product alongwith its capacity is given below:

S. N. Products Capacity (MTPM)

1. Copper Phthalocyanine 200
2. Pigment Alpha Blue 60
3. Pigment Beta Blue 100
4. Cuprous Chloride 80
5. Ammonium Molybdate 5
Total 445
6. Ammonia (100% basis) 75 ? 90

Ortho-nitro-toluene or di-chloro toluene, nitro benzene, urea, phthalic anhydride,

cuprous chloride, ammonium molybdate, copper phthalo cyanine, sulphuric acid, oleum,
caustic acid, copper metal, chlorine Iso butyl alcohol, caustic copper metal, chlorine,
Molydenum ore, ammonium hydroxide etc. will be as raw materials in the manufacturing

Manufacturing process will involve mixing of raw materials with solvents, heating
upto desired temperature for certain duration followed by solvent recovery, purification,
drying, packing and dispatching etc.

Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 7 locations during Summer
season 2008 (March 2008 to ???) and g/mµsubmitted data indicates as SPM (128-199
), RSPM (49-96 ug/m3), SO2 (11.21-31.78 ug/m3) and NOx (8.35-20.81 ug/m3) which are
within the permissible limit. Incremental concentration due to proposed project was
estimated as SPM (0.372 ug/m3), SO2 (0.154 ug/m3) and NOx (0.1127 ug/m3). Bag filter
along with stack (15 m) will be provided to Spin Flash Dryer to control particulate matter.
Stack (15) will be provided to steam boiler. However, no air pollution control device is
proposed to control particulate from steam boiler. Two stage water scrubbers will be
provided to ammonia vents to control ammonia gas and treated gas will be discharged
through stack (15 m). Two stage alkali scrubber alongwith stack (15 m) will be provided
to HCl and Cl2 vents to control HCl and Cl2 fumes. Solvent will be recovered by
incorporating vent condenser using chilled brine.

Total water requirement from Narmada water will be 212.5 m3/day. Water
requirement will be met from existing bore well in case of non-availability of Narmada
water. The total wastewater generation will be 155.25 m3/day and will be treated in ETP
comprising primary, secondary and tertiary treatment facility. Treated effluent will be
discharged into Effluent Channel Project after satisfying the norms. Domestic
wastewater (2.25 m /day) will be disposed of through a septic tank/soak pit system. Rain
water harvesting structure will be created for rooftop rain water and storm water.
Membership for CETP is not submitted.

ETP sludge (400 Kg/day) will be sent to secured landfill site of M/s Nandesari
Environment Control Ltd. Baroda. Gypsum sludge (480 MTPM) will be sold to the
cement manufacturers/used for making of fly ash bricks. Spent acid (875 MTPM) will be
used in alpha blue plant and remaining will be sold to users. However, no information is
submitted regarding ash generation and disposal from boiler. Membership for TSDF is
not submitted. Used oil (20 LPM) will be reused or sold to registered re- refiners.
Discarded carboys/drums/cylinders (75 Nos./ Month) will be sold to authorized recyclers.

Total power requirement from M/s Gujarat Electricity Board will be 300 KVA. A
D.G. set of 300 KVA will be installed for power backup. Saw dust/agro waste/wood (950
MTPM) will be used as fuel for steam boiler and spin flash dryer. Green belt will be
developed in 3600 m2 out of total land 11,455 m2.
The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the State Pollution Control Board on 22nd May
2009. The issues raised included use of wood as fuel and its source, publicity of public
hearing, permission for drawl of Narmada water, CGWA/CGWB permission, provision of
employment, disposal of effluent and ECP capacity, measures for fire fighting, health
and safety, construction of high School or hospital, contamination of Luna Village ground
water etc. and have satisfactorily been incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report
adequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other
environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance :

1. No Cuprous Chloride should be manufactured and no Chlorine should be used in

the in the plant premises.

2. Process emissions in the form of NH3, Cl2, SO2 etc fumes should be scrubbed
with efficient scrubbers. Scrubber effluent should be treated in ETP and treated
effluent should meet the prescribed norms.

3. Bag filter with adequate stack height should be provided with steam boiler and
spin flash dryer to control particulate emission 100 mg/Nm3 or limit prescribed by
the SPCB, which ever is more stringent.

4. Total water requirement should not exceed 212.5 m3/day from Narmada water or
ground water and prior permission should be obtained from the Central Ground
Water Authority / State Ground Water Board / Competent Authority.

5. Industrial effluent should be treated in ETP comprising primary, secondary,

tertiary treatment facility and treated effluent should be discharged into CETP
after meeting the inlet norms for CETP as stipulated by the GPCB.

6. Membership to the CETP for the discharge of treated effluent and TSDF for the
disposal of solid/hazardous waste should be obtained and a copy submitted to
the Regional office of Ministry at Bhopal.

7. Solvent management should be as follows :

i. Reactor should be connected to chilled brine condenser system

ii. Reactor and solvent handling pump should have mechanical seals to prevent
iii. The condensers should be provided with sufficient HTA and residence time
so as to achieve more than 95% recovery
iv. Solvents should be stored in a separate space specified with all safety
v. Proper earthing should be provided in all the electrical equipment wherever
solvent handling is done.
vi. Entire plant should be flame proof. The solvent storage tanks should be
provided with breather valve to prevent losses.
8. Risk assessment due to hazardous chemicals should be carried out and all the
necessary safety precautions and mitigative measures should be adopted.
9. Emergency Response Plant (ERP) should be prepared to handle hazardous

13.4.5 Expansion of Chemicals Manufacturing Unit-1 at Sy. No. 194/1, Vaduchi

Mata Road, Village Sokhada, Taluka Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat by
M/s Shital Chemicals Industries (Unit-I). (EC)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs) awarded during the 5th Meeting of
the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 12th & 13th November, 2009 for
preparation of EIA/EMP. All Synthetic Organic Chemicals Industry located outside the
notified industrial area/estate are listed at S.N. 5(f) under category ?A? and appraised at
Central level.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Shital Chemical Industries
have proposed for expansion of chemicals manufacturing unit-1 at Sy. No. 194/1,
Vaduchi Mata Road, Village Sokhada, Taluka Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat. No
national park/wild life sanctuary/reserve forest etc. is located within 10 km radius of the
project site. The company proposes to undergo for enhancement in production capacity
for its existing 8 products and will introduce 33 new products. The unit has acquired
additional land of 8,000 m2 for proposed expansion. Now total project area is 14,000 m2
including existing land and additional acquired land. Total project cost is revised from
Rs. 2.00 crores to Rs. 3.5 Crores. Rs. 50.5 Lakhs and Rs. 11.55 Lakhs are earmarked
towards capital cost and recurring cost per annum for pollution control measures. No
litigation/court case is pending against the court case. Details of existing products &
proposed products along with the production capacity are as given below:
S. N. Products Existing Proposed
1. Benzotrichloride 61 3000
2. Acetyl chloride 26 900
3. Benzoyl chloride 32 1800
4. Propionyl chloride 4.5 120
5. Chloroacetyl chloride 8 300
6. Trimethylacetyl chloride 10 1500
7. N ? Chlorosuccinimide 1 60
8. Propio-phenone 5 120
9. Benzyl Chloride 600
10. 4 - Fluorobenzyl chloride 120
11. 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl chloride 240
12. N - Butyryl Chloride 120
13. Isobutyryl chloride 240
14. N - Valeryl chloride 240
15. Isovaleryl chloride 240
16. 2,2-Dimethyl butyryl chloride 120
17. 4-Chlorobutyryl chloride 600
18. 3-Chloropropionyl chloride 120
19. m-Chlorobenzoyl chloride 120

20. P - Chlorobenzoyl chloride 120

21. p-Toluoyl chloride 120

22. Isopthaloyl chloride 240
23. 4-Methoxybenzoyl Chloride 120
24. 4-Fluorobenzoyl chloride 120
25. 2,4-Dichloro acetophenone 480
26. 4-fluoro benzaldehyde 240
27. 2-Chloro-6-fluoro benzaldehyde 240
28. 2,6-Dichloro benzaldehyde 240
29. Aripiprazole 24
30. Cilostozole 24
31. Doxazocine 24
32. Fexofenadine 24
33. Irbesartan 24
34. Lisinopril 24
35. Lumefentrine 24
36. Metoprolol 24
37. Nibivolol 24
38. Pantoprazole 24
39. Pioglitazone 24
40. Telmisartan 24
41. Zonisamide 24
By-products :
42. HCI (30%) -- 10,200
43. Sodium bisulfate -- 1,200
44. Alluminum chloride -- 1,974
45. Sodium bromide -- 141.3
46. Sodium iodide -- 9.23
47. Sodium fluoride -- 11
48. Ammonium chloride -- 6.4
49. m-chlorobenzoic acid -- 10.2
50. Potassium iodide -- 8
51. Potassium chloride -- 47

Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 6 locations during November,
2009?January, 2010 and submitted data indicated SPM (92-140 ug/m3), RSPM (22.3-
43.7 ug/m3), PM10 (55.3-90.7 ug/m3), PM2.5 (25.3-60.7 ug/m3), SO2 (6.7-13.6 ug/m3) and
NOx (12.1-24.0 ug/m3) which are within the permissible limit. Other gaseous parameters
were observed as HCl (8.1?14.7 ug/m3), Cl2 (4.9?9.5 ug/m3) and VOC?s like tolune
(1.44 mg/m3), Benzoyl Chloride (2.0 mg/m3) and Propionyl Chloride (1.2 mg/m3).
Incremental concentration due to proposed project was estimated to be SPM (1.49
ug/m3), SO2 (2.57ug/m3) and NOx (0.91ug/m3). Process emissions in the form of HCl, Cl2
and SO2 will be controlled by three stage scrubbers and caustic scrubber. For control of
HCl/Cl emissions, an additional scrubber as 2nd stage scrubbing will be installed in the
existing streams. For increased capacity, all the scrubbers will be finally connected to
one scrubber for tail gas scrubbing with caustic solution as scrubbing medium. For
control of HCl/SO2 emissions, new two stage caustic scrubbing system will be installed.
Multi-cyclone alongwith stack (30 m) will be provided to proposed boiler and thermic fluid
heater. The vents of the reactors will be connected to chilled water condenser system.
The recovered solvent will be reused.

Total ground water requirement will be increased from 3.4 m3/day (existing) to
85.50 m3/day after expansion. Total industrial wastewater generation will be increased
from 2 m3/day (existing) to 27 m3/day after expansion, which will be treated in existing
ETP for primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. Treated effluent will be discharged to
CETP, EICL for further treatment. A copy of CETP membership issued by M/s EICL vide
dated 12th April, 2010 is enclosed in the EIA/EMP report. Domestic effluent (2 m3/day)
will be disposed off to soak pit.

Distillation residue (300 MTPA) will be stored in carbouys and sent to CHWI at
NECL/GEPIL for Incineration. ETP Sludge (750 MTPA) will be sent to TSDF, NECL,
Nandesari/GEPIL, Surat. Fly ash (600 MTPA) will be sold to brick manufacturers. Waste
oil (100 Lit/Yr.) and discarded bags/containers/drums (1000 Nos./annum) will be sold to
authorized dealers. HCl 30% (10,200 MTPA), Sodium bi-sulfite (100 MTPA), Alluminium
Chloride (1974 MTPA), Sodium Bromide (141.3 MTPA), Sodium Iodide (9.23 MTPA),
Sodium Fluoride (11 MTPA), Ammonium Chloride (6.4 MTPA), m-Chlorobenzoic acid
(10.2 MTPA), Potassium Iodide (8 MTPA) and Potassium Chloride (47 MTPA) and will
be sold to actual users/vendors. Hazardous waste storage room measuring 25 sq. m
with impervious RCC flooring and leachate collection pit will be created. A copy of
membership certificate for common hazardous waste management facility issued by M/s
GEPIL dated 05th December, 2009 is submitted.
Green belt will be developed in 4620 m2 out of total land of 14,000 m2. Power
requirement of 250 KVA will be sourced from M.G.V.C.L. D. G. set (2 x125 KVA) will be
installed for the emergency power back up. lignite/ bio-fuel (17 MTPD) will be as fuel for
boiler and thermic fluid heater. Fuel for DG set will be diesel (100 lts/day).

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on 15th
May, 2010. The issues raised included impact on agriculture, social development, local
employment, green belt, ground water extraction etc. and have satisfactorily been
incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

After deliberations, the Committee desired submission of following information :

1. Total capacity of the plant.

2. Maximum quantity of drugs and intermediates to be manufactured at a time.
3. Maximum bulk storage of drugs and intermediates.
4. Maximum storage capacity of incompatible chemicals.
5. Comprehensive risk assessment plan and proposed mitigation measures.
6. Inlet efficiency of the scrubbers and secondary scrubbers
7. Details of the solvents to be used in the process and solvent recovery plan.
8. A note on handling of Benzene alongwith transfer system.
9. Cumulative impact on the agriculture and water table due to drawl of ground
water. An hydrological study should be carried out.
10. A detailed note on occupational health system including medical facilities at the
site, nearby, provision of Doctor (occupational health expert), frequency of visit
and maintenance of records etc.
11. List of mishappening/accidents happened during last 15 years.

The Committee observed that following 3 projects belong to one project proponent
out of which one is green field (new, non-operating) and two expansion projects
(operating) and are of similar type:

1. Bulk Drugs Manufacturing Unit-II Sy. No. 443, Neja, Taluk Khambhat, District
Anand, Gujarat by M/s Shital Chemical Industries (EC).
2. Expansion of Chemicals Manufacturing Unit-1 at Sy. No. 194/1, Vaduchi Mata
Road, Village Sokhada, Taluka Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat by M/s Shital
Chemicals Industries (Unit-I) (EC)
3. Expansion of Chemical Manufacturing Unit at Sy. No. 293, Village Lunej, Taluka-
Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat by M/s Gujarat Halogen Petrochem
Corporation. (EC)

The Committee decided that a sub-committee comprising of R.K. Garg, Vice

chairman, Dr. B. Sengupta and a representative of the Ministry will visit all the 3 plants
(one non-operating and two operating) to assess the existing pollution control measures
adopted in the existing plant in operaing plants and suggest additional pollution control
measures to be adopted during proposed expansion, if any.

The proposal is deferred till the site inspection report is submitted and pollution
control measures will be discussed after the site visit in presence of PAs.
13.4.6 Expansion of Di Phenyl Oxide (70 to 500 MTPM) and Diphenyl Oxide (93 to
666 MTPM) Manufacturing Unit at Plot no. 11/B, New Ahmedabad
Industrial Estate, Village Moraiya, Ahmedabad, Gujarat by M/s H.J.
Arochem (P) Ltd. (EC)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs) awarded during the 5th Meeting of
the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 12th & 13th November, 2009 for
preparation of EIA/EMP. All Synthetic Organic Chemicals Industry located outside the
notified industrial area/estate are listed at S.N. 5(f) under category ?A? and appraised at
Central level.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s HJ Arochem (P) Ltd. have
proposed for expansion of Di Phenyl Oxide (70 to 500 MTPM) and Diphenyl Oxide (93 to
666 MTPM) Manufacturing Unit at Plot no. 11/B, New Ahmedabad Industrial Estate,
Village Moraiya, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. No wildlife Sanctuary/National Park/Biosphere
Reserve etc. are located within 10 km radius of the project site. As per EIA/EMP report,
Thol lake bird sanctuary is located at 14 km. Total land requirement is 4459.20 m2. A
copy of ?consent to operate? accorded by GPCB issued vide letter no
PC/CCA/ABD/GEN-263/18897 dated 19th July 2006 and its compliance report are
submitted. Total project cost after expansion is revised from Rs. 432.07 Crores to Rs.
451.62 Lakhs. Rs. 38.00 lacs are earmarked towards capital cost for pollution control
device and recurring cost is earmarked Rs. 9.5 Lakh/annum. No litigation is pending
against the project. Details of products and its production capacity are given below:
Present Proposed Total
S. N. Products Capacity Capacity Capacity
01 Di Phenyl Oxide 70 430 500
02 Di Phyl (as per EIA/EMP Report) 93 573 666
By-product :
01 Sodium Chloride 75 117.5 192.5

Phenol, Mono Chloro Benzene, Caustic flakes, Hydrochloric acid and catalyst will
be used as raw materials. Diphenyl Oxide will be produced by Ulmann Synthesis, which
is mixture of Sodium phenate & Mono-Chloro benzene heated under pressure. After
cooling, it will be neutralized by adding HCl. The crude diphenyl oxide will be extracted
from top and will be transferred to the distillation unit, where unit is distilled out under
vaccum. Diphyl comprises of mixture of Diphenyl Oxide and Diphenyl does not involve
any chemical reaction but involves physical process. Salt purification plant will be
installed, wherein acetone will be used as solvent to separate salt from its solution into
water. The spent solvent will be recovered by way of distillation and reused in the

Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 8 locations during November,
2009?February, 20010 and submitted data indicated SPM (115-200 ug/m3), RSPM (33-
70 ug/m3), SO2 (11-32 ug/m3) and NOx (9-37 ug/m3) which are within the permissible
limit. Incremental concentration due to proposed project was estimated to be SPM (1.51
ug/m3) and SO2 (2.63 ug/m3). Multi-Cyclone separator alongwith stack (30 m) is provided
to existing boiler. Multi-Cyclone separator alongwith stack (40 m) will be provided for the
proposed boiler (thermic fluid heater) to control particulate emission as per norms
prescribed by GPCB. However, the Committee suggested that multi-cyclone separator
followed by bag filters.

Total water requirement from New Ahmedabad Industrial Estate Water Supply
System will be increased from 3 m3/day (existing) to 23.5 m3/day after proposed
expansion. There will be no effluent generation from the process activities. Industrial
wastewater generation from existing and proposed expansion is nil because water is
only consumed for cooling purposes. Domestic effluent (1.5 m3/day) will be disposed
through septic tank/soak pit.

Total spent solvent (4,385 MTPA) will be treated and reused. Distillation residue
(12 MTPA) will be incinerated at CHWI of M/s NECL. Spent catalyst (30 MTPA) will be
reused or sold to registered reprocessors. Spent /used oil (8 lts/annum) will be reused
for lubrication purposes. Discarded containers/bags (70 nos./annum) will be reused/sold.
A copy of membership no. 155 dated 27th June, 2006 for Common Incineration Facility
issued by M/s NECL is submitted. A copy of membership for TSDF site issued by M/s
Naroda Enviro Projects Ltd. vide letter dated 22nd August, 2006 is also submitted.

Green belt will be developed in 785.01 m2 out of total land 4459.20 m2. Lignite
(150 MTPM revised to 15 MTPD) will be used as fuel in thermic fluid heater. After
expansion lignite/coal/white coal (agricultural waste) will be used as fuel. Power
requirement from Uttar Gujarat Vij Co. Ltd. will be increased from 110 HP to 230 HP after
proposed expansion.

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on 11th
June, 2010. The issues raised included local employment, advertisement for public
hearing, violation under environmental law, hazardous waste etc. and have satisfactorily
been incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report
adequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other
environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance:

1. Adequate pollution control measures viz. Multi-cyclone separator followed by bag

filters alongwith stack of adequate height should be provided to the boiler
(thermic fluid heater) to control particulate emission within 100 mg/Nm3.

2. Total water requirement from New Ahmedabad Industrial Estate Water Supply
System after proposed expansion should not exceed 23.5 m3/day and permission
for drawl of water from concerned authority should be obtained.

3. No effluent should be discharged from the process and ?zero? discharge should
be adopted.

4. Solvent management should be carried out as follows :

i. Reactor should be connected to chilled brine condenser system

ii. Reactor and solvent handling pump should have mechanical seals to prevent
iii. The condensers should be provided with sufficient HTA and residence time
so as to achieve more than 95% recovery
iv. Solvents should be stored in a separate space specified with all safety
v. Proper earthing should be provided in all the electrical equipment wherever
solvent handling is done.
vi. Entire plant should be flame proof. The solvent storage tanks should be
provided with breather valve to prevent losses.

5. Total spent solvent should be treated and reused. Distillation residue should be
incinerated at CHWI of M/s NECL. Spent catalyst should be reused or sold to
registered reprocessors. Spent/used oil should be reused for lubrication

6. Membership no. 155 dated 27th June, 2006 for Common Incineration Facility
issued by M/s NECL is submitted. A copy of membership for TSDF site issued by
M/s Naroda Enviro Projects Ltd. vide letter dated 22nd August, 2006 is also
2 2
7. Green belt should be developed in 785.01 m out of total land 4459.20 m .

13.4.7 Expansion of Chemical Manufacturing Unit at Sy. No. 293, Village Lunej,
Taluka-Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat by M/s Gujarat Halogen
Petrochem Corporation. (EC)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs) awarded during the 5th Meeting of
the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held during 12th & 13th November, 2009 for
preparation of EIA/EMP. All Synthetic Organic Chemicals Industry located outside the
notified industrial area/estate are listed at S.N. 5(f) under category ?A? and appraised at
Central level.

Additionally, PAs informed to the Committee that M/s Gujarat Halogen

Petrochem Corporation have proposed for expansion of chemicals manufacturing unit at
Sy. No. 293, Village Lunej, Taluka Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat. No wildlife
Sanctuary/National Park/Biosphere Reserve etc. are located within 10 km. Total project
area is 10,825 m2. Total cost of the expansion project is revised from Rs. 1.95 Crores to
Rs. 2.5 Crores. Rs. 35.5 Lakhs and Rs. 11.55 Lakhs are earmarked toward capital cost
and recurring cost for pollution control measures. No litigation/court case is pending
against the project. Details of products and its production capacity are given below:

Present Proposed
S. N. Product Capacity Capacity
1. Acetyl chloride 15 2880
2. Chloroacetyl chloride 5 900
3. Benzoyl chloride 25 5220
Benzotrichloride (Captive
4. - 5820
5. 2 Ethyl Hexonoyl chloride - 480
6. Methoxy acetyl chloride - 96
7. Octanoyl chloride - 84
8. Lauroyl chloride - 96
9. Chloro methyl pivalate - 96
10. Lauryl chloride - 96
11. 3-Chloro pivaloyl chloride - 96
2-3 Dichloro propionyl
12. - 96
13. p-Chloro benzoyl chloride - 96
14. M-Chloro benzyl chloride - 96
15. Terephthaloyl chloride - 180
16. Phenyl acetyl chloride - 180
17. 3 Phenyl propionyl chloride - 96
3,4,5 Trimethoxy
18. - 96
19. 2,4 Dichloro benzaldehyde - 96
20. 3-Phenoxy benzaldehyde - 96
21. p-Hydroxy benzaldehyde - 96
22. O-Chloro benzaldehyde - 96
23. 2-Flouro benzaldehyde - 96
24. 4 Methoxy benzaldehyde - 96
25. p-Hydroxy Benzophenone - 96
26. p-Hydroxy Acetophenone - 96
4-Chloro 4 Hydroxy
27. - 96
28. 4,4, Difluoro Benzophenone - 96
29. p-Bromo Benzophenone - 96
30. 4,4 Dibromo Benzophenone - 96
31. 4-Fluoro Benzophenone - 96
32. 4,4 Dichloro Benzophenone - 96
33. 2,2,4 Trichloro Acetophenone - 96
Dimethyl Amine
34. - 900
35. Acetamide - 900

By-products :

36. HCl (30%) - 12,840

37. Sodium bisulfite - 3,100
38. Acetamide - 245

Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 6 locations during winter season
2009 and submitted data indicated SPM (92.0-140.0 ug/m3), RSPM (22.3-43.7 ug/m3),
PM10 (55.3-91.0 ug/m3), PM2.5 (25.3-60.7 ug/m3), SO2 (6.7-13.6 ug/m3), NOx (17.9-24.0
ug/m3), HCl (8.1 to 14.7 ug/m3), Cl2 (4.9?9.5 ug/m3) and VOC?s like toluene (1.58
mg/m3) and benzoyl chloride (1.7 mg/m3). Incremental concentration due to proposed
project was estimated to be SPM (2.68 ug/m3), SO2 (4.6 ug/m3) and NOx (1.64 ug/m3).
Multi-cyclone alongwith stack (30 m) will be installed to boiler and thermic fluid heater to
control particulate emissions. Scrubber will be installed to scrub HCl & Cl2 gas and HCl &
SO2 gas emitted during process. Additional 3 scrubbers as 2nd stage scrubbing will be
installed in the existing streams. For increased capacity, all the scrubbers will be finally
connected to one scrubber for tail gas scrubbing with caustic solution as scrubbing
medium. For new products additional 2 stage caustic scrubbing system will be installed.
The vents of the reactor will be connected to chilled water condenser system for
recovery of solvents. The receiver will be jacketed with circulation of chilled water.

The total ground water requirement will be increased from 2.5 m3/day (existing)
to 50.50 m3/day after expansion. Wastewater generation will be increased from 2 m3/day
to 6.5 m3/day after expansion. Effluent (4.5 m3/day) will be treated in existing ETP
comprising of primary, secondary and tertiary treatment and treated effluent will be sent
to CETP, EICL after meeting its inlet norms. Domestic effluent (2.0 m3/day) will be
disposed off through septic tank and soak pit. A copy letter membership of CETP issued
by M/s EICL vide dated 15th September, 2009 is submitted.

ETP sludge (250 MTPA) will be sent to TSDF of NECL & GEPIL. Distillation
residue (200 MTPA) will be sent for incineration at CHWI, NECL & GEPIL. Fly ash (320
MTPA) will be sold to brick manufacturers. HCl-30 % (12840 MTPA) and Sodium bi-
sulfite (3,100 MTPA) and Aluminium Chloride solution (245 MTPA) will be sold. A
hazardous waste storage room measuring 58.2 m2 will be provided with impervious RCC
flooring and leachate collection pit. A copy letter no. NECL/BCP/2010-2011 dated 28th
April, 2010 issued by M/s NECL regarding solid waste disposal and incineration is
submitted. A copy letter dated 28th April, 2010 issued by M/s GEPIL regarding solid
waste disposal and incineration is submitted. Used oil (75 LPA) will be used for coating
MS structures. Discarded bags and containers (5000 Nos./Yr.) will be sold to scrap

Green belt will be developed in 3572 sq. m out of total land 10,825 m2. Power
requirement from M.G.V.C.L for the expansion project will be 250 KVA. Biofuel (6
MTPD) / lignite (5 MTPD) will be used as a fuel. D. G. Set of 125 KVA capacities will be
installed. Fuel for DG set will be diesel (100 lts/day).

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on 4th
June, 2010. The issues raised included social development, local employment rain water
harvesting etc. and have satisfactorily been incorporated in the final EIA/EMP report.

After deliberations, the Committee desired submission of following information :

1. Total capacity of the plant.

2. Maximum quantity of drugs and intermediates to be manufactured at a time.
3. Maximum bulk storage of drugs and intermediates.
4. Maximum storage capacity of incompatible chemicals.
5. Comprehensive risk assessment plan and proposed mitigation measures.
6. Inlet efficiency of the scrubbers and secondary scrubbers
7. Details of the solvents to be used in the process and solvent recovery plan.
8. A note on handling of Benzene alongwith transfer system.
9. Cumulative impact on the agriculture and water table due to drawl of ground
water. An hydrological study should be carried out.
10. A detailed note on occupational health system including medical facilities at the
site, nearby, provision of Doctor (occupational health expert), frequency of visit
and maintenance of records etc.
11. List of mishappening/accidents happened during last 15 years.

The Committee observed that following 3 projects belong to one project

proponent out of which one is green field (new, non-operating) and two expansion
projects (operating) and are of similar type:

1. Bulk Drugs Manufacturing Unit-II Sy. No. 443, Neja, Taluk Khambhat, District
Anand, Gujarat by M/s Shital Chemical Industries (EC).
2. Expansion of Chemicals Manufacturing Unit-1 at Sy. No. 194/1, Vaduchi Mata
Road, Village Sokhada, Taluka Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat by M/s Shital
Chemicals Industries (Unit-I) (EC)
3. Expansion of Chemical Manufacturing Unit at Sy. No. 293, Village Lunej, Taluka-
Khambhat, District Anand, Gujarat by M/s Gujarat Halogen Petrochem
Corporation. (EC)

The Committee decided that a sub-committee comprising of R.K. Garg, Vice

chairman, Dr. B. Sengupta, Member and a representative of the Ministry will visit all the
3 plants (one non-operating and two operating) to assess the existing pollution control
measures adopted in the existing plant in operaing plants and suggest additional
pollution control measures to be adopted during proposed expansion, if any.

The proposal is deferred till the site inspection report is submitted and pollution
control measures will be discussed after the site visit in presence of PAs.

13.4.8 Bulk Drugs Manufacturing Unit (30.0 MTPM) at Plot No. 31, Mahalaxmi
Estate, Village Iyava, Taluka Sanand, Sanand Viramgam Highway,
Sanand, Ahemdabad, Gujarat by M/s Patel Pharma Chem Pvt. Ltd (EC)
The project authorities and their consultant (QCI S.N. 139) gave a detailed
presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed environmental
protection measures to be undertaken as per Draft Terms of References (TORs)
awarded during the 94th Meeting of the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) held
during 12th-14th May, 2009 for preparation of EIA/EMP. All synthetic organic chemical
industries (bulk drugs & intermediates) located outside the notified industrial estate/area
are listed at S.N. 5(f) under category ?A? and appraised at Central level.

M/s Patel Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd have proposed for bulk drugs manufacturing unit
(30.0 MTPM) at Plot No. 31, Mahalaxmi Estate, Village Iyava, Taluka Sanand, Sanand
Viramgam Highway, Sanand, Ahemdabad, Gujarat. No eco-sensitive areas are located
within 10 km radius of the plant. The plot area is revised from 1626 m2 to 1625 m2 as per
EIA/EMP report. Project cost is Rs. 86.51 lacs. Rs. 8.0 Lakhs are earmarked toward
capital cost for pollution control measures. No litigation/court case is pending against the
project. Details of products and its production capacity are given below:
S. N. Products Capacity (MTPM)
1 Valproic Acid (Dipropylaceticacid)
2 Calcium Valproate (Calcium Dipropylacetate Hydrate)
3 Magnesium Valproate (Magnesium Dipropylacetate Hydrate
4 Sodium Valproate (Sodium Dipropylacetate Hydrate
5 Divalproex Sodium 25.00
6 Phenyl Butazone 5.00
Total 30.00
By-products :
1 Ethanol As per EIA/EMP report,
Ethanol is reduced
from 16.0 to 11.0
2 Sodium Acetate 1.125

Dipropyl Diethyl Malonate, Sodium Hydroxide, Hydrochloric Acid, Magnesium

Hydroxide, Calcium Hydroxide, N-Butyl Diethyl Malonate, Hydrazobenzene, Sodium
Ethoxide and Acetic acid will be used as raw materials. Manufacturing process will
involve mixing of raw materials with solvents, heating upto desired temperature for
certain duration followed by solvent recovery, purification, drying, packing and
dispatching etc.

Ambient air quality monitoring was carried out at 6 locations during March ? May 2009
3 3 3
and submitted data indicated SPM (158-222 ug/m ), RSPM (60-76 ug/m ), SO2 (8.8-16.8 ug/m )
and NOx (10.8-18.8 ug/m ). Incremental concentration due to proposed project was
estimated to be SPM (0.24 ug/m3), SO2 (0.09 ug/m3) and NOx (0.01 ug/m3). Flue gas
emission from LDO fired boiler will be discharged through stack (15m). PAs have
confirmed in the EIA/EMP report that chiller will be provided for chilled brine circulation
to condensate the solvent vapours and reduce solvent losses. Solvent distillation
assembly will be provided for ethanol as by product.

Total ground water requirement will be 3.2 m3/day. Total wastewater generation
is revised from 1.8 m3/day to 0.8 m3/day and treated in ETP comprising of primary,
secondary and tertiary treatment facility. Treated water will reused for gardening or
evaporated in the process. Domestic effluent will be disposed through septic tank /soak

ETP Sludge (20 kg/month) and residue from evaporation pan (12.2 MTPM) will
be disposed at TSDF site. Membership of TSDF for disposal of hazardous waste is not
submitted. Discarded drums/containers (150 nos/month) will be reused or sent back to
raw material suppliers. Empty bags (300 nos/month) will be sold to recycler.

Green belt will be developed in 500 m2. Power requirement from the UGVCL will
be 32 KW. DG set (30 KVA) will be installed for emergency power back up. Fuel
requirement for the IBR boiler will be LDO (15 LPD).

The Committee deliberated upon the issues raised during the Public Hearing /
Public Consultation meeting conducted by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board on 29th
January, 2010. The issues raised included ground water use, social welfare, air pollution
impact, education, local employment etc. and have satisfactorily been incorporated in
the final EIA/EMP report.
After detailed deliberations, the Committee found the final EIA/EMP report
adequate and suggested to stipulate following specific conditions alongwith other
environmental conditions while considering for accord of environmental clearance :

1. Chiller should be provided for chilled brine circulation to condensate the solvent
vapours and reduce solvent losses. Solvent distillation assembly should be
provided for ethanol as by product.

2. Hydrocarbons monitoring in ambient air should be ensured.

3. Total ground water requirement should not exceed 3.2 m3/day and prior
permission should be obtained from CGWB/SGWB.

4. Total wastewater generation should not exceed 0.8 m3/day and treated in ETP
comprising of primary, secondary and tertiary treatment facility. Treated water
should be reused in the process or for gardening.

5. ETP Sludge and residue from evaporation pan should be disposed at TSDF site.
Membership of TSDF for disposal of hazardous waste should be obtained and
informed to the Regional Office of the Ministry accordingly.

6. Green belt should be developed in 33 % area. Green belt design should be as

per CPCB guidelines.

13.4.9 Expansion of Fertilizer plant at Sy. No. 20/4 K.M. Stone, Indore-Ujjain
Road, (Dharampuri) Village Rajoda, Tehsil-Sanwer, District Indore,
Madhya Pradesh by M/s Rama Phosphates Ltd. (TOR)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All
the Chemical Fertilizer Plants excluding SSP are listed at S.N. 5(a) as per EIA
Notification dated 14th September, 2006 and 1st December, 2009 under Category ?A?
and appraised at the Central level.

M/s Rama Phosphates Ltd. has proposed for the expansion of Fertilizer Plant at
# 20/4 K.M. Stone, Indore-Ujjain Road, (Dharampuri) Village Rajoda, Tehsil Sanwer,
Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Total project area is 88,505 m2. Proposed expansion will be
carried out in the existing campus and no additional land will be required. Khan River is
at 5 km. MPPCB has accorded ?Consent to Establish? under Air and Water Act for the
existing Sulphuric Acid Plant (1,00,000 TPA) and SSP (1,50,000 TPA) vide letter dated
27th March, 2008 and Authorization. Total cost of the project for expansion is Rs. 1.2
Crores. Rs. 64.15 Lakhs and Rs. 6.05 Lakhs are earmarked towards capital cost and
recurring cost/annum for environment protection measure. Following will be

S.N. Items Existing Capacity Proposed Capacity Total Capacity

1. Single Super Phosphate 1,50.000 15,000 1,65,000
2. Sulphuric Acid 1,00,000
3. NPK - 60,000 60,000
4. GSSP - 60,000 60,000
5. Sulphur D.P. (85%) 5,000 5,000
6. Borometed SSP 25,000 25,000
TOTAL 4,15,000

Rock phosphate (94,050 MTPA) will be sourced from RSMM, Udaipur. Sulphur
(61,050 MTPA) will be purchased from IOCL, Panipat/Mathura; RIL at Jamnagar,
Gujarat, MRPL, Mangalore. Boron will be imported from Argentina. 55 trucks will be
used for transportation of raw material and products. NPK manufacturing will require
urea (300 MTPA).

SSP: Tri Calcium Phosphate of the rock phosphate will be converted by Mono-
Calcium Phosphate by reacting with Sulphuric Acid to manufacture SSP (Single Super

Sulphuric Acid: H2SO4 will be manufactured from Sulphur using High Technology
Double Conversion and Double Absorption (DCDA) process. ?S? will be melted in
melting pit at 112-1190c and melted ?S? will be pumped to Sulphur burner at 130-1350c
in presence of hot air. ?S? in oxidized heat is generated being exothermic reaction
rising temperature to 800-10000c producing SO2 gas. SO2 will be converted to SO3 in
presence of V2O5 at 400-4500C. Heat exchanger are provided to maintain temperature.
After passing through bed converters, gases will pass through Inter Pass Absorption
tower (IPAT) to absorb S03 and form cone. H2S04 in acid production tank.

GSSP: Granulated SSP will be manufactured by passing SSP into granulator and
dryer. Sulphur dust power (85%) will be manufactured by grinding in roller mill.

NPK: NPK fertilizer will be manufactured by mixing/blending of 2 or more

Fertilizers/chemicals like Urea/DAP/MOP/SSP etc. by treating into a hopper and

Boronated SSP: 2% Borax powder will be added to SSP to manufacture

Boranated SSP.

Ore coal based furnace (re-heating) is installed for hot air generation for
granules drying purpose. D.G. set will be provided 6.3 m stack to regulate emissions.
Cyclone, ventury wet scrubber, bag house, caustic scrubber will be provided to
phosphate fertilizer plant. The flue gases generated will contain Si F4, CO2, SO2, H2O
etc. Fugitive emissions will be generated from Roc Phosphate loading and unloading,
Sulphur loading and unloading, Sulphuric acid loading and unloading, dust from
transportation and material handling etc. Water spraying will be done to control dust
pollution. Good house keeping practice will be adopted. Stack gases from H2SO4 plant
will be vented containing SO2 level as 4 kg SO2/MT of H2SO4 produced as per MPPCB
Total water requirement from tankers and nearby villages will be increased from
290 m3/day to 324 m3/day after expansion. No groundwater will be abstracted.
Insignificant amount of wastewater generated will be recycled in the process. Domestic
waste water (SICLD) will be generated treated in sewage treatment plant (STP). Run off
will be harvested through storm water pipe network to improve ground water quality.
Sulphur sludge residue, wet scrubber sludge will be reused in the process. The
inorganic acid (H2 SiF6) will be reused and flue gas will be collected in pits and used
again in the process for dilution of Sulphuric acid. No industrial solid waste will be
disposed off. Waste / used oil, used batteries and catalyst (0.150 MTPA) will be sold to
authorized recyclers / re-processors V2OS. STP sludge will be used as manure for the
green belt development.

Green belt is already developed in 43.9%. Acoustic enclosures will be provided

to D.G. sets. Power (0.83 MW) from M.P. P.K.V.V.L. will remain same as is for existing
plant. D.G. set (1x1000 KVA) is installed. HSD(100 l/w) will be used as fuel.

After deliberations, the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) after considering

all due aspects, recommended the proposal for the preparation of EIA/EMP as per the
following TORs :

1. Executive summary of the project.

2. Total cost of the project alongwith total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for
environmental pollution control measures.
3. Detailed break up of the land area alongwith photograph of the area.
4. Present land use based on satellite imagery. Present land use based on satellite
imagery of 10 km radius around the site.
5. Location of National Park/Wild life sanctuary/Reserve Forest within 10 km radius
of the project.
6. List of raw materials required and its source.
7. Manufacturing process details along with flow chart, material balance etc.
Process flow diagram indicating points of emissions to air and effluent sources,
also likely points from where fugitive emissions may take place.
8. Existing one year ambient air quality, stack emissions, fugitive emissions; water
requirement and water balance cycle; generation, re-utilization and disposal of
solid/ hazardous waste alongwith its mitigation plan.
9. A copy of ?Environment Clearance?/?Consent to Establish? for the existing plant
alongwith point-wise compliance report.
10. Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity,
hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall.
11. Ambient air quality (PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, NH3, F) at 6 locations within the study
area of 10 km, aerial coverage from project site. Location of at least one AAQMS
in downwind direction.
12. Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards notified by
the Ministry on 16th September, 2009.
13. Impact of emissions from the existing plant on soil/agricultural land of the study
14. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment
of ground level concentration of urea/pollutants from the stack emission based on
site-specific meteorological features.
15. Actual source of water required for the proposed plant and ?permission? for the
drawl of 324 m3/day water from the competaent authority.
16. Water balance cycle data including quantity of effluent generated,
recycled/reused and discharged.
17. Ground water monitoring including Fluoride level at 3-4 locations.
18. Solid waste generation, storage, utilization and disposal particularly related to the
hazardous waste.
19. Details of socio-economic development activities should be in place.
20. Details of litigation / court case in pending against the proposal, if any.
21. Detailed Environment management Plant (EMP) with specific reference to details
of air pollution control system, water and waste water management, monitoring
frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation
22. EMP to include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques. Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
23. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on
the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular
chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.
24. Point-wise compliance to the TORs including index in EIA/EMP.
25. Details, if any court case/litigation in pending.

The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
(v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter and that raised in Public Hearing/consultation along with duly filled
in Industry Sector questionnaire. The index of the final EIA-EMP report, must
indicate the specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report where the
above issues and the issues raised in the Public hearing have been
(vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
(Viii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (OCl)/National Accreditation Board of
Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F.No.J-l1013/77/2004 - IA ll (l) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted on
the Ministry?s website may be referred.

The Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) decided that PAs may be

communicated the above ?TORs? for the preparation of final EIA/EMP. As soon as the
final EIA/EMP report is prepared, the same may be submitted by the PAs to the Ministry
for obtaining environmental clearance. The draft EIA/EMP report should be submitted to
the M. P. Pollution Control Board for public hearing. The issues emerged and response
to the issues should be incorporated in the EIA report. The final EIA/EMP alongwith
?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be submitted to the Ministry for
obtaining environmental clearance.
13.4.10 Bulk Drug and Intermediate Unit (15 Products 18.70 MTPA) at Plot No. 53,
54, 73 & 74, Industrial Area, Raichur Growth Centre, District Raichur,
Karnataka by M/s Sri Sai Amrutha Pharma Private Limited. (TOR)
The project authorities and their consultant (Global Enviro Labs; QCI S.N. 112)
gave a detailed presentation on the salient features of the project and proposed
environmental protection measures to be undertaken alongwith the draft Term of
References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All the Bulk Drug and Intermediate Units
are listed at S.N. 5(f) under Category ?B? due to location in notified Raichur Industrial
Growth Center but due to application of General conditions (Within 10 km of Interstate
boundary), proposal is kept under Category ?A? and appraised at the Central level.

Raichur, Karnataka is listed at S.N. 53 (CEPI 68.77) in the O.M. No.J-

11013/5/2010-IA(II)(I) dated 13th January, 2010 and is categorized under severely
polluted area and procedure mentioned in the circular No. J-11013/18/2009-IA(II)-I dated
25th August, 2009 have to be followed. Accordingly, comments of the Karnataka SPCB
have been obtained before considering the proposal. KSPCB has submitted their
comments vide letter dated 23rd April, 2010.

M/s Sri Sai Amrutha Pharma Private Limited have proposed for the Bulk Drug
and Intermediate Unit (15 products 18.70 MTPA) at Plot No. 53, 54, 73 & 74, Industrial
Area, Raichur Growth Centre, District Raichur, Karnataka. Total project area is 8,942.4
m2 (2 acres). A copy of the allotment letter is submitted. Raichur city is at 23 km. Total
cost of the project is Rs. 3.20 Crores. Rs. 60.00 Lakhs and Rs. 5.00 Lakhs are
earmarked toward capital cost and recurring cost per annum for pollution control
measures. Following will be manufactured:

S.N. Products Production (MTPM)

1. Amlodipine Besylate 1.50
2. Atrovastain Calcium 1.50
3. Certizine di Hydrochloride 1.00
4. Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Monohydrate 3.00
5. Fluconazole 1.50
6. Lamivudine 1.50
7. Levo Certrizine Di Hydrochloride 3.00
8. Losartan Potassium 0.75
9. Metformin 0.50
10. Montelukast Sodium 0.60
11. Pantprazole 0.75
12. Sildenafil Citrate 0.50
13. Tramadol Hydrochloride 0.60
14. Valsartqan 1.50
15. Zidovudine 0.50

Manufacturing details of all the 15 products and list of hazardous chemicals is

included. Isopropyl alcohol, Toluene, Methylene Dichloride, Acetone, Ethylene
dichloride, Methanol, Tetrahydrofuran etc. will be used as solvents.

Cyclone separator will be provided to control stack emissions. Boiler will be

provided with 32 m stack. SPM, SO2, NOx and CO will be provided. Coal ash yard will
be constructed. Vent condensers will be installed to storage tank to prevent fugitive
emissions. Scrubbing system will be installed to control process emissions. Distillation
column/dedicated reactors with condensers will be installed for effective recovery of
solvents. Sub coolers will be installed for chilled brine circulation to effectivey reduce the
solvent evaporation losses into the atmosphere.
Earlier PAS have informed that the total ground water requirement from bore will
be 90 m3/day and now informed that 90 m3/day water will be drawn from KIADB. Out of
90 KLD, 53 KLD water will be recycled/reused/lost in the process and 37 KLD
wastewater will be generated. Water sample collected from the plant site indicates that
all the parameters are within the permissible limits. Effluent treatment will include screen
and grit chamber, oil and grease trap, neutralization, effluent collection, multi-effect
evaporation and sludge drying. After recycling/reuse, part of the treated effluent will be
forced evaporated for final treatment. The residue collected from forced evaporation and
solid waste will be stored in HDPE drums designed to TSDF facility. Domestic effluent
will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit. No effluent will be discharged outside
the premises and ?Zero? discharge will be adopted.

Solid waste (986 kg/day) and evaporation residue (330 kg/day) will be generated.
Solid waste will be in the form of inorganic (376 kg/day), organic (275 kg/day) and
distillation sludge (330 kg/day). Hazardous material will be stored in drums on elevated
platform, provided with leached collection pits. Fly ash will be sold to brick
manufacturers. Waste / used oil, used batteries, plastic, empty drums etc. will be sold to
authorized recyclers / re-processors.

Out of 8094 m2, green belt will be developed in 2851.96 m2, Electric (250 KVA)
from APSEB will be sourced. D.G. set (250 KVA) will be installed for stand by. Coal
(300 MTPM) and HSD (40l/day) will be used as fuel.

After detailed deliberations, the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) prescribed

following Terms of reference for undertaking detailed EIA study:

1. Executive summary of the project

2. Justification of the project.
3. Promoters and their back ground
4. Regulatory framework
5. Recommendations of the Karnataka Pollution Control Board regarding issue of
environment clearance to the project.
6. Confirmation that proposed drugs are not banned by DCGI
7. A map indicating location of the projrct and distance from severely polluted area
8. A copy of notification issued by the Govt. of Karnataka indicating location of the
project in Raichur Growth Centre, a notified industrial area.
9. Project location and plant layout.
10. Infrastructure facilities including power sources.
11. Total cost of the project alongwith total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for
environmental pollution control measures.
12. Project site location along with site map of 10 km area and site details providing
various industries, surface water bodies, forests etc.
13. Present land use based on satellite imagery for the study area of 10 km radius.
Location of National Park/Wild life sanctuary/Reserve Forest within 10 km radius of
the project.
14. Details of the total land and break-up of the land use for green belt and other uses.
15. Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly
wind speed and direction and rainfall is necessary.
16. All the environment clearances accorded by the Ministry, Consent to Establish and
Operate and point-wise compliance to the specific and general conditions stipulated
in the environmental clearance and Consent to Establish and Operate for all the
existing plants.
17. List of products alongwith the production capacities.
18. List of solvents and its recovery plan.
19. Detailed list of raw material required and source, mode of storage and transportation.
20. Manufacturing process details alongwith the chemical reactions. Process flow
diagram indicating points of emissions to air and effluent sources, also likely points
from where fugitive emissions may take place.
21. Air pollution control measures proposed for the effective control of gaseous
emissions within permissible limits.
22. Design details of ETP, incinerator, if any alngwith control of Dioxin & Furan, boiler,
scrubbers/bag filters etc.
23. Details of water and air pollution and its mitigation plan
24. Ambient air quality at 6 locations within the study area of 5 km., aerial coverage from
project site. Location of one AAQMS in downwind direction.
25. One season site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative
humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall and AAQ data (except
monsoon) for PM10, SO2, NOx including HC and VOCs should be collected. The
monitoring stations should take into account the pre-dominant wind direction,
population zone and sensitive receptors including reserved forests. Data for water
and noise monitoring should also be included.
26. Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards notified by the
Ministry on 16th September, 2009.
27. An action plan to control and monitor secondary fugitive emissions from all the
sources as per the latest permissible limits issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R. 414(E)
dated 30th May, 2008.
28. Possibility of using other solvents in place od Methylene di-chloride.
29. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment of
ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-
specific meteorological features. Ambient air quality modelling for plant.
30. ?Permission? for the drawl of 90 m3/day water from KIADB from concerned
authority. Water balance cycle data including quantity of effluent generated recycled
and reused and discharged. Action plan for ?Zero Discharge? of effluent as
proposed should be included.
31. Ground water monitoring minimum at 6 locations should be carried out. Geological
features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area and ecological status
(Terrestrial and Aquatic).
32. The details of solid and hazardous wastes generation, storage, utilization and
disposal particularly related to the hazardous waste calorific value of hazardous
waste and detailed characteristic of the hazardous waste. Data on hazardous /toxic
chemicals. Action plan for the disposal of fly ash generated from boiler should be
33. Precautions to be taken during storage and transportation of hazardous chemicals
should be clearly mentioned and incorporated.
34. Details of land fill alongwith design details as per CPCB guidelines. Location of
secured land fill/TSDF.
35. Authorization/Membership for the disposal of liquid effluent in CETP and
solid/hazardous waste in TSDF.
36. Ground water monitoring around the project site as well as around land fill site
37. Risk assessment for storage, transporation, handling of chemicals/solvents and
phosgenes and mitigation measures. Action plan for handling & safety system,
whenever any cyanide is involved in process.
38. An action plan to develop green belt in 33 % area
39. Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site should be included to
harvest rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the ground
40. Occupational health of the workers needs elaboration including evaluation of noise,
heat, illumination, dust, any other chemicals, metals being suspected in environment
and going into body of workers either through inhalation, ingestion or through skin
absorption and steps taken to avoid musculo-skeletal disorders (MSD), backache,
pain in minor and major joints, fatigue etc. Occupational hazards specific pre-
placement and periodical monitoring should be carried out.
41. Socio-economic development activities should be in place.
42. Note on compliance to the recommendations mentioned in the CREP guidelines.
43. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details of
air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring frequency,
responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation measure should be
44. EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
45. Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed by any
Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
46. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.
47. Confirmation if any litigation / court case is in pending against the proposal.

The following general points should be noted:

i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional languages.
iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the specific
chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report.
vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
viii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (OCl)/National Accreditation Board of
Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted
on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
ix) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental consultant
should be included.

It was decided that ?TORs? prescribed by the Expert Appraisal Committee

(Industry) should be considered for preparation of EIA / EMP report for the above
mentioned project in addition to all the relevant information as per the ?Generic
Structure of EIA? given in Appendix III and IIIA in the EIA Notification, 2006. The
Committee (Industry-2) also noted that no public hearing/consultation is required due to
project being located in notified Raichur growth centre as per Section (iii), Stage (3),
Para (i)(b) of EIA Notification, 2006. The final EIA/EMP alongwith ?Certificate of
Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be submitted to the Ministry for obtaining
environmental clearance.

13.4.11 Expansion of Partially Oriented Yarn (POY, 650 to 1200 MTPD) and Fully
Drawn Yarn (FDY, 100 to 300 TPD) at 17/5/1, Village Rakholi, Sayali,
Silvassa, Dada & Nagar, Haveli by M/s Alok Industries Limited. (TOR)
The project authorities themselves gave a detailed presentation on the salient
features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All
the Man Made Fibre plants except Rayons are listed at S.N. 5(d) under Category ?B?
and appraised at the Central level due to location of Interstate boundary of Gujarat at 5
km and applicability of General Condition.
M/s Alok Industries Limited have proposed for the expansion of Partially Oriented
Yarn (POY, 650 to 1200 MTPD) and Fully Drawn Yarn (FDY, 100 to 300 TPD) at 17/5/1,
Village Rakholi, Sayali, Silvassa, Dada & Nagar, Haveli. Environment clearance has
been accorded by the Ministry vide letter No. J-11011/674/2008 dated 31st October,
2008 to manufacture Partially Oriented Yarn (POY, 500 MTPD) and J-11011/674/2008-
IA(II)-I dated 11th June, 2009 for expansion of (POY/FDY, 750 TPD). PAs have
submitted a copy of Consent to Operate accorded by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board
vide letter no. PCC/DDD/G-921/WA/RK/98-1208 dated 12th August 2010. Town &
Country Planning Department vide letter dated 13th August, 2008 has confirmed that Sy.
No.17 of Village Rekholi and 521 of Village Sayali are notified Industrial Zone vide
notification dated 11th July, 2007 and expansion will be carried out in the existing
campus only. No additional land will be acquired. River Damanganga is lat 5 km.
Interstate Gujarat boundary is at 5 km. Forest zone is at 6 km. Silvasa town is at 7 km.
No eco-sensitive areas are located with 10 km radius of the plant. A copy of letter no. 7-
2/356-FD/WL/IV/09/828 dated 4th December, 2009 issued by Forest Department,
Administration of Dadra and Nagar Haveli (UT) mentioning project site does not fall
within the buffer zone of 100 m distance from the boundary of Dadra Nagar Haveli
Wildlife sanctuary. Total project area is 80,000 m2 and no new land will be acquired for
the expansion project. Total cost of the project is Rs. 580.00 Crores. Rs. 10.95 Crores
and Rs. 49.90 Lakhs are earmarked toward capital cost and recurring cost per annum
for pollution control measures. PAs vide e mail dated 11th August, 2010 have informed
that following are the details of existing and proposed capacity of the products:
S. N. Products Existing capacity (TPD) Proposed capacity (TPD)

1 POY 650 1,200

2 FDY 100 300

3 PSF -- 100

Total 750 1,600

Polymers will be produced using TPA or QTA and Mono ethylene glycol as basic
esterification and polycondensation. Water will be liberated as by product during the
reaction and is fed to OSC feed tank for reuse. Monomer is converted to oligomer after
esterification. Antimony Trioxide, Titanium Di oxide (TIO2) and Barium Sulphate will be
used as catalyst. Esterification is carried out in one vessel whereas polycondensation
will be carried out in two vessels viz. Up flow Pre-polymerizer (UFPP) and Finisher.
Molten polymer from each finisher will be transferred to clippers/spinning.

Average ambient air quality data for March, 2010 for the existing plant indicates
RPM (87.2 ug/Nm3) SPM (180.81 ug/Nm3), SO2 (13.68 ug/Nm3) and NOx (22.68
ug/Nm3) and are within the permissible limit. Existing particulate matter and NOX
emissions are within 150 mg/Nm3 and 350 ppm respectively but will reduce to 10
mg/Nm3 and 115 PPM whenever RLNG will be supplied to the plant. Presently, LSHS is
used as fuel.
Vapors will be condensed. Organics will be stripped and water will be sent to
ETP. Vapors from stripping column will be sent HTF vaporizers for burning organic
matters. Stack (60 m) will be installed to disperse NOx, SPM and particulate matter
from thermo pack. Additional Oxygen analyzer will be installed before extraction for
reducing excess air. Bag filters will be provided for dust extractions and particulate

Total water requirement from canal water will be 1,682 m3/day out of which 1,322
m3/day water will be recycled/reused in the process. 355 m3/day water will be lost in the
cooling and process. No additional water will be required. Effluent generation will
enhance from 188 m3/day to 399 m3/day. Capacity of the existing effluent treatment
plant (ETP) will be enhanced. No effluent will be discharged. ?Zero discharge will be
adopted. Chilled water generated from chiller unit will be used for scrubbing EG cooler
and for clipper water cooler as a back up in summer. Storm water will be used for ground
water discharge.

Polymer waste will be recycled in house for manufacture of wadding for captive
consumption. Drums and bags will be disposed as scrap. Waste oil and used batteries
will be sold to authorized recyclers / re-processors.

Green belt will be developed in 33% area. Acoustic enclosure will be provided to
FO fired D.G. sets (29 MW). Power requirement will be 9,000 KW and will remain within
sanctioned load of 9,000 KW. LSHS consumption will increase from 30 KLD to 70 KLD.
However, Natural gas (60,000 Nm3/day) will be used whenever available.

The Committee prescribed the following TORs for undertaking the EIA study:
1. Executive summary of the existing and expansion project.
2. Promoters and their back ground
3. A copy of Gazette Notification issued by the Govt. of Dadra & Nager, Haveli
indicating location of the project in notified industrial area.
4. A copy of all the ?Environment Clearance? / ?Consent to Establish/Operate? for
the existing plant alongwith point-wise compliance report.
5. Project location and Plant layout.
6. Infrastructure facilities, existing and proposed including power sources.
7. Total cost of the project as well as total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for
environmental pollution control measures.
8. Project site location alongwith site map of 5 km area and site details providing
various industries, surface water bodies, forests etc.
9. Present land use of the study area of 5 km radius. Location of National Park/Wild
life sanctuary/Reserve Forest within 5 km radius of the project.
10. Permission from the State Forest Department regarding the impact of the
proposed plant on the surrounding reserve forests.
11. Details of the total land (existing and for proposed expansion) and land covered
by green belt in terms of percentage excluding lawns etc.
12. List of products (existing & proposed) alongwith the production capacities.
13. List of raw material required and source.
14. Manufacturing process details alongwith the chemical reactions.
15. Design details of ETP & boiler.
16. Details of water and air pollution due to existing unit as well as proposed
expansion and its mitigation plan.
17. Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity,
hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall is necessary.
18. Ambient air quality data for one month other than monsoon regarding PM10,
PM2.5, SO2, NOx and VOCs at 4 locations within the study area of 5 km., aerial
coverage from project site. Location of one AAQMS should be in downwind
direction. One month data other than monsoon for water quality monitoring and
noise monitoring, or otherwise,
Actual existing ambient air, stack emission, fugitive emission data, assessment of
ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-
specific meteorological features; water requirement, water balance cycle, treated
wastewater analysis, recycle/reuse and disposal; type of solid/hazardous waste
generation, management, reutilization and disposal alongwith characteristics of
ETP waste for last one year should be included.
19. Actual source and ?Permission? for the drawl of 1,682 m3/day water for the
proposed expansion from the Competent authority. Existing ground water
monitoring reports.
20. Risk assessment for storage and handling of chemicals/solvents as well as due
to handling, storage and usage of natural gas and mitigation measures adopted
in existing plant and proposed during expansion. Data on hazardous/toxic
21. A note on the medical facilities for the workers at the site and current status of
occupational health of the workers should be incorporated.
22. Action plan for development of green belt in 33% area alongwith green belt
already developed on map.
23. Scheme for rainwater harvesting existing and proposed during expansion.
24. A note on socio-economic development activities done and proposed for future
with financial provision should be in place.
25. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details
of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring
frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation
measure should be included.
26. EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
27. Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction /order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
28. A tabular chart with index for point-wise compliance of above TORs.

The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach
a copy of the letter.
(v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as
an annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the
issues in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the
specific chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report.
(vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
(viii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (OCl)/National Accreditation Board
of Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this
regard circular no F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 2nd December, 2009
posted on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
(ix) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental
consultant should be included.

It was decided that ?TORs? prescribed by the Expert Appraisal Committee

(Industry) should be considered for preparation of EIA / EMP report for the above
mentioned project in addition to all the relevant information as per the ?Generic
Structure of EIA? given in Appendix III and IIIA in the EIA Notification, 2006. The
Committee noted that the project is located in the industrial zone as per notification
issued by the Govt. of D & NH and exempted from the public hearing. The final EIA/EMP
alongwith ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be submitted to the
Ministry for obtaining environmental clearance.
The Committee also noted that environment clearance has been accorded by the
Ministry vide letter No. J-11011/674/2008 dated 31st October, 2008 to manufacture
Partially Oriented Yarn (POY, 500 MTPD) and again vide letter no. J-11011/674/2008-
IA(II)-I dated 11th June, 2009 for the expansion project (POY/FDY, 750 TPD). Now,
proposed expansion is 3rd expansion within a span of 3 years. Besides, PAs have
claimed that there will be no air emissions, liquid effluent discharge and even no
solid/hazardous waste generation. Therefore, the Committee decided to visit the site to
assess pollution control measures installed in the existing plant, assess their
performance and suggest further remedial measures required, if any.
After detailed deliberations, the Committee desired that a sub-committee Shri
M.B. Lal, Chairman, R.K. Garg, Vice chairman and a representative of the Ministry
should visit the unit to assess the pollution control measures being adopted in the
existing plant and to be augmented and suggest additional pollution control measures to
be adopted in the proposed expansion plant.

13.4.12 Copper Phthalocyanine Blue (700 MTPM), Pigment Alpha Blue (75 MTPM),
and Pigment Beta Blue (200 MTPM) Manufacturing Unit at Block No. 164,
165, 166, 167, 168, 169 and 170, Village Vedach, Tehsil Jambusar, District
Bharuch, Gujarat by M/s Narayan Organics Pvt. Ltd. (TOR)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All
synthetic organic chemical industries (Organic chemical, other synthetic organic
chemicals and chemical intermediates) located outside the notified industrial estate/area
are listed at S.N. 5(f) under category ?A? and appraised at Central level.

M/s Narayan Organics Pvt. Ltd. have proposed for setting up of Copper
Phthalocyanine Blue (700 MTPM), Pigment Alpha Blue (75 MTPM), and Pigment Beta
Blue (200 MTPM) Manufacturing Unit at Block No. 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169 and
170, Village Vedach, Tehsil Jambusar, District bharuch, Gujarat. Total land requirement
is 34,000 m2. Total project cost is Rs. 12.60 Crores. Rs. 1.50 Crore is earmarked
towards capital cost foe pollution control device. No litigation/court case is pending
against the project. Details of products and production capacity are as given below:

S.N. Product Production capacity

1 Copper Phthalocyanine Blue 700
2 Pigment Alpha Blue 75
3 Pigment Beta Blue 200
4 Ammonium Carbonate Solution -12-15 % (by- 600
Total 1575

Phethalic Anhydride, Urea, Cuprous Chloride, Ammonium Molybdate, Ortho-Nitro

Toluene, Caustic soda flakes and Sulphuric acid will be used as raw materials for
manufacturing Copper phthalocyanine blue. Copper Phthalocyanine blue, Sulphuric acid
and caustic soda flake will be used as raw materials for Pigment alpha blue. Copper
Phthalocyanine blue and Iso butyl alcohol will be used as raw materials for Pigment beta

Copper Phthalocyanine Blue manufacturing will involve reaction of chemicals in a

presence of catalyst at desired temperature for 6/8 hours followed by drying. The dried
powder will be packed in bags and sent to Godown. Pigment Beta Blue manufacturing
does not involve any chemical reaction. This will involve mixing of raw materials and
heating. Solvent will be recovered in a separate. Material will be dumped into dumping
vessels with required surfactant and additives and will stir for 4 to 5 hours. Mass will be
filtered and washed the material to neutral pH. Wet cake will be routed to SFD for drying
purpose and collect the material in the HDPE/Jumbo bags. Pigment Alpha Blue
manufacturing does not involve any chemical reaction. This will involve mixing of copper
phthalocyanine blue and Sulphuric acid. The temperature of the vessel will be cooled to
10OC. Sulphuric acid concentration will be reduced to 10-20 %.The concentrate liquor
will be purified by alkali wash followed by acid wash and filter press drying.

Dust collector with stack (30 m) will be installed in boilers (2 Nos.), thermic fluid
heaters (3 Nos.) and hot air generators (3 Nos.) to control particulate matter within 150
mg/Nm3, SO2 within 100 mg/Nm3 and NOx within 150 mg/Nm3. Two-stage water
scrubber followed acid scrubber with stack (15 m) will be provided process stack-1 & 2
to control NH3 within 150 mg/Nm3. Ammonia gas will be absorbed in water and will
result in liquid ammonia solution.

Ground water requirement will be 612 m3/day. Effluent (452 m3/day) will be
generated. The entire quantity of the industrial wastewater will be segregated into three
parts i.e. concentrated stream, general/weak stream from manufacturing activities of
other product from manufacturing stream and other stream consists of effluent the utility
section such as RO reject, DM plant regeneration, cooling bleed off, boiler blow down
etc. Acidic effluent will be reused in process. Wastewater will be treated in
primary/secondary treatment plant and finally disposed off into ECP channel for
convening estuary of Mahi River.

Part of ETP sludge (600 MTPM) will be sold to cement industries and balance
will be sent to TSDF site as land filling approved by GPCB. Spent oil (0.2 MTPA) will be
sold to approved recycler. Discarded container (drums 120 nos./month, liners 0.1
MTPM) will be sold to approved recycler.

After detailed deliberations, the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) prescribed

following Terms of reference for undertaking detailed EIA study:

1. Executive summary of the project

2. Justification of the project.
3. Promoters and their back ground
4. Regulatory framework
5. Project location and plant layout.
6. Infrastructure facilities including power sources.
7. Total cost of the project alongwith total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for
environmental pollution control measures.
8. Project site location along with site map of 10 km area and site details providing
various industries, surface water bodies, forests etc.
9. Present land use based on satellite imagery for the study area of 10 km radius.
Location of National Park/Wild life sanctuary/Reserve Forest within 10 km radius
of the project.
10. Permission from the State Forest Department regarding the impact of the
proposed plant on the surrounding reserve forests, if any.
11. Details of the total land and break-up of the land use for green belt and other
12. List of raw materials, products alongwith the production capacities and list of
solvents and its recovery plan.
13. Commitment for not using azodyes in the process should be given.
14. Detailed list of raw material required and source, mode of storage and
15. Manufacturing process details alongwith the chemical reactions.
16. Design details of ETP, incinerator, if any alngwith control of Dioxin & Furan,
boiler, scrubbers/bag filters etc.
17. Details of water and air pollution and its mitigation plan
18. Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity,
hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall is necessary.
19. Ambient air quality monitoring for all the parameters including VOCs within the
study area of 5 km., aerial coverage from project site. Location of one AAQMS in
downwind direction.
20. One season site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative
humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall and AAQ data (except
monsoon) for PM10, SO2, NOx including HC and VOCs.should be collected. The
monitoring stations should take into account the pre-dominant wind direction,
population zone and sensitive receptors including reserved forests. Data for
water and noise monitoring should also be included.
21. Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards notified by
the Ministry on 16th September, 2009.
22. An action plan to control and monitor secondary fugitive emissions from all the
sources as per the latest permissible limits issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R.
414(E) dated 30th May, 2008.
23. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment
of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-
specific meteorological features. Air quality modelling for the proposed plant.
24. Permission for drawl of 612 m3/day ground water from the CGWA/SGWB. Water
balance cycle data including quantity of effluent generated recycled and reused
and discharged. Method to be used to control ammonical nitrogen from industrial
25. Ground water monitoring minimum at 6 locations should be carried out.
Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area and ecological
status (Terrestrial and Aquatic).
26. The details of solid and hazardous wastes generation, storage, utilization and
disposal particularly related to the hazardous waste calorific value of hazardous
waste and detailed characteristic of the hazardous waste.
27. Details of land fill alongwith design details as per CPCB guidelines. Location of
secured land fill/TSDF.
28. Ground water monitoring around the land fill site
29. Membership of CETP for disposal to effluent and TSDF for disposal of hazardous
water/ solid waste.
30. Risk assessment for storage for chemicals/solvents and phosgenes.
31. An action plan to develop green belt in 33 % area
32. Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site should be included to
harvest rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the
ground water.
33. Occupational health of the workers needs elaboration including evaluation of
noise, heat, illumination, dust, any other chemicals, metals being suspected in
environment and going into body of workers either through inhalation, ingestion
or through skin absorption and steps taken to avoid musculo-skeletal disorders
(MSD), backache, pain in minor and major joints, fatigue etc. Occupational
hazards specific pre-placement and periodical monitoring should be carried out.
34. Socio economic development activities should be in place.
35. Note on compliance to the recommendations mentioned in the CREP guidelines.
36. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details
of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring
frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation
measure should be provided.
37. EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
38. Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
39. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on
the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular
chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.
40. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.

The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
(v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the specific
chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report.
(vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
(viii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (OCl)/National Accreditation Board of
Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted
on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
(ix) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental
consultant should be included.

It was decided that ?TORs? prescribed by the Expert Appraisal Committee

(Industry) should be considered for preparation of EIA / EMP report for the above
mentioned project in addition to all the relevant information as per the ?Generic
Structure of EIA? given in Appendix III and IIIA in the EIA Notification, 2006. The draft
EIA/EMP report should be submitted to the Gujarat Pollution Control Board for public
hearing. The issues emerged and response to the issues raised during public hearing
should be incorporated in the EIA report. The final EIA/EMP alongwith ?Certificate of
Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be submitted to the Ministry for obtaining
environmental clearance.

13.4.13 Bulk Drugs Manufacturing Unit (7.025 MTPD) at Sy. No. 49, 50 to 54, 65, 67
& 69, Village Lankalapalli Palem, Tehsil Pusapati, Mandal Rega, District
Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh by M/s Loven Labs Private Limited. (TOR).
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All
synthetic organic chemical industries (bulk drugs & intermediates) located outside the
notified industrial estate/area are listed at S.N. 5(f) under category ?A? and appraised at
Central level.

M/s Loven Labs Private Limited have proposed for setting up of Bulk Drugs
Manufacturing Unit (7.025 MTPD) at Sy. No. 49, 50 to 54, 65, 67 & 69, Village
Lankalapalli Palem, Tehsil Pusapati Rega Mandal, District Vizianagaram, Andhra
Pradesh. Total plot area is 42.16 acres. The project site is 3.5 Km away from Bay of
Bengal. Kumili reserve forest is located at 5.2 Km (NW). Total project cost is Rs. 45.0
Crores. Rs. 4.90 Crores are earmarked toward capital cost for pollution control
measures. No litigation/court case is pending against the project. Details of the products
and its capacity are given below:

S. N. Products Capacity (Kg/day)

1 Flucanazole 200
2 Zidovudine 400
3 Tadalafil 150
4 Olmesartan 200
5 Nevirapine 300
6 Rebeprazole Sodium 300
7 Efavirenz 200
8 Carvedilol 150
9 Levofloxacin 150
10 Losartan Potassium 200
11 Topiramate 100
12 Esomeprazole 400
13 Irbesartan 100
14 Abacavir sulphate 100
15 Venlaflaxine Hydrochloride 100
16 Lansoprazole 300
17 Omeprazpole 100
18 Telemisartaan 100
19 Ramipril 100
20 Loratidine 100
21 Clopidogrel Bisulfate 200
22 Pentaprazole Sodium 100
23 Glimpride 50
24 Ezetimibe 200
25 Lamotrizine 200
26 Lercanidipine HCl 50
27 Benazaprile Hydrocloried 50
28 Valcyclovir HCL 50
29 Rosuvastatin Calcium 100
30 Valsratan 100
31 Zolpidem Tartrate 100
32 Terbinafine Hcl 100
33 Setraline Hydrochloride 500
34 Citrizine HCL 150
35 Levetracitam 150
36 Itraconazole 200
37 Sparfloxacin 250
38 Voricanazole 100
39 Enalapril Maleate 75
40 Adopalene 50
41 Ketrolac Tromethamine 100
42 Lamivudine 400
Total 7,025
*At any time, only 20 products will be manufactured i.e. 3750 Kgs/day.

Acetone, Monochloro Benzene, Toluene, Methanol, Bovine trachea, Sodium

Sulphate, Papain, C. S. Flakes, Calcium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Isopropyl alcohol,
Aluminium Chloride, Ammonium acetate, Ammonium Format, Azcyclanol, Benzyl Ester.
HCl, Biphenyl Ester, Butylated hydroxyl anisole, Calcium Acetate and Camphor
sulphonic acid will be used as raw materials. Manufacturing process will involve
organic synthesis. The chemical synthesis will essentially involve production of the
various APIs by way of chemical reactions like acetylation, hydrogenation, oxidation,
reduction etc. The product of reaction will be purified, filtered and dried before packing
the final product.

Sources of air pollution are coal fired boiler (3x5 TPH), Thermic fluid heater,
Incinerator and DG set (1000 KVA). Bag filter alongwith stack (33 m) to coal fired boiler,
stack (15.2 m) for thermic fluid heater, scrubber alongwith stack (35 m) to incinerator
and stack (6.5 m) to DG set (1000 KVA) will be provided.

Total ground water requirement will be 411 m3/day. Wastewater will be treated in
ETP. Washing and domestic effluent will be treated in ETP comprising of equalization
tank, primary clarifier, aeration tank, secondary clarifier, Chemical oxidation, sand filter
and GAC filter etc. High TDS effluent from process will be treated in the ETP comprising
of primary clarifier, striping system, multiple-effect evaporation system etc. Treated
effluent will be discharged into sea.

Ash (6.0 TPD) from boiler will be sold to brick manufacturers. Solvent residue
(3.2 TPD) will be sent to TSDF/Cement Industry/Incineration. Incineration ash (0.4 TPD),
Evaporation salts (4.72 TPD) and ETP sludge (0.33 TPD) will be sent to TSDF. Process
residue (1.66 TPD) will be sent to TSDF/Incineration/Cement Industry, in which Organic
salts (0.17 TPD) will be sent to TSDF, Carbon (0.21 TPD) will be sent to cement kilns,
Hyflow (9.57 kg/day) will be sent to TSDF, Catalyst (0.08 TPD) will be returned to
manufacturers. Detoxified containers (1000 nos/year) will be sold to authorized vendors.
Waste oil (4000 LPA) will be sent to authorized recyclers. Used batteries (24 nos./year)
will be sent to authorized recycler.

Green belt will be developed in 23.07 acres out of total land 42.16 acres. Power
requirement will be sourced from AP Transco. A DG set will be installed for power
backup. Coal will be used as fuel in boiler.

After detailed deliberations, the Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) prescribed

following Terms of reference for undertaking detailed EIA study:

1. Executive summary of the project

2. Justification of the project.
3. Promoters and their back ground.
4. Regulatory framework
5. A map indicating location of the projrctand distance from severely polluted area
6. Project location and plant layout.
7. Infrastructure facilities including power sources.
8. Total cost of the project alongwith total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for
environmental pollution control measures.
9. Project site location along with site map of 10 km area and site details providing
various industries, surface water bodies, forests etc.
10. Present land use based on satellite imagery for the study area of 10 km radius.
Location of National Park/Wild life sanctuary/Reserve Forest within 10 km radius of
the project.
11. Permission and recommendations of the State Forest Department regarding the
impact of the proposed plant on the surrounding Kumili reserve forest located at 5.2
Km (NW).
12. Details of the total land and break-up of the land use for green belt and other uses.
13. All the environment clearances accorded by the Ministry, Consent to Establish and
Operate and point-wise compliance to the specific and general conditions stipulated
in the environmental clearance and Consent to Establish and Operate for all the
existing plants.
14. List of products alongwith the production capacities and list of solvents and its
recovery plan.
15. Detailed list of raw material required and source, mode of storage and transportation.
16. Manufacturing process details alongwith the chemical reactions. Possibility of using
alternative of Methylene Dichloride (MDC).
17. Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly
wind speed and direction and rainfall is necessary.
18. Ambient air quality monitoring at 6 locations within the study area of 5 km., aerial
coverage from project site. Location of one AAQMS in downwind direction.
19. One season site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative
humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall and AAQ data (except
monsoon) for PM10, SO2, NOx including HC and VOCs should be collected. The
monitoring stations should take into account the pre-dominant wind direction,
population zone and sensitive receptors including reserved forests. Data for water
and noise monitoring should also be included.
20. Air pollution control measures proposed for the effective control of gaseous
emissions within permissible limits.
21. Design details of ETP, incinerator, if any alngwith control of Dioxin & Furan, boiler,
scrubbers/bag filters etc.
22. Details of water and air pollution and its mitigation plan
23. Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards notified by the
Ministry on 16th September, 2009.
24. An action plan to control and monitor secondary fugitive emissions from all the
sources as per the latest permissible limits issued by the Ministry vide G.S.R. 414(E)
dated 30th May, 2008.
25. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment of
ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-
specific meteorological features. Air quality modelling for proposed plant.
26. ?Permission? for the drawl of 411 m3/day ground water from the CGWA/SGWB.
Water balance cycle data including quantity of effluent generated recycled and
reused and discharged. Action plan for ?Zero Discharge? of effluent as proposed
should be included.
27. Ground water monitoring minimum at 6 locations should be carried out. Geological
features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area and ecological status
(Terrestrial and Aquatic).
28. The details of solid and hazardous wastes generation, storage, utilization and
disposal particularly related to the hazardous waste calorific value of hazardous
waste and detailed characteristic of the hazardous waste. Action plan for the
disposal of fly ash generated from boiler should be included.
29. Precautions to be taken during storage and transportation of hazardous chemicals
should be clearly mentioned and incorporated.
30. Details of land fill alongwith design details as per CPCB guidelines. Location of
secured land fill/TSDF.
31. Authorization/Membership for the disposal of liquid effluent in CETP and
solid/hazardous waste in TSDF.
32. Ground water monitoring around the project site as well as around land fill site
33. Risk assessment for storage for chemicals/solvents and phosgenes. Action plan for
handling & safety system, whenever any cyanide is involved in process.
34. An action plan to develop green belt in 33 % area
35. Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site should be included to
harvest rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the ground
36. Occupational health of the workers needs elaboration including evaluation of noise,
heat, illumination, dust, any other chemicals, metals being suspected in environment
and going into body of workers either through inhalation, ingestion or through skin
absorption and steps taken to avoid musculo-skeletal disorders (MSD), backache,
pain in minor and major joints, fatigue etc. Occupational hazards specific pre-
placement and periodical monitoring should be carried out.
37. Socio-economic development activities should be in place.
38. Note on compliance to the recommendations mentioned in the CREP guidelines.
39. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details of
air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring frequency,
responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation measure should be
40. EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
41. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control
42. Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed by any
Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
43. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on the
same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular chart
with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.
44. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.

The following general points should be noted:

i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the specific
chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report.
vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
viii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (OCl)/National Accreditation Board of
Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted
on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
ix) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental
consultant should be included.

It was decided that ?TORs? prescribed by the Expert Appraisal Committee

(Industry) should be considered for preparation of EIA / EMP report for the above
mentioned project in addition to all the relevant information as per the ?Generic
Structure of EIA? given in Appendix III and IIIA in the EIA Notification, 2006. The draft
EIA/EMP report should be submitted to the A. P. Pollution Control Board for public
hearing. The issues emerged and response to the issues raised during should be
incorporated in the EIA report. The final EIA/EMP alongwith ?Certificate of
Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be submitted to the Ministry for obtaining
environmental clearance.

13.4.14 Expansion by addition of Dextrose Anhydrous (450 MTPM) at 1-Vrindavan

Road, P.O. Dalpur, Tehsil Prantij, District Sabarkantha, Gujarat by M/s
Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd. (TOR).

The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All
the synthetic organic chemical plants located outside notified industrial area are listed at
S.N. 5(f) under Category ?A? and appraised at the Central level.

M/s Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd. have proposed for the expansion of projects by
addition of Dextrose Anhydrous (450 MTPM) at 1-Vrindavan Road, P.O. Dalpur, Tehsil
Prantij, District Sabarkantha, Gujarat. Total project area is 70,123 m2 and expansion will
be carried out in existing premises in 550 m2. Consolidated Consent and Authorization
(CCA) has been accorded by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board for the existing plant
vide letter no. PC/GPCB/IDI6770/CCA/SK-32(2)/42510 dated 22nd January, 2010 (p. 34-
39/c) and is valid upto 6th October, 2010. Total cost of the project is Rs. 50.00
Lakhs. PAs have informed that no national parks/wind life sanctuary /reserved forests is
located within 10 km. A copy of consent order no. W-36165 dated 15th January, 2010
accorded by Gujarat Pollution Control Board and issued vide letter dated 22nd January is
submitted. Rs. 11.00 Lakh per annum and Rs. 3.00 Lakhs/annum are earmarked toward
capital cost and recurring cost for pollution control measures. No litigation/ court case is
pending against the project. Following are the details of the existing and proposed
products to be manufactured:

S.N. Name of the Product Existing Proposed Total After

(MTPM) (MTPM) Expansion (MTPM)
1. Starch 3720 - 3720
2. Glucose 900 - 900
3. Dextrose 600 - 600
4. Gluten 240 - 240
5. Husk 840 - 840
6. Maize Husk Dry (Green) 375 - 375
7. Malto 75 - 75
8. C.P.P (D.G. Set) 2.2 MW - 2.2 MW
9. C.P.P. (Steam Base) 1.5 -2.0 MW - 1.5 MW-2.0MW
10. Dextrose Anhydrous - 450 450

Dextrose Monohydrate (580 MTPM) will be used as raw materials. Dextrose

Monohydrate will be dissolved in water to make 50-60% syrup and further purified by
means of carbon treatment and microfiltration. Pumped syrup will be crystallized and
centrifuged and crystals dried in a dryer. Dried Dextrose anhydrous will be sieved
through vibration screen and packed in doubled lined HDBE bags. No chemical reaction
is resolved in the manufacturing of dextrose anhydrous.

Electrostatic precipitator to captive power plant and multi-cyclone separator to

FBC, CVL type and Alankar boiler will be provided to control particulate matter (150
mg/Nm3), SO2 (100 PPM) and NOx (50 ppm). Water scrubbers to dryers of stack plant,
cyclone separator to dryer of Dextrose, wet cyclone separator to Dextrose converter,
Glucose converter and alkali dipping tank to steeping vets will be provided to control
emission within 150 mg/Nm3. No process gas will be generated from the manufacturing
Total water requirement even after expansion will remain same i.e 1,616 m3/day.
Effluent treatment plant (ETP) is existing for handling effluent from the existing sources.
Treated effluent will not be enhanced after expansion and will be used for irrigation
purpose. The effluent from production plant will be taken to equalization basis and then
to buffer tank to adjust pH by addition of lime. Effluent from buffer tank will be pumped
to UASB digester to reduce BOD/COD level by anaerobic bacterial. Sludge will be
disposed off to sludge drying beds. The gas generated in reactor will be utilized in Co-
gen plant as fuel. Treated effluent from digester will be treated in clarifier to degrade
organic matter. Domestic effluent will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit.

ETP sludge (20 MTPM), spent resins (0.1 MTPM), spent Carbon (200 kg/month)
will be disposed off to TSDF at Vinzol (p. 22/c). Membership for the disposal of solid
waste is obtained from Green Environment Services Co-Operative Society Ltd. Sludge
from wet scrubber (5 MTPM) will be reused back in the process. Process waste (6
MTPM) will be disposed to USAB from bio-degradation. Waste/used/spent oil and used
batteries will be sold to authorized recyclers / re-processors.

PAs have informed that out of 70,123 m2, green belt is developed in 24,500 m2.
Power requirement from UGVCL from the existing plant is 9,61,860 kw and will remain
same even after expansion. Steam/coal lignite requirement will be reduced from
138.MTPD) to 118 MTPD due to use of bio gas from UASB.
After deliberations, the Committee observed that manufacture of Dextrose
Anhydrous does not involve any synthesis or reaction and, therefore, can not be covered
under EIA Notification, 2006. The proposal may be returned to PAs. Therefore proposed
proposal does not need any environmental clearance.

13.4.15 Expansion of Optical Whitening Agent Manufacturing Unit (1.20 MTPM to

30.0 MTPM) at Plot No. 190, G. V. M. M. Estate, Odhav, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat by M/s Sharda Chemicals (TORs)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All
synthetic organic chemical industries (bulk drugs & intermediates) located outside the
notified industrial estate/area are listed at S.N. 5(f) under category ?A? and appraised at
Central level.

M/s Sharda Chemicals have proposed for expansion of Optical Whitening Agent
Manufacturing Unit (1.20 to 30.0 MTPM) at Plot No. 190, G. V. M. M. Estate, Odhav,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Total project cost for expansion is Rs. 15.00 Lakhs. Ahmedabad is
listed at S.N. 22 of Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) under severely
polluted area as per Ministry?s O.M dated 13th January, 2010. Details of the product
and its manufacturing capacity are given below:

S. N. Product Existing Proposed Total

1 Optical Whitening Agent 1.20 28.80 30.0

Cynuric Chloride (9.0 MTPM), Soda Ash (10.5 MTPM), Salt (6.0 MTPM), DASDA
(8.5 MTPM), Sulphanilic Acid / Metanilic Acid (8.75 MTPM) and Di-Ethanol Amine (6.25
MTPM) will be used as raw materials. Cyanuric Chloride and ice will be fed in a reactor.
Then, after Metanilic acid will be added. pH will be adjusted by adding Soda Ash
solution. Di-amino Stibuene Disulphonic acid solution will be added and ph will be
adjusted by soda ash. Mixture will be heated by steam and then Di Ethanol amine will be
added. Salt will be added to the reaction mass and product will be filtered in filter press.
Product will be dried by spray dryer and packed.

Stack (12 m) will be provided to LDO fired baby boiler to control particulate
matter within 150 mg/Nm3, SO2 within 100 ppm and NOx within 50 ppm.

Total water requirement from GVMM will be increased from 2.25 KLD to 7.3 KLD.
Total process effluent generation will be increased from 1.40 KLD to 5.2 KLD. The
effluent from washing activity and utility will be passed through oil & grease trap and
collected in the collection tank cum neutralization tank. The process effluent having high
TDS and high COD will be passed through RO system. RO permeate will be collected
into collection cum neutralization tank. Then, after effluent will be given physio-
chemical, biological and tertiary treatment. After tertiary treatment, treated effluent will be
disposed off to CETP, GVMSAV, Odhav. RO reject will be dried into spray dryer.

ETP sludge (0.8 MTPM) will be sent to TSDF, NEPL. Discarded containers (20
nos./month) and bags with liner (350 nos/month) will be sold to recycler/sent back to raw
material supplier. Waste oil (50 L per year) will be sent to authorized recyclers.

Green belt development & Control of noise pollution : no information is submitted.

Total power requirement from UVGCL will be 75 KW. A DG set (20 KVA) will be installed
for power backup. Furnace oil/ LDO (150 litre/ day) will be used as fuel.

The Committee prescribed the following TORs for undertaking detailed EIA

1. Present land use based on satellite imagery.

2. Justification of the project
3. Location of National Park/Wild life sanctuary/Reserve Forest within 10 km radius
of the project.
4. Project location and Plant layout.
5. A copy of consent/environmental clearance issued for existing plant and its point-
wise compliance report.
6. Infrastructure facilities including power sources.
7. Total cost of the project along with total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for
environmental pollution control measures.
8. Water supply source and utilization including existing and proposed water
balance chart.
9. List of raw materials required and source.
10. Manufacturing process details.
11. Details water and air pollution and its mitigation plan.
12. Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity,
hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall is necessary.
13. Ambient air quality monitoring at 6 locations within the study area of 5 km., aerial
coverage from project site. Location of one AAQMS in downwind direction.
14. Actual existing ambient air, stack emission, fugitive emission data, assessment of
ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-
specific meteorological features; water requirement, water balance cycle, treated
wastewater analysis, recycle/reuse and disposal; type of solid/hazardous waste
generation, management, reutilization and disposal alongwith characteristics of
ETP waste for last one year should be included.
15. An action plan to control and monitor secondary fugitive emissions as per CPCB
guidelines from the power plant. Fugitive emissions and their control.
16. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment
of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-
specific meteorological features. Ambient air quality modeling for proposed
17. ?Permission? for the drawl of 7.3 m3/day water from GVMM the competent
authority. Water balance cycle data including quantity of effluent generated,
recycled and reused and discharged.
18. Ground water monitoring minimum at 6 locations and also near solid waste dump
zone should be carried out. Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of
the study area and ecological status (Terrestrial and Aquatic).
19. Solid waste generation, storage, utilization and disposal particularly related to the
hazardous waste and fly ash.
20. List of hazardous & toxic chemiclas, quantity stored and risk mitigation
measures. Risk assessment and damage control.
21. Occupational health of the workers should be incorporated.
22. An action plan to develop green belt in 33 % area
23. Scheme for rainwater harvesting.
24. Socio economic development activities should be in place.
25. Membership details of CETP, GVMSAV, Odhav for disposal of treated effluent
and TSDF site for disposal of solid/hazardous waste.
23. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details
of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring
frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation
measure should be provided.
24. EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
25. Tabular chart giving the point-wise response to the public hearing.
26. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on
the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular
chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.
27. Any litigation pending against the project and /or any direction /order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.

The following general points should be noted:

i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional
iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the specific
chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report.
vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
viii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (OCl)/National Accreditation Board of
Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted
on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
ix) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental
consultant should be included.

It was decided that ?TORs? prescribed by the Expert Appraisal Committee

(Industry) should be considered for preparation of EIA/EMP report for the above
mentioned project in addition to all the relevant information as per the ?Generic
Structure of EIA? given in Appendix III and IIIA in the EIA Notification, 2006. The draft
EIA/EMP report should be submitted to the Gujarat Pollution Control Board for public
hearing. The issues emerged during public hearing and response to the raised issues
should be incorporated in the EIA report. The final EIA/EMP alongwith ?Certificate of
Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be submitted to the Ministry for obtaining
environmental clearance.

13.4.16 Polyester Filament Yarn (5,47,250 MTPA), Polyster Chips (1,27,750 MTPA)
Manufacturing Unit and CPP (38.02 MHW) at Survey No. 84/1, 100, 101/1,
102, 103, 104/1, 104/2, 105, 106, 112/1, 112/2, 112/P, 112/P/1, 113, 121,
Village Nani Tambadi, Tehsil Pardi, District Valsad, Gujarat by M/s Filatex
India Ltd. (TORs)
The project authorities and their consultant gave a detailed presentation on the
salient features of the project and proposed environmental protection measures to be
undertaken alongwith the draft Term of References for the preparation of EIA/EMP. All
manmade fibres manufacturing (rayon) are listed at S.N. 5(d) under category ?A? as
well as applicability of general condition due to location of the project within 10 km of the
interstate boundary Dadra (p. 2/c) and appraised at Central level.

M/s Filatex India Ltd. have proposed for setting up of Polyester Filament Yarn
(5,47,250 MTPA), Polyster Chips (1,27,750 MTPA) Manufacturing Unit and CPP (38.02
MHW) at Survey No. 84/1, 100, 101/1, 102, 103, 104/1, 104/2, 105, 106, 112/1, 112/2,
112/P, 112/P/1, 113, 121, village Nani Tambadi, Tehsil Pardi, District Valsad, Gujarat.
Project site is located within 10 km of interstate boundary of Dadra. Total land
requirement is 2,07,386 m2. Township of approx. 100 deweling units, community centre,
club house, guest house and necessary amenities will be constructed at project site.
Daman Ganga River is located at 2.8 Km. Earlier it is informed that Vapi is located at
11.0 Km and now informed that Vapi is located at 8.00 Km, which is listed at S.N. 2 of
Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) under critically/severely polluted
area as per Ministry?s O.M dated 13th January, 2010. PAs have confirmed that no
national park/wildlife sanctuary within 10 km. PAs have informed that Rs. 206.42 Lakhs
and Rs. 27,000.00 are earmarked toward capital cost and recurring cost per day for
pollution control measures. No litigation/ court case is pending against the project.
Details of products and production capacity are as given below:
st nd rd
S. Products 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase Total Production
N. (MTPA) (MTPA) (MTPA) Capacity (MTPA)
1 POY/FDY/DTY (Partially 1,46,000 1,27,750 2,73,500 5,47,250
Oriented Yarn/ Fully Drawn
Yarn/ Texturising Yarn
2 Intermediate Products 1,27,750 -- -- 1,27,750
(Polyester Chips)
3 Gas Engine based captive 13.35 MWH 7 MWH 17.67 38.02 MWH
power plant (2.67*5)
4 Nitrogen Plant 150 m

Purified Terpthalic Acid (PTA, 4,69,756 MTPA), Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG,
1,82,866 MTPA), Antimony Trioxide (166 MTPA), Titanium Dioxide (1,660 MTPA), Spin
finish oil (2,736 MTPA) and Modifier (82 MTPA) will be used as raw materials.

PTA and MEG will be mixed in a tank and then mixed slurry will be fed into
reactor through pumps. PTA slurry will be fed into Estrification Reactor-1 and monomer
formation will occur in a temperature between 260 ? 266 OC. Monomer will be fed into
Estrification Reactor-2 and temperature will be maintained at 265-269 OC. Then after
monomer will be fed to pre-poly reactor-1 at temperature 272-279 OC. By product
ethylene glycol will be formed and reused after purification. After 50 % polymerization,
product will be fed to the final polycondensation reactor to make it 100 % polymer. The
final product will be cooled and some will be made in chips form and rest will transfer to
yarn plant. Polymer will be transferred to the spinning beam of POY plant through
booster pumps and then made yarn through spinnerets at required pressure through
various gear pumps. Yarn then will be quenched with cool air and oil applied. Yarn will
be taken through interflow tubes and godets on high speed winders, which will be
packed on pellets and boxes.

Total 8 nos. stacks (30.5 m) will be provided to 5 nos. gas engines to control NOx
within 500 mg/Nm3. Cyclone/water scrubber will be installed with HTM heater and flue
gases will be discharged into atmosphere through stack (50 m) to control SPM within
150 mg/Nm3 and SOx within 100 PPM. HTM Flue gases from gas engine will have
temperature about 400 OC, from which heat will be recovered by passing through the
Thermic fluid heater to increase heat transfer media temperature 295 OC to 320 OC.
Again flue gas will be passed through vapor absorption chiller to make chilled water and
then temperature will reduce to 160 OC, which will discharged into atmosphere through

Water requirement from ground water and canal water will be 6,280 m3/day in all
three phases. Effluent will be treated in ETP (12.5 m3/hr). Treatment scheme will
comprise of primary, secondary (biological, which will include anaerobic digestion
followed by activated sludge process) and tertiary treatment. STP will be installed to
treat sewage and treatment scheme will consist of physical treatment, secondary
treatment based on biological and tertiary treatment including multi grade sand filter and
activated carbon filter. Treated water will be used for gardening purpose.
Ash (10 MTPA) will be sold to the nearest brick manufacturers/cement
manufacturers. Waste oil (900 Litres/ month) will be sent to CPCB authorized recycler
and ETP sludge (60 MTPM) will be sent to TSDF site. Municipal solid waste generated
will be sold to end user and organic waste will be sent to the TSDF site.

Earleir PAs have informed that greenbelt will be developed in 39,660 m2, out of
2,07,386 m2 and now informed that greenbelt will be developed in 9.8 acre out of total
land 45.5 acres. Gas engine will be installed in enclosed RCC building. Compressor will
be kept in acoustic housing. Ear muffs/ ear plugs will be provided to the workers working
in the high noise area. Power requirement from GEB will be 78.4 KVA. Coal (210 MTPA)
will be used as fuel in Thermic Fluid Heater and Natural Gas (2,08,000 SCM/day) will be
used in Captive Power Plant.

The Committee prescribed the following TORs for undertaking the EIA study:

1. Executive summary of the project

2. Justification of the project.
3. Promoters and their back ground
4. A notification to confirm that the unit is located in the notified industrial area.
5. Regulatory framework
6. Project location and Plant layout.
7. Infrastructure facilities, existing and proposed including power sources.
8. Total cost of the project along with cost for environment protection measures.
9. Project site location along with site map of 5 km area and site details providing
various industries, surface water bodies, forests etc.
10. Present land use of the study area of 5 km radius. Location of National Park/Wild
life sanctuary/Reserve Forest within 5 km radius of the project.
11. Details of the total land and break-up of the land use for green belt and other
12. List of products along with the production capacities.
13. List of raw materials required and its source.
14. Manufacturing process details along with the chemical reactions.
15. Design details of ETP & boiler.
16. Details of water and air pollution and its mitigation plan.
17. Site-specific micro-meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity,
hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall is necessary.
18. Ambient air quality monitoring data for one month other than monsoon regarding
PM10, PM2.5 SO2, NOx, HC (non methanted) and VOC at 4 locations within the
study area of 5 km., aerial coverage from project site. Location of one AAQMS
should be in downwind direction.
19. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment
of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on site-
specific meteorological features. Air quality modelling for proposed plant
including proposed power plant.
20. One season data other than monsoon for water and ambient noise monitoring.
21. ?Permission? for the drawl of ground water from the CGWA/SGWB. Water
balance cycle data including quantity of effluent generated recycled and reused
and discharged.
22. Ground water monitoring at 6 locations should be carried out.
23. The details of solid and hazardous wastes generation, storage, utilization and
disposal particularly related to the hazardous waste along with characteristics of
ETP waste.
24. Risk assessment for storage and handling of chemicals/solvents.
25. Occupational health of the workers should be incorporated.
26. An action plan to develop green belt in 33 % area
27. Scheme for rainwater harvesting.
28. Socio economic development activities should be in place.
29. Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific reference to details
of air pollution control system, water & wastewater management, monitoring
frequency, responsibility and time bound implementation plan for mitigation
measure should be provided.
30. EMP should include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
31. Any litigation pending against the project and /or any direction /order passed by
any Court of Law against the project, if so, details thereof.
32. Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project proponent on
the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP Report in the form of tabular
chart with financial budget for complying with the commitments made.
33. A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TORs.

The following general points should be noted:

(i) All documents should be properly indexed, page numbered.

(ii) Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.
(iii) Authenticated English translation of all material provided in Regional languages.
(iv) The letter/application for EC should quote the MOEF file No. and also attach a
copy of the letter.
(v) The copy of the letter received from the Ministry should be also attached as an
annexure to the final EIA-EMP Report.
(vi) The final EIA-EMP report submitted to the Ministry must incorporate the issues
in this letter. The index of the final EIA-EMP report must indicate the specific
chapter and page no. of the EIA-EMP Report.
(vii) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-
11013/41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available on the
website of this Ministry should also be followed.
(viii) The consultants involved in the preparation of EIA/EMP report after
accreditation with Quality Council of India (OCl)/National Accreditation Board of
Education and Training (NABET) would need to include a certificate in this
regard in the EIA/EMP reports prepared by them and data provided by other
organization/Laboratories including their status of approvals etc. In this regard
circular no F. No. J -l1013/77/2004-IA II(I) dated 2nd December, 2009 posted
on the Ministry?s website may be referred.
(ix) ?Certificate of Accreditation? issued by the QCI to the environmental consultant
should be included.

It was decided that ?TORs? prescribed by the Expert Appraisal Committee

(Industry) should be considered for preparation of EIA / EMP report for the above
mentioned project in addition to all the relevant information as per the ?Generic
Structure of EIA? given in Appendix III and IIIA in the EIA Notification, 2006. The draft
EIA/EMP report should be submitted to the Gujarat Pollution Control Board for public
hearing. The issues emerged during public hearing and response to the raised issues
should be incorporated in the EIA report. The final EIA/EMP alongwith ?Certificate of
Accreditation? issued by the QCI should be submitted to the Ministry for obtaining
environmental clearance.

13.5 Any Other Item :

13.5.1 Expansion of Membrane Cell based Chlor-Alkali Plant at Nagda, Ujjain, M.P.
by M/s Grasim Industries - Clarification on applicability of the EIA
Notification, 2006.

Member Secretary, MPPCB, Bhopal has asked for clarification vide their letter
no. 24261/TS/MPPCB/2010 dated 19.03.2010 regarding applicability of the EIA
Notification, 2006 for the expansion of membrane cell based chlor-alkali plant at Nagda,
Ujjain, MP by M/s Grasim Industries. PAs have mentioned that following are the details
of manufacturing units:
a) Caustic Soda Membrane Cell (Unit-I) :

S. Technology Applied for Production Remark

N. Capacity
1 Mercury Cell - 240 TPD
2 Membrane Cell Conversion 350 TPD
3 Membrane Cell Expansion 500 TPD Present

b) Chemical Division Membrane Cell (Unit-II) :

S. Technology Applied for Production Remark

N. Capacity
1 Mercury Cell - 230 TPD
2 Membrane Cell Conversion 400 TPD
3 Membrane Cell Expansion 410 TPD Present

A letter was written to PAs asking for clarification. MPPCB vide letter no.
5152/Tech./MPPCB/2010 dated 18th June, 2010 clarified that:

1. Details of expansion of proposed project in terms of existing capacity and

capacity after expansion will be as follows :

S. N. Membrane Cell Unit Existing Capacity (TPD) Capacity after expansion (TPD)
1 Unit ? I 420 600
2 Unit- II 480 600
Total 900 1200

2. Membrane cell Technology will be used in proposed expansion.

3. No conversion from mercury cell to membrane cell technology is involved.
4. Project is not located in notified industrial area.

The Committee observed that proposed expansion project comes under ambit of
environment clearance under EIA Notification, 2006 due to following reasons:

1. Expansion of proposed project is from 900 TPD to 1200 TPD which is exceeding
the threshold limit of 300 TPD for category ?A? project.

2. Project is not located in notified industrial area.

3. Proposed expansion is not a conversion of mercury to membrane cell


4. Proposed technology is based on membrane cell technology.

5. Existing and proposed expansion involves Chlorine gas emission, HCl gas
emission, wastewater generation, hazardous waste management and disposal to
As per EIA Notification 2006 and its amendment in 2009, all chlor-alkali industries
are listed at 4(d) and categorized as follows :

Category A : > 300 TPD production capacity or a unit is located outside the notified
industrial area/estate.

Category B : i) All projects irrespective of the size, if it is located in a Notified Industrial

area .
ii) < 300 TPD and located outside a Notified Industrial Area /Estate

*Specific condition shall apply.

In the EIA Notification, 2006 it is mentioned that ?No new Mercury Cell based
Plants will be permitted and existing units converting to membrane cell technology are
exempted from the Notification? Nowhere, it is mentioned that expansion of membrane
cell technology does not need any environment clearance. Therefore, MPPCB / PAs
should be informed for applying to the Ministry for the expansion of Membrane Cell
based Chlor-Alkali Plant (900 TPD to 1200 TPD) at Nagda, Ujjain, M.P. and also should
ensure no violation under the EIA Notification, 2006.

13.5.2 Conversion of Feed Stock from Naphtha to NG/RLNG in the Fertilizer

Plant and Fuel from Furnace Oil to NG/RLNG in Steam Generating Boilers
and Captive Power Plant and Enhancement in the production of
Ammonia, Urea and Ammonium bicarbonate at Parambur, Mangalore,
Dakshin Kannada, Karnataka by M/s Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers

M/s Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (MCFL) vide their letter No.
10601/ MOEF/631 dated 23rd March, 2010 have proposed for the Conversion of Feed
Stock from Naphtha to NG/RLNG in the Fertilizer Plant and Fuel from Furnace Oil to
NG/RLNG in Steam Generating Boilers and Captive Power Plant at Panambur,
Mangalore, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka. Total cost of the project is Rs. 435.00

PAs have informed that Ammonia and Urea Plants based on Naphtha as feed
stock and furnace oil for fuel in boiler were commenced in 1972 and commercial
production started in 1986. Production of Ammonium bi-carbonate started in 1982.
H0SO4 Plant was commissioned in March, 2006. Captive power plant (48 MW, 8 D.G
sets and 6 MW each) based on furnace oil were commissioned in 1986. All the plants
were revamped between 2000-2006 to manufacture following intermediates and

S.N. Description Capacity (MTPA)

1. Ammonia 2,40,900
2. Urea 4,19,750
3. DAP & NP (16:20 & 20:20) 4,01,500
4. Ammonium Bicarbonate (ABC) 15,330
5. Sulphuric Acid 1,46,000
6. Captiver Power Plant 9 DG sets of
6 MW

In eighties, no natural gas was available in Karnataka but was available in East,
West & Northern region. Natural gas is cheaper, more environment friendly and energy
efficient feed stock and fuel for fertilizer industry. Govt. of India has directed all the non-
gas based plants to convert their units for gas usage before 1st April, 2010 extending till
1st April, 2013. GOI has approved gas pipelines of M/s GAIL from Dhabol-
Bangalore/Mangalore and Kochi-Kanjirkod-Mangalore and will be available in Mangalore
by 2012.

Keeping above mentioned facts in mind, M/s MCLF has proposed for the
Conversion of Feed Stock from Naphtha to NG/RLNG in the Fertilizer Plant and Fuel
from Furnace Oil to NG/RLNG in Steam Generating Boilers and Captive Power Plant at
Panambur, Mangalore, Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka.

It is also mentioned that pollution load for SO2 will drastically reduced from
existing 2200 kg/day to 22 kg/day. Similarly, particulate emission from Ammonia Plant
(Primary reformer and auxiliary boilers will be reduced to ?Zero? instead of 150 kg/day.
Captive power plant (8 D.G. Sets of 6 MW each) produces 7,500 kg/day SO2 and 170
kg/day particulate Matter which will also drastically reduced to 25 km/day SO2 and nil
particular emissions. CO2 will be drastically reduced from 5,50,883 TPA to 1,98,543
TPA. No additional liquid effluent or solid waste will be generated due to conversion of
fuel to NG/RLNG.

PAs have also proposed for increase in production capacity of Ammonia

(2,40,900 TPA to 2,47,500 TPA), Urea (4,19,750 TPA to 4,29,000 TPA) and Ammonia
Bicarbonate (15,330 TPA) to 24,750 TPA) by modernization and replacement
equipment. Due to change over of feed stock to NG as per details given below:

S.N. Product TPA TPA

1. Ammonia 2,40,900 2,47,500
2. Urea 4,19,750 4,29,000
3 Ammonium Bicarbonate (ABC) 15,330 24,750

After examining above mentioned facts, the Committee observed that project is
located in critically polluted area (CEPI Index 73.68) as per Ministry?s Circular dated 13th
January, 2010. No environmental clearance is obtained from the Ministry for the existing
plant established in 1986 so far since E(P) Act itself has come into effect in 1986.
H2SO4 plant was commissioned in March, 2006. All the plants were revamped during
2000-2006 to manufacture above mentioned intermediates and products. Besides,
proposed proposal also involves expansion alongwith the conversion of Feed Stock from
Naphtha to NG/RLNG in the Fertilizer Plant and Fuel from Furnace Oil to NG/RLNG in
Steam Generating Boilers and Captive Power Plant at the cost of Rs. 435.00 Crores.
Therefore, Committee felt that since there is a reduction in the pollution load due
to change in the fuel from naphtha to NG/RLNG, pollution will certainly reduce in the
critically polluted area but it is necessary to evaluate existing and proposed expansion
plant with change in fuel. Besides, PAs have requested for the expansion in the existing
product also. Therefore, PAs may be requested to apply for environment clearance for
the expansion project as per EIA Notification, 2006.

13.5.3 Integrated Sugar Industry (5,000 TCD), Sugar Plant, Co-Generation Power
Plant (24 MW) and Distillery (50 KLPD) at Village Tumkur, Taluk Shahpur,
District Gulbarga, Karnataka by M/s Core Green Sugar and Fuels Pvt. Ltd.

PAs vide letter dated 12.10.2009 have informed that in the present Scenario,
there is acute shortage of molasses in the country, therefore the company is proposing
to use grains as an alternative raw material for the production of the same quantity of
alcohol in the distillery. Unit is also proposing to install a biogas based power plant (1.8
MW) alongwith desulpurization of biogas to recover sulphur. Environment clearance for
the integrated sugar complex with 5,000 TCD sugar plant, 24 MW Co-Generation Power
Plant and Distillery Plant (50 KLPD) at Village Tumkur, Taluk shahpur in District
Gulbarga, Karnataka was accorded by the Ministry vide letter No J-11011/233/2007- IA
II (I) dated 18th July, 2008.

PAs have also mentioned that revised proposal will not increase the quantity of
product and it does not require additional land, water and other infrastructure facility.
The change in raw material will reduce the pollution load. Biogas generated as
byproduct will be utilized with higher efficiency to generate additional exportable power.
The desulphurization of bio-gas result into the reduction of pollution and recovery of
sulphur for use in sugar plant. The capacity and manufacturing facility of sugar and Co-
gen sugar power plant will remain the same. The cost for the additional facility for
utilization of grain as alternative raw material in the distillery and establishment of biogas
based power plant will be about Rs. 16.00 crores.

The Committee observed that grain based distillery will be a new addition to the
existing molasses based distillery unit and pollution aspect has to be reconsidered in
totality. Therefore, it is recommended that PAs should submit a new proposal for the
grain based distillery unit.

13.5.4 Proposed Active Pharma Ingredients Manufacturing Unit at Village

Devunipalavalasa, Pydibheemavarem Panchayat, Taluk Chipurupalli,
Mandal Ranasthalam, District Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh by M/s Dr.
Reddy?s Laboratories Limited.

M/s Dr. Reddy?s Laboratories Limited vide letter dated 22nd April, 2010 have
requested to include the pharmaceutical formulation (non-EC category) activity
?Formulations of API as Solid Oral Dosages (Tablets/Capsules (16.8 BTPA)? in the
existing environmental clearance letter as part of forward integration of the project.

Ministry has accorded the Environment Clearance vide letter no. J-

11011/48/2009-IA II (I) dated 24th November, 2009 for proposed Active Pharma
Ingredients Manufacturing Unit at Village Devunipalavalasa, Panchayat
Pydibheenavarem, Taluka Chipurupalli, Mandal Ranasthalam, District Srikakulam, A.P.
by Dr. Reddy?s Laboratories Ltd. (API-SEZ). Total production capacity of API is
1880.884 MTPA. This proposal is for single unit in SEZ. Total area of SEZ is 110.50 ha.

The Committee observed that formulation activity is not covered in the EIA
Notification, 2006 as mentioned by the PAs themselves in their letter. Therefore,
question of addition of formulations at this stage does not arise. If they want formulations
to be added in the environment clearance, they should submit this information while
submitting application to the Ministry. Since drug formulations are excluded from the
schedule of the EIA Notification, 2006, same may be communicated to the PAs.

13.5.5 Pesticide Technical Manufacturing Unit at Plot No. 1, GIDC Nandesari,

Tehsil & District Vadodara, Gujarat by M/s GSP Crop Science Pvt. Ltd.

PAs vide letter dated 26th October, 2010 have informed that environment
clearance for the new pesticide technical manufacturing unit was accorded by the
Ministry?s letter no J-11011/592/20080IA II (I) dated 10th February, 2009 for carrying out
manufacturing activities of various pesticides at GIDC Nandesari, District Vadodara with
the specific condition (ii) :

?GPCB should not permit any new discharge from new industries or expansion of
existing industries in the area that lead to CETP until the said CETP meet the required
standards and meet the hydraulic capacity?.

PAs have informed that inlets norms specified by GPCB to CETP, Nandesari is
BOD 500 mg/lit and COD 200 mg/l. The copy of the ?Consolidated Consent and
Authorization (CCA) is issued to Nandesari Industries Association and a copy is
submitted which means CETP, Nandesari is meeting with the standards specified by
GPCB. Therefore, following specific condition may be stipulated instead of above
mentioned specific condition :

?The effluent may be treated in the effluent treatment plant (ETP) with primary,
secondary and tertiary treatment facilities to conform to the industries specific discharge
standards notified under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. Multiple effect
evaporation system should be installed for the treatment of high TDS effluent. Treated
effluent should be discharged to CETP after meeting the inlet norms and sent to GIDC
drainage system leading to Gulf of Cambay through 55 km long effluent channel after
treatment. High COD effluent should be sent to common incineration facility at
Nandesari. ?Membership? for the discharge of treated effluent to CETP Nandesari and
common incineration facility at Nandesari should be obtained and a copy submitted to
the Ministry?s Regional Office at Bhopal within 3 months of the issue of the environment
clearance letter. In case the CETP is not working properly or not meeting the inlet
norms, PAs should stop the discharge of the effluent to CETP, Nadesari?.

13.6.7 Distillery Unit (120 KLPD) at village Jawaharpur, District Sitapur, Uttar
Pradesh by M/s Dalmia Chini Mills.
The Committee was informed that PAs vide their letter no.
Distellery/JWP/MoEF/10/02 dated 7th June, 2010 have informed that Environmental
Clearance was accorded to the Distillery Unit (120 KLPD) at Village Jawaharpur, District
Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh by M/s Dalmia Chini Mills vide Ministry?s letter No. J-
11011/341/2006?IA II (I) dated 4th December, 2006, wherein following is mentioned at S.
N. (ii) of Specific Conditions :

?The Company should adopt continuous fermentation technology. For treatment

of spent wash for the initial two years, the unit should adopt concentration
followed by bio-composting and after two years the same should be shifted to
incineration. As reflected in the EMP, the spent wash should be concentrated in
Multi-Effect Evaporation System (MEE) and it will be ensured that the spent wash
generation should not exceed 10 KI/KI of alcohol produced. The concentrated
spent wash (600m3/d) should be bio-composted with press mud. No effluent
should be discharged outside the factory premises and ?zero? discharge should
be strictly followed. Land and other requirements for treatment of spent wash with
press mud should be as per the CPCB guidelines. The company should earmark
an area of 23.65 Acres for bio-composting, storage of finished products etc. the
compost yard should be made impervious as per the CPCB guidelines.?

Further amendment was issued by the Ministry vide letter no. J 11011/341/2006-
IAII(I) dated 23rd December, 2008 subject to following conditions:

(i) The company should adopt continuous fermentation technology. For

treatment of spent wash, after bio-methanation, spent wash should be
composted with press mud to achieve zero discharge as per the CPCB
guidelines. No effluent should be discharged outside the factory premises
and zero discharge should be strictly followed. Land and other requirements
for treatment of spent wash with press mud should be as per the CPCB
guidelines. The company should earmark an area of 23.65 acres for bio-
composting, storage of finished products etc. The compost yard should be
made impervious as per the CPCB guidelines.

(ii) The construction of biomethanation plant should be completed and it should

start functioning within one year as per the milestone submitted to the

(iii) The company should submit Bank Guarantee of Rs. 5.0 Lakhs for distillery
unit to the SPCB for installation of biomethanation plant as per the project
implementation schedule submitted to the Ministry vide letter no.
distillery/JWP/MoEF/08/04 dated 9th December, 2008.

(iv) The State Pollution Control Board should ensure that the milestones for
implementation are achieved and should monitor the progress of construction
of bio-methanation plant. Further, the CPCB being a central agency should
keep a close watch on the progress of events as per the project
implementation schedule submitted by the company.

(v) The company should comply all the other environmental safeguards
stipulated by the Ministry while issuing environmental clearance vide letter
no. J- 11011/341/2006 IA II (I), date 4th December, 2006
PAs vide their letter dated 7th June, 2010 have submitted reasons for the non-
installation of the bio-methanation plant:

• Funds for the bio-methanation plant could not be arranged, which requires
capital expenditure of around Rs. 15.00 crores.

• The commissioning of the distillery was planned for March 2007 which was
delayed by about 3 months due to various reasons beyond or control. Due to
this, production volumes planned for 2006-2007 and 2007-08 were affected

• During 2008-09, the capacity utilization of the distillery was further affected due
to significant reduction in feedstock (molasses) and fuel (bagasse) availability.
In 2008-09, cane acreage all over the state was low. Moreover, a large part of
cane crop in the cane area was damaged due to excessive rains and floods.
This has affected our distillery operation in the year 2009-10.

• Due to the above factors, the profitability of distillery operations has suffered
and we have not been able to achieve break-even so far. The following table
indicated that EBITDA shortfall has been nearly Rs. 15.00 Crores on a
cumulative basis. Instead of profits, the plant is carrying accumulated losses of
over Rs. 5.83 Crores.

• Unit is planned for operation for 270 days/annum but the plant is able to run for
less than 90 days.

PAs vide their letter dated 19th August, 2010 have further informed that :

• Existing treatment system is meeting the statutory norms for the spentwash
and has adopted evaporation/concentration followed by bio-composting with
press mud available from sugar mills.
• Spent wash is reduced to 50 % due to installation of multi-effect evaporation.
• Bio-composting is adopted and ?zero? discharge is ensured.
• Ambient air quality monitoring stations are set up.
• Rain water harvesting measures are adopted.
• Funds is another constraint.

PAs vide their letter dated 7th June, 2010 and 19th August, 2010 have requested
for the :

(i) Extension of 2 years time to set up the bio-methanation unit.

(ii) Permission to operate their distillery with the existing treatment system of
concentration & bio-composting till commissioning of the new biomethanation

In view of the facts presented before the Committee, the Committee observed
that :
1. Environmental clearance accorded vide letter dated 4th December, 2006 clearly
mentions at S.N. (ii) of Specific Conditions that ?The Company should adopt
continuous fermentation technology. For treatment of spent wash for the initial
two years, the unit should adopt concentration followed by bio-composting and
after two years the same should be shifted to incineration?.

2. Further amendment vide letter dated 23rd December, 2008 extended the period
by another one year by mentioning that construction of biomethanation plant
should be completed and it should start functioning within one year as per the
milestone submitted to the Ministry.

The Committee was of the view that since sufficient time ie. More than 3 years
has already been given to PAs for the installation of biomethanation unit and has not
been installed so far, no further extension should be given. Same may be communicated
to PAs.

13.6.7 Setting up of additional Process Facilities and Debutanisation Project at

ONGC Uran Complex by M/s ONGC Ltd.

PAs vide letter no. MR/URAN/HSE/APU/2009-10 dated10th December, 2009 and

received in Ministry on 24th May, 2010 have informed that:

Environmental Clearance was accorded by the Ministry vide letter no. F. No. J-
11011/635/2008-IA-II(I) dated 29th April, 2009 for setting up of additional process
facilities and debutanisation project at ONGC Uran Complex by M/s ONGC Ltd. wherein
it is mentioned :

• Para 4.0 : All the project related to Petro-Chemical Complex (Industries based on
processing of petroleum fraction and natural gas and/or reforming to
aromatics) are listed at S. N. 5 (c) of Schedule of EIA Notification, 2006
covered under Category ?A??

• S. N. (i) of Specific Condition : ?M/s ONGC Limited, Debutanization project at ONGC

URAN Complex in Maharashtra, should comply with
new standards/norms for Oil Refinery Industry
notified under the Environment (Protection) Rules,
1986 vide G. S. R. 186 (E) dated 18th March 2008?

The Committee observed that :

• Environmental clearance has been granted considering Uran Plant as a

?Petrochemical Complex? listed at S. N. 5 (c) of the EIA Notification 2006 and new
standards of oil refinery industry notified under the Environment (Protection) Rules,
1986 vide G. S. R. 186 (E) dated 18th March 2008 have been made applicable as
specific conditions.

• The proposal of M/s ONGC Ltd. for additional Process Facilities and Debutanisation
Project at ONGC Uran Complex is virtually not a Refinery. It receives crude oil and
gas, stores and supplies to Refineries. It is a separation unit for NGL and LPG and
has to follow standards for oil and gas drilling extraction industry issued under E(P)
Rules as per GSR 176 (E) in April, 1996.

• Uran plant should have been categorized under 1 (b) ?Offshore and on shore oil and
gas exploration, development and production? of the said notification and standards
pertaining to ?oil drilling and gas extraction industry? as per GSR 176 (E), April 1996
should have been made applicable.

Since it is wrongly mentioned in the para 1.0 due to misinterpretation of the

proposed project as Oil Refinery/Petro-chemical complex and accordingly stipulation of
specific condition (i) related to Oil refinery industry, Committee agreed for following
amendments in Para 4.0 and S.N. (i) of Specific Condition:

Para 4.0 : ?All the Offshore and onshore oil and gas exploration, development and
production projects are kept at S.N.1(b) of Schedule of EIA Notification, 2006
covered under Category ?A?..

Specific Condition S.N. (i) : ?M/s ONGC Limited, Debutanization project at ONGC URAN
Complex in Maharashtra, should comply with Oil drilling
and gas extraction industry notified under the
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 as per GSR 176
(E), April 1996 and emission standards as mentioned in
the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 and
subsequent amendments including NAAQ standards
issued on 16th September, 2009?.

13.6.7 Expansion for 283 TPD Membrane Cell (conversion from Mercury Cell)
Caustic Soda Plant with 125 TPD Iron Oxide Plant and Installation of 2 x
25 MW Captive Power Plant at Sahupuram, Tirchendur, Tuticorin, Tamil
Nadu by M/s DCW Ltd.-Amendment reg.

The Committee was informed that environment clearance has been accorded to
M/s DCW Ltd. for the expansion of Membrane Cell (conversion from Mercury Cell)
Caustic Soda Plant (283 TPD) with Iron Oxide Plant (125 TPD) and Installation of
Captive Power Plant (2 x 25 MW) at Sahupuram, Tirchendur, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu vide
Ministry?s letter no. J-11011/426/2006-IA-II(I) dated 7th June, 2007, wherein following
specific condition is mentioned at S. N. (iii) :

(iii) Low Sulphur and Low Ash Imported Coal will be used as fuel for CPP.

Now, PAs vide letter no. DCW/MoEF/CPP dated 6th May, 2010 have requested
for following modification/amendment in Specific Condition at S. N. (iii) (p. 564-577/C).

(iii) Low Sulphur and Low Ash Imported Coal/Indigenous Coal.

PAs have mentioned that the main reason for switching over to indigenous coal
is price escalation of imported coal, which is uneconomical for them to import to meet
the requirement of coal. Ministry of Power has advised them to make amendment to the
EC for obtaining higher allocation of Indigenous coal. Further, PAs have confirmed that :
1. Ash content of imported coal is 11.0 % while ash content of indigenous coal is
2. The existing stack (93 m) high is adequate for dispersion of SO2 generated from
import coal.
3. The ash generation is at 3.4 TPH from imported coal and 16.3 TPH from
indigenous coal. Though the ash content in the indigenous coal is more, the
electrocstatic precipitator is already designed to handle indigenous coal to control
particulate matter within 100 mg/Nm3.
4. Action plan for disposal of fly ash and bottom ash generated from the unit is
submitted. A copy of purchase order for fly ash by M/s Madras Cements Ltd is
also submitted in support of documentary proof.

Keeping the above mentioned information in mind and practical problem in

getting the imported coal, the Committee decided to allow use of indigenous coal subject
to following condition :

i) Efforts shall be made to reduce RSPM levels in the ambient air and a time
bound action plan shall be submitted. Continuous stack monitoring facilities for
all the stacks shall be provided and sufficient air pollution control devices viz.
Electrostatic precipitator (ESP) shall be provided to keep the emission levels
below 100 mg/Nm3. At no time, the emission level shall go beyond the
prescribed standards. Interlocking facilities shall be provided so that process
can be automatically stopped in case emission level exceeds the limit.

ii) Compliance to all the specific and general conditions stipulated for the existing
plant by the Central/State Govt. shall be ensured and regular reports submitted
to the Ministry and its Regional Office at Bangalore.

The meeting ended with Vote of Thanks to the Chair. Next meeting of EAC(I) will
be held during 16th and 17th September, 2010.



A. Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry) :

1. Shri Mahesh B Lal Chairman P

2. Shri. R K Garg Vice?Chairman P
3 Dr. G.K. Pandey Member P
4. Dr. B. Sengupta Member P
5. Dr. Prem Shankar Dubey Member P
6. Dr. S. D. Attri Member A
7. Shri Niranjan Raghunath Raje Member P
8. Shri Rajat Roy Choudhary Member P
9. Shri Swapan Kumar Hazra Member P
B. MOEF Officials :

1. Dr. P.B. Rastogi Member Secretary & Director P

(Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-2)
2. Shri Aditya Narayan Singh Deputy Director P
C. Project Authorities on 19.8.10

1 M/s Precious Suppliers Private Limited A

2 M/s Jagruthi Biotech (P) Ltd. P
3 M/s Siruguppa Sugars & Chemical Ltd. P
4 M/s Kings India Chemicals Corporation Ltd. P
5 M/s Kishanganj Jute Mills Ltd. P
6 M/s Radiant Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd. P
7 M/s Sangamner Bhag Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. A
8 M/s Maharashtra Shetkari Sugar Ltd. P
9 M/s Adani Welspun Exploration Limited P
10 M/s Essar Oil Limited (E&P Division) P
11 M/s Essar Oil Limited (E&P Division) P
12 M/s Petrogas E&P P
13 M/s Omkar Natural Resources Pvt. Ltd. P
14 M/s Gujarat Polyfils. P
15 M/s Shital Chemical Industries (Unit ? II) P
16 M/s Kudos Chemie Ltd. P
17 M/s Vibrant Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd. P
18 M/s Radical Bio-Organics Pvt. Ltd. P

Project Authorities on 20.8.10

1 M/s Khaitan Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd. P

2 M/s Renaissance Industries P
3 M/s Calpro Foods Pvt. Ltd. A
4 M/s Rishab Colours Pvt. Ltd P
5 M/s Shital Chemicals Industries (Unit-I) P
6 M/s H.J. Arochem (P) Ltd. P
7 M/s Gujarat Halogen Petrochem Corporation. P
8 M/s Patel Pharma Chem Pvt. Ltd P
9 M/s Rama Phosphates Ltd. P
10 M/s Sri Sai Amrutha Pharma Private Limited. P
11 M/s Alok Industries Limited. P
12 M/s Narayan Organics Pvt. Ltd. P
13 M/s Loven Labs Private Limited. P
14 M/s Gujarat Ambuja Exports Ltd. P
15 M/s Sharda Chemicals P
16 M/s Filatex India Ltd. P


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