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Voice Board

Post and listen to voice messages within discussion boards

If you are currently using discussion boards successfully this will add a whole new dimension. If discussion
boards don’t work successfully with your students, this might be an option that will spark their interest as they
don’t have to type or write to participate in the discussion.
Before adding a voice board, have an education goal in mind e.g. discussion on practical workshop, article
discussion, introduction ice breaker or a social board. For example – what did you do on the weekend?

> To add a voice board:

1. Turn editing on
2. Scroll to area that you want it in (under a topic or week)
3. Click on the arrow next to add an activity and select voice board
4. Now fill in the required information. You can link it to another voice board in the course or create a
new voice board.
5. Once compeleted click create and return to course
6. The first time you use a voice board in your course you will need to follow the start up wizard.
7. Then the board appears
8. It is very easy to add a message or thread, click on new for a new message or reply to reply to a
message and the red button to record

To add a new message click on new To forward the post to an any email address

To import an MP3 file, make sure they are

To reply to a post
not TOO long (under 10 minutes)

To export as a zip file, once saved and zip,

To edit a post
simply unsip to listen to the posts

To delete a post This publishes the the voice files individually

Page 1 of 1 © CIT Last modified 22/10/2009 9:05:00 AM

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