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PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER’S ANNIVERSARY PLANNING GUIDE CIVIL AIR PATROL Revised 1 August 1996 Marketing und Public Affairs 105 S. Hansell Street, Building 714 Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6332 PS IRS TM eS eles Aa ee teas er ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 1, PURPOSE OF AN ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. Civil Air Patrol’s Anniversary on Dee. 7 --whichever one itis~provides an ‘opportunity to reap a lot of favorable publicity for Civil Air Patrol and for your own squadron, An anniversary is an excuse to get CAP in the public eye and will have two beneficial results: Increased visibility for your CAP squadron will help builel public understanding, of your mission, plus build public support and goodwill for Civil Air Patrol. A non-profit organization performing a public service MUST HAVE public support and ssion. You can help develop this public acceptance if it is to succeed in ceptance and support by tel about Civil Air Patrol —-what it is, how, ing the publ It got startedl, what it clocs, and specifically hem about your squadron ancl ons, Securing publicity anc visibility for CAP (s the heart of the Public Affairs. Program. b. Another result of increased publicity and visibility for CAP is that it will help stimulate people’s interest in becoming members of Civil Air Patrol. A volunteer. new ideas, new non-profit organization must constantly seek new member F people, fresh blood - iF it is to remain an effect ve organization, performing « public service. The Anniversary is a golclen opportunity to recruit new me The increased visibility and publie support can result in alternative sources of funding for the squadron. Inclividuals, businesses, and corporations are much more likely to provide funding support to organizations with which they are 2. ENLIST THE HELP OF OTHER CAP UNITS IN YOUR COMMUNITY. If there are other Civil Air Patrol squadrons in your community, don’t ignore them. Do get together with the commanclers and PA's of the other units to plan abig, i for a nt anniversary observance. Arrange for a joint committee fo make plans joint anniversary observance. Nothing will kill your anniversary effort so effectively as having two different units carrying the same general news releases to the one newspaper, the same radio spots fo the same raciio stations, the same proclamation to the one mayor, etc. In unity, there is strength! IF you fail to cooperate with the other CAP units, your anniversary will be that much less effective. In addition, you may reap embarrassment for yourself and a cole shoulder for Civil Air Patrol You are NOT competing with these other CAP sq same team, So, join in a bigger, better, JOINT community wide anniversary observance. trans! You ore on the 3. IT'S NOT A ONE MAN SHOW. Of course, if your scyuadron is the only CAP unit in town, you and your squadron will have to do it all. But it stil Ifyou are the squactron commander and are trying to do all the jobs in the squadron, “because nobody else can do it.” your squadron Is on the road to failure. You must get others involved in what you are doing. otherwise, you will simply wear yourself out. And, in the anniversary observance, it NOT your show alone. You cannot do it all by yourself. 4. NAME A COMMITTEE. Instead, name a committee of active, enthusiastic members to plan all details and to perform the work of making the observance a success - even if you plan only one single event! When you name the committee, be sure to appoint some sharp caclets (if your unit has cadets), Young people today are smarter than ever and have a lot to contribute - ifyou will listen to them. CAP cadets always make a strong, positive impression at public ev Ifyou are joining, other Civil Air Patol squacirons for a joint observance, it must be a joint committee representing all the squadrons, 5. DON'TTRY TO OVER-DOIT. There area gi many things you can do to gain publicity for Civil Air Patrol while celebrating Its anniversary, but it is not practical to try to do them all Included in this pamphlet are some suggested things to do, Other things (anc better ones) may be proposed by members of your own squadron oF the committee planning the observance, Pick a few good ones, but con't try to do them all. It is better to plana few big events for “Civil Air Patrol Week” and do them well, than to plan too many things and not have any of them successful. IFyou plan a luncheon for the mayor or other civic leaders (but nothing else), make sure the luncheon is the best possible. Ifyou plan an open house (but nothing else), make sure it is a good one. If you put up a display in a shopping mall (but don't do anything else), make sure it's a “first class" display that will make people stop, listen and look! 6. GET STARTED NOW. The time to plan your anniversary observance is NOW. Don't wait until Nov. 30 to think about it ancl then get up a hurried little affair that won't mean much. Plan NOW! Appoint your committee NOW and give them time to dlo the job. Don't let your good intentions and the lack of positive aetion ruin your “CIVIL AIR PATROL WEEK” celebration 7. USE YOUR CADETS. Take a couple of sharply dressed caclets with you when you visit any of the civic officials, business leadlers, or the media. Use them at any and every opportunity you possibly can. They will make a favorable impression on the people you are trying to impress. Make sure the cadets are neatly resect and well-groomed. Incidentally, wear your own uniform wh when planning and participating in activities for Civil Air Patrol Week. This includes visits to the mayor and other city officials, the editor of your local newspaper, presidents of civic clubs, radio stations, television program planets, the local clergy, ete. Be sure people know that you belong to Civil Air Patrol. Do not let them confuse your uniform with the Air Force uniform. This can literally 1 you visit local officials. especially mean money in the bank for your squadron. 8. LET THE AIR FORCE HELP YOU Mest Public Affairs Officers on may be aware of CAP's anniversary. So. , IF you ate located in a city where there Force Base in your area (or your squadron Is on a base), take advantage of itt Visit the base Public Affairs Office, talk to the people there, see if they can help you. They may have suggestions you have not thought of and they may be able to assist you with some of the arrangements, especially your news releases or contacts within the news media. You have nothing, to lose andl everything to gain by asking. Force Bases are aware of Civil Air Patrol and Bites yi Ne itis) AN OPEN HOUSE MEETING Holding an open house meeting in an excellent way to tell people about Civil Air Patrol, about your squadron and what it can clo for the community, IFyou plan an open house, make it a special occasion. Cle: Literally. make it sh up the plac cuts, in other nel Have everyone present in clean, pressed uniforms, fresh he words everyone should be well-groomed. Plan something for the visitors to see and clo - a professional display or a special cemonstration of some kind. Don't Invite people and then let them just stan around holding their hands and wondering why they came. Invite local civie official 6 leaders or others \ayor andl city council, busi who could benefit CAP. Visit with them and elicit a promise to attend if possible. This will make it a newsworthy occasion which the local newspaper (and radio/TV) people might be interested in publicizing. But before you Invite the news people, make sure it will be worth their time. Secure plenty of publicity about the event and the time andl place for the open house. Invite as many Important peaple to come as you possibly can. And don't forget to Invite all the friends and family of CAP members. Make arrange to serve refreshments. This may only be coffee, punch. and cake or cookies. Members can make the refeshments if the squacion budget is limited IF you had rather have a banquet, the same general rules will apply: Invite important people and make ita special event. Again. secure plenty of publicity. A banquet could be an occasion for an awards ceremony of some kind to impress the guests and give the honorees the credit they cleserve, But remember it is an occasion to publicize and honor Civil Air Patrol - not just an occasion for patting yourself on the back!

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