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LDA GDA Comparison References Matlab Examples

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Generalized Discriminant Analysis

Jinyong Kang

Generalized Discriminant Analysis

LDA GDA Comparison References Matlab Examples

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Linear Discriminant Analysis

Fisher’s Linear Discriminant

Projection from d-dimensional space to (c-1) dimensional space

: vector form

: matrix equation

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Find matrix W that maximize J(W)


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Generalized Discriminant Analysis

Linear Discriminant Analysis

– Powerful method for classification
– But, the LDA method fails for a nonlinear problem

Generalized Discriminant Analysis

– Method for obtaining a nonlinear extension of the LDA
– Kernel-based method (Kernel LDA)
– Map the data into a higher dimensional feature space F
– And then perform the LDA algorithm in F instead of the original input space

The LDA algorithm can be reformulated into dot product form in F

– Easy to compute scalar products in some feature space using kernel functions

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Generalized Discriminant Analysis

Kernel-based algorithm

– d-dimensional data

– c different classes

Nonlinear mapping into a high dimensional feature space

LDA can be performed in on the set

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Between-class scatter matrix

: the number of data

: the number of data of the class
Within-class scatter matrix

Total class scatter matrix

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GDA Method In Feature Space

Projection from d-dimensional space to (c-1) dimensional space

Find matrix W that maximize J(W)

K is a matrix composed of dot

product in the feature space F
(Kernel Matrix, Gram Matrix)

: any vector w must lie in the span of all training samples in F

The largest eigenvalue gives the maximum of the following quotient of the inertia
: diagonal matrix of non-zero
: matrix of eigenvectors
: nxn block diagonal matrix
Appendix B in [1]
: nlxnl matrix with all terms equal to 1/nl

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Kernel Matrix K

: total number of data

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Kernel Examples


Calculate the dot product in

Do not need to map to

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Kernel Examples

Polynomial kernels

dimension of a
feature space = 6

Radial basis functions (Gaussian)

The corresponding dimension of feature space is infinite

Neural network type kernels

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Eigenvalue Resolution


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Summary - GDA Procedure

Compute the matrices K and L

Decompose K using eigenvectors decomposition

Compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues


Compute projections

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Comparison of GDA

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[1] G. Baudat, F. Anouar. “Generalized discriminant analysis using a kernel

approach,” in Neural Computation, vol. 12, no. 10,pp 2385-2404, 2000.
[2] F. Abdallah, C. Richard, R. Lengelle, “A Sequential Approach For Multi-Class
Discriminant Analysis With Kernels,” ICASSP ’04.

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Matlab Examples

Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction (v0.7.2 - November 2010)


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SVM and Kernel Methods Matlab Toolbox


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Example 1 : Example 2 :

Input Data
Input Data

5 4

0 3


-20 -2
-25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -4 -2 0 2 4 6

Results of PCA, LDA, Kernel PCA, and GDA ?

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