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Group Work Peer Assessment

Peer Evaluator: Peer Evaluated:

Category 4 = Exceeds 3 = Meets 2 = Partially Meets 1=Does Not Meet Score
the Standard the Standard the Standard the Standard
Research Peer did more than Peer shared equally and Peer contributed to the Peer rarely if even
his or her fair regularly in the research. work, but could have contributed or made
share of the done a better job. contributions of little
research. worth.

Preparation Peer did more than Peer shared equally in the Peer contributed to the Peer rarely if even
his or her fair preparation of the preparation, but could contributed or made
share of the presentation. have done a better job. contributions of little
preparation. worth.

Preparedness Peer prepared Peer prepared adequately Peer poorly prepared Peer not prepared for the
exceptionally well for the presentation. for the presentation. presentation.
for the

Presentation N/A Peer shared equally in Peer presented too little Peer took over
delivering the presentation. or too much to the presentation or did not
presentation. participate in a
meaningful fashion.

Duties Peer worked very Peer regularly carried out Peer carried out Peer rarely if ever carried
hard and assigned or agreed-upon assigned or agreed- out assigned or agreed-
contributed responsibilities. upon duties most of the upon duties.
exceptionally well. time.

Timeliness N/A Peer completed assigned Peer completed tasks Peer completed tasks, but
are agreed-upon tasks on mostly on time, but infrequently on time and
time. tasks performed late too late to be of value.
were still of value.

Cooperation N/A Peer cooperated well with Cooperated fairly well, Didn’t help much with
the group process, stayed but could have been the group processes,
on task, contributed in a more helpful, actions rather negative, often
meaningful way to the sometimes distracted made group process more
group process. group from work. difficult than necessary.

Comments: TOTAL

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