Airbus - Machined Part Modelling For Catia v5

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Machined Part Modelling

for CATIA V5


This document is relative to the modeling and know-how rules necessary with CATIAV5 to design a
complex 5 axis machined part, including manufacturing needs.
The guide contains different steps to define specific geometrical machining features as 2.5 axis, 4
axis, and 5 axis pockets, as ribs.
It describes :
- Model organization and structure data
- Rules to follow in case of design changes : How to show and model updated parts.

Owner’s Approval: Authorization:

Date :

Name : Bruno Maître EMK-T Name : Ulrich SCHUMANN-HINDENBERG

Function : Head of CATIA V5 methods for French Function : Head of CAD-CAM CM (EMK)

 Airbus 2002 . All rights reserved. This document contains Airbus proprietary information and trade secrets. It shall at all times
remain the property of Airbus; no intellectual property right or licence is granted by Airbus in connection with any information
contained in it. It is supplied on the express condition that said information is treated as confidential, shall not be used for any
purpose other than that for which it is supplied, shall not be disclosed in whole or in part, to third parties other than the Airbus
Members and Associated Partners, their subcontractors and suppliers (to the extent of their involvement in Airbus projects),
without Airbus prior written consent.

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Table of contents

1 Introduction ............................................................................... 3

2 General recommendations....................................................... 4
2.1 Applicable rules ......................................................................................... 4

2.2 Practical advice.......................................................................................... 5

3 General modelling process ...................................................... 6

4 Detailed modelling process per type of difficulty ................ 20

4.1 4 or 5 axis pocket with closed angle...................................................... 20

4.1.1 Producing 2.5 axis pocket................................................................................ 20

4.1.2 Solid definition of 5 axis pocket ...................................................................... 24

4.2 4 or 5 axis pocket with open angle ........................................................ 29

4.2.1 Producing 2.5 axis pocket................................................................................ 29

4.2.2 Producing sloped pocket (4 - 5 axes).............................................................. 34

4.3 Top of stiffener modelling....................................................................... 38

4.4 Boss modelling ........................................................................................ 40

5 Identifying modifications........................................................ 44
5.1 Differences between solids made by layer ........................................... 44

5.2 Difference between solids made by 3D modelling comparison.......... 45

Reference documents ........................................................................................... 46

Group of redaction ................................................................................................ 46

Approval ................................................................................................................. 46

Record of revisions ............................................................................................... 46

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

1 Introduction
The aim being to:
- Obtain exact geometry of the detail part,
- Check and validate assemblies,
- Facilitate modifications to geometry (design and production),
- Avoid recreating additional geometry during the Numerical Control programming
phases (the programmer will as far as possible use the solid defined by the Design
Office as a basis).

The method deals with general cases.

Specific cases will be dealt with during CDBT meetings.

For all definition principles relevant to:

- Mean/nominal dimensions,
- Major Definition Characteristics,
- Drawing set integration (furnishing).

! Consult AP2255, 3D modelling rules for CATIA V5.

! Consult AP2260, Drawing rules for CATIA V5.

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

2 General recommendations

2.1 Applicable rules

- Modelling is done in CATIAV5 exact solid form (PartDesign Workshop). The

resulting model is a CATPart.

Reminders: The intermediary geometry is created by means of sketches and elements

obtained from the WireFrame & Surface Design workshop. The main contours bear on
defined functional references such as the 3 main planes of the part (XY, ZX & YZ
- For parts taken from blanks, modelling must include the draft angles for the sections
of the part not machined (by rework of supplier's contractual drawing).

- The bores are modelled.

- The threads and tapings are modelled by standard "holes" features:
• to nominal diameter value for a thread,
• to drilling diameter value for a tapping.
- Definition of spot facings: Use the "hole" "counterbored" feature

- Positioning reference system

The part is modelled in its absolute axis system inside the CATPart modelled by the 3
main planes (XY, ZX, YZ).
- The curves and surfaces from the SRG (Shape reference group) are defined in the
CAD model. These elements have a property giving the reference of the basic GRF
file. Before any construction work, the validity of the curve or the surface from the
SRG must be checked. If the size of the surface is insufficient, a new reference
must be requested from the SRG.
- Abundantly use names and explicit comments during CATIA entity creation (right
click on preselected entity + properties + feature properties).
- For the definition of a feature, perform the Boolean operations at latest possible
stage in the history in order to be able to change more easily, during a modification,
the topology of the latter. On completion of construction, there must be only one
PartBody. Integration of restrictions is not dealt with here.
- The construction elements will be located, if possible, on the drawing reference
planes. Whenever possible, they must belong to sketches positioned on these
planes. These elements will be constructed as and when the designer needs them.
- Pockets will be modelled by the "pockets" features even for non-canonical shapes
and this with the aim of optimising recognition of native features proposed by CATIA
V5 in the machining workshop.
- In a "Multi-body" approach, always prefer modelling of 2 bodies for a pocket; one
body containing the definition of the pocket without fillets "assembled" with a body
containing the fillet radii. This with the aim of more easily integrating the pocket
bottom restrictions.

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Parameterising will be done by constraints on a sketch. Caution: all elements used

in the current sketch must be defined in this current sketch or on a coplanar sketch
plane. They must not be taken from surface elements external to the latter.
- Do not create auxiliary co-ordinate systems (Reference axis) used for the
positioning of the elements required for the construction of the part.

2.2 Practical advice

- When you modify an object (adding a fillet radius to a body), do not forget to
activate the "Define in work object" command (Mouse Key 3).
- When you want to delete an entity, take care not to destroy the parents but only the
element in question. Deleting the parents is to be prohibited when the work of the
definition phase is well under way.
- The fillet radii of the walls of a pocket must not be defined on the sketch but as
"fillet" features.

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

3 General modelling process

The modelling method of the part illustrated below includes various machining
- 2.5 axis pocket
- 4 or 5 axis pocket with closed angle
- 4 or 5 axis pocket with open angle
- Increase in stiffener height

Prismatic Pocket 0.3

Prismatic Pocket 0.2 2.5 & 5 axis

Pocket 2

Prismatic Pocket 0.1

2.5 & 5 axis
Pocket 4

2.5 & 5 axis Boss

Pockets 1

Stiffener 1-2 Large Pocket

Central Stiffener

Stiffener 3-4

Open Prismatic
2.5 & 5 axis Pocket
Pocket 3
Final solid including Design
Feature identification

Step 1:
Recovery of data on which part design will bear.
Consists in grouping all of the resources used for the definition of the part and the Part,
which will contain the definition of the part itself.

Pipe element

Outside surfaces

Design Resources

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Step 2:
Creation of the outside contour of the part directly on a sketch positioned on one of the
main planes of the Part.

External resources
required for the
definition of the
Here, visualisation
of the surfaces is
used only to
correctly position
the contour

Definition of external

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Step 3:
Generation of the main solid (pad feature) from the contour.
The fillet radii are created after generation of the prism. Group fillets with same
definition by multi-selection. Prefer edge selection mode.

First definition of main

In case of non-evolution profile (constant section) for pad definition, define directly the
solid by surface limitation.

Surface1 used for



Surface2 used for


Main Solid Definition by Surfaces

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Step 4: Sculpture (split function, ) the solid by the two surfaces referenced in the

Splitting of part body by external surfaces

Step 5: Creation of 2.5 axis pockets in "Multi-Body" approach

- Creation of the contours of the 2.5 axis pocket.
• Create in separate sketches but position on the reference planes the 3 sketches
of the 3 pockets
- Creation with 3 separate pocket features, , 3 elementary pockets


Body containing the

2.5 axis pockets

Pockets 0.x Definition

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

The 3 elementary pockets have been assembled to comprise a body in its own right.
The multi-body approach consists in separating the fillet radius entities from the bodies
on which they bear. The aim of this is to facilitate later integration of the pocket bottom
General methodology for defining a pocket in multi-body approach:
a- Insert a body (body1)
b- Define the pocket without its radii (the body contains the sketch of the contour of the
pocket and the resulting pocket feature)
c- Insert a new body (body2)

d- Assemble body1 and body2

e- Activate body2

f- Define the fillet radii in body2

A body including fillets A body containing the "raw" contour

« Multi-Body » Specification tree example

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Step 6:
Subtract the upper section
- Creation of an additional body. Go to main plane YZ to define sketches.

- Subtraction of the PartBody

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Step 7:
- 2.5 Axis Pockets 1, 2, 3 & 4 creation:
• Create common sketches for 2.5 axis pocket 1&2 and for 2.5 axis pocket 3&4
(identical transversal section) (see paragraph 4.1.1 & 4.2.1)
• Create a new body for each pocket
• Define a pocket for each one

Pocket 4

Pocket 2
Pocket 3

Pocket 1

Set of 2.5 axis Pockets

without fillets

- Include the different fillet with a “multi-body” modelling

• First, create the corner ones and secondly create the bottom pocket ones

- Assembly them with PartBody

2.5 Axis Pockets Assembled to the Part Body

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Step 8:
5 Axis Pockets 1, 2, 3 & 4 creation:
- Create one body for each 5 axis pocket
- Create one sketch for each 5 axis pocket
• Create the cutting tool contour inside the different sketch (see paragraph 4.1.2 &
- Create the different solid resulting from the cutting tool trajectory with slot features

5 Axis Pocket 2

5 Axis Pocket Solid

- Assembly the different bodies with Part Body

5 Axis Pocket 4

5 Axis Pocket 1

5 Axis Pocket 3

5 Axis Pocket 2

5 Axis Pockets Assembled

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Step 9:
Top of Stiffeners modelling (Stiffener 1-2, Stiffener 3-4 & Central Stiffener) (see
paragraph 4.3)
- Creation of separate bodies, one for the stiffener 1-2, one for the stiffener 3-4 and
one for the central stiffener
- Create the sketches defining the material to remove on stiffener top

- Create the removed solid with the loft feature

Top of Stiffener 3-4 Solid

- Assembly the 3 bodies with PartBody

Stiffeners Result on Part Body

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Step 10:
- Open Pocket Modelling
• Create a specific body
• Define the pocket contour sketch (using solid edges to construct it)
• Define the pocket feature

Open Pocket Solid

- Assembly with PartBody

Open Pocket Result

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Step 11:
Adding the boss (see paragraph 4.4)

Pipe resource use

Boss in context


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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Step 12:
Adding the 2.5 axis large pocket.
- Creation of a separate body
- Pocket sketch creation using 3D definition

Sketch Plan :

between a 3D
edge and a sketch

Sketch of Large Pocket

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Pocket feature creation

Feature Pocket

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Fillet modelling based on the ‘Multi-body’ methodology

- Assembly with PartBody

Step 13:
Final solid
Adding the fillet defined on resulting surface or edge coming from boolean operation

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

4 Detailed modelling process per type of difficulty

4.1 4 or 5 axis pocket with closed angle

4.1.1 Producing 2.5 axis pocket

" Creation of pocket limit defined by a surface (S)

- Definition of the pocket profile. Make the
following steps in a new open body
• In the WireFrame Surface Design
workbench, make the intersection , the curve
(C), between the top of part & an offset surface
(Ss) of the small integral stiffener thickness (see C
figure ‘Intersection solid & Ss). The aim is to Ss
obtain the trace of the top part let by the cutting
tool. The machining is made on 2.5 axis mode
Intersection solid & (Ss)
along Z.

• In a second step, project (C) on the

reference plane (Z= 0 mm). We obtain (C1) (see C
figure ‘curve projection’).
• The profile is defined; we can create an

extruded surface (S1) defined by the (C1)

curve and the Z-axis.
• Define an offset surface (S1off) from (S1).
The distance between the 2 surfaces is equal to
Curve Projection
0.5 mm. This overthickness allow to let material to
remove for the 5 axis machining (see paragraph S1
# (S1off) will be used to limit the pocket.

Offset Surface (Soff)

distant of 0.5 mm from

Extrude Surface

- Definition of the pocket contour

Offset Surface

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

• In the Part Design workbench, insert a new body

• Create the following in sketch in the Z=0 mm plan

Pocket 1 & 2 section

! The pocket 1 section is the same as the pocket 3 one. By consequence, we are going to
use this sketch for the pocket 1 & the pocket 3 definition. In that way, a modification in
this sketch will impact the 2 pockets

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

• Pocket Feature Definition

• Create a pocket feature as follow

Pocket 1 Feature creation

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

• Creation of fillet radii on the walls and bottoms of the pockets (multi-body
approach: see Step 5)
• Create the various fillet radii.

R=11 mm

R=20 mm

R= 4 mm (bottom of

2.5 axis pockets with fillets

• Assemble the pocket with the PartBody.

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

4.1.2 Solid definition of 5 axis pocket

- Insert a new body.

- Define a plane (P) normal to the bottom of the pocket on the centre axis of the prismatic
- Define the intersection of plane (P) with the surface (S) obtained from the outer skin of
the part "offset" by the value of the small integral stiffener.
- Define the intersection of the bottom of the pocket with (S).
- Definition of sketch.

Intersection of (P) with (S): (C)

Intersection of pocket
bottom plane with (S):

Sketch plane (P)

Intersection curves

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Definition of 5 axis pocket contour without fillets (use of constraints on the sketch)
• On the sketch plane (P), project the curve (C). We will bear on (Cproj) to construct
the line of the tool on this plane.
• Define a line parallel to the reference plane (XY) offset by the value of the thickness
of the pocket bottom + offset of 0.3 mm (D).
• Create a line (C1) parallel to (C) offset by the value of the diameter of the tool + 1
• Define a circle (Ci1), modelling the tool corner radius, tangent to (C1) and to (D).

Tool corner radius R = 4


(C1) 17 mm from (C)


Line (D) parallel to

reference plane offset by 5
mm + 0.3 mm

Definition of tool side (Ci1) on (P)

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Define a line (D1) modelling the bottom of the tool tangent to (Ci1) and perpendicular to
(Cproj). For an unruled surface, construct the sweep line (Db) from (C1).

(Ci1) (Cproj)

- perpendicular to
- tangent to (Ci1)

Definition of (D1), line modelling the bottom of the tool

Case of a surface with double curvature

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Closing of contour

(Ci1) and (D) must be defined as

construction elements as they do
not participate in the definition of
the contour

Definition of contour

The fillet radii will be modelled outside the sketch.

☞ Refer to AP2255 – 3D modelling rules for CATIA V5.

- Creation of sloped closed pocket solid (4 or 5 axes)

• From the contour (Cs) on the sketch and the curve (Cm), define a "slot" feature
As guide curve: (Cm)
As profile: (Cs)

Guide curve : Cm

Cutting tool profile : Cs

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Relimit the solid including the 0.3 mm offset on the walls (to avoid the tool was in
contact with the.5 axis wall previously machined

• Create the solid relimited by 2 splits. using PartBody surfaces

5 axis pocket


Relimiting the solid

! Use the "split" function rather than adding a "thickness" operator. Indeed, the
"thickness" operator models a prism from the selected surface. Discontinuities may
appear for solids when the curvature of the guide curve is high.
- Add an over thickness of 0.3 mm to avoid cutting tool contact
• Use an overthickness of 0.3 mm on 2 prismatic sections (as seen on image below)

Surfaces on which
overthickness is


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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Insertion of fillet radii in multi-body approach

• To the body in progress, add fillet radii:
1- For the walls (8.5 mm radius).
2- For the pocket bottoms (4 mm radius).

- Assemble this new pocket with the PartBody

4.2 4 or 5 axis pocket with open angle

4.2.1 Producing 2.5 axis pocket

- Definition of section construction plane

! For correct distribution of the data, create a new "OpenBody" with a specific name in
which we will find all of the construction data used for the construction of the 2.5 axis and
5 axis pockets. Indeed, these elements do not directly participate in the definition of the
pocket contours. They must therefore not appear in the sketch associated with the "body"
defining the latter.
• Construct the "offset" surface (S1) from the outer surface of the part offset by
the value of the small integral stiffener thickness.
• Define the pocket thickness plane intersection curve (C2) with the small integral
stiffener inner surface (S1).
• Construct a plane (P1) normal to the inner line of the contour passing through its
centre. Use here the plane (P) previously used to define the 5 axis pocket.
• Define the intersection curve between (P1) and (S1) called (C3).
• Construct on plane (P1) the sketch containing the construction elements used to
determine the contour of the 2.5 axis pocket.

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Line of pocket in
this section to be


L1 = Inner profile line

Profile line (C3),


L3 0.3



4.5 (Pocket thickness)

SECTION through (P1)

- Necessary resources to compute the profile (C3) & (L3) (see picture above :
‘SECTION through (P1)
" Indeed, we need to know the (C3) profile and (L3) lines defined in the sketch plan (P1) used to
construct the tool profile
! Use the same sketch plan (P1) as used to define the 5 axis pocket 1
• In a new open body, define the intersection between the (P1) and an offset
surface (Ss1) of the small integral stiffener thickness (see picture below)
• In the same open body, define the intersection between (Ss1) and the plan
Z=4.5mm corresponding to the pocket thickness.(see picture below)

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5


Sketch plan


- Dp, the tool profile, construction (see figure ‘Resulting sketch’):

! All the geometry at this step is defined in construction mode
• Create a sketch (Sk1) with (P1) as support.
• L5 coincident with (C3).
• 0.3 mm offset to obtain L2.
• L31 coincident with L3.
• Construction of circle with radius R1. 3 constraints are associated: tangent to
L21, L31 and radius of 4 mm.
• Construction of Dp from the 2 constraints, a direction, here, vertical and tangent
to the circle of radius R1.

- Offset computation to create the pocket limit surface

" Compute the offset between (Dp) and L5 (equal to C3) on the pocket plane Z=4.5 mm
• Trim the different element to obtain the 2 points (Po1) and (Po2)

• Compute the messier between these 2 elements

# We find 0.62mm as offset distance

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

L2 parallel to
L5 L5 coincident
with (C3)

Tool corner diameter,

D=8mm Line, Dp, of pocket

L31 (C3)in the sketch

coincident plane
with (L3)

Overthickness of
0.3 mm

Resulting sketch &

offset analyse

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Definition of pocket limit surface

" Once you know the offset value, we can construct in the same open body, the corresponding
offset curve in the WireFrame workbench
• Define the offset surface (Ss1’) from (Ss1) distant from the offset value (here,

0.62 mm)
• Compute the intersection between (Ss1’) and the pocket plane Z=4.5 mm

• Construct the extrude surface (Sl) defined by this intersection & Z axis (Z
corresponding to the machining axis)

- Creation of pocket feature without fillets

• Create a new body
• Use the same sketch as for the previous 2.5 axis pocket (see paragraph 4.1.1)
• Define the pocket feature with the extrude surface as one limit and the
plan y=2mm as the other



Prismatic Pocket 2 feature

- Constructing fillet radii

• In a multi-body approach, add the fillet radii to the walls (R = 11 mm) then to the
bottom (R = 4 mm)

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

2.5 axis pocket including fillets

(multi-body approach)

4.2.2 Producing sloped pocket (4 - 5 axes)

Definition: Production of fillet radius R2 between inner profile L1 and 0.3 mm offset in
relation to bottom of pocket L4.

L1 = Inner profile line


Pocket bottom

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Positioning of fillet radius

• Edit the previous sketch (Sk1).
• Add the following information :

Circle modelling R2 tangent L1

to (L1) & (L4)

0.3 mm from bottom L4

of pocket

Line created previously modelling the

bottom of the pocket

Sketch for modelling R2

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Determining tool "section"

• Construction of elements (L6) & (L7) to model the cutting tool.


L7 = Other side of
the tool L1 = Inner profile line

Elements to be

L6 = Line normal to L1
(bottom of tool)

- Define the cutting tool contour in the same sketch (Sk1)

$ Excepted the cutting tool contour, all the geometric elements belonging to this sketch
have to be defined as construction ones.

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

L1 = Inner profile line


Z plane


Remark: In cases where angle α of surface has a high variation, construct two
sections at the limits of the pocket to be processed and take plane Z
passing via the highest point.
This is valid for an open or a closed angle.

- Creation of sloped closed pocket solid without fillets

• Use the same methodology as in the paragraph 4.1.2, in the ‘Creation of sloped
closed pocket solid’ scenario
Use to define the slot feature (Cm) (see paragraph 4.1.2) as guide curve and
the sketch (Sk1) as profile
- Fillet creation with a ‘multi-body’ methodology

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

4.3 Top of stiffener modelling

Definition: Create removed material on top of stiffener

We will use loft functionality allowing creating rapidly non-constant profile between
several sections.

- Creation of sketch sections

• In the WireFrame & Surface workbench, inside a new open body, create 2
planes corresponding to the loft feature thickness
• Insert a new body
• In one of the 2 planes, create a sketch defining the loft section

Sketch section

• Duplicate this sketch in a new one (In this case, the profile is constant)
• Change the sketch support and select the second plane

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Loft feature creation

• In the same body, define the loft feature using the 2 sketch

Section 1

Section 2

Sections Definition

- Loft feature assembly with part body

Result on part

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

4.4 Boss modelling

Definition: Create a boss on the bottom of pocket.

We will use a material "addition" methodology to construct a boss on a previously
defined pocket.
We will remove material by modelling the centre hole.

The aim is to bear using existing resource, the tube, to create and correctly position this

Set the element of the pipe

used to Show mode

Definition of boss in context

- Creation of boss without hole

• Create the intersection curve between the tube and the bottom of the pocket.
- Creation of geometry without "fillets".
• Insert a new body

• Creation of a pad feature in the PartBody.

• Select the bottom of the pocket as sketch plane.
• Create the circular contour of the boss: Position the boss by a concentricity
constraint with the intersection curve to dimension the thickness of the boss.

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

After having positioned

one in relation to the
other, you can define a
distance constraint

Intersection curve
between the bottom of
the pocket and the

The 2 contours are Boss contour

positioned relatively via
a concentricity
constraint Positioning of boss contour

• Once the contour has been correctly positioned, create a 3.2 mm thick "pad".
- Creation of the hole or a pocket associated with the boss
! Create a hole or pocket feature according to the size of the element. This definition is
related to the machining process that used later, adapted to suit a pocket or a hole. On
account of the dimensions, choose to define this feature as a pocket.
• Define the contour of the hole taking position in relation to the previous sketch.

Positioning of pocket contour

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• Define a pocket feature

Definition of circular pocket

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

- Creation of "fillets" (No ‘multi-body approach)

• Assemble this new body with the PartBody.
• Create the "fillet": See example below. For a radius greater than the height of the
boss, select the "Edge(s) to keep" option after clicking on the “more” button.

Edge to be

Definition of the "fillet"

93 27 44

Materialisation of the "fillet"

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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

5 Identifying modifications

5.1 Differences between solids made by layer

New part

The modification is identified on the new solid by an extraction at a specific layer of the
main modified face or faces.
All adjacent faces affected by the movement of the main face are not extracted to
identify the modification.

Extracted face (new


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Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

5.2 Difference between solids made by 3D modelling comparison

Directly in the DMU Space Analysis, you can compare 2 solids (included in a temporally
same CATProduct). The methodology supposes the previous version of solid is

- Construct a product including the 2 versions of solid

- Active the compare 2 products command included in the DMU Space analysis
- Select the previous and the new solid and select “Added + Removed” and “solid

" CATIAV5 will create “3dmap” file, a CGR file, called 3Added material” and “Removed material”.
- Include these files in the CATProduct
! Change the graphic properties of these files. For example, choose red colour for removed
material and green for added material

Solid comparison

Issue:Draft A1 Date: 13 February 2002 Page 45 of 46

Machined Part Modelling for CATIA V5

Reference documents
AP 2622 CAD layers organisation
AP 2610 Naming and Numbering for New Projects
AP 2260 Drawing rules for CATIA V5
AP 2255 3D Modelling rules for CATIA V5
ABD 0004 Definition dossier

Group of redaction
Team Members Company / Department Telephone
CANO-RODRIGUEZ Pedro Airbus España +34 916241292
Gilles MERCADIER EMK-T +33 561184933

This document has been approved on behalf of the following:
(signatures or proof of agreement are archived together with the master document)

Organization Approval
ACE/SPD/Elementary parts/
C .Vergez - OIMM1
Mechanical Parts Generic
CoC Structure H Schnell - ESDS
EM Quality Assurance
Nicole Lamothe - EMZQ

Record of revisions

Issue Date Summary and reasons for changes

Draft A1 February 2002 Initial issue
If you have a query concerning the implementation or updating of this document, please
contact the Owner on page 1
Or a team member of the group of redaction
For general queries or information contact:
Airbus Documentation Office,
31707 Blagnac CEDEX,
Tel: 33 (0)5 61 93 49 93
Fax: 33 (0)5 61 93 27 44

Issue:Draft A1 Date: 13 February 2002 Page 46 of 46

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