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In Sign in

1)Forgot password is not working

2) After sign in sign up option dosnt go….we can do sign up after sign in.

In Sign up

1)Fluently spoken languages text box is not working.

2)Date of birth shoud have same patern...there shoud be an example given for that..

Calender should be shown.

3 diff block/text field should be provided for DOB.

3)country and state both have same Option.

4) Security check(captcha) –no example to check

5) Next Button is not working

6)Optional and mandatory field are not spacify

7)Drop down in city field is not provided

8)min password is 1 which is not right

9) password & Confirm password after adding this field if u update password then the wright tick is show
instade of cross.

Same for Email address

10)Without selecting You are next button is shown.

11) You are selection is not proper

12) Phone number is not allow more than 10 digit

13)no link between City, Country, State, Timezone

14)Sign-up 2nd form is not working.

15)No conformation providead afer sign-up

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