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Chapter 1. The Project

A. Introduction
B. Objectives
C. Scope and Boundary
D. Feasibility Studies
E. Planning Activities
F. Composition of the Team
G. Responsibility Area/s of Each Member
H. Schedule of Activities
i. Work Breakdown Structure
ii. Gantt Chart / Milestones
iii. PERT Diagram

Chapter 2. The Company

A. Background and History
B. Organizational Chart
C. Contact Person/s, their position/designation and their contact numbers/addresses (mobile
no., tel, fax, email, etc)

Chapter 3. The Present System

A. Detailed Description of the System
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Objectives of the System
i. General Objective/s
ii. Specific Objective/s
D. Scope and Limitations of the System

Chapter 4. Analysis of the Current System

A. Data Gathering Techniques Used (chap.5 for guide)
i. Sources of Information
ii. Instruments Used in the Survey, Sample Questionnaires, Interview Questions,
Communication Letters, Documentation of the Observation, etc.
B. Consolidated Tables, Findings, Analysis of Information Gathered, Summary of Information, etc.
(output of A)
C. Business Activities
D. LOGICAL Data Flow Diagram (chap. 7)
E. USE CASE ± present graphical overview of the functionality provided by the current system. (Over-all
to Sub-System) (Chap. 2)

Chapter 5. The Proposed System

A. Comparison of the Present and Proposed System in Terms of
i. Objectives
ii. Advantages and Disadvantages
iii. Technical, Operational, and Economic Justification
B. Development Cost (chap. 3)
C. Technical Specifications
i. Proposed Data Flow Diagrams (chap. 7 )
ii. Process Specifications (Apply at least 3 or more techniques that will specify specific process
or task) (Chap. 9)

˜ decision tables
˜ structured English (favored technique of most systems analysts)
˜ Decision Tree
˜ Nassi±Shneiderman diagram

iii. Data Dictionary (chap. 8)

iv. Database Specifications (Chap.13)
1. Enhanced - Entity Relationship Diagram
2. Normalization of Tables
3. Database Structure
v. Input/Output Forms (Must Provide Sample data and transactions) (Chapter 11/12/15)
vi. Screen Designs (Chapter 11/12)

1. Structural diagrams - Used to describe the relation between classes

a. Class diagrams

b. Object diagrams

c. Component diagrams

d. Deployment diagrams

2. Behavior diagrams - Used to describe the interaction between people (actors) and a
use case (how the actors use the system)

a. Use case diagrams

b. Sequence diagrams

c. Collaboration diagrams

d. Statechart diagrams

e. Activity diagrams

Chapter 6. Summary and Conclusions

A. Summary of Changes, and Improvements
B. Constraints of the New System

Chapter 7. Activities in the Next Stage of Development

A. Testing Plans
B. Maintenance Plans (recommendations for upgrades and / or updates)
C. Security Plans


A. Start-up Procedure
i. Minimum Hardware and Software Specifications
ii. Installation Procedure
B. Initial Entry / Access
i. Levels of Users
ii. File/s to Open
iii. Default Password (for each level of user) / How to Change Password
C. List of Error Messages

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