English Clearance Item

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Pairs of words

1. Bow And Scrape- show to much respect to someone

2. Body and Soul - a physical and mental energy, as in; out body and soul into

3. Ups and Downs - the mixture of good and bad things which happen to people


1. Give me five – sign of congratulations or

2. Look out for number one - you take care of yourself and your interests, rather than those of other people

3. On all fours – has to do with crawling


1. Chinese walls – to stop the wall of information that could be misused

2. Like Chinese arithmetic – complicated and hard to understand

3. Chinese whispers – used as metaphor to describe  mistakes and inaccurate information which comes from rumors
or gossip


1. Benjamin of the family – the youngest of the family

2. Davy Jones's Locker - the bottom of the sea: the state of death among drowned sailors

3. Pandora’s Box – causes all sorts of trouble that you hadn’t anticipated

1. Can of Worms – an action that can create serious problems
2. Could eat a horse – very hungry

3. Eat like a pig – having bad table manners


1. Eat my hat – when they don’t believe that something is going

to happen
2. All dressed up and nowhere to go – prepared something that isn’t going to happen

3. Take your hat off – to show some respect


1. Alike as two peas – identical

2. Cook the books – false accounts to make money illegally or avoid paying tax

3. All your eggs in one basket – you risk everything at once, instead of trying to spread the risk


1. Black and white – very clear and to know what’s right or wrong
2. Black sheep – doesn’t fit into the group or family because of their bad behavior

3. Green light – to be given approval to do something

Parts of the Body

1. All eyes – paying attention

2. A pain in the neck - very annoying and always disturbing you

3. Apple of your eye - is that person (or thing) that you care for the most.


1. Cloud nine – extremely happy

2. A bolt from the blue - something that you do not expect to happen and that surprises you very much

3. Storm in a teacup – exaggerate a small problem

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