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Q.1) Why does Cherapunji receive higher rainfall than Shillong?

Q.2) How do the Western Ghats affect the rain-bearing winds that blow in the region? Name
the winds?
Q.3) Name the parts of India that are affected by cyclones and depressions and explain the
cause of these?
Q.4) Which States of India receive winter rain? How is this rain economically beneficial?
Q.5) Why do hill-slopes in South India never get snow even when the temperature drops
below 0oC?
Q.6) Explain the mechanism of the direction of the Bay of Bengal branch of the SW
Q.7) Name the states which get winter rain from the Westerly Depressions. What is the
economic value of this rain ?
Q.8) Differnetiate between winter weather conditions in North India and that along the
Q.9) Western Coastal Plain receives heavy rainfall as compared to Eastern Coastal Plain?
Q.10) Manglore and Chennai lie on the same latitudes, yet Manglore recieves its rainfall in
different season than Manglore?
Q.11) Amount of rainfall decreases as we go westward from West Bengal to Punjab?
Q.12) Thar is a Desert?
Q.13) Himalayas are climate dividers?
Q.14) Patna gets a heavier rainfall than Varanasi?(2008)
Q.15) The Arabian Sea Branch of South West Monsoon does not shed any moisture in
Western Rajasthan?(2008)
Q.16) Name three sources of rainfall for Punjab? During which months are they
Q.17) State with reasons the different pressure conditions that prevail over the sub-
continent in summer and winter?
Q.18) With reference to the NE Monsoons:-
a. Why do they carry less moisture than the SW Monsoons?
b. Name one area in which it sheds its rain?
c. Of what economic advantage is this rain?
Q.19) Distinguish between the Retreating Monsoons and the North-East Monsoons? Also
mention one area affected by each of them?
Q.20) With reference to the retreat of monsoons:-
a. Why and when does it take place?
b. State the weather conditions.
c. Which parts of India does it give rain?
d. Why are there tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengall at this time?
Q.21) Name the areas in India which gets
a. over 200 cm rainfall
b. 100-200 cm rainfall
c. 50-100 cm rainfall
d. rainfall below 50 cm

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