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Burp Suite v1.2.01 by PortSwigger (mail@portswigger.


Installation instructions
The Burp Suite program is an executable JAR (Java archive) file called burpsuite
Burp Suite requires a Java Runtime Environment, and will run on any platform for
which a JRE is implemented. It requires Java version 1.5 or later, and it is re
commended that the latest available JRE is used. JREs for Windows, Linux and Sol
aris can be obtained for free from
Burp Suite can be launched using the command "java -jar burpsuite_v1.2.01.jar".
On some platforms, it can be launched simply by double-clicking on the JAR file.
Note that the default settings of the JRE Virtual Machine may limit the amount o
f system resources available to the Burp Suite process. If Burp Suite is to be u
sed for tasks that require large amounts of memory, the VM memory settings shoul
d be changed. The file suite.bat launches Surp Suite with up to 512Mb of availab
le memory. This file can be edited to specify a different memory size.

If Burp Suite fails to start, or generates the error "Exception in thread main",
check that the correct JRE version has been installed. If so, check that the "j
ava" command is launching the most recent JRE, and not an earlier installed vers
ion. If necessary, modify the startup command to contain absolute paths to both
the JRE and the JAR file, e.g. "/usr/bin/java -jar /usr/tools/burpsuite_v1.2.01.

Burp Suite is copyright (c) PortSwigger Ltd 2008. All rights reserved.
Java is a Trade Mark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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