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Table of Contents

I Volume Section Description

Contract Agreement and Bill of Quantities
I Contract Agreement
I1 Letter of Acceptance (LOA)
111 Minutes of Contract Negotiation held on June 1,2009 and June
10 -1 1,2009 in Thimphu, Bhutan
N Integrity Pact
6.4 Priced Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

Conditions of Contract
1 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)
2 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
3 Eligibility and Qualification Criteria (EQR)
4 Bidding Forms (BDF)
5 Eligible Countries (ELC)
7 General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
8 Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)
9 Contract Forms (COF)

Construction Schedule and Drawings

4 6.3 I Construction Schedule
6.7 I Tender Drawings
Contractor's Bid
5 A I Part-1 of Contractor's Bid
B I Part-2 of Contractor's Bid
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Ernployen Requirements 6.1 Interpretation

Section 6 Employer's Requirements


Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employers Requirements 6.1 1nte$refllim -Ti .


Section 6.1 Interpretation

REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................................................... 1
3 COGNISANCE ................................................................................................................................ 1
4 DEFINITION OF TERMS........................................................................................................... 1
5 ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 2
Dapachhu HPP Section 6 Emplgvcr's Rcquin'menls -
6.1 lntrrprerafion I


The Employer's Requirements are described in the following documents, which are hereinafter referred to
as the "Specifications" and comprises the following parts:

Pan I1 Requirements: Section 6 Eniployer-s Requirements (ERQ)

6.1 Interpration
6.2 Technical Specifications
6.3 Conshuction Schedule
6.4 Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
6.5 National Envimmnent Commission NEC Clearance
6.6 Material Test Reports
6.7 Tender Drawings
6.5 Land Survey and Key Reference Points
6.9 Geological Reporr and Drawinp


The several documents Formin:: the Employer's Requirements are to be taken as mutually explanatory of
one another. I11 the case of ambiguities or discrepancies. the Employer has authority to issue any instlvction
it cor~sidersreasonably necessary to determine any such ambiguities or discrepancies, and the order of
precedence shall be the order in which h e documents are listed in clause 1 hereof.

The Contractor acknowledges that he has copies of all of the documents comprised in the Employer's

Unless the contrary intention appears:
'-Plunt': or "Pmver Plmzi" means the works of Lot I Civil Works and the works of Lot 2 E&M
Equipment, which together are capable of proper and reliable production and evacuation of elecmc power
in the quality and quantity as described Section 6 Requirements.
"Completi(~n" means the state of the Works when the Employer issues the Taking- Over Cemficate;
"Divertable Fion," means the total net flow rate measmd in m3lsec that is available for diversion into the
Power Station at the Intake Point alter taking account of Compensation Flow requirements;

"Facili!ies" means those facilities (including the Power Station) developed within the Works that are to be
taken over by the Employer at Completion Date;

" H ~ r a l o means
~ ~ " the data descn3ed as Probability of Exceedance and River Row at the Intake;

"Sea Level" ineans the mean sea level datum derived From GPS survey and detailed topo-mphical survey
as described in Section 6.8 Land Survey and Key Reference Points
"BOQ" means the Bill of Quantities ,which is only indicative for Division 01,02 and 04 and has been
provided merely to assist the bidden and to support the evaluation of the Bid, but not to serve as a basis for
a unit priced Conaan It does not necessarily cover @erefore each and every item to be
delivered/constructed.Bidden shall therefore quote for the entire civil works of Division 01.02 and 04 on
a single responsibility basis.
C o n w to the Works under Division 01.02 and 04, the Works under Division 03 'Vnderground
excavation" shall be offered item by item and will be paid on an item rate basis, that means as per actual
quantities according to offered unit rates in the Bill of Quantities.

For the Bid documents the expression "Connacror" is equivalent to "Bidder" and "Bidder" becomes
"Contractor" in the event of the award of the contract

All terms defined in Volume I, Part I (Bidding Procedures -Invitation for Bids) and Part III (Conditions of
Contract and Contract F m ) and used herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in those

The following abbreviations have been used in Section 6 Employers Requirements:

"CNT" connection tunnel

.,HRT" Headrace tunnel
" A W Access to headrace
"SUT' Surge tank
"PRY Pressure shaft
"PRT' Pressure tunnel
"BFC" Biforcator Chamber
'3Fl" Bifurcator Tunnel 1
" B W Bifurcator Tunnel 2
"PHC" Powerhouse cavern
"GTI" Generator cable tunnel 1
" G W Generator cable tunnel2
'TFC"Transformer cavem
"ACT' Access tunnel to powerhouse cavem
"EET' Emergency exit tunnel
Tailrace tunnel
JUl, AU2, AU3,. .." Auxiliary adits
,,SC 1,2, 3 , 4,..." Support classes for rock

Table of Contents

Volume Section 1 Description

Contract Agreement and Bill of Quantities
I Contract Agreement
I1 Letter of Acceptance (LOA)
111 Minutes of Contract Negotiation held on June 1,2009 and June
10 -1 1,2009 in Thimphu, Bhutan
IV Integrity Pact
6.4 Priced Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

Conditions of Contract
1 Instruction to Bidders (ITB)
2 Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
3 Eligibility and Qualification Criteria (EQR)
Z 4 Bidding Forms (SUFI
5 Eligible Countries (ELC)
7 General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
8 Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)
9 Contract Forms (COF)

I 6.5 I NEC Clc;~l;~ncc

Construction Schedule and Drawings

4 6.3 I Construction Schedule
6.7 I Tender Drawings
..... 1
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications



GENERAL ...................................................................................................... CHAPTER 00

DESIGN WORKS .......................................................................................... CHAPTER 01
SITE INSTALLATION ................................................................................... CHAPTER 02
SURVEYING ................ ER 03
EARTH & ROCK WORK ........................................................................... CHAPTER 04
DEWATERING .............................................................................................. CHAPTER 05
UNDERGROUND EXCAVATION ............................................................... CHAPTER 06
CONCRETE & REINFORCED CONCRETE ......................................... CHAPTER 07
WATERPROOFING ................................................................................ CHAPTER 08
STEEL LINING ............................................................................................ CHAPTER 09
DRLLING & GROUTING............................................................................ CHAPTER 10
DAY WORK ............................................................................................... CHAPTER 11
STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS ................................................ CHAPTER 13
METAL WORK .................................................................... CHAPTER 14
MASONRY....................................................................CHAPTER 15
PLASTER WORK ................................................................. CHAPTER 16
.............. . CHAPTER 17
CARPENTRY & JOINERY...................................................... CHAPTER 18
TILING & FLOORING ........................................................... CHAPTER 19
ROADS & PAVEMENTS........................................................CHAPTER 20
ROOFING & SHEET METAL CLADDING ..................................CHAPTER 21
Dagachhu HPF' Section 6 -Employer's Rcquinments 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter W General


Part I1 Requirements
Section 6 Employer's Requirements

6.2 T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S

Chapter 00
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
. Chapter W General .u

Lot 1 Civil Works. Volume II
Section 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 00

1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................................
1.1 Scope of work ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Key h j e c t ~ a t.....................................................................................................................
a 2
1.3 Diversion weir and Intake ...................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Weir Base with Integrated Part of Stilling Basin ...................................................... 3
1.3.2 Grout Curtain and Drain Holes ............................................................................... 4
1.3.3 Side Walls. Wing Walls. Intermediate Wall ............................................................. 4
1.3.4 weir ~ o d .................................................................................................................
y 4
1.3.5 Stilling Basin ............................................................................................................. 4
1.3.6 ~ntakestructure ......................................................................................................... 4
1.3.7 Weir Bridge ............................................................................................................... 5
1.3.8. Maintenance and Operation Building ........................................................................ 5
1.3.9 Hydromechanical and Electrical Equipment for Weir and Intake .............................5
1.3.10 Fish Ladder ................................................................................................................ 6
1.3.1 1 Temporary Water Diversion .Cofferdam ............................................................... 6
1.3.12 Consmction Material for Weir and Intake: .............................................................. 6
1.4 Connection Channel and Tunnel to the Desilter ..................................................................... 6
1.5 Desilter (Settlement Basin) 7
1.5.1 Hydromechanical and Electrical Equipment for Desilter ..........................................7
1.6 Headrace ................................................................................................................................. 8
1.6.1' Headrace Channec.....................................................................................................g
1.6.2 Headrace Tunnel North ............................................................................................. 8
1.6.3 Side Adit.................................................................................................................... 8
1.6.4 Headrace Tunnel South ............................................................................................. 9
1.6.5 Hydromechanical and Electrical Equipment for Headrace ....................... ............9 ...
1.7 Swg? ~ a ..............................................................................................................................
k 9
1.8 Press, Shaft and Pressure Tunnel ................................................................................... 10
1.9 Powerhou~eCavern and Transformer Cavern ...................................................................... 10
1.9.1 Powerhouse Cavern .................................................................................................10
1.9.2 Transformer Cavern ................................................................................................ 11
10 POW^,^,^^ Access Tunnel. Emergency Exit and Cable Tunnel ........................................ 11
................................................................................................................... 11
12 Tailr%ce~~~~~l and Outlet 12
3 H~dromechanicaland Electrical Equipment for Powerhouse ............................................12

I n l u m r i i ~ s ~ - ~ m m 6 q ~38.2
~ m rrm
. . ...
Dagachhu HFT Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2Tshaical Spcifieations
Chapter 00 General .iii

1.14 climatic and Catchment Characteristics............................................................................... 15

1.14.1 Catchment and Station Network ................... . ...................................................... 15
1.14.2. Precipitation ............................................................................................................. 15
1.14.3 Temperature............................................................................................................. 16
1.15 Discharge .............................................................................................................................. 17
1.15.1 Long Term Average . . ofRunoff .................................................................................. 17
1.15.2 Seasonal Vanahon .. Discharge ....................................................................... 18
1.15.3 Low Flow Condlhons ............................................................................................. 19
1.16 Design Flood......................................................................................................................... 20
1.16.1 Dagachhu Flood Frequency Analyses ..................................................................... 20
1.17 Existing Access Roads .......................................................................................................... 21
1.17.1 Recommended Route .............................................................................................. 22

1.18.1 Rellablllty of Power Supply .................................................................................... 22

1.21 Units of Measurements ......................................................................................................... 23

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Emplayer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - 1


1.1 Scope of Work

The scope of work is established in the Bidding Conditions, the following Chapters, and in Sub-section 6.7
Tender Drawings of Section 6, ERQ. In addition to the construction of all the related civil works, the
Contractor shall prepare the detailed design, all necessary execution drawings, as well as calculations. "as-
built drawings" and maintenance instructions, etc.
Details for the exploration concert of the cavern are given in Chapter 01 Design Works, of these Technical
The main components of the hydropower plant are:
Diversion Weir and Intake
Connection Channel and Tunnel to the Desilter
Headrace Channel
Headrace Tunnels with Side Adit
Surge Tank
Pressure Shaft and Pressure Tunnel
Powerhouse Cavern and T~ansfonnerCavern
Powerhouse Access Tunnel
Emergency Exit and Cable Tunnel
Conuol Building
Tailwater Tunnel including Outlet

In addition to the following descriptions, the Tender Drawings shall be referred to.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 G e n d - 2

12 Key Project Data

Catchment Area 676 kmt

Water Resource Dagachhu
Specific Runoff 41.1 Vs/km2
Annual Mean Flow 27.8 m31s
F m Flow (95% availability) 5 m'lsec excl. Residual Row (1.4 msls)
Mean Annual Yield (usable) 733 mill m3 excl. Residual Row and Rood

Type of Development Run of the River

WeirIlntake Elevation 843.3 m max. Water Level
Desilter Elevation 841.0m Operating Water Level
Tailwater Elevation 537.0 m Centre L i e Turbine Runner
Gross Head 304.0 m
Net Head at full load 282.0 m
Design Flow (maximum) 50.0 m31s
Design Flow (rated) 45.0 mYs

Installed Capacity 114 MW

Mean Annual Energy Production 500 GWh
Energy Production (90% dependable) 360 GWh
Turbines 2 nos. Pelton

Diversion Weir Reinforced Concrete Gravity Wall

Crest Length 18.2 m Two sections 2 x 9.1 m
Dead Storage 200 000 m3
Design Flood 859 m31s HQlO 000
Rap Gates 2 nos. 9 . 1 4.0
~ m
Radial Gates 2 nos. 9 . 1 4.0
~ m

Desilter (surface) 3 chambers 240 x 30.5 x 11 m, incl. transitions

Connection Intake-Desilter k746m Channel L=270 m. Tunnel M 7 6 m

Headrace Channel L=261 m

Headrace Tunnels (incl. Side Adit) L=7795 m Di 4.4-4.8 m
Surge Tank Di=21/H=45 m Vertical Cylinder
Pressure Shafi + Tunnel Dk3.4
Powerhouse and Transformer Caverns Reinforced Concrete
Access and Emergency Tunnel k540m 250 m and 290 m
Tailrace Tunnel L679 m Horseshoe 4.2515.0 m

Transmission Line 220 kV 19 km Powerhouse to Tsirang Substation

Access roads from Indian Border 114km Gelephu-Sankosh

320 km Phuntsholing-Sankosh
62 km Sankosh-Chineythang pagana)
access roads to the Sites approx. 20 km

whnxnuUI. ririlw&a U
-.Im o h a l l w 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ b d b d m M . 1 Y 1 . 2 ! ~ h r ~ l ~ A ~ ~ k ~ m ~ O I

. .
Dagachhv HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Tshnical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - 3

13 Diversion Weir and Intake

The weir and intake divert the required amount of water, maximum 50 m3/s, for the operation of the power
plant, from the river flow. The structure is designed and equipped to enable the safe passage of the design
flood Q1O.OOO, which amounts to 859 m3Is.
The weir is situated approximately 900 m upstream from the existing Giuthang suspension bridge in the
areas Giuthang, Thalgaon (Lhaling). Close upstream are the Tanalum Chhu and Gomla Chhu, tributaries of
the Dagachhu. The operating water level (maximum water level) at the weir is at 843.3 m.
The weir is located at a stable, rocky and comparatively narrow portion of the river. The structure is of the
reinforced concrete gravity type and shall be founded on solid rock. The 20.7 m wide weir consists of two
equal weir units, each 9.1 m wide, separated by an intermediate wall in the middle and side- and wing
walls. Each weir unit is equipped with a radial gate at the bottom and a flap gate at the top. The height of
the weir from the top of the weir base to the maximum water level is 18.3 m. The overall length of the weir
including the stilling basin amounts to approximately 95 m; however the length and the shape of the
stilling basin might be modified as a result of the hydraulic model test.
The main elements of the diversion weir and intake structure are:
- Weir base with integrated part of stilling basin
- Grout curtain and discharge holes
- Side walls, intermediate wall, wing walls
- Weir body
- Stilling basin
- Intake structure
- Weir bridge
- Maintenance and operation building
- Hydromechanical and electrical equipment
- Fish ladder

13.1 Weir Base with Integrated Part of Stilling Basin

The weir base has to rest on solid rock which is excavated to at least 0.5 m depth, dressed, leveled, cleared
of all loose material and the cracks and fissures are filled with concrete and are consolidation grouted. The
thickness of the weir base could be reduced to some extent if solid rock is encountered throughout at a
higher level. The top of the weir base is steel lined !?om the upstream end of the weir hase to the
downstream end of the weir body.
At the upstream side, below the weir base, a grout curtain and discharge boreholes are provided to avoid
seepage and buildup of water pressure underneath and beside the weir.
The weir hase contains an inspection gallery which can also be used for additional drilling and grouting if
required, after the completion of the project. The boreboles for the grout curtain and the discharge drilling
end there. The grout curtain and the inspection gallery continue along the wing walls.
The inspection gallery is permanently accessible through the staircase shaft at the left side of the weir,
which also provides access to the weir body. At the top of the shaft, on the ceiling, steel beams are
mounted to place a hoist (3 tons) for lifting items to the inspection gallery or the access channel in the weir
body. The shaft, ceiling, platforms and staircases are reinforced concrete structures. The shaft has two
double wing doors and two windows.
Supply and installation of the steel lining of the weir and the supply and installation of the 3 ton hoist are
within the scope of Civil Works.
Y. .-- -
- . Dagachhu HPP Seclion 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - 4

13.2 Grout Curtain and Drain Holes

A row of holes drilled downwards beneath the dam at a defined inclination and depth are filled under
pressure with grout until the fissures in the rock are all filled and sufficient water tightness is achieved.
This will be controlled by a row of drain holes drilled downstream to the grout curtain.

1.33 Side Walls, Wing Walls, Intermediate Wall

The side walls and the intermediate wall rest on the weir hase. The top level of the walls has a freeboard of
1.2 m above the operating water level in order to avoid overflow during heavy floods. The lower part of the
walls in the area of the radial gates is steel lined.
The intermediate wall separates the weir in two equal units. Together with the side walls it provides the
support for the weir body, radial gates, flap gates, stop logs and the bridge. A pendulum, to be provided by
the Civil Contractor, is accommodated in the wall. The upstream end of the intermediate wall is semi
circular shaped and steel lined. The lower part of the wall is in the area of the radial gates steel lined on
both sides.
Supply and installation of the steel lining is within the scope of Civil Works.
The wing walls intersect the river embankments and guide the water to the weir. A grout curtain and
discharge boreholes are provided in order to avoid bypass flow. The angle of the wing walls towards the
river flow could be influenced by the outcome of the hydraulic model test.

1.3.4 Weir Body

The weir body across the river spans between the intermediate wall and the side walls. It forms. together
with the weir hase, a monolithic reinforced concrete structure with openings for the radial flushing gates.
The weir body, together with the radial gates at the bottom and the flap gates at the lop, provide the harrier
across the river for the diversion of the water. The beam-like, f- shaped weir body contains a channel.
which is open towards the downstream side and accessible from the left side wall thmugh the staircase
shaft. The channel canies part of the electric and hydraulic equipment for the gates and also serves as
access for maintenance of the gates. Manholes are therefore provided in the channel floor. On the upstream
side the curved pans at the bottom and the top of the weir body are steel lined, supply and installation of
the steel lining is within the scope of Civil Works.

1.3.5 Stilling Basin

The stilling basin below the spillway of the dam reduces the speed of the weir overflow, especially during
floods, and prevents scouring of the river bed. Part of the stilling basin is integrated in the weir base; the
end part downstream is cut into the river bed and the base protected with boulders of suitable size. placed
in a concrete bed. Side walls along the stilling basin protect against erosion of the river embankments.

13.6 Intake Structure

The intake structure is integrated into the left wing wall of the weir. The two rectangular intake openings in
the wing wall are covered by coarse trash racks. The adjoining intake structure has the shape of a funnel of
a rectangular cross-section, which reduces its width to the dimensions of the connection channel. A gate is
situated at the end of the intake structure to enable closing of the channel to the desilter in case of high
floods, for flow regulation and in case of maintenance requirements.
The top slab of the intake structure is designed to bear the weight of loaded trucks and the mobile trash
rack cleaner running on rails. No settlements in the ground underneath the tailrace stmcture and the
connection channel are allowed; masonry support or cement compacted backfill are required.
Dagachhu HPP Sectlon 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter W General - 5

1.3.7 Weir Bridge

A reinforced concrete bridge spans over the weir, providing access to both sides of the river. It rests on the
side walls and the intermediate wall. The bridge is also required for the installation and maintenance of the
hydraulic steel structures of the weir. It therefore has to be designed for heavy transport up to 60 tons. The
bridge has detachable railings at both sides. The sliding support of the bridge shall be an elastomer bearing
or equivalent.

13.8 Maintenance and Operation Building

At the left side of the weir. near the intake structure, a building for maintenance and operation of the weir
will be erected. It is a bungalow of rectangular shape. The foundation base is a reinforced concrete slab; the
walls are made of concrete hollow blocks covered by a ceiling of reinforced concrete. The walls are
plastered and painted inside and outside. The roof is a timber structure covered with cormgated galvanized
iron sheets. The windows and doors are made of aluminum or corrosion protected steel with locking
arrangement. The house shall be in the traditional Bhutanese style (e.g. cornice). The house contains a
workshop, a transformer station, a standby generator and a control room. All required cable- and pipe ducts
from the operation building to the installed electromechanical equipments and for illumination as well as
the foundations for the control cubicles, shall be erected by the Civil Works Contractor.

13.9 Hydromechanical and Electrical Equipment for Weir and Intake

The weir will be equipped with two spillway gates (radial gates) and two flap gates. In case of flood, the
two flap gates are lowered and the two radial gates are lifted. The two radial gates are placed at the bottom
of the weir to provide for proper flushing out of the accumulating sediments upstream the dam and to aid
the safe passage of the high floods. The two flap gates mounted at the top of the weir body enable the
regulation of the water level, the flushing of floating matter and the safe passage of high floods.
The gates are moved with hydraulic cylinders supplied with oil from a hydraulic power unit. The gates can
be operated locally or remotely from the powerhouse.
For maintenance purposes, stoplogs are set in the upstream and downstream part of the weir. The stoplogs
will be lifted and placed with a mobile crane and stored in the dam area, covered with a detachable shed.
The supply and erection of the stoplog shed is within the scope of the Civil Works Contractor.
The intake area of the channel will be equipped with two coarse racks and one inlet gate. The coarse racks
will be cleaned by means of a mobile cleaning machine, running on rails. The intake gate is located
downstream of the coarse rack and will cut off the approaching water during maintenance and service of
the channel, desilter basin and the intake structure of the headrace tunnel. The gate can be operated either
locally at the intake or by remote control.
The embedded steel parts in the concrete for the gates and stoplogs shall be provided by the supplier of the
hydromechanical and electrical equipment but shall be placed, according to the instructions of the supplier,
by the contractor for civil works at the site. The casting of secondary concrete, after fixing of the gates by
the E+M contractor, is in the scope of the civil work contractor.
Also the supply and placing of all required anchor profiles, niches, pits, slots, cable channels and pipes cast
in the concrete structure or put in the ground is in the scope of the civil work contractor. The casting and
grouting of the rails and other embedded parts shall be carried out by the civil contractor.
Reinforced edges of cable ducts have to be foreseen for cable ways and cable or pipe channels
The primary earthing has to be done by the Civil Works Contractor.
Stairs and edges with a step of more than 0.6 m have to be provided with a railing with a height of I .0 m
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter W Fencral - 6

13.10 Fish Ladder

According to the Environmental Impact Assessment report one fish species is known to migrate towards
higher altitude during the months of March and April for spawning in the upsueam of Dagachhu. To
enable the migration of the fish after construction of the weir, a fish ladder is required. The fish ladder is of
the Vertical-Slot-Pass type and has to be designed for an energy density of not more than 140Wlm3. It
requires a length of approximately 280m and approximately 15 resting basins. It is a watertight self-bearing
reinforced concrete structure, crossing the Tanalumchhu, partly supported by reinforced concrete yokes.
The fish ladder is covered with a walkable steel grid, spacing of not more than 5Ox50rnm.

13.11 Temporary Water Diversion Cofferdam -

Prior to the construction of the permanent weir structure, the water will need to be divened to obtain dry
ground for excavation and construction of the foundations. This can be achieved by means of cofferdams
combined with a diversion tunnel or channel.
Bhutan bas a distinct rainy season and a dry period, however the timing may vary and floods are
unpredictable. According to the available observations, it can be expected that the Dagachhu discharges are
less than 25 m3/s for the period of about five to six months. However, the calculated flood with one year
recurrence amounts to 230rn3/s, and the 10 year flood amounts to 400m3/s. This shows that the flooding of
the site during the rainy season has to be taken into consideration (refer to Sub-chapter 1.9 Discharge). It is
left at the discretion of the contractor to choose the suitable way of river diversion for his work.

13.12 Construction Material for Weir and Intake:

The construction material for the Weir and the Intake is reinforced concrete, which has to be placed in
suitable blocks not higher than 4m. The construction and working joints have to be watertight. The
temperature development in the concrete has to be kept within the limits given by the relevant standard in
order to avoid cracks in the concrete.
The concrete surfaces subjected to severe abrasion are coated with mild steel lining not less than 15mm
thick. The steel lining has to be anchored into the concrete and the steel plates have to have bond, without
gaps to the concrete, this will require, in some instances, contact grouting. The supply and installation of
the steel liming is within the scope of Civil Works.
Some concrete surfaces subjected to abrasion, such as the base of the stilling basin, are provided with
abrasion resistant concrete lining not less than 30cm thick or coated with durable, dressed stone slabs
placed in concrete and partly fixed with steel dowels.
= 20 Nlmm 2,fctCuk= 25 NI mm2), W/C ratio = 0.6
Concrete quality: C 20125 (fck.cylindcr
Steel Reinforcement: Yield Strength, characteristic f, = 500 ~ / m m '
Abrasion resistant concrete: C 35/45, WIC ratio = 0.45, quality and grading of aggregates and sand
according to relevant standards.
The same concrete quality shall be used for the structural concrete work of all the project components

1.4 Connection Channel and Tunnel to the Desilter

The maximum design flow of 50 m'ls is carried towards the settlement basins by means of an open and a
closed reinforced concrete channel and a tunnel, altogether approximately 746 m long.
The channel is a reinforced concrete structure of rectangular shape. The portion covered with a slab shall
be drivable for loaded trucks up to 18 tons gross weight. The ground along the channel varies from rock to
boulders mixed with sand and gravel. Deep reaching compaction (>0.6m) of the loose soil and soil
exchange may partly be required.
The Gomla Chhu is bridged by a span of 20 m. The foundation and abutments for the bridge are reinforced
The river bed below the bridge shall be covered by rip rap in a concrete bedding.

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - 7

The connection channel has a horseshoe shape and a concrete lined base and partly full concrete lining or
shotcrete lining, depending on the geological conditions.
A flushing outlet is foreseen, before the desilter, to enable the cleaning of the connection channel and
tunnel. An overflow structure at the beginning of the desilter limits the rise of the water level in case of
flow fluctuations and the spillover drops down a cliff into the Dagachbu.

1.5 Desilter (Settlement Basin)

The desilter serves the purpose of removing fine solid panicles from the intake discharge by gravity, down
to a grain size of about 0.2 mm. This reduces the abrasion of the water conductor system and the wear of
the turbine runners. In addition, floating matter such as leaves, twigs, etc.. will be removed by means of
fine screens, which are mounted towards the end of the settlement basins. The desilting basin is located at a
comparatively flat area above the left bank of the Dagachhu, near the Giuthang suspension bridge, at an
elevation of 841 m (operating water level). The underground consists of rock and sediments.
The topographic conditions allow the construction of a triple chamber surface desilter. The desilter is a
watertight reinforced concrete structure with the overall dimensions of approximately 240 m length
(including transition sections), 30.5 m width and an average depth of 11.0 m. On top of the walls, across
the chambers, reinforced concrete beams are supporting the walls. After the inlet gates and before the fine
screen the chambers are covered with a slab. The operation and control buildings are placed on the slabs.
The settled particles are flushed out from the desilter and diverted through a reinforced concrete channel
with the inner dimensions 4 i2.3 m and a length of about 130 m back into the Dagachhu. The bottom and
part of the side walls of the desilting chambers and the flushing channel have a steel lining to prevent
erosion of the concrete. The supply and installation of the steel lining is within the scope of civil work.
Each of the three settlement basins is equipped with an inlet gate, an outlet gate and a flushing gate, tine
screens and automatic screen cleaning machines.
In order to optimize the desilter design, particularly at the inlet side and to reach a better understanding of
the hydraulic behavior of the desilter, a physical model test shall be performed within the scope of the civil
In the right wall of the transition paR at the desilter end, an overflow provision is made which spills into
the flushing channel. This helps to control the water level in the headrace channel. At the end of the
desilter a ramp is provided on the left side so that light vehicles or equipment can have access to the
headrace for inspection and maintenance. The access ramp is covered with corrosion protected steel plate
elements with lifting hooks. The supply and installation of the steel plates is within the scope of Civil
The operation and maintenance buildings have walls made of concrete hollow blocks covered by a ceiling
of reinforced concrete. The walls are plastered and painted inside and outside. The roof is a timber
structure covered with hard cover (e.g. cormgated galvanized iron sheets). The windows and the doors are
made of aluminum or corrosion protected steel with locking arrangement.

1.5.1 Hydromechanical and Electrical Equipment for Desilter

The electm-mechanical equipment necessary to control and operate the desilter is kept in two buildings,
which are placed on top of the desilter.
Each of the three cambers of the desilter basin is equipped with an inlet and an outlet gate. Dimension of
one inlet gate will be approx. 4.5 x 5.6 m: the outlet gates will be 3.5 x 3.3 m. One flushing gate with a
dimension of 4.0 x 2.0 m is situated upstream of the inlet gates, three flushing gates with a dimension of
2.7 x 2.0 m for flushing the desilter are situated in the downstream area. The desilter flushing gates can be
operated automatically by membranes placed in the desilter bottom. The three inlet and three outlet gates
can be operated against full water pressure. The gates can be operated both locally as well as by remote
control. The hydraulic load on the gates is transferred through the gate guides into the lining of the gates,

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. , which transfers the load to the concrete. The hoist mechanism will be installed directly on the slab over the
,:\antrance flume.
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Dagachhu HPP Sstion 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - 8

A trash rack (fine screen) will be installed in the downstream section of each desilter basin in order to keep
debris from entering the headrace tunnel. It will consist of removable panels and horizontal support beams
with a total dimension of approx. 9.4 x 8.3 m each. The trash rack will be installed with an inclination of
approximately 72' degrees to the horizontal, which will be optimized during preparation of the final
For easy handling during assembly or dismantling, the trash racks will be manufactured in several pieces
The trash rack shall be fixed firmly on the embedded parts with hook bolts or other suitable means.
There are three trash rack cleaning machines for the three trash racks installed
The supply and placing of all required anchor profiles, niches, pits, slots, cable channels and pipes cast in
the concrete structure or put in the ground is in the scope of the civil work contractor. The casting and
grouting of the rails and other embedded parts shall be carried out by the civil contractor. The foundation
for the mechanical equipment shall also be carried out as part of this contract.
The primary earthing shall be carried out by the civil contractor according to the instructions of the
contractor for the E+M Equipment.

1.6 Headrace

1.6.1 Headrace Channel

From the desilter outlet. the cleared water flows in free flow approximately 261 m through a closed,
watertight reinforced concrete channel of rectangular cross-section with a clear width of 5 m and varying
height (channel top is level with desilter top), before it enters the first part of the headrace tunnel (HRT
North) through a transition chamber. The channel slab is drivable with loaded trucks of total 18 tons. The
opening of the transition chamber is covered with a steel grid of 5cm spacing.
The ground below the structure consists of loose sediments which require mechanical compaction to a
depth of at least 60cm. In some parts with high fines content, soil exchange is necessary. Provision of filter
drains on the uphill side of the channel is important. At least four small watercourses will be crossed.

1.6.2 Headrace Tunnel North

The HRT North has a length of approximately 4900 m and an inner diameter of 4.4 to 4.8 m. It is partly
provided with concrete lining, but for the most part with shotcrete lining, depending on the quality of the
rock encountered.

1.63 Side Adit

A reinforced concrete tunnel of approximately 91 m length, which crosses the gorge at the Churachhu side
adit, provides the connection to the second pan of the headrace tunnel (HRT South).
Both tunnel stretches are inclined towards the Churachhu side adit. The reinforced concrete tunnel section
contains a gravel trap, provisions to drain both tunnels and an access for maintenance of the tunnel. The
valve chamber and the pipe access pressure door is encased and closed with a lockable double wing door.
The reinforced concrete tunnel covers a steel pipe which is designed to bear the full water pressure whereas
the reinforced concrete cover provides protection and stability to the inside steel pipe. A plastic foil is
placed around the pipe to avoid bond between the concrete cover and the steel pipe. The steel pipe has
inside and outside corrosion protection. To avoid movements or high stresses in the pipe due to
temperature changes, an expansion compensation device has to be provided in the pipe. The steel pipe
protrudes at both its ends for about 22m into the tunnel to avoid seepage and disintegration of the rock near
the portals. The gravel trap is fully steel lined. integrated in the pipe and covered with a steel grill.
The Churachhu passes underneath the exposed part of the encased pipe. The riverbed is protected with rip-
ran placed in concrete. The main oan of the encased ~ i o is
e backfilled and covered with material from the
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter W General - 9

The ground Consists of sediments with boulders. To avoid settlement. mechanical compaction of the
ground helow the structure is required at least to a depth of 60cm, in some instances deeper.

1.6.4 Headrace Tunnel South

T k kadrace tURne/ South has a length ofaround 280D m. Thc entlie length of runnel h a a fuU CoRCrefe
lining and an inner diameter of 4.4 m. Before reaching the surge tank an additional adit to the headrace
tunnel might be hecessary to speed up the tunnel excavation. This section of the headrace tunnel has to be
finally steel lined and the flow measuring device can be installed there.
The whole headrace is a conduit under inside water pressure.

1.6.5 H~dromechanicaland Electrical Equipment for Headrace

Two drainage pipes and shut-off valves for emptying and flushing the headrace tunnel in the side adit area
are foreseen. The drainage pipes will have an inner diameter of 400 mm and the shut-off valves are
manually Operated, A pressure door which can withstand a hydrostatic pressure of 50m (5 bar) provides
access to the tunhe].
The pipes inside the building, valves and the pressure door are supplied by the E+M contractor but shall be
cast in concrete by the civil work contractor.
An optical fiber cable. supplied by the E+M contractor, is placed in the tunnel along its entire length. The
supply and placing of all required anchor profiles, niches. pits, slots and cable pipes cast in the concrete
structure Or Put in the ground is within the scope of the civil work contractor.
An ultrasonic flow measuring device is installed at the beginning and the end of the headrace tunnel.
Supply and installation is within the scope of the E+M contractor.

1.7 Surge Tank

The purpose of the surge tank is to reduce the water hammer developed during closing and opening
operations of the valves in the powerhouse and to confine the impact, mainly to the pressure shaft. The
surge tank is located at the end of the headrace tunnel, above the pressure shaft. The vertical cylindrical
tank, with an inber diameter of 21 m and a height of 45 m, ends at the top of the ground surface with a
reinforced concrete slab and has a small maintenance and aeration building on top of the slab. The shaft
has a shotCrete Shell with anchoring, depending on the geological conditions, a waterproofing membrane
and a reinforced concrete inner lining. The interconnection of surge shaft, headrace tunnel and pressure
shaft is steel lined, The steel lining is corrosion protected. Supply and installation of the steel lining is
within the scope of Civil Works.
An {-bean1 incfuding a hoist shalf be instaIled over the entire length o f the aerarion buifding and shaI( be
provided by the civil work contractor. The capacity of the hoist shall be 1000 kg and the hook shall reach
the floor of the surge shaft.
The aeration building is a concrete hollow block wall structure with a concrete ceiling. The walls are
plastered and painted inside and outside. The timber roof structure is provided with hard cover (e.g. CGI-
sheet) of the best quality.
For safety reaso?s the surge tank opening in the aeration building is provided with a railing. The orifice at
the base of the Surge tank is also protected by a railing. Before the pressure shaft, safety bars are placed in
the pipe (plunge protection).
Slots and breakthroughs for cables shall be provided for Lot 2 E&M Contractor's requirements.
The primary earthing shall be carried out by the civil contractor.
Special care has to be taken, that the final cut and fill portions around the tank are stable, covered with
e,$\egetation and fit in the natural surroundings.
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Dagachhu HPP Sstion 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Tshnical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - 10

1.8 Pressure Shaft and Pressure Tunnel

The pressure shaft consists of a venical shaft with an inner diameter of 3.4 m of approximately 271 m
height and bends at the top and the bottom. In continuatiop of the shaft a short pressure tunnel of
approximately 41 m length follows, which bifurcates before the powerhouse cavern and ends at the hall
valves inside the cavern. The pressure shaft and tunnel has steel lining inside which increases in thickness
from top to bottom and bears the water pressure without participation of the surrounding rock. The lining
(pipe) is cast in concrete towards the rock and gmut injected. Welding of the joints of the pipe elements
(round welds) in the field is unavoidable, but the crucial longitudinal welds shall be shop welded. The
lining is corrosion protected.
The supply and placing of the steel lining for the pressure shaft is within the scope of the civil work
contractor until the start of the bifurcator (45m from the turbine axis centerline). The supply and placing of
the bifurcator and the pipes to the ball valves (inlet valves) is within the scope of Lot 2, E+M Contractor.
However, hacW111 concreting and grouting for this section is within the scope of Lot 1, Civil Contractor.

1.9 Powerhouse Cavern and Transformer Cavern

19.1 Powerhouse Cavern

The powerhouse is located underground in solid rock. The rooms, which contain the two units of ball
valves (inlet valves). Pelton turbines, generators, transformers, switchgem. station power supply, all
conm\ equipment and a crane, are accommd.ated in a bi% ea~crr.cwn~ctedLLbw~hc?hk -P~~R\S, an
emergency exit tunnel and the access tunnel with the smaller cavern for the 220 kV transformers and the
220 kV switchgear. The powerhouse cavern has three floor levels and the transformer cavern has two floor
The maximum outer dimensions of the main cavern are approximately 62.5 m length, 25 m width and
36.5 m height, and the dimensions of the uansformer cavern are approximately 38 m length, 15.5 m width
and 17.5 m height. The StruchlreS inside the cavern are made of reinforced concrete.
The powerhouse crane will rest on reinforced concrete beams supported on columns. The crane support
will be completed in two stages in order to enable timely assembling of the generators. For the first stage
the support shall be ready for crane installation to cover the powerhouse access area and the generator
assembling area. The second stage will be built according to the progress of the other concrete work in the
The false ceiling shall be a durable, corrosion protected, watertight metal construction which diverts
percolating water from the vault of the cavern to the side walls where it is collected in gutters and drained
in pipes down to the tailrace tunnel. The false ceiling shall be coated with noise absorbing, fire resistant
panels. In the main cavern all walls facing the cavern walls are vertical, corrosion protected, light steel
shuctures with noise absorbing fue resistant panels.
All doors are of steel, fue resistant, corrosion protected and painted, with handles and a locking
arrangement. The door to the control station shall be noise absorbing and with noise absorbing and fm
resistant glass in the wings. The doors to the generator rooms shall he sealed against dust.
The walls in the control room and the fmt aid room as well as all visible concrete walls in the machine hall
are plastered and painted. The generator rooms require a durable, dust-free and non-peeling paint. The
toilet and shower room has a tiled floor and tiles on the walls up to 1.8m. The upper pan is plastered and
painted. All other walls can be painted, provided the concrete surface is acceptable to the employer.
The floor of the machine hall, the control room and the first aid room shall have marble chip floors. All
other flwrs can remain as the concrete surface of the structure, prnvided the surface is smooth. accurate
and acceptable to the Employer, otherwise a cement mortar layer according to standards has to be applied.
The staircase shall he a reinforced concrete structure. the railing made of steel. The control room may
require a raised marble chip floor level with cable channels.

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 Chncral - 11

The stilling chambers below the turbines shall be steel lined with 1lOmm thick steel plates. Supply and
installation of the plates is within the scope of the Lot 1. Civil Works Contractor.
The recess for the ball valves shall be partly covered with a removable cover and designed for a uniform
load of 5kN/mz. For safety a removable railing shall be provided.
The opening of the turbine runner transport shaft shall also be covered with a removable conosion
protected steel cover designed for a load of 5kN/m2.
All cable channels shall be closed with corrosion protected, stiffened steel covers resting on steel angles,
butting onto the floor. The thickness of the steel plates shall not be less than 4mm.The circular shaped
covers around the generators in the machine hall shall be made in the same manner. The design load shall
be 2kNImz. The covers shall have lapping so that no dirt can fall through the gaps. Supply and installation
of all covers are within the scope of Civil Works.
The door separating the access tunnel from the cavem is foldable, or a robust, fire resistant two wing gate
with locking arrangement and has to be supplied and installed by the civil work contractor.
Above the gate an air ventilator will be installed by the Lot 2, E+M Contractor. The removable, fire
resistant partition around the ventilator shall be within the scope of the Lot 1, Civil Works Contractor.

1.9.2 Transformer Cavern

The 11 kV cables from the generators are placed in two tunnels connected to the transformer cavem. The
transformer cavern contains 6 transformer bays on the ground floor and the SF6 switchgears on the upper
floor. In case of local water percolation from the vault, a protective, non-corrosive cover shall be provided
for the equipment by the Civil Works Contractor. Rails are placed in the transformer hall and towards the
powerhouse machine hall to move transformers. The rails will be supplied by the E+M contractor, but shall
be installed by the Civil Works Contractor. The transformer cavem shall be equipped with a crane with a
capacity of 8 tons, to lift and transport the SF6 switchgear to the upper level of the cavern. The crane shall
be supplied and installed by the Civil Works Contractor.

1.10 Powerhouse Access Tunnel, Emergency Exit and Cable Tunnel

The powerhouse is accessible through a tunnel of approximately 250 m from the left embankment of the
Dagachhu. At the other end of the cavern a second tunnel, approximately 290 m long and almost parallel to
the access tunnel, contains an emergency exit, a cable duct and an aeration channel. The tunnel portals are
closed with wing dwrs and a partition around the ventilation.

1.11 Control Building

A control building, 20.3 m x 7.2 m is located near the access portal, which allows the operation of the plant
without staying permanently in the cavem. In addition to the control room with the LC switch and control
cubicles, the building also contains offices and sanitation facilities, a kitchen, stores and the emergency
diesel generator for the station supply in the ground floor.
The building is a two-storey reinforced concrete structure with plastered walls inside and outside and
traditional Bhutanese appearance from outside. The control room and the office on the upper floor are
equipped with a fre resistant, antistatic false floor and false ceiling. The supply and installation of the false
floors and ceilings is within the scope of civil work. All wet rooms have marble chip floors and tiles on the
walls. The tea kitchen has a marble chip floor. The flat roof is waterproofed and covered with soil to
provide a cushion in case of stone fall.
A septic tank and the water supply shall be provided within the Civil Works Contract
The area where the powerhouse access is located is a small bay at the left embankment of the Dagachhu,
but subject to some risk of falling rocks from the cliff above. Therefore, the building has to he designed to
withstand rock fall. Water running down the cliff shall be divened to the Dagachhu as early as during the
Dagachhu HF'P Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2Technical Specifications
Chapter M) General - 12

The g a n ~ e for
s the 220kV transmission line and the 33kV line are placed in front of the control building
close to the embankment of the Dagachhu. The cable channels end there. The cable channels are covered
with concrete slabs. The gantries are not within the scope of the civil work contract, but river protection
work shall be camed out by the Civil Work Contractor. The entire area in front of the control building shall
be blacktopped under the civil work contract.
A watertight, covered tank with a capacity of approximately 200rn3 shall be placed 50m above the access
level in the vicinity of the powerhouse access, for fmtighting purposes in the cavern. The tank, including
the pipes outside the tunnel is within the scope of Civil Works.
The supply and installation of all required anchor profiles, niches, pits, slots, cable channels and pipes cast
in the concrete structure or put in the ground is within the scope of the Civil Works Contractor.

1.12 Tailrace Tunnel and Outlet

The tailrace consists of tunnels emerging from the turbine outlets. The two tunnels join into one, which
after 679 m leads to the tailrace outlet smcture into the Dagachhu at an elevation of 527.3 m. The tunnels
have a horseshoe shape. The branching tunnels have a base width of 3.5 m and a clear height of 3.9 m. The
main tailrace tunnel has a base width of 4.25 rn and a clear height of 5.0 m. The tunnels have base slabs of
concrete with shotcrete tunnel surfaces.
The outlet structure consists of a U-shaped reinforced concrete section, which is partly covered with a slab
and bacw~lledso that the access road to the powerhouse can pass over it. Rip-rap embedded in concrete is
placed in the vicinity of the outlet to prevent soil erosion. The embankment opposing the outlet also
requires protection using rip-rap.
Stoplogs, to be set only by manpower, shall be provided in the tailrace tunnel to facilitate maintenance of
the water cooler of one unit whilst the other unit is in service. One set of stoplogs shall be sufficient for
both units. For setting the stoplog both units have to be shut down. The stoplogs shall be transported by a
light truck via the tailrace tunneychannel.
The supply and installation of all required anchor profiles, niches, pits, slots, cable channels and pipes cast
h the concrete structure or put in the ground is within the scope of the Civil Works Contractor.
1.13 Hydmmechanical and Electrical Equipment for Powerhonse

Turbine and Generator

Two Pelton turbines are installed in the powerhouse. They are of the vertical shaft type with steel plate
conveyance system and are directly coupled to the generator above. The s m - u p and shutdown of the
units shall be entirely automatic. Operation shall be possible locally and remote conirolled from the ~ r b i n e
control board and fmm the control building.
The casting and grouting (fmt and second stage concrete) of the embedded parts including the
reinforcement is included within the scope of supply of the Civil Works Contract.

TurbineInlet Valve (Ball Valve)

The turbine inlet valve is located before the inlet of the spiral casing. The valve separates the turbine from
the penstock and shuts off the flow in case of possible failure of the turbine apparatus. One inlet valve will
be provided for each generating unit together with its ancillary equipment. The opening of the valve shall
be carried out using an oil pressure system.
The foundation and the placing of all required niches, pits, slots, cable channels and pipes cast in the
concrete structure or put in the ground is within the scope of the Civil Works Contractor.
Dagachhu HPP Sectiw 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - 13

Dewatering System
The dewatering system will cover the drainage system of the powerhouse as well as the dewatering of the
main units. The water will be collected in a pump sump and pumped to the tailwater canal. The drainage
and dewatering pit shall be equipped with two identical submersible-type pumps. For the drainage system.
one pump will operate during normal operation and the second pump shall serve as a standby-unit. The
pumps shall be automatically controlled by float switches. The design of most of the dewatering pits shall
preferably require no pump. Provisions shall be made, that no water from outside enters the cavern through
the access and emergency tunnel by trenches.
The dewatering system also includes the pipe work, the siphons and the covers
The complete dewatering system including the pumps shall be supplied and installed by the civil

Cooling Water System

The transformer c o o l i g system is supplied by a closed cooling water system. The system is split up for
both units and the transformer is cooled from one of the two systems. Two cooling water pumps deliver the
Water to the generator and to the transformer. The water is cooled in a watedwater heat exchanger in the
tailrace channel.
The placing of all required niches, pits, slots, cable channels and pipes cast in the concrete structure or put
in the ground is withii the scope of the Civil Work Contractor.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning @WAC)

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems will be supplied for the entire power plant according to
the actual requirements. The supply of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems shall comprise
all heating, ventilating and air conditioning units with control boards, chiller units, recirculation pumps,
heat exchanger, etc.
The powerhouse cavern is ventilated continuously by Fresh air fans and exhaust air fans. In case of fm,
smoke is extracted through separate fans in the upper pan of the emergency tunnel.
The fans and ancillary equipment for ventilation of the powerhouse cavern is supplied and installed under
the scope of Lot 2 E&M.
The installation of heating and air conditioning for the control building shall be carried out by the Civil
The inlet structure for fresh air and the outlet structure for smoke (both comected to channels of the
emergency tunnel) shall be installed by the Civil Contractor in an appropriate configuration.
The door of the access tunnel shall have grills to allow flow of air. A fine wire mesh prevents intrusion of
flies and other animals.
Design, Sup~lya d installation of HVAC for the control building shall be done by the Civil Works

Oil hydraulic Equipment, Transformers, Switchgears, Operation and Control Cubicles

These components are accommodated in separate rooms. All cable channels, false floors, openings,
recesses, foundations, floor preparation, sealing of wall openings and covers for cable channels are within
the scope of the civil work.
The (raw) floor shall be equipped with a sink to drain water.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's RequiremGnts 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - 14

Flow Measuring Equipment

The flow through the headrace tunnel, pressure shaft andlor penstock shall be measured by an ultrasonic
measuring system combined with water level measuring equipflent in the surge lank. Location of the feed-
through transducen shall be in the area of the headrace tunnel iotake structure and in the area of the turbine
inlet valve. A relay output will warn of a penstock pressure shaft or pressure tunnel rupture and initiate a
gate and valve closure. Remote flow indication and relay signals shall be transferred to the control room
and control building respectively.
The supply and installation of Flow Measuring Equipment are within the scope of the Lot 2, E&M
Contractor but cable ducts, slots, etc., have to be provided by the Conuactor of Lot 1 Civil Works.

Powerhouse Cranes, 2x80115t Auxiliary Cranes
In the powerhouse machine hall, two cranes each with a capacity of 801 are installed. They independently
run on one pair of crane rails but can be joined to operate synchronously and handle loads of up to 1501.
The crane installed in the powerhouse machine hall shall be an indoor overhead travelling type. It shall be
used when necessary, to handle the heaviest and largest parts of the powerhouse equipment. This crane
shall be used for the erection and for future maintenance of the turbines. valves and generators of the
power plant.
The support for the crane rails (reinforced concrete beams on columns) is erected by the Civil Work
CanUactar .
The transformer cavem shall be equipped with a crane with a capacity of St to lift and transport the SF6
switchgear into the upper part of the cavem. This crane shall be supplied and installed by the Civil Work

Tailwater Area I Stoplogs

The stoplogs shall permit dewatering of the turbine's tailwater area by the powerhouse dewatering pumps
for the purpose of repair, control and maintenance work, whep the unit is not in operation. Stoplogs will
have dimensions of approx. 4.5 x 5 m.
Handling and setting in place of each unit will be carried out by means of an elecuically driven hoist. The
stoplog grwves at the handling platfom shall be covered by steel gratings.
The support for the hoist as well as the gratings shall be supplied by the Civil Contractor.

Primary Earthing
The requirement of primary earthing shall be approximately 5000m (Five thousand metre) and 300
Connection points with strips to the surface. The emhing strips have to be connected with the
The material shall be galvanized Iron ship of 40mm x 5mm.
This coven weir and intake, desilter, surge shaft, powerhouse, control buildings and gantries. Small
earthing connections to doors, railings and other small metal items are not included in the above figures but
have also to be provided by the Civil Works Contractor.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - I5

1.14 Climatic and Catchment characteristics

1.14.1 Catchment and Station Network

A delineation of the catchment area for the proposed intake location has been drawn based on the digital
elevation model GTOPO 30, which has a spatial resolution of approximately I km. As shown in Figure 1,
the elevation within the catchment ranges from approximately 700 m to 4000 m. The total size of the
catchment is 676 km2.

Catchment and Station Nelwork- Dagana Chu

Figure 1: Dagachhu Catchment

1.14.2 Precipitation
Figure 2 shows the long-term mean monthly precipitation observed at the Daga Dzong gauge during the
pcriod 1996 to 2005. Mean annual precipitation observed within that period is approximately 3000 mm.
Maximum precipitation typically occurs during the monsoon period from June to September. The period
from November to January is practically dry.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter W General - I6


S e a s o n a l Variation of P r e c i p i t a t i o n - Daga Dzong

F- 500

1 400

f 300

i :::

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 2: Seasonal variation of precipitation - Daga Dmng Station (1460 m asl)

1.14.3 Temperature
The seasonal variation of temperature in Daga Dzong is shown in Figure 3. The long-term mean of daily
minimum (maximum) temperature varies between 6°C (1 1°C) in January and 18°C (24°C) in June.

S e a s o n a l V a r i a t i o n of T e m p e r a t u r e . D a g a D z o n g

0 L
1 2 3

4 5
Mean of Daily Min Temperature

6 7 8 9

10 11 12

Figore 3: Seasanal variation of ternperaturn Daga Dzong Station (1460 rn asl)
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter W General - I7

1.15 Discharge

1.15.1 Long T e r m Average Runoff

A mean annual runoff of 1300 mm shall be considered as an appropriate design value. Mean monthly
discharge based upon this value is shown below in Figure 4.

Mean Monthly Discharge - Intake HPP (676 km')

,oo . ..- ..~- - . . . p-p ~~~ ~


.AWW~BE 1992.t991 based on obrervatonr at ~arhidlng( ~ n n u a~ u n o w - (000 mml I

Jan FeD Mar Apr May Jln Ju Aug

-- Sep Oc'
- Nov Dec
Figure 4: Comparison of expected long.term average discharge at intake site with observations ZW5

The design discharge duration curve for the intake location is therefore as shown in Figure 5.
Flow Duration Curve Dagachhu HPP (676 km3
Based on Discharge Obser~tionsatTashiding Gauging Station (814 km2) 1992-1997



$ 120.00



0.00 1 ! ! ,
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
%Time Discharge Equaled ore Exceeded

Figure 5: Flow Duration C w e

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter W General - 18

1.15.2 Seasonal Variation of Discharge

In Table I values of minimum. maximum and mean daily discharge are given for the proposed Dagachhu
HPP site (adjusted from the Tashiding gauging station using the ratio of the catchment areas. 676 km2 I
814 kmz). Compared to the average discharge of the observation period 1992 to 1997, the expected long-
term average is 30% higher.

1 I I
Jul 1 14.30 45.60 154.42 59.28

A% 11.55 44.08 122.38 57.30

SeP 23.87 44.03 119.46 57.24

Oct 14.34 27.02 54.06 35.13

Nov 1 11.48 17.76 107.40 23.09
Dec 7.34 12.63 18.21 16.42
Table 1: Monthly minimum, maximum and mean values of daily discharge - Dagachhu HPP (676 km') based on
observations at Tashiding (814 km')

A graphical illustration of the seasonal discharge characteristics is given in Figure 6.

Seasonal Variation a l Daily Discharge

Dsgaehhu HPP (676 kmf)

1 Jar Feb Mar r % JUT WQ Sep 3ci hav ;.ec


6: Seasonal variation of daily discharge- Dagachhu HPP (676 km2)

b ~ d & u m ~ n l ~ l oi \c i " i i r a b U u i..dirn&ib Iroiunri~Wmsi-on6~~~~~~ddddd

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Ernplaycr's Requirements 6.2Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 Gcnerai - 19

1.15.3 Low Flow Conditions

Figure 7 shows the minimum flows at the Tashiding gauging station for each year of the observation period
(lowest 7-day and lowest I-day average flow). Low flows at Dagachhu HPP (676 km') were calculated
from the low flows at the Tashiding gauging station (8 14 km2).

O,.Oi.19, 3112.1992 31.121533 31.121994 31.12 1995 3012.1996

Figure 7: Observed low flows at Tashiding (1992- 1997)

The low flows at the Dagachhu HPP intake in Table 2 have been extrapolated using a Log Pearson 111
distribution for different recurrence intervals.
Recurrence Lowest 7-day average Lowest I-day average
Interval flow flow
[years] [m31s] [~~ISI
5 5.78 5.57
10 5.72 5.50
50 5.67 5.46
100 5.66 5.45
Table 2: Low flow magnitudes and frequencies for Dagachhu HPP based on Log Pearson In statistics

Firm flow (incl. residual flow) is in the range of 6.4 (95% time available) to 5.6 (99.9% time available),
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - 20

1.16 Design Flood

1.16.1 Dagachhu Flood Frequency Analyses

The analysis of flood frequency for Dagachhu HPP is based on 6-hourly time series of discharge observed
at the Tashiding gauging station (8 14 km2) for 6 years of observation.
The results of the flood frequency analysis are presented below in graphical and tabular form (Gumbel
distribution) in Figure 8and Table 3 respectively.

Figure 8: Flwd magnitudes and frequencies for Dagachhu HPP based on the Gumbel distribution

I Recumnce intmal lyeanl I Pcak discharge 1 Upper 9546 confidence bound I Lowcr95R confidence bound I

5 353 441 260

I 23 1 266 195
Table3: Flood magnitudes and frequencies for Dagschhu HPP based on the Gumbel distribution
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2Technical Specifications
Chapter M) General - 21

1.17 Existing Access Roads

Roads in Bhutan pass through mountainous terrain and are typically narrow with sharp turns and bridges
not designed for hearing heavy loads.
Goods coming from overseas countries such as Europe are usually shipped to Calcutta and from there
transported to the Bhutan border at Phuntsholing. To reach the project site on a motorable road, there are
two possibilities, when starting at Phuntsholing and ending at Sankosh. The recommended route to reach
the project site for heavy lorries from the India I Bhutan border is:
(route entirely in Bhutan)
An alternative route for small trucks would he available provided one bridge is bypassed and customs
clearance is possible:
(route in India and Bhutan)
The road network in the project area is shown in Figure 9, on which the recommended route can be seen,

Figure 9: Road network in Southwest Bhutan

D,dd, 8 rir,cm~s,in
i-.MioilovOI 8 ,jwmrjIluminn*m*daoldum nu is zlrhn,iaf ~mlri.m~lnnrr~ni.rmIIII~IIcI~~ TWO*
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter W General - 22

1.17.1 Recommended Route -
Phuntsholing Sankosh
Phuntsholing-Semtoka-Sankosh ca. 320 km,all in Bhutan;
Road widening and improvement in progress up to Rurichhu;
Some widening of Rurichhu to Sankosh required;
9 bridges between Phuntsholing and Semtoka, bearing capacities of 30 - 70 tons, spans of 9 - 67 m:
5 bridges between Semtoka and Rurichhu, bearing capacities 18 - 241, spans of 10 - 33 m;
7 bridges between Rurichhu and Sankosh, bearing capacities of 18 - 401, spans of 17 - 85 m. -
Sankosh Dagana
From the new bridge (design capacity 40tons. span 94m) at Sankosh, the Daga district road leads to the
project area and new access roads lead from the district road down to the various project sites. The road
distance from the Sankosh Bridge to the powerhouse is about 56km. to the intake area about 70km.
Along the district road eight rivers and streams are crossed with eleven bridges having spans between 9m
and 33m and an initial capacity of 24 tons, but have been downgraded to 12 tons. A few hairpin turns with
an outer radius of less than 9m create a bottleneck for long trucks. However, construction equipment
(excavator) on truck with a p s s weight of 28 tons has recently reached the site and the road will be
improved gradually.
The standard and length of all temporary roads required during construction are at the discretion of the
contractor, but have to be dismantled and the area reinstated to original conditions unless the employer
decides otherwise.
For further details regarding roads refer to Chapter 02 Site Installation, Clause 2.5 Access Roads.

1.18 Power Supply

For the site power supply, a 33 kV overhead line connection from Serpagaon sub-station (approximately
6.4 km away) is under construction and will he ready by the time the construction work starts.
The power supply for the construction work is to reach the intake, desilter, side adit. surge tank.
powerhouse and tailwater area using 33 kV overhead lines. On each location a step down transformer
750kVA. 33kV10.415kV will be placed. From there the contractor can take his required supply. The lines
shall be used after construction to supply the plant components with the required electricity for operation.

1.18.1 Reliability of Power Supply

Power blackouts can occur due to transmission line problems, particularly in the rainy season. Suitable on-
site standby generators are therefore required and shall be provided by the Civil Works Contractor.

1.19 Completeness
The Contractor shall, in cooperation with the supplier of the electrical and hydromechanical equipment,
provide all civil work for a complete and fully opeiative state-of-the-art Power Plant with reinstatement of
the natural environment disturbed during construction.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 00 General - 23

1.20 Standards
The work shall comply with the latest issue of the applicable European standards and Eurocodes or
equivalent internation~llyacceptable standards The Contractor shall identify the standards he intends to use
and shall submit copies of latest editions of relevant standards to the Employer if required.

1.21 Units of Measurements

The international S1-system of measures and weights shall be used for documents, correspondence,
drawings, etc.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 01 Design Works

Section 6 Employer's ~ e q u i r e m e n t s

6.2 T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S

Chapter 01
Design Works
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 01 Design Works .ii


Section 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 01

1 DESIGN WORKS ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope of Design ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Interface with Lot 2 E&M ................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Cavern Exploration Concept in the Early Construction Stage................................................1
1.4 General Layout of the Faclhtles.............................................................................................. 1
1.5 Standards ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.6 Apprbval of Design .............
1.7 Design Life .............................................................................................................................
1.8 Hydraulic Model Test ............................................................................................................. 3
1.9 Routine Operating and Maintenance Systems ........................................................................4
1.10 Maj~Maintenance............................................................................................................. 4
1.11 Durability, Reliability & Redundancy .................................................................................... 4
1.12 Flood Criteria.......................................................................................................................5
1.13 . . ......................................................................................................................
Seismic Cntena 5
1.14 Performance Criteria ............... . ............................................................................................ 5
1.14.1 General ......................................................................................................................5
1.14.2 Operating Rang ..............................5
1.14.3 Net Head at the ........................................................................................... 5
1.14.4 Particle Separation.....................................................................................................5
1.15 Tests at Completion ................................................................................................................ 5
1.16 "AS-built" Drawings ...........................
Dagachhu HPP Satition 6- Employer's Rquircmcnts 6.2 Techniml Spccitications
Chapter 0 I Design Wohs I-


1.1 Scope of Design

In respect to design, the Works include all stages of design, based on the Tender draw in^ in Section 6.7
forming the guideline for the design works-, and specifically includes dwelopment of initial design
concepts, detailed design, all necessary execution drawing including calculations, and the design of
commissioning and testing programs, where necessary. The Works include hydraulic design as well as
structural design and as-built documentation.
The Works include all facilities, srmctms, housing, offices, etc., regarding site installation. The Works
include the design of infrast~cturesuch as pow& supply, water supply, sewerage and wastewater
treatment, access roads to camps and working areas for Lot 1, and for Lot 2 E&M Equipment. By that, the
site installation facilities of Lot 2 E&M Equipment shall be enabled to connect with the infrastructure as
mentioned above without major work.
To the extent that the Employer's Requirements describe elements of the conceptual design, the Contractor
may propose changes and subject to the Employers approval; those changes will become embodied in the
Employer's Requirements.
Wherever additional land survey is necessaly for proper design works, such land survey works shall be
included in the scope of work of the Contractor. Reference is made to Chapter 03 of these Technical

12 Interface with Lot 2 E&M

The Works include close cooperation, coordination and exchange of data, calculations and drawings with
the Contractor of Lot 2 E&M Equipment. Therefore, the Works also include the incorporation of all
relevant data and information from Lot 2 into the execution drawings, in order to guarantee completeness
of the overall design and the Works and to meet all reqnimnents for the correct and timely construction of
the civil work stmcnrres. The Contractor shall submit all relevant drawings with interfaces to Lot 2 to the
Lot 2 E&M Contractor in such a time and freqnency, that the Lot 2 Contractor is able to proceed with his
design without any delay for a correct and timely erection and installation of the electrical, mechanical, and
hydrosteel equipment. The Contractor shall prepare a detailed program for the design work and shall
mutually agree on such a program with the Lot 2 E&M Contractor. Such a program, signed by the
Contractor and the Lot 2 E&M Contractor, shall be submitted to the Employer within 40 days of
effectiveness of the Contract.

13 Cavern Exploration Concept in the Early Construction Stage

Large underground cavities require a careful design considering the characteristics of rock mass,
particularly the orientation of the discontinuities. Before the cavern will be finally positioned, the access
tunnel and a drift through the potential location of the transformer cavern perpendicular to the access
tunnel shall be excavated and mapped. Upon these fmdings the exnct location of the cavem complex shall
be finalized. Favorable relations between orientation of discontinuities and orientation of the cavern axis
shall be prepared by the Contractor's designer beforehand, so that prompt decisions by Employer and
Contractor can follow.

1.4 General Layout of the Facilities

No alternatives shall be considered to the tender design presented by the Employer in these documents and
the drawings contained herein.
The Facilities comprised in the Dagachhu Hydropower Plant shall include the following components:
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 01 Design Works - 2

(a) Permanent access works to the Dagachhu diversion weir and intake including Tanalum Chhu bridge,
the connection channel, the portals of the connection tunnel, the desilter, the beadrace channel, the
portals of the headrace tunnel, the side adit at Chura Chhu, the surge shaft, the access tunnel to the
headrace tunnel at the surge shaft, the control building at the access tunnel to the cavern, and the
portal of the tailrace tunnel.
@) Water conveyance system, comprising intake, channels, wnnels, penstock sequence at the side adit,
surge shaft, steel lined pressure shaft, bends, bifurcation, turbine shaft, tailwater channels in the
cavern, tailrace tunnel, outlet structures.
(c) Diversion weir and intake
(d) Connection channel including Gamla Chhu bridge
(e) Connection tunnel
(0 Desilter
(g) Headrace channel
(h) Headrace tunnel north and south including facilities at the side adit and type of lining (cast-in-place
watertight I cast-in-place open-jointed I shotcrete) according to the ground and rock overburden
conditions in order to prevent leakages
(i) Surge shaft
(i) Vertical pressure shaft
(k) Horizontal pressure shaft, tunnel for bifurcator
(I) Powerhouse cavern, the transformer cavern, generator cable tunnels, including all auxiliary tunnels for
excavation, mucking, etc.
(ml Access tunnel to caverns
(n) Tunnel for cable duct (power evacuation), air supply and emergency
(o) Tailwater tunnel
(p) Deposit areas for rock and soft ground excavation material
(q) Control buildmg
(r) All other civil work structures and facilities necessary for completeness of the Dagachhu Hydropower
(s) Structures and facilities for site installation
(t) Protection and maintenance components, including slope protection works, river embankment
protection works, steel linings, overhead travelling cranes
(u) Earthing system of all civil work structures with hydrosteel or electromechanical equipment
(v) As-built drawings and operation and maintenance manuals
A general layout of the Dagachhu Hydropower Plant and appurtenant structures is included in Section 6
and detailed requirements for each element are described in relevant chapters of this Specification.

1.5 Standards
Eurocode or equivalent standards as approved by the Employer shall be applied for the design. However,
only such standards shall be allowed, of which official english versions are available. All design works
shall follow the best practice and state of the art principle. The Coneactor shall submit 3 copies of any
standards, approved by the Employer and used for the design, to the Employer.

I w l u m " b u l i i - u n m 6 ~ 6 2 i & ~ q r n f i c a t b ~ b b t ~*0l p

Dagachhu HPP Scctiotl 6- Employer's Rrquirmmts 6.2 Tcchnicnl S~cificatim.;
Chapter 01 Dmign Works I-

1.6 Approval of Design

The Contractor shall coordinate the design of the Civil Works with the Lot 2 E&M Contractor and shall
incorporate the data and design of the Lot 2 E&M Contractor in his design and drawings, where necessary.
without any delay according to the design work program to be submitted by the Contractor, see para 1.2.
The Contractor shall submit execution drawings 84 days ahead of construction to the Employer for review
and approval. The design andlor drawings shall be returned to the Contractor within the review period
according to Clause 5.2 of Section 7 GCC, marked with approved, or with coinments for corrections. The
Contmctor shall send two copies of all execution drawing with an interface to Lot 2 E&M to the Lot 2
E&M Contractor for information or for his further d e s i g work, as the case may be.
The Contractor shall confmn in his bid, that delivery of drawings 84 days ahead of construction,
considering the coordination and necessary sequences of exchange of dnwingsJinfonnation with Lot 2
E&M as well as the review period of the E~nployer,is sufficient. The Contractor may sugpst an
alternative appropriate approval procedure, in order to ineet the n:ht construction schedule.

1.7 Design Life

Materials used, design and workmanship standards shall be those which are the best conunercially
available and have the following targets for design lifz.
- Civil works (excluding access works but including structures and tunnels) 60 years
- Conusion protection (plating and coatings other than paint): 15 years
- Corrosion protection ( Internal 10 years, External 8 years

1.8 Hydraulic Model Test

The Design Works include the preparation and guidance of a physical hydraulic model test to be performed
at the University of Imsbmck or Graz or Vienna in Austria. For bid comparison, a fixed lump sum for this
work will be given to the Bidder by the Employer. Subject to the model test shall be the geometry of the
weir section, energy dissipation in the stilling basin, flow conditions at the intake, and the flow condition at
the inlet gates of the desilter as well of the desilter basins. Results of the model tests and recommendations
for the design thereof for proper operation of the relevant components of the plant shall be followed. The
Contractor shall provide the institute performing the model tests with all necessary survey data and
relevant drawings, and shall redesign the relevant components according to the result of the model tests.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 01 Design Works - 4

1.9 Routine Operating and Maintenance Systems

The power plant shall be capable of operating unmanned for periods up to 24 hours.
The operating model used in the design may include that the Employer will have full time representation at
the control building at the access tunnel to the powerhouse cavern, undertaking routine tasks including:
(a) Periodic inspection of weir, stilling basin, desilter and removal of logs, leaves and debris.
(b) Removal of silt from the reservoir upstream of the weir by flushing through the radial gates in the weir.
(c) Manual adjustment of compensation discharges at the weir.
(d) Desilter flushing procedures.
(e) Manual inspection of surface elements of the conveyance system including the connection channel,
desilter, headrace channel, side adit to the headrace tunnel at Chura Chhu, surge tank, Bifurcator Tunnel 1
and 2, powerhouse cavern, generator cable tunnel 1 and 2, transformer cavem, access tunnel to powerhouse
cavem, emergency exit tunnel, tailrace tunnel, outlet structure.
(f) Reading and logging of meteorological and hydrographic instruments (rain and river level gauges)
installed by the Employer at the intake and discharge points (such instruments, not being part of the
( f ) General housekeeping and light routine maintenance.
Additionally, the Employer will engage such other resources as are required for periodic maintenance of
the power plant according to schedules to be described in the operation and maintenance manuals provided
by the Contractor as part of the Works.

1.10 Major Maintenance

The power plant shall be designed to:
(a) Permit access to plant and equipment to undertake maintenance with only minimal removal of other
plant and equipment.
(b) Minimize any need to shut down the power plant for maintenance inspections and/or work
(c) Restrict any major overhaul work to frequencies greater than five years of normal operation.

1.11 Durability, Reliability & Redundancy

(a) The power plant shall be designed for the following maximum outage criteria per annum excluding
periods of scheduled overhauls at 5 or more year intervals
(b) Redundant plant and systems are not generally required; however, multiple items of plant or equipment
are preferred to single items in the design.
(c) Where multiple items of components of the civil work structures are included in the power plant.
breakdown or routine maintenance on one item shall not require shutdown of the other items except for the
Water Conveyance System for which shutdown will be required.
(d) All civil structures shall be designed to operate reliably, Considering the data (loads, provisions, etc.)
arising from the equipment and works of Lot 2 E&M. The design of the civil works bas to follow strictly
the technical requirements of the Lot 2 E&M Equipment for proper operation of the whole plant.
(e) Weir, intake, channels, headrace tunnel, caverns. tailrace tunnels, access and emergency exit tunnel, and
all other civil structures shall have durable structures and wear surfaces suitable for the conditions in which
they are placed and are required to work.
Dagachhu WPP Scc6on 6 - Emptoyur's Requiremcnrs 6.2 Tcchnicnl Specitiuations
Chapter 01 Dcsim Works - 5

1.12 Flood Criteria

The power plant shall be designed to meet the following flood criteria.
(a) The power plant shall continue normal operation during floods up to the I-in-5 year rehm period, say
350 m3is.
(b) The power plant shall not sustain damage other than incidental damage during floods up to the 1-in-
1000 year return period, say 707 m'ls.

1.13 Seismic Criteria

The power plant shall be designed to withstand seismic disturbances at the Dagachhu site having a return
period of 2000 years equivalent to a 5% probability of occurrence in a project life of 100 years. The
Contractor shall be required to present the results of detailed analysis using all reasonably available seismic
data and demonstrating the determination of seismic design panuneters in accordance with this criterion.

1.14 Performance Criteria

1.14.1 General
The power plant shell meet the following performance criteria regarding the civil works. T i e lest
methodology required for testing compliance with these performance criteria is described belouf. Any
failure of the Works to meet tl~esecriteria must be remedied prior to co~npletion.

1.14.2 Operating Range

The power plant shall deliver electricity whenever the diverfable flow at the weir is less than the divenable
flow corresponding to the 1-in-5 year flood level as defined in Clause 1.12 of this chapter.
The power plant shall operate principally as a run-of-the-river plant to provide continuous and
uninterrupted generation utilizing up to 50 m'is of current flows.

1.14.3 Net Head at the Turbines

The net head immediately upsbam of the hnbine shall be a minimum of 282,OO m, when each of the two
turbine generator units is operating at 100% output and the power is equal or greater than 114 MW.

1.14.4 Particle Separation

The desilter shall trap at least:
90% ofparticles greater than 0.2mm. and 99.9% of particles greater than 0.5mn at design flow of SO mjis
References to panicle size mean the smallest dimensions of a cube that would contain the panicle.

1.15 Tests a t Completion

All Performance Criteria described in Clause 1.14 of this chapter shall be site tested using methodologies
described in internationally recognized standards.
Within the Tests at Completion, the power plant shall be operated by the Contractor for a period of 2 weeks
prior to completion without any interruption or shortfall. lntenuptions or shortfalls caused by the Employer
or trivial operator faults shall be permitted in this test.

The Contractor shall submit detailed drawings of all areas used for site installation and of all structures and
-... -..

. ...
. . , , .
buildings, including the equipment of Lot 2 connected to or imbedded in the civil work structures.
Dngachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Speclficat~ons
Chapter 02 Site Installation


Part I1 Requirements
Section 6 Employer's Requirements

6.2 T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S

Chapter 02
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificat~ons
Chapter 02 Site Installation .ii

Lot 1 Civil Works. Volume I1
Section 6.2 Technical Specifications


1 GENERAL O F SITE INSTALLATIOS ....................................................................................... 1
1.1 Installation .............................................................................................................................. I
1.2 Removal of Site Installation ................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Materials and Equipment ........................................................................................................ 1
2 EXECUTION O F WORK .............................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Site Installation ...................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 "As-built" .Drawings ............................................................................................................. 2
2.3 Auxiliary Services of Site Installation 2
2.4 Preparation of Terrain ......................................................... 2
2.5 Access Roads .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.5.1 Categories of Access Roads ................... .
.. .......................................................... 3
2.5.2 Contractor's Duties .................................................................................................... 3
2.6 Car Park Area ............... 4
2.7 Storage Areas .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.8 Power Supply .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.8.1 Single Line Diagram ............................................................................................... 6
2.8.2 Electric stand-by ........................................................................................................ 7
2.9 Water Supply and Sewage System 7
2.10 WaterDistribution 7
2.1 1 Housing. Accommodation and Facilities for the Contractor .................................................. 7
2.12 Site Laboratory ............................. 8
2.13 Storage and Workshop Area for Lot 2 Contractor .......................................................... 8
3 TESTS AND PROPERTIES ..........................................................................................................
4 AUXILIARY WORKS FOR SITE INSTALLATION ................................................................8
Dagachhu HPP Seclion 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 02 Site lnsrallation I


The item "Site Installation" shall include all costs for personnel, procurement, supply, furnishing, transport,
erection and installation, operation and maintenance, depreciation, supplementing if required and removal
of all plant and construction equipment and auxiliary equipment, materials, tools. all temporary
installations such as workshops, offices, laboratories, stores, houses, and all other facilities required for
Contractor's personnel and for the execution of the construction works and for the fulfillment of the
Contractor's obligations laid down in the Contract.
Unless not otherwise provided for in the Bill of Quantities, the above items shall also include works such
as site roads (including all auxiliary works, e.g., maintenance, crossings, drainage, etc.), parking areas.
storage areas, auxiliary buildings and structures, supply of electric power, drinking and industrial water
supply, sewage disposal, waste disposal, medical facilities, construction workers and supervisors housing
and community facilities and all other similar works required for the safe and efficient execution of the
works of Lot I Civil Works. In addition. procurement, supply, erection and installation, operation and
maintenance of infrastructure such as power supply, water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment.
access roads to camps and working areas shall include those for the site installation facilities of Lot 2
E&M. The Contractor of Lot 2 E&M shall be enabled to connect with the infrastructure as mentioned
above without major work.
The Contractor shall submit drawings with his Bid, showing his proposal for Site installation for the
respective section. The final arrangement for site installation shall he m u W y agreed upon wi!h the
Employer prior to Contract signature.

1.1 Installation
The Contractor shall present, twenty (20) calendar days prior to start of any works, drawings and
specifications sufficiently detailed to enable the Employer to determine the suitability of the proposed
constructions and their conformity with these specifications.

1.2 Removal of Site Installation

As soon as the work covered by these specifications is completed and before the Conuact's final
liquidation. the Contractor, with prior approval of the Employer, shall remove from the Employer's
property all buildings, installations and temporary facilities erected above ground. The Contractor shall fill
with earth all basements and underground areas. leaving the terrain completely clean and with good
appearance. The Contractor shall also treat the excavations executed for his own convenience, such as
temporary roads, in a way acceptable to the Employer. If the Contractor refuses to remove the construction
installations or if the operation is not made within two (2) months from completion of the work, the
constructions and other installations may be removed by the Employer and the removal costs shall be
deducted from the Contractor's final payment.
All necessary replanting and reshaping of used surrounding shall be within the Conuact price

13 Materials and Equipment

Materials and equipment for the site facilities shall meet the requirements of the site and shall meet the
approval of the Employer. The standard of the housing, offices, laboratories and first aid facilities. and the
layout of the buildings provided therefore shall be subject to approval of the Employer, and shall meet the
requirements specifiedbelow.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 02 Site Installation - 2


2.1 Site Installation

Subject m the approval of the Employer, for lcxailon, construction, handling, and maintenance of the site
installations, the Contractor may use terrain close to the work as specified in the Tender Drawings, except
the areas kept for specific objects of the Employer, and provided that their use does not interfere with any
for the site installations, all necessary negotiations with the owner and any involved expenses shall he his
responsibility. He shall also make available for the Contractor of Lot 2 E&M and other contractors
working on the project all areas required for the execution of their works if these works are located at the
same site.
Required areas for Lot 2, E&M Contractor are indicated in the drawings No. 3356-301 and the areas to he
prepared by the Civil Works Contractor is 500 m2 above the Tailrace Tunnel and 1000 m2 at Guithang
near suspension bridge. The area will be demarcated by the Employer after the award of the Contract.

2.2 "As-built" - Drawings

The Contractor shall submit detailed drawings of all areas used for site installation and of all buildings
after implementation.

2.3 Auxiliary Services of Site Installation

The items for site installation shall also include the following services:
- distribution and supply of electric power at site from the nearest available power point, includiny
operation thereof within the scope of building sites;
- distribution of industrial and potable water;
- supply and distribution of compressed air where required under the Contract, but limited to the
Contractor's own consumption;
- waste disposal and pertinent toilet accommodation, sewage lines, septic tanks, filters, etc., as
required. The design and location of toilets, sewage and waste disposal works shall he subject to the
Employer's approval;
- provision of fire-fighting equipment during construction of the works;
- all preparation works for areas required for site installation;
- lighting of working areas, all access roads. tunnels and underground structures, etc., and the
provision and maintenance of all safety measures and precautions;
- temporary access roads including maintenance during the construction period.

2.4 Preparation of Terrain

The preparation of the terrain, which has been made available, shall be executed in accordance with the
requirements of the facilities to be installed. Felling of trees, clearing and grubbing shall be limited to the
purpose of use/occupation of the different areas. Excavated topsoil and vegetable mould shall be stockpiled
for later backfilling close to permanent structures of construction installations after removal of the same.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 02 Site Installation - 3

2.5 Access Roads

Road blocks on any road within Bhutan to the Project Area of a duration continuously up to 15 days per
occurrence shall not affect the time schedule and the project cost. Hence the Contractor shall keep
sufficient stock of materials on site.

2.5.1 Categories of Access Roads

Cat. Characteristics Responsibility of the Contractor

A Public road (District Road) between Power The Contractor shall maintain and keep
House Access take-off point and Dam Site motorable for vehicles at any one time and
Access take-off point hand over in original condition upon
completion of contract.
B Site Access Roads handed over by the The Contractor shall maintain and keep
Employer motorable for site vehicles at any one time and
hand over in original condition upon
completion of contract.
C Site Access Roads to be constructed by the The Contractor shall construct maintain and
Lot 1 Contractor keep motorable for site vehicles at any one time
and hand over in good service condition upon
completion of contract.
D Temporary (provisional) Site Access Roads The Contractor shall consbuct, maintain and
keep motorable for site vehicles at any one time
and remove before handing over upon
completion of contract.

25.2 Contractor's Duties

Proper maintenance of all roads being used by the Contractor during the entire construction period
including bridges and crossings within the construction sites shall be included in the lump sum.
Removal of slides from the access roads (Cat. A,B,C,D) during construction shall also be at the
Contractor's expense, as well a3 the maintenance of the road surfaces and their drainage systems
(Cat. B.C,D).
This work shall include the provision of such traffic control signals, lighting and signs as the Contractor
may require or as may be required by the Employer.
Any work, improvement or modification at the existing access roads made by the Contractor, for his own
convenience, and without being ordered by the Employer shall be at the Contractor's own risk and expense.
All access mads shall also be for the use of lransport by all other contractors and the Employer.
Additional mads, their drainage systems and similar facilities which have to be built to transport personnel.
equipment and materials shall be constructed by the Contractor at his own expense and with the Employer's
prior approval. The maintenance of such roads during the construction period shall also be at the
Contractor's expense.
Upon completion of the Contract and before the handing-over of the work to the Employer, roads and
access branches whose construction and maintenance were an obligation of the Contract shall be left in
good condition of service.
shall issue instructions
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chaprer 02 Site inaallation - 4

Tbe Public Roads to be maintained by the Civil Works Contractor shall be the reach between Powerhouse
take-off point and Dame Site take-off point measuring approximately 10 km. The Contractor shall keep
this reach of Public Roads motorable at all times and no extra payment shall be made.
No time extension and cost escalation/compensation shall be allowed for any road (national highway or
district road or project road) blocks continuously up to 15 days. The Contractor shall keep in stock
sufficient quantity of construction materials at site to manage such contingencies. No strengthening of
existing public roads and bridges will be carried out by the Employer for the Civil Works Contractor.

2.6 C a r Park Area

This item comprises the construction, maintenance and removal of the temporary car park area. which has
to be indicated on the layout plan for site installation to be submitted by the Contractor. Execution of the
work, e.g., drainage, cross-section, surfacing of hardstands and marking shall be as required in the

2.7 Storage Areas

The Contractor's site installation comprises the construction, maintenance and removal of temporary
storage areas to be indicated on the general layout plan, including any additional temporary storage areas in
or about the site required in connection with the construction works and as allotted by the Employer. All
and any additional land not indicated on the general layout plan, which the Contractor in his opinion
considers necessaty for his site installation, shall be acquired or rented by the Contractor at his own
expense. The storage and housing areas as shown in the general layout plan shall be made available also
for others working on the project in accordance with the time schedule or as approved by the Employer.
Preparation and leveling of storagelworking areas for other contractors shall be executed and are to be
Deposit areas for the penstock pipes (steel lining), including preparation, shall be within the item for Site
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 02 Site Installation - 5

2.8 Power Supply

The Employer will construct the Construction Power Supply Line to the 750 kVA site substations. The
Contractor shall connect to the 6WAY DP at the following sites (see single line diagram, and
drawing # 3356-301):
power house (2 substations);
tailrace tunnel outlet area colony;
side adit:
surge shaft;
desilter I headrace tunnel north;
Giuthang suspension bridge colony;
diversion weir.

The electric power consumed by the Contractor shall he charged at fixed rates:

Any increase or decrease in tariff shall be refunded

The Conuactor shall allow Lo[ 2 Contractor to connect to the transformers provided by the Employer.
In case that the Contractor requires other voltage levels than 400 V , all transformers and switchgear shall
be provided by the Contractor at his own cost.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Spec~lications
Chapter 02 Site lnstallarion - 6

2.8.1 Single Line Diagram

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter02 Site Installation 7

2.82 Electric stand-by

The Contractor shall in any case install standby emergency power generators so as to ensure the safety and
progress of the works in case of power supply deficiencies. These generators shall be included in such
items in the Bill of Quantities where power is needed. The location of the generators to be installed shall be
selected at a distance of at least 2W m from housing areas, if the plants andlor equipment cannot be
specially sound-insulated. The same generators shall be kept at site as emergency power supply units
during the period of construction.
The generators shall not be handed over to the Employer after completion of all works.

2.9 Water Supply and Sewage System

The Contractor shall make provision for the supply of water for the works as well as potable water in
sufficient quantities. The Contractor shall deliver, install, maintain and operate water treatment plants as
definite water supply for the constmctionAocal labor camps. These plants shall include the complete
equipment such as pumps, filters, chlorinating units, pressure tanks, and storage tanks as required, all
necessary tools, spare parts and consumptions, as well as the connection to the distribution system. The
capacity of the treatment plants shall be designed to meet a daily consumption of 80 Vperson for the labor
camps as well as 120 Ilperson for the housing area. Prior to execution, the Employer shall approve the
design of the plants and the locations. Sources and intakes for the water supply shall be protected and
fenced in. In accordance with the capacity of the water supply, equivalent sewage disposal systems shall be
designed. constructed and operated, comprising definite plants, the sewer pipes in all dimensions,
manholes, the sewage treatment plants with machinery, tools and spare parts and all civil works to put the
complete system into operation. Power for operation of the water treatment plants as well as the sewage
treatment plants shall be provided by the Contractor's electric power installation.

2.10 Water Distribution

The water distribution system shall be designed and executed by the Contractor. The works includes the
civil works, furnishing and installation of piping, fittings, valves in all dimensions and connections of the
buildings and the treatment plant ready for operarion.
Every month, the Contractor shall, at his own cost, furnish chemical and bacteriological analyses of the
potable water to the Employer. Where analyses do not meet World Health Organization standards,
appropriate actionslmeasures are to be taken by the Contractor to meet these standards. No additional
payment will be made for related measures.

2.11 Housing, Acwmmodation and Facilities for the Contractor

All necessary site facilities for personnel and machinery are subject to the Contractorbut need approval by
the Employer.
Sanitary and hygiene conditions of laborer's camps and supervising staff shall conform to local accepted
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 02 Site Installalion - 8

2.12 Site Laboratory

This item comprises transport, erection, maintenance and removal of a laboratory for investigations on soil
mechanics andlor concrete aggregates. cement, concrete and reinforcement as well as all auxiliary works
such as taking out, storing and transporting materials and samples, carrying out slump tests. trial mixes,
determination of unit weights, compressive strengths, tensile strengths, workability. durability. cold
bending tests and all other tests required.
The proposed design of the laboratory requires the approval of the Employer prior to execution
The Employer will select the location of the laboratory.
All concrete foundations required for mounting of the various equipment shall be carried out by the
Foundations for equipment that vibrates when operated must be constructed on dampers so as to prevent
transfer of vibration to the surrounding floor. Such machines shall be accommodated in a separate room.
The laboratory shall be fitted out with normal conveniences such as heating, light, refrigerator, and water
and sewerage facilities.
The building shall be of pre-fabricated construction.
During the Contract period, the operation and maintenance of the laboratory shall be under the direction
and responsibility of the Contractor.
Employer's personnel have the option to participate and collaborate at anytime during execution of tests.
All necessary equipment and personnel to perform above described tests shall he within the scope of this
item. Testing equipment sball be in operable condition at all times and spare parts are to be held in stock.
Costs due to delay of testing shall be covered by the Contractor.

2.13 Storage and Workshop Area for Lot 2 Contractor

The Contractor shall prepare for the Lot 2 E+M contractor two workshop and manipulation area5 leveled
and well compacted with a top layer of coarse material at the following locations:
At a designated location above the tailrace tunnel of 500m2area.
At a designated area downstream of the Giuthang suspension bridge of 10Mlm'area.


The Employer in accordance with the Specifications will make inspections of on-site installations


Unless otherwise specified, all and any kind of auxiliary works, supplies. materials, services, safety
measures, etc., not specifically mentioned in the Technical Specifications, and if so requested by the
Employer, all tests, taking samples and surveying works required for the completion of the work shall be
5 ..1
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter03 Surveying Work

Section 6 Employer's Requirements


Chapter 03
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter03 Surveying Work - i i


Section 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 03

3 SURVEYING WORK ................................................................................................................ 1
3.1 General ...................................................................................................................................
3.2 Handing-Over of Survey Data ................................................................................................ I
3.3 Instrument and Equipmen 2
3.4 Approval of Contractor's Surveys................................ 3
3.4.1 Augmentation of Basic Survey Grid ....................................................................... 3
3.4.2 Survey of Ground Profiles .........................................................................................4
3.4.3 Original Ground Profiles ........................................................................................... 4
3.4.4 Final Ground Profiles ................................................................................................4
3.4.5 Setting Out of Wo
3.4.6 Setting Out Check
3.4.7 Tunnel Alignment
3.5 Survey Records and Documentation...
3.6 As-built Drawings ...................................................................................................................5
3.7 Measurement and Payment 6
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 03 Surveying Work - I


3.1 General

The Contractor shall render all services for geodetic survey and measurements as required for the
performance of the works.
Based on the drawings, these services cover in general the establishment of axes, centerlines, alignments of
project structures and features; the setting out for construction thereof; the accompanying control surveys
for correct location, dimensions and elevations as well as the necessary surveys for measurements to permit
quantity calculations for invoicing wherever payment is being made on item rate basis. Further details are
outlined below.
Such surveys shall be based on andlor referred to a basic grid of datum points and benchmarks extended
adjacent to the Works in the project area, see section 6.8. This grid shall be the sole basis of reference for
all survey works and measurements.
Details of the grid are shown in section 6.8 Land Survey and Key Reference Points.
Further details, such as description of datum points and benchmarks, sketches of location, coordinates and
elevations will be handed over by the Employer to the Contractor prior to the commencement of works.
For the execution of the survey works the Contractor shall employ and provide experienced professionals
and auxiliary staff familiar with modem survey techniques and instruments. All survey and measurement
works shall he recorded in a professional way.
The Contractor shall provide, maintain, adjust and operate the required survey and auxiliary equipment for
the performance of the Works.
The Contractor shall submit to the Employer prior to the commencement of the survey works for his
approval a programmatic report on the required survey works, outlining in detail records of his responsible
survey staff, surveying methodologies intended, details and technical data on surveying instruments.
equipment and auxiliaries, details on accuracy guaranteed, considering methodology and inswments used.
The Contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that a considerable pan of the survey works refers to the
survey of underground structures.
Methodologies, equipment and auxiliaries to he used shall be suitable and meet the particular requirements
of underground survey.
All survey works performed by the Contractor shall be subject to approval by the Employer
All survey and measurement activities shall be recorded in maps and field-books as directed and approved
by the Employer. Where required, the production of drawings and maps shall be deemed to be part of the

3.2 Handing-Over of Survey Data

Prior to the commencement of the Works the Employer shall hand over to the Contractor all information
and data of the basic survey grid and benchmarks to which the Contractor's survey work shall refer.
Upon handing-over, the Contractor shall review this information and data and shall verify the existence of
the datum points and benchmarks by field checks.
With the handing over process the Contractor shall take responsibility for the maintenance and protection
of these basic datum points and benchmarks.
reveal that points and benchmarks have been damagedtdisplaced. the Contractor shall
inform the Employer of this fact, and the Employer shall give inswctions as to the re-
blishment of such datum points and benchmarks.

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Dagaehhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 03 Surveying Work - 2

Should it become necessary that basic datum points and benchmarks should need to be removed because of
foreseeable construction works, the Contractor shall inform the Employer of the need thereof and obtain
approval and instruction for the establishment of new basic datum points and benchmarks andlor auxiliary
points with the required accuracy.
If, within three (3) months upon taking over, inconsistencies within the basic grid or to datum points and
benchmarks are detected by the Contractor. he shall inform the Employer immediately thereof and produce
the evidence. The Employer shall subsequently inform and instruct the Contractor on remedial measures to
be taken. Any survey works, setting out or measurement already taken or performed prior to the detection
of such inconsistency shall be rechecked and corrected by the Contractor without any additional payment.
If no objections have been raised against the basic grid and the related data, the reference points and the
data are considered accepted by the Contractor and are deemed included under his responsibility for the
execution of the Works.
Additional basic datum points and benchmarks established by the Contractor for the convenience of his
works shall have at least the same quality and durability as those of the existing poinu and meet the
accuracy requirements.
The accuracy and reliability of additional basic datum points and benchmarks shall be established upon
performance of at least five series - measurements and two closed level loops respectively, with the
required analyses and mean value calculations.

3.3 Instrument and Equipment

The Contractor shall provide, maintain and operate suitable and appropriate instruments and auxiliary
equipment and materials commensurate with the various tasks and precision requirements of the survey
Type and accuracy of the survey equipment intended to be used by the Contractor for the performance of
his work shall correspond to the nature of the construction works and the construction technique.
All equipment. instruments, materials and auxiliary equipment shall be in perfect operating condition.
Nevertheless, prior to the s t m of survey activities, in particular precision surveys, equipment, instruments,
etc., shall be checked as to their proper function and accuracy.
During the construction period, the survey instruments shall be checked and, if necessary, adjusted at
regular intervals.
Instruments and equipment which have suffered from use, damage or accidents to a degree making them
unfit for further use at the site; shall be removed from the site and replaced immediately. The Employer
shall be informed of such facts. Any delay in progress of survey or construction works resulting from non-
availability of suitable instrumentslequipment, etc., shall be at the Contractor's expense.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chap~er03 Surveying Work - 3

3.4 Approval of Contractor's Surveys

At least seven days prior to the commencement of any survey works the Contractor shall inform the
Employer of his intention. He shall indicate the purpose of the survey, the area where the surveys will take
place, the structure or facilities involved, the methods likely to he applied and the time requirements. This
is required in order to permit the Employer to co-ordinate survey works with other ongoing works,
including those of third parties.
As a result, the Employer will give his approval within two days to proceed if there are no particular
constraints. However, should constraints exist. the Employer will advise the Contractor correspondingly
and determine the commencement date of the related field works.
Prior to completion of a partial survey task or upon completion of setting out, the Contractor shall inform
the Employer to carry out the necessary controls or checks. This shall particularly be applicable for
structures which will be covered up andlor are of permanent nature.
Notwithstanding the above, the Employer shall have the right to check work performance, accuracy.
stations, etc., and all survey results, measurements and calculations as well as conformity with plans and
The Contractor shall without delay provide all assistance and auxiliary services to the Employer to permit
him to carry out control surveys and measurements.
The Contractor shall keep and maintain professional records of all field surveys and measurements, the
related computations and calculations, manuscripts, plans, drawings and maps and shall make them
available to the Employer whenever requested.
If, in the opinion of the Employer, deficiencies or inaccuracies in field and office work have been found,
such work shall be repeated and made good to the satisfaction of the Employer without entitling the
Contractor to extra payment.
Any control of the Contractor's surveying works by the Employer shall not relieve the Contractor from his
responsibility for the accuracy of location, position, dimension. measurements, etc., of any type of structure
or part thereof.

3.4.1 Augmentation of Basic Survey Grid

The Contractor shall carefully protect all reference points. Demarcation lines. pegs, etc., moved or
destroyed by the Contractor shall he fully and accurately restored at the Contractor's expense.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the accurate staking-out of the works and levels of reference given
by the Employer in writing, for the correctness of the positions, levels, dimensions and alignment of all
parts of the works and for the provision of all necessary instruments, appliances and labor in connection
with this.
The checking of any staking-out or of any line or level by the Employer or the Employer's Representative
shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for its correctness.
Existing datum points and benchmarks closely located to the project structures are potentially endangered
by construction activities. The Contractor shall therefore in due time establish additional datum points at
safe locations and elevations to augment or extend the basic grid.
The new datum points shall be of permanent nature and shall be constructed as directed by the Employer.
For the survey of new datum points, precision survey methods shall be applied and coordinateslclevations
be derived after a number of survey services as described above.
The Contractor shall also establish reference monuments for centre lines and line control of structures
which need frequent and extended control surveys (dam axis, tunnel alignment).
New datum points, reference monuments, benchmarks shall he protected and maintained in the same way
of the original grid.

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chaprer 03 Surveying Work - 4

3.4.2 Survey of Ground Profiles

3.4.3 Original Ground Profiles

The Contractor shall inform the Employer in writing, at least 14 days before commencing such work, of his
intention to perform any work which will result in a change to the topography of the existing Site whether
such work be for the Permanent Works to be constructed on the Site or for Temporary Works which the
Contractor intends to execute for his own convenience. Thereupon, before commencing any work, the
Contractor shall survey the original topography, to the approval of the Employer, over the entire area to be
occupied or disturbed. Such survey may again be required after removal of vegetation, topsoil or other
The information so obtained shall be recorded by the Contractor on a drawing or drawings which shall
each be signed by both the Contractor and the Employer. The Contractor shall then provide the Employer
with a reproducible copy of each drawing for documentation.

3.4.4 Final Ground Profdes

The Contractor shall survey all final surfaces as required by the Employer for the purpose of recording as
constructed details, on completion of placing backfill, concrete or other work.
The information shall be agreed and recorded as set out above.

3.4.5 Setting Out of Works

The Contractor shall perform all setting out and check surveying of the Works in accordance with methods
approved by the Employer before work commences. The methods and program of checking shall he such
as to ensure the construction of every part of the Works to the correct line and level. The Employer may at
any time request the Contractor to submit proof that his own setting out has been satisfactorily checked.
The number of points required for setting out as well as the spacing between these points shall be
determined by the Contractor together with the Employer in accordance with the type of the work. In
addition to any coordinated points and datum levels that the Contractor establishes for his own use, the
Employer may require that certain or all of the given points and datum levels be clearly marked during
construction in such a way that the marks can be retained after completion of the construction. Where this
is not possible for any reason, the Contractor shall inform the Employer in writing and an alternative
position will be agreed with the Contractor and confirmed in writing.
The Contractor shall not amend the approved methods of survey control without the approval of the
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requinmenls 6.2 Technical Specificalions
Chapter03 Surveying Work - 5

3.4.6 Setting Out Checks

The Employer will do regular check-surveys during the course of construction and the Contractor shall co-
operate with and provide assistance as required by the Employer.
The Contractor is expected to liaise with the Employer to program the check survey to be canied out
during non- production periods or in parallel such that the minimum delay or inconvenience is caused to
production work, wherever and whenever possible. The Contractor shall afford the Employer every co-
operation and assistance in this regard including but not being limited to the provision of survey
equipment, drainage, lighting and ventilation and the removal or placing of Contractor's Equipment and
other obsuuctions such that they do not interfere with the setting out checks.

3.4.7 Tunnel Alignment and Gradients

The Contractor shall establish and maintain at suitable distances of any tunnel portal at least two reference
monuments and benchmarks on the extended tunnel axislalignment, to warrant that control surveys during
tunnel construction can always be referred to such reference monuments.
Because of the importance of such reference monuments they shall be secured by auxiliary fixed points
permitting the location control of the reference monuments should these have suffered during extended
tunnel driving periods.
Establishment and control surveys of the tunnel alignment and the gradient shall always be referred to such
reference monuments.
Underground alignment and level survey and control thereof shall be performed by the use of suitable
precision instruments preferably of the pulsed laser type or equivalent instruments, and auxiliary
Underground survey equipment and methodology shall be subject to the approval of the Employer

3.5 Survey Records and Documentation

The Contractor shall keep records of all survey activities such as sketches, field books. calculations, etc.,
for the duration of the entire construction period. The Contractor shall upon request of the Employer put at
his disposal all records and documentation or provide copies thereof for his convenience.

3.6 As-built Drawings

The Contractor shall prepare and deliver to the Employer "As- Built Drawings" within a reasonable period
upon completion of sections or pan of the Works or suucmres, in accordance with the conditions of
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 03 Surveying Work 6

3.7 Measurement and Payment

No amount of survey work will be measured for the purpose of invoicing.
There will be no separate payment for survey work, as the cost thereof is deemed to be included in the
Contract price.
Survey work as specified above is deemed to include at least the following:
- All survey work, in particular field work, office work, investigations, provision of skilled personnel,
provision and maintenance of survey instruments and accessories, supply of all material required for
survey and associated purposes, provision of suitable unskilled labor, protection of all survey points.
- shifting machinery and temporary plant out of the required sight-lines;
- stopping all machinery, drilling, blasting, driving and other work causing soil vibrations, stopping
all dust, gas, etc.
- removing open fires out of sight-lines which might cause sight obstruction by smoke or causing
restricting or stopping traffic of persons and vehicles near instruments or in sight-lines during
instrument observations;
- providing adequate lighting and cutting off sources of light which interfere with setting out or
providing adequate ventilation to ensure the necessary view and to enable personnel to stay in
tunnels and shafts;
- removing all obstructive accumulation of water;
- taking all necessary safety precautions;
furnishing any marking materials requested by the Employer in connection with control surveys;
providing survey points in lieu of andlor in addition to the Contractor's marks in accordance with the
Employer's instructions;
- clearing sight-lines by removal of bushes and scrub (no trees); and
- compensate landowners for use of land not owned by Employer.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificalions
Chapter W Earth and Rockwork

Section 6 Employer's Requirements


Chapter 04
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Eanh and Rockwork ii


Section 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 04

1 CLEARING, GRUBBISG AND STRIPPING .............................................................................. 1
1.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Materials .............
1.3 Execution of Wor
1.4 Tests and Properties 2
Auxlltary Works ..................................................................................................................... 2
2 OPEN-CUT EXCAVATION .......................................................................................................... 2
2.1 .
General .....................................................................
2.2 ...........
Materials ..................................................................
2.2.1 Class A - (soft material) ....................
2.2.2 Class B -(soft material
.... 2

2.2.3 Class C - (hard materia

2.3 Execution of Wor
2.3.1 General ......................................................................................................................
2.3.2 Safety measures ............................... ..... .................................................................
2.3.3 Overexcavation ........................................................................................................ 4
2.3.4 Stockpiles and disposal ................... . . . .................................................................
2.3.5 Preparation of foundations ........................................................................................ 5
2.3.6 Backfilling ................................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Tests and Properties ......................................................................................................... 7
Auxlhary Works ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Embankment .............................................................................................................. 8
3.1.1 General ......................................................................................................................8
3.1.2 Materials and Equipment ........... . . . .....................................................................9
3.1.3 Equipment ................................................................................. II
3.2 Execution of Work ..............................
3.2.1 General ...
3.2.2 Equipmen
3.2.3 Compaction tests 13
3.2.4 Placement of fill material .................................................................................... 13

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Dagaehhu HPP Section 6 - Employcf s Requiremehts 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter04 Eanh and Rockwork - iii

3.2.5 Placement of cohesive materials ............................................................................. 14

3.2.6 Protection of fills
3.2.7 Seepage water....
3.2.8 Overproduction of fills ............................................................................................ 14
3.2.9 Trucks crossing fills ................................................................................................ 14
3.2.10 Placing of gravel fill ........................
3.2.1 1 Moisture conten
3.2.12 Draining of surf ...
3.3 Tests and Properties ............
3.3.1 General ............................ ......
.................... 18
3.3.2 Testing of quar
3.3.3 Blasting tests ............................................................................................................ 19
3.3.4 Fill Material quality control testing ........................................................................ 19
3 . 3 , Routine quality tes 9
3.3.6 Permeability, shear 9
3.3.7 Abrasion tests ............................................................. 0
3.3.8 Tests on filter material ..............................20
3.4 Auxlllary Works ................................................................................................................... 20
3.4.1 General

4 SLOPE PROTECTION ..................................................................................................................21


4.1.2 Preparatory works .................. . ..........................................................................21

4.1.3 Rock bolts and rock anchors
4.2 Material and Equipment
4.2.1 Rip-rap .............
4.2.2 Stone pavement ....................................................................................................... 23
4.2.3 Shotcrete ................ ...
4.2.4 Topsoil and sod .....................
4.2.5 Joint filler. ...........................
4.2.6 Rock bolts and rock anchors
4.3 Execution of Work ................................................................................................................ 23
4.3.1 General .................................................................................................................... 23
4.3.2 Excess of material .................................................................................................. 24

4.3.6 Rip-rap and selected rock fill

4.3.9 Shotcret

. ......... ,;. . .................. ,............................................................. .27

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.. b
4.3.14 Rock bolt support ................... .
.................................................................... 27
Dapachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 E m h and Rockwork .iv

4.3.15 Materials for rock bolts ...............

4.3.16 Length of rock bolts .......................
4.3.17 Grouted rock bolts .......................
4.3.18 Ungrouted rock bolts .................... . ...................................................................... 28
4.3.19 Bearing ~lates ......................................................................................................... 29
4.3.20 Quality of rock bolts ............................... ............................................................. 29
4.3.21 Grout for rock bolts ................................................................................................. 29
4.3.22 Grouting of rock bolts ............................ .. ......................................................... 29
4.3.23 Rock anchors ........................................30
4.3.24 Load cells ................................................................................................................ 30
4.4 Auxiliary Works .... 0
4.4.1 General ............................ ................... 0

4.4.3 Topsoil and sod ............................................

4.4.2 Rip-rap and stone pavement ......................... . .................................................. 30
4.4.4 Gabions....................................................................................................................
4.4.5 Rock bolts and anchors......................................................................................... 31
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Enrth and Rockwork - I


1.1 General
This work shall consist of clearing, grubbing and stripping the area of the Work within the limits of the Site
as defined in the Drawings and ordered by the Employer of all trees, stumps, bushes, roots, down timber,
rotten wood, rubbish, debris, humus, swamp material and any other vegetation or unacceptable material.
It shall include the removal of buildings, foundations, fences, retaining walls and other obstructions
interfering with the proposed Work, salvaging such of these materials as may be designated by the
Employer or otherwise disposing of the spoils in a manner satisfactory to the Employer before Work starts
and mutually agreed upon in a protocol and layout plan.
Generally, all materials have to be discharged and treated to limit negative impacts on the environment.

1.2 Materials
Materials suitable for use of any kind may be separated by the Contractor, if so approved by the Employer
All other materials shall be handled as described hereinafter.

13 Execution of Work
The Contractor shall perform the Work of clearing, grubbing and slripping so as to remove the material
herein specified. If he chooses to remove any waste material suitable for incorporation into or use on the
Work, the amount of suitable material shall be replaced by the Convactor at his expense. All material
removed by the clearing, gmbbing and stripping operation shall he removed from the Site or otherwise
disposed of as specified or directed by the Employer. Care shall be exercised to see that the eventual
burning of such material does not destroy or damage public or private property, and the Contractor shall he
fully responsible for any destruction, damage or nuisance.
Living trees outside of grading limits shall be cut only as specified or directed by the Employer, and all
branches or trees extending into the limits shall be mmmed carefully to give a clear height as required over
the Site.
Within areas where excavation or filling is to be carried out, the ground shall be cleared of all living or
dead trees, and stumps and root mats shall be removed to a depth of not less than 0.3 m below the surface
or a depth as directed by the Employer. With the exception of areas to be excavated, all depressions made
below the ground surface by the removal of stumps or roots shall be refilled with suitable material and
compacted to the satisfaction of the Employer. No grubbing and stripping operation will be required in
disposal areas and in areas to be excavated, unless the excavated materials shall he used in permanent fills
or cofferdams.
Fences, buildings or structures of any character upon or within the limits of the Works and not necessary
for the construction shall be removed carefully by the Contractor in whole or in part as specified or
directed. The materials so removed shall be piled on the abutting property, neatly and in an acceptable
manner or otherwise disposed of as specified or directed by the Employer.
When fences enclosing pastured land or orchards are required to be removed, the property owner shall be
notified sufficiently in advance to enable him to construct supplemental fences or make arrangements as
The grubbing limits at borrow pits and the order to execute them shall be those indicated on the drawings
or as directed by the Employer. The Employer may order the suspension of the grubbing (during a period
which will not cause delay or any olher inconvenience to the Contractor) when he considers that the
borrow pits areas already grubbed may produce sufficient materials for fills.

grhhv Dld &wUrnnl?Ual I civil WrlrUol I rohm i<\puli # - s t h n 6 n q ( b2 r.rhnlcsl sphbrarion.khaplcr W rmh .3 m h o d . l * n l u l - O R
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Eanh and Rockwork - 2

1.4 Tests and Properties

No tests are required.

1.5 Auxiliary Works

Unless otherwise specified, all and any kind of works, materials, services, safety measures, required for the
completion of the Work, shall be included in the unit prices.


2.1 General
Excavation shall be executed as specified in accordance with the lines and slopes shown on the tender
drawings, or as indicated by the Employer. During the progress of the Work, it may at times be necessary
or advisable to alter the slopes or the dimensions of the excavations. Excavations shall then be done to the
required dimensions and shall be finished according to the specified lines and slopes. in a way acceptable
to the Employer. All necessary precautions shall be taken to cause the minimum possible alteration or
disturbance to the material lying under and adjacent to the excavation's final lines.

2.2 Materials
With regard to excavation methods, only three (3) classifications of open-cut excavation, two (2) of soft
(earth) and one (1) of hard (rock) materials are defined as stated below. It shall be understood that such
classification does not apply to underground excavations.
Excavation for the detour of the riverbed shall be included in the following specifications

2.2.1 -
Class A (soft material)
Top Soil: is the upper layer of soil rich in organic matter and may include humus or
clay or lmse refill.

2.2.2 -
Class B (soft material)
Includes all of the following:
Waterlogged Soil: are soil types which are, due to their high water content, of plastic to
liquid consistency and which do not dehydrate easily, as for instance
mud, etc.
Light Soil: nun-cohesive gravel-sand mixture up to a maximum size of 60 mm and
with little or no fines.
Medium-Heavy Soil: similar to light soil, but with sizes over 60 mm, as for instance crushed
stone, shingle, etc.
Cohesive Medium-Heavy Soil: soil types with a cohesive character and natural moisture content as, e. g.,
clayey sand, sandy clay, clayey silt, and silty clay. This kind of soil can
be excavated by means of excavators or tools.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chaptcr 04 Eanh and Rockwork - 3

Heavy Soil: soil types very heavily compacted as for instance stiff clay, etc., or
cohesive medium-heavy soil types dried out. This kind of soil cannot be
excavated by tools and has to be loosened by equipment before
Also included in heavy soil are medium-heavy soils and cohesive
medium-heavy soil heavily mixed with shingle, gravel, and boulders up
to I .0 m', as well as construction rubbish and compacted slag.
Light Rock: loose layer of rock or loose fissured rock, etc., and layers of marl with
content of boulders up to 1.0 m3, as well as sand and gravel layers
hardened by calcareous or fermginous cementing material, crumbly,
brittle and slatey, that can generally he loosened by tools without
blasting, even if blasted to facilitate loosening for the convenience of the

2.23 -
Class C (hard material)
Hard Rock: means solid rock which can be removed only by explosives, baning,
wedging or other recognized and approved methods of quarrying solid
rock, and shall furthermore mean excavation of all boulders larger than
I .0 m', existing concrete and masonry blocks in cement monar.

23 Execution of Work

23.1 General
A working schedule with explanatory repon shall be submitted prior to the start of excavation work and
shall be binding for that Work.
The schedule shall show the quantity, type and capacity of the equipment provided, the working method
envisaged, uansponation and distribution of excavated material, location of stock-piles. main storage areas
as well as the approximate number of laborers, etc. The working schedule and any amendment to it during
the construction period shall require the Employer's approval.
Bottom and slopes of opencut excavation on which concrete is to be placed, shall be finished according to
the established lines and slopes. To avoid loosening of the soil, heavy equipment such as bulldozers or
power shovels shall not operate within 30 cm of the final lines of the excavation bottom. The last 30 cm
shall be excavated by means of hand tools or light machinery.
For all fills and cuts over 1.00 m in depth, sturdy stakes shall be placed at any change of direction of the
ground, but in all cases at intervals not greater than 30 m.
Excavation of the riverbed to create retaining structures for detour shall be performed in such a way that no
water can drain into any building pit. All sealing work shall be within the unit price according to the Bill of
Quantities. The Contractor shall submit to the Employer detailed information about the intended shape,
size and sealing system of the retaining structure for approval.
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Chapter 04 Earth and Rockwork - 4

23.2 Safety measures

The Contractor shall be responsible for all necessary safety measures. From the commencement of the
Work until acceptance, the Contractor shall strictly follow the safety regulations in order to prevent
Proper strutting, sheeting and bracing, including re-anangement of the installations when necessary.
stabilization and protection of slopes, methods of excavation to reduce risk of slides, etc., shall be provided
by the Contractor and are included in the unit prices. In the event of soil slides occurring during earth and
rockwork, all damage will be to the Contractor's debit. The additional moving of soil resulting from such
damage will not be paid for.
Where the nature of the soil gives reason to fear any drifting, initial excavation operations shall be carried
out with special care.
Excavation shall not be carried out below existing building foundations, if any, until underpinning and
shoring to be performed by the Contractor have been completed. All existing structures, foundations, pipes
and cables, if any such are to be incorporated into the final Work, shall be adequately protected or replaced
by the Contractor.
Retaining structures to detour the riverbed shall be watched permanently and in case of any danger due to
rising water levels they shall be reinforced by adequate materials. The Contractor shall carry all costs for
repairing any damages caused by thc failure of the retaining structures.

If somewhere, and for any reason, excavations are executed beyond the established lines and without the
Employer's previous approval, the Conuactor shall backfill with rubble concrete or other approved material
at his own expense, the volume corresponding to over-excavation, He will not receive payment for over-
excavations or the backfilling thereof.
Cavities or over-excavations at the bottom or at the sides of rock excavations against which concrete is to
be placed, whether due to lack of care on the pan of the Contractor when making the excavation, or due to
the removal of materials damaged through an excess of explosives when effecting the blasting, or by the
use of unsuitable excavation systems, without the Employer's approval, shall be fully backfilled at the
Contractor's expense, with concrete of the same quality as the concrete ofthe suucture to be erected in this

2.3.4 Stockpiles and disposal

Excavated material from the Works selected by the Employer for re-use shall be placed in its final position,
if possible, or otherwise may be stockpiled or deposited on Site.
Spoil unfit for re-use shall be removed to Sites approved by the Employer and shall not be permanently
deposited except on such Site. The Contractor shall trim and form the edges of spoil to appropriate profiles
and levels. He shall also maintain without interruption the flow of water courses affected by the disposal of
spoil material and he shall observe any agreement concerning the Site existing between the Employer and
other persons or authorities concerned.
The placing of materials within the waste disposal areas shall be made in layers not exceeding 0.50 m in
thickness in order to obtain an appreciable degree of compaction by means of the transportation equipment
andlor if required, by appropriate compaction equipment. All traffic towards or from the waste disposal
areas shall be continuously directed and changed for the total covering of the surface of such areas in order
to take advantage of the weight of vehicles for compaction.
Dagachhu HPP Sec%ionb - Employff-s Rcquiremcnn h2Tcchnical Specilii~wtionr
Chapter 04 Earth and Rockwork - 5

The waste disposal areas and disposal of the excavated materials shall be subjed to the approval of the
Employer. Waste disposal areas shall be located in those places where they do not interfere either with tlie
natmal flow of water or with future strucnvff and where they cannot impair the general appearance of the
completed shucmes or impede access to the diffeient structures, and shall be maintained and left in such
condition that they present a neat and orderly appearance and blend with the surrounding topography.
The cost of the transportation of materials from the excavations to their final destination whether in the
Work or in tlie waste disposal areas, including any necessary and approved tempomy stockpiling and the
additional loading and transporting operations, are included in the Contract price.

2.3.5 Preparation of foundations

All mck surface. on which or against which concrete, fills or sealing material are to he poured, shall be
carefully cleaned, prepared and roughened as specified hereinafter.
These shall be free of oil, sutgnant or mnning water, mud, loose rock, residue and impurities or any other
improper material. Rock faulls, depressions and fractures shall be cleaned and all brecciated and
decomposed material shall be thoroughly removed to sound rock. Immediately before concrete or sealing
material placing. all rock surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by means of air and waterjets, wire brushes,
sand jets or by any other devices necessary to clean the foundation and keep it free of water, but shall he
moistened before placing concrete or sealing material. There shall not be separate paynent for the Work
required to prepare the Foundation in accordance with what is herein specified. Preparation of rock
foundations shall be included in the works.
All earth surfaces against which concrete is to be poured, shaU be leveled, smoothened, cleaned and free of
any detrimental impurities, organic matter or unsuitable material. Immediately aner excavation. all such
surfaces shall be moistened and treated.
There shall not be additional payment for the r e q u i d Work for preparation of foundations in eanh in
accordance with what is herein specified. Therefore, the preparation of foundations in eanh shall he
included in the unit prices for excavation.

2.3.6 BacMlling
Foundations and srmcnues shall be backfilled with approved material compacted in layers by suitable
equipment until optimum stability has been obtained to he satisfaction of the Employer. Compacting shall
be carried out with special care by means of pneumatic or mechanical tampers or other compactors of a
type previously proved by the Employer to avoid damage lo structures.
Surfaces receiving fill layers shall. if smooth, be previously scarified to obtain a good key between the new
fill layer and the sub grade.
Fill shall not be deposited under water without the Employer's pennission. This permission will not
normally be granted for c o h e s i ~soils or for fill of any kind where the standing water, in the opinion of the
Employer, can be pumped out or diverted. Permission may be granted to place rock fill by random
dumping in areas where the depth of water is greater than 50 cm but the methods and quality of the fill
material shall be subject to approval and when the fill level is 50 cm above the water surface, it shall be
compacted until there is no discernible settlement under the equipment used for placing or compacting fill.
Thereafter. normal backfilling and compaction shall be resumed.
Where swamps, marshes, bogs OI other similar wet areas have to be traversed by the Works, they shall be
drained as directed by the Employer according to the materials and conditions encountered. Prior to the
fonnation of backfilling, embankments, fills, etc., or any unsuitable materials occurring on the Site, shall
be removed to such depths and widths as may be directed by the Employer and the resultant excavations
shall be properly backfilled with suitable and approved excavated materials and shall be dewsited and
Dagnchhu HPP Sccrion 6 - Ernplnyn-sRequirements 6.1Techniclll Sp~vifications
Chapter 04 Earth and Roekwnrk - 6

Where backfilling is to be placed on steep sloping ground, the surface of the ground shall be benched in
steps or trenches as directed by the Employer, or where the ground is wet or spongy or likely to be
detrimentally affected by water. the Contractor shall remove unsuitable material and if necessary under-
drain the Site as may be directed by the Employer before benching and m c h i n g is carried out.

2.3.7 Blasting
Fuses, detonators or blasting caps shall not be m s p m e d or stored with dynamite or other explosives
under any circumstances. The location and desiw of the storage places, the transportation methods and the
precautions that shall be taken to prevent accidents shall be subject to the Employer's or the security forces'
approval, but it is understood that this approval does not exempt the Contractor of his responsibility with
regard to the handling of dynamite or other explosives.
Drilling and blasting plans shall be submitted well in advance for d ~ eEmployer's approval prior to
commencement of any blasting work.
All blasting shall be camed out carefully by approved experts only and the Contractor shall be fully liable
for any claims arising from damages or alleged damages, injury to the public, etc., due to blasting.
Experts for blasting shall be named to the Employer prior to the perfonnance of works
The Contractor shall insure with an approved insurance company against all claims with respect to
damages and injury arising from blasting.
The Contractor shall not obtain or make use of any explosives without the expressed permission in uliting
of the security forces or other authorities concerned.
The Contractor shall comply strictly with the replations as required by the authorities regarding purchase,
storage, issuance and use of explosives and transport of the same to and from the Site. and shall be deemed
to have included in his Bid all costs arising fmm supervision of blasting by security forces.
Blasting shaU fiuthennore be strictly and in every case subject to the Employer's permission.
When blasting is wmed out, trees, sf~~cfures,
etc. in exposed position shall be adequately protected from
damage without additional payment.
Drilling and blasting shall be arranged and, where necessary, the rock being blasted shall be protected so as
to prevent any scattering of mck liable to cause injury lo the public or damage to dwellings, buildings and
other property and the Works.
Blasting shall be carried out carefully, the methods shall be such that shock and vibration will be
minimized and the loosening of rock surfaces that are to remain intact will be avoided, particularly in those
cases where concrete is to be placed directly against these rock surfaces.
Modem controlled blasting methods such as pre-splitting. cushion blasting, smooth blasting, and where
applicable line drilling, shall be used.
The Employer may even order modified exploive charges or excavation without explosives. All these
alternatives shall be included in the relevant items of the Bill of Quantities.
During thunderstorms and other elechical disturbances, no charging or firing will be permitted.
Blasting shall be carried out at specified times to be agreed upon by the Contractor and the Employer.
Sufficient notices and bamers sllall be erected and immediately before blasting adequate warning shall be
given to workers on the Site and to tbe public so that no one may come within h e danger zone, until
blasting is finished. Upon completion of blasting an "all clear" signal shall be given. This signal Shall be
withheld by the responsible blasting master until he is satisfied that all charges loaded have been detonated
and that no delayed explosions or misfiring can be expected. The blasting master has to inform and
perform the alarm system to all other workers on Site. Adequate warning, as mentioned above, shall be
given, and the portion of the Site shall be cleared before electrical resistance measuring or testing of the
firing line is carried out.

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Dngschhu HPP S ~ ~ t i o6 n- E m p l q ~ ~Rcquiwlncnts
'5 6 2 Technical Spcciticntions
Chnptcr 04 Ennh nnd Roekwork - 7

The Contractor shall record on a p d forms, all blasting events including location, time, charge, purpose.
etc. These records shall he available to the Employer at any time.
When directed by the Etnployer, prior to each hlast in areas within 200 m of permanent structures, the
Contractor shall submit information to the Employer, about location of blast, number and depth of holes,
weight and types of powder loaded per hole, delays used in the blast. method ofwiring the blast, kilograms
of powder per delay, etc.
The Contractor shall be liable for any damage caused by scattering of rock, boulders or other material
being blasted and for the scattehg of any material whatsoever overlying, or in the immediate vicinity of
the rock, boulder or other material, which is being blasted, and all such fragment shall be removed.
Underwater blasting will not be permitted beneath waters in contact with pennanent st~uctutes.
Tbe Contractor shall follow the Bhutan Rules and Regulations for Blasting, issued by the Ministq of
Home and Cultural Affairs (MoHCA), a copy of which can he obtained from the above Ministry.

23.8 Trench excavstion

In benching for laying pipes, cables or other buried materials, the Contractor shall excavate the trench to a
bottom width of ot least 0.60 m plus the diameter of the inaterial to he installed, except for materials of 50
mm or less in diameter, in which case the bottom width of the bench shall be at least 0.50 m. Both sides of
the trench shall he sloped or planked, braced and snutted in accordance with the soil conditions
encountered and the safety regulations to be obsem-ed. The above-mentioned rules shall not apply should
the Contractor use methods other than trenchin9 for the laying of continuous flexible conduit, piping or
cable. However, sucl~methods shall be used only with the written approval of the Employer.

2.4 Tests and Propelties

The Employer will cany out the control of working and rest operations for excavation, backfilling and
excavation of ground with the assistance of the Contractor. The Conttactor, however. shall p e r f m the
respective operations.
The Employer will advise the Contractor how to prepare form sheets for control purposes and statistical
evaluation of the field and laboratory tests as required. By means of Uiis evaluation the Employer will
determine frequency distribution parameters such as the mean and tbe standard deviation and the
percentage of tests falling outside specified limits.
Controlling will consist of field and laboratory tests, such as compaction and density tests under pennanent
snuctum, buildings and embankments pain-size disuibution, water content, and shear tests of suitable
material for funberuse. etc.
Dngnchhu HPP Seedon 6 - Employer's Requimmcnts h.2 Technical Spccitientions
Cl?aptcr04 E a h and Rockwork - 8

2.5 Auxiliary Works

Uliless otherwise specified, all and any kind of works, materials, services, safety measures, etc., required
for the completion of the Work as well as, and if so requested by the Employer, all tests and samples shall
be included in the Contract Price. The auxiliary works comprise, but are not necessarily limited to the
- Removing and storing of boundary stones, bench marks, etc.; protection of surveying points;
desipations by means of boards; survey and protection of all secondary survey points, profiles, etc.
- Difficulties to be overcome where excavation may have to be carried out in layers or on steep
- Keeping off or diversion of water, including any pumpiiig required, difficult work caused by water,
etc., unless special allowance has been made forthis in the Bill of Quantities.
- Removal of any groins, buried pipes, wattle-work, fascines and the like that might interfere with
excavation profiles, irrespective of whether or not such structures are indicated in the Drawings.
- Transport of excavated material to fill or deposit, placing and spreading in layers according to
conditions and Drawings, and careful compaction.
- Difficulties in transport due to existing access conditions.
- Grading of intermediate and top fill surfaces and slopes to lines and levels required.
- Sorting of excavated material which, ifnecessary, is to be used for special purposes.
- Any expenditure for providing. maintaining existing ways and roads; providing, placing.
maintaining and removing, conveying and dumping equipiiient tliat might be required.


3.1 Embankment

3.1.1 General Scopeof work

For the purpose of these Specifications, the term "Embankment" includes all portions related to dam
construction and earth andior rock u,orks by filling with backfilling and placing of suitable material to lines
and grades. Since no earth fill dam is included in the scope of Lot I Civil Works, this chapter is more
provisional and shall be applied to similar works, where appropriate.
All works covered herein are pertinent to darn, cofferdam and similar embankments for reservoirs 01
storage ponds and river slope protection comprising:
-Natural sealing material (earth fill)
-Artificial sealine material, such as surface sealing (asphalt, concrete)
- Rock fill material,
- Filter materials (processed sand and gavel quarried from approved sources).
All materials suitable in the En~ployer'sopinion and obtained from borrow pits, quarries, and excavation
for structures shall be used for the construction of embankment. Distribution within embankments of such
construction materials shall be done in the way indicated by the Employer.
Materials forbackfills shall be obtained from quarries, borrow areas or fmln excavation of the Works
The Contractor shall maintain all embankment fills and keep tests records until final acceptance of the
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Teshnical Specifications
Chapter 04 Earth and Rockwork - 9 Excavation in rock for embankment

Excavation in rock for dam embankment includes all required rock excavation to the lines, grades and
dimensions as required for the foundations of the dam including the plinth.

3.1.13 Quames and borrow pits

The location and extent of all quarries and borrow pits within the designated areas shall be subject to
approval by the Employer. Prospective quarries and borrow pits of materials, suitable for different
embankment zones, will be determined by the Employer. The Conuactor may propose the opening of
quarries or borrow areas other than those recognized by the Employer. These quarries and borrow areas
shall require the approval of the Employer. The request of the Contractor for approval of a quany or a
borrow area shall be considered for acceptance only if he provides all information regarding the quality of
materials and the clearance by concerned authorities can be obtained. Use of excavation materials

The Employer will direct the use of materials from excavations for structures and from underground
excavation. A considerable part of the materials will be excavated and directly carried to the processing
plant with subsequent use of fractions as required. It is also expected that a certain amount of material from
the excavations will be specified as "waste material" and will have to be deposited acwrdingly. Such waste
or unsuitable material shall be brought to assigned deposit areas only.

3.12 Materials and Equipment General
The miscellaneous fill portions of embankment such as core, filter, rock zones, etc., shall be constructed of
selected/approvedmaterials from excavation for structures on the Work, from quarries or borrow areas.
The location and extent of all quarries and borrow pits within the designated areas shall be subject to the
approval of the Employer.
The Employer reserves the right to modify the limits or location of quarries and borrow pits within the
limits of the designated areas as shown on the drawings in order to obtain suitable material and to minimize
smpping o p e d o n s and the amount of waste material. All materials used to form dam embankment shall
meet the requirements of the pertinent tests described under "Test and Properties" hereunder or as directed
by the Employer.
The quantity and quality of the embankment material in its borrow area shall be investigated by means of
exploration in an adequate form before and during excavation and by laboratory and field tests. Unsuitable natural material

If the natural material does not meet the requirements of the embankment material as specified. the
Contractor shall treat the material by appropriate methods like blasting, crushing, selection, mixing,
screening, moistening, drying, etc., in order to obtain the adequate properties. The properties of
construction materials for the embankments shall continuously be examined. Amounts of quality tests
given below are to be seen as an average only and may be changed according to the requirements, mainly
as a result of the type of material and the daily amount of fill.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Earth and Rockwork - LO

3.1.23 Sealing materials

The designation "sealing material" shall hereunder be applicable for the slope wash in fine matrix. The
suitability of such material for the required purpose after selection of the borrow area(s) or parts of it and
the material's properties after filling and compaction shall be proved by laboratory tests according to the
instructions of the Employer. The exact number of such tests will be specified after the evaluation of a
large-scale compaction test in the field and according to the actual requirements of the respective soil. As
an average the following procedures can be expected per 2,500 m3 of fill or per working shift.
- 3 Proctor tests
- 12 dry unit weight determinations
- 6 determinations of "Atterberg" limits
- 3 determinations of the grain size distribution (sieving and sedimentation analysis)
Also the determination of permeability, shear properties and specific gravity shall be performed to some
extent. Wetting of the material, or in exceptional cases drying out, will be necessary according to the
natural properties and to weather conditions before o r during the fill work. The respective procedures and
all the tests shall be subject to the approval of the Employer.
For core material the "Atterberg" limit shall not he less than 15% Natural sealing material

The consmction of a sealing zone within an embankment shall preferabiy consist of cohesive soils
available from selected borrow areas. The soil mechanics classification and properties shall be obtained by
laboratory and field tests.
If necessary, the material shall be thoroughly mixed, dried or moistened or mated in any required way in
order to obtain a uniform material of required properties throughout the sealing zone of the embankment.
The material shall be free from any deleterious admixtures such as soluble o r dispersive minerals, organic
materials, etc. Earth fill material

The designation "Earthfill material" shall hereunder be applicable for the slope wash in coarse maaix and
for similar soils. The suitability of such material after selection of the borrow areas and after filling and
compaction shall meet the requirements. The above-given frequency of testing for sealing material may be
taken as an average; however the indicated number of tests shall be applied for 5,000m3 of fill. Gravel famaterial

If required, gravel fill material will also be taken fmm broken and from screened quanied rock of grain
size as specified or agreed with the Employer. Rock fa material

Rock fill material within an embankment shall consist of sharp-edged, crushed, sound, and hard rock
without cohesive portions and of high permeability.
The gradation of rock fill shall ensure that an excessive amount of fines will be avoided.
Rock fragments shall be tough and durable to withstand both the procedures involved in supplying and
placing them and the normal weathering process as it prevails in the area of the Work. Furthermore, the
rock fill material shall be free of cracks, seams and other defects and from any deleterious matter such as
clay, silt, friable rock, etc.
rock from undergound excavation shall be used as far as it fulfills fie rock fill

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Earth and Rockwork - I I

The suitability of quarried and excavated rock shall be tested for approval before and after placing and
compaction prior to commencement of construction. Filter material

Filter material to construct transition zones and drainage layers within an embankment shall consist of a
natural or fabricated mixture of sand, gravel and/or quarried and crushed rock in accordance with the
specification. The composition of the filter material shall meet accepted filter criteria. The filter material
can both be obtained from sand and gravel river deposits if available and from the rock-processing plant by
blasting, crushing and screening.
The filter material shall be unweathered and hard and shall not contain any soluble or easy weathering or
organic components. There shall be no great differences in the strength of the particles of the filter
Materials from excavation may also be used, if its suitability according to filter requirements can be proven
by testing.
The designation "filter material" shall hereunder be applicable for all transition zones, leveling course
beneath the asphalt concrete sealing or any drainage layer required as indicated in the drawings.

3.13 Equipment

3.13.1 Grading and scarifying equipment

Motor graders, discs, harrows, water mcks, bulldozers and other necessary equipment shall be provided at
the Site in sufficient numbers for drying or wetting, spreading, and mixing the fill and ohtaining a
reasonably smooth fill surface during the compaction operations.

3.13.2 -
Compaction equipment general
The type of compaction equipment used for the various types of fill shall be in accordance with what is
specified under Execution of work. In principle, the compaction equipment shall be suitable to achieve the
required compaction rates in the most economic way. Where a piece of equipment is identified by trial fill,
the Contractor may substitute this machine, provided that he demonstrates by means of tests, that the
desired and specified properties of the fill are equal to that which can be achieved with the specified
machine. The burden of proof for attempted substitutions and the cost thereof shall be borne by the
Contractor. Written approval to substitute machinery must be obtained from the Employer prior to such
substitution. Compaction equipment, which is utilized in construction of the fill, shall be maintained in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

3.133 Landfill compactor

Landfill compactor for the compaction of natural sealing material shall be used where specified. This
compactor shall he self-propelled with spreading blade and tamping foot wheels. The foot pattern shall he
of Chevron type with about 2M) mm f w t length. The minimum operation weight shall be 30 meuic tons.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employers Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 EaRh and Rockwork - 12

3.13.4 Rubber tired rollers

This type of compactor shall be used for compaction of natural sealing material, earth and sand fill and
filter where specified. The roller shall have a minimum of four (4) roller wheels with pneumatic tires. Tire
pressures shall be maintained between 5,5 and 7,O kgIcm2 for maximum wheel loads. The roller wheels
shall be arranged in one line with a maximum centre to centre spacing of 800 mm, and the roller shall be so
designed that all wheels will carry approximately equal load when travelling over uneven ground. The
roller shall have a rigid steel frame provided with a suitable body for ballast loading such that the load per
wheel may be varied from 8 to 12 metric tons. When the "in line" roller wheels are the only rolling medium
of the vehicle, the load per wheel will be determined by dividing the gross weight of roller by the number
of roller wheels. If steering wheels are incorporated as part of the vehicle, the load per roller wheel will be
determined. The entire assembly (roller plus activating equipment) must be capable of executing a 180-
degree turn on a 15-m wide strip. The roller may be towed with a crawler type tractor at a maximum speed
of 5 to 8 km/hr or may be self-propelled. Vibratory rollers

Vibratory rollers shall have one or more smooth metal rollers without tamping feet. The compactor shall
have a static weight not less than 12 metric tons and the dynamic force at operating frequency of not less
than 20 metric tons. The compactor shall be equipped with a device to produce vibrations of adequate
amplitude and frequency to permit the desired compaction and consolidation of the earth, sand and rock fill
material. The frequency range from 1,400 to 1,700 cycles/min. Vibration equipment other than specified
herein and other types of compactors may be used subject to approval based on a demonstration of the
effectiveness of the compactor. The working speed shall be 0 - 6 km/h. Plain cylindrical rollers

Plain cylindrical rollers weighing not less than 1.500 kg/linm shall be provided at the Site for rolling the
surfaces of the fills smooth for drainage (in case of heavy precipitation). Power tampers

Compaction of material, in areas where it is impracticable to use a roller or tractor, shall be performed by
the use of approved power tampers or hand operated vibrators.

3.13.8 Rock rakes

A rock rake, which can be attached to a bulldozer or other suitable equipment, shall be provided for raking
of coarse portions towards the outside slopes of tills. The rake shall have adjustable teeth with a spacing of
15 cm at the outset of the work, but the spacing may be adjusted as approved to permit the most efficient
use of the rake with the materials encountered. Water supply distribution and sprinkling equipment

Suitable equipment such as pumps, tanks, hoses, and sprinkler trucks to provide water for adjusting the
water content of fill materials shall be provided. The sprinkler trucks shall be provided with sprayers
working under pressure or other means of applying the water at a reasonably uniform and controlled rate
over the entire width being sprayed. Sprinkler trucks shall he equipped with positive shut-off valves so as
to avoid leakage when the tanks are standing idle. Clear river water may be used for sprinkling.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Rcquircmcnts 6.2 Technical SpsificaLions
Chapter 04 E d and Roekwork - 13

3.2 Exemtion of Work

32.1 General
The divisions between zones of the dam embankment shall be determined in the execution design. The
divisions of the zones shall be subject to variation at any time prior to or during construction if, the
conditions of the quany, borrow area, character and quantity of materials necessitate such variations. The
Contractor shall follow such necessities for variations.
The dam embankment shall be constructed to the lines and grades as required. A sufficient amount of extra
embankment shall be placed to compensate for settlement.
Camber on the crest of the dam embankment as well'as any extra embankment for other settlement during
construction shall not be subject to extra payment.
The embankment of the dam shall, in principle, be constructed in a manner, which will ensure the rise of
the dam in a uniform and even height throughout the dam at any stage of the work during consmction.

32.2 Equipment requirements

The Contractor shall make available all and any equipment, machinery, etc., meeting the requirement of
continuous embankment construction. Together with the bid, the Contractor shall submit a list showing the
type,number, capacity, etc., of the equipment and machinery he intends to use. The Employer reserves the
right to reject unsuitable equipment. Should equipment be found unsuitable, the Contractor shall offer
suitable alternative equipment.

3.2.3 Compaction tests

Rock fill compaction tests shall be carried out by the Contractor for materials obtained fhnn main quarries.
These test results shall serve as a guideline for compaction rates, type of equipment, its capacity, thickness
of layers, numben of passes, etc. The Conhactor shall be free to use alternative or similar equipment
provided the results comply with those earlier achieved. However, all related proof, tests, etc., shall be
h e by the Contractor.
No compaction work on embankments or dams shall be performed unless written approval on altemative
equipment and working procedures is obtained h m the Employer.

3.2.4 Placement of fill material

Prior to placing of till materials for the construction of an embankment, the foundation shall be cleared,
grubbed and excavated in accordance with this specification, to the Lines, grades and dimensions as
required. Foundation areas shall be free of oil, stagnant or running water, mu4 loose rock residue and
impurities or any other improper material. Rock faults, and h c t u e s shall be cleaned to a depth equal ta
their widths and to sound rock at both sides and refilled by concrete, were required. Immediately prior to
material placing, all rock surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by means of air and waterjets, wire brushes,
sand jets or by any other devices necessary to clean the foundation and keep it free of water, but shall be
moistened before material placing.
Placement of materials shall not be permitted in any portion of the foundation of the embankment until the
section is completely drained and suitably pqared. The distribution and gradation of the materials
throughout the fills shall be such that the various parts of the fills will be free from lenses, pockets, streaks,
or layers of material differing substantially in texture or gmdation from the surrounding material.
Construction traffic on the fdl shall be controlled to prevent tracking or cutting the fill. Successive loads of
material shall b e dumped on the fill so as to produce the best practicable distribution of the material, and
for this purpose the locations in the fill where the individual load shall bedeposited may be designated by

yer, to the end that the coarser fraction in the fill are increased towards the downstream slopes.

5- , LA1 '

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employr~~s
Rcquiremmfs : 6.2 Technical Spcn'fiwfians
Chspm W EYth and Rockwork 14-

Before placing embanlanent material on the foundation and on the surface of the already placed fill, each
portion in the entire area shall be properly moistened, compacted, -mded and the surface scarified in case
of fme-grained material before the following litl is placed.
Successive layas shall not be placed until the layer under the construction has been pmperly compacted.
The embankment shall, in principle, be consrmcted in a manner, \n,hich will ensure the rise of the fill in a
uniform and even height throughout the embankment at any stage of the work during consauction. The fill
of each lift shall be moistened, if required, and compacted in specified lift heights and by passing suitable
equipment, to reach the specified density.
No fill shall be placed on surfaces with pools and puddles.

3.2.5 Placement of cohesive materials

Placement of cohesive material shall not be permitted when a proper placing due to weather conditions,
e.g., heavy rainfall, cannot be expected. Placement of such material shall also be discontinued temporarily
in case of excessive pore water pressure. individual floating stones exceeding 10 cm shall be removed prior
to compaction in general. At contact areas with foundation rock and structures, the maximum size of
indindual stones shall be limited to 5 cm.

3.2.6 Protection of Fills

If the embankment work with water sensitive material is discontinued for a comparatively lengthy time, the
Coutractor shall p t e c t the material against loss of moisture by sinoothing the surface of the layer with
roller, mck or other equipment and add, if necessary, supplementary water by sprinkling. When the
embankment work is resumed, the surface of the layer in place shall be worked with scarifier or other
suitable equipment and reconditioned to obtain the optimum moisture content, and is then re-compacted.
The Conmctor shall maintain and protect the fills in a satisfactory condition at all times until final
completion and acceptance of the work As soon as practicable after the conmction of the fills has started,
the surfaces shall be sloped or crowned sufficiently to prevent the ponding of water and this crown or slope
shall be maintained during construction. The Contractor shall excavate and remove from the fills any
material, which the Employer considers unsuitable and shall also remove such material and refill of the
excavated areas, as directed. The Contractor shall remove at his own expense any fill material placed
outside of prwcribed slope lines. Ruts in the surface of any layer shall be filled satisfactorily before

32.7 Seepage water

Seepage water from the foundation shall be dealt with appmved methods. The costs of this work shall he
included in the Works.

312.8 Overproduction of f ~ s
In case production rates of fill material are larger than the rate of placing and compaction, the Contractor
shall adjust the production rate to avoid larger stochpilingand double or multiple handling of fill material.

32.9 Trncks crossing fills

Trucks transporting embanhent ~naterialor other vehicles passing on the placed layer before co~npaction
shall be required not to disturb the surface of the layer. When the route of vehicles concentrates
immoderately on any portion of the compacted layer, such over-compacted portion shall be scarified
thoroughly and to an appropriate depth before re-compaction.

3.2.10 PIacing of gravel fill

Gravel fill material shall conform to and be m accordance with the applicable provisions of Clause
material" or as determined by the Employer.

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Earth and Rockwork - 15

The placing and distribution of the applicable materials throughout the embankment shall be such that the
fills are free from inhomogeneities like lenses. pockets, streaks or layers of materials. differing
substantially in texture and gradation from the material specified and required. The combined excavation,
blending, treatment and placing operations for permanent construction shall be performed in the most
efficient manner, in order to reach the required degree of compaction, density and stability.
The optimum thickness of fill layers and the necessary number of passes and the required optimum water
content shall be determined in test fills during construction work.

3.2.11 Moisture content

The water content of the natural sealing material or earth fill material prior to and during compaction shall
be uniform throughout each layer of material. In general the overall water content shall be maintained as
required by trial and laboratory tests as optimum moisture to obtain a maximum density. This standard
optimum water content is defined as the water content, which will result in a maximum dry unit weight of
the soil when subjected to the proctor compaction test.
The moisture content of sealing material shall be kept to one to two percent (1-2 %) above optimum
moisture content of proctor density. Sealing material placed in contact areas with foundation rock and
structures shall be kept to four percent (4%) above optimum moisture content of proctor density.
The material in layers shall not be compacted when the moisture content is more than two percent (2%)
above or below the optimum moisture, except for nonsohesive material, which may be compacted with
larger deviation from the optimum water content, as long as there is sufficient water content to obtain a dry
unit weight after compaction equal to that which is found in series of laboratory and field tests.
For rock fill, water can be added if compaction is facilitated or if a higher compaction can be achieved
proved by trial fill and compaction. As far as it is practicable, the material shall be moistened to the proper
water content in the bonuw pit. During excavation, supplementary water, if required, shall be added to the
material by sprinkling. If moistening cannot be done in the borrow pit, the Contractor shall moisten the
material during spreading out on the embankment. and shall mix the moistened material carefully with
appropriate methods.
When material is too moist, the Contractor shall dry it out by spreading and storing or other suitable
methods until the material is suitable for compaction.

3.2.12 Draining of surface of fill

Provision shall be made on the construction Site for well functioning drainage systems by means of
sufficient inclination in lift surfaces to the outside of the embankment and for additional trenches and
drainage ditches of suitable size and area to provide a continuous run-off in case of rain, etc. The entire
Site shall be kept in such condition that water puddles do not occur on completed layers. Compacted layers
with water puddles on the surface are subject to rejection by the Employer. The Contractor shall make
provisions for preventing a discharge of surface or ground water from the abutments onto the embankment.
In order to facilitate drainage of the embankment during execution, the Contractor shall maintain sufficient
blade graders or other approved equipment to keep the embankment smooth and free from ruts. Muddy
surfaces due to adverse weather conditions shall be removed before the next layer is placed. Placing of sealing material

Sealing material shall conform to and be in accordance with the applicable provisions of Clause
"Sealing Material" or as determined by the Employer.

3.2.122 Natural sealing material

Successive placing of natural sealing material shall be provided so as to produce the best practicable
,. . .,
.distribution and homogeneous fill of the material.

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Eanh and Rockwork - 16

Tf the surface of the prepared foundation or the compacted surface of any layer to fill is too dry, too wet or
too smooth for proper bond of the succeeding layer. the surface shall be properly prepared by wetting,
drying, scarifying or other means of treatment to suit the particular situation and prepare the surface.
In general, the zones of sealing material shall be executed and maintained approximately in horizontal
layers but, if necessary, each compacted layer shall be sloped adequately towards the upstream or
downsueam side of the embankment to facilitate draining. The thickness of compacted layers shall not
exceed 20 cm. Each layer shall be compacted to not less than 98% of Proctor-density.
Single cobbles or rock fragments, which may prevent proper compaction, shall be removed.
The type, gradation, moisture content and density of the material, when neatly in place and ready for
approval, shall meet the requirements.
These requirements shall be met by the most efficient types of equipment, thickness of lifts, number of
passes of compaction equipment and the suitable material or mixture of different materials.
The material shall be compacted by landfill tamping compactor andlor rubber aired roller by several passes
in accordance with the results from initial compaction tests. One pass shall be understood hereunder as the
single pass in only one direction.
Individual floating stones in earth fill material exceeding in grain-size of 10 cm shall be removed prior to
compaction. At contact areas with foundation rock and structures the maximum size of individual stones
shall be limited to 5 cm.
During construction, tests shall be carried out to determine the gradation. water content, density and
permeability of the placed material.

3.2.123 Placing of rock fill

The rock fill material shall conform to and be in accordance with the applicable provision of Clause
"Rock fill".
The rock fill material shall be placed and distributed within the embankment as required. The gradation in
any layer shall be such that the material is suitable for satisfactory compaction to ensure a good mechanical
lock, high relative density; free drainage conditions and stability of thc rock fill body.
Successive loads of material shall be dumped so as to secure the best practicable distribution of the
materials as to achieve the required properties. To the extent practicable, the larger rock fragments shall be
placed on the outer slopes of the dam embankment zones.
If large boulders are present in the material, they shall be removed from the dam embankment so as not to
interfere with compaction. The outer slopes shall be true to the lines and grades shown on the execution
drawings. The optimum lift height and the necessary number of passes for cenain compacting equipment
shall be in accordance with the findings of the trial compaction field tests prior to construction. For proper
compaction the maximum edge length of the stones shall not exceed approx. 213 of the height of the fill
The effectiveness of the compaction and suitability of the rock fill material shall be checked during
construction by relevant tests. Compaction of rock fill

The compaction shall be done in a manner interlocking the rock fill to ensure that the completed fill will be
stable and that there will be no voluminous voids within the fill. The use of at least 12-ton smooth drum
vibrating roller acting on the layers shall achieve the required compaction of 85% relative density.
The selection of type of equipment, number of passes and height of lifts is under the responsibility of the
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Earth and Rackwork - 17 Placing of coarse rock fill

Placement of coarse rock fill material (601600 mm) shall be in horizontal layers before compaction of 50
cm thickness each within a width of 5 m adjacent to the transition zones and in layers of 100 cm thickness
each in the remainder, which shall be in accordance with the results of the field compaction tests earlier
performed, to be compacted by heavy smooth drum vibratory roller. If during fill it should be determined
that the compaction achieved by the specified passes of the Contractor's equipment does not meet the
requirements, the thickness of layers will have to be adjusted to suit the Contractor's equipment. Placing of fine rock fill

Placement of fine rock fill material 101100 mm shall be in horizontal layers before compaction of 30 cm
thickness each within a width of 5 m adjacent to the transition zones and in layers of 60 cm thickness each
in the remainder, to he compacted by at least four (4) single passes with heavy smooth drum vibratory
roller. If during trial fill it should be determined that the compaction achieved by the specified passes of the
Contractor's equipment does not meet the requirements, the thickness of layers will have to be adjusted to
suit the Contractor's equipment. Placement of leveling course

Placement of the leveling course (2160 mm) shall be in one layer of 30 cm thickness after compaction
parallel to the upstream slope to be compacted by 4 passes of a 5 ton vibrating roller on a winch or self-
driven roller of the vibrating type. Concentrated quarry dust

Portions of the surface of each layer with any concentration of quarry dust or fine grains shall be sluiced by
water jet or removed by appropriate methods prior to placement of the next layer in order to ensure
sufficient bond between layers and to prevent a sandwich-like composition of the embankment. It is subject
to testing to find out whether the use of water jetting or sprinkling is reasonable or not. Required use of
water shall not be subject to extra payment. Placing of drainage toe blocks
Placing of the downstream drainage toe rock blocks and fragments as specified need not to be compacted
but shall be dumped and graded off in a manner to ensure that the larger rock blocks are uniformly
distributed and that the smaller rock blocks serve to fill the interstices between the larger rock in a manner
that will result in compact uniform layers of rip-rap. The larger blocks shall be placed at the oukide slope
and be secured and wedged with smaller size rocks if found necessary to form a stable body of rock blocks.
No pockets of small rocks or clusters of large blocks will he permitted.
Raising the layer shall take place according to the progress of the shell fill, the height of the shell always
being 1 or 2 layers higher than the rip-rap. The rip-rap should be placed with an excavator or dozer
operating from the respective shell level. Hand placing may be required only to the extent necessary to
secure the results specified above. Placing of filter materials
This type of fill material shall conform to and be in accordance with the applicable provisions of
Clause "Filter Materials". Any type of material or blending or treatment of materials shall meet the
graduation requirements to secure a high efficiency throughout the embankment. The p i n size
distribution after placing and compaction required for the various layers has to meet the requirements
according to specifications, the known filter criteria and laboratoly test results.
No segregation of material shall be permitted. If. in the opinion of the Employer. the material placed is
segregated; this layer shall be worked with a scarifier or other suitable equipment prior to compaction.
The number of layers required within a lift and the number of passes of a static roller prior to the passes of
llers shall be such to meet the requirements.
Dngaehhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter04 Earth and Rockwork - 18

The shape of the transition and drainage layer constructed of filter material as a whole shall be true to the
lines and grades as required. The filter material shall always be placed approximately to the same elevation
as the adjacent zones and shall not exceed 40 cm in depth before being compacted by vibratory or rubber
tired roller by at least 4 single passes to 80% relative density on an average.
The number of passes on each layer for this purpose and the type of rollers shall be proven suitable by
demonstration of test fill.
It is noted, that "horizontal filter" applies to layers of filter material up to an inclination of 15 degrees
against horizontal and for the Innsition zone in the abutment also where the surface is inclined. Inclined
layers of filter material are inclined with more than 15 degrees against the horizontal.
If the embankment work is discontinued for a comparatively lengthy time, the surface of the filter-layer
shall he worked with scarifier or other suitable equipment, sprinkled and treated before the next layer of
material being placed.
Large rock and boulders shall be separated and used in the dam embankment where suitable, so as not to
interfere with workability and purpose.
During construction, tests shall be performed to determine the gradation, density, permeability, etc., of the
different type of layers. Material inspection

During construction. the Employer will inspect materials as to type, gradation, moisture content, density
and permeability by laboratory and field tests and will modify the placing and compaction procedure if the
determined fill properties do not comply with the requirements. Cavities in rock formation

Natural cavities in the rock formation, which are discovered beneath the dam or plinth foundations, after
excavation is completed, shall be cleaned and backfilled with concrete. The number and size of cavities
likely to be encountered is not known but it is anticipated that some such features will be found during the
progress of the work. These features may be hollow cavities without any infill material or may contain
rock, gravel, sand, silt, clay and water or any combination of these materials in substantial quantities.
When a cavity is encountered in the excavation for the embankment or plinth, or when a cavity is
discovered in the test and exploratory drilling or drilling for grouting, all work involved in excavation to
open out the cavity, and its cleaning out shall be done properly. Cleaning out will involve the excavation
and removal of rock, gravel, sand, silt, clay and water. Removal may require the use of plant and
equipment or hand tools. Disposal of material shall be as specified. Excavation may involve working in

33 Tests and Properties

3.3.1 General
With the assistance of the Employer, the Contractor shall prepare sheets for numerical and statistical
analysis of the field and laboratory tests as required. By means of these analyses all necessary reports of
working procedures, quantity and quality conlrols shall be elaborated by the Convactor in accordance with
the specifications.
The field and laboratory tests, shall consist of compaction and density tests, water content, grain size
distributions analysis combined with hydrometer analysis, and if required, direct shear tests, tri-axial shear
tests, Proctor tests, permeability tests and all standard soil mechanic tests as required by the Employer.
This includes all large-scale tests by means of trial fills and compaction tests for quality control for all
kinds of embankment fill material.

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Dagachhu HPP Seetion 6 - Employeis Requirements , 0.2 Twhnical Speciii~otiom
Chapter 04 EMh and Ruckwork - I0

33.2 Testing Of quarries and borrow pits

The quantity and quality of the embankment material in its quames or borrow pits shall be investigated by
the Contractor for approval by ineans of exploration in an adequate fonn before and during excavation and
by laboratory andlor field tests.

The Contractor shall consider the possibility of carrying out blasting tests at Ole quames supplying
embadanent fills for obtaining the most favorable rock size gradation required for the fills without funher
crushing. screening and blending. The costs for these tests shall be considered to be included in the unit
rates for embankment fills and no extra payment will be granted. Blasting tests shall be subject to approval
by the Employer.

3.3.4 Fill Material quality control testing

All tests for quality control shall be conducted on the construction Site and in the Contractofs Site
laboratory or for special tests (shearing tests, Los Angeles tests, etc.) in approved laboratories, which shall
be staffed and equipped accordingly. Staff and equipment are subject to the Employer's approval. A staff
list and equipment catalogue shall be submitted together with the bid. With the assistance of the Employer,
the Contractor shall prepare sheets for numerical and statistical analysis of the field mid laboratory tests as
required. By means of these analyses all necessary reports of working procedures, quantity and quality
controls shall be elaborated by the Contractor in accordance with the specifications.

335 Routine quality tests

The following fieldflaboratory tests shall be performed as routine quality tests. The exact number of such
tests will be specified after the evaluation of large-scale compaction tests in the field and according to the
actual requirements of the respective soil. As an average the follo&ng procedure can be expected:
- Earth W, sealing material, per 5,000 m3 of fill or change of quarry:
- 1 modified Proctor test (muterial scalped at 5 cm,mould 30 cm)
- 3 dry unit weight determinations
- 1 determination of "Atterberg" limits
- 1 determination of the p i n size distribution (sieving and sedimentation analysis)

33.6 Permeability, shear and specinc gravity

The determination of the permeability, the shear properties aud the specific gravity will be required to a
minor extent.
- Rock fill material, per 10,000 m3 or W or change of quarry:
- 1 determination of the grain size distribution prior to the filling work, using a characteristic sample
- I determination of the unit weight after filling and compaction by re-excavation of approximately
one cubic meter of compacted material, determination of the volume of the hole, and weighing of
the excavated material
1 determination of the grain size dishibution of the excavated material
1 permeability test in such excavation

~-~-. - --- ~
grading tests during blasting to modify blasting methods to obtain the desired gradation.
oagaazhhuHPP -
Section 6 Employer's Ruquirerncncs : 6 2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Earth and Rockwork - 20

33.7 Abrasien tests

The detennination of the specific gravity and abrasion (Los Angeles test) shall be perfonned if required.
All the p m c e d m shall be subject to the approval of the Employer. He reserves the right to order the
quality control by the determination of the relative density by nleans of test compaction of characteristic
sa~nplesin a special large box of concrete or similar of adequate size and by use of the actual field
conlpaction equipment.

3.3.8 Tests on filter material

Filter materials in dams: per 1,000 m3 of 1111or ehanze of quarry:
- b p i n size distributions
- 1 detennination of the loosest and the densest state and corresponding unit weights (laboratory)
- 1 detennination of fill moisture content and unit weight
For filter materials to be placed in small quantities above-mentioned tests shall be executed for each
100 1113of sill.
Also, the detennination of specific gravity shall be performed and the determination of organic impurities.

3A Auxiliary Works

3.4.1 General
Unless otherwise specified, all and any kind of works, personnel, equipment, machinery, matwial, safety
measures, drainage, etc., required for the completion of the work specified hereunder as well as, and if so
requested by the Employer shall be provided by the Contractor.

3.42 Detailed auxiliary works

The following auxiliary works shall, among others, be deemed to be included in the unit rates for
embankment works:
- opening by clearing and grubbing and excavation down to 0.5 m depth of borrow pits or quarry
areas including removal and stockpiling;
- construction of all access roads to dumping area to Site or driveways and its removal;
- processing of fill material by selection, wetting, drying, mixing, blending, screening intermediate
stockpiling etc. required to obtain the specified properties;
- all works C O M ~ C to~ rock
~ excavation like drilling, charging, blasting including explosives,
detonator, etc.;
- all works to prepare the surface of already laced layers for placing the following layer by
moistening, ddryinp, scarifying, excavation and replacement, re-compaction, etc.;
- all dewatering work, if required, to keep the working m a dry;
- all safety precautions required for the works;
- all works related to quality control tests for fill material in the laboratory and in the field at the Site,
including tests to determine properties prior to commencment of the embanlanent construction;
- all cambers of embankment if not shown on drawings.
3.43 Testing
procedures as specified in these docmnents shall be included'in the Works. NoLex@
for the perfonnance of the same. L&LLL; I,

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Eanh and Rockwork - 21


4.1 General

4.1.1 Scope of work

The Contractor shall, if not otherwise specified, execute all slope protection, especially but not limited to,
placing of rip-rap, shotcrete, stone-pavement, topsoil, sod, etc., in all areas of the Site. which shall include
all labor, equipment, and materials to perform all required operations in connection with furnishing and
placing of slope protection.
Where slopes are to be cut, the Contractor shall take appropriate measures to prevent slope slides by
arrangement of berms, diversion of surface water, placing of supports, anchoring and other measures as

4.1.2 Preparatory works

Prior to placement of slope protection, but also if no protecting layer will be placed, on the upstream and
downstream surfaces of the embankment, including berms, the Contractor shall perform trimming in such
manner that the voids between the larger fragments will be filled with smaller-size rock fill. Rearranging of
individual stones by equipment or by hand and secondary breakage of large rock in place will be required
to conform to the specified slope gradients. No additional payment will be made for trimming.

4.13 Rock bolts and rock anchors

The Contractor shall furnish and install rock bolts and rock anchors in open cut rock excavations where
a) Grouted rock bolts are rock bolts with accessories for grouting and shall be used for rock support in
all locations.
b) Ungrouted rock bolts are rock bolts without accessories for grouting and shall be used in open cut or
on rock faces in open cut rock excavations against which concrete is to be placed.
c) Rock anchors of the pre-slressing type shall be supplied and placed and shall be of length, system
and bearing capacity as required. Rock anchors shall serve to tie detached rock masses to the

4.2 Material and Equipment

Rip-rap shall be taken from hard rock layers of quarries or rock excavation or underground rock
excavation. The rock shall be compact, firmly bound, of uniform grain texture and absolutely weather-
resistant, shall nor have cracks, holes, laminations of detrimental materials.
The rock blocks shall be of natural irregular cubic shape and of the size as specified hereunder. Thin-sliced
blocks shall not be accepted. Any blocks covered by impurities shall be cleaned thoroughly before being
used. Moisture absorption of rock blocks shall be limited to such a quantity that any cracking, bursting. and
chipping as a result of wave action or weather influence will not occur.
Unless indicated otherwise, the Contractor shall submit rock samples to be used in the slope protection for
the approval of the Employer.
The use of rocks mixed with soil, sand, clay and decomposed or decomposable materials, or the use of
small rock fragments shall not be permitted. The Contractor shall not use weathered, Fractured, dirty,
that, in the Employer's opinion, is not sufficiently
demand compensation different from the price

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Earth and Rockwork - 22

Rock not meeting the specified requirements will be rejected and the Contractor shall without delay follow
insttuctions to remove such rock material from the Site. In the event of his failing to do so, the material
will be removed by the Employer at the Contractor's expense.
The Contractor shall in no circumstance be entitled to payment for rock material placed which has not been
accepted or approved.
Rip-rap Classes
The classes of rip-rap as described below shall be applied
Unit Class I C l a s I1
Weight of largest individual block 3,500
Minimum weight

Characteristic Unit Class 111

Rated diameter
Minimum Size mm

Composition of Rip-rap
The rip-rap shall have the following composition:
- the largest individual block shall not exceed the above given figure
Rip-rap Class I and 11
- 50% of blocks by weight shall weigh more than the rated weight
- 50% of blocks by weight to be uniformly distributed shall weigh between the minimum and the
rated weight.
Rip-rap Class 111
- 50% of blocks by weight shall have a size larger than the rated size
- 50% of material by weight shall have sizes between the minimum and the rated size and it shall be
so graded and uniformly mixed with the larger blocks that a compact layer is obtained.
All particles shall he angular and cubical mixed with wedge-seized particles to enable proper filling of the
interstices between the larger stones.
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Chapter 04 Eanh and Rockwork - 23

4.2.2 Stone pavement

Stone pavement shall consist of selected rock blocks of 250 to 800 kg. Smaller sizes will only be accepted
for wedging and baring.
Bedding concrete or concrete monar for pointing if required for stone pavement shall be in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter 07- "Concrete and Reinforced Concrete" - hereof. The concrete mortar shall
be of a mixture as specified.

4.23 Shotcrete
Shotcrete, which will be used for slope protection, shall be in accordance with the specification described
in Clause 4.3.9.

4.2.4 Topsoil and sod

To protect slopes permanently which are not subjected to damages by waves or flowing water. etc.. sod on
top of a topsoil layer shall be provided as required.
Detailed execution shall follow the specification under Clause 4.3.11.

4.2.5 Joint filler.

To fill and seal open joints, holes, etc., sand, rock chips, gravel, rock boulders with or without mortar or
lean concrete or monar shall be used as specified.

4.2.6 Rock bolts and rock anchors

Rock bolts and rock anchors shall comply with the requirements.

4.3 Execution of Work

4.3.1 General
Material to be used for slope protection shall be excavated, quanied or fabricated and transported to points
of use as specified and placed within the limits of the specific Site of work.
The Contractor shall have available all required equipment and machinery, such as heavyduty clamshell or
dragline, for handling and suitable placing of rock blocks in the respective layers.
Before placing of slope protection, the slope shall be prepared as specified in Sub-chapters "Clearing and
Grubbing" and "Open-cut Excavation".
Unless otherwise stipulated under the items covering bank protection work, the Contractor shall safely
divert any ground or surface water.
To prevent damage to slope protection, structures of any kind, etc., in the event of floods, the Contractor
shall make all possible efforts to protect unfinished slopes, embankment slopes, etc., by temporary coven
or other suitable means. The material required for this purpose shall be stored by the Contractor near the
place of use.
Unless otherwise stipulated, the Contractor shall safely divert any ground or surface water without extra
payment for this work.
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Chapter 04 Eanh and Rockwork - 24

4.3.2 Excess of material

No material in excess shall be transported to the final point of use. Minor quantities in excess of
requirements for construction shall be removed after completion of slope protection work to areas as
directed by the Employer.

43.3 Rip-rap
The rock blocks in rip-rap as specified under Clause 4.2.1 need not to be compacted but shall be placed and
graded off in a manner to insure that the larger rock blocks are uniformly distributed and that the smaller
rock blocks serve to fill the interstices between the larger blocks in a manner that will result in compact
uniform layers of rip-rap of the required thickness.
Placement of rip-rap in layers parallel to the slope to obtain the required thickness shall not be allowed;
placement shall be done in such a way as to obtain the required thickness at each level in a single
Placement of the rip-rap shall not be done by methods, which may result in segregation of the rock by sizes
or cause damage to the layer serving as the foundation for the rip-rap on the embankment.
Hand placing will be required only to the extent necessary to secure the results specified above. However,
the Contractor shall at any time during the construction period and the guarantee period upon the request of
the Employer place new material or correct the existing material.
Unless otherwise specified, rip-rap shall be bedded in a continuous layer. The lowest part of the protected
area shall be made up of boulders, well placed in a ditch, forming a protective belt for the rest of the rip-
rap. Except for the rock fragments and spalls to be used as wedges, the rocks shall be irregular cubic-
shapcd and the smallest dimension of a given piece shall not be less than one-third of the largest
dimension. Funhermore, no element whose largest dimension is smaller than half the thickness of the rip-
rap, shall be placed in it. Spalls and small rock fragments shall not be piled in cenain places to make up for
the volume of larger rocks. The finishing tolerances for the rip-rap outer layers shall be equivalent to more
or less a founh of the thickness of such rip-rap layer. provided the differences in either direction are not
continuous over an area greater than twenty square meters.

43.4 Distribution of rock for rip-rap

The distribution of the rock dimensions for rip-rap within the mass may be obtained at the Contractor's
choice, either by selecting the materials at the sources or by making the selection during the placement or
using both methods.

4.3.5 Consideration of wave height

The gradation and structure of rip-rap slopes shall meet the requirements for expected wave height and
intensity of running water, as well as the underlying protective layers.
Earth, sand or rock dust not in excess of 5 % will be permitted in rip-rap or coarse gravel protection.

43.6 Rip-rap and selected rock fill

Raising the rip-rap layer on the slope of dam or embankment construction shall take place according to the
progress of the shell fill. the height of the shell always being one or two layers ahead of the rip-rap. The
rip-rap shall be placed with an excavator operating from the shell level. The larger blocks shall be placed at
the outside slope and be secured and wedged with smaller size rocks to form a stable body of rip-rap.
No pockets of small rocks or clusters of large blocks will be permitted.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifica~ions
Chapter M Earth and Rockwork - 25

Raising of selected rock fill where required shall also take place according to the progress of work of the
shell fill. The height of the shells in advance of the placing of the protective layer may be chosen by the
Conuactor so as to achieve adequate compaction, proper surface leveling and so as to prevent erosion of
the underlying shell by heavy rainfall or wave action (cofferdam). The compaction degree required shall be
as specified under Clause 3.1 as well as the tests to be applied for the fills.

43.7 Stone pavement

If not otherwise specified, stone pavement of block sizes as specified before shall be embedded in a
continuous layer of sand and gravel or sand and crushed rock or lean concrete of a minimum thickness of
15 cm.
Blocks shall be placed in an orderly manner to line and level or slope. The surface of completed pavement
shall be even to line and level or slope. The minimum thickness of such pavement shall be 30 cm if not
otherwise specified.

43.8 Stone pitching

Stone pitching shall consist of clean hard crushed stone of appropriate size. The stone shall be firmly set on
end to break bond with a rough dressed exposed surface.
Some pitching used as a protective lining to inverts of water courses and embankments shall he bedded .
firmly in concrete 10 m m maximum size aggregate to the finished thickness and the joints between the
stones packed tight with concrete and joints in the invert shall be flushed up and smoothed. On banks, the
concrete in joints shall be nominal in width on the face and shall be finished by vowel or other means so as
to show a clean stone face. All concrete slurry on bank face work shall be carefully washed off as work

43.9 Shntcrete
Placing of shotcrete for slope protection shall be as specified in Chapter 06 - Underground Excavation

43.10 Joints
Joints and holes shall be cleaned and filled with rock chips or sand or lean concrete or mortar as specified
hereunder. Large joints and holes shall he wedged with stones. Joints and holes shall be staggered so that
firm bonding will be ensured when joining the pavement by cement mortar. All rock in contact with mortar
shall be thoroughly cleaned of all adherent soil, earth or organic impurities and shall he thoroughly
The joints and holes shall be completely filled with cement mortar in a proportion 1:4, measured by
volume, with the aid of a tamping rod roughly pointed. In the event of rain, the newly prepared surface
shall be adequately protected against erosion. If requested by the Employer, any defective surfaces shall be
removed and placed afresh, and no extra payment will he made for such work.
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Chaptcr 04 Eanh and Rockwork - 26

4.3.11 Topsoil and sod

The work involved consists of preparing, cutting, hauling and placing of topsoil and sod squares, and in
maintaining the slopes in order that the grass grows uniformly over all the area.
The Employer will inspect the topsoil and sod sources for approval. The sod of the topsoil shall not be
loosened during cutting and hauling. The transplant of the sod shall be done within 24 hours after its
cutting and it can be stored only if the Employer approves it. Storing and hauling of the sod shall be done
in such a way that two sod surfaces or two earth surfaces shall be always in contact. Sod squares shall be
kept always moist and protected in contact. Sod squares shall be protected from sunrays. If the soil of the
place from which the sod is to bc cut is too dry, it shall be watered prior to cutting sod so that the moisture
reaches the depth of the roots. Neither sod squares of poor quality and in bad condition, nor sod squares
containing weeds or unsuitable grass shall be accepted.
Sod squares shall be placed next to each other. After placing them, they shall be compacted in order to
improve the contract, avoiding the forming of voids and loosening of material due to rainfall, and so
obtaining a uniform surface where grass will easily grow. Once this phase of the work is completed, gaps
between the sod squares shall be filled with sod and topsoil of good quality.
The Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance. watering and cleaning of the sodded areas until the
grass reaches a natural and uniform growth, and thereafter, until the acceptance of the Works by the
Employer. The Contractor shall replace, at his own cost. any damaged area where the grass has dried up, or
has not adhered to the slope surface, which contains undesirable plants.

43.12 Gabions
Gabions shall be provided if high strength of stone protection is required or the stone protection is used to
stabilize the slope or only small stones for protection are available.
Gabions are wire mesh boxes filled with selected gravel or rock of suitable size and shape to facilitate
packing. The grain size of the gravel or rock shall be greater than about 1.5 times the diameter of the mesh
openings, but at least 10 cm. The stone quality shall be as specified for rip-rap.
The standard type gabion shall be a flexible hotdip galvanized gabion of the type and sizes specified
below. It is made of wire mesh of the type and size and selvage as specified in the following.
The mesh shall be hexagonal woven mesh, the joints formed by twisting each pair of wires through three
half turns.
The size of the mesh shall conform to the standard specification issued by the factory and shall be not
greater than 113 of the smallest stone filled in the gabion.
All wire used in the fabrication of the gabions and in the wiring operations during construction shall be
"Mild Steel Wire", i.e., wire having an average tensile strength of 44 kg per square millimeter.
The diameter of the wire used in the fabrication of the mesh shall be 3.0 mm according to the engineering
Test shall be made on the wire before fabrication of the gabions on a sample 30 cm long. Elongation shall
not be less than 12 %.
All wires used in the fabrication of the gabions and in the wiring operations during consuuction shall be
galvanized. The minimum weight of the zinc coating shall be 275 gr/m2.
In addition the wire shall be plastic-coated.
All edges of the standard gabions including end panels and the diaphragms, if any, shall be mechanically
selvaged in such a way as to prevent unraveling of the mesh and to develop the full strength of the mesh.
The wire used for the selvage shall have a diameter greater than that of the wire used to form the mesh.
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Chapter 04 Eanh and Rockwork - 27

- For wire having a diameter of 3.0 mm, the selvage shall be of wire having a diameter equal to or
greater than 3.9 mm.
The standard gabions shall have the following dimensions:
- Length = 2.0 or 3.0 or 4.0 m
- Width = 1.0 m
- Height = 0.3 or 0.5 or 1.0 m
Sufficient lacing and connecting wire shall be supplied with the gabions for all wiring operations to be
carried out in the construction of the gahion work. The quantity of such wire is estimated to be 8 percent of
the gabions supplied.
The diameter of lacing wire shall be:
- 2.4 mm for the gabions made of wire gauge 3.0 mm
According to the engineering requirements, the gabions might incorporate diaphragms to form cells having
a length not greater than one time and half the width of the gabion.
A tolerance on the diameters of all wire in the above paragraphs of + 2.5 percent is permitted
The length of the gahions is subject to a tolerance of + 3% and the height and the width to a tolerance of
+ 5%.
In case stabilization and anchoring of gabions are required, such stabilization and anchoring (including
provision of "dead men") shall be performed.
Contracton Alternative Proposal
If not otherwise specified, the Convactor shall submit a proposal of the type and dimension of gabions, the
stone fill (type, strength, grain size), the method of placing and the time schedule for delivery andlor
construction. He shall not commence with the order andlor construction of gabions prior to the approval of
the Employer.

4.3.13 Prevention of floods damages

To prevent damage to slope protection, structures of any kind, etc., in the event of floods, the Contractor
shall make all possible efforts to protect unfinished slopes, embankment slopes, etc., by temporary covers.
The materials required for this purpose shall be stored by the Contractor near the place of use.

4.3.14 Rock bolt support

The Contractor shall furnish and install grouted and ungrouted rock bolts in open cut excavations with all
The diameter and length of the holes to be drilled in rock for the installation of rock bolts shall be to suit
the type of anchor.
Each hole shall be cleaned of all drill cuttings, sludge and debris before a rock bolt is inserted in the hole.
The installation procedure shall be to the approval of the Employer and shall cause no bending of the bolt
shank or damage to the thread on the projecting end of the rock bolt.
A ball washer shall be placed as necessary between the bearing plate and machine washer to ensure
uniform bearing where the length of flat steel plate and rolled steel sections are used.
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Chapter 04 Earth and Rockwork - 28

All threads shall be free of rust and burrs and the nut shall be free running on the bolt. The threads of the
nut and of the projecting end of the bolt, and the surfaces of the ball, machine and taper washers shall be
lubricated before tightening the nut. The expansion anchor shall be firmly seated and tightened and where
the lubricant is plastic grease, the nut on the projecting end of the bolt shall be tightened to a torque of
340 Nm (34.5 kgm). Where the lubricant is wax mastic the nut shall be tightened to a torque of 240 Nm
(24.5 kgm). The nut shall be tightened with a controlled torque impact wrench, which can be set to give a
range of torque at cutdff up to at least 340 Nm (34.5 kgm). If the bolt is tensioned by a direct tensioning
method it shall be tensioned to achieve a final load of 6 tons.
After initial installation, the Contractor shall ensure that the rock bolts continue to act as effective supports
by periodically testing rock bolts and, if necessary. retightening to the directed torque or tension. The
installations shall be tested and the bolts retightened.
If grouting of rock bolts is specified, such grouting shall only be performed immediately after final check.

43.15 Materials for rock bolts

The Contractor shall submit samples of the type of rock bolts or approved resin anchors he proposes to use
for slope protection. The rock bolts and methods of installation of the rock bolts, including the details of
the equipment necessary to drill the hole, effectively seat and tighten the anchorage in the hole, and tighten
the bolt to the required tension and grout the rock bolts after installation shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. Where rock bolt support is directed at any location in the open cut such
support shall be installed as soon as practicable after the rock has been excavated.

4.3.16 Length of rock bolts

The length of the rock bolts and the pattern in which rock bolts are to be installed shall be as required.

43.17 Grouted rock bolts

Where rock bolts are required to be grouted as specified, rock bolts shall be 25 mm nominal diameter
deformed steel rounds threaded with a cold rolled thread at least 150 mm in length at one end and fitted at
the other end with an approved expansion type anchor, resin anchor or other appropriate type of anchor.
The bearing plates, the outsides of the nuu, and all ball washers, machine washers and taper washers shall
be zinc coated by hot-dip galvanizing and the mass of coating shall not be less than 0.6 kgIm2.
All surfaces of the bearing plates, the nuts, ball washers, machine washers and taper washers and the
threads on the projecting ends of the rock bolts shall be further protected and lubricated with rust
preventative plastic grease or wax mastic, to athickness of not less than 0.3 mm.
Alternatively the bearing plates may be installed without grease, or mastic coating, but following
installation and grouting, the exposed surfaces of the bearing plates and other external parts of the rock
bolts shall be coated with cement mortar to a minimum thickness of 3 mm. The rock bolts shall be sealed
in their drill holes prior to grouting, to prevent leakage of grout past the bearing plate. The method of
sealing and the sealing materials shall be subject to the approval of the Employer.

43.18 Ungrouted rock bolts

Where rock bolts are not required lo be grouted as specified or as directed or approved by the Employer,
rock bolts shall be 25 mm nominal diameter steel rounds threaded with a cold rolled thread at least 150 mm
in length at one end and fitted at the other end with an approved expansion type anchor, resin anchor or
such other type of anchor as may be approved by the Employer. The threads on the projecting ends of the
rock bolts and the nuts and the surfaces of the ball, taper and machine washers shall be lubricated with a
rust preventative grease or wax mastic.
Dapchhu HPP Swcion 6 - Employer's Rcquinm~mfs 6.2Trehninl SpnifiaIionr
Chaprcr 04 h n h and Rockwork 29

43.19 Bearing plates

The Contractor shall furnish with each rock bolt all accessories including flat steel bearing plates,
expansion or resin anchors, wedges if used, hexagonal nuts, taper and machine washers. Rock bolts shall
he installed with one 150 mm by 150mm by 10 nnn flat steel bearing plate for each bolt and with a length
of flat steel plate or rolled steel section to which more than one rock holt is connected. Where lengths of
flat steel plate or bearing plates are used in unlined excavations, they shall be coated with an approved
gilsonite almninium powder compound or given other proper protection from corrosion.

4320 Quality of rock bolts

All steel for rock bolt shanks shall conform to an acceptable stsndard in respect of chemical composition.
All steel for hearing plates and rolled steel sections shall confonn to ASTM A33 or equivalent standard.
The anchors shall be capable of withstandins without appreciable movement, a pull out test load equal to
the ultimate strength of the threaded section of the bolt shank.

4331 Grout for roek bolts

All cement used in the grouting of the rock bolts shall comply with the provisions of Chapter06 -
Underpound Excavation.
The ratio ofwater to cement by mass in the cement grout shall be between 0.38 and 0.44 and the minimurn
compressive sben* of 150mm by 75 mm diamem c.5ndm d cmnn,soyt cxmd fw 18 ll.OC
to 22OC and 97 percent to 100 percent relative humidity shall be 27.5 MPa. The Employer may approve or
accept cement or grout on the results of tests at swen (7) days or other lesserperiods than 28 days, but will
do so only as long as he is satisfied that the results of tests at the lesser period are an adequate guide to the
properties at the longer period.
Approved commercial grade e x m fine aluminum powder in an amount not exceeding 0.005% by mass of
cement or an approved admix- shall be blended with the cement to ensure the necessary expansion of
the grout Prior to grouting, the gout mixture shall he mixed for a minimum time of three (3) minutes by
means of a high-speed mechanical s h e r and sieved through 2 mm wire cloth, and the flow time through a
standard flow cone shall be not greater than 30 seconds when the temperature is within +2OC of the
ambient underground temperaNre. If the flow time of cement grout mixed at a water cement ration of 0.38
is less than 25 seconds, the Employer may require the water content to be reduced to obtain grout with a
flow time between 25 seconds and 30 seconds.

43.22 Grouting of rock bolts

The Contractor shall supply all accessories for gouting rock bolts in place after installation. Grouted rock
bolts shall be grouted in place as s w n as practicable after installation, but in any event within 21 days of
installation, provided that any bolts within a distance of 20'm from a point where blasting, other than
blasting for clean up, would take place shall not be grouted.
All necessary preparations of a bolt for grouting shall be made during the installation of the bolt and once
the bolt has been put in tension, the tension in it shall not be relaxed for p u l i n g or any other purposes.
The mnhod shall ensure that the rock bolt is p u t e d up including the anchorage and that the air is vented
out of the drill hole.
Tbe gout shall be used as soon as possible after fhoroughly mixing all i n m i e n t s hut in any event within
one ( I ) hour after addition of ahuninum powder to the cement and water.
Grout mixtures, used of admixtures, methods of mixing, grouting pressure and the eqnipment used for
grouting shall be subject to the approval of the Employer.
Grout shall be forced into the drill hole to fill completely the space between the rock and the rock bolt up
the anchorage of the bolt. If, during the gouting of any holt, gmut is found to flow from
surfaces adjacent to the bolt, such leaks shall be plugged or caulked by the Contractor.

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 04 Earth and Rockwork - 30

43.23 Rock anchors

Rock anchors shall be installed in boreholes of suitable diameter. In all installation and tensioning
procedures the manufacturer's instmctions shall be observed.
Handling, installation, tensioning, etc., of rock anchon shall be performed by skilled and experienced labor
only under the supervision of a foreman/technician experienced in placing1 tensioning works of pre-
stressed rock anchors.

43.24 Load cells

Where specified, load cells shall be installed at the anchor heads to monitor tension variations (or rock
movements respectively). Such load cells shall be provided with a signal transmitter for tension display at a
place to be indicated by the Employer.
All related load cell installations including cabling (for a distance of up to 150 m), the indicating device,
etc., shall be provided and installed by the Contractor.
Anchors shall be tensioned to the predetermined rate and the results recorded, with date and time. Regular
tension observation at intervals as determined by the Employer shall be undertaken and recorded to
develop tensionltime histories. Should sudden tension changes occur indicating rock movements, the
Employer shall be immediately informed to give further instmctions as to post-tensioning or other actions
(e.g., placing additional anchors).
All records as to placing, tensioning, tension monitoring shall be kept with the Contractor. The Employer
shall have at any time access to such records.
Tension monitoring by the anchor installation group shall be of a limited period only (as determined by the
Employer) thereafter all data and records shall be handed over in an organized form to the Contractor's
Instrumentation monitoring group, which will continue monitoring and evaluation.

4.4 Auxiliary Works

4.4.1 General
Unless otherwise specified, all and any kind of works, materials, s e ~ c e s safety
, measures, etc., required
for the completion ef the Work as well as, and if so requested by the Employer, all tests and samples shall
be executed by the Contractor.

4.4.2 Rip-rap a n d stone pavement

When constructing slope protection either by rip-rap or by stone pavement all the following operations or
activities shall be considered as auxiliary works included in the rate for placing rip-rap or stone pavement.
- producing and collecting of adequate rock and stone material
- selecting and removing of oversized rock pieces or stones
- transportation of rip-rap to place of use
- preparation of bedding
- cleaning of foundation for rip-rap
- placing of riprap as specified
- compaction as required
- diverting of any ground or surface water
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Chapter 04 Eanh and Rockwork - 3 1

4.43 Topsoil and sod

Auxiliary works for placing topsoil and sod shall include among others the following works:
- preparing, cutting, hauling and placing of topsoil and sods squares
- maintaining the slopes
- fertilizing the sods and regular watering as ambient condition require until end of maintenance
replacement of grass not grown properly by new sod or seeding

4.4.4 Gabions
Supply and placing of gabions shall include ail works for a complete slope protection by these means,
which shall include all the following operation but not being limited to:
- producing the required rock material
- manufacturing the gabions
- provision of an adequate location for manufacturing the gabions
- transportation and placing
- preparation of the foundations. leveling and compacting if required
- tying and anchoring works where required

4.4.5 Rock bolts and anchors

Rock bolting and anchoring shall include besides the main activities the following auxiliary works, but not
being limited to:
- drilling of the holes
- cleaning the anchor holes
- supply and placing of the bearing plates with washers, etc.
- tensioning the bolts or anchors -controlling and post-tensioning if required
- grouting-in of the bolts or anchors if so specified in the BoQ
- provision of tests and samples
- supply of load cells for rock anchors including devices for remote monitoring of anchor load where
laying and safeguarding all cabling between load cells and indication devices
- erection of a temporary structure to house all indicating1 monitoring devices for rock anchors as
- keeping records of all procedures and tests
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirernetlts 6.2 Technical Specsficauons
Chapter 05 Dcwaienng

Section 6 Employer's Requirements

6.2 T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S

Chapter 05

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Dagachhu HPP Scctioa 6 -Employer's Requbments 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 05 Dewatering .ii


Section 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 05

1 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Alteration of System ............................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Proposal of Dewatering System............................................................................................ 1
1.4 Failure of Operation ................................................................................................................ 1
1.5 Respons~b~hty ...................... :.................................................................................................. 1
1.6 Completion of Dewatering ..................................................................................................... 2
1.7 Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 2
2 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................... 2
2.1 General....................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Submittals ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.2.1 Detailed data .............................................................................................................. 2
2.2.2 Test reports ................................................................................................................ 3
2.2.3 Certificates ................................................................................................................ 3
2.2.4 Construction and method drawings ........................................................................... 3
2.3 Details of Material and Equipment....................................................................................... 3
2.3.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.3.2 Diversion tunnel ....................................................................................................... 3
2.3.3 Open Pit Dewatering ................................................................................................. 3
2.3.4 Well point system ...................................................................................................... 3
2.3.5 Deep well systems ..................................................................................................... 4
2.3.6 Vacuum pumps .......................................................................................................... 4
2.3.7 Pipes and filters ..................................................................................................... 4
3 EXECUTION OF WORK ............................................................................................................ 4
3.1 General....................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Start and Duration of Dewatering ........................................................................................... 4
3.3 Dewatering Equipment ........................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Pump sumps and Channels ..................................................................................................... 5
3.5 Precaution to Avoid Dewatering............................................................................................. S
Ready-for-Service Condlhon ..................................................................................................S
3.7 Leakage................................................................................................................................... 5
Environmental Requirements .......................................................... :......................................S

hh*d-b\b I".ilroMa Im b m h l p n % ~ 6 + . 1 t . r l n u ~ I . p o 5 & n . \ r h . W I ~ d ~ . h l ~

Dnpachhu HPP Suction b .Employeis Requirrn~cnls 6.2 Tcchnicol Specificarion~
Chapter 05 Dewaraing .iii

3.9 Responsibility for Damages ................................................................................................... 5

3.10 Piezometer Installation ............................................................................................................ 6
3.1 1 Well Point Systems 6
3.12 Deep WeU System.................................................................................................................. b
3.13 Emergency Power Units .........................................................................................................6
4 TESTS AND PROPERTIES ................................................................................ 6
5 AUXILIARY WORKS................................................................................................. ....... 7 "

6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT .....................................................................................7

6.1 General ................................................... ............................................................................... 7
6.2 Underground Excavation ....................................................................................................... 7
Dngachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 05 Dewalezing - 1


1.1 General Requirements

This Specification applies to dewatering during construction of all structures of the Work including borrow
areas and shall include all necessary labor, materials, equipment and auxiliary works as required. The
Contractor shall also execute the work, permanent or temporary, necessary to keep seepages and water
under control during the construction periods.
According to the Specifications covered hereunder, the Contractor shall design, construct and maintain,
and remove all dewatering facilities and where necessary, cofferdams, channels, tunnels, troughs, drainage
works, inlet gutters and all required works to keep construction areas free of water from whatever source.
Likewise, in order to remove the water, the Contractor shall furnish, install, maintain and operate all
pumps, piping, supports, electrical installations and necessary accessories to maintain the different works
free of water during construction. In addition, the Contractor shall have at his disposal sufficient stand-by
pumps with a capacity of at least equal to that of the installed pumps, and all required auxiliary equipment.
It is clearly understood that the removal of any amount of water that may he present at any moment and the
permanent control of water and seepage, is the entire responsibility of the Contractor. The reserve units
shall be kept ready for service when the failure of any of the installed units occurs.
Furthermore, the Contractor shall ensure that all drainage water will be eliminated without causing
interference to his own work and that of Lot 2 E&M Contractor and other contracton operating elsewhere
on the construction Site.

1.2 Alteration of System

The dewatering system shall be designed and installed in such a way that alterations and extensions of the
systems during operations are possible within short time.

13 Proposal of Dewatering System

The Employer's approval of the Contractofs dewatering system does not exempt the Contractor from any
of his obligations and responsibilities.
In case of emergency, the Contractor shall furnish and install the adequate dewatering system immediately
without prior approval by the Employer.

1.4 Failure of Operation

The Contractor shall consider the possibility of a temporary failure of the electric power service. He shall
install emergency power units with sufficient capacity to feed the necessary power to the installed
dewatering units at the moment of failure. There shall be neither time extensions nor additional
compensations due to failures in the equipment or services rendered by them during the execution of the

1.5 Responsibility
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for personnel accidents and for damages and inconveniences
that may be suffered by his equipment or materials, the equipment and materials of the Lot 2 E&M
Contractor, or the executed or in-execution works, due to insufficient or inadequate control of seepage,
poor operation, or failure of the dewatering system, insufficient capacity of the pumping system, lack of
reserve units or any other reason imputable to the negligence of the Contractor or to the poor maintenance
and operation of his equipment.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 05 Dewatering - 2

1.6 Completion of Dewatering

Upon completion of the Works the Conmctor shall remove, in a way satisfactory to the Employer, all
installations for the dewatering systems, such as cofferdams, sheet piles, pump sumps, pipes, channels, etc.,
and all other control works until the Works are delivered clean and according to the lines and grades of the
finished works, as required.

1.7 Scope
This Specification covers methods and techniques of ground and surface water control by way of either:
- coffer dams
- diversion tunnel
- diversion channel
- open pit dewateringlpumping
- well point systems
- deep well systems
- deep well systems with application of vacuum
- pressure relief pumping
- removal of surface water during construction
- other applicable methods whichever system appears suitable for the existing conditions
The scope shall include the design and calculation of the dewatering system and the submission of a
proposed method and technique to the Employer for approval prior to execution.


2.1 General
Materials and equipment to be provided by the Conmctor shall be in good conditions and adequate to meet
the requirements. Materials, which are to be permanently, incorporated in any smcture shall be new and
unused, shall be in accordance with accepted standards, and shall not have been previously used for such
purposes as dewatering during construction.

2.2 Submittals

2.2.1 Detailed data

The Contractor shall submit the following in respect of his detailing of dewatering methods and
- detailed description of the envisaged dewatering system;
- working drawings, showing all details of the system;
- working drawings showing all piezometer locations, if applicable;
- lists showing the coordinates of well and piezometers. if applicable;
- design calculation for the dewatering system:
- installation procedure and schedule;
- "as-built" drawings of the dewatering system in case of permanent systems.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 05 Dewatering - 3

2.22 Test reports

The Contractor shall submit, as soon as possible after complete installation of the dewatering system and
piezometers, record data of groundwater levels and reports on pumping operations.

2.23 Certificates
The Contractor shall submit certificates of compliance with applicable standards in respect of the
equipment provided for the dewatering systems. The Contractor shall prepare a list of all equipment and
materials issued for the installation of the dewatering system.

2.2.4 Construction and method drawings

The Contractor shall submit the following drawings:
- Execution drawings of coffer dams, concrete walls, diversion tunnel including hydraulic
- Execution drawings, method diagrams and plant details for each dewatering system showing where
the pumped water will be drained to and the quantities to be expected. Adequate means for trapping
silt shall be provided.
- Drawings showing the locations of all installed piezometers at the construction p i t if applicable.

2.3 Details of Material and Equipment

23.1 General
All equipment, machinery and power supply systems for the plant to be used for dewatering the
construction pit trenches and underground structures shall be provided only from manufacturers whose
products have already proven to be reliable on other sites and been successfully in operation.
All equipment, instruments, machines, tools, etc., required for the execution of the work shall be of such
quality as to withstand the climatic conditions of this region. They shall be kept serviceable and in good
repair throughout the operating periods.
The choice of type, capacity and amount of equipment, and determination of locations for well points and
deep wells shall be left to the discretion of the Contractor.

23.2 Diversion tunnel

In case of construction of a diversion tunnel at the weir site to divert the Dagachhu, relevant sections of the
tunnel shall be poured with concrete and shall be grouted after completion of the works for the weir. No
seepage shall occur during operation of the WeirIHydro Power Plant. The grouting of the tunnel shall be
carried out in the context of the grouting curtain of the weir, in order to prevent any seepage or other
negative influence to the weir structure.

233 Open Pit Dewatering

Open pit systems shall be applied where the stability of the slopes can be guaranteed under the existing
hydraulic gradient. The pits shall be furnished with adequate pumps in numbers and capacity.

23.4 Well point system

If a well point system is used, the following requirements shall be observed as a minimum:
- All header pipes shall be furnished with a vacuum gauge at the end.
- Suction riser pipes shall be fined with a non-retum valve at the foot of the pipe.
- Every T-piece to the suction riser pipe shall receive a gate valve.
Dagachhu HPP Section b - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 05 Dewatering - 4

23.5 Deep well systems

Deep well systems shall be furnished with submersible pumps resistant against the destructive effects of
aggressive water.

2.3.6 Vacuum pumps

Vacuum pumps to be operated for the dewatering system shall be of robust heavy construction, easy to
transport and maneuver on site. They shall operate reliably and he of long life with minimum servicing and
maintenance requirements.

23.7 Pipes and filters

Pipes and filters for the dewatering system shall meet the requirements for resisting the local soil and
groundwater conditions with regard to the grain-size and consistency of the soil and aggressiveness of the
groundwater. Any costs arising through negative effects from the ground conditions on the material shall
be borne by the Contractor.


3.1 General
A working schedule with explanatory reports shall be submitted prior to commencement of the relevant
works. This schedule shall show the quantity, type, capacity, stand-by equipment, age, condition,
arrangement, location, etc., of the proposed equipment.
The schedule and any amendments made thereto during the life of the Construction phase shall be subject
to the approval of the Employer.
The Contractor is obliged to inform the Employer immediately of any symptoms of risk of subsidence or
The safety measures required by the Employer shall be performed by the Contractor without delay

3.2 Start and Duration of Dewatering

Dewatering work shall be included in the Works and no additional payment shall be made for dewatering
works for lump sum Divisions of the Work.
The duration of dewatering will be determined according to the agreed construction time schedule and to
other factors, e.g., third party's work which has to be carried out under the protection of this dewatering
Pump operations shall not be stopped nor pipes, channels and equipment for dewatering removed or altered
in any way, except with the express permission of the Employer. Until then, the pumps and dewatering
facilities shall he kept in proper working order without extra payment being granted.

3.3 Dcwatering Equipment

In the event of power failure. a diesel-driven emergency generating set specifically for dewatering shall be
available. This set shall undergo at least once a week a trial run lasting thiny (30) minutes.
The costs for mounting and removal of the diesel-driven generating set, including all necessary
connections, switches and electrical auxiliaries and controls as well as trial runs shall he part of the entire
dewatering system. Furthermore, a sufficient number of pumps shall be available on Site to meet all
requirements of dewatering in the event of power failure. The cost for the provision, maintenance and
operation of such pumps will be deemed to be covered by the entire dewatering system.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter05 Dewatenng - 5

Pumps and pipes may be provided at the option of the Contractor but the requirements of dewatering shall
be guaranteed. The provision of pumps shall include the complete excavation of pump sumps as required,
including sheeting, bracing, etc., the installation of electrical connections or the supply of fuel, the disposal
of water, and all other elements required to ensure an effective operational system. The pumps shall be
located away from permanent structures.
Supply of lubricants, accessories, spare parts, etc., operation and maintenance including all additional
works required for continuous functioning of the dewatering system, transport, including any intermediate
storage. as well as installation and removal of all dewatering equipment and the sealing of pipes, etc., shall
be included in the works.
Upon completion of dewatering work, all pipes shall be closed off and the pump sumps shall be removed
and tightly filled by adequate materials.

3.4 Pump sumps and Channels

Provision of pump sumps and channels of the dimensions required in each particular case shall include all
necessary excavation of any kind of soil above and under water, backfill and consolidation, sheeting,
bracing, stiffening, sealing, and scaffolding accesses, as well as the disposal of water and all auxiliary

3.5 Precaution to Avoid Dewatering

The Contractor shall consider all difficulties and additional work due to the presence of water for the
construction of the Work.
If there are possibilities to keep off or divert water without special dewatering arrangements, or where
work can be canied out normally under, or in water, no payment will be made for dewatering. Neither will
be paid for mere pumping over into another pump sump nor dewatering work, which has been necessitated
as a result of wrong techniques or delays in the construction time schedule, and which are due to the fault
of the Contractor.

3.6 Ready-for-Service Condition

The Contractor shall maintain ready-for-service and regularly clean all dewatering equipment and
accessories and shall keep all access clear so that they can immediately and safely be used without risk of

3.7 Leakage
Block+uts and pipe connections through structures and their closure, proper grouting of joints, etc.. or
repairs in the event of leakage shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

3.8 Environmental Requirements

Any water to be disposed of shall not endanger the environment,
Particular attention shall be paid to possible pollution from oil or solvents coming into contact with the
water prior to its disposal. Oil separators shall be provided within the drainage system, if such cases arise.
The Contractor shall submit his proposal for treating polluted water by either settling basins, filters, oil
separators or any other method to be approved by the Employer.

3.9 Responsibility for Damages

The Contractor shall he responsible for and shall repair or reinstate at his expenses any damage to
foundations, excavation slopes or any other parts of the Works caused by failure of the diversion and
protective works andlor pumping installation constructed in accordance with requirements for the water

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 05 Dewatering - 6

3.10 Piezometer Installation

Piezometers shall be installed for observation of groundwater levels at locations indicated by the Employer
or where found necessary by the Contractor.

3.11 Well Point Systems

Well point systems shall be applied where the required reduction in level of the water table does not exceed
more than 5.00 m and where predominantly soil layers with low permeability (fine sands and silts) occur.
If dewatering to greater depths is required, a multi-stage system at different levels may be applied instead
of the above-mentioned single-stage system, if found reasonable.
Water speed within the water header collector pipe shall not exceed 2 mls
For regulating the suction head at each riser pipe according to the productivity, gate valves shall he
installed at the T-pieces from the collecting header.
Pumps for operation of well point systems shall be of the fully automatic vacuum type. The vacuum
exhaust pump shall be able to rapidly re-prime the system in case of broken vacuum depression.

3.12 Deep Well System

Deep well systems shall be applied where the water table is required to be lowered to more than 5 m below
the original level.
Spacing of the wells shall he based on results of pumping tests or calculated carefully depending on the
permeability of the soil. The determination of type and capacity of the pumps shall depend on a careful
prior investigation of the subsoil conditions.
Any dewatering action shall carefully take into consideration its influence on surrounding conditions and
any destructive effects shall solely rest on the Contractor.
Monitoring and checking stability and settlement of neighboring buildings or properties, highways,
scmices or any other underground structures shall carefully be carried out throughout the dewatering

3.13 Emergency Power Units

The Contractor shall consider the possibility of a temporary failure of the electrical power supply and shall
therefore install additional power units with sufficient capacity to feed the necessary power to the installed
units at the moment of failure.


Special equipment and personnel shall be made available for testing drained water, particularly with regard
to the soil particles conveyed and unfavorable chemical components.
The Contractor shall provide devices for measuring the inflow of water, and the amount of water drained
through the dewatering systems.
Dagachhu HPP Seclion 6 -Employer's Rcquimncntr 6 2 Technial Specifications
Chspta 05 D-tcring -7

The following detailed works are, among otbers, to be considmed as part of dewatering measures and
included in the costs for it:
all pumping equipment, pipes, channels, flumes, conduits, drajns, pump sumps;
levee banks,cofferdams, guide walls, settling ponds and the like;
all fuels, lubricants, power supply and the like required for operation of pumping systems;
all labor, operator costs, including night- and holiday shifts, when required;
stand-by equipment;
maintaining of wata-tight slurry trenches or other measures preventing seepage into the pit:
provision of adequate discharge channels or pipes fmm tunnel mouth or shaft exit to accepted
collection drains;
divusion tunnel. if applied
making good any damages h m failures of installed equipment, or inadequate pmvisions for
sheet pile walls for pump sumps includmg its excavation, if it is only needed for dewatering
~ c o r d i i gand monitoring of measured data such as amount of water flow, level ofwater table;
test run of the system.


6.1 General
?he entire dewatering plant shall include design, furnishing: bansport, installation, depreciation,
maintenance, operation, supplementations, improvements and relocations of the plants as well as
consmction of cofferdams, pits, trenches, pipes, etc., and restoration of the Site including all irs
If dewatering is not defined within the Bill of Quantities, the costs shall be included within the mpective
lump sum items.

6.2 Underground Excavation

Unit prices for excavation of tunnels or shafts shall covn dewatering of any volume without any exha
payment, unless otherwise stated in the Bill of Quantities.

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation


Part I1 Requirements
Section 6 Employer's Requirements


Chapter 06
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation .ii

Lot 1 Civil Works. Volume I1
Section 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 06

1 EXCAVATION ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.I General ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 General Requirements ......................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM) ........................................................ 1
1.1.3 Proof of rock behaviour ...................................................................................... 1
1.1.4 Lighting underground ...........................................................................................
1.1.5 Supply of detailed documents by the Contractor ................................................. 2
I .2 Materials and Equipment .....................................................................................................
1.2.1 General ...................................................2
1.2.2 Equipment ............................................................................................................ 3
. .
1.2.3 systems ..............................................................................................
Vent~lat~ng 3
1.2.4 Use of combustion engines .................................................................................. 3
1.2.5 Explosives and Detonator
1.2.6 Lightning indication system
1.2.7 Traffic lights
1.3 Execution of Work ............................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 General ................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 Setting-out ............................................................................................................ 4
1.3.3 Method of excavation ........................................................................................... 4
1.3.4 Continuous Working
1.3.5 Mucking ............................................................................................................... 5
I .3.6 Field trials for blasting technique ....................................................................... 5
1.3.7 Zoning ..................................................................................................................5
1.3.8 Supporting faces of excavation ............................................................................
1.3.9 Implementation of Tunnel Support Works ........................................................... 6
Excavation through earth, weak or weathered rock, and rock ..........

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 .Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation .l i i

I .3.1 1 Feeler or pilot holes ..............................................................................................

1.3.12 Safety measures during construction .................................................................. 7
1.3.13 Care of excavation ................................................................................................
1.3.14 Prerequlsltes for blasting ..................................................................................... 8
1.3.15 Blasting requirements ...........................................................................................
1.3.1 6 Smooth blasting ....................................................................................................
1.3.1 7 Blasting records ....................................................................................................
1.3.18 Precautions for blasting .................................................................................... 9
1.3.19 Requirements for charging with explosives .........................................................9
1.3.20 Washing down during excavation ...................................................................... I0
1.3.21 Ventilation ..........................................................................................................I0
. .
L~ghtlngand power ............................................................................................ 10
. .
1.3.23 Commun~cat~on ..................................................................................................
1.3.24 Form of invert during construction ....................................................................12
1.3.25 Protection of invert support ................................................................................
1.3.26 Access ................................................................................................................ I2
1.3.27 Drainage ............................................................................................................. 12
1.3.28 Control of water ........................................ .........................................................13
1.3.29 Fire-fighting ....................................................................................................... 13
1.3.30 Cave-ins ..............................................................................................................I3
1.3.31 Overbreak due to geological conditions ............................................................. 13
1.3.32 Overbreak due to Contractor's fault ................................................................... 13
1.3.33 Repair of Overbreak ........................................................................................... 14
1.3.34 Over-excavation required for operational reasons ............................................. 14
1.3.35 Over-excavation due to special shapes and intersections ................................ 14
1.3.36 Paylines of excavated profiles (design cross-section) ........................................ 14
1.3.37 Standing time of excavation work .................................................................... 14
1.4 Tests and Properties - Excavation ...................................................................................... 15
1.4.1 General ...............................................................................................................
1.4.2 Geological Mappin ...................................15
. .
1.4.3 ................................................................................... 15
Geotechnical Mon~tonng
Rock Classifications for Tunnels ....................................................................... I7
---_3 5 1.4.4

. Auxiliary Works ......................... 18
.. ' [i+;
.! ;-
* .

.I%> . Measurement and Paymen

.. Measurement of volume

j\1356*grhhu bddurumnlr<i~r1 civil wliikrilm ILrddrndaliil 1 Vokm si- 6 m q W n d u r mo 2khap:r: U6 c ? l i c ~ r n u ~ c
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 .Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificalions
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation . iv

. . ..
1.6.2 Determinat~onof quant~tles.....................
1.6.3 Overbreak due to geological conditions .............................................................
1.6.4 Payment of underground excavation ..................................................................20
1.6.5 Transport ......................................................................................................... I

2.1 General............................................................................................................................... 22
2.1.1 Scope of work .................................................................................................. 22
2.1.2 Definition ........................................................................................................... 22
2.1.3 Quality requirements .......................................................................................... 22
2.2 Material and Equipment ....................................... 22
2.2.1 Mix Design 22
2.2.2 Batching. Mixing and Transportation ................................................................ 23
2.2.3 Cement ............................................................................................................... 24
2.2.4 Aggregates .......................................................................................................... 24
2.2.5 Additives ............................................................................................................ 26
2.2.6 Water .............................. ..................................................................................26
2.2.7 Plant .................................................................................................................... 26
2.3 Execution of Work ............................................................................................................. 26
2.3.1 Dry Mix Method................................................................................................. 26
2.3.2 Commencement of work ................................................................................. 26
2.3.3 Preparation of surfaces ...... 7
2.3.4 Mixing ................................................................................................................
2.3.5 General requirements for placing shotcrete ........................................................27
2.3.6 Details on shotcrete operations .......................................................................... 28
2.3.7 Shotcreting in underground structures ...............................................................28
2.3.8 Reboun
2.3.9 Drain holes
2.3.10 Construction joints
2.3.1 1 Layers of shotcrete
. .
2.3.12 Surface fintsh of shotcrete .................................................................................. 29
2.3.13 Curing ................................................................................................................. 29
Tests and Properties ................................. 29
Compatibility Test - Laboratory Tests ............................................................... 29
' ~ z ! 24.1
. Suitability Tests - Field Trials ............................................................................ 30
.4.3 Quality Control ...............................................................................

! .v.
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6 e q b d d e n w r n m lkhapc<, 6 undcrgmun6 e x c n v ~ x ~ n ~0 x, s
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 .Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation .v

2.5 Auxiliary Works ................................................................................................................

2.6 Measurement and Payment ................................................................................................ 33
2.6.1 Shotcreting ......................................................................................................... 33
2.6.2 Shotcrete measured by volume .......................................................................... 33
2.6.3 Thin levelling courses ........................................................................................34
2.6.4 Shotcrete in the course of excavation .................................................................

3 REINFORCING STEEL........................................................................................................... 35
3.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 35
3.2 Materials and Equipment ...................................................................................................
3.2.1 Welded Wire Fabric (Wire Mesh) ...................................................................... 35
3.2.2 Re-Bars ...............................................................................................................35
3.3 Execution of Work .............................................................................................................35
3.3.1 Wire Mesh Installation ......................................................................................35
3.3.2 Re-Bars Installation ............................................................................................ 35
3.4 Tests and Properties ...........................................................................................................
Aux~liaryWork ..................................................................................................................35
3.6 Measurement and Payment ................................................................................................36
3.6.1 Wire-mesh. reinforcement bars for Powerhouse and Transformer
Caverns ...............................................................................................................36
3.6.2 Wire-mesh. reinforcement bars for Support Classes .......................................... 36

4 STEEL RIBS .............................................................................................................................. 37

4.1 General ...............................................................................................................................37
4.2 Materials and Equipment ...................................................................................................37
4.2.1 Types of Steel Ribs ......................................................................................... 37
4.2.2 Materials ............................................................................................................. 37
4.3 Execution of Work ............................................................................................................. 38
4.3.1 Manufacturing of Steel Ribs .............................................................................. 38
4.3.2 Installation ......................................................................................................... 39
4.4 Tests and Properties ........................................................................................................... 39
4.4.1 General ...............................................................................................................
4.5 Auxiliary Wor 9
. 4.6 Measurement and payment ................................................................................................ 39
;'. . . .
. . 3 .. FOREPOLING ........................................................................................................................... 40
5.1 . Gene al ............................................................................................................................... 40
v~$als and Equipment ....................................................................

..... . /

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. ~~ .
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificatiops
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation .vi

5.2.1 General ............................................................................................................... 40

5.2.2 Types of forepoling 0
5.3 Execution of Work .............................................................................................................
5.4 Tests and Properties .................................... 42
5.5 Auxiliary Work .................................................................................................................
5.6 Measurement and Payment .............................................................................................. 42

6 D R N E N STEEL LAGGING .................................................................................................... 43

6.1 General........................
6.2 Materials and Equipment ...................................................................................................
6.3 Execution of Work .............................................................................................................
6.4 Tests and Properties ........................................................................................................... 43
Auxll~aryWork ..................................................................................................................
6.6 Measurement and Payment ................................................................................................ 43

7 ROCK BOLTS ........................................................................................................................... 44

7.1 General ......................
7.1.1 Scope of work .................................................................................................... 44
7.1.2 ......................................................................................................... 44
7.2 Material and Equipment ..................................................................................................45
7.2.1 SN-Bolts and PG-Bolts ..................................................................................... 45
7.2.2 Self-Drilling Rock-Bolts ....................................................................................45
7.2.3 Swellex Rock bolts .............................................................................................45
7.2.4 Stand anchors ..................................................................................................... 45
7.2.5 Permanent bar anchors ............................................. .....................................45 :

7.2.6 Cement - Mortar Grout ....................................................................................... 46

7.3 Execution of Work .............................................................................................................
7.3.1 SN-Bolts ........................................................................................................... 47
7.3.2 PG-Bolts ............................................................................................................. 47
. . Rock Bolts....................
Self-Dnll~ng .
. .
7.3.4 Swellex (or simtlar) rock bolt ............... ......................................................... 48
7.3.5 Strand anchor .....................................................................................................
7.3.6 Permanent bar anchors ....................................................................................... 48
7.4.1 Grout Monar ............................
Rock Bolts Acceptance Tests ...........................................................
Rock Bolts Quality Contml

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirernenfs
6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapler 06 Underground Excavation .vii

7.4.4 Installation Records ............................................................................................ 50

7.5 Auxil~aryWorks ................................................................................................................50
7.6 Measurement and Payment ................................................................................................ 50

8 EXCAVATION AND SUPPORT OF TUNNELS...................................................................

8.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 51
8.2 Supporc Classes ..................................................................................................................
8.2.1 Excavation and support of the Connection Tunnel (CNT) ............................. -51
8.2.2 Excavation and support of the Headrace Tunnel (HRT) ....................... .
8.2.3 Excavation and support of the Access to the Headrace Tunnel (ATH)..............54
8.2.4 Excavation and suppon of the Surge Tank (SUT) .............................................55
8.2.5 Excavation and support of the Pressure Shaft (PRS) ...................................... 55
8.2.6 Excavation and support of the Pressure Tunnel (PRT) ......................................56
8.2.7 Excavation and suppon of the Bifurcator Chamber (BFC)................................56
8.2.8 Excavation and support of the Bifurcator Tunnel 1 (BFI) ................................. 56
8.2.9 Excavation and support of the Bifurcator Tunnel 2 (BF2) ................................. 57
8.2.10 Excavation of the Powerhouse Cavern (PHC) ................................................... 57
8.2.1 1 Excavation and support of the Generator Tunnel 1 (GTI) ................................. 58
8.2.12 Excavation and support of the Generator Tunnel 2 (GT2) .................................58
8.2.13 Excavation of the Transformer Cavern (TFC) ...................................................59
8.2.14 Excavation and suppon of the Access Tunnel to the Powerhouse
Cavern (ACT) ..................................................................................................... 59
8.2.15 Excavation and suppon of the Emergency Exit Tunnel (EET) .......................... 61
8.2.16 Excavation and support of the Tailrace Tunnel Branch 1 (TRI) .......................62
8.2.17 Excavation and suppon of the Tailrace Tunnel Branch 2 (TR2) .......................64
8.2.18 Excavation and support of the Tailrace Tunnel (TRT) ......................................65
8.2.19 Excavation and support of Auxiliary Adit 1 (AUI) ........................................... 66
8.2.20 Excavation and support of Auxiliary Adit 2 (AU2) ........................................... 67
8.3 Measurement and Payment ................................................................................................
8.3.1 Measurement and payment for tunnels .............................................................. 68
8.3.2 Measurement and payment for excavation of slope cut at Surge Tank ..............68
8.3.3 Measurement and payment for Tunnel Portals ................................................... 68
8.3.4 Measurement and payment for cavern excavation and support .........................69
.... 8.3.5 Measurement and payment of raise boring
- \.'*....
"1; :c
.-.. \
8.3.6 Measurement and payment of water inflow
...<. \


\ 7 c


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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - viii

9 DOWNTIMES ............................................................................................................................ 71
9.1 General ....................
..................................................................................................... 71
9.2 Measurement and payment o f downtimes .........................................................................
6.2 Technical Specifications
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirernenls
Chaoter 06 Undereround Excavation - I of 71


1.1 General

1.1.1 General Requirements

Underground excavation as specified hereunder shall include all excavation performed by tunnelling
methods. Excavation shall be made to the lines, grades and dimensions as shown on the drawings.
including excavations for keyways, etc., or as directed by the Employer. The general dimensions,
arrangements and details of typical sections of the tunnels, shafts, caverns. etc., are shown on the drawings.
The type of section to be excavated at any location shall be determined in writing by the Employer. All
support elements shall he furnished and installed if so required by the Contract Documents or as directed by
the Employer and shall he used strictly as specified. During coristruction, tunnels and other underground
structures shall be drained, lighted and ventilated as specified hereunder.
If any particular operation or activity necessary for the proper performance of the work has not specifically
been mentioned, it shall be deemed to have been included in the unit prices for underground excavation.

1.1.2 New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM)

Tunnel excavation and support shall follow the "New Austrian Ttlnnelling Method (NATM)". This method
is based on the principle to take utmost advantage of the rock's capacity to support itself, by careful
measures and deliberate guidance of the forces during the readjustment process from the primary to the
secondary state of stress, which takes place in the surrounding of the excavation. The more the local
progressive loosening will be limited by careful excavation methods and timely installation of the support
elements, the more the rock mass will he able to support itself. The supports elements are shotcrete (plain
or reinforced). rock bolts and steel ribs.
The application of the NATM requires deformation monitoring for the purpose of stability assessment and
the verification of the sufficiency of the support elements installed. The deformation monitoring is
accomplished by means of advanced surveying methods and special devices as specified.
The Contractor shall understand and recognize the technical and design concepts of the NATM and shall
appreciate the function and merits of each component of the tunnel support.

1.13 Proof of rock behaviour

The stress-strain behaviour of the- underground excavations shall be estimated by the Contractor in good
time prior to excavation, based on a semi-empirical design approach or by applying the finite element
method based on an ideal elastic-plastic principle, as directed by the Employer. Deformations of excavated
sections surveyed by means of geotechnical measurements shall form the basis for a continuous safety

1.1.4 Lighting underground

During construction, the Contractor shall provide, maintain and operate lighting in all underground
Within 150 m of the working face, all lighting systems and electrical equipment shall be in compliance
with internationally recognized standards for underground excavation.
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1.1.5 Supply of detailed documents by the Contractor

Where applicable, the Contractor shall submit shop and fabrication drawings with related details,
construction and method drawings, plant details, diagrams and details of all layouts, material handling
operations, calculations as stipulated in the following:
- Details of the proposed methods of setting out before commencing work, and at such stages during
the progress of the work as the Employer may require, together with a copy of all instructions given
to the Contractor's superintending staff and others concerning the setting out of the work and the
maintenance of correct line and level of the tunnels.
- Drawings of, and calculations for, all structures and methods to be used to support the ground during
excavation prior to completion of the permanent structure specified.
- Drawings of. and calculations for, any lemporary shafts or tunnels required by the Contractor, and of
the proposed method(s) of construction thereof.
- Drawings, diagrams and details of all proposed Site layouts, materials handling operations and spoil
disposal arrangements.
Drawings of, and calculations for, any ground injection proposals, including drilling pattern and
extent of treatment, details of plant and equipment, including method of treatment and method of
injection, and details of testing.
Details of chemical characteristics of grout proposed to be used in ground treatment, of the means of
controlling spillage and pollution, and of the arrangements for protection of workers and storage of
- Drawings of, and calculations for, groundwater lowering and groundwater control proposals and
details of associated plant.
- Details of all proposed measures for compliance with environmental control requirements.
- Drawings of, and calculations for, the method of working and supporting the ground at all stages of
constructing breakouts and break-ups.
Drawings of, and calculations for, formwork for all cast-in-situ concrete and of the false-work or
centring, if any required to support it and of the foundations thereto and details of the types and sizes
of items of equipment proposed to be used for, and other arrangements for the transporting, placing
and compacting of concrete, and of the proposed manner of their use.
Details of the proposed method, or alternative methods, of tightening friction grip bolts.
- Details of the proposed means of handling and protecting pre-cast concrete segments prior to
- Details of the types and sizes of items of equipment proposed to be used for tunnel grouting and of
the proposed manner of their use.

1.2 Materials and Equipment

1.2.1 General
All equipment, materials and structural components which the Contractor is to provide for the sole purpose
of underground excavation in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and which are not
permanently incorporated in the Works may be new or used materials. if used at the Contractor's option to
the satisfaction of and upon approval by the Employer.
All materials and structural components, which the Contractor is to supply and install and which are
oermanentlv incornorated in the Works, shall be new, unless otherwise specified. All installation materials
must comply with the relevant standards and requirements regarding quality and dimensions, and must be

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Spmificatmnl
Chapter 06 Underground Excavauon - 3 of 71

13.2 Equipment
Electrical. pneumatic, or diesel driven equipment may be utilized for the different operations involved in
the underground excavation. In case the latter type is used, the Contractor shall provide the necessary
facilities to remove all noxious gases resulting from the operation of the equipment. If the diesel gas
removal system is not adequate, the Employer can request, without extra cost for the Employer, the
suspension of its operation or the necessary measures to correct the defects of the removal system.

1.2.3 Ventilating systems

The ventilating system shall be of sufficient capacity to maintain an adequate supply of uncontaminated air
in underground structures throughout the consuuction period.
The design of the ventilation system shall provide for all categories of construction equipment to be used
underground. For each person working underground, a minimum amount of 3 m3fmin of fresh air shall be
If diesel-powered equipment is used, then the minimum quantity of fresh air to be supplied shall be
3 m3/min for each kW of power employed underground, in addition to the requirements for personnel.
Full particulars of the proposed ventilation system shall be submitted to the Employer for approval prior to
acquisition and installation of the ventilation and exhaust system.
In case of failure of ventilators, an emergency system shall come into operation to allow safe evacuation of
penonne\ and equipment

1.2.4 Use of combustion engines

Underground use of internal combustion engines burning gasoline or liquefied petroleum gases (propane.
butane, propylene, butylene) is forbidden.
The Contractor shall demand proof from prospective suppliers of diesel-powered equipment for use
underground that the proposed equipment conforms to the requirements of the latest editions of adequate
standards. These standards need approval by the Employer.

13.5 Explosives and Detonators

Explosives producing a minimum of toxic fumes in order to facilitate ventilation and shorten ventilation
periods shall he used.
Only "Highly Insensitive Detonators" such as POLEX or similar shall be used for all underground blasting
The purchase of all explosive materials by the Contractor shall only be through the State Trading
Corporation of Bhutan Limited (STCBL). The schedule of rates for different explosive materials can be
obtained from STCBL, Phuentsholing, Bhutan. The Contractor shall abide by the Bhutan Explosive Rules
& Regulations, a copy of which can be obtained from the Ministry of Home and Cultural Affairs

1.2.6 Lightning indication system

The Contractor shall install an approved lightning indication system in the vicinity of the tunnel portals. In
case of lightning alarm, charging and blasting activities shall he intempted for the duration of a
thunderstorm or for the duration of the alann, whatever is the latest.

cross-sections are too small to warrant two-lane traffic. an adequate traffic light system shall
and operated. The same applies to tunnel junctions or crossings.
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1.3 Execution of Work

1.3.1 General
The working method for excavation is left to the Contractor's discretion but shall be in compliance with
Sub-clause 1.1.2. In case of Contractor's delay, the Employer reserves the right to stipulate other working
methods, to result in a speedier progress. The Contractor shall not make any extra claims for such
modifications to the working method.
Survey points, benchmarks, boundary stones and the like shall not be removed or obstructed without the
Employer's written consent. Where required additional survey points (measurements) shall be placed.
Extra benchmarks to be provided by the Contractor shall be indicated by plates, approx. 25x25 cm size,
with benchmark inscriptions written in black letters on a light background with clearly legible weatherproof
oil paint.
A binding working schedule with explanatory report shall be submitted prior to the start of excavation
work. The schedule shall show the quantity, type and capacity of the equipment provided, blasting pattern
and charges, the working method envisaged for transportation and distribution of excavated material, the
location of stockpiles and main storage areas, as well as the approximate number of site operators, etc. This
working schedule and any amendments made thereto during the duration of the Contract shall be subject to
the approval of the Employer and this basis shall be binding for underground excavation if not directed
otherwise by the Employer.
Excavation shall comply with the lines and dimensions indicated in the drawings.

The Contractor's methods for the setting-out of the work and the maintenance of correct line and level of
the tunnels shall be subject to the approval of the Employer.

13.3 Method of excavation

The suitability of method, technique and type of equipment for underground excavation under the existing
subsoil conditions shall be to the discretion of the Contractor.
Existing bore logs and interpretative geological sections derived from former subsoil investigations shall
only be taken as an indication of the type of rock/soil to be met during underground excavation. The
Employer shall not be held responsible for the accuracy and reliability of the investigations. The Contractor
shall prior to his decision of method, technique and type of equipment verify the subsoil conditions with
regard to their suitability.

1.3.4 Continuous Working

To ensure the safety and the security of the works, tunnel, shaft and cavern, excavation shall be continuous
by day and night except as otherwise approved by the Employer. If the state of the work permits.
intermissions will be allowed at weekends and general holiday periods, provided that the works are secured
in a safe condition.
The intermission shall not be allowed to start until all the support elements at the particular locations have
been completed.
In addition the face of any heading shall be sealed with shotcrete (minimum 5 cm) except in stable rock
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13.5 Mucking
A11 muck resulting from excavations shall be removed from the sjte as soon as practicable and be placed in
disposal areas as shown on the drawings or as ordered by the Employer. The Contractor may deposit
materials on disposal areas only when there are no possibilities for its further use by him or by the
Excavated material from the Works, which is selected by the Employer for re-use shall be placed directly in
its final position, if possible. Otherwise it may be stockpiled or deposited on site as approved by the
Muck resulting from tunnel excavations may be crushed and stockpiled in appropriate places to be used in
any Work for which it meets the specifications under this Contract. The Employer shall be the owner of the
muck resulting from rock excavations and the Contractor cannot sell or use it in works not covered by his
Contract without the Employer's previous approval.
Other entities or persons authorized by the Employer to use materials resulting from excavations may
utilize only excess material left by the Contractor. All costs of transportation, disposal and compaction and
drainage shall be included in the unit prices for underground excavation.

13.6 Field trials for blasting technique

At h e start of underground excavation, the Contractor shall carry out field trials based on blasting design to
establish <hat his drilling and b\asi\ng techniques meet the , e e q ~ i ~ m ~afL thR s 9pdf.caim. %
techniques used in these field uials shall generally be in accordance with the Contractor's proposals
approved by the Employer at the time of Acceptance of Bid or with such modifications as approved by the
Employer from time to time. During the progress of the excavation, these techniques shall be varied as
necessary to suit rock conditions and to obtain the best practicable excavation surface after blasting. The
techniques used shall at all times he recorded and subject to the approval of the Employer.

13.7 Zoning
The underground excavation shall follow the dimensions and details for different sections as shown in the
Drawings. The structural supports for excavations shall be installed in the different sections in accordance
with stipulations outlined below.
The Contractor shall take into account the possible variations in the quantities and limits for the different
sections when determining his unit prices for excavation. Such variations shall not modify the terms and
unit prices and shall give no rights for other claims.

1.3.8 Supporting faces of excavation

All excavation faces in other than stable rock conditions shall at all times be properly supported by tunnel
support measures as indicated on the drawings for the respective type of ground and I or as approved by the
Employer. The Contractor shall make good any damage to structures, services or other properties caused by
such movements, loss of ground or water and settlementldefomation.
Any face of exposed ground where excavation is to be discontinued shall he protected, except in stable rock
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1.3.9 Implementation of Tunnel Support Works

The type and amount of tunnel support to be installed immediately after excavation is directly related to the
rock classification as established. The standard primary support associated with the established rock
classification system is shown on the drawings. However, as a consequence of variations from the
anticipated rock conditions the standard support system as shown on the drawings for each rock class may
require modifications and adjustment during construction as proposed by the Contractor or as directed and
approved by the Employer.
The Contractor shall ensure that support elements will be installed or applied in such a manner and
sequence as to prevent disintegration and loosening of the rock mass surrounding the excavated tunnel.

1.3.10 Excavation through earth, weak o r weathered rock, and rock Earth, weak o r weathered rock

The Contractor shall excavate the section of tunnels, galleries, caverns, shafts, etc., through earth, weak and
weathered rock by means of acceptable methods approved by the Employer, which allow an appropriate
excavation and avoid cave-ins and slides. He shall use the excavation and transportation equipment that
best suits the working conditions and meets with the Employer's approval. The excavation and the
installation of support elements shall be executed according to the approved working cycles for respective
ground conditions.
Before commencement of tunnel excavation, the Contractor shall prepare drawings and sketches that show
the excavation and support system and sequence to be utilized as well as a list of equipment and its
characteristics, personnel and their qualifications and shall be based on the efficiency of the proposed
method statement. The approval of the proposed method shall not exempt the Contractor from all
responsibilities during the execution of the Work as required by the Contract Documents and the details
shown on the Drawings.
As a part of his obligations, the Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect the underground
structures against cave-ins produced by seepages, etc. He shall permanently monitor the state of the tunnel
support and shall undertake all necessary action at his cost to keep the excavated spaces in a stable
When the material found at the work front is saturated or has a consistency that may give rise to cave-ins
with normal excavation operations, the Contractor shall proceed to drive lagging andlor forepoling steel
barslpipes ahead of the excavation face and take all necessary precautions to avoid cave-ins. In cases as
such, excavation shall be done by excavator and, if necessary for face stability reasons, with subdivisions of
the tunnel face and immediate application of a shotcrete sealing layer.
Seepage water shall be conveyed by temporary drains of concrete or plastic pipes laid with opening joints
surrounded by a gravel and sand filter, where it is required. The cost of all seepage drains, seepage
protection work and pumping required during the excavation shall be included in the Contract Price as
specified. Rock
The Contractor shall execute the excavation through rock by means of any appropriate method approved by
the Employer. He shall use excavation and transportation equipment which meets the requirements stated in
these specifications and has been accepted by the Employer. Supports and/or rock bolts will be called for in
sections where the quality of the rock so indicates. The excavation and support installation operations shall
be made in a coordinated way to avoid the action of unbalanced forces on the tunnel supports. Use of
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As the excavation advances, the rock encountered shall be observed according to its fracture conditions for
determining the length and number of boreholes, the charge of dynamite per hole and the sequence of
detonation, with the purpose of reducing the overexcavation to a minimum and maintaining the periphery
as close as possible to that shown on the Drawings. If required, core drilling ahead shall be provided to
enable the selection of any appropriate excavation and support method. A systematic and permanent
inspection of the surfaces of excavated sections shall be made to determine the quality and conditions of the
The surfaces shall be cleaned with water and air jets as ordered by the Employer in order to facilitate their
inspection. All shattered pieces of rock shall be removed and rock bolts and shotcrete shall be placed where
required to maintain the excavation in a stable position. Where the removal of shattered or loose rock is not
sufficient to exclude the possibilities of cave-ins, faces shall be supported by means of support elements
specitied in this specification, as approved or directed by the Employer. When it becomes necessary to
reinforce a section of a tunnel, etc., this operation shall be completed before continuing with the
excavation. Excavation shall be done according to the profile geometries as specified on the drawings. If
the excavated surfaces which are to be supported by a shotcrete lining, show surface irregularities and
excessive deviation from the specified profiles, it shall be made good by the Contractor at his own cost,
either by trimming of the rock faces or by extra shotcrete.

13.11 Feeler o r pilot holes

It may be necessary for the Contractor to drill feeler or pilot holes ahead of the underground excavation to
determine in advance the nature of the materials to be excavated or the existence of natural cavities or
faults. The cost of drilling feeler or pilot holes shall be included in the relevant rates quoted for
underground excavation.
Failure of the Contractor to ascertain the rock conditions ahead of underground excavation shall not relieve
the Contractor of the sole responsibility for the safety of the underground works or of the liability for
injuries to or deaths of persons or damage to property or of any of his obligations under the Contract.

1.3.12 Safety measures during construction

The Contractor shall provide all safety measures to avoid any danger to personnel, equipment. installations
and the structure itself not only in the case of obvious danger, but also in the case of merely suspected
danger. The Contractor shall immediately take adequate safety measures.
The safety of the underground excavations shall, at all times, be the responsibility of the Contractor, as well
as the adoption and fulfilling of all-necessary measures to protect the personnel engaged in underground
work from cave-ins, harmful gases or vapoun, fortuitous explosions, intoxications, electric discharges,
floods and all other accidents of probable occurrence in the construction of tunnels, shafts, caverns, etc.
The Contractor shall take all precautions normally adopted for this type of work and those that the
Employer may deem necessary within the scope of the work. Lack of compliance with any safety measures
shall be cause for the Employer to suspend the execution of the Works until the causes that determined the
suspension are remedied, and in such cases the Contractor shall have no right to claim for time extensions
or extra costs.
The local safeguarding arrangements required shall be made by the Contractor subject to the Employer's
approval. In the event of rock falls owing to unfavourable bedding, jointing, local faults. etc.. work shall be
canied out with particular care and protective safety measures.
Where shotcrete is applied for immediate suppon subsequent to excavation work (sealing of faces). the
instructions given under the respective clause hereinunder shall be followed.
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1.3.13 Care of excavation

All excavations shall be done with utmost care and the method and plant to be used in execution thereof
shall be to the approval of the Employer.
The excavation shall conform to the widths. lengths and depths shown on the Drawings and/or shall be
carried out in sections and to such dimensions as the Employer may direct.
Drilling and blasting operations and excavations shall be carried out to meet the following requirements:
- Minimum loosening at the excavation surface and tunnel walls
- The least possible vibration to be imparted to all tunnel supports or lining (especially the concrete
lining), neighbouring tunnels, and the surrounding mass
Pressure wave of such magnitude as not to have any adverse effects on any formwork, fresh concrete
and buildings above ground, neighbouring tunnels, etc.
The least possible amount of overbreak
- Minimize rock falls in fault zones
Damage or alteration at any of the work areas. caused by improper blasting or due to any other operation
executed by the Contractor, shall be repaired or indemnified by him at his own expense in a manner
acceptable to the Employer. Unstable or loose material appearing during excavation and which in the
Employer's opinion may be dangerous for the personnel or for the Work, shall be removed immediately.
and the Contractor shall have no right to special or additional payment for this operation.
To ensure workmanlike driving and supporting operations and the progress of the Work to schedule.
experienced supervisory staff and skilled tunnel miners shall be engaged and the most suitable machinery
and equipment shall be used at the proper time. Furthermore, adequate extra facilities and stand-by plant
shall be provided.
Should any excavation be made of greater dimensions than shown on the Drawings or directed by the
Employer, then the excess space shall be filled in with such material and in such a manner as the Employer
may direct.
All excavations shall be taken down to a firm bottom. Before any foundation material is placed all loose
material and foreign matter shall be removed, and the bottom surface shall have the approval of the
Employer. The lowest 150 mm or thereabouts of the ground to be removed shall be left undisturbed shortly
before the work of constructing the foundation is commenced if, in the opinion of the Employer, such a
precaution is necessary.

1.3.14 Prerequisites for blasting

The Contractor shall not obtain and make use of any explosives without the express permission in writing
of the local security forces or other authorities concerned. The Contractor shall comply strictly with the
regulations, as required by the authorities regarding purchase, storage, issuance, supervision by him and
security forces, use of explosives and transport of same lo and from Site, all of which shall be deemed to
have been included in the relevant unit prices.
Blasting is furthermore strictly and in every case subject to the Employer's permission.

1.3.15 Blasting requirements

Prior to commencement of any blasting work. drilling and blasting pattern and type of detonators are to be
submitted for the Employer's approval.
Blasting shall be carried out carefully by licensed experts only and the Employer will not be liable for any
of damage or alleged damage. injury to the public, etc., due to blasting.
blasting shall be named to the Employer prior to performance of works.

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Blasting shall be carried out at specified times to be agreed upon between the Contractor and the Employer.
Sufficient notices and barriers shall be erected. Immediately before blasting is due, adequate warning shall
be given. Upon completion of blasting, an "all clear" signal shall be given.
This signal shall be withheld by the responsible blasting master or blasting engineer until he is satisfied that
all charges loaded have detonated and that no more delay explosions or misfvings can be expected.
Adequate warning, as mentioned above. shall be given and the required portion of the Site shall be cleared.
before electrical resistance measuring or testing of the firing line is carried out.
The blasting engineer has to inform and perform the alarm system to all other workers on site
The Contractor shall always be sure that the rail tracks. ventilation tubes and supply lines are safely
grounded, so as to prevent danger to persons from lightning and to avoid the possibility of explosions of
loaded or unloaded charges by lightning.

13.16 Smooth blasting

All underground blasting shall utilize "smooth-blasting" techniques by using an appropriate number of
micro-, milli- and half-seconds delay - detonators, using suitable types of explosives, or change the blasting
pattern or excavation by line drilling, pre-splitting, perforation barring and wedging or other proven
methods as directed and approved by the Employer.

13.17 Blasting records

The Contractor shall record on agreed forms all blasting events including location, time, charge. type of
explosives, detonator type and arrangement, purpose, etc. These records shall be available to the Employer
at any time.

1.3.18 Precautions for blasting

Blasting that occurs in the neighbourhood of existing structures shall not be permitted without taking the
necessary precautions and without the Employer's approval. All possible precautions to preserve the rock
found outside the excavation lines in the best possible conditions shall be taken. Blasting shall be made
according to the number, depth and spacing of holes approved by the Employer; an amount and quality of
explosive and sequence of detonation which diminish overbreak to a minimum within the prescribed lines.
shall be used. The Contractor shall take care to leave over-excavations that do not exceed the limits shown
on the drawings for the payment lines, taking all necessary precautions regarding the spacing and
arrangement of boreholes, explosive amounts and sequence of detonation. The approval of the systems
utilized to do the blasting shall not relieve the Contractor from his obligations nor diminish his
responsibility. If the system used by the Contractor causes overbreakage outside the allowed limits, the
Employer can demand a change of system, the execution of line drilling without charges or any other
modification that he deems suitable; the Contractor cannot claim a compensation different from the
payment for the excavated material according to the unit prices.
No reason shall be accepted to justify over-excavation outside the payment lines

1.3.19 Requirements for charging with explosives

All pertinent specifications regarding the general requirements for storage and care of explosives shall be
applicable taking into account the following:
- Charges shall be prepared outside the tunnels.
- Blasting caps shall be separately packed according to type in clearly marked boxes and shall be sent
to the work front in a car; this car shall be followed by another one carrying the explosive in open
boxes; only the necessary amount of explosive and caps shall be sent to the front; all remaining caps
and explosives shall be taken away before the blast.
' ...$:i?r ,-'- The net depth of the hole shall be checked before placing the charge.

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In case the detonators are electric. when preparing them outside the tunnels, the base wire ends shall
be protected with insulating caps or neoprene fittings; such insulators shall be removed after
charging the holes to make the proper connections.
Each of the prepared blasting charges shall be checked by means of a galvanometer, or a special
ohmmeter, at a prudent distance, to guarantee the continuity of the complete network.
The ends of the main wires shall be connected to the detonator immediately before the blast; the
initiation system shall be kept at a minimum distance of 200 m from the front but the personnel
dispensable shall move back further.
In case that an ignition system without electric detonators is used, the manufacturer's
recommendations shall be followed.
If the Contractor is planning to use electric detonators, he shall install lightning detectors that give
information about the atmospheric electric activity continually. The Contractor shall install alarms directly
connected to the detectors at each work front. When explosives are being charged at a front where electric
detonators are used and a storm is detected, the personnel shall be quickly moved to a prudent distance until
atmospheric conditions become normal.

1.3.20 Washing down during excavation

The Contractor shall wash down exposed rock surfaces in the sidewalls and roof of underground
excavations to remove rock fragments, dust and debris. This washing down is separate from clean up of
surface immediately prior to placement of concrete or shotcrete.
The washing down shall be progressing with the excavation at a time directed by the Employer and
generally will not be required closer than 30 m from the face unless there is an immediate need for safety
measures by placing shotcrete.
Washing down shall be done by directing a jet of water at the rock surface from a distance of 1 m through a
nozzle of 20 mm diameter and at a pressure of not less than 350 kPa (3.6 kg/cm2) and not more than
700 kPa (7.2 kglcm2). The method of performing the work and all equipment used shall be subject to the
approval of the Employer.
The cost of washing down during excavation shall be included in the relevant unit rates

1.3.21 Ventilation
The Contractor shall install, maintain and operate a temporary ventilation system for underground works.
The installation and operation of the ventilation system shall follow the excavation works to provide
breathing air conditions not detrimental to the health of the labour force.
The ventilation system may be of the forced supply or forced extraction type, including local air movers or
any combination thereof.
The design of the ventilation system shall comply with the requirements of the Technical Details and shall
be subject to the approval of the Employer.
The ventilation system shall be operated during the excavation and concreting phase in accordance with the
requirements of the Technical Details but shall not be removed thereafter without the written permission of
the Employer.

1.3.22 Lighting and power

For each section of the Work, the Contractor shall provide a lighting system. which shall be maintained in
operation during the execution of the respective work. Besides the general lighting system, he shall provide
ing for the excavation front, where any work is being executed, or where it is necessary to
of the tunnel; this lighting system shall consist of floodlights, air-driven
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All power and lighting wires shall be installed and maintained in optimal conditions of insulation and
Power and lighting cables shall be installed on one side of the tunnel and the detonator wires shall be
installed on the opposite side and sufficiently distant from telephone or communication systems wires.
All wires shall be firmly fixed on tunnel walls, by means of insulators of adequate design and capacity and
their installation shall b e made in such a way that wires do not get damaged during tunnel construction. The
minimum general lighting system shall have an intensity equivalent to that produced by a 60-Watt lamp at
6 m spacings. The lighting network voltage shall not be higher than 220 V and preferably lower; if the
Contractor so prefers, he can install a system with a high transmission voltage by means of insulated cables
of special design, acceptable to the Employer, from which the lighting network shall be derived at the
specified voltage; in this case, the Contractor shall furnish at his own cost waterproof, explosion-proof and
water-tight transformers previously approved by the Employer, for installation within the tunnels. For the
general lighting system the Contractor may use incandescent or fluorescent lamps, sodium lamps or any
other type acceptable to the Employer that provide the minimum specified intensity.
The temporary lighting shall remain in commission until tunnel construction is complete.
Without prejudice to the liability of the Contractor under the Conditions of Contract and his responsibility
to adopt all expedients for ensuring the safety of his workmen and others. the Contractor shall. in
connection with any installation for lighting, power and signalling, observe the following:
- Tunnel lighting supply underground shall be independent of the power supply for any plant or small
- All lamp holders shall be of approved nonconductive material.
- All wiring shall be properly insulated with vulcanized rubber or other approved material, particular
care being taken to insulate connections to the approval by the Employer.
- All wiring shall be securely fixed clear of any moving plant, man access, source of heat or other
likely damage.
- All circuits shall be sub-divided and protected by fuses of low current rating.
- Lighting in running tunnels shall generally consist of not less than one 60-Wall lamp at 6 m centres
or equivalent with proportionate increase in enlargements.
- Power supplies to fixed plant and equipment, tunnelling machines and the like shall be protected
adequately against unauthorized or accidental damage and shall be marked with the liable maximum
voltage. All cables shall be proof to continuous immersion in water, contact with hydraulic fluid, and
vibration from moving machinery, heat, abrasion and mechanical damage.
- High voirage step-dawn transfomecs inc\u&ng the related switchgear shaN be instat\& in recesses
outside of the excavation lines.
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1.3.23 Communication
The Contractor shall provide and maintain the following minimum communication system throughout all
underground works. A robust two-way telephone system shall be installed between each working face, each
fire point. a continuously manned control point, and the Employer's and Contractor's Site Offices, the first
aid station, batching plants and other important facilities, as deemed necessary by the Contractor andlor
instructed by the Employer.

1.3.24 Form of invert during construction

Immediately after mucking out. the invert shall be levelled suitably. All ground water and service water
shall be drained off right away so as to make the invert suitable for the use of persons and vehicles.
Any covers and harriers required shall he installed immediately

1.3.25 Protection ofinvert support

No Site traffic on wheels or tracks shall be allowed to run on unprotected invert structures, temporary or
final, concrete or shotcrete. Invert structures shall be protected against destruction by means of backfilling
with compactable and suitably graded material with a minimum thickness of 0.5 metres. Backfilling
material shall not contain stones larger than 100 mm diameter.

1.3.26 Access
Without prejudice to the liability of the Contractor under the Conditions of Contract and his responsibility
to adopt all expedience for ensuring the safety of his workmen and others, the Contractor shall in
connection with the provisions of safe access to the Works observe the following requirements:
Walkways shall be provided through all underground works providing a minimum clear space of 1800 mm
high and 750 mm wide with a walking surface of not less than 400 mm wide. The walking surface shall be
free from irregularities and sufficiently rough to provide an adequate fwthold. Water should not he allowed
to stand or accumulate at or above walkway level at any point. Any accidental spillage of spoil or other
material shall be removed immediately.

1.3.27 Drainage
All works required in connection with the dninage of water escapes and inrushes shall be carried out
according to the chapter "Dewatering" and after consultation with the Employer. Only skilled personnel
shall he employed for such work, particularly if shotcrete or a concrete lining is placed on the water escape
surface. The Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements to prevent the penetration of ground or
service water into the area of adjacent works. The Employer may only install construction drains subject to
The Contractor shall have available pumps, pipes, etc., in an adequate amount and capacity for dewatering
during construction.
Dewatering shall be continued until the respective works or sections of the works are temporarily accepted
by the Employer. The water has to be collected, channelled and piped out of the tunnel.
Water out of fissures or faults, running over the rock surface to be shotcreted, shall be collected jn
drainpipes and channel formed by rapid hardening mortar prior to shotcreting.
After placing of primary lining a systematic drainage along the tunnel shall be executed prior to placing of
stmctural concrete.

unexpected severe influx of water is encountered from faults or fracture zones. it may be necessary to
-,...reduce the inflow of water by grouting.
.,:. 0 ..
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13.28 Control of water

Methods for controlling groundwater for all sections and stages of tunnelling may include groundwater
lowering. ground treatment, use of closed face tunnelling machine or a combination of these.
The technique adopted shall ensure stability of the tunnel and excavated face during and after construction
and shall ensure that no washing out of fine materials, which may lead to progressive settlement or loss of
stability, occurs.
Water in the tunnel shall be channelled towards sumps and piped from the Works to the surface drainage
system to the approval of the Employer. Pumps shall be adequately sized to provide a margin of capacity to
meet abnormal conditions and partial failure.

Notwithstanding the Contractor's liability under the Conditions of Contract and the requirements and
recommendations of the local fire fighting authorities, the Contractor shall observe the following
requirements, where applicable:
- Fire fighting equipment shall be in compliance with internationally recognized standards.
- Vulnerable areas, such as material stores, shall be provided with individual fire points.
- An alarm procedure shall be developed for any type of emergency that they may be called upon to
- Burning and welding underground shall be kept to a minimum and propane shall be used in
preference to acetylene. Gas cylinders shall not be stored below ground and shall be removed after
use. Sand buckets and extinguishers shall be immediately available when cut-welding is carried out.
- Storage of combustible materials below ground shall be kept to that required for immediate or
emergency use only. Waste shall be removed at the end of each shift.
- A Site fire squad shall be designated and trained to use apparatus, monitor its readiness, check and
report on unsafe practices.
- Access to the Site for emergency vehicles shall be maintained at all times.

1 3 3 0 Cave-ins
The Contractor shall, at all times, take the measures deemed necessary or ordered by the Employer to avoid
cave-ins in tunnels, caverns, shafts, etc.
In case a cave-in occurs or signs indicating the possibility of its occurrence are observed, the Contractor
shall take all necessary measures to avoid it and prevent accidents: he shall then immediately notify the
Employer. In such cases, the Contractor shall take all measures ordered by the Employer. He shall execute
such measures ordered by the Employer, and all works required to control the cave-in shall be the
Contractor's responsibility: the removal of cave-in materials, the necessary repairs and the accident that
may occur shall also be the Contractor's responsibility. The cost for such operation shall be included in the
Contract price.

1 3 3 1 Overbreak due to geological conditions

The cost incurred in connection with cave-ins and falls due to geological conditions shall be included in the
Contract price.

1.3.32 Overbreak due to Contractor's fault

Where overbreak is caused by inappropriate working methods or negligent work (e.g., wrong location of
drilling holes, carejess blasting operations, excessive pulls, incorrect extension of the tunnel axis, etc.) no
made either for ;he overbreak beyond the paylines or for the additional concrete required

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The Contractor shall be responsible for all cave-ins, erosion and over-excavation of tunnels in earth. He
shall take all necessary measures. at his cost, to control the excavation and make all the repairs ordered by
the Employer.

13.33 Repair of Overbreak

The volume of necessary filling of overbreak with shotcrete or concrete shall be determined and agreed
upon on site between the Contractor and Employer.
The geometry of the repaired profile shall ensure a smooth and continuous cross section.

1.3.34 Over-excavation required for operational reasons

Excavation not described in the Bill of Quantities or not shown on the Drawings, but considered necessary
by the Contractor for building operations, such as excavations for recesses, lay-hys. down-holes, adits.
access tunnels, side drifts, mucking pits, pump sumps, drain ditches, rail grooves, as well as spaces for
supply facilities and the like may be made only if approved by the Employer. The cost of such excavation
or associated overbreak and of the concrete required to fill them, shall be included in the unit prices for the
design cross-section and shall not be claimed for separately, even though their construction has been
approved by the Employer.

13.35 Over-excavation d u e to special shapes a n d intersections

The cost of any overbreak due to special shapes and intersection which can be seen from the Construction
Drawing and which is to be expected in view of the condition of the rock and the working method of
excavation shall be included in the unit prices and will not be paid for separately.

1.3.36 Paylines of excavated profiles (design cross-section)

Excavation shall he carried out according to the dimensions shown on the drawings and as specified. This
design cross-section also includes all excavation including overbreaks for ditches. drains, recesses, rail
foundations, etc., as far as these are shown on the drawings, hut not specifically listed in the Bill of
Single projections of rock (no more than one per single square meter of excavated surface) may penetrate
into the design cross-section up to 10 cm, provided the concrete lining is thicker than 30 cm. Where lining
of concrete is thinner than that. no projection will he allowed. No projections will be allowed where steel
reinforcement is required either.

1.3.37 Standing time of excavation work

Standing time under this item is applicable, if no works can be camed out at the tunnel face or at collapse
area, in order to secure tunnel in sections, where stability is endangered and only if personnel cannot be
used for other works.
Tunnel excavation works are works including safety measures as well as tunnel support works going on in
an area within 25 m of the tunnel face.
Furthermore, this item is only relevant in case standing time of excavation works exceeds the number of
days stipulated in the BoQ.
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1.4 Tests and Properties -Excavation

1.4.1 General
At the Employer's request, the Contractor shall at all times supply rock, soil, and water samples for testing
purposes. Any change in rock and soil conditions shall immediately be reported to the Employer. In the
event of large inflows of water, the quantity shall be determined at the Employer's request.
Additional anchor bearing tests may be required by the Employer.

1.4.2 Geological Mapping

The Contractor shall carry out the geological mapping during tunnel excavation. The Contractor shall
assign a qualified geologist to cany out the work as specified.
Comprehensive records of geological information as obtained during tunnel excavation shall be prepared
and maintained by the Contractor for the submission to the Employer as each 50 metres of excavation work
is completed. These records shall include rock classes, all description of rock formation, their orientation
(dip and dip direction), their characteristics in terms of fracturing, schistosity, weathering location etc. and
observations on size and nature of faults. groundwater appearance and other features which may be
relevant to tunnelling works. Photographs shall be taken when deemed necessary or as directed by the
Geological sections shall be recorded at the face of the tunnel daily when drivage works are in progress at
maximum intervals of six metres or as required by the Employer.
Geological longitudinal sections and longitudinal plan view at tunnel level shall be compiled from the
mapping records as the drivage works progress. Copies of sections shall be made available to the Employer
at any time.
In case of sudden and unexpected changes of the geological conditions, the Contractor shall inform the
Employer in due course.
Exploratory drillings shall be done in presence of the geologist and the geologist shall record all findings.
During exploratory drillings, an Employer's Representative shall be present.
The cost for the geological mapping shall be included in the Contract Price of excavation

1.43 Geotechnieal Monitoring

Geotechnical monitoring is an import& component for safe and economical tunnelling, in order to assess
whether the secondary stress around the cavity has reached an equilibrium state.
The Contractor shall perform deformation measurements in tunnels and other underground excavations. He
shall provide, maintain and operate the measurement devices including all materials, consumables and
auxiliary equipment required for such measurements, including recording and evaluation of measurement
The measurement devices and measuring methods are subject to approval by the Employer. Geotechnical monitoring in tunnels not exceeding 50 m2 cross-sectional area

Measurements consist of an initial (zero) measurement within not more than 3 hours after excavation of the
respective round with subsequent series-measurements to determine the pattern or progress of deformation
over time within the excavated profile. All measurements are to be recorded, evaluated and plotted on
forms as directed by the Employer.

.- are to be applied, namely:
. Convergency measurements, where the distance between placed bolts in a profile section will be
measured severally by mechanical means.
.4 -.
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- Roof settlements, where the movement of a bolt placed at the crown of the cross-section will be
measured by precision levelling.
Convergency measurements are generally taken in sections of 50 m distance along the tunnel alignment.
However, in areas where potential deformations are expected, the Employer may locally shorten the
Roof settlement measurements shall be taken at 25 m intervals between two and at regular convergency
measurement sections. Gentechnical monitoring for caverns

The geotechnical monitoring in the caverns shall be done by optical 3D displacement measurements, which
is a geodetic method. The method shall provide absolute, spatial displacements of marked measuring points
with an accuracy of 1 mm (Standard deviation) in x. y, z directions
An electronic theodolite with an integrated co-axial distometer, automatic target identification and
automatic data registration shall be employed. The stored data shall be able to be transferred onto a PC.
Reflecting or optical targets shall be used to achieve the required accuracy in defining measurement points. Performance rules for geotechnical monitoring

Measurement bolts are to be placed as soon as the measuring station has been excavated and muck is
removed. Zero-measurements are to be made not later than 3 hours after excavation o f the respective
During placing of bolts and measurement performance, all work interfering with the measurements has to
be temporarily intempted and interfering equipment removed.
Upon completion of the zero-measurements. the measuring bolts have to be appropriately protected from
effects of consecutive blasting flying rock and damage from plant.
Destroyed or damaged measuring points shall be replaced and a series of "transfer readings" shall be taken
with frequencies as specified for newly installed sections without extra payment. The Contractor shall
immediately inform the Employer of any damages to bolts or devices.
Where shotcrete or other protective measures are to be applied, the measuring bolts are to be kept free from
shotcrete, in order to permit undisturbed measurements.
Placing of measurement bolts and perfomlance of convergency measurements shall be executed by trained
staff only, preferably always by the same crew. to develop a routine, warranting time savings and reliability
of measuring results.
The measurements following the zero-measurement have to follow a general pattern, which may be
densified if so required by the Employer.
The general measurement pattern shall be:
- Once daily for the first 3 days after the zero-measurement.
- Once daily for a sequence of three bi-journal measurements (on the fifth, seventh and ninth day).
- Thereafter, every seventh day for a period of 4 weeks until measurements show no more appreciable
movements (less than 1.0 mm per month).
- In particular cases the Employer may call for further measurements on a monthly basis.
- Adaptation can be made based on the time-history of the recorded displacements.
, .- .
'TfiPEmployer reserves the
2. right to amend the above pattern, if the geological settings or large or fast
.. -- momments make further interim measurements desirable.
I . . .
The eontractor shall protect the measurement devices against any damage.

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The Employer shall plot all measurements within 4 hours of the readings on agreed diagrams, which shall
be accessible at any time for consultation. The graphs shall show date, time of measurement, deformation
and distance from the excavation face.
If evaluations and plotted graphs show that the speed of deformations do not decrease within specified
periods. additional strengthening of the support shall be proposed by the Contractor or directed and
approved by the Employer. Monitoring shall continue in an agreed pattern until deformations tend to zero.

1.4.4 Rock Classifications for Tunnels

In order to minimize the Contractor's risk with regard to geological conditions for rock behaviour in the
various overburden situations (due to limited knowledge of the geology of the tunnel stretch), tunnel
support classes have been designed to cope with all anticipated rock conditions.
For determination of the support classes refer to Clause 8 Competent rock

Quartzite, gneiss and mica schist and equivalent portions within the metamorphic sequence with moderate
to very wide spacing of schistosity planes and a low degree of fracturing. The primary stress level does not
exceed the rock mass strength. Jointed rock

Quartzite, gneiss, mica schist and equivalent portions within the metamorphic sequence with very close to
moderate spacing of schistosity planes and a high degree of fracturing as well as fault breccia. The primary
stress level does not exceed the rock mass strength. Weak fractured rock

Quartzite, gneiss, mica schist and equivalent portions within the metamorphic sequence with extremely
close to close spacing of schistosity planes and a high degree of fracturing as well as fault breccia. The
primary stress level equals or exceeds the rock mass strength to a minor extent. Faulted rock

Cataclasite, fault gouge and weakly cemented fault breccia as well as weathered mica schist and equivalent
portions within the metamorphic sequence. The primary stress level can exceed the rock mass strength to a
considerable extent. Loose ground

Cataclasite and fault gouge as well as weathered mica schist and equivalent portions within the
metamorphic sequence. The primary stress level exceeds the rock mass strength to a considerable extent.
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1.5 Auxiliary Works

Auxiliary works to be included in the unit rates of the Bill items for underground excavation shall
comprise, among others, the following materials:
- Any equipment. temporary installations or materials required for performing the underground
excavation including drilling and blasting.
- Provision of adequate lighting in the tunnels and shafts during construction period until permanent
lighting is installed where applicable.
- Provision of sufficient ventilation in the tunnels including all ducts, hoses, supply and exhaust pipes.
etc., required for construction work.
- Providing adequate methods for removal and disposal of excavated materials to disposal areas either
shown on the drawings or as directed by the Employer.
- All materials required for placing temporary supports.
- Transportation of muck to disposal area and its compaction.
- All seepage drains, seepage protection and pumping during excavation.
All costs regarding general requirements for storage and care of explosives.
- All facilities for dewateringtdrainage of underground excavation including controlled conveyance of
water to nearby streams.
All facilities for measuring of tunnel deformations.
- All setting out and protection of benchmarks and survey points
- All costs regarding the geological mapping.
- Geotechnical monitoring.

1.6 Measurement a n d Payment

1.6.1 Measurement of volume

The volume of underground excavation shall be measured in terms of cubic meters of solid mass in its
natural state. according to the dimensions and paylines shown in following drawing, Figure 1.6.1.
Any additional excavation ordered by the Employer shall be measured according to the paylines defined by
the Employer.
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"C" Line
Payline for excavatim
P. ,/'

Construction Tolerance
Shotcrete Thickness - Defonatlon Tolerance , INCLUDED
as per Support Class drawings i IN UNIT
Unavoidable Overbreak
as per Support Class drawings i EXCAVATlON

"B" Line

Payment of Relevant Pay-Line

Shotcrete, wire mesh, membrane, steel ribs "B-Line"
re-profiling, & lattice girders
Excavation "C-Line"

Tigure 1.6.1: Paylines

.'u C
.o ...
* - -
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1.6.2 Determination of quantities

The basis of the determination of quantities relating to the respective cross-section of excavation shall be
the design cross-section as shown on the drawings. The cross-section when multiplied by its valid length
represents the paid excavation quantity.
For Support Class Items excavation is included in the unit price per linear metre as detailed in Clause 8.
The volume of overbreak shall be measured by the Contractor by means of surveying methods as approved
by the Employer.
In a transition of length L (m) from cross-section A to cross-section B, the quantity shall be considered as
(A + B) x U2 (m3).
1.6.3 Overbreak due to geological conditions
No extra compensation will be granted for overbreak due to geological conditions and the additional
concrete or shotcrete required in connection with filling of the overbreak.

1.6.4 Payment of underground excavation

Payment for underground excavation shall be made at the unit prices stipulated per linear meter of tunnel or
per cubic meter, as applicable for the respective support classes.
These unit prices shall include the costs related to underground excavation such as:
All unavoidable overbreak andlor overbreak due to geological conditions.
All intended over-excavation to compensate geotechnical deformations.
All intended over excavation to compensate construction tolerances selected by the Contractor and
approved by the Employer.
- All costs for dividing the cross-section resulting from geological conditions andlor technical reasons
(multi-stage excavation)
- All overbreak due to Contractor's fault.
- Excavations serving the convenience of Contractor's construction measures, whether the Employer
has approved such excavations or not.
- All equipment required for excavation.
- All labour.
- All materials necessary to place temporary supports.
- Make drillings for blasting.
- All blasting equipment and explosives.
Filling of over-excavation.
Placing temporary supports.
- All lighting installation.
- Complete ventilation including instruments for registration, measurements and protective masks,
etc., as required.
- All provisions for communication
- Installation of drainage pipes and pump-sumps.
- Excavation of all necessary drain ditches and safe evacuation of water
- Fire fighting equipment.
- . .Removal and disposal of excavated materials to the disposal. Areas shown on the Drawings or as
r :. !- Q ,d??ected by the Employer. Spreading to level including appropriate compaction of disposed muck.
- .'
L .
~ ~ & i tests
~ ~ sand
, the geotechnical-monitoring programme.

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However, such prices shall not include the installation of all support elements, which shall be paid for as
indicated in the respective Clause.

1.6.5 Transport
"Extra over" for transport will not be paid. The unit prices in the Bill of Quantities shall cover all transport
to final positions, stockpile areas or waste deposits.
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2.1 General

2.1.1 Scope of work

These Specifications apply to all work in which shotcrete (including gunite) will be used, such as for,
support in tunnels and underground structures, tunnel lining and for various kinds of relatively thin linings,
strengthening buildings and rock surfaces and for slope protection.

2.1.2 Definition
Shotcrete is an intimate mixture of Portland cement, aggregates, water and additives, if applicable, shot into
place by means of compressed air through a spray nozzle. If shotcrete is properly proportioned, mixed,
placed and cured, it forms a very hard, high-strength concrete. Rebound is defined as the constituents of
shotcrete that rebound from the surface during the application of shotcrete.

2.1.3 Quality requirements

Shotcrete, whether as a sealing tunnel lining or as an arch with load bearing functions shall show in the
entire cross-section a uniform, compact, monolithic (not stratified) texture, free of cracks. The hollow space
driven into the rock formation shall be secured against loosening and undue yielding of the rock by the
sprayed-on concrete layer.
All steel parts such as wire, reinforcing steel, mesh, arched steel rib supports and the like remaining in the
shotcrete shall be covered neatly throughout their entire extent by at least 3 cm of shotcrete.
Any adherent rebound andlor loose or clogged material from previous shotcreting shall carefully be
removed before shotcreting. Any steel inserts shall be fixed in such a way that they will not give rise to
laminated cross-sectional separation.
If local conditions permit and economy of work is not prejudiced, the sprayed-on concrete layer as a tinal
tunnel lining may assume any structural functions required.
The Contractor shall be fully responsible for an efficient method and the use of appropriate equipment. This
responsibility shall also rest with him in cases where subcontractors may be engaged for this work.

2.2 Material and Equipment

2.2.1 Mix Design

The mix for shotcrete shall be designed by laboratory tests and field trials as indicated hereafter to meet the
requirements for strength development and final strength. The following factors shall be taken into
- Cement content
- Accelerating admixtures
- Water-cement ratio
- Setting and strength development
- Temperature of mix
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Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 23 of 71 Cement Content

For the dry shotcrete process the quantity of cement shall not be less than 350 kg/m3 dry mix.
The cement content shall be designed to meet the strength requirements of shotcrete applied in the field.
For the wet shotcrete process the minimum cement content shall comply with the standard mix of class
22.5 concrete, see Chapter 07 Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Water-Cement Ratio

Dry process:
The water content shall be controlled by the nozzle man to suit the conditions of the shotcreting surface and
location of application. An indication that the waterlcement ratio is in the correct range will be, that the
shotcrete will seem to have a slightly shining appearance immediately following application.
Wet process:
Field trials shall be canied out to determine and establish the suitable water/cement ratio. Setting and Strength Development

Accelerating admixtures shall he used to meet the requirements for setting and strength development of
shotcrete applied in-situ.
In order to determine a suitable dosage rate of accelerating admixtures suitability tests shall be carried out.
The compressive strength of shotcrete in-situ (taken from the tunnel lining or panels sprayed in the tunnel)
shall develop progressively to a final strength according to the minimum requirements. Uniaxial
compressive tests shall be done in accordance with the provisions stipulated in Chapter 07, Sub-clause
7.4.5. and following of this Specification.
The strength development due to suitability tests must exceed the specified in-situ strength by a factor of
IlO.85 (= 1.18).
The 28-day-strength of shotcrete shall be minimum 20 Nlmmz.

2.2.2 Batching, Mixing and Transportation Dry Shotcrete Process

Cement and aggregates shall be batched in tfie proportions specified and designed. Measurement shall be
done by weight. At the time of batching all aggregates shall have been dried or drained sufficiently to result
in a stable moisture content, which shall not exceed 7 %.
Mixing of cement and aggregates shall be performed mechanically. Shotcrete shall not be used unless
placing can be completed within a period of ninety (90) minutes from the time of mixing. The time span
shall be kept as short as possible, especially at seasons with high air temperatures and high humidity.
The mixing time shall be not less than 60 seconds.
A system of delivery notes shall he introduced to record the date, the time of mixing, design mix number,
quantity, delivery point, time of delivery and completion of placing. The delivery notes shall be available to
the Employer.
For the dry process, powder or liquid type accelerating admixtures shall be added to the dry-mix. The
powder type accelerator shall be proportioned and added just before the dry mix enters the shotcrete
machine through a mechanical device (dispenser). Liquid type accelerator is delivered by a special dosage
pump and added to the dry-mix at or near the nozzle. Dosage pump and the hoses to the nozzle shall be

provisions shall be made to maintain the setting properties of the shotcrete

the water or the aggregates or both. depending on the temperature.

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
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During hot weather periods the water content of the aggregates for the dry process shall be kept above 4 %.
in order to avoid cement loss at the rotor of the shotcrete machine.

2.2.3 Cement
Cement shall be Portland cement of approved type. Its material uniformity shall be guaranteed.
Where chemically aggressive ground water occurs, a special type of cement, probably with an admixture of
additives shall be used.
Compatibility of the binder with the intended additive and the percentages of the same to be added shall be
tested by the Contractor prior to use.

2.2.4 Aggregates
Aggregates for shotcreting shall be uniformly graded. Dense, hard particles are required to avoid crumbling
and the forming of fine powder by the grains when passing through the nozzle.
The grain form shall be compact, i.e. it may differ only slightly from a spherical or cubic shape.
Unless otherwise approved by the Employer, the percentages of fine and coarse aggregate shall conform to
the grading, measured by weight, shown in Figure 2.2.4.
0.075 0.15 0.30 0.M) 1.18 2.36 4.75 9.50 12.5019.0


Figure 2.2.4: Grain Size Distribution of Aggregates for Shotcrete

T o prevent dust formation as much as possible during spraying, the rock flour proportion (0.1 mm) in the
crushed aggregate shall be kept small.
Mortar made with finer sand will have a higher water requirement and correspondingly increased drying
shrinkage. If a sand is deficient in fines, the addition of diatomaceous earth (not more than 3% of the
cement. by weight) will improve the plasticity of the mix and decrease the amount of rebound. The inherent
moisture in the ready mix aggregates shall not exceed 3%.
The maximum aggregate size fractions of the ready mix shall depend on the shotcrete thickness and he
determined by suitability tests.
The water content of aggregate at the time of incorporating into the mix shall be less than approximately
five percent (5%) by weight.
Both the purity and the uniformity of the fractions to the appropriate standards shall be guaranteed
The aggregates shall be stored in adequate quantities and in an appropriate manner so that purity and

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Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificarions
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2.2.5 Additives
Only accelerating agents free from chloride shall be used. They shall not promote steel corrosion or
adversely affect the strength development and hardening pattern of the concrete. The Contractor shall be
fully responsible for the suitability of the additive. He shall protect himself through manufacturer's
The quantity used shall he kept to the absolute necessary minimum. The machine shall feed the additive
directly and in the exact proportion by weight. Before work is commenced, proof shall be furnished as to
how the additive influences the strength development up to the point where the final strength is reached.

2.2.6 Water
The water used in shotcrete shall be fresh, clean and free from injurious amounts of sewage, oil, acid.
alkali, salts, and organic or other undesirable matter.

2.2.7 Plant
The method of application shall be a fully developed from both material and technical point of view.
satisfying all requirements for.the particular job and employing only modem equipment approved by the
Suitable standby equipment and a sufficient stock of spare parts shall be kept ready for use.
Standard Mixer: The rotating mixing equipment shall be capable of thoroughly dry-mixing sand and
cement within the time available to uniformly and continuously supply the mixed material to the gun.

2.3 Execution of W o r k

23.1 Dry Mix Method

Applying this method, materials are pre-mixed and then fed to the gun. At the same time an accelerator is
added to the gun. The material is then carried in suspension by compressed air through a hose to the nozzle.
At the nozzle, water is injected into the material in a number of tine streams. As the materials pass through
the final portion of the nozzle, it is mixed with the water. Mixing continues as the stream of material and
water passes between the nozzle and the point of impingement.

2.3.2 Commencement of work

Before shotcreting work begins, a progress chart giving details of the work operations shall be prepared and
submitted by the Contractor for the approval of the Employer.
The Contractor shall make available all and any equipment, machinery, etc., meeting the requirements of
continual shotcreting procedure, particularly with respect to the workmanlike construction of the thick
shotcrete linings, if any, with a structural function.
The Contractor shall advise the Employer of the brand names and type, number and capacity of the
shotcrete machines he proposes to use, together with all other equipment required to carry out the
shotcreting operations. All equipment shall require approval by the Employer. The shotcreting method shall
be indicated.
All equipment required to prepare, mix and place sholcrete shall be kept clean and maintained in good
operating condition at all times during the performance of the works. Batching and mixing equipment shall
conform to the applicable requirements of these Technical Specifications in this section.
The shotcrete machine shall have an adequate placing capacity to ensure minimum delays to excavation
The equipment shall be such that the rapid hardening additive can be mixed
before placing. The Contractor shall ensure that adequate
by the equipment manufacturer and as directed by the E

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If, in the opinion of the Employer, operation of shotcreting equipment becomes unsatisfactory, the
Contractor shall make all necessary repairs or replacement of the equipment. The Employer may direct that
shotcreting ceases until the Employer's instructions are complied with, and the Contractor shall have no
grounds for claims on this account.
In all areas where excavation is proceeding, the Contractor shall ensure that sufficient equipment is
available to apply shotcrete at any face, as specified herein.

2.33 Preparation of surfaces

All loose rock and concrete (for instance after consolidation spraying) and also all sharp protruding edges
as well as dirt, grease, oil, scale and other contamination shall be carefully removed. If necessary, the
surface shall be sandblasted or slightly roughened. Then. the base to be shotcreted, especially if concrete or
masonry, shall be thoroughly cleaned with water under pressure and compressed air. Any remaining water
shall be blown away by compressed air.
Any seepage water entering locally shall be dealt with by suitable means, such as drainage borings with
grouted pipe nipples connected to pipes, local sealing measures, drainage measures, etc. Any water shall be
kept free from contact with the fresh shotcrete until such time as it has sufficiently set. When reinforcement
is to be covered, it shall be held securely in place by expansion bolts or dowels anchored firmly in place.

2.3.4 Mixing
Thorough mixing of the aggregates, cement additives and water shall be ensured for all shotmete.
The optimum mix contains a little less water than what will cause sloughing, and just enough cement for
the desired waterlcement ratio.
The waterlcement ratio of the fresh shotcrete in place shall be in general between 0.35 and 0.50.
The non-lift mixing process shall take at least two (2) minutes and the composition of the ready mix shall
constantly remain unchanged until it is applied.
During handling, the mixed concrete shall be protected from dripping water.
The use of ready mix from transit-mixing plants is allowed for subordinate structural parts only and is
subject to explicit approval by the Employer.

23.5 General requirements f o r plaeing shotcrete

The quality of the placed shotcrete depends to a large extent on the experience and reliability of the
spraying crew as well as on the proper nozzle spacing and on the correct spray angle. Therefore. only
skilled labour having an intimate knowledge of that particular kind of work shall be employed on the work.
Prior to the start of shotcreting operations in any area, the Contractor shall, in close co-operation with the
Employer and as part of the initial placement, establish procedures for the application of shotcrete, which
will produce the best quality product with the minimum of rebound. Such establishment of procedures shall
include minor variations to mixes, if required, and the establishment of acceptable finishes and thickness of
layers and quantities to be discharged at the nozzle to a unit area of rock or other surfaces, as required by
the Employer.
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The Contractor shall develop operating procedures and operations to the satisfaction of the Employer to
- Minimum rebound
No inclusion of rebound in the finished shotcrete
As smooth a finished surface as possible
- No hollow areas in the shotcrete
- A minimum of shrinkage cracks, and
- Good adherence of the shotcrete to rock or other surface
The flow of the material at the nozzle shall be continuous and uniform and the rate of application over any
given area shall be uniform. Slugs, sand spots, wet areas or other defects shall be cut out and corrected as
specified herein.
When shotcreting is to he performed near existing structures, the Contractor shall ensure that no damage
results to the structure and shall protect the surfaces of structures before shotcreting.

2.3.6 Details on shotcrete operations

The quantities of shotcrete to be discharged at the nozzle shall be determined on the basis of the average
thickness of shotcrete shown on the drawings or required by the Employer and taking due account of
rebound. Once procedures for the placement of shotcrete are established, subsequent work shall be carried
out accordingly.
If reinforcement is to be embedded, the nozzle shall be held at a flatter angle and closer to the surface, so
that voids cannot form under the steel bars.
The water pressure shall be greater than the air pressure in case of the dry shotcreting method to ensure
complete wetting of the materials at the nozzle and to give the nozzle man a quick, positive control.
Compressed air and pressured water shall he free from oil and shall not be liable to pressure fluctuations

2.3.7 Shotcreting in underground structures

Where very poor rock conditions are anticipated, the Employer may require that shotcrete equipment be
available before blasting, so that shotcrete can be applied with the minimum of delay.
Unless otherwise directed by the Employer, all shotcrete used with mesh or for support purposes shall be
installed within six ( 6 )meters distance to tunnel faces and within the shift following blasting.
Protruding rocks in the area of the crown of the excavated cross-sections of tunnels which will receive a
concrete lining shall be smoothed by shotcreting in such a way that no air inclusions can occur during
either shotcreting or subsequent concreting.

2.3.8 Rebound
Rebound shall be kept to a minimum, continuously watched, and at the request of the Employer its kind
and quantity ascertained. It shall he entirely removed and under no circumstances may it be sprayed over or
even used again as spray material.

2.3.9 Drain holes

Where drain holes have been drilled and instruments installed into rock. on which shotcrete is to be placed,
the Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent such holes from being plugged or instruments
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2.3.10 Construction joints

Construction joints or stop-joints shall be provided as approved or required by the Employer and shall he
sloped at 45 degrees to the adjacent shotcrete surface in a clean, regular edge. Before placing the adjoining
work, the sloped portion and adjacent shotcrete shall be prepared as specified herein.

23.11 Layers of shotcrete

Before a succeeding layer of shotcrete is placed, the proceeding layer shall be checked for dmmminess. to
the satisfaction of the Employer. The Contractor shall repair all dmmy, sandy, cracked or spalled areas and
any other areas where, in the opinion of the Employer, the shotcrete is faulty, by removing the shotcrete to
a sound area of rock or shotcrete, carrying out surface preparation as specified herein and re-shooting that
area to the satisfaction of the Employer.

2.3.12 Surface finish of shotcrete

Finished shotcrete surfaces shall be such as to require no further treatment. If surface finish and roughness
do not satisfy the Employer or do not meet the requirements, as mentioned in the Chapter "Concrete and
Reinforced Concrete", a thin levelling course shall be placed on the fresh shotcrete with the instructions of
the Employer. This thin levelling course shall be included in the unit prices for the respective shotcrete
The Employer will decide whether or not a smooth finished surface is additionally required.

23.13 Curing
During a period depending on local conditions and to be agreed upon with the Employer, the freshly placed
shotcrete shall be protected against sunshine, cold, rain, running water, chemical attack, and vibrations until
it hardens, and it shall be kept moist for at least seven (7) days. Timing of the shotcreting operation shall be
such that the air temperature after shotcreting shall be above freezing point for at least seven (7) days. If
shotcreting is carried out under adverse weather conditions or low temperatures, a protection of placed
shotcrete shall be provided.
In case of open-air shotcreting, the surface shall be protected from the direct rays of the sun for the first
three (3) days unless it is to be flooded as in canals. Where membrane curing is used and rebound has not
been removed, an excessive amount of sealing compound is needed for effective sealing of the rough.
porous surface. The costs of this additional amount of sealing shall be borne by the Contractor.

2.4 Tests and Properties

2.4.1 -
Compatibility Test Laboratory Tests
The compatibility of accelerating admixtures and cement shall be tested in the laboratory in order to
establish setting times and whether the addition of the accelerator leads to an excessive reduction in the
long terms compressive strength of the mix.
The setting times shall be determined by using the Vicat apparatus. Different percentages of accelerating
admixtures with a waterlcement ratio of 0.35 are subject to setting tests.
The preparation of samples and testing procedures shall be as follows:
(a) Water temperature 20 +/-I degrees Celsius, cement 'and accelerator at room temperature.
(h) Prepare a mix of cement and the relevant percentage of accelerator with a total weight of 140
In the case of liquid accelerator a mix of water and accelerator shall be prepared with a total weight of 49
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(a) Fill dry mix (cement + dry accelerator or cement only) in a cylinder of 50 mm diameter mounted
on a glasslplexiglass plate, height approx. 100 mm. The cylinder must have a coupling at a height
of 40 mm.
(b) Fill 49 grams of water (or water + liquid accelerator) into a rubber bulb
(c) Combine water and dry mix quickly (start timing!) and mix very quickly by machine. Mixing
shall be finished 10 seconds after the addition of water.
(dl Quickly press the mortar into the lower part and remove the upper part of the cylinder and flatten
the surface.
(e) Quickly adjust the Vicat needle to the surface of the mortar and release it. Determine the depth of
(0 The initial setting time is specified. when the needle stops 3 to 5 mm above the glass/plexiglass
(g) Final setting time is specified, when the depth of penetration is not more than 1 mm.
Requirements for setting of the samples in the laboratory are:
Time of initial setting: 75 sec
Time of final setting: 150 sec.
Meeting these requirements with a dosage of accelerating admixture of less than 4.5 % of the cement by
weight will provide pmof that the type of accelerator is compatible with the cement used for setting speed.
To determine the sensitivity of the cement, to each type of accelerator the laboratory tests shall be made
with various doses of accelerator between 2 % and 7 % of the cement by weight. The percentages obtained
by the compatibility tests shall not be directly transferred to shotcrete application.
In addition to the setting tests using the Vicat-Needle apparatus, the reduction of the final strength of the
concrete specimen due to the use of accelerating admixtures shall be tested. The decrease of the
compressive strength at 28 days of a test specimen made with accelerating admixtures shall not exceed 40
% compared with test specimens consisting of plain mix only. The tests for the strength decrease can be
omitted if extensive field-test for determination of the strength development and final strength are carried
out for the different types and dosages of accelerating admixtures adopted, see Sub-clause 2.4.2. following.

2.4.2 -
Suitability Tests Field Trials
Field trials shall be carried out to determine setting and strength development and establish the suitable
range of accelerator dosage of shotcrete applied in the field.
For each type of accelerating admixture found suitable by preceding laboratory tests. a trial mix shall be
sprayed into test panels (3 Nos. 500 x 500 x 200 mm per trial mix), cured under site conditions and shall be
subjected to tests. As described hereunder, at least three different dosages of each type of accelerating
admixture shall be tested. The range of accelerator dosage rates shall vary between 2 % and 7 % of the
cement in weight.
The ambient temperature for the test shall be in accordance with the actual conditions in the tunnel.
One panel shall be subjected to penetration tests using a Proctor Penetrometer. Soil-test Model CN-419,
with a penetration plunger of 9 mm in diameter. The penetration resistance measured gives an indication of
the setting and early strength development of shotcrete.
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The minimum penetration resistance required is specified as follows (time elapsed after spraying):
after 2 minutes: minimum 260 N
after 5 minutes: minimum 380 N
after I0 minutes: minimum 450 N
The strength development up to 1.2 N/mm2 can be determined by the Penetrometer using a plunger of
3 mm diameter, depth of penetration shall be approximately 15 mm. The penemtion resistance can be
converted to compressive strength. col~espondingto a specimen with a length to diameter ratio of 1:1, by
the following formula:
U = (Pr - 30)1550 (N/mm2)
Pr = penetration resistance in N
These strength results shall be treated as approximate values and shall mainly be used for comparison of
The development of the compressive strength shall be tested by the crushing of cylindrical shotcrete
specimens at the age of 1.7 and 28 days. The specimens shall be prepared by means of core drilling from
the test panels, which shall be cured under similar condition to those in the tunnel and shall have a diameter
of 100 mm and be cut to a height of 100 mm. For the I-day test the cores shall be drilled not before
20 hours after spraying, the other cores shall be drilled approximately 48 hours after spraying. A minimum
distance of 100 mm shall be kept from the edges of the test panel.
Five cores shall be tested at each shotcrete age specified. The average value of the five test results shall
comply with the strength requirements specified.

2.4.3 Quality Control

To ensure the specified quality of shotcrete during construction, the aggregate gradation, accelerating
admixtures and shotcrete strength shall be tested as follows. Aggregate Gradation

During construction, the aggregate gradation shall be tested at least once a week or as directed by the
Employer shall comply with the specification. Accelerating Admixtures

For each type of accelerating admixture and, in additmn, whenever the brand, source or characteristic of the
cement are changed, the compatibility between cement and accelerator shall be tested by suitability tests
according to Sub-clause 2.4
Every 100 m3 of shotcrete applied (quantity measured in place) the setting properties shall be tested on the
tunnel sidewall or in a test panel according to Sub-clause 2.4.2. In-situ Compressive Strength

One test panel shall be sprayed for every 100 m3 of shotcrete applied, measured in theoretical quantities.
Fifteen cores of 100 mm diameter shall be drilled from the panel. Five cores each shall be tested for
compressive strength after 1, 7 and 28 days in accordance with Sub-clause 2.4. The average strength of the
cores shall not be less than the strength specified in Sub-Clause for every age.
In addition to the specimen obtained from test panels, 15 cores shall be drilled from certain locations and
limited areas of the tunnel lining for every 500 m3 of shotcrete applied, measured in theoretical quantities
and shall be tested for compressive strength in accordance with Sub-clause 2.4. The average strength of the
cores shall not be less than the strength specified in Sub-Clause for every age.
. .
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificattons
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 32 of 71 Compressive Strength Failures

This Sub-clause deals with the course of action to be taken in the event of cores not meeting the strength
requirements as specified in Sub-clause 5.4 of this specification.
Failure of cores on l d a y tests:
Inform Employer's Representative
Immediate examination of tunnel lining in suspect area
Immediate examination of elements concerned in making, transporting and placing of shotcrete
Continuous monitoring
Preparing to take further tests at three days
Take further test panels as soon as possible and institute Penetrometer and crushing tests as
specified previously
It will be necessary lo reduce the number of cores to be tested for each age, if 3-day testing has to be
Failures of cores on 3-day tests:
Inform Employer's Representative
Continue monitoring
Failure of cores on 7 d a y tests:
Inform Employer's Representative
Install a measurement section
Monitor as per specification
If the interpretation of the convergency measurement is such that additional support is not required, further
tests shall be carried out at 28 days.
Failure of cores at 28 days:
Inform Employer's Representative
Cores to be taken from the tunnel lining
Establish the suspect area
Cores to be then tested and if failure
Prepare proposals for the strengthening of the area
Submit proposals for the approval of the Employer before remedial works is done
If the required 28-days-strength of shotcrete is not achieved the Employer may require that the theoretical
thickness of shotcrete ds is increased by the value d l , calculated with the following formula:
d l = ((FIM)-I )* ds
F... required 28-days-strength in N/mm2
M... measured actual strength of shotcrete lining in Nlmm2
d l ... additional thickness of shotcrete to be sprayed in cm
ds ... theoretical thickness of shotcrete lining in cm
It should be noted that the Employer might require additional strengthening measures to be taken at any
time after failure of l d a y cores.
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2.5 Auxiliary Works

Auxiliary works to be included in the unit rates for shotcrete shall be as follows:
- Cost of furnishing at Site and for handling, transporting and storing of shotcrete materials
- Mobilizing
- Demobilizing
- Furnishing and moving to other operation areas of all equipment necessary to perform shotcreting
work in accordance with these Specifications
- Preparation of surface for shotcrete
- Mixing and placing of shotcrete
Removing of rebound
Care and disposal of wastewater and waste materials
- Repairs and clean up of the concrete linings and for furnishing all labour and supplies such as
cement. water, additives and aggregates to the work
- All auxiliary works necessary to complete the work
- Drilling and maintaining of drain holes
- All tests for quality control and preliminary tests
- Verification of shotcrete thickness
All protection measures
All equipment

2.6 Measurement and Payment

Shotcrete is either paid by the theoretical quantities shown on the drawings for the Powerhouse and
Transformer Caverns or by the metre price of Support Class.

2.6.1 Shotcreting
The shotcreted surface to be paid for shall be the area in square meters of the several thicknesses within the
paylines shown on the drawings or directed by the Employer. No additional payment will be made in cases
where the shotcrete average thickness is found to be greater than specified.
No payment will be made for shotcrete or the materials constituent thereof, which are lost due to improper
working methods, or rejected on account of improper mixing, or lost by leakage due to the failure of the
Contractor to caulk surface leaks, or for placing shotcrete outside the concrete payline as a result of careless
excavation, or excavation intentionally performed by the Contractor to facilitate his operations.
2.6.2 Shotcrete measured by volume
For shotcrete volume that will be measured and paid for at unit price per cubic meter, no payment will be
made for shotcrete material outside of the paylines shown on the drawings or directed by the Employer. No
rebound will be paid for.
. ,
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2.6.3 Thin levelling courses

Placing of thin levelling courses on fresh concrete for achieving satisfactory surface finishes, if so
instructed by the Employer or indicated on the drawings, will not be paid for separately, but shall be
included in the unit rate for shotcreting.

2.6.4 Shotcrete in the course of excavation

Shotcrete placed in the course of excavation work shall be interpreted as immediate support and will be
paid for only if the Employer explicitly approves it. Shotcrete determined as provided above, will be paid at
the Contract unit price per square meter for the various thicknesses or per cubic meter as mentioned in the
Bill of Quantities.
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3.1 General
Welded wire fabrics (wire mesh) are the standard reinforcement for shotcrete linings. serve as
reinforcement, facilitate the application of shotcrete and improve the post-failure behaviour of shotcrete.
Small wire diameters of the wire mesh enable the installation of wire mesh in correspondence with the
excavation contours.
Reinforcing steel bars, for tunnel support purposes are required as an additional reinforcement in heavily
stressed areas, such as portal areas, junctions of tunnels and cross passages depending on the local ground
Roof ties are support elements consisting of 2 longitudinal rebars connected by welded loops. Roof ties are
elements, which combine the carrying capacity of two or more rock bolts.

3.2 Materials and Equipment

3.2.1 Welded Wire Fabric (Wire Mesh)

Preferably Mesh 100 x 100 mm. 5 mm dia shall be used. It shall consist of structural steel with minimum
yield strength of 420 Nlmm2.

3.2.2 Re-Bars
Reinforcing steel bars shall comply with Chapter 07 of the Technical Specifications.

3.3 Execution of Work

3.3.1 Wire Mesh Installation

Welded wire fabrics shall be installed such that it follows as closely as possible the irregularities of the
excavation surface or previous layers of shotcrete. It shall be firmly fixed to prevent vibration and change
of position during spraying of shotcrete. Welded wire fabrics shall be installed in the longest practical
length. The overlap for welded wire fabrics applied in the shotcrete lining shall be at least 20 cm in
circumferential and in longitudinal direction for all other layers but the first layer and 10 cm in longitudinal
direction of the first layer of wire mesh, unless stipulated otherwise.

33.2 Re-Bars Installation

Reinforcing steel bars shall be attached securely to the previously placed shotcrete layer or wire mesh.
Overlaps shall be arranged as shown on relevant drawings.

3.4 Tests and Properties

Chapter 07 of the Technical Specifications.

3.5 Auxiliary Work

Auxiliary works to be included in the unit rates for welded wire fabric and re-bars shall be as follows:
- Cost of furnishing at Site and for handling, uansponing and storing reinforcement steel
- Mobilizing.
- Demobilizing.
I , .
- Cutting to the required lengths and sizes according to the excavation lengths.

I civsl rorkdlm ILadbnddlal 1 i W i 81-r:uil m i b d d e n d . m r r h l p t r i lYI undcrgxluTC cxcavnx~n~re*o!

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- All work and material for the firm fixing of wire mesh along the rock contours or previously applied
shotcrete layer
- Care and disposal of waste materials.
- All tests and samples for quality control and preliminary tests.
- All auxiliary works necessary to complete the work.
- Drilling and maintaining of drain holes.
- All equipment and labour.

3.6 Measurement and Payment

Wire-mesh and reinforcement bars are either paid by the theoretical quantities shown on the drawings for
the Powerhouse and Transformer Caverns or by the metre prices of Support Classes.

3.6.1 Wire-mesh, reinforcement bars f o r Powerhouse and Transformer Caverns

Measurement for payment of furnishing and placing of wire mesh and reinforcement bars of the type
specified, will be made by weight (metric tons) of theoretical quantities based on the defined paylines.
shown on the drawing and I or approved by the Employer.
The surface of wire mesh or reinforcement mesh, determined as provided above. will be paid for at the
Contract unit prices per ton. The unit price shall include the cost of firm fixing along the rock surface with
sufficient density, all accessories, labour, materials, equipment and working operations as well as all
auxiliary works as required. Overlapping and waste cuts will not be paid for.

3.6.2 Wire-mesh, reinforcement bars for Support Classes

Payment for wire-mesh and reinforcement bars is included in the unit prices of the Support Classes
Measurement for payment of furnishing and placing of wire mesh and reinforcement bars of the type
specified, will be made by area (square metres) of theoretical quantities based on the defined paylines,
shown on the drawing and I or approved by the Employer.
The surface of wire mesh or reinforcement mesh, determined as provided above, will be paid for at the
Contract unit prices per square metre. The unit price shall include the cost of firm fixing along the rock
surface with sufficient density, all accessories, labour. materials, equipment and working operations as well
as all auxiliary works as required. Overlapping and waste cuts will not be paid for.
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4.1 General
This section applies to the supply and installation of the steel ribs required and used as one element to the
support in underground excavations. They shall be effective as protection and primary support immediately
after excavation and shall subsequently act as reinforcement and load distributing members for the
shotcrete lining.
The steel ribs shall be manufactured to meet the geometrical requirements for the excavation geometries for
each of the rock class including the relevant tolerances as specified.

4.2 Materials and Equipment

4.2.1 Types of Steel Ribs

One or more of the following types of steel ribs may he used: H-Profile Arches

H-Profile Arches shall consist of HEB hot rolled profiles of dimensions as shown on the tunnel support
drawings. TH-Profile Arches

TH-Profiles originate from mining are hot rolled and have a bell shaped cross-section. The connections of
the rib sections are done with an overlap of the profiles fitting into each other and are connected with
clamps. These types of connections allow large deformations due to friction in the clamp connections.
In ground conditions with large deformations, TH-profiles shall be used.

42.1.3 Lattice Girders

Lattice girders are three dimensional, lightweight steel frames manufactured of round steel bars in
compliance with the required excavation geometry of the tunnel.
Steel grade shall be at least BSt 500 or equivalent.
In case of fabrication on site, the Contractor shall submit a detailed method statement for approval to the

4.2.2 Materials
Hot rolled profiles (H and TH-profiles) shall consist of structural steel with minimum yield strength of
240 N/mm2 and shall comply with the internationally acknowledged standard selected by the Contractor.
Lattice girders shall be manufactured of cormgated reinforcing bars in compliance with Chapter 07 of this
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4.3 Execution of W o r k

4.3.1 Manufacturing of Steel Ribs Geometry
Deviations of the assembled rib from the designed geometry shall not exceed +I- 50 mm.
Any larger deviations shall he considered in the overall construction tolerances for tunnel drivage. Steel rib support-design and fabrication

The design and fabrication of steel rib supports including size, mass. accessories and methods of installing
the ribs in all parts of the underground excavation shall be subject to the approval of the Employer and the
steel ribs shall comply with respective specifications. Welding
The manual metal-arc welding process shall be employed. The manufacturer shall be responsible for
ensuring that the capacity of the welding plant and ancillary equipment is adequate for the welding
procedure to be used and for maintaining all welding plant and ancillary equipment in good working order.
Covered electrodes complying with German Standard DIN 1913 shall be used. Electrodes shall be selected
with regard to the particular application (welding position, joint design). Electrodes shall be stored in their
original containers in a dry, preferably heated place adequately protected from the effects of the weather
and in accordance with the manufacturer's specification.
Surfaces to be welded shall be dry. Fusion faces and the surrounding surfaces shall be free from heavy
scale, moisture oil, paint or any other substance which might affect the quality of the weld. Slag shall be
removed from each run of weld metal before a further run is superimposed. The most favourahle welding
position for each case shall be chosen.
For the cutting of the steel profiles the manual flame cutting process may be employed. Also sawing is
Further preparation of joint and fusion faces shall be done by grinding.
Parts to be welded shall be assembled such that the joints are easily accessible and visible to the operator.
Slag shall be removed from all welds in order to allow visual inspection
A suitably trained supervisor who shall have particular production experience shall supervise welding
operations. The welding supervision is responsible for the following duties listed hereunder:
(a) Employment of the welders or skilled operators and supervision of their work.
(b) Selection, use and storage of suitable welding filler metals and auxiliary materials.
(c) Selection and use of satisfactory welding apparatus. welding plant and welding fixtures,
(d) Visual and dimensional checking of the weld seams as described under 12.
Welders shall pass the acceptance test as described under 10.
Prior to commencement of each welding connection type three nos of joints shall he manufactured by each
welder under conditions of the regular manufacturing process for inspection. The Employer shall inspect
these joints.
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4.3.2 Installation
Steel ribs shall be erected to the lines and levels as indicated on the drawings. The exact excavation levels
will however be determined by the Contractor to match best his equipment and construction method.
Hardwood foot blocks and wedges shall be used to bring the steel ribs to the required line and level. Tie
bars shall be provided to connect the rib to the adjacent steel rib and fix it securely in place.
Tie bars shall be made of steel rods of 16 mm diameter, bent and connected to the rib.
Steel ribs shall be embedded in shotcrete in order to get contact between rock and steel rib by solid
shotcrete packing.
The steel ribs shall be erected perpendicular to the tunnel axis.
The joints of the ribs shall be such that the slructural capacity of the cross-section is maintained
In h e case of TH-profiles, the trough shall be oriented towards the tunnel in order to enable full
embedment and therefore load transfer and to avoid cavities behind the steel profile.

4.4 Tests a n d Properties

4.4.1 General
The Contractor shall furnish certified copies of reports to the Employer of all tests and inspections required
to show compliance with the applicable standards and assembly instructions.

4.5 Auxiliary W o r k
All auxiliary works listed to be included in the unit rates of the BoQ items for underground excavation
shall also be applicable for the steel rib installation works. Further to the above the following works and
operations shall also be considered as auxiliary works included in the BoQ items:
- Provisions of equipment for erection of steel ribs.
- All testing of materials.

4.6 Measurement a n d payment

Steel ribs are either paid by the actual quantities installed for the Powerhouse and Transformer Caverns or
by the metre prices of Support Classes.
Measurement and payment for furnishing, transporting and placing of steel ribs shall include only the
weights of the steel, and such steel components which are necessary for adequate construction and
incorporated into the Works, and so approved by the Employer.
That weight, determined as provided above, shall be paid for at the Contract unit price per ton.
No separate payment will be made for furnishing, erecting and removing of tie bars, spacers. timber foot
block and wedges, blocking and struts. All costs for such works shall be included in the unit prices of the
Bills of Quantities for underground excavation or for furnishing and placing of steel ribs.
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5.1 General
Tunnelling in loose ground material is only possible due to the dome-like, three-dimensional load transfer
in longitudinal tunnel direction across the temporarily unsupported tunnel arch. In order to reduce or avoid
an overstressing of the arch and face, loose ground has to be reinforced by suppon ahead of the face. These
support measures ahead of the face protect or prevent ground deformation. An excavation according to the
theoretical profile induces shorter span and hence the displacements in the tunnel and on the surface are
reduced to a minimum. The installation of advance support depends to a high extent on the quality of
Forepoling is an auxiliary support element required as safety precaution and overhead protection for the
application in the actual working area of the tunnel excavation works. Forepoling shall be applied in rock
and soil conditions, which tend to produce overbreak. collapses or material inflows immediately following
excavation. Forepoling may be applied locally or systematically, as the circumstances require.

5.2 Materials and Equipment

5.2.1 General
Steel pipes with an inner diameter of 30 to 35 mm shall be used unless otherwise specified.
Wall thickness of steel pipes shall not be less than 3 mm unless otherwise specified.
The length of the steel pipes shall be at least 1.50 m longer than the instructed length of round (as given by
the relevant suppon class).
Grout mortar shall comply with the properties given in Clause 7 of this Chapter of the Technical

5.2.2 ,Types of forepoling Spiles
Spiles are cormgated reinforcement bars with a diameter of 26 mm and a length of 3 to 4 m. They can be
driven into fine to medium coarse, loose to medium dense layered grounds by a special adapter on a boom
at 20 to 30 cm distances. The ground in the vicinity of the spiles will be compacted and receives a type of
"prestressing", hence spiles achieve good profile shapes. Predrilled a n d Ungrouted Spiles

Ungrouted spiles are made of corrugated reinforcement rods with a diameter of approximately 26 mm and a
length of 3 to 4 m. They are installed in medium to coarse grounds and are inserted in pre-drilled holes at
20-30 cm spacings and remain ungrouted. However, this type is unsuitable for loose ground, as drill holes
collapse and cause loosening, resulting in overbreaks above the installed spiles. The bars are of high weight
and low stiffness compared to a forepoling pipe. Grouted Spiles

Grouted spiles cannot be applied in loose ground as no stable borehole for the insertion of the grout hose
can be achieved.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Undergmund Excavation - 41 of 71 Ungrouted, self-drilling forepoling ban

Self-drilling forepoling bars are hollow steel rods with a diameter of 25-38 mm and a length of 3 m or
longer (which can be extended by couplings via the external continuous thread) and have a single-use drill
bit. Selfdrilling bars are installed by a boomer. They can be installed in medium to coarse gmund at 20 to
30 cm spacings and remain ungrouted. Since the disturbance of the ground due to the installation of the
rods is not compensated and overbreaks above the desired profile shapes may frequently occur. Grouted self-drilling forepoling bars

The ideal type of installation for grouted self-drilling forepoling bars uses grout as the flushing liquid. This
type of installation ensures the best bonding between the ground and the forepoling bar. To use cement
grout for flushing, the drilling jumbo has to be equipped with a special cooling system and an adapter
between the hammer and the rod is required to convey the grout into the flushing duct. However, when
using grout as the flushing aggregate the equipment becomes polluted with the cement grout. Since it
delivers very good results, this type of installation should be propagated by designers and consultants.
The more frequent type of installation of grouted selfdrilling forepoling bars is carried out by drilling with
air andlor water and flushing with grout as the following working step. It has been observed, that
completely filling the borehole rarely occurs, although complete mortar embedment would be best. The
reason is that the relatively thin grout becomes dispersed in the ground of coarse aggregates, therefore the
annular space of the borehole remains empty and loosening results.
Principally, support elements such as forepoling or rockbolts which are installed upwards should be grouted
upwards. Self-drilling forepoles are grouted downwards (from tip to toe) although they are installed
upwards, hence unsatisfactory grouting results are unsurprising. Ungrouted forepoling pipes

Forepoling pipes are of steel with a diameter of approximately 50 mm and of wall thickness 3-5 mm, with a
welded on tip or a skew open end. They are installed at lengths of 3-4 m in fine to medium grained grounds
either driven or inserted in predrilled (partly collapsed) holes in a dense pattern of 20 to 30 cm. They
remain ungmuted. Due to the smaller diameter of the drill hole the ground will be compacted whilst the
pipes are driven in, hence a good profile shape can be achieved. The production of the drill holes shall be
adapted to the ground conditions with either air or water flushing. Grouted forepoling pipes

Forepoling pipes of 3 to 4 m lengths with holes or slots for grouting purposes are installed in the same
manner as the previously described ungrouted forepoling pipes and are grouted in the following working
step. Good grouting is achieved between the grout and the ground and an exact profile shape is the result.

53 Execution of Work
The aim of any advance support is to install the suppon elements into the ground ahead of the face in the
shape of the excavation profile, so that the excavation profile can be achieved without major overbreak.
Due to the installation of advance suppon the ground experiences a certain disturbance which is to he
compensated with appropriate grouting measures.
The use of steel ribs is a precondition for the installation of the advance support. The combination of steel
ribs with shotcrete forms the support of the advance-support at the place of the nearest rib to the face. The
effectiveness of the advance support also depends on the length of round. Advance support with forepoling
bars or spiles is only effective with lengths of rounds of less than 1.2 meters in loose ground.

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements

6.2 Technical Specifications
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When installing advance-support, the shotcrete lining above the steel rib shall be kept open for installation
of forepoling. Only once the advance support has been placed, shall the shotcrete be applied at these
locations, in order to achieve an appropriate support and embedment for forepoling at the steel rib next to
the face. Attention shall be taken so that forepoling is also embedded in shotcrete between the steel rib next
to the face and the tunnel face, which will result in a minimum overbreak during the excavation of the next
As the grout mortar shall have sufficient strength before opening the next excavation step, the use of
accelerated cement is favourable. The use of accelerated cement increases time available for cleaning and
wear. In certain cycles normal cement can be used if the working cycle can be planned in such a way that
the time between grouting and the opening of the face can be used for activities such as the installation of
rock bolts or the invert arch.
The selection of the length of advance-support shall consider that the steel rods or pipes must have
sufficient support lengths in the ground and on the steel ribs.
Forepoling pipes shall not have grout holes for approximately 1 m at its ends so that the issue of the grout
at the tunnel face is avoided. Prior to grouting. the mouth of the boreholes shall be sufficiently sealed in
order to achieve sufficient grouting embedment of the pipes. In order to enable a certain build up grouting
pressure, a reusable mechanical packer including a tap shall be attached at every end of the pipes.
In loose ground, the flushing of self-drilling rods shall be carried out by means of cement grout, as this
method warrants best results without any loosening effects.
Longer advance-support with self-drilling bolts of 6 m length, which may only be installed every second
round have turned out to be not ideal, as the material tends to overbreak at least as far as to the installed
rods. This "saw-tooth" profile therefore requires an uneconomical excess of shotcrete.

5.4 Tests and Properties

The correct location with regard to the required excavation profile will be checked and recorded

5.5 Auxiliary Work

All auxiliary works listed to be included in the unit rates of the BoQ items for underground excavation
shall also be applicable for the forepoling installation works. Further to the above the following works and
operations shall also be considered as auxiliary works included in the BoQ items:
- Provisions of equipment for installation of forepoling.
- All testing of materials.'

5.6 Measurement a n d Payment

Forepoling poles shall be measured by the length in metres installed and accepted.
Forepoling poles are either paid by the actual quantities installed for the Powerhouse and Transformer
Caverns or by the metre prices of Support Classes.
Drilling, and/or drilling and grouting shall be included in the unit price.
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6.1 General
Steel Lagging (sheet piles) shall be employed mainly in weak ground with low cohesion with the purpose
of preventing the collapse of material during and immediately after excavation.

6.2 Materials and Equipment

Lagging sheets with a thickness of 4 to 6 mm shall be used.
Lengths shall be chosen in accordance with the length of excavation and the support requirements beyond
the face.

6.3 Execution of Work

Lagging sheets shall be driven at distances shown on the drawings or as instructed by the Employer. They
shall be driven in advance of excavation of the respective round to a depth that a minimum length of 0.5
metres extends beyond the face into the ground after excavation.
Voids and gaps behind the lagging sheets shall be either filled with shotcrete or by contact grouting with a
suitable cement mortar.

6.4 Tests and Properties

The correct location with regard to the required excavation profile will be checked and recorded

6.5 Auxiliary Work

All auxiliary works listed to be included in the unit rates of the BoQ items for underground excavation
shall also be applicable for the steel rib installation works. Further to the above the following works and
operations shall also be considered as auxiliary works included in the BoQ items:
- Provisions of equipment for erection of steel ribs.
- All testing of materials.

6.6 Measurement and Payment

Measurement shall be done by the metric ton of driven steel lagging installed and accepted.
Steel lagging is either paid by the actual quantities installed for the Powerhouse and Transformer Caverns
or by the metre prices of Support Classes.
All auxiliary works shall be included in the unit price.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements
6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 tinderpund Excavation - 44 of 7 1


7.1 General
The provisions contained hereunder apply to all rock bolts installed either locally or in a systematic pattern
in the roof, sidewalls, and invert of the tunnels. Rock bolts are part of the primary support, with the purpose
of activating the composite action between the surrounding rock and the shotcrete, contributing to the load
bearing capacity of the primary tunnel lining. Rock bolts occasionally required for the support of the tunnel
face during the advance are covered likewise under these provisions.
Rock bolts shall be used as the conditions may require and shall be installed according to the lengths and
rock bolt patterns shown on the drawings for each relevant standard support system.
Under this clause, the Contractor shall furnish and install support bolts and anchors complete with all
required accessories including but not limited to bearing plates, wedges, expansion anchors, nuts and
washers, etc., and shall drill holes for and install rock bolts and anchors, chain link fabrics or special types
of anchors complete with all required accessories as outlined hereafter or as directed by the Employer.
Rock bolts or anchors shall be used in the zones indicated on the drawings. or in those places where the
Employer orders it according to the rock conditions.

7.1.1 Scope of work

The Contractor shall furnish and install tunnel support bolting complete with all required accessories
including but not limited to bearing plates, wedges, expansion anchors, nuts and washers, etc., and shall
drill holes for and install rock bolts, chain link fabrics or special types of anchors complete with all
required accessories as outlined hereafter or as directed by the Employer.

7.1.2 Definitions
SN-Bolts are made of deformed steel bars and fully bonded with the surrounding rock by cement mortar.
The hole is filled with grout before insertion of the bolt. The abbreviation SN descends from the pit "Store
Norfors" in Norway where applied first.
PG-Bolts (post-grouted or injection bolts) are made of deformed steel b a n with a hose attached. Grouting is
done after installation of the bolt through the hose.
Self-Drilling Rock-Bolts are a combined system of rock bolt and drill rod. During drilling, the bolt is used
as the drill rod fixed with a drill bit. Rod and bit remain in the hole as a rock bolt. which is grouted through
the flushing hole. In case of collapsing boreholes, this system still enables the installation of rock bolts.
Swellex Rock Bolts (friction anchored rock bolls) are mechanically folded steel tubes. High water pressure
inflates the tube and adapts its shape to the irregularities of the borehole.
So-and anchors are made of steel cables and fully bonded with the surrounded rock by cement mortar.
Grouting is carried out after installation of the anchor using a hose and packer. The anchors are pre-stressed
and relaxation is possible.
Permanent bar anchors are pre-stressed anchors of high load-bearing capacity (higher than 350 kN) and
relaxation is possible. Grouting is carried out after installation of the anchor using a hose and packer.
- -.
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73 Material and Equipment

7.2.1 SN-Bolts and PG-Bolts

Bolts shall have a minimum breaking load of 250 hV
The breaking load shall also apply to the thread, nut, bearing plate and coupling, if any
Rock bolts shall be made of deformed reinforcing steel with a corrugated surface. One end shall be fitted
with a suitable thread, which is to receive an anchor plate and fixing nut.
Anchor plates with a size of 150 x 150 and a thickness of 8 mm shall be used unless instructed otherwise by
the Employer based on support necessities. The shape shall allow a uniform seat, even if the bolt is not
installed exactly perpendicular to the surface below.
Washers and nuts shall allow the secure transfer of the anchor force to the anchor plate.

7.2.2 Self-Drilling Rock-Bolts

Self-Drilling Rock-Bolts shall have a minimum breaking load of 250 kN.
The breaking load shall also apply to threads. nuts, anchor plates and couplings.
The steel rods shall have a cormgated surface.

7.23 Swellex Rock bolts

Swellex Rock bolts for systematic rock bolt patterns shall have a minimum breaking load of 220 kN (Super
For local bolting and for rock bolting of construction stages, bolts with a breaking load of 100 kN
("Standard Swellex") may be used.
Bolt faceplates shall be such as to allow transfer of the anchor force at the head of the rock bolt to the
shotcrete. steel rib or rock surface.
For inflation of bolts, equipment as recommended by the manufacturer of the bolts shall be used.
"Anti-inflation-sleeves" for disconnection of friction forces at the mouths of the boreholes shall be provided
as directed by the Employer.

7.2.4 Stand anchors

Strand anchors for systematic anchoring patterns shall have a minimum breaking load of 2300 kN
The breaking load shall also apply to the thread, nut, bearing plate and coupling, if any.
Strand anchors shall consist of 9 cables of 1350 mm2 total cross sectional area and have permanent
corrosion protection applied.
Anchor plates with a size of 200 x 200 and a thickness of 5 mm shall be used unless instructed otherwise by
the Employer based on support necessities. The shape shall allow a uniform seat, even if the bolt is not
installed exactly perpendicular to the surface below.
Washers and nuts shall allow the secure transfer of the anchor force to the anchor plate

7.2.5 Permanent bar anchors

Permanent bar anchors shall have a minimum breaking load of 1000 kN.
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Anchor plates with a size of 200 x 200 and a thickness of 5 mm shall be used unless instructed otherwise by
the Employer based on support necessities. The shape shall allow a uniform seat, even if the bolt is not
installed exactly perpendicular to the surface below.
Washers and nuts shall allow the secure transfer of the anchor force to the anchor plate.

7.2.6 -
Cement Mortar Grout
The cement mortar grout shall consist of sand, cement and water or neat cement and water.
Only Portland cement shall be used.
Sand for grouting purpose shall be clean, mineral sand. uniform in quality and from an approved source.
Water shall be clean, free from oil, acid, alkaline. organic and other deleterious substances.
Additives for the improvement of workability may be used.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 TechnicalSpecificat~onr
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 47 of 71

7.3 Execution of Work

Boreholes for all rock bolts shall he drilled to !he depths as required by the lengths of rock bolts specified
for the respective rock class and at diameters, which ensure best workability for grouting. coupling and
installation. The minimum diameter of the boreholes shall be 10 mm larger than the diameter of the rock
bolts/couplings installed.
The boreholes shall be cleaned of all drill cuttings, sludge and debris. The installation of rock holts shall
follow the drilling and preparation of the borehole within 3 hours.
Prior to the installation of the rock bolt, the entire borehole shall be filled with cement mortar by inserting
the grout hose to the full depth of the hole and withdrawing as the grout is pumped in. The nozzle shall be
kept buried in the grout as the pipe is withdrawn so that air is displaced as the hole is filled. The bolt is then
pushed into the hole.
The nut of the grouted rock bolts shall be tightened not later than 2 rounds behind the face or 24 hours after
installation to achieve a force at the anchor plate of approx. 20 m.
The required torque to achieve this
force shall be calibrated by suitable means (pressure cell, torque wrench).
In case of confined working space andlor great length of rock bolts, coupling shall he permitted. The
number of coupled parts shall be kept on a minimum. However, the load capacity of such coupled rock
bolts shall not be less than that of a standard integral rock bolt. Special attention shall he paid to the
grouting procedure in order to ensure full embedment of the bolt by grout.

In case of boreholes tending to collapse. grouting may be done after installation of the bolt. The hole is then
grouted by a special attachment, which allows the mouth of the borehole to be sealed whilst the grout is
pumped in. Air is displaced from the hole via a tube, which is attached to the full length of the rock bolt as
it is installed. Grout is then pumped in and the hole can be seen to be full, when grout escapes from the end
of the tube.
The boreholes shall be cleaned of all drill cuttings, sludge and debris. The installation of rock holts shall
follow the drilling and preparation of the borehole within 3 hours.
The nut of the grouted rock bolts shall be tightened not later than 3 rounds behind the face or 24 hours after
grouting to achieve a force at the anchor plate of approx. 20 kN. The required torque to achieve this force
shall be calibrated by suitable means (pressure cell. torque wrench).

7.33 Self-Drilling Rock Bolts

Self-Drilling Rock bolts shall be used in ground conditions where the effective installation of other types of
rock bolts is impossible.
Self-Drilling Rock bolts shall be placed by drilling the rod into the ground without withdrawing the rod
Self-Drilling Rock bolts shall be grouted through the flushing hole immediately after completion of the
drilling operation.
The grout mix, grouting pressure and quantity shall be determined by the Contractor according to the
ground conditions encountered and approved by the Employer.
The nut of the self-drilling rock bolts shall be tightened not later than 3 rounds behind the face or 24 hours
after grouting to achieve a force at the anchor plate of approx. 20 kN. The required torque to achieve this
force shall be calibrated by suitable means (pressure cell, torque wrench).
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7.3.4 Swellex (or similar) rock bolt

Boreholes for the rock bolts shall be drilled to the depths as required. The boreholes shall be cleaned of all
drill cuttings, sludge and debris.
The installation of rock bolts shall be done not later than three hours after drilling of the borehole
lnstallationlinflation of the bolts shall follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Specific inflation plant
shall be used. The rock bolt shall be drained after inflation.

7.3.5 Strand anchor

Strand anchors shall be used in cavern works or as directed by the Employer,
Boreholes for the strand anchors shall be drilled to the depths as required. The boreholes shall be cleaned of
all drill cuttings, sludge and debris. The installation of stand anchors shall be done not later than three hours
after drilling of the borehole.
After installation of an anchor, grouting shall be carried out to the maximum length specified on the Tender
Drawings or as directed by the Employer. The required bonded length is grouted using a packer to seal the
required bonded length whilst the grout is pumped in. Air shall be displaced from this hole via a tube
attached to the packer. Grout is then pumped in and completed once grout escapes from the end of the tube.
The nut of the grouted strand anchor shall be tightened not earlier than 7 days after grouting to achieve the
required pre-stressed force in the anchor.
The remaining unbonded length shall be grouted 3 monlhs after completion of all excavation works.
Relaxation of the strand anchors shall only be carried out as directed by the Employer.

7.3.6 Permanent b a r anchors

Permanent bar anchors shall be used in cavern works or as directed by the Employer.
Boreholes for the permanent bar anchors shall be drilled to the depths as required. The boreholes shall be
cleaned of all drill cuttings, sludge and debris. The installation of permanent bar anchors shall be done not
later than three hours after drilling of the borehole.
After installation of an anchor, grouting shall be canied out to the maximum length specified on the Tender
Drawings or as directed by the Employer. The required bonded length is grouted using a packer to seal the
required bonded length whilst the grout is pumped in. Air is displaced from this hole via a tube attached to
the packer. Grout is then pumped in and completed once grout escapes from the end of the tube.
The nut of the grouted permanent bar anchors shall be tightened not earlier than 7 days after grouting to
achieve the required pre-stressed force in the anchor. The required torque to achieve this force shall be
calibrated by suitable means (pressure cell, torque wrench).
The remaining unbonded length shall be grouted 3 monlhs after completion of all excavation works.
Relaxation of the permanent bar anchors shall only be canied out as directed by the Employer.

7.4 Tests and Properties

7.4.1 Grout Mortar

Prior to acceptance tests of rock bolts, tests with available cements and sands shall be carried out to
determine an appropriate mix design to achieve the specified strength and a proper workability in

used to improve workability. The influence of the additive to the strength development
tests as described under this Sub-clause.
be tested on cubes 5 x 5 x 5 cm. The cubes shall he cured in water.

rorXsilloi ILrddenddiv I voiume liDirL ::~s!u,n 5 raUddc;&n 3,: lkhapm M undrrgmund c m v a ~ m n ~ : r r l l i

Dagachhu HPP Scction 6 -Ernplayer's Requirements
6.2 Technical.Specificat~ons
Chaoter 06 Undermound Excavation - 49 of

The grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of 8 NlmmZ after 24 hours and 20 Nlmmz after 28
Five numbers of cubes shall be prepared for each compressive strength test. The resultant strength is the
average evaluated from the three remaining values after elimination of the highest and the lowest.
During construction, ten cube samples shall be taken weekly at each drivage from the grouting hose at the
nozzle. Preparation and evaluation shall follow the procedure as described above.

7.4.2 Rock Bolts Acceptance Tests

Acceptance tests shall be carried out for each type of bolt considered for installation in subject project prior
to the employment of respective rock bolt type in tunnelling in order to demonstrate the in site effectiveness
and the service capacity
The tests shall be performed in similar geological ground conditions as expected during tunnel drivage. The
Employer shall approve the location of the bolts to be tested.
The tests shall be 'Pull Out' test.
A minimum of five bolts of each type shall be tested. Depending on the testing procedure and the results
the Employer may require further bolts to be tested.
Adequate testing equipment shall be provided to record bolt elongation, movement of the bolts and tension

7.4.3 Rock Bolts Quality Control

The Employer may select rock bolts for pullout testing up to maximum 10 rock bolts out of the first 100
bolts placed in the tunnel. From the remaining bolts a maximum percentage of 5 bolts per 100 bolts may be
selected for pullout testing purpose.
Bolts which fail the tests or which are pulled out shall be replaced at the Contractor's cost
For each failure, the Employer will require a further bolt to be tested in the vicinity.
. .
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employeis Requ~rements 6.2 Techn~calSpecifications
Chapter 06 Undergmund Excavation - 50 of 71

7.4.4 Installation Records

Comprehensive records about details of the installation of rock bolts during drivage, such as grout
consistency, drilling depth, length and type of rock bolts, deviations from the theoretical position, type and
time of grouting, time of tightening, special observations, etc. shall be kept for each round by the
Contractor and countersigned by the Employer's supervisory personnel present during all rock bolt
installation activities.

7.5 Auxiliary Works

Unless otherwise specified, all and any kind of works, materials, services, safety measures etc. required for
the completion of work, as well as all tests and samples, if so requested by the Employer, shall be included
in the unit prices.

7.6 Measurement and Payment

Rock bolts and anchors are either paid by the actual quantities installed and as approved by the Employer
for the Powerhouse and Transformer Caverns or by the metre price of Support Class.
The unit price shall include the cost of bearing plates, drilling of bore holes. Lugeon testing, grouting and
re-drilling if required, grouting of boreholes, tensioning, controls, post-tensioning and secondary grouting
and all labour, materials, preliminary tests (suitability- and acceptance tests). quality control of equipment
and any working operations and auxiliary works that are required.
Payment will only be made for those rock bolts or anchors, which are approved by the Employer, and
satisfactorily constructed.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Spedftcatl:on
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 5 1 of 71


8.1 General
The excavation and support classes described in the following Clause detail excavation techniques and the
associated appropriate supporting measures required for the construction of the listed underground works.
All items mentioned in the support descriptions have been described in Clauses 2 - 7 of this Chapter
(Underground Excavations) of the Technical Specifications. Support classes. sequences, expected
unavoidable overbreak and defomation tolerances are shown in the Tender Drawings.
Descriptions of the rock expected to be encountered are given in Sub-clause 1.4.4. The cross reference to
the support classes is purely descriptive and shall not govern the determination of support classes.
The determination of the support classes shall be governed by the following cost-influencing factors:
the length of round with which the excavation can be done in a save manner and at an acceptable
accuracy of profile shape
the quantity of tunnel support required for reaching a new state of equilibrium, derived from the
cease of deformations within a defined period of time
the excavation- and support sequence
Determination of support class shall be done by the Contractor and acknowledged by the Employer.
Unacknowledged determination of support classes shall not be accepted for payment. Upon diverging
viewpoints all efforts shall be undertaken to reach consensus. The Contractor shall undertake all necessary
action for improving workmanship if so required by the Employer, as described in Sub-clause 1.3 of this
chapter in order to keep the rock mass intact to the best possible extent and hence minimize tunnel support.
The interpretation of the geotechnical monitoring programme results shall play a decisive role in finding
consensus. The lack of consensus does not entitle the Contractor to stop works and apply for time
Determination of support classes shall be recorded and kept on site and shall be accessible to both Parties at
any one time. The delermination shall be valid until the Contractor or the Employer requests a modification
of the same at any one time. The request of examining the valid determination of support classes shall not
be denied by the other Party.

8.2 Support Classes

82.1 Excavation and support of the Connection Tunnel (CNT) Connection Tunnel Support Class 1 (CNT SC 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 met-es.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 10 cm of shotcrete lining:
1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kg/mZ) to be fixed to the rock surface:
- Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths. 4 no. per round, at locations required by the
discontinuity pattern. Connection Tunnel Support Class 2 (CNT SC 2)

ation carried out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
ngths of rounds between I .7and 2.2 metres.
ound. tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round. consisting of

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,i* Dagachhu HPP Sectlon 6 - Employer's Requirementq 6.2 Technical Specificatrons
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 52 of 71

15 cm of shotcrete lining;
I layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4 kglm2), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered;
Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every second round for profile control;
A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 7 no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern. Connection Tunnel Support Class 3 ( C S T S C 3)

Excavation camed out in weak, fractured andlor weathered rock mass by drill and blast by means of
smooth blasting of the full face with lengths of rounds between 1.3 and 1.7 metres.
For each round. tunnel support shall he installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 20 cm of shotcrete lining;
1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4 kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every round;
- 20 forepoling bars, 4m length;
- A shotcrete sealing of the tunnel face with 3 cm of shotcrete;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths. 7 no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern. Connection Tunnel Support Class 4 (CNT S C 4)

Excavation carried out in fault zone material andlor weathered rock mass by drill and blast by means of
loosening shots andlor tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of rounds between 1.0
and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face shall be opened in subdivisions and immediatelysealed with 5 cm of
shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
25 cm of shotcrete lining;
2 layers of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132) every round:
26 forepoling bars 3m length (for the next round);
A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 4 m lengths. 11 no. every first round. 12 no. in every
second round, with orientations required by the discontinuity pattern;
An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4
kglmz) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh.
The sensitivity of the rock mass to water requires particular care: Water shall be kept away from exposed
rock surfaces by suitable means approved by the Employer. Ponding water shall not be allowed.

8.2.2 Excavation and support of the Headrace Tunnel (HRT) Headrace Tunnel Support Class 1 (HRT S C 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 10 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x I00 mm. 4 kglm2) to be fixed to the rock surface;
SN bolting with 3 m lengths, 4 no, per round, at locations required by the

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Undergmund Excavat~on- 53 of 71 Headrace Tunnel Support Class 2 (HRT S C 2)

Excavation canied out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
with lengths of rounds between I .7 and 2.2 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 15 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm?, absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every second round for profile control;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 7 no. per round. with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern.

8.2.23 Headraee Tunnel Support Class 3 (HRT SC 3)

Excavation camed out in weak, fractured and/or weathered rock mass by drill and blast by means of
smooth blasting of the full face with lengths of rounds between 1.3 and 1.7 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round. consisting of:
- 20 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (I00 x 100 mm, 4 kglmz) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every round;
20 forepoling bars, 4m length;
- A shotcrete sealing of the tunnel face with 3 cm of shotcrete;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 7 no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern. Headrace Tunnel Support Class 4 (HRT S C 4)

Excavation carried out in fault zone material and/or weathered rock mass by drill and blast by means of
loosening shots andlor tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of rounds between 1.0
and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face shall be opened in subdivisions and immediately sealed with 5 cm of
shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
25 cm of shotcrete lining;
2 layers of wire mesh (I00 x 100 mm, 4 kglm') with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132) every round,
25 forepoling bars 3m length (for the next round);
A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 4 m lengths, 11 no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern;
An inven arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4
kgIm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh.
The sensitivity of the rock mass to water requires particular care: Water shall be kept away from exposed
rock surfaces by suitable means approved by the Employer. Ponding water shall not be allowed. Headrace Tunnel Support Class L (HRT SC L)

Excavation in loose ground by means a tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of
rounds between 1.0 and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face of the pilot holebench shall be opened in subdivisions
and immediately sealed with 5 cm of shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting.of:
25 cm of shotcrete lining;
of wire mesh (I00 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire

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. ,
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 54 of 71

- Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132)every round;

- Either 45 driven forepoling bars of 3m length (for the next round), 45 forepoling pipes without
mortar of 3m length or 45 forepoling bars without mortar of 4m length;
- A rock bolt pattern of self drilling bolts with 4 m lengths. 6 no. per round in the sidewalls;
An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4
kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh, installed at distances not exceeding 6m from the
tunnel face.
The sensitivity of the ground to water requires particular care.

8.2.3 Excavation a n d support of the Access t o the Headrace Tunnel (ATH) Access to the Headrace Tunnel Support Class 3 (ATH SC 3)

Excavation camed out in weak fractured rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the
full face with lengths of rounds between 1.3 and 1.7 metres.
For each round, tunnel suppon shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 20 cm of shotcrete lining;
- I layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kg/m2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130)every round;
- 20 forepoling bars, 4m length;
A shotcrete sealing of the tunnel face with 3 cm of shotcrete;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 7 no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern. Access to the Headrace Tunnel Support Class 4 (ATH S C 4)

Excavation carried out in fault zone rock mass by drill and blast by means of loosening shots and/or tunnel
excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of rounds between 1.0 and 1.3 metres. The tunnel
face shall be opened in subdivisions and immediately sealed with 5 cm of shotcrete prior to the opening of
the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the suhsequent round, consisting of:
25 cm of shotcrete lining;
2 layers of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kg/m2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132) every round;
25 forepoling bars 3m length (for the next round);
A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 4 m lengths. I I no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern;
An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4
kg/m') with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh.
The sensitivity of the rock mass to water requires particular care: Water shall be kept away from exposed
rock surfaces by suitable means approved by the Employer. Ponding water shall not be allowed. Access to the Headrace Tunnel Support Class L (ATH S C L)

Excavation in loose ground by means a tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of
rounds between 1.0 and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face of the pilot holelbench shall be opened in subdivisions
and immediately sealed with 5 cm of shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round. tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:

with steel rib for fixing of the wire mes

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 55 of 71

- Either 45 driven forepoling bars of 3m length (for the next round). 45 forepoling pipes without .
mortar of 3m length or 45 forepoling bars without mortar of 4m length;
- A rock bolt pattern of self drilling bolts with 4 m lengths, 6 no. per round in the sidewalls;
- An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4
kgIm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh, installed at distances not exceeding 6m from the
tunnel face.
The sensitivity of the ground to water requires particular care.

8.2.4 Excavation and support of the Surge Tank (SUT) Surge Tank Support Class 4 (SUT SC 4)

Excavation in all types of rock by means of drill and blast in excavation levels not exceeding 2.0 m height
of exposed, unsupported ground. Templates shall be used to achieve the required profile.
The excavation shall be subdivided in sectors of apx. 180 degrees. The exposed ground shall be supported
with the full shotcrete lining thickness of 20 cm and the rock bolts shall be installed prior to the advance
into the next level (vertical direction). SN-Rock bolts, 250 kN, of 4 m lengths shall be installed at 4 m
intervals at every level, staggered to the next. Surge Tank Support Class L (SUT S C L)

Excavation in loose ground by means of an excavator in excavation levels not exceeding 1.2 m height of
exposed, unsupported ground. Templates shall be used to achieve the required profile.
The excavation shall be subdivided in sectors of apx. 30 degrees or apx. 6 m lengths. The exposed ground
shall be immediately sealed with 3 cm of shotcrete and supported with the first layer of wire mesh (100 x
100 mm, 4 kglm2) and shotcrete with a minimum thickness of 20 cm prior to the opening of the next sector.
The full shotcrete lining thickness of 40 cm and the rock bolts shall he installed prior to the advance into
the next level (vertical direction). Grouted self-drilling rock bolts, 250 kN, of 6 m lengths shall be installed
at 3 m intervals at every level, staggered to the next.
The sensitivity of the ground to water requires particular care.

8.2.5 Excavation and support of the Pressure Shaft (PRS) Raise boring

The contractor shall excavate the required section through rock, weak and weathered mck by means of a
raise borer at the designated location, in conjunction with approval by the Employer. Excavation is to be
canied out in two stages: Firstly, a pilot hole is to be drilled vertically from the ground surface to the
previously excavated tunnel apex. Subsequently, the cutting wheel is mounted onto the boring equipment
and the pilot hole is reamed to the design diameter.
The cross-sectional area of the borehole shall meet the design specifications and be approved by the
After completion of reaming, the excavated surface area of the shaft shall be investigated for unstable
sections. Support where required shall consist of 5 - 10 cm of shotcrete lining and a layer of wire mesh
fixed to the excavated rock surface. Rock bolts shall also be used if directed by the Employer.
Work platforms shall comply with the relevant safety standards and shall allow safe execution of the
support works.
Mucking is to be carried out through the tunnel.
A11 construction canied out by. and associated with the method of raise boring
I of the Employer.

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 56 of 71

83.6 Excavation a n d support of the Pressure Tunnel (PRT) Pressure Tunnel Support Class 1 (PRTS C 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
10 cm of shotcrete lining;
1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglmz) to be fixed to the rock surface:
- Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths. 4 no. per round, at locations required by the
discontinuity pattern. Pressure Tunnel Support Class 2 (PRT S C 2)

Excavation carried out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
with lengths of rounds between 1.7 and 2.2 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 15 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kg/mz), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered:
- Lattice girder steel ribs every second round for profile control;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths. 6 no. every first round with 7 no. in every
second round, with orientations required by the discontinuity pattern.

8.2.7 Excavation a n d support of the Bifurcator Chamber (BFC) Bifurcator Chamber Support Class 1 (BFC S C 1)

Excavation of carried out in all rock masses by means of drill and blast by means of smooth blasting
Lengths of round shall maintain the soundness of the rock mass. Appropriate support measures to maintain
the integrity of the cavern shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round.

8.2.8 Excavation and support of the Bifurcator Tunnel 1(BFI) Bifurcator Tunnel 1Support Class 1 (BF1 S C 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
I0 cm of shotcrete lining;
1 layer of wire mesh (100 x I00 mm. 4 kglmz) to be fixed to the rock surface;
Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths, 4 no. every first round with 5 no. in every
second round, at locations required by the discontinuity pattern. Bifurcator Tunnel 1 Support Class 2 (BFl S C 2)

Excavation carried out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
with lengths of rounds between 1.7 and 2.2 metres.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical specification^
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 57 of 7 1

- I layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4 kg/m2), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered:
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70/20/30) every second round for profile control;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 8 no. every round with orientations required
by the discontinuity pattern.

8.2.9 Excavation and support of the Bifurcator Tunnel 2 (BF2) Bifurcator Tunnel 2 Support Class 1(BE2 SC 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 10 cm of shotcrete lining:
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2) to be fixed to the rock surface;
- Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths, 4 no. every first round with 5 no. in every
second round, at locations required by the discontinuity pattern. Bifurcator Tunnel 2 Support Class 2 (BFZ SC 2)

Excavation carried out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
with lengths of rounds between 1.7 and 2.2 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting OF
- 15 cm of shotcrete lining;
- I layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kg/m2), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70/20/30) every second round for profile control:
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths. 8 no. every round with orientations required
by the discontinuity pattern.

8.2.10 Excavation of the Powerhouse Cavern (PHC) - -
Powerhouse Cavern Top Heading Excavation Class A (PHC TH ECA)
Excavation of top heading in the powerhouse cavern in competent orjointed rock mass by drill and blast by
means of smooth blasting technique. with lengths of rounds between 2.0 and 3.0 metres and subsequent
installation of tunnel support before the excavation of the next round. Support elements will be paid
separately. Powerhouse Cavern - T o p Heading -Excavation Class B (PHC T H ECB)

Excavation of top heading in powerhouse cavern in competent or jointed rock mass by drill and blast by
means of smooth blasting technique, with lengths of rounds between 1.0 and 2.0 metres and subsequent
installation of tunnel support before the excavation of the next round. Support elements will be paid

82.103 Powerhouse Cavern -First Bench - Excavation Class A (PHC B1 ECA)

Excavation of Bench 1 in powerhouse cavern in competent or jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means
of smooth blasting technique. with lengths of rounds between 2.0 and 3.0 metres and subsequent
installation of tunnel support before the excavation of the next round. Support elements will be paid

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 5R of 71 Powerhouse Cavern -First Bench -Excavation Class B (PHC B l ECB)

Excavation of Bench 1 in powerhouse cavern in competent or jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means
of smooth blasting technique, with lengths of rounds between 1.0 and 2.0 metres and subsequent
installation of tunnel support before the excavation of the next round. Support elements will be paid
separately. Powerhouse Cavern -Second Bench - Excavation Class A (PHC B2 ECA)

Excavation of Bench 2 and all further beneath in powerhouse cavern in competent or jointed rock mass by
drill and blast by means of smooth blasting technique, with excavation depths (vertical) not exceeding
3.0 m and installation of tunnel support immediately after exposure of the cavern contour. Support elements
will be paid separately. Powerhouse Cavern -Second Bench Excavation Class B (PHC B2 ECB)-

Excavation of Bench 2 and all further beneath in powerhouse cavern in competent or jointed rock mass by
drill and blast by means of smooth blasting technique, with excavation depths (vertical) not exceeding
5.0 m and installation of tunnel support immediately after exposure of the cavern contour. Support elements
will be paid separately.

8.2.11 Excavation and support of the Generator Tunnel 1 (GT1) Generator Tunnel 1 Support Class 1(GT1 S C 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 10 cm of shotcrete lining:
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2) to be fixed to the rock surface;
Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths, 3 no. every first round with 4 no. in every
second round, at locations required by the discontinuity pattern. Generator Tunnel 1Support Class 2 (GT1 S C 2)

Excavation carried out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
with lengths of rounds between 1.7 and 2.2 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
15 cm of shotcrete lining;
1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered;
Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every second round for profile control;
A systematic SN rock bolt pattem with 3 m lengths, 6 no. every round with orientations required
by the discontinuity pattem.

8.2.12 Excavation a n d support of the Generator Tunnel 2 (GT2) Generator Tunnel 2 Support Class 1(GTZ S C 1 )

Excavation canied out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
tunr~elsupport shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
of shotcrete lining;
r of wire mesh (100 x I00 mm. 4 kglm2) to be fixed to the rock surface:

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Dagachhu HPP Seclion 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificarians
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 59 of 71

- Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths, 3 no. every first round with 4 no. in every
second round, at locations required by the discontinuity pattern. Generator Tunnel 2 Support Class 2 (GT2 SC 2)

Excavation canied out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
with lengths of rounds between 1.7 and 2.2 metres.
For each round. tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 15 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70/20/30) every second round for profile control;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 6 no. every round with orientations required
by the discontinuity pattern.

8.2.13 Excavation of the Transformer Cavern (TFC) Transformer Cavern - Top Heading -Excavation Class A (TFC TH ECA)

Excavation of top heading in transformer cavern in competent or jointed rock mass by drill and blast by
means of smooth blasting technique, with lengths of rounds between 2.0 and 3.0 metres and subsequent
installation of tunnel support before the excavation of the next round. Support elements will be paid
separately. Transformer Cavern - Top Heading -Excavation Class B (TFC TH ECB)

Excavation of top heading in transformer cavern in competent or jointed rock mass by drill and blast by
means of smooth blasting technique, with lengths of rounds between 1.0 and 2.0 metres and subsequent
installation of tunnel support before the excavation of the next round. Support elements will be paid

8.2.133 Transformer Cavern - Bench -Excavation Class A (TFC B1 ECA)

Excavation of bench in transformer cavern in competent orjointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of
smooth blasting technique, with lengths of rounds between 2.0 and 3.0 metres and subsequent installation
of tunnel support before the excavation of the next round. Support elements will be paid separately.

82.14 Excavation and support of the Access Tunnel to the Powerhouse Cavern (ACT) Access Tunnel to the Powerhouse Cavern Support Class 1 (ACT SC 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round. consisting of:
10 cm of shotcrete lining:
1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2) to be fixed to the rock surface;
Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths, 5 no. every round at locations required by the
discontinuity pattern.

8.2.143 Access Tunnel to the Powerhouse Cavern Support Class 2 (ACT SC 2)

Excavation carried out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
1.7 and 2.2 metres.
support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent

Worksilut iLd&ndr\b; I rariom;:*s s - n y b n6 c:ubddmdum nu 2khapiOM

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 60 of 71

- 15 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4 kglmz), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every second round for profile control;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 9 no. every round with orientations required
by the discontinuity pattern. Access Tunnel to the Powerhouse Cavern Support Class 3 (ACT S C 3)

Excavation carried out in weak fractured rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the
full face with lengths of rounds between 1.3 and 1.7 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 20 cm of s h o v r e ~ elining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kg/m2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every round;
- 25 forepoling bars, 4m length;
- A shotcrele sealing of the tunnel face with 3 cm of shotcrete;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 9 no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern. Access Tunnel to the Powerhouse Cavern Support Class 4 (ACT S C 4)

Excavation carried out in fault zone material andlor weathered rock mass by drill and blast by means of
loosening shots andlor tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of rounds between 1.0
and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face shall be opened in subdivisions and immediately sealed with 5 cm of
shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting o f
25 cm of shotcrete lining;
2 layers of wire mesh (100 x 100 rnm, 4 kglmz) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132) every round;
31 forepoling bars 3m length (for the next round):
A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 4 m lengths, 14 no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern;
An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4
kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh.
The sensitivity of the rock mass to water requires particular care: Water shall be kept away from exposed
rock surfaces by suitable means approved by the Employer. Ponding water shall not be allowed. Access Tunnel to the Powerhouse Cavern Support Class L (ACT S C L)

Excavation in loose ground by means a tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of
rounds between 1.0 and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face of the pilot holelbench shall be opened in subdivisions
and immediately sealed with 5 cm of shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round. consisting of:
- 25 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 2 Layers of wire mesh (I00 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132) every round;
Either 56 driven forepoling bars of 3m length (for the next round). 56 forepoling pipes without
of 3m length or 56 forepoling bars without mortar of 4m length;
bolt pattern of self drilling bolts with 4 m lengths, 8 no. in the

i r;vil rurks\hil iLsddrndrilill I rlriumr :r\vm ::n:>s- nu Zkhrpcci 00 un&ienlunli e u . s ~ l u ~ r : r r Odoc.

6~iyWde?dum l Sep~OK
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificationr
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 61 of 71

An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x I00 mm, 4
kglm') with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh, installed at distances not exceeding 6m from the
tunnel face.
The sensitivity of the ground to water requires particular care.

8.2.15 Excavation a n d support of the Emergency Exit Tunnel (EET) Emergency Exit Tunnel Support Class 1 (EET S C 1)

Excavation canied out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 10 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x I00 mm. 4 kg/m2) to be fixed to the rock surface:
- Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths. 3 no. every first round and 4 no. every second
round at locations required by the discontinuity pattern. Emergency Exit Tunnel Support Class 2 (EET S C 2)

Excavation canied out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
with lengths of rounds between 1.7 and 2.2 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 15 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4 kg/m2), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered:
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70/20130) every second round for profile control;
- A systematic S N rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 6 no. every round with orientations required
by the discontinuity pattern.

8.2.153 Emergency Exit Tunnel Support Class 3 WET S C 3)

Excavation carried out in weak fractured rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the
full face with lengths of rounds between 1.3 and 1.7 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round. consisting of:
- 20 cm of shotcrete lining:
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kg/m2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every round;
- 17 forepoling bars, 4m length;
- A shotcrete sealing of the tunnel face with 3 cm of shotcrete;
- A systematic S N rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 6 no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern. Emergency Exit Tunnel Support Class 4 (EET S C 4)

Excavation carried out in fault zone material andlor weathered rock mass by drill and blast by means of
loosening shots andlor tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of rounds between I .O
and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face shall be opened in subdivisions and immediately sealed with 5 cm of
shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round. tunnel suppon shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:

x 100 mm. 4 kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wi

122132) every round:
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 62 of 71

- 21 forepoling bars 3m length (for the next round):

- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 4 m lengths. 9 no. every first round and 10 no. every
second round, with orientations required by the discontinuity pattern;
- An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4
kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh.
The sensitivity of the rock mass to water requires particular care: Water shall be kept away from exposed
rock surfaces by suitable means approved by the Employer. Ponding water shall not be allowed. Emergency Exit Tunnel Support Class L (EET S C L)

Excavation in loose ground by means a tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of
rounds between 1.0 and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face of the pilot holelbench shall be opened in subdivisions
and immediately sealed with 5 cm of shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
25 cm of shotcrete lining;
2 Layers of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kg/m2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132) every round;
Either 38 driven forepoling bars of 3m length (for the next round), 38 forepoling pipes without
mortar of 3rn length or 38 forepoling bars without mortar of 4m length:
A rock bolt pattern of self drilling bolts with 4 m lengths, 5 no. every round in the sidewalls;
An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4
kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh, installed at distances not exceeding 6m from the
tunnel face.
The sensitivity of the ground to water requires particular care.

8.2.16 Excavation a n d support of the Tailrace Tunnel Branch 1(TRI) Tailrace Tunnel Branch 1 Support Class 1(TR1 S C 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
10 cm of shotcrete lining;
1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2) to be fixed to the rock surface;
Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths, 3 no. every first round and 4 no. every second
round at locations required by the discontinuity pattern. Tailrace Tunnel Branch 1Support Class 2 ( T R l S C 2)

Excavation carried out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
with lengths of rounds between 1.7 and 2.2 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
15 cm of shotcrete lining:
I layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered;
Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every second round for profile control:
A systematic S S rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 6 no. every round with orientations required
by the discontinuity pattern.

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter Oh Underground Excavation - 63 of 71 Tailrace Tunnel Branch 1Support Class 3 (TR1 S C 3)

Excavation carried out in weak fractured rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the
full face with lengths of rounds between 1.3 and 1.7 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round. consisting of:
- 20 cm of shotcrete lining:
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4 kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every round:
- 16 no. in every first round and 17 no. in every second round forepoling bars. 4m length:
- A shotcrete sealing of the tunnel face with 3 cm of shotcrete;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 6 no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern. Tailrace Tunnel Branch 1 Support Class 4 (TR1 S C 4)

Excavation carried out in fault zone material and/or weathered rock mass by drill and blast by means of
loosening shots andlor tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of rounds between I .0
and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face shall be opened in subdivisions and immediately sealed with 5 cm of
shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round. consisting of:
- 25 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 2 layers of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4 kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh:
- Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132) every round;
- 20 no. in every first round and 21 no. in every second round forepoling b a n 3m length (for the
next round);
- A systematic S N rock bolt pattern with 4 m lengths, 9 no. every round with orientations required
by the discontinuity pattern;
- An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4
kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh.
The sensitivity of the rock mass to water requires particular care: Water shall be kept away from exposed
rock surfaces by suitable means approved by the Employer. Ponding water shall not be allowed. Tailrace Tunnel Branch 1 Support Class L (TR1 SC L)

Excavation in loose groundby means a tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of
rounds between 1.0 and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face of the pilot holeibench shall be opened in subdivisions
and immediately sealed with 5 cm of shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 25 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 2 Layers of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire m e s h
- Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132) every round;
Either 37 driven forepoling bars of 3m length (for the next round). 37 forepoling pipes without
mortar of 3m length or 37 forepoling bars without mortar of 4m length:
- A rock bolt pattern of self drilling bolts with 4 m lengths, 5 no. every round in the sidewalls;
An invert arch supported with 2 0 c m of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4
kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh. installed at distances not exceeding 6m from the
tunnel face.
The sensitivity of the ground to water requires particular care.

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Spsificationc
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 65 of 71

An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4
kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh.
The sensitivity of the rock mass to water requires particular care: Water shall be kept away from exposed
rock surfaces by suitable means approved by the Employer. Ponding water shall not be allowed.

8.2.175 Tailrace Tunnel Branch 2 Support Class L (TR2 SC L)

Excavation in loose ground by means a tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of
rounds between 1.0 and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face of the pilot holebench shall be opened in subdivisions
and immediately sealed with 5 cm of shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
25 cm of shotcrete lining;
2 Layers of wire mesh (I00 x I00 mm. 4 kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh:
Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132) every round;
Either 37 driven forepoling bars of 3m length (for the next round), 37 forepoling pipes without
mortar of 3m length or 37 forepoling bars without mortar of 4m length;
A rock bolt pattem of self drilling bolts with 4 m lengths, 5 no. every round in the sidewalls;
An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4
kgIm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh, installed at distances not exceeding 6m from the
tunnel face.
The sensitivity of the ground to water requires particular care.

8.2.18 Excavation and support of the Tailrace Tunnel (TRT) Tailrace Tunnel Support Class 1(TRT S C 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 10 cm of shotcrete lining:
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm*) to be fixed to the rock surface;
- Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths, 4 no. every round at locations required by the
discontinuity pattern. Tailrace Tunnel Support Class 2 (TRT SC 2)

Excavation carried out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
with lengths of rounds between 1.7 and 2.2 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 15 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4 kglm2). absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70/20130) every second round for profile control;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 7 no. every round with orientations required
by the discontinuity pattem.

8.2.183 Tailrace Tunnel Support Class 3 (TRT S C 3)

Excavation carried out in weak fractured rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the
full face with lengths of rounds between 1.3 and 1.7 metres.

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requzrernenrs

. *

6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 66 of 71

- 20 cm of shotcrete lining;
- I layer of wire mesh (I00 x 100 mm. 4 kglm2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every round;
- 20 no. in every first round and 21 no. in every second round forepoling bars, 4rn length;
- A shotcrete sealing of the tunnel face with 3 cm of shotcrete;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths. 7 no. per round, with orientations required by
the discontinuity pattern. Tailrace Tunnel Support Class 4 ( T R T S C 4)

Excavation carried out in fault zone material and/or weathered rock mass by drill and blast by means of
loosening shots andlor tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of rounds between 1.0
and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face shall be opened in subdivisions and immediately sealed with 5 cm of
shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of.
25 cm of shotcrete lining;
2 layers of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglmz) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
Lattice girder steel ribs (95122132) every round;
25 no. in every first round and 26 no. in every second round forepoling bars 3m length (for the
next round);
A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 4 m lengths, 11 no. every round with orientations required
by the discontinuity pattern;
An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and I layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4
kglmz) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh.
The sensitivity of the rock mass to water requires particular care: Water shall be kept away from exposed
rock surfaces by suitable means approved by the Employer. Ponding water shall not be allowed. Tailrace Tunnel Support Class L (TRTS C L)

Excavation in loose ground by means a tunnel excavator in subdivided excavation steps with lengths of
rounds between 1.0 and 1.3 metres. The tunnel face of the pilot holebench shall be opened in subdivisions
and immediately sealed with 5 cm of shotcrete prior to the opening of the next subdivision.
For each round. tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round. consisting of:
25 cm of shotcrete lining;
2 Layers of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglmz) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh:
Lattice girder steel ribs (95/22/32) every round;
Either 46 driven forepoling bars of 3m length (for the next round), 46 forepoling pipes without
mortar of 3rn length or 4 6 forepoling bars without mortar of 4m length;
A rock bolt pattern of self drilling bolts with 4 m lengths, 6 no. every round in the sidewalls;
An invert arch supported with 20 cm of shotcrete and 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4
kg/mz) with steel rib for tixing of the wire mesh, installed at distances not exceeding 6m from the
tunnel face.
The sensitivity of the ground to water requires particular care.

8.2.19 Excavation a n d support of Auxiliary Adit 1(AUI) Auxiliary Adit 1Support Class 1 (AUI S C 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
/.. .. ' ; F O ~each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round,@nm,skg of:
/ , ~ . ,. .-. ...
,~ <
. 10 cm of shotcrete lining:
i c.. . .

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employers Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter N Underground Excavation - 67 of 71

- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglmz) to be fixed to the rock surface;
- Swellex (or similar) or SN bolting with 3 m lengths, 4 no. every round at locations required by the
discontinuity pattern. Auxiliary Adit 1Support Class 2 (AUI S C 2)

Excavation carried out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
with lengths of rounds between 1.7 and 2.2 metres.
For each round. tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 15 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4 kglm2), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered:
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every second round for profile control:
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 6 no. in every first round and 7 no. in every
second round witb orientations required by the discontinuity pattern. Auxiliary Adit 1Support Class 3 (AUl SC 3)

Excavation carried out in weak fractured rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the
full face with lengths of rounds between 1.3 and 1.7 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 20 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (I00 x I00 mm. 4 kg/m2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every round;
18 no. in every first round and 19 no. in every second round forepoling bars, 4m length;
- A shotcrete sealing of the tunnel face with 3 cm of shotcrete;
- A systematic SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths. 6 no. in every first round and 7 no. in every
second round with orientations required by the discontinuity pattern.

8.2.20 Excavation and support of Auxiliary Adit 2 (AUZ) Auxiliary Adit 2 Support Class 1 (AU2 SC 1)

Excavation carried out in competent rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full
face with lengths of rounds between 2.2 and 3.0 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
- 10 cm of shotcrete lining;
- 1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglm2) to be fixed to the rock surface;
- Swellex (or sirnilad or SN bolting with 3 m lengths, 3 no. in every first round and 4 no. in every
second round at locations required by the discontinuity pattern. Auxiliary Adit 2 Support Class 2 (AU2 SC 2)

Excavation carried out in jointed rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the full face
witb lengths of rounds between 1.7 and 2.2 metres.
For each round, tunnel suppon shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round. consisting of:
- 15 cm of shotcrete lining;
- I layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm. 4 kglm2), absence of steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh
every second round to be considered;
- Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every second round for profile control;
SN rock bolt pattern with 3 m lengths, 6 no. in every first round and 7 no. in every
with orientations required by the discontinuity pattern.

wor*r\bl l.ddmdr\il: : *,i<.x::@rT2 : - r i l m 6 mjkddmdum nn 2khagmM ~ d q ~ ~ ~ n d

-Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Under~roraundExcavation - 68 of 71

8.2.203 Auxiliary Adit 2 Support Class 3 (AU2 S C 3)

Excavation carried out in weak fractured rock mass by drill and blast by means of smooth blasting of the
full face with lengths of rounds between 1.3 and 1.7 metres.
For each round, tunnel support shall be installed prior to excavation of the subsequent round, consisting of:
20 cm of shotcrete lining;
1 layer of wire mesh (100 x 100 mm, 4 kglrn2) with steel rib for fixing of the wire mesh;
Lattice girder steel ribs (70120130) every round:
I 8 no. forepoling bars, 4m length;
A shotcrete sealing of the tunnel face with 3 cm of shotcrete;
A systematic SK rock bolt pattern with 3 rn lengths, 6 no. in every first round and 7 no. in every
second round with orientations required by the discontinuity pattern.

8.3 Measurement and Payment

83.1 Measurement and payment for tunnels

Measurement of support classes shall be by the theoretical length to be excavated in linear metres as shown
on the drawings.
Payment descriptions for excavation and support measures in this Clause are to be given priority over
descriptions in previous Clauses.
Payment for support classes shall be made at the unit prices stipulated per linear metre. This includes all
support measures included within the described support classes. The quantity of tunnel support elements
stipulated in the support classes are to be understood as average quantities. The deposition of material
resulting from excavation, including its loading onto transport. transportation and appropriate deposition is
also to be included in the unit prices for the support classes.
The final breakdown of quantities shall be made after all excavation and support of the relevant
underground work.
Transition to larger pmfiles (widening sections) will not be paid separately and shall be included in the
linear metre price of the respective profile(s).
Pumps and pipes for the control of water as per Sub-clause 1.3.28 shall be included in the unit prices of
tunnel excavation. N.B. Extraordinary water inflow is reimbursed as according to Sub-clause 8.3.6 in the
form of 'downtime days'.

8.3.2 Measurement and payment for excavation of slope cut at Surge T a n k

Measurement of excavated material above the Surge Tank to the required levels for the subsequent
excavation of the Surge Tank as shown on the tender drawings shall be the theoretical volume in cubic
Payment for excavation of material above the Surge Tank shall be made at the unit price stipulated in the
BoQ. This shall include all necessary support measures required for slopes exposed by the excavation; the
deposition of material resulting from the excavation, including its loading onto transport, transportation and
appropriate deposition: landscaping of exposed surfaces as directed by the Employer.

8.3.3 Measurement and payment for Tunnel Portals

Payment for tunnel portals shall remunerate all excavation, support, furnishing and landscaping of portals
and ortal cuts of all tunnels ending in portals with units as stipulated in the BoQ.
* -.. -L.

.: Phpmeit,shi! also include the deposition of material resulting from the excavation, including its loading
, '.i
- onto tran8pbtt;vansportation and appropriate deposition and landscaping of the
,.. .

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,., . . .-
- - _ __/'
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificalions
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 69 of 71

8.3.4 Measurement and payment for cavern excavation and support

Measurement of excavated material from cavern excavation (powerhouse cavern and transformer cavern)
shall be the theoretical volume excavated in cubic metres.
Payment for cavern excavation shall be made at the unit price per cubic metre
For payment of support ekements see payment sections of the respective clauses.
Pumps and pipes for the control of water as per. Sub-Clause1.3.28 shall be included in the unit prices of
tunnel excavation. N.B. Extraordinary water inflow is reimbursed as according to Sub-clause 8.3.6 in the
form of 'downtime days'.

83.5 Measurement and payment of raise boring

Measurement of depth shall be the length excavated in linear metres.
All works and costs resulting from inaccuracies shall be borne by the Contractor. Deviations in the
horizontal plane from the drilling of the pilot hole at any depth shall not exceed 0.5 % of the total drilled
Costs of equipment for raise boring shall be split at 80 % for mobilisation and 20 % for removal.
Payment for drilling and excavation shall be made at the unit prices stipulated per linear metre. The unit
prices shall include the costs related to drilling and excavating such as:
All equipment required for drilling and excavation:
All labour;
All lighting installation;
All provisions for communication;
Installed support measures;
The deposition of material resulting from raise boring, including its loading onto transport,
transportation and appropriate deposition.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical SpeciRcalions
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 70 of 71

8.3.6 Measurement and payment of water inflow

Water inflow is to be measured in liters per second within 0 to 20 m from the excavation face at any one
point of time. Accumulation of measured quantities of water inflow is not permitted.
For Support Classes 1 to 3, water inflows of up to 50 11s shall be included in the unit price.
For Support Class 4, water inflows up to 20 11s shall be included in the unit price.
For Support Class L, water inflows up to 5 11s shall be included in the unit price.
When water inflows exceed the above stipulated values within 0 to 20 m from the excavation face at any
one point of time, additional granting of downtimes per 100 lin. m shall be applied on the following basis:
Additional granted downtime days per 100 m of tunnel excavation:
Water Quantity exceeding the 20 Vs 40 Us 80 11s 160 11s
above quantities included in the
resp. items
SCI 0.33 [dl100 m] 0.67 [dl100 m] 1.00 [dl100 m] 1.33 [dl100 m]
SC2 0.58 [dl100 m] 1.00 [dl100 m] 1.42 [dl100 m] 1.83 [dl100 m]
SC3 1.I3 [dl100 m] 1.75 [dl100 m] 2.38 [dl100 m] 3.00 [dl100 m]
SC4 1.83 [dl100 m] 2.67 [ d l 0 0 m] 3.50 [dl100 m] 4.33 [dl100 m]
SCL 5.00 .
. .

Additional "Downtime Days" shall be granted per 100 lin. m of tunnel as long as the specified support and
sequences are adhered to.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 E m p l o y e r ' s Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 06 Underground Excavation - 71 of 71


9.1 General
Downtimes shall be considered for underground excavations in the case of geological or hydro-geological
conditions impeding regular work cycles.

9.2 Measurement and payment of downtimes

Measurement of downtimes due to geological or hydro-geological conditions for Fully active drive shall be
in days. Measurement of downtimes due to excess inflow of water is stipulated in Sub-clause 8.3.6 of this
Unit prices shall include the cost of all manpower, labour, plant, equipment and consumables of a tunnel
drive active for 24 hours in the case that geological overbreak or water inflow impedes regular work cycles.
The payment of downtime shall be proportional to the actual length of working day. E.g., in case of a
tunnel drivage only being operational for 12 hours, only 50 % of the downtime shall be granted.
Payment of downtime shall remunerate the tunnel team and all machinery for non-regular tunnel
excavation and support works only as directed by the Employer.
Downtimes are not applicable for the Auxiliary Tunnels.
Downtimes caused by the Contractor shall not be remunerated.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concretc & Reinforced Concrete

Section 6 Employer's Requirements

6.2 T E C H N I C A L S P E C I F I C A T I O N S

Chapter 07
Dagachhu HPP Seclion 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete . ii


Section 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 07

1 CONCRETE ..................................................................................................................1
1.1 General .................................................. I
1.1.1 Scope of work ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Materials and Equipment ........................................................................................................ 5
1.2.1 Binders ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2.2 Aggregates .................................................................................................................6
1.2.3 Admixtures ................................................................................................................ 9
1.2.4 Mixing water ............................................................................................................ 9
1.2.5 Steel ........................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.6 Concrete .................................................................................................................. 11
1.2.7 Concrete formwork .................................................................................................. 18
1.2.8 Joint materials .......................................................................................................... 19
1.2.9 Delivery, storage, handling ........................ . . . ................................................... 20
1.3 Execution of Work .............................................................................................................. 21
1.3.1 General concreting .................................................................................................. 21
1.3.2 Transporting concrete to the Site..................... . . ................................................... 22
1.3.3 Handling, placing and curing the concrete
1.3.4 Hot and cold weather precautions .............
1.3.5 Formwork, false work, stripping, propping ............................................................. 25
2 STEEL REINFORCEMENT ....................................................................................................... 28
2.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 28
2.2 Fixing of Reinforcement ....................................................................................................... 29
2.3 Concrete Cover to Reinforcement ........................................................................................ 29
2.4 Bar Spacing........................................................................................................................... 30
2.5 Permissible Curvature for Reinforcement ............................................................................ 30
2.6 Anchorage of Reinforcing Bars and Fabrics ......................................................................... 30
. .
2.7 Tensile Spl~ces~nReinforcement ........................................................................................ I
2.7.1 General ........................................... 31
......................................... 31
2.8 Compressive Splices in Reinforcement ............................ . . . ............................................. 32
2.8.1 Lap splices ........................................ 2
23.2 Welded connections ................................................................................................ 33
2.8.3 Contact splices........................................................................................................ 33
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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - iii

2.9 Connections 3
2.9.1 Screwed connections ...............................................................................................
3 JOINTS ..........................................................................................................................................34
3.1 Construction Joints ............................................................................................................... 34
3.1 .I General applicatio
3.1.2 Design joints ........ ........ . ..
4 CURING, FINISHING, REPAIR, PROTECTION ...................................................................37
4.1 Preparation of Surfaces to Receive Concrete 7
4.2 CuringMoist Curin 7
4.2.1 Genera 7
4.2.2 Moist c 8
. .
4.3 Fin~shlng . . ............................................................................................
4.3.1 Sprinkling with cemen 39
4.3.2 Use of chemical surfac 9
4.3.3 Specimen panels of concrete 9
4.4 Repair of Concrete ................................................................................................................ 39
4.4.1 General 9
4.4.2 Protrusions ...............................................................................................................40
4.4.3 Depressions ................... .
4.4.4 Sealing of cracks .....................................................................................................40
4.5 Protective Coatings and Linings ............
4.5.1 General ...............
4.5.2 External coatings
5 EMBEDDED PARTS, BLOCKOUTS, HOLES ........................................................................42
5.1 Embedded Parts 2
5.2 Embedding Steel Linin 2
5.3 Block Ou ...................................42
5.4 Drainage 43
6 PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES ...............................................................44
6.1 General
. .
6.2 Permlss~bleTolerances ......................................................................................................... 44
6.3 Mass Concrete ................... .
................ . .............................................................................. 46
7 TESTS A3'D PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................47
7.1 Quality Control and Assuranc ...........47
7.1.1 Personnel 47

7.2.2 Test reports

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete &Reinforced Concrete iv

7.3 Prelinlinary Testing .............................................................................................................. 51

7.3.1 General .................................................................................................................... 51
7.3.2 Cements, admixtures, addltlves .............................................................................. 51
7.3.3 Aggregates ............................................................................................................... 52
7.3.4 Steel ......................................................................................................................... 52
7.3.5 Tendons and accessories ........................... . . . .................................................... 52
7.3.6 Mixing water ........................................................................................................ 52
7.3.7 Concrete ..................................................................................................................54
7.4 Routine Testing ..................................................................................................................... 55
General .................................................................................................................... 55
Visual checks ........................................................................................................... 56
Cement, Admixtures, Additives ................ 57
Aggregates ............................................................................................................... 58
Concrete .................................................................................................................. 59
Workablllty of concrete ........................................................................................... 62
Structural components and other materials ...................... . ....... . .......................63
Cement mortar ......................................................................................................... 63
8 AUXILIARY WORKS ................................................................................................................. 64
8.1 Genefa1 Ancillary Works ...................................................................................................... 64
8.2 Construction Joints ............................................................................................................. 64
Dagachhu HPP Section 6Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - I


1.1 General
These General Technical Specifications provide for execution of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Works.
The Contractor shall indicate in his general work plan which standards he will apply in the performance of
the works.
Within four weeks after having received the notice to proceed, the Contractor shall submit one complete set
of the relevant Standards to the Employer in the English language.
The application of other than internationally recognized Standards shall be avoided, as approval for its use
by the Employer might take considerable time, which could delay the construction works.
No concreting works shall be started unless the Employer has agreed upon the Standards applied.

1.1.1 Scope of work

This chapter covers all works and services, which shall be performed in connection with the consuuction of
plain concrete, reinforced concrete and pre-stressed concrete structures.
All works and services described are deemed to cover the supply of all materials and building components,
including unloading, storage and handling at site.
All design, material, execution and tests shall be based uniformly on regulations of one of the Standards
specified or selected, respectively. Definitions Materials
Concrete: Concrete is formed from a mixture of cement (or, in certain circumstances, a slag-
based cementitious material), aggregate and water and possibly with admixtures and
Aggregates: Aggregates consist of natural or artificial, dense or porous stone, with particle sizes.
which are suitable for making concrete.
Binders: Binden of concrete are cements and in special cases also slag-based cementitious
Water: Water, which is added to the concrete in the mixer, is referred to as mixing water.
The mixing water and the natural surface moisture content of the aggregates
constitute the water content " W . The water content " W plus the pore moisture
(internal moisture) is designated as the total water quantity.
Admixtures: Admixtures are substances, which are added to the concrete and which, by chemical
or physical action or by both, change the properties of the concrete, e.g., its
workability, hardening or setting.
Additives: Additives are substances of small particle size added to modify certain properties of
the concrete and which have to be taken into account as volumetric constituents
(e.g., latently hydraulic materials, (uass) body pigments).
Cement Mortar: Cement mortar is formed from a mixture of cement, and aggregates of not more
than 4 mm particle size and water - and possibly with admixtures.
Reinforced concrete is a composite consuuction material of concrete and steel (as a
rule: steel intended for the reinforcement of concrete) for components in which the
co-operation of concrete and steel is necessary to resist the load stresses.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete &Reinforced Concrete - 2

Reinforcement: The steel elements, which are embedded in the concrete and are necessary for
reinforced concrete in accordance with definition of "Reinforced Concrete", are
referred to as reinforcement.
Reinforcing bars are herein classified as plain (smooth), ribbed (also known as
deformed, that is, with irregularities protruding outwards from the otherwise
smooth surface), and indented (profiled, that is, with irregularities occurring below
the otherwise smooth surface).
Furthermore, reinforcement denotes prefabricated reinforcement consisting of steel
lattice assemblies or profiled light steel girders, possibly with factory-made
concrete chords, which may in certain circumstances serve also to support loads
exerted by floors before in-situ concrete has hardened. Basic data

Loads: The term "loads" is applied to individual forces (tons; kp; MN; h i ; N) and to forces
acting per unit length or unit area (t/m; kplm; MNlm; k i l m ) (tlm2; kplm2; MNlm2;
IdrNmZ), respectively. These forces may, for example, be due to weight or they may be
caused by wind, braking, etc.
Working Loads: Working load is understood to comprise all loading cases to which a structural
component is subject under the conditions of service for which it is intended.
Ultimate Load: By ultimate load in c~nnectionwith design is understood the load at which, as shown
by calculation, the limit values of the steel strain or the concrete strain or both, are
State I: Concrete members under uncracked condition
State lI: Cracked concrete members.
Restraint: Restraint occurs only in statically indeterminate structures as a result of creep,
shrinkage and temperature changes of concrete, as a result of subsoil movements, etc. Technical documents

Whenever the Contractor is required to submit additional construction execution drawings in accordance
with the Contractual Conditions, the submissions and procedures shall comply with the following clauses. Nature of the technical documents

The Technical Documents comprise the principal execution drawings, the structural design calculations and
supplementary specifications, together with any certificates of official approval or agreement and test
certificates. Execution drawings and other technical details

In accordance with the requirements of the Contractual Conditions, the Contractor shall submit the
Execution drawings and other details. Generally, the dimensions of the components and their reinforcement
shall be presented clearly and conveniently by means of Execution drawings. The Execution drawings shall
show the results of the structural calculations and shall contain all the dimensions needed for constructing
the components and for checking the calculations.
Reference shall be made to any other relevant execution drawings. In the event of subsequent alteration of a
drawing, all Execution drawings affected shall be correspondingly amended.
All Execution drawings shall be submitted in accordance with the relevant clause of the Contractual
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chaptcr 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 3

The stability and adequate dimensioning of the structure and its components shall be analyzed in a
conveniently presented and readily checkable form in the calculations, if not otherwise specified.
The method of analysis in accordance with the elastic theory is optional. Dimensional design shall conform
to the principles laid down in the respective standard. If unusual formulae are employed, the source from
which they have been obtained shall be indicated if it is generally available for verification; otherwise the
derivations shall be given in sufficient detail to enable checking.
Calculations performed on computers are permissible, subject to compliance with official directives
relating thereto. These rules are particularly applicable to false work and scaffolding. Specifications
Information which is necessary for the execution of the Work or for checking the Execution drawings and
structural calculations, hut which is not directly obtainable from Contractual Conditions, or where
clarification or interpretation is required, such information, clarification andlor interpretation shall he
provided by the Employer.
For pre-cast concrete structures or the structural elements, the Contractor shall give particulars of the
erection procedure, including temporary supports (propping), adjustment, and intermediate conditions of
the structure or element which will occur during erection and which are important with regard to safety.
The erection procedure shall be described with particular accuracy if the pre-cast components are to be
assembled by an erector other than the manufacturer of those components.

1.1.13 Supervision and conduct of construction work Contractor's agentlsuperintendence

For construction work, which under the building by-laws is subject to authorization, the Contractor or the
agent appointed by him, or an expert representative of the agent, shall be present on the Site while work is
in progress. He must ensure that the work is properly carried out in accordance with the technical
documents, particularly with regard to:
correct design dimensions of the components
safe construction and three-dimensional bracing of formwork, false work and scaffolding, ensuring
that they are not overloaded, e.g., during transport of concrete, or as a result of materials stacked on
them, etc.
quality control of the materials employed, especially the concrete, including planning. compaction
and curing
type of reinforcing steel, the diameter and positioning of the bars and, where applicable, of the
welded connections in conformity with the Execution drawings approved by the Employer
determining the time for skipping the formwork and dismantling the false work
avoidance of overloading finished components
rejection of pre-cast components affected by damage likely to endanger the structural behavior
correct installation of any propping required during erection

1.1.132 Notice of commencement of construction work

For smctures which are subject to authorized supervision by the Employer or Representatives entrusted
with the supervision of the work by the Employer. the Contractor shall give the following information, at
least 48 hours before the start of the Work:
- if site-mixed concrete is used, the availability on Site of written instructions for making the concrete,
with all the necessary particulars

G l r i l wrbU.r\lo<I mlum iw ct-yoim6qS tr=hnical rplbnlionrbhnpter67 m e t e d n d r o ~ ~ d d m m n c c * n 1 ~ I - U 8

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technicd Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 4

the intended commencement of concreting for the first time; and for multi-storey buildings, if
required, the commencement of concreting for each individual storey; and in the event of prolonged
interruption (particularly during fairly long periods of intemperate weather), the resumption of
concreting works
for pre-cast concrete structures; the commencement of erection and, if required, the commencement
of forming the connections which are important to the overall structural action.
that formwork is cleaned and erected to dimensions and levels
that reinforcement is correct to diameter and number of form
that reinforcement is properly placed in accordance with Execution drawings and Specifications
that any embedded part other than reinforcement is properly placed, secured and protected to prevent
entrance of cement slurry or other damages or dislocations
that adequate means are available to protect fresh concrete from rain, frost, vibration or other
detrimental impacts
that all equipment, plant, tools, facilities are at disposal and operational to warrant unintermpted
concreting works for the pan or section in question
commencement of important welding operations at or on the concreting site

1.1.133 Records to be kept during execution of work

In the case of works subject to authorization, the Contractor shall keep constant Site records of all
important data regarding the quality and the stability of the structure and its pans. The Contractor's agent
or his representative shall keep such records in suitably verifiable form, e.g., on printed forms (job record
sheets). They shall contain the following information when it is not already contained in the delivery notes:
- The periods of the individual operations (e.g., placing the concrete and dismantling of false work)
- The air temperature and weather conditions at the time of execution of the individual job sections or
components until complete removal of the formwork and its supports (days on which heavy rainfall
occurs shall be noted, stating the temperature or precipitation and the time at which the temperature
reading was taken or the rainfall occurred). During the making, placing and curing of concrete when
air-temperatures are below +8C or above +25C, the maximum and minimum daily temperature
(measured in the shade) shall be recorded. When air temperatures are below +5C or above +30C, the
temperature of the fresh concrete shall be determined and entered into the records.
- When site-mixed concrete is used: the names of the suppliers, and the delivery note numbers, of
cement, aggregates (supplied as individual particle size fractions or as ready-mixed aggregate) and
admixtures; also the composition of the concrete, cement content per m3 of compacted concrete,
type and strength class of the cement, grading curve and particle size fractions of the aggregate, any
ultra fine particles added to the mix, type and amount of admixtures and additives, bulk density of
the freshly molded test specimens, consistency of the concrete, the waterlcement ratio. The daily use
of materials and of stockpiles from which they were taken shall be entered into the records.
- When pre-cast components are used: the names of the suppliers and the delivery note numbers. It
shall also be indicated for what parts of the suucture or what job sections these components are to be
- When pre-stressed concrete is used: a daily log available for inspection by the Employer at any time
shall be kept by the Contractor of all pre-stressing operations from the time pre-stressed work is
started until the units are fully incorporated into the structure. The log shall include information on
forming, placing of concrete, stressing, curing, release of stress, stripping, handling, delivery, and
results of tests and erection data of each member.
Each pre-stressed unit shall be identified by an appropriate designation throughout the entire
operation and the test cylinders shall be designated in a manner that will identify them with their
respective pre-stressed units.
of log and method of identifying the pre-stressed units and the cylinders shall be approved
Employer prior to the start of the concrete placing operations.

h m n m V a Iu &
I vohmI~~~.cZcm6.^ i t&rd l 8 ~ a t ~ ~ 1 n s k ~ I O c ~ ~ ~ ke X ~, d~ . I _ m ~
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 5

When ready-mixed concrete is used: the names of the supplier and the delivery note numbers, the
concrete type schedule and the vehicles schedule. It shall also be indicated for what pan of the
structure or what job sections the concrete has been used.
The manufacture of all the concrete test specimens with their designations, dates of manufacture. and
information on the individual parts or job sections for which the concrete has been used, the testing
dates and results of the tests, and the required strength class.
These requirements shall also apply to specimens made by the ready-mixed concrete supplier or his
representative, where such specimens count as Site specimens. Records shall also be kept of the
nature and results of any verification tests for the concrete strength performed on the structure.
When applicable: the results of investigations on the fresh concrete (consistency, bulk density,
composition), tests on the cement, t e a on the aggregate (e.g., grading curves) including already-
mixed aggregate tests for checking the aggregate mix-proportions by weight in the event of volume-
batching, tests on intermediate components, etc.
Type of reinforcing steel and, when applicable. the results of tests on welds in reinforcing bars. Storage and availability of the records

The records shall be available on Site during the construction period and copies shall be submitted to the
Employer upon request. The Contractor shall keep these records for at least five years after the termination
of the Work.
When the construction is completed, the results of all the compressive strength tests and of the
waterlcement ratio determinations in well-organized form shall be handed over to the Employer.

1.2 Materials and Equipment

All materials and components to be supplied by the Contractor and incorporated in the structures shall he
unused and new, unless otherwise prescribed in the Specifications. The quality shall meet the requirements
of the Specifications.

12.1 Binders
The main binding agent shall consist of cement in one of several varieties. Binders shall conform to the
relevant applicable Standards of the country of origin or to equivalent Standards. Additives and admixtures

Additives may be added only if they do not adversely affect the hardening of the cement, the strength and
durability of the concrete, and the corrosion protection of the reinforcement.
The raw mass of Portland cement shall contain the added constituents mixed intimately and distributed
evenly in a very definite proportion and shall be specially prepared for this purpose.

12.1.2 Types of cement

Only Portland cement originating from production plants, which exercise continuous and stringent quality
conlrol, supervised by competent associations, shall be used in the Work. Supply of cement

Cement may be supplied from manufacturer's plants in hags or in bulk.
Bulk cement shall be supplied in closed bulk containers equipped with compressed air conveying
Bulk cement is to he stored in silos
I ,

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 6

1.2.2 Aggregates General
The Contractor shall be responsible for all arrangements and costs involved in the exploitation of quarries
and borrow pits and he shall carry out any borings and investigations he deems necessary to determine the
precise location of the working and the manner in which the quarries and borrow pits may be exploited
efficiently and economically.
Quarries shall be run in a safe manner and on completion of the Works they shall be left in a tidy state. No
rocks shall be left overhanging except with the approval of the Employer. The aggregate winning and
processing operations shall be such that they do not constitute a danger to health either during their
operation or after completion of the Works (dust control). The Contractor shall ensure that his activities in
no way interfere with existing operations being carried out by others, and shall be responsible for providing
his own local accesses and all plant and facilities. Sources
Aggregates for concrete shall be obtained from sources to be approved for this purpose by the Employer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for selecting suitable aggregates. Samples of sand and stone shall be
obtained for the tests specified in Clause 7 to be carried out before any arrangements for obtaining
aggregates from new or alternative sources are approved by the Employer. Laboratory check tests of the
aggregate may be ordered by the Employer at regular intervals to confirm their suitability for concrete and
the consistency of the grading. Prodoction
Aggregates shall be produced to the sizes and grading specified for the various concrete mixes. If instructed
by the Employer, the Contractor shall carry out investigations to satisfy the Employer that there are
sufficient quantities of suitable aggregates available to complete the Works. Exploitation of quarries and borrow areas

The raw material for concrete aggregates shall be excavated by bla.ting or by mechanical means, as
required with subsequent crushing and screening. The locations, lateral extent and depth to which the
Contractor may exploit quarries and borrow areas are subject to approval by the Employer.
All overburden and other waste material shall be removed from quarries and shall be disposed of subject to
the approval of the Employer. Properties General
Aggregates shall be in all cases free from earth, clay, loam, soft, clayey, shaley or decomposed stone,
organic matter and other impurities like mica and shall be hard and dense.
Aggregates shall be as coarse-grained and dense-graded as possible. The maximum panicle size shall be so
chosen as to be compatible with mixing, handling, placing and working the concrete; its nominal size shall
not exceed one-third of the smallest dimension of the component to be concreted. With closely spaced
reinforcement or shallow concrete cover, the greater part of the aggregate shall consist of panicles smaller
than the distance between adjacent bars and between the bars and formwork.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 7 Grain shapes

The shape of the particles in the fine aggregate and in the coarse aggregate shall be generally spherical or
cubical. The quantity of flat and elongated particles in the separated size groups of coarse aggregate, as
defined and determined by standard tests approved by the Employer shall not exceed 25 percent in any size
group. A flat particle is one having a ratio of width to thickness greater than three. An elongated particle is
one having a ratio of length to width greater than three. Uniformity of aggregates

When using crushed aggregates only, the uniformity is the possible variation of grading during a certain
period of processing. This variation range shall be +5% for coarse aggregates and +8% for fine aggregates
from the average of 2 weeks of processing.

1 2 1 5 . 4 Moisture of aggregates
The free moisture content of the fine aggregates shall be continuously controlled and measured twice daily
in the stockpiles of the batching plant. The Contractor shall accomplish the required moisture control by
use of free drainage storage, covered transportation and storage, mechanical dewatering devices, or any
other means.

1 2 . 2 5 5 Grading of fine aggregates

The grading of fine aggregates as delivered to the batching plant, shall be such that the individual
percentage retained on any sieve shall not vary more than 3 from the percentage retained on that sieve in a
fixed gradation selected by the Contractor with the approval by the Employer.
The fineness modulus of the fine aggregates shall lie between 2.20 and 3.10. The amount of fines should
generally be kept to 8% or less by weight. Fine aggregates with an amount of fines in excess of 8% shall
only be used for concrete if clearly demonstrated by tests that this will not deteriorate neither strength. nor
water-tightness or durability of the concrete.
The grading of the fine aggregate shall be contmlled so that the fineness moduli of at least four of any five
consecutive test samples of the fine aggregate as delivered to the mixer shall not vary more than 0.10 from
the fineness modulus of the fixed gradation selected by the Contractor and approved by the Employer.
The particle size limits shall be determined according to the first month of processing and will be corrected
or adjusted to the preceding month's experience. if required.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 8 Deleterious substance

Fine Aggregate
The maximum percentages of deleterious substances in the fine aggregate. as delivered to the mixer,
shall not exceed the following values:
Percent by weight:
Material passing No. 200 Sieve (ASTM C-I 17): 3
Shale: I
Total of other deleterious substances (such as mica,
chlorite, coated grains, and soft flaky particles): 3
The sum of percentages of all deleterious substances shall not exceed 5% by weight
Coarse Aggregatc
The maximum percentages of deleterious substances in any sire of coarse aggregate, as delivered to
the mixer, shall not exceed the following values:
Percent by weight:
Material passing No. 200 Sieve (ASTM A-117): 1
Shale: I
Clay lumps: 0.5
Other deleterious substances: 1
The sum of the percentages of all deleterious substances in any size as delivered to the mixer, shall not
exceed 3 percent by weight. Grading of combined aggregates

The fine aggregate shall be so graded that when mixed with the coarse aggregate and cement it shall
produce a concrete of the maximum density. Crushed sand may be added to natural sand in proportions
approved by the Employer in order to achieve the required grading. Crushed sand alone may only be used
with the approval by the Employer.
The grading of the coarse aggregate shall be such that when the coarse aggregate is combined with the
approved fine aggregate and cement it shall produce a workable concrete of maximum density.
Concrete mixes shall be designed to use the largest size and maximum amount of coarse aggregate
Aggregates, being separated in the six specified size groups, shall be used for manufacturing concrete. Each
of them shall be within the grading limits as specified.
The combined gradation shall be continuous and shall comply with one of the following curves:
Fuller p = 100 x (d/D)0.5
DIN 1045 Type B
p = percentage for a given diameter
d = given diameter
D = maximum diameter
The proportion of each aggregate component shall be determined in such a way that the grading of the mix
follows one of the afore-mentioned curves with an accuracy of +5%.
Discontinuous grading curves (gap grading), i.e.. for aggregates in which individual size fractions are
to approval by the Employer.

1v volume ..
<r.w<!mn 6-rn 2<whnlcds w 8 f i ~ o m k h ~ p t maOm t c d mhfwcd c o m ~ c k X > ~ ~ U 8

Dagachhu HPP Section 6Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Conmte & Reinforced Concrete - 9

The Contractor shall he responsible for ensuring that the combined grading of the aggregates is constant
during the Works. The percentage required to pass any sieve size as determined by approved trial mixes
shall be the target grading for all concrete of that type. The combined grading of the Works concrete shall
not vary by more than +5% from that found from the trial mixes. If the estimated or measured combined
grading of the permanent Works concrete does not meet this requirement, then a new trial mix shall be
prepared for the approval by the Employer. Modifications shall be made if the Employer is not satisfied
that the plastic properties of the mix are the same as those of the agreed trial mixes.
If at any time samples prove unsatisfactory, the Contractor will be required, at his own cost, either to
change to a new supply or to make arrangements acceptable to the Employer to remedy the situation.

1.23 Admixtures
For concrete manufacturing, the Contractor shall use admixtures only at his own cost and risk and with the
Employer's previous written approval.
The Contractor shall notify the Employer of the sources from which admixtures will be obtained and shall
fumish technical information and samples for testing at least 90 days in advance of the time when concrete
placing is expected to begin. All tests for the evaluation and approval of an admixture shall be made by the
Contractor as specified by the Employer.
Chlorides, substances containing chlorides or other substances, which promote the corrosion of steel, shall
not be added to concrete in which steel or reinforcements are embedded.
The Contractor shall state in writing the chloride content of the admixture and whether or not chloride has
been added during its manufacture.
Admixtures may be used to modify particular properties of concrete. However, as they may at the same
time adversely affect other important properties, preliminary tests with the concrete to which they are to be
added shall be performed as specified.

12.4 Mixing water

Naturally occurring water is suitable as mixing water, provided it does not contain constituents which
adversely affect the hardening or other properties of the concrete or impair the corrosion protection of the
reinforcement, as certain industrial effluents, for example, are likely to.
Water samples from the intended source of supply shall be taken if so instructed by the Employer for
analysis before any concrete work is commenced and at intervals throughout the duration of the works. If at
any time samples prove unsatisfactory according to tests, the Contractor shall be required, at his own cost,
either to change to a new supply or to make arrangements acceptable to the Employer to remove the
offending matter.

1.2.5 Steel Reinforcing steel

Steel reinforcement, other than steel for pre-stressing, shall consist of cold-worked or hot-rolled steel bars
or fabrics complying with adequate standards.
Reinforcement production, identification, shape, dimensions and strength shdl be according to the latest
editions of international approved standards:
Ban that appear to have rusted beyond usefulness may be checked by cleaning and weighing them fol
conformance with relevant Specifications.
Cold-worked steel shall not be heated up without permission of the Employer or be welded.
Coated reinforcements shall only be used after the approval of the Employer. The content of Cr. Ni, Cu,
Mn shall not exceed 0.1% in total. The manufacturer shall guarantee and verify by relevant tests that the
hesion of the coating complies with relevant standards.

rvmnlrUdl I rivli ur!rb\laI mhm; b i l p n $$--an 6~\62t.rhnk~ii~ilic~l~on"rbm01ronmt~~drrinlomd
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete &Reinforced Concrete - 10

The adhesion of the coating shall be evaluated by bending samples of coated bar 12.00 mm in diameter
around a bending mandrel with a diameter equal to eight times the bar diameter. Any cracking or
disbonding of the coating which is visible to the unaided eye on the outside surface of the bent bar, shall he
considered cause for rejection. Pre-stressing steel

The pre-stressing elements for tendons in pre-stressed concrete shall have various forms, e.g., single bars,
bundles of wire, wire cables, or wire rope. The tendons shall he high-grade steel and comply with relevant
Strength characteristics of the single wires shall be the criterion for bundles of wire, which consist of
parallel steel stnnds. All strength and deformation characteristics are imponant for the use of pre-stressing
steel (e.g., the stress-strain curves for the effect of static and repeated loading, creep behavior, creep
strength, and fatigue strength), and suitability for the intended method of working (e.g.. permissible
bending of the pre-stressing elements, construction of joints, heat treatment), shall be proved prior to the
granting of permission by the Employer of the use of steels for pre-stressing elements (pre-stressed steels).
The rules drawn up for this purpose shall be observed during testing.
In the case of wire cables and ropes, the tensile strength of the single wires shall not be considered decisive,
hut the tensile strength calculated from the breaking load of the overall cross-section of the cables or ropes
shall govern. Furthermore, it shall be noted that additional permanent deformation occurs in them because
of the more constricted bedding of the single wires under load.
High tensile alloy bars shall have the following physical properties.
- Minimum tensile strength - 990 MPa
- Proof stress at a non-proportional strain of 0.2%. not less than 85% of the minimum tensile strength
- Percentage elongation at fracture, not less than 6%
Relaxation at 100 hours from initial stress of 70% ultimate tensile strength, not more than 4%
The Contractor shall state the secant modulus of the material proposed at the average tensioning stress
shown on the Execution drawings together with the guaranteed limits of its variation. Values shall be
substantiated by test results.

1.2.53 Anchorage devices and couplings for pre-stressed concrete

All anchorage for high tensile steel strand tendons shall he in accordance with the stressing systems
approved by the Employer. All anchorages shall be provided with a positive centering device so that the
anchorage heads shall not move during the tensioning operation.
All couplings for high tensile steel strand tendons shall be in accordance with the stressing systems
approved by the Employer.
All high tensile steel bar tendons shall he anchored by means of rolled threads and nuts except that for
wholly embedded anchorages, tapped plates shall be used in conjunction with the rolled threads.
Anchorages and coupling devices shall be capable of withstanding a force of not less than 95 percent of the
specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the tendon without damage or excessive deformation or
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Rquiremcnts 6.2 Technical Spzificationr
Chapter 07 Concmc & Reinforced Concme - 11

125A Ducts for pre-stressed concrete

Ducts for the insertion of pre-stressing tendons shall be formed in the concrete members by means of light
gauge steel conduits, flexible steel sheathing or by other means approved by the Employer, except that bars
may be cast in place after m p p i n g with an approved type coating to prevent bonding with the concrete.
The ducts shall be stmng enough to withstand the placing and the vibration of the concrete without
suffering any damage or deformation. Intemal and external diameters of the ducts shall be within the limits
shown on the Execution drawings.
The ducts and any joints shall be m o m tight and the ducts shall be in one piece between the ends of each
segment or placement. Curved pieces of duct shall be pre-bent or the dimensions shown on the Execution
drawings and shall be checked with lengths of tendon for flattening and other distortions which might
obstruct the free movement of the tendons.

12.5.5 Embedded steel parts

Suucmal steel embedded in concrete shall not be in contact with the reinforcement if not otherwise
indicated by the Employer.
. Zinc, aluminum and cadmium-plated parts are particularly susceptible to erosion and shall be protected by
an unbroken film of asphalt, varnish, pitch or other inert material. Copper may be embedded in concrete
without danger of corrosion if chlorides are not present.
Dissimilar metals shall not be embedded in direct contact or close proximity with each other unless there is
assurance that the conditions are such that there will be no serious galvanic action.
Where necessary to prevent damage to the concrete or unsightly rust stains on its exposed surfaces,
specifications require that metal bar supports and spacers be made of non~orrodiblemetal, e.g.. of stainless

12.6 Concrete
Concrete is classified into strength classes according to relevant standards on the basis of its characteristic
compressive strength determined in the quality control tests on cubes or cylinders tested at an age of
28 days. The term 'characteristic strength' means the value of the strength of concrete below, which no
more than 5% of the test results shall fall. The concrete characteristic strength ranges generally between 5
and 55 NImm2.
A particular compressive strength may also be necessary at an earlier age than 28 days, to satidy particular
stress conditions, e.g., for the hanspoa of precast components. Alternatively, a particular strength may be
agreed for a later point of time, e.g., if this is appropriate in special cases when slow-hardening cement is
used and if it is permissible with regard to the stresses to which the concrete will be subject Concrete
grades of more than 45 Nlmm2 are intended for precast concrete components manufactured under factory
In-situ concrete, which is intended to serve integrally in a structural way with precast reinforced concrete
components, shall have a minimum compressive strength of 15 NImmZ.
Concrete may also he classified with respect to consistency ranges for fresh concrete, amording to relevant
standards. Within these ranges the consistency shall, if necessary, be more precisely specified by a
particular value for the compaction or the flow- table spread.
The consistency of the fresh concrete shall be determined before the start of work, taking due account of
the conditions of placing and working the concrete during construction (e.g., type of compaction).
Dngachhu HPP Seelion 6- Empluyris Requiremcnrs 6 2 Tcchnicnl Specificntiwr
Chapter 07 Con&c & Reinforced C o n m c - 12 Concrete Classes and Mix Design

Generally, the composition of the concrete mix shall comply with the requirrments laid down in the present
Clause as well as with approved standards. As to cbncretes, which shall have special properties, additional
requirements according to Clause 2.6.5 shall be applied.
Unless otherwise approved by the Employer the concrete mix shall comply with the requirements of the
following table:
Basic concrete mixes

i I I
=Strength / Cement Type 1
Cemea WIC-Ratio mnr. ! Strength
[N/mm2] :
after 28 f
! Content
i ikdm31 to
11 Free-water
f [NlmmZ]
after 7 days
days i ensure i

durability ii ;
16 i
OPC f 2.20
--- 0.80 i 12
-- OPC 240 i-- 0.80
i 17
30 OPC 240 1 0.70 23

The cement content derived by trial mixes to reach a certain concrete sfrength has to be checked against the
minimum cement content for the requirement of durability (see above table) and the greater of the two
values has to be adapted.
Note: Using cement according to Indian Standards requires amuchhighercement content Ultra f i e content

The concrete shall contain a certain quantity of ultra fine particles to be properly workable and achieve a
closed texture. The ultra fine content comprises the cement, the aggregate particles of 0-0.25 mm size, and
such additional material of this particle size range, as it may be necessary to introduce. Such additional
material, if any, shall consist of natural or artificial mineral substances, comprising as far as possible a
mixture of different-sized particles, which do not soften and do nor impair the dunbility of the concrete.
If air-entraining agents mused, a lower ultra iine content may be adequate. The ultra fine content shall, as
far as possible, be limited to the amount necessary for working the concrete, panicularly if required
concrete properties are likely to he adversely affected by an excessive content of d m fine particles. Waterlcement ratio

The water/cement ratio is the ratio of the water content "W" to the weight "C" of the cement in the
The concrete shan not be made with a watertcement ratio higher than established in the pre1'mimy tests. If
the concrete of this consistency is found to be not adequately workable for difficult individual parts and if
the water content must therefore be increased, the cement content shall be increased in the same ratio by
weight. Both increases shall be affected at the mixer after approval by the Employer. For reinforced
concrete, with respect to corrosion protection of the steel, the watmlcement ratio shall not exceed 0.75 if
the compressive strength of the cement is 35 Nlmm2 at least
Effective m e w shall he provided for determining the moisture content and water absorption value of the
fine and coarse aggregates at all times. The Conmctor will be required to haw an accutate knowledge of
the moisture content and water absorption values of all fine and coarse aggregates as they reach the mixer
and he shall make such adjustments to the mix as are necessitated by changes in the moisture content and
absorption values of all aggregates.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 13 Admixtures
In the event of the Employer's permission being obtained for the use of a proposed admixture, the concrete
tests described in this Section shall be carried out with the correct proportion of admixtures incorporated in
the concrete to ensure that the specified strengths are achieved and comparison shall be made with concrete
manufactured without the admixture to prove that the density has not been reduced. If air-enuaining agents
are used, the density shall not be reduced by more than 5%.
When admixtures are used in the concrete very strict control shall be maintained to ensure that the correct
quantity of admixture is used at all times. The equipment to be used for dispensing and the method of
incorporating the admixture in the concrete shall be to the approval of the Employer. The dispensing unit
shall be translucent such that the operator can see the discharge of the admixture.
In the event of the Employer's permission for using a proposed fly ash being obtained, the concrete tests
described in this section shall be carried out with the ratio of fly ash envisaged for the purpose. Consistency (slump)

The consistency characterizes the workability of the concrete. It is measured by the slump test or by means
of the flow table.
Observation of the concrete while it is being mixed is important in controlling consistency. The mixing
plant shall be equipped with consistency meters.
The slump of the concrete, after pouring but before it has set, shall not exceed the values specified below.

Massive structures
,..... ,

Slabs and tunnel inverts

Walls, piers, columns, parapets

Slumps shall be measured at the batch plant and before placing of concrete as directed by the Employer.
Slump will be determined in accordance with adequate Specifications. Trial mixes

Trial tests shall be performed before starting the Works and also as a continuous quality control during the
execution of all the concrete Works.
Preliminary laboratory tests shall be carried out by the Contractor in the presence of the Employer to
determine the mixes, which will satisfy the Specification.
Following the results of laboratory tests, preliminary field tests shall be prepared under full-scale Site
conditions and tested in accordance with equivalent Standards.
Further trial mixes shall be made if the range, that is the maximum minus the minimum of the three cube
results in any batch, exceeds 15% of the average of that batch, or if the range of the three batch averages
exceeds 20% of the overall average of the batches.
Tests shall be carried out by the Contractor in the presence of the Employer on these mixes to determine the
following properties:
Bleeding in accordance with relevant standards

~ ~
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 14

Air content (where applicable)

Water-cement ratio
Indirect tensile strength in accordance with approved standards including both cylinder splitting and
beam tests
Should any of the values obtained in the above tests be unacceptable in the opinion of the Employer, the
mixes shall be re-designed. Batching and mixing Batching Plant

The Contractor shall determine the mixing capacity of plants. Due to the separated locations of building
sites, it is recommended to install at least two mixing plants. Situation of plant and equipment shall be
subject to approval by the Employer.
The concrete plant shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following:
Mixing equipment shall include two (2) stationary mixer drums each with a capacity range of one to at least
25 m3 per hour. Both mixer drums shall be automatically operated, controlled by single batching and
controlling systems. The concrete plant shall also have a transit mix dry batch driveway.
The concrete producing facilities shall be capable of producing mixed concrete at a minimum rate of
400 m3 per 8-hour shift for 5 consecutive shifts with due allowance for drainage, storage and testing of
aggregates. Concrete plant equipment capacity shall be based on providing the above outputs when
operating an average of 50 minutes in each hour. Mixing instructions

The composition of a batch of concrete and the cement content in kg required for one batch shall be
displayed legibly at the mixing plant (mixing instructions).
The instructions to be displayed at the batching plant shall comprise:
- strength class of the concrete
- type, strength class and quantity of cement, and cement content in kg required for one batch
- type and quantity of aggregate, with indication of quantities of size fractions to be batched
separately, where applicable, or the indication "ready-mixed aggregate"
- consistency of the fresh concrete
- type and quantity of admixtures and additives, if any
- waterlcement ratio
- water content W (mixing water and surface moisture of the aggregate) Batching
Generally, concrete shall be batched by weight. The aggregates and the cement shall be batched by means
of efficient weight-batching machines except as otherwise approved by the Employer. The machines shall
be carefully maintained and cleaned. They shall be provided with simple and convenient means of checking
the accuracy of the weighing mechanism, and they shall be checked and adjusted when required by the
The weight of the batched particle size fractions shall be checked frequently. This requirement shall also
apply when automatic proportioning devices are used.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Ernplayer's Rcquirernents 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concntc & Reinforced Concrete - 15 Accuracy of scales

A simple and convenient system (scales) of varying accurately the material supply to the concrete mixers
shall be installed, with a suitable metering system to ensure that the amount fed into the machine can be
conholled, ascertained and recorded.
The division on the scales for cement, aggregate and water (if the latter is measured by weight) shall be
readily discernible and not less than 2.5 mm in width. They shall represent a weight not greater than 0.5%
of the nominal capacity of the appropriate weighing hopper or compartment. At the time of installation or
reconditioning, the indicated weight at any point of the scale shall not vary fmm the correct weight by more
than 1.0% of the actual scale reading in the range quarter-scale to full scale capacity. For indicated weights
of less than quarter-scale capacity, the variation shall be not greater than 1.0% of quarter-scale reading. At
any time of operation, the indicated weight at any point of the scale shall not vary from the correct weight
by more than 1.5% of the actual scale reading in the range quarter-scale to full scale capacity.
For indicated weights of less than quarter-scale capacity, the variation shall not be greater than 1.5% of the
quarter-scale reading.
The batching of the aggregate or of individual particle size fractions by volume shall be permissible only if
automatic pmportioning devices are used whose settings can be easily and effectively altered when
necessary and with which the fractions and the combined aggregate quantity can be measured with the
required accuracy. It shall be possible simply and reliably to check the weight of the particle size fractions
measured by these proportioning devices.

13.63.5 Recording equipment

The chart shall clearly indicate the following data:
- Number of batch
- Batch size
- Mix code
- Time and date
- Weight of each aggregate and identification
- Weight of cement and identification
- Weight or volume of water
- Volume of each admixture and identification
- Moisture content of fine aggregate
The recorded chart shall become the pmpeny of the Employer. Accuracy of batching

Batched materials shall be measured out within the following tolerances and shall be discharged into the
mixer without loss:
Cement +2% of the weight of the cement in the batch;
Aggregate +2% of the weight of each aggregate in the batch;
Water +2% of the weight of water added to the batch;
Admixtures +5% of the amount to be added to the batch
The surface moisture of the aggregate shall be taken into account for measuring the water quantity used for
the mix. Water absorbent aggregate shall be saturated before batching, so that it will not absorb further
water during batching.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 16 Calibration of weighing equipment

Sufficient test weights shall be kept available at the Site for checking the accuracy of all scales. The scales
shall he checked at the commencement of preliminary concrete tests and checks shall be canied out at
intervals as directed by the Employer but in any case not more than 2 weeks. The results of these checks
shall be recorded and submitted to the Employer.
All scales shall be inspected and checked over their complete range by a specialist at least every three
months and subsequently calibrated, the results being recorded and submitted to the Employer.
With admixture dispensers, the accuracy of measurement shall be checked at least once each month with a
calibrated container, the results being recorded and submitted to the Employer. Mixing concrete by machine

Concrete shall he mixed in hatches in machines of the "forced mixing" type. All the concreting materials
including the water shall he mixed together thoroughly between the time of their deposition in the mixer
and before any portion of the mixture is discharged. The machines shall be capable of discharging their
contents while running.
For mixing the concrete, the mixing instructions shall be readily available to the mixing operator
The mixing period for each batch shall be 60 seconds as a minimum
The mixing time may be increased when such increase is necessay to secure the required uniformity and
consistency of the concrete or when test samples of concrete taken from the first, middle and last portions
of the mixer discharge exceed any of the following uniformity requirements when tested in accordance with
equivalent standards:
Water content +5 %
Coarse aggregate content +5 %
Unit weight +0.8 %
Cement content +lo %
The mixer shall not be charged in excess of the capacity recommended by the manufacturer on the
nameplate. Excessive over mixing requiring additions of water will not be permitted. The mixers shall be
maintained in satisfactory operating condition, and mixer drums shall be kept free of hardened concrete.
Mixer blades shall be replaced when worn down more than ten percent of their depth. Should any mixer at
any time produce unsatisfactory results, its use shall be promptly discontinued until it is repaired.
Prior to batching concrete for the works, the Contractor shall wet the mixers out to ensure that the concrete
as batched will be of the desired quality in compliance with the Specification herein.
Experienced operators who are able to keep to the specified consistency shall operate mixers. Trial operation

Not less than 7 days prior to commencement of concrete placing a test of the batching and mixing plant
shall be made in order to check operational efficiency. The number of full-scale concrete batches required
to be produced in trial runs will not exceed twenty for each batching and mixing plant and shall be
proportioned as directed by the Employer. All concrete produced in these tests shall he wasted or used for
purposes other than inclusion in permanent smctures.
All deficiencies found in plant operation shall he corrected to the satisfaction of the Employer prior to
starting concrete placing operations.
Dagachhu HPP Secrian 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concretc & Reinforced Concrete - 17 Acceptance of concrete mixes

Concrete mixes shall be evaluated for strength and uniformity after tests have been conducted in
accordance with procedures specified in these Specifications.
Concrete mixes will he considered satisfactory so long as the specimens tested equal or exceed the criteria
specified in relevant standards for strength and uniformity requirements.
Concrete mixes will be rejected if they fail to meet one or more requirements, which cannot be brought into
compliance or visually unsatisfactory as related to any of the following:
- Improper class of concrete
- Non-workability
- Over mixing
- Air content, slump or temperature not within specified limits
- Oversized aggregate
- Maximum waterlcement ratio is exceeded
- Foreign material in concrete
- Total time limits are exceeded as specified in standards.

12.6.5 Concrete with special properties General
Pre-requisite conditions for producing concrete with special properties are that it shall be correctly
composed, mixed and placed, that it shall not segregate and that it shall be completely compacted and
carefully cured. Porous concrete

Porous concrete will he used where free drainage is required or where lighter weight and low conductivity
are to be provided without the use of lightweight aggregates. Occasionally, inserts of porous concrete may
be installed as weep holes or drains in hydraulic structures such as canal linings. Porous concrete may be
also placed upon rock foundation under split sewer pipes to drain groundwater.
Porous concrete is ordinarily produced by gap grading or single-size aggregate grading. The compressive
strength determined by cylinders (for 28 days) shall not be less than 10 Nlmm2 and the porosity shall be
such that water will pass through a slab 30 cm thick at the rate of not less than 5 VminllW cm2 of slab with
a constant 10 cm depth of water on the slab. Concrete with water-reducing admixtures

The source, brand and types of suitable water reducing, cement-dispersing admixtures shall be proposed by
the Contractor and approved by the Employer. The water-reducing admixture shall be compatible with the
air-entraining admixture specified above and shall be batched and added to the concrete in the manner
specified for the dosage, but separate from the portion of the mixing water containing the air-entraining
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 18 Pre-stressed concrete

Pre-stressed concrete shall have a minimum characteristic strength of 45 Nlmm2. This shall also apply to
subsequent enlargement of cross-sections, provided they are taken into account as contributory. The high
qualities of concrete required shall be attained with addition of a minimum of water and with particularly
effective compacting equipment.
The use of a quality of concrete lower than 45 Nlmm2 may be permitted only for exceptional purposes,
e.g., if pre-stressed concrete structural members must have special thermal insulation propenies or a low
weight (lightweight concrete), and further, in the case of cast-in-situ concrete. The Employer shall not
undertake such work without the written approval. Lean concrete

Whenever excavations for the foundation of structures are made, in any material other than rock, the
bottom shall be protected with a layer of lean concrete. The proportioning of the mix shall be 1:4:7.

12.6.63 Mortars, grout and rendering

Cement mortar shall, unless otherwise specified or ordered, consist of one pan of cement to three parts of
fine sand by volume mixed and thoroughly incorporated together with just enough water to render it
Grout shall consist of cement mixed with just enough water to let it run freely. In situations where it is
possible and desirable, in the opinion of the Employer, to mix fine sand with the grout, the proportions of
sand to cement will be determined by the Employer.
Rendering shall consist of three parts of fine sharp sand to one part of cement and be applied in two I D mm
coats and one 5 mm finishing coat giving an overall thickness of not less than 25 mm, the finishing coat
being of a color to be approved by the Employer.
All cement mortar, grout and rendering shall be used whilst freshly mixed and no softening or re-tempering
will be allowed.
Acid-resistant epoxy mortar shall be obtained from an approved manufacturer and shall be used strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

1.2.7 Concrete fnrmwork General
Forms shall be constructed true to dimensions and level from sound materials of sufficient strength, and
shall be properly braced, strutted and shored, to ensure rigidity throughout the placing and compacting of
the concrete, without visible deflection. Forms shall be so constructed that they can be removed without
shock or vibration to the concrete. Internal ties shall be of metal and shall either be capable of complete
removal without permanent injury to the concrete or, if remaining permanently embedded in the concrete,
be no nearer than 5 0 mm to any finished surface and the cavity shall be so formed as to permit a
satisfactory filling as specified hereafter.
All joints shall be close fitting to prevent leakage of cement slurry and at construction joints; the formwork
shall be secured tightly against previously cast or hardened concrete to prevent stepping or the formation of
ridges on exposed surfaces.
Formwork shall be constructed to provide the correct shape, lines and dimensions of the concrete shown on
the Execution drawings. Due allowance shall be made for any deflection which will occur during the
placing of concrete within the forms.
Dagachhu HF'P Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 19

Panels shall have true edges to permit accurate alignment and to provide a neat line with adjacent panels
and at all construction joints. All panels shall be fixed with their joints either vertical or horizontal, unless
othenvise specified or approved. When chamfers are to be formed, the fillets shall be cut to size accurately
to provide a smooth and continuous chamfer.
The Contractor shall make due allowance for the renewal and/or repair of formwork for which more than
one use is intended.

1.2.8 Joint materials

12.8.1 General
Materials used in the work of this clause shall conform to the latest Standards, and application shall be in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

1.2.82 Water proofing

All materials for water proofing in joints shall be according to chapter 08, "Water Pmofing"

12.83 Fillers
Fillers shall be of inert mineralic origin and shall serve to increase the stability of the mastic. Polysulphide mastic

The two-part polysulphide liquid polymer shall be made according to relevant standards. Bitumen-rubber mastic

The bitumen-rubber based mastic shall be according to approved standards.
The mastic shall have a medium-stiff consistency suitable for flowing into the perimetric joint under water
pressure upon opening of the joint. Bituminous fiber sheet

The bituminous fiber sheet shall be 12 mm thick and shall be conform to standards for pre-formed
expansion joint fillers for concrete paving and structural construction.
Furthermore, the Contractor shall demonstlate to the satisfaction of the Employer that the installed and
expanded material will be capable of additional expansion, upon appmpriate post construction ueatmenL of
not less than 20 percent of its original thickness. The material shall be installed in as wide and as long a
strip as possible. Expanded polystyrene

The Contractor shall cut the expanded polystyrene to covet the required surface of the Concrete at
expansion joints and to fit amund all openings.
Where placed against vertical surfaces, the expanded polystyrene shall be held in place against the
completed side of an expansion joint by a waterproof cement applied to the face of each piece of joint filler
for not less than 40 mm from each edge of that face.
Joints in the expanded polystyrene shall be scarfed, made tight and filled with a suitable material so that
m o m from the concrete will not seep through to the opposite concrete surface. The number of field joints
shall he kept to a minimum by using factory produced joints wherever possible.
Where shown on the Execution drawings or directed by the Employer, the expanded polystyrene shall be
raked out after the concrete has set
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aq [~eqspue [eno~ddes,iaLo~durga q 01 lsarqns aq [leqs sa!l!l!3ej a%wols [[v.aIn13nns paelnuan Lpado~d
pue 1q8!1 iaqeam Lip e u! p a o ~ aq
s [[eqs pa%%eql o ylnq iaqlaqm 'mama3 'al!S le id!a~aiuodn L[ale!pamm~
.alqe[!ene am uo!le3pads s!qlol
pauajal %u!~sa~ p w %u!ldmes aql jo sl[nsai aql [!mn luauru%!suo3q x a jo uo!ie3y!iuap! p w uogeredas aql
I O ~oJua!3gjns are al!S aqi le iuama3 aql jo a%eio~saql ioj smarrra8uem aql l e q alnsua [[eqs ioIaenuo3 a q ~
'paian!lap uaaq seq I! q~!qm u! rapio
aql u! pasn aq ~ [ e q pue
s spaqs asaql u! p a ~ e [ daq a3uo le [leqs lualua~aql 'ai!S aql le &an!lap u o .[enoidde
pue %ugsal 'uo!l~adsu! ~ o ssame
j Lsea l y r a d 01 u!aiaql L[alemdas pay3cls aq [pqs mamu%!suo3 q3ea
.asn aiojaq iaLo~dur3a q Lq
paupualap aq 01 luama3 aql jo L~![!qei!ns aql alqeua 01 pue yiom jo LI!~U!IUOJ ainsua 01 1uama3 lua!3gns
aro~s01 q%nouaa%mlaq lleqs spaqs aqA .punoi%aql anoqe pas!er alaJ3uoJ l o poom jo i o o e~ %u!neq spaqs
pale[!~uan-llam pue joadJalem L ~ i ~ a p aap!noid
d TTeqs io1~w1uo3a q 's%eq u! paan!lap s! luaura~a q 31
.a>ws!nu e ainl!lsuo3 IOU saop lsnp %un[nsai
a q l e q alnsua 01 Bu!peolun % u ~uayel
p aq [[eqs suo!me~a~d pano~ddv'aus aql 01 paan![ap uaaq seq
I! Lla~e!pamur!so~!sasaql u! pa3eld aq [leqs luatua3 aql pue y ~ o mjo Ll!nu!luo~ xnsua 01 luaura~lua!sgjns
arols 01 azp a~enbapejo s o p panoidde ap!nard [(eqs iolJenuo3 aql 'ylnq u! paian!lap s! mama3 aql 31
.%uuanosannaajja iaqlo JO su![nedn?l Lq mama3 pa%%eqjo ase3 aql
u! l o smalds iajsuea pasol~ua-LlfnjLq i a q l e a ~aql moij Llanq3ajja pa13a101d aq 1pqs 'sueam leJ!ueq3am
Lq JO sapqan u! paXanuw iaqaqm 'sJaxv alamuo3 aql 01 1:szmn Bu!~np pue papeofun i o papeol Bu!aq
a[!qM pue s%eqpaymm pue paleas-Ll~adoid'punos u! l o ylnq u! al!S aql 01 paian!lap aq [leqs luamaa aqA
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 21

12.9.2 Aggregates
Aggregates shall be delivered, stored and handled so as to avoid mixing of different sizes, segregation in a
particular size, breakage, contamination with deleterious matter and retention of water. Sufficient aggregate
shall be stored for at least 48 hours before use. Fine aggregate shall not be drawn from the bottom (50 cm)
of the stockpile. Provision shall be made for suitable equipment to effect spraying or sprinkling of
aggregates during hot periods.
Each size of aggregate or defined combined fractions thereof shall be stored separately.
The storage bins shall be emptied and cleaned and the grading of the aggregates checked at intervals.
subject to the appmval by the Employer.
Sufficient aggregate shall be maintained at Site at all times to assure continuous placement of concrete at a
rate consistent with the requirements of the appmved concreting schedule. In no case shall concreting of
any lift he started unless sufficient aggregate is on hand to complete the lift. Steel reinforcement

All steel reinforcement shall be stored above gmund and under cover, racked, systematically as necessary
and protected fmm all aggressive elements to the approval by the Employer. Tendons and accessories

Pre-stressing steel components shall be shipped to the casting yard and the sites of installation and handled
as recommended by the manufacturer. They shall be suitably covered and wrapped at the factory to prevent
injury and to prevent dirt, water and rust from affecting the bars. Care shall he exercised in handling mds
and each rod shall be closely inspected before placing to see that the rods are not damaged, that the
threaded ends are in satisfactory condition and are neither nicked nor scored. Welding will not be permitted
near or adjacent to the pre-stressing steel or assemblies that contain the pre-stressing steel.
In no case shall any pre-stressing steel component he used as a ground for welding operations, or be
touched with a welding electrode. Pre-stressing steel shall not be placed in uunnion girders and anchorages
until such time as all welding has been completed on any portion of the supports, pipe frames, or trunnion
girders, and anchorages, which might he in contact with the pre-stressing, steel.
No damaged anchorage or coupling devices shall be used. All steel in the anchorages shall be pmtected
fmm corrosion at all times. Greased wrapping shall pmtect all threaded parts and suitable plugs until used
shall pmtect all tapped holes. The devices shall be kept free fmrn mortar, rust, grease, tar, paint, oil, mud or
any other deleterious matter. The Employer may direct the use of a suitable coating to protect the exposed
faces of anchorages and anchorage plates after embedment in the pre-cast girder segments but all such
coating shall be removed immediately before the installation of the tendons takes place.

13 Execution of Work

1.3.1 General concreting

Before starting execution of actual concreting, the Contractor shall furnish a detailed concreting pmgram in
order to plan effective pouring and loading and shall supply, if necessary, the shuttering and reinforcement
execution drawings. Each month the Contractor shall deliver a written statement in duplicate to the
Employer indicating the amounts and different classes of concrete poured. This statement shnll be
accompanied by a drawing indicating the monthly pmgress.
For site-mixed concrete, pre-cast, plain and reinforced concrete components and ready-mixed concrete, it
shall be necessary to exercise supervision and contml of concrete quality.
As a rule, aggregate shall be batched by weight. This applies also to aggregate with particles differing
specific gravity, for which the parts by weight shall then be calculated from the pans

I i aril uurbU\lolI "alum li\puc ll-Mbr6 q U 2 o i h n l c a l ~ i t i n i i o n k h s p l r r O 7conmlr d r r l n t n d -!r.lboJu

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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concntc - 22

For concrete the hatching of the aggregate or of individual particle size fractions by volume shall he
permissible only if automatic proportioning devices are used whose settings can be easily and effectively
altered when necessary and with which the fractions and the combined aggregate quantity can he measured
with the required accuracy. It shall he possible simply and reliably to check the weight of the particle size
fractions measured by these proporlioning devices.
If volume batching is applied, the weight of the batched particle size fractions shall be checked frequently.
This requirement shall also apply when automatic proportioning devices are used.
Measuring of water: The mixing water shall he added in a quantity measured with an accuracy of 3%.
The surface moisture of the aggregate shall be taken into account.
Water-absorbent aggregate shall be so moistened beforehand that it will, as far as possible, absorb no more
water during and after mixing.
For admixtures or additives special automatic devices shall be installed at the mixing plant.

13.2 Transporting concrete to the Site

During transit, the fresh concrete shall he protected from harmful climatic effects. In hot weather the
temperature of the fresh concrete shall not exceed 30" C at the time of unloading.
Site-mixed concrete:
If site-mixed concrete of soft consistency is used and is transported to the place of use in vehicles other
than agitator trucks or truck-mixers, it shall be completely unloaded not later than 20 minutes after mixing;
for concrete of stiff consistency this period shall be up to 45 minutes.

13.3 Handling, placing and curing the concrete Handling concrete on Site

The method of handling and conveying (e.g., in skips, on belt conveyors, by pumping, by compressed air)
and the composition of the concrete shall be s o adjusted among the various operations as to obviate
segregation and shall be subject to the approval of the Employer.
When concrete is deposited in column and wall formwork, it shall not segregate. For example, it shall be
dropped through pipes, which hold it together and terminate a short distance above the point of deposit.
For conveying concrete by pumping it shall not be permissible to use light alloy pipes.
Pipelines for pumping concrete shall be laid in such a way that no interruption can occur in the flow of
concrete in the pipe. When concrete is carried by belt conveyor, scrapers and devices for holding the
concrete together at the throw-off point shall be provided.
When placing concrete, care shall be taken to ensure that reinforcement, parts to he embedded, formwork
surfaces, etc., in a section to he concreted later do not become encrusted with concrete.
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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 23

133.2 Placing and working the concrete

Prior to placing of any concrete, the Employer shall have checked all relevant components. and released the
structure in writing for casting.
Concrete shall be used as soon as possible after mixing; ready-mixed concrete shall, if possible, be used
immediately after delivery. In both cases, it shall be used before the concrete stiffens or its composition
The reinforcement bars shall be thoroughly embedded in concrete. The concrete shall be compacted as
thoroughly as possible (though it may still contain individual visible air voids), e.g., by vibrating, rodding,
tamping, pounding the formwork, etc., which shall be done with panicular care in comers and along the
formwork. In certain circumstances, it shall be necessary to recompact the concrete (e.g.. if the rate of
placing is such that the concrete rises rapidly in the formwork).
As a rule, concrete of soft consistency shall be compacted by vibrating. Surface vibrators shall be moved so
slowly that the concrete under them becomes plastic and the concrete surface behind them is closed. For
compaction by powerful surface vibrators, the layer of concrete shall be not more than 20 cm thick after
compaction. With formwork vibrators (external vibrators) the limited depth of action, depending also on
the type of construction of the formwork, shall be taken into consideration.
If compaction is done by tamping (only stiff consistency), the finished tamped layer shall not be more than
15 cm thick. The layers shall be compacted by means of hand tampers or, preferably, mechanical tampers
until the concrete becomes plastic and acquires a closed surface. The individual layers shall, if possible,
extend at right angles to the direction of compression acting in the structure and tamping shall he applied in
the direction of compression.
If no construction joints are to be provided, concreting which is done layer-by-layer may be interrupted
only so long as the layer placed last has not set, so that good and uniform bonding between the two layers
of concrete is possible. If internal vibrators are used, the vibrating head shall penetrate into the layer below,
which has already been compacted.
Compacting equipment and stand-by equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Employer
Construction joints
The individual job sections for concreting shall be determined before concreting stans. Construction joints
shall be formed in such a way that all loads and stresses can be resisted and the location shall be subject to
approval by the Employer.
Adequately strong and dense bonding of the concrete layers in construction joints shall be ensured. Any dirt
and unsound concrete shall be removed before concreting is resumed. The surface shall be clean, rough and
damp prior to covering with fresh concrete. The Employer shall approve method of preparation. Dry older
concrete against which fresh concrete is to be placed shall be kept moist for several days in advance, so as
to minimize the difference in shrinkage between the young and the old concrete and to counteract the
extraction of water from the young concrete. At the time of concreting, the surface of the older concrete
shall, however, have had time to dry somewhat, to enable the cement paste of the newly placed concrete to
bond properly with the older concrete.
The temperature gradient between old and new concrete may be reduced by keeping the old concrete warm
or by cooling the new concrete before placing it.
In structures built of waterproof concrete, the construction joints shall also be waterproof and equipped
with water stops at the expense of the Contractor if not shown on the execution drawings, but as directed by
the Employer.
The requirements stated in this clause are applicable also to unforeseen construction joints necessitated. for
conditions or plant breakdown.

Icivil "mrk8U.I IWIYrn il\pon u~r.rm.ngL5 2irrrmir.,,prlBrnbmkhnpmVIconar,r uulrrinfd

agachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specitications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 24

Cement mortar of joints

Cement mortar for the jointing of pre-cast components and intermediate components shall satisfy the
conditions shown in the adequate Clause.
Curing the concrete
Until it has hardened sufficiently, concrete shall he protected from harmful influences, e.g., severe cooling
or heating, drying (including drying due to wind). heavy rain, running water, chemical and mechanical
attack, and from oscillations and vibrations in so far as these are liable to loosen the texture of the concrete
and endanger the bond between reinforcement and concrete. This shall apply also to mortar and concrete
placed in the joints between pre-cast concrete components. Curing period (in general, minimum 7 days) as
well as curing method and medium (water, covering, curing compounds) shall be approved by the
In order to slow down the shrinkage of the young concrete and to ensure that it will also harden properly at
the surface, the concrete curing shall he performed continuously, starting as soon as practicable after
placing and shall also include surfaces of farms and laggings.

1.3.4 Hot and cold weather precautions Hot weather precautions

Limitations on the maximum temperature of concrete and on the placing of concrete during hot weather
shall be observed because of the impairment of quality and durability resulting when concrete is mixed.
placed and cured at high temperatures.
The temperature of fresh concrete shall in no case exceed + 30" C.
Various means which may he employed to lower the temperature of concrete as mixed are:
- using cold mixing water, even to the point of adding large quantities of ice;
- avoiding, insofar as practicable, the use of hot cement;
- insulating water-supply lines and tanks andlor painting exposed portions white;
- cooling coarse aggregate with refrigerated water by sprinkling or with cold air blasts;
- insulating mixer drums or cooling them with sprays or wet burlap coverings;
- shading materials and facilities not otherwise protected from the heat;
- working only at night due to cooler conditions;
- watering sub grade andlor formwork before placing concrete;
- placing concrete in adequately low lifts and long time intervals;
- covering freshly poured concrete with wet burlap or similar covers;
- moist-curing intensively the concrete placed;
- applying sealing compound at concrete surfaces against vaporisation.
Using of ice for mixing water shall be carefully contmlled to insure complete melting before mixing is
Attention to curing requirements is important at all times; it is especially so in hot, dry weather because of
greater danger of crazing and cracking.
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6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 25

13.4.2 Cold weather precautions

In cool weather the concrete shall, on account of retarded hardelling and possible permanent impairment of
its properties, have a certain minimum temperature at the time of placing. This applies also to ready-mixed
concrete. When placed, the concrete shall be protected from heat loss, freezing and drying for a certain
length of time.
When air temperatures are between +So C and -3" C, the tem~efitureof the concrete on placing shall not be
below +5' C. It shall not be below +lo" C if the cement content of the concrete is less than 240 kgJm3 or if
low-heat cements or slag-based binders are used.
When air temperatures are below -3" C, the temperature of the concrete on placing shall be at least +loo C.
It shall thereafter be kept at not less than this temperature for al least 3 days. Otherwise the concrete shall
be protected for as long as is necessary for it to attain an adequate strength.
The temperature of fresh concrete shall not exceed +30° C.
Fresh concrete with a cement content of at least 270 kglm3 and 8 waterlcement ratio of not more than 0.60,
which is kept protected from considerable moisture access (e.g., rain) will as a rule be safe from damage
due to freezing only if the temperature of such concrete, when made with rapid-hardening cement has not
fallen below +lo0 C for at least 3 days previously or if the concrete has already attained a compressive
strength of 5 NImm2. The Contractor shall take all precautions 13 ensure that loss of strength does not occur
owing to cold weather.

13.43 Protective measures

The protective measures required in any particular case depend primarily on the weather conditions, the
ingredients and the composition of the concrete, as well as on the nature and dimensions of the components
and the formwork.
Fresh concrete shall not be placed against concrete pans or soil surfaces that are frozen. Concrete damaged
by frost shall be removed before concreting is continued. Aggregate shall not be used in the frozen
U necessary, the water shall be preheated, and if conditions require, also the aggregate. Water with a
temperature of more than 70" C shall first be mixed with the aggregate before cement is added. More
particularly, for finely dimensioned components, the Contractor shall increase the air, using heat-insulating
formwork. shipping the formwork later than would otherwise he necessary, enclosing the place of work,
supplying heat, etc. At the same time, the concrete shall not be deprived of the water needed for curing.
All such protective measures shall be prepared in advance so as lo be ready in case of need.

13.5 Formwork, false work, stripping, propping

135.1 Formwork design

For checking the stability and the type of construction for false work and scaffolding, structural
calculations shall be made to accepted engineering standards.
The formwork and its supporting structure, comprising girders, limbers, anchor rods, etc., shall be so
designed that they can safely resist all vertical and horizontal forces, including the effect of the concreting
rate and the method of compaction. For columns and walls more than 3 m in height, the rate of placing the
concrete shall be adjusted to the strength of the formwork.
Besides structural strength, deflection shall be considered an important design criterion,
Extendable formwork supporting girders and props shall bear a test mark. It shall be installed and loaded
only if in accordance with the mark.
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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Cancrere - 26 Construction of Fonnwork

The formwork shall be of such tight construction that the fine monar (grout) in the concrete shall not flow
out at the joints during placing and compaction. Timber formwork shall not be exposed unprotected to sun
and wind for too long a time. It shall be thoroughly wetted in good time before concreting is camed out.
Formwork and moulds, especially those for pre-cast reinforced concrete components, shall be constructed
with the best possible dimensional accuracy. They shall, particularly for compaction with vibrators or on
vibrating tables, be of strong and suitably rigid construction and be secured against deformations during
concreting and compaction.
Formwork shall be cleaned before concrete is placed in it. Cleaning apertures shall be provided, particularly
at the base of columns and walls, at the root of cantilevers, and on the underside of deep beam formwork.
Only suitable formwork oil, which will not diminish the strength of the concrete or reduce the bond of the
plaster or other coating, shall be permitted. Preparation of f o m w o r k
The formwork shall be coated with an approved mould oil and all excess shall be removed carefully. Mould
oil shall not be allowed to come into contact with concrete already placed or with reinforcement.
Before concrete is placed, all formwork and supports shall be cleaned thoroughly. Temporary openings
shall be provided to permit the removal of the rubbish.
Concrete shall not be placed until the relevant formwork has been inspected and approved by the Employer
though the giving of this approval shall not relieve the Contractor from the requirements as to soundness,
finish and accuracy specified elsewhere.
A period of not less than 24 hours notice shall be given to the Employer to allow for his examination and, if
satisfactory, approval of the reinforcement and form-work prior to placing concrete. Stripping times

The formwork or the false work shall not be removed from a structural component until the concrete has
hardened sufficiently and until a responsible representative of the Contractor has issued the respective
instructions. The adequate strength of concrete shall be verified.
The concrete is to be regarded as sufficiently hardened when the component has attained such strength that
it can, with the degree of safety specified under the respective clause, resist all loads acting at the time of
removal of the formwork or false work.
Particular care shall be taken with components. which have to carry virtually the full design load directly
upon removal of the false work (e.g., in the case of roofs, or floor slabs which have to support loading from
floors above them which have not yet hardened).
The same shall apply to concrete, which has been exposed to low temperatures after concreting
If frost occurs during hardening, the formwork stripping and false work striking times for unprotected
concrete shall be increased by at least the duration time of the frost.
A further deciding factor in increasing these times may be a desire to reduce or obviate cracking especially
in components which vary considerably in cross-sectional thickness or are subject to considerable
differences in temperature or to reduce creep deformations, e.g.. those associated with retarded strength
Formwork for columns, pillars and walls shall be stripped before that of the beams and slabs that they
support. False work, formwork props and self-supporting floor slab forms (carried by formwork girders)
shall be carefully lowered by releasing the devices for striking them. It shall not be permissible to knock
these away abruptly or wrench them away forcibly. Shock or vibration shall be avoided.

I a n 1 WrLlUa? I vulum llinvn a~urton6.-W 2Imhnkd rprn6iriK~n3khopCeUiromar u l l r r i n b x d i

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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 27

The following table is a guide to the minimum periods, which must elapse, between the completion of the
concreting operations and the removal of formwork. Notwithstanding this table, no prop or formwork shall
be removed without the permission of the Employer and the giving of such permission shall not relieve the
Contractor of this responsibility for the safety of the structure.
Vertical sides of beams, walls, columns - lift not exceeding 1.2 m 12 hours min
Vertical sides of beams, walls, columns - lift exceeding 1.2 m 36 hours min
Soffits of beams and main slabs (props left under) 5 days min
Beams and main slabs -removal of props 18 days min
After removal of formwork, no remedial works shall be attempted until the Employer has inspected the
work. If. in his opinion, any defect cannot be made good satisfactorily, he may direct the Contractor to
replace such work at the Contractor's expense. Props
In order to minimize the deflections due to creep and shrinkage, props shall remain in position or be
installed immediately after stripping of formwork. This applies also to the composite components
comprising pre-cast concrete and in-situ concrete.
Props shall remain in position for as long a period as possible, particularly for structural components, which
are subjected to a major proportion of their design loading as soon as the formwork has been removed or
from which the formwork is removed at an early age. In multi-storey buildings, the props shall be
positioned one over another.
For beams and slabs with spans of up to about 8 m, it is sufficient to install propping at mid-span. With
longer spans, more props shall be provided. For slabs spanning less than 3 m, it is as a rule unnecessary to
use propping. Loads on components directly after formwork removal

If it is not possible to avoid using components, particularly floors, in the tint few days after construction or
formwork removal, special caution shall be exercised. On no account shall stones, beams, boards, girders,
etc., be dropped or dumped or stacked in inadmissible quantity on newly constructed floors.
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2.1 General
Steel reinforcement shall be cut, bent and fixed in accordance with relevant Standards. Generally, it shall be
bent cold in a manner, which will not damage the material. Bending hot at a cherry red heat (i.e., not
exceeding 840 degrees C) may be allowed except for bars, which depend for their strength on cold
working. Bars bent hot shall not be cooled by quenching.
If cold worked reinforcing steel is heated for the purpose of working it, it shall be considered as mild steel.
This limiting condition does not, however. apply to the heat involved in welding the steel in accordance
with Standards.
Annealed wire (e.g., for stirrups with a diameter de=3 mm) may have the properties of mild steel
Bends, cranks or other labors on reinforcing bars shall be formed carefully in accordance with relevant
Standards and with the working Execution drawings.
The number, size, form and position of all steel reinforcing bars, ties, links, stirrups and other parts of the
reinforcement shall be in accordance with the Execution drawings. All parts of the reinforcement shall be
maintained in the correct position in the forms without displacement during the process of vibrating,
tamping and ramming the concrete in place. The Contractor shall provide all necessary distance pieces and
spacer bars at his own cost to maintain the reinforcement in the correct position. Any ties, links or stirrups
connecting the bars shall be taut so that the bars are properly braced and the inside of their curved parts
shall be in actual contact with the bars around which they are intended to fit. Bars shall be bound together
with best black annealed mild steel wire approximately 1.0 mm diameter or other approved binders. Wire
binding shall be twisted tight with proper pliers. The free ends of the binding wire shall be bent inwards.
The Contractor shall also provide for support of working platforms to be used by labor during compaction
in concreting sections with high lifts.
Such support, preferably provided of reinforcement steel and welded to the reinforcement may remain in
the placed concrete.
The Contractor shall keep the records on steel weight used for auxiliary constructions within formwork
Before any steel reinforcement is embedded in the concrete, any loose rust and any oil, grease, salt
contamination, products and causes of pitting, or other deleterious matter shall be removed from it, by grit
blasting, mechanical wire-brushing and/or washing. The methods of removal to be adopted will depend on
the degree of contamination and/or corrosion and shall be to the approval of the Employer. Partially set
concrete, which may have adhered to exposed bars during previous concreting operations, shall likewise be
Reinforcement left projecting temporarily from the concrete at construction or other joints shall not be bent
out of position during the period in which concreting is suspended. except with the approval of the
Employer. When such approval is given, the reinforcement shall be bent out over a suitably sized former to
prevent any damage to or over stressing of the reinforcement.
Electric arc welding may be permitted in some locations for joining bars, subject to the approval by the
Employer. For work of this type, the use of electrodes of the covered alloy or shielded arc type will be
permitted provided that they conform to the requirements of latest editions of relevant standards. All such
connections shall be butt-welded with Standard Double V or Double U welds.
Particular care shall be taken to ensure that the reinforcing bars are positioned given the shape (including
diameter of curvature), length and position conforming to the reinforcement Execution drawings. If internal
vibrators are used to compact the concrete, the reinforcement shall be arranged in such a way that the
vibrators can be inserted at all necessary points.
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2.2 Fixing of Reinforcement

The compressive and the tensile reinforcement (main reinforcement) shall be fixed to the transverse and
distribution bars or stirmps by means of binding wire. If the structural loading is predominantly static in
character, welding may be used in lieu of these tied connections, insofar as welding is permitted.
The reinforcing bars shall be interconnected to form a rigid cage and shall be so secured in their specified
position by means of spacers which do not impair corrosion protection that they are not displaced during
the placing and compaction of the concrete.
The top reinforcement shall be secured against being pushed down. In precast components, the
reinforcement shall, on account of the often very small bearing depths provided, be cut to its correct length
with padicular accuracy and be installed with great care, especially at bearings and points where hinged
connections are formed.
If a reinforced component is consuucted with its underside resting on the ground (e.g.. foundation slab), the
latter should first be covered by a layer of concrete at least 5 cm thick or some equivalent layer (blinding).

23 Concrete Cover to Reinforcement

A sufficiently thick and dense covering of concrete shall ensure the bond between reinforcement and
concrete over the steel. This cover shall be able to protect the steel permanently from corrosion.
The cover to any bar, including stirmps shall not in any direction be less than indicated in the approved
Execution drawings. If no cover is specified on the Execution drawings, the following minimum covers
have to be kept if not otherwise determined by the Employer.
slabs and beams 3.0 cm
- columns 5.0 cm
- sections less than 25 cm thick 2.5 cm
- sections more than 25 cm thick 3.0 cm
- surfaces in contact with soil, rock or water 6.0 cm
The concrete covering of stirrups, spacer bars and similar secondary reinforcement may be reduced by the
diameter of such bars.
Where concrete spacing blocks are used, they shall be of similar quality to the concrete specified for the
particular element of the suucture.
For concrete having a characteristic strength of 30 NImm2 or greater, the spacing blocks shall comply with
the requirements of this Specification for water absorption and the ties shall be made from non-metallic
material. No pieces of steel, timber blocks or materials other than approved concrete or plastic spacers shall
be permitted.
The thickness of concrete cover as stipulated before shall be increased by 0.5 cm for concrete made with
aggregate having a maximum particle size of more than 32 mm. An increase may be necessary also for
other reasons, e.g.,.for fire protection. The cover shall, in addition, be increased in the case of very thick
components or concrete surfaces with exposed aggregate finish or surfaces, which are to be sandbla$ted,
tooled or exposed to heavy abrasive, wear. For this purpose, the depth of action of the finishing treatment
and the disruptive effect that it has on the texture of the concrete shall be taken into account.
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2.4 Bar Spacing

The minimum clear distance between parallel reinforcing bars shall be 2 de (bar diameter)
The bars of twin bars in welded fabric-reinforcing mats and bars tied together to form splices are allowed to
touch each other. Between pairs of bars in reinforcing mats, the clear distance shall not be less than 2 cm
and not more than (5 - de) cm, where de is the bar diameter.
Embedded metal slots shall not be considered as reinforcement
For non-welded reinforcing mats, the rules for reinforcing bars shall be applicable.

2.5 Permissible Curvature for Reinforcement

The diameters of the bending former for hooks, loops, stirrups, binders, bent-up and other curved bars shall
not be less than the minimum values according to relevant Standards.
Welded splices in reinforcing bars shall be sufficiently far away from bends. The distance from the end of
the weld to the beginning of the bend shall not be less than I0 times of the bar diameter.
If bends are formed in welded fabric mats, the distance from the bends to the nearest weld shall be equal to
at least 4 times the diameter of the bent bar. It is permissible to deviate from this rule if the diameter of
curvature is not less than I M ) times of rebar diameter in the case of externally located welds, and is not less
than 500 de in the case of internally located welds. Sharper curvatures may be obtained by bending the
mats to a polygonal profile, subject to compliance with the fust paragraph of this sub-clause.

2.6 Anchorage of Reinforcing Bars and Fabrics

The usual anchorage elements are:
- straight anchorages
- hooks
- loops
- anchorage attachments
- welded-on transverse bars (e.g., in welded fabric mats)
The local transverse tensile stresses occurring at anchorages be resisted by transverse reinforcement, unless
ample concrete cover, wide spacing of the bars (more than 10 times of rebar diameter), small forces in the
bars, structural measures, or other factors (e.g., transverse compression) create favorable conditions which
prevent the concrete from splitting.
In slabs, it is sufficient to provide transverse reinforcement; this reinforcement shall be located on the
outside of the longitudinal reinforcement if the latter comprises bars with de 14 mm, but may be placed on
the inside if the longitudinal reinforcement consists of welded fabric mats. In beams. T-beams and ribbed
floors, stirmps will suffice as transverse reinforcement.
The basic dimension (ao) for the anchorage length of reinforcing bars shall be calculated according to
accepted Standards.
The anchorage length (a) of welded fabric mats and rebars shall be calculated according to accepted
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2.7 Tensile Splices in Reinforcement

2.7.1 General
Tensile splices in reinforcement may be formed as follows:
- laps formed with or without hooks on the ends of the bars
- loops
- welded-on transverse bars
- welding
- screwed connections
Tensile splices in flexurally stressed cross-sections shall, as far as possible, be situated outside the regions
where the steel cross-sectional areas are fully utilized and be distributed as uniformly as possible
throughout the reinforcement in the cross- section and he staggered as much as possible in relation to one
another in the longitudinal direction. The clear transverse distarice between reinforcing bars in the vicinity
of splices shall he more than 2 de and not less than 2.0 cm.
A transverse reinforcement to resist the transverse tensile stress sball he provided in the vicinity of laps in
tensile reinforcing bars. If the diameter of the spliced hals is more than 14 mm. the transverse
reinforcement shall be located to the outside.
For welded fabric mats, it i s not necessary to provide additional uansverse reinforcement in fhe Vlcirilty of
the splice.
In the case of predominantly non-static loading, the only welded splices in reinforcing bars shall
be those formed by electric flash butt welding, and only 85% of the normal (non-welded) cross-section
shall he taken into account at the splice, and in this case, the stress due to the non-static loading must not
exceed 100 NImm2.

2.7.2 Lap splices

Splices formed by lapping with straight or hooked ends shall be permissible only by using ribbed rehars
All types of bars are allowed to be spliced with U-hooks if according to adequate Standards. The lap length
(lo) shall not he less than 20 cm or 15 times of the rebar diameter and shall be calculated from an approved
Laps shall be regarded as longitudinally staggered if the distance between centers of laps in the longitudinal
direction is more than 1.3 (lo); in the case of predominantly static loading, however, laps formed with
straight ends of the bars shall he regarded as staggered even if the centers of laps in the longitudinal
d i c t i o n are only 0.4 (lo) to 0.6 (lo) apart, provided that the transvene reinforcement is located on the
Laps which are spaced between 0.6 (lo) and 1.3 (lo) center-to-center in the longitudinal direction shall not
he regarded as longitudinally staggered.
Welded fabric reinforcing mats may, taking account of the transverse hars for anchorage, be spliced by
lapping only if the loading is predominantly static in character. Splices in mats placed side by side on the
same level shall be staggered in relation to one another as much as possible.
No additional transverse reinforcement is necessary.
For fabric mats composed of ribbed bars, the lap length shall be taken as the distance between the ends of
the bars: for fabric mats composed of plain or indented hars, the lap length shall he taken as the center-to-
center distance between the extreme welded-on bars of the two spliced mats.
In the case of single layer mat reinforcement, all the hars of a mat may be spliced at a section if the bar
meter de = 12 mm in single bar mats and if the bar diameter de = 8.5 mm in mats comprising twin bars
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Fabric mats with bar diameter de 8.5 mm and comprising twin bars or pairs of bars may be spliced only if
there are several layers of mat reinforcement, in which case these mats shall be placed in an inner layer and
the spliced cross-sectional area of reinforcement shall not exceed 60% of the cmss-sectional area of
reinforcement required at the splice.
If mats in multi layer reinforcement are spliced, the splices in the individual layers shall be staggered by
amounts equal at least to the lap length (lo) plus one mesh dimension. Fabric mats composed of ribbed bars
may alternatively be spliced according to the rules for reinforcing bars without taking account of transverse
bars as contributing to anchorage.
In that case, the spliced bars with de 8.5 mm (for individual bars) or de 6.5 mm (for twin bars or pain of
bars) shall be situated on one level; however, with predominantly non-static loading, in the lapped zone of
such splices any welded-on transverse bars shall be to the inside.
The lap length (lo) for bars functioning as main reinforcement shall be as indicated in Standards, provided
that the reinforcement is not more than two-thirds utilized; if it is more highly utilized, the lap length
should be increased proportionally. i.e., its maximum length in cm, and the requisite number of meshes
should be increased. but without rounding to whole meshes.
In slabs spanning in two directions in ordinary buildings, such increase in lap length is not required for the
inside bars of a reinforcing mat.
The lap length for bars constituting the transverse reinforcement shall be as indicated in the Table given
In the case of predominantly non-static loading, the lap length shall be increased by at least 5 cm and the
number of transverse ban shall be increased by at least one.

I1 Min. lap length for splices in transverse reinforcing bars

Bar diameter mm 1 Fabric mats composed of ribbed, plain or indented bars
I less 6.5 / 15 cm, but at least 2 transverse bars I
1 over 6.5 I
i 20 cm. but at least 3 transverse bars I

2.8 Compressive Splices in Reinforcement

Compressive splices in reinforcing bars may be formed as follows:
- screwed connections
contact splices
In compression members with a total reinforcement percentage of 3% and in flexural components that
contain flexural compressive reinforcement up to 1.5%. all the compressive bars may be spliced by lapping,
without having to stagger the lap longitudinally.
With higher reinforcement percentages, only half of all the compressive bars may be spliced at a section;
this shall not apply to screwed or welded splices.

2.8.1 Lap splices

The lap length of individual bars shall not be less than (ao) deductions for U-hooks or L-hooks shall be
allowed. At both ends of the splice, transverse reinforcement with spacing = 4 de (de = diameter of spliced
bar) shall be nrovided.
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2.8.2 Welded connections

Welding of reinforcement is not permitted.

2.83 Contact splices

At cross-sections subject mainly to compression (eld = 0.23, for vertical bars not less than 20 mm in
diameter and which are stressed only in compression, the Contractor shall not splice more than half the
reinforcement on one side of the section by contact. At each cross-section. however, there shall always
remain an approximately uniformly distributed reinforcement of at least Fe = 0.008 Fb continued across
that section, where Fe means the cross sectional area of the reinforcement expressed as percentage of the
cross sectional area of the concrete (Fb).
The contact faces shall be sawn at right angles to the longitudinal axis and shall be deburred. Properly
centered contact shall be ensured by a fixed guiding device, which leaves the contact joint at the splice
partly visible.
Contact splices shall be permitted only in columns, which are fixed at both ends. The splices shall be
located in the outer quarters of the column length. No bar shall be spliced more than once within such a

2.9 Connections

2.9.1 Screwed connections

All bars in a cross-section may be spliced by means of screwed connections.
The connecting devices (sleeves, turnbuckles) shall have 1.2 times the strength of the b a n they connect.
Upsetting of the spliced bars to increase the cross section of the core at the screw thread is permissible if a
transition tapered at = 1:3 is provided. The amount of elongation (slip at the two ends of the threaded
sleeve) occurring in addition to elastic elongation shall not be more than 0.1 mm under working load. If a
rolled screw thread is used, the full core section may be taken into account, but with a cut thread only 80%
of the core section.
In the case of not predominantly static loading, the effectiveness of the splice shall always be verified by
means of tests.
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3.1 Construction Joints

3.1.1 General application

The individual job section for concreting shall be determined before starting the concreting.
Adequately strong and dense bonding of the concrete layers in construction joints shall be ensured. Any dirt
and unsound concrete shall be removed before concreting is resumed. The surface shall be clean, rough and
damp prior to covering with fresh concrete. The Employer shall approve the method of preparation. Dry
older concrete, against which fresh concrete is to be placed, shall be kept moist for several days in advance,
so as to minimize the difference in shrinkage between the young and the old concrete and to counteract the
extraction of water from the young concrete. At the time of concreting, the surface of the older concrete
shall, however, have had time to dry somewhat to enable the cement paste of the newly placed concrete to
bond properly with the older concrete.
Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints, the position and arrangement of
which shall be as indicated on the Execution drawings or as approved previously by the Employer. The
Contractor shall allow for working beyond the ordinary working hours where necessary in order that each
section of concrete may be completed without any lapse while the work is in hand.
All construction joints shall be formed square to the work. Keyways shall be formed in all horizontal and
vertical consuuction joints except where ordered to be omitted by the Employer.
Construction joints shall be located and the sequence of concreting arranged to minimize the effect of
shrinkage and thermal strains in the setting and hardened concrete and in subsequent pours.
When work is resumed on a surface of concrete, which has set, the whole surface shall be roughened or
scabbed thoroughly with suitable tools so that no smooth skin of concrete, which may be left from the
previous work, is visible and that all aggregates and solid matrix around them are exposed. If in the opinion
of the Employer any deleterious materials have come into contact with the concrete of the construction
joint, the concrete shall be cut back to such depth as the Employer shall direct and the roughened surfaces
shall be cleaned thoroughly by compressed air and water jets or other approved means and brushed and
watered immediately before depositing concrete. If in the opinion of the Employer doubt exists over the
soundness of the joint, then the Contractor shall take all steps considered necessary lo investigate and
remedy the defects, to the approval by the Employer.
In water-retaining structures. all construction joints shall require the use of an approved type of water stop
and the joint shall be sealed at the liquid face(s)where no special seal coating of that face by a waterproof
sealant is specified, the construction joints shall also be waterproof and equipped with water stops at the
expense of the Contractor if not shown on the Execution drawings, but as directed by the Employer.

~UlSCWapnchhlbid lhrvmnnUaICLV#I I nliume

WO~~\U.\UI li~rrllvn6 qU.2ic~hn8nl
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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concretc - 35 Horizontal joints

Horizontal construction joints of previously placed and hardened concrete on lifts with relatively open and
accessible surfaces may be prepared for receiving the next lift by either wet sandblasting or high-pressure
water blast. When employed in the preparation of construction joints, wet sandblasting or high-pressure
water blast shall be performed immediately before placing the following lift. High-pressure water blasting
utilizing pressures not less than 40 MNIm2 may be used in lieu of wet sandblasting for preparing the joint
surfaces. High-pressure water blasting equipment shall be equipped with suitable safety devices for
controlling pressures, including shut-off switches at the nozzle that will shut off the pressures if the nozzle
is dropped. The wet sandblasting or high-pressure-water blasting shall be continued until all unsatisfactory
concrete and all laitance, coatings, stains, debris, and other foreign materials are removed. The surface of
the concrete shall then be washed thoroughly to remove all loose material. Care shall be taken to prevent
undercutting of aggregate in the concrete.
The method used in disposing of wastewater employed in cutting, washing, and rinsing of concrete surfaces
shall be such that the wastewater does not stain, discolor, or affect exposed surfaces of the structures.
Method of disposal will be subject to approval by the Employer

3.1.12 Vertical and sloping joints

The vertical and sloping construction joints shall be cleaned in the same way as cleaning horizontal joints
or by light bush hammering.

3.1.2 Design joints General
Joints in the concrete shall be constructed at such points and of such dimensions as are shown on the
Execution drawings. Except where indicated on the construction Execution drawings, no fixed metal
embedded in the concrete shall be continuous through an expansion joint.
The requirements stated in this Clause are applicable also to unforeseen construction joints necessitated, for
example, by weather conditions or plant breakdown.
The joints shall be dried by application of beat. The joints shall be filled immediately following the curing
period or as soon thereafter as weather conditions permit or as directed. Immediately before filling, the
joint shall be cleaned of all dust, dirt, fragments, concrete, or other objectionable material by a light
sandblasting or other approved methods.
Sawed joints shall be cut in the hardened concrete by using either a reinforced abrasive blade or a
steel blade edged with diamonds. The blade shall be cooled and lubricated abundantly with cold
water. The joints shall be sawn at from 8 hr to 48 hr or as directed after the placement has been
completed. The concrete saw shall be properly supported to yield a sawn joint 80 mm deep and true
to line and grade along its entirety.
Contraction joints shall be formed as deliberate planes of discontinuity on the concrete structure. To
form such a joint, the face of concrete slab or block first formed shall be painted with two coats of
approved rubber bitumen paint before the adjoining slab or block is concreted. The adjoining slab or
block shall be cast with a suitable groove against the joint to accept sealant. The exposed edges of
the joints shall be chamfered and sealed with an approved polysulphide rubber-sealing compound.
When in the opinion of the Employer a contraction joint is likely to be contaminated with deleterious
materials, the joint shall be sealed immediately with an approved sealing compound as soon as
strikin~of the formwork has been completed.
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- Expansion joints in non-water retaining structures, where specified. shall be formed in the same way
as contraction joints but in addition, an approved compressible filler of bituminous flexcell or
another non absorbent material shall be placed in the joint to allow expansion of the two adjacent
concrete slabs. The adjoining slab shall be cast with a suitable groove against the joint to accept
sealant. The exposed edges of the joints shall be sealed with approved poly-sulphide rubber sealing
- Where a design joint occurs in a water-retaining structure, or where otherwise ordered, the joint shall
be made water-tight by the provision of a continuous water stop suip as specified by the Employer,
fixed across the joint where shown on the Execution drawings. Detailed instructions can be seen in
Chapter 08. "Waterproofing". The width of each water stop shall be in accordance with the
Execution drawings. Special care shall be taken to ensure that the concrete is well worked against
the embedded parts of the strips and is free from honeycombing. Precautions shall be taken to
protect any protruding portions of the strips from damage during the progress of the Works and, in
the case of rubber and plastic, from heat and extended sunshine exposure.
The method of jointing water stops shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's insuuctions and to the
approval by the Employer. Whenever possible, complete water stop systems shall meet the specific
requirements of the Work and ensure easy and economical placement with minimum joining up on Site.
The appropriate width of water stop shall depend upon the thickness of the concrete, the size of the
aggregate and the position of the reinforcement. The following rules shall be applied to ensure a
satisfactory selection:
- The overall width of the water stop shall not be greater than the thickness of the concrete into which
it is cased.
- The distance from the face of the concrete to the water stop shall not be less than the width of the
water stop.
- To obtain satisfactory compaction, the width of water stop shall not be less than six times the largest
aggregate size.
- The water stop shall not be positioned closer to any reinforcement member than a distance equal to
twice the size of the largest aggregate, in order to avoid unsatisfactory compaction.
Where expansion joints are concerned, the maximum width of the joint shall be added to the figure
obtained by applying the above rules.
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Chapter 07 Concmc & R c i n f d Conmte - 37


4.1 Preparation of Snrfaces to Receive Concrete
Before concrete for reinforced concrete work is d q s i t e d on a natural fomtion, a screen of blinding
concrete, as specified on the Execution drawings shall be placed over the ground to form a hard even
surface on which to place reinforcement and concrete.
Where shown on the Execution drawings or d i i t e d by the Employer, concrete placed against existing
concrete shall be toweled by means of steel reinforcing bars anchored into the existing concrete. The
Conmctor shall drill holes of the necessary diameter ipto the existing concrete to receive the anchors. Each
hole sh& be flushed out with water, filled with 1:1 sandcement mortar or similar approved and the anchor
bar in5erte.d to the full depth of the hole.
Immediately before depositing concrete on or against a surface of masonry, brickwork, old conmte or the
like, the fouowing preparation shall be done. All loose material shall be removed and the surface washed
down; all seepages of water emerging at the surface shall be stopped as far as possible or suitably
channeled or piped away from the work. On upward facing horizontal or near horizontal surfaces, a layer of
2:l sandlcement mortar shall be spread over the surface of the section to be concreted if so directed by the
- Employer.

4.2 Cnring/Moist Coring

4.2.1 General
Immediately afrer compaction and for a sufficient period thereafter, i.e. during the mahuhg period, all
concrete shall be protected against harmful effects to the satisfaction of the Employer.
Until it has hardened sufficiently, concrete shall be protected from harmful influences, e.g., severr cwling
or heating, drying (including d q b g due to wind), heavy rain,running water, chemical and mechanical
attack, and fiom oscillations and vibrations insofar as these are liable to loosen the texture of the concrete
and endanger the bond between reinforcement and concrete. Tbis shall apply also to mortar and concrete
placed in the joints between precast concrete components.
Curing period (m general, minimum 7 days) as well as curing method and medium (water, covering, curing
comp+unds) shall be approved by the Employer.
The method of curing and its duration shall be such that the concrete will have satisfactory durability and
s-gth and that the results of movements of m o i s m or changes in temperahue in and around the
concrete will not cause any member to become defective. Curing measures shall take account of the various
factors influencing curing.
The Contractor shall have all equipments and materials needed for adequate curing and protection of the
concrete on hand and ready to use before actual concrete placement begins. The curing medium shall be
applied M, as to prevent loss of moisture fromthe concrete. Concrete shall be protected from heavy r$ns
for 12 hours and direct rays of the sun for 3 days. All concrete shall be adequately protected from damage.
No fire of excessive heat, including the heat resulting from the welding of liner plates or reinforcing bars,
shall be permitted near or in direct contact with concrete at any time. All galleries, conduits and orher
formed openings through the concrete shall he closed during the entire curing period.
Where water is to be used for curing concrete it shall be fresh water in accordance with the requirements of
this chapter.
Where the use of a curing compound is proposed, the particular compound and method of application shall
be subject to the approval of the Employer. The rate of application of an approved compound shall be
trictly in accordance with the manufachlrer's recommendations.
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Where timber or other insulating formwork is used it shall either be struck in accordance with the
Specification or be left in place until such time after the temperature peak is reached as the Employer may
diit. :-

Air cirmlation shall be prevented as far as possible along the exposed faces of concrete during the curing
All concrete shall he protected iium anything likely to interfere with the process of setting. No load of any
kind shall he imposed upon any concrete members until the concrete has hardened sufficiently to resist the
imposed load.
The surfaces of the concrete shall he protected from contamination of any sort for a period of not less than
30 days from the date of pouring.
When curing membranes areused, they shaU he compatible with waterproofing or other materials that may
be applied subsequently to the surface of the concrete.
In order to slow down the shrinkage of the young concrete and to ensure that it will also harden properly at
the surface, the concrete curing shall be performed continuously, starting as soon as practicable after
placing and shall also include surfaces of forms and lamings.
~he'hardmingof concrete may be accelerated by means of heat treatment applied correctly in accordance
with the mles of concrete technology.
Cmnponents, which have been heat-mated, shall be kept moist, since hardening has, in general, not been
completed at the end of the heat treatment and the concrete dries considembly on cooling.

4.2.2 Moist curing

Concrete shall be moist-cured by maintaining all surfaces continuously (not periodically) wet for at least 14
days immediately following the placing or until covered with fresh concrete. Continuous tine moist
spraying or sprinkling shall be used unless othemise specified or approved by the Employer. Mass
concrete surfaces shall be moist cured by effective mechanical or automatic sprinkling, sufficient to keep
surfaces entirely and continually wet Curiog water shall be removed without allowing stagnant pools of
water to f o n on the exposed lift surface.
Water for curing shall comply with the requirements of water for concrete. Where foms of tongue-and-
groove or shiplap sheathing are used and left in place during curing, the sheathing shall be kept wet at all
times. When in contact with mass concrete, steel forms shall be kept wet. Horizontal consbuction joints and
finished horizontal surfaces cured with sand shall be covered with a mi&um un~formthickness of 3 cm of
sand, which shall be kept continuously saturated. The following exceptions to the requirements for moist
cuing are permitted:
- Horizontal construction joints may be allowed to dry for six hours immediately prior to the placing
of the following lift;
- Surfaces described below under Membrane Curing, may be cured by application of curing
- Moist curing of surfaces against which backfill will be placed within 24 hours of concrete placement
will not be required.
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43 Finishing
The finished faces of all concrete work shall be sound, solid and free from defects. All exposed arises shall
have a 25 mm x 25 mm chamfer unless otherwise specified or shown on Execution drawings. No rendering
of imperfect concrete faces will be allowed and any concrete that is defective in any way, including color,
shall be cut out and replaced to such depths, or be made good in such manner, as the Employer may direct.
All concrete shall be dense, sound, even textured and free from defects both internally and externally.
43.1 Sprinkling with cement
Sprinkling of the surfaces with dry cement or any other material during finishing operations for drying off
the concrete, to facilitate trowelling or for any other purpose will not be permitted.
4.3.2 Use of chemical surface r e t a r d e n
The use of a chemical surface retarder will only be permitted as an alternative means of producing a
decorative exposed aggregate finish, subject to the approval of the Employer, of the type and rate of
application of the retarder and to demonstration by the Contractor that a finish can be achieved which is
deemed acceptable by the Employer, without detriment to the durability of the concrete which remains at
the exposed surface.
433 Specimen panels of concrete
Where required by the Employer, the Contractor shall construct and treat specimen panels of concrete to
the finish required, in order to satisfy the Employer as to the suitability and effectiveness of the proposed
method of treatment.
4.4 Repair of Concrete
4.4.1 General
Repair of surface blemishes or imperfections in concrete shall be completed within one day after removal
of forms. Fins and encrustations shall be neatly removed from exposed surfaces. Concrete that is damaged
or defective, such as that containing spalls, broken edges, rock pockets, honeycombs, or unconsolidated
concrete, shall be repaired by removing the damaged or defective concrete to sound concrete. Repair of
damaged or defective concrete shall consist of an initial cut of 2.5 cm in depth made by a diamond saw
around the damaged or defective area, chipping of the concrete inside the area to sound concrete, and
replacing with dry pack, mortar, or concrete as directed. Feather edging of replaced materials shall be
avoided. No repair of imperfections shall be undertaken until the Employer has inspected the imperfections.
The methods used to repair each individual area of imperfection shall be approved. Skilled workmen shall
perform repairs.
All fillings bonded tightly to the surfaces of the holes shall be sound and free kom shrinkage cracks and
drummy areas, shall be properly cured, and shall match the adjacent concrete in concrete colour after the
fillings have been cured and have dried.
A coating of an approved 2 component, epoxy adhesive shall be applied to all concrete for repairs.
Application shall he in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
Where gradual and abrupt irregularities exceed the limits specified in Clause 6.2 -Permissible Tolerances -
the protrusions shall be reduced by bush hammering and grinding. Where dry pack filling is required, the
holes shall be sharp and square at the surface area, having a minimum depth of 2.5 cm and a width equal to
or greater than the depth.
Drypack shall be used for such repairs as for holes left by the removal of fasteners from the ends of the
form rods, for grout pipes and pipe recessed, and for narrow slots cut for repair of cracks. No epoxy
adhesive will be required for dry packing of tie rod holes, cracks, or small areas requiring repair.
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4.4.2 Protrusions
Where bulges and abrupt irregularities protrude outside the specified limits, finishes and finishing on
formed surfaces the protrusions shall be reduced by bush hammering and grinding so that the surfaces are
within the specified limits. After repairing, the irregularities shall not exceed the specified limits, finishes
and finishings.

4.4.3 Depressions
All fillings for depressions shall be bonded tightly to the surfaces of the holes and shall be sound and free
from shrinkage cracks and drummy areas after the fillings have been cured and have dried. All fillings in
surfaces shall contain sufficient white Portland cement to produce the same color as that of the adjoining
concrete. Repairs shall be made with concrete filling, mortar filling, or drypack filling except where repairs
with epoxy concrete andlor epoxy mortar are directed to he made by the Employer. Concrete, mortar and
drypack mortar filling shall each be mixed in proportions approved by the Employer to produce a repair at
least equivalent in strength and durability to the concrete in which the repair is required.
Concrete Filling
Concrete filling shall be used for holes extending entirely through concrete sections; for holes in which no
reinforcement is encountered and which are greater than 0.1 m2 and deeper than 10 cm; and for holes in
reinforced concrete which are greater than I12 of 0.1 m2 and which extend beyond reinforcement.
Mortar Filling
Mortar filling, placed under impact by use of a mortar gun, may be used for repairing defects on surfaces
where the defects are too wide for drypack filling and too shallow for concrete filling and are no deeper
than the far side of the reinforcement that is nearest the surface.
Drypack Mortar Filling
Drypack mortar fillings shall be used for filling holes having a depth nearly equal to, or greater than, the
least surface dimension; for narrow slots cut for repair of cracks; for grout pipe recesses and for tie rod
fastener recesses as specified. Drypack monar shall not he used for filling behind reinforcement or filling
holes that extend completely through a concrete section. If removal of the ends of form ties results in
recesses, the recesses shall be filled with drypack mortar pmvided that filling of recesses in surfaces
designated to receive finish F1 will be required only where the recesses are deeper than 25 mm in walls less
than 30 cm thick.

4.4.4 Sealing of cracks

Cracks detected in concrete members cast by the Contractor, are to be sealed according to the directives of
the Employer.
Cracks with a width of less than 0.5 mm, and without any excess of water shall be sealed with a suitable
epoxy resin, applied by brush directly on the crack. The application of epoxy resin must be repeated at
intervals of 3 to 5 minutes until no more epoxy resin penetrates into the crack.
Prior to application, the cracks must be cleaned and prepared as per the directions of the manufacturer of
the epoxy resin. This method may also be applied for sealing cracks of more than 0.5 mm width, if they are
located in horizontal surfaces. In this case, the epoxy resin will be poured into the rack as per
recommendation of the manufacturer.
Cracks in vertical or inclined surfaces of more than 0.5 mm width shall be sealed by injection of epoxy
resin. The surface of the cracks must be cleaned. Injection nipples are to be pmvided at 150 mm to 300 mm
intervals and the remaining surfaces of the cracks are to be sealed with a thixovopic epoxy resin compound
or rapid setting high strength cement grout of acceptable quality and composition. Prior to the injection, the
crack shall be cleaned of dust etc. by blowing oil free and clean compressed air through all the injection
nipples. In case of cracks in vertical or sloped walls, the injection must start at the lowest nipple.

l awl mrirUou I n>lt#melllpur # # - w r I 1 1 1 6 ~ ' 9 % 2 2 ~ h iIi~i I# f i f l f l t i i i ~ c h h p t ?m

rmm m m m m d m i i f d arrmarrmarrmarrmarrmarrmck~
C.L 1
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 41

45 Protective Coatings and Linings

4.5.1 General
Where detailed, concrete structures shall be protected externally with an approved proprietary
waterproofing membrane, fixed to the concrete surfaces required to be protected. The membrane shall be
placed in accordance with respective regulations.
For floor slabs the membrane shall he laid sticky side down on a layer of blinding concrete and a 50 mm
protective layer of concrete shall be placed on it before steel fixing commences. The blinding layer and the
membrane, but not the protective layer, shall be made to protrude over a margin outside the lines of the
floor slab in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
For vertical or near vertical faces the concreting shall be done first and the surfaces allowed to dry. They
shall be cleaned of grease and dust and primed where appropriate. A fillet shall be formed at the comer
between the wall and the protruding memhrane-covered blinding layer. The membrane shall then be backed
to the wall, brought down over the fillet, extended over the protnrding margin of the bottom membrane and
pressed firmly onto it.
At joints between sheets of the membrane. suitable overlaps shall be provided and the two sides shall be
pressed together firmly to form a watertight seal. Membranes on vertical or inclined faces shall be protected
during backfilling with cardboard or other approved material, which shall he left as a permanent protection.
On aboveground structures with protected foundations, the protection shall be continued to a minimum
height of 300 mm above finished ground level unless otherwise shown on the Execution drawings.

4.5.2 External coatings

Where detailed, concrete structures shall be protected externally with two or more coats of approved brush-
applied protective coating(s). The protection shall be applied to the top of the blinding concrete and to the
outside surfaces of all buried concrete, and continued to 300 mm above finished ground level on above-
ground structures unless otherwise shown on the Execution drawings.
Before application, the surfaces shall be cleaned to remove grease and loose material, and irregularities,
and blowholes in the surface shall be filled with sandcement mix and brought to an even surface. Each of
the coats shall be applied at the rate specified by the manufacturer.
The coating shall be protected during backfilling with cardboard or other approved material, which shall he
left as a permanent protection.

nlaUol Icivil mrWn I wlum iiW ii-enan 6 q % . Z i & r a l r p a i k a l a n r t h a w c r 07 conmtr a d mlnfomd m r m t c k ~
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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 42


5.1 Embedded Parts

Embedded parts such as water stops, drains, formed hardware, conduits, pipes, pipe sleeves, grounding
cables, anchor plates, anchors and bolts and other inserts shall be installed in the forms prior to placing
concrete, unless block outs are specified for the later embedding of parts.
Such embedded parts shall be accurately placed in position according to the construction execution
drawings or as directed by the Employer and held securely in place during placing concrete by attaching
them to the forms or the reinforcement or by templates.
Pipes, conduits, and other such parts having voids shall be capped or plugged to prevent concrete getting
into them. Parts, which are to bond to the concrete, shall be kept free of mud, oil, grease or other foreign
matter that may adversely affect bond. Parts, which are not to bond to the concrete, shall be coated with
asphalt, tar, grease or similar material to prevent bond, or where called for, pipes may be fastened between
the forms to allow free passage at a later time for conduits through concrete.

5.2 Embedding Steel Lining

The Contractor shall be obliged to comply with the Specifications and the instructions of the steel-lining
supplier regarding its embedment. These instructions refer to, but are not limited to, the method and
velocity of placing the concrete, stages of placing, method of vibration, etc. The Contractor shall, together
with the steel lining supplier, prepare a mutually- agreed work program for this purpose.
This program shall be based upon the basic program of Work forming part of the Conuact.
In no case shall compliance with these instructions give the Contractor any right to request additional

5.3 Block Outs

Block outs shall be formed by using wood, metal, polystyrene or equal other materials in accordance with
the construction execution drawings or as directed by the Employer. Block out forms shall be made so that
later removal will be easy. This may be achieved by making several sections, splitting parts, tapered pieces,
Wooden block out forms shall be soaked in water ahead of placing concrete, to minimize cracking of
concrete caused by expanding wood if they are located close to edges or corners.
Steel block out forms shall be coated with asphalt, tar or varnish or similar material to ease later removal.
However, they shall be removed as soon as possible after setting of concrete to avoid rust stains on concrete
surfaces caused by possible damaged to coated steel surfaces.
Block out openings shall be filled, after installation of the parts to be placed or embedded by using
concrete, mortar or grout as required. Where shown on the construction execution drawings or directed by
the Employer an admixture of non-shrinking or fast-setting cement shall be added to the concrete, mortar or
Before installing the components to be embedded in block out concrete and before depositing any block out
concrete, the concrete surfaces of the block out shall be cleaned in a manner specified for cleaning
construction joints.
Shifting or cutting of reinforcement steel to permit installation of embedded parts or block outs will be
allowed only if shown on the construction execution drawings or if directed by the Employer.
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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 43

5.4 Drainage Holes and Weep Holes

Drainage holes and weep holes shall be constructed in the manner and at the location indicated on the
Execution drawings or required by the Employer. Ports or vents for equalizing hydrostatic pressure shall be
placed below low water.
Fonns for weep holes through concrete may be of PVC-concrete or of metal. If wooden forms are used,
they shall be removed after the concrete is placed. Exposed surfaces of metal drains shall be painted or
unpainted as indicated on the execution drawings
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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 44


6.1 General
Permissible surface irregularities for the various classes of concrete surface finish as specified for finishes
and finishing are defined as finishes, and are to be distinguished from tolerances as described herein. In
general, the permissible construction tolerances for structural concrete shall conform to the requirements of
the present clause, as applicable. The specific tolerances for each structure and pan thereof shall be as
determined by the Employer. Notations on the Execution drawings of specific maximum or minimum
tolerances in connection with any dimension shall be considered as supplemental to the tolerances specified
herein and shall serve as a control. The Contractor shall he responsible for setting and maintaining concrete
forms sufficiently within the tolerance limits so as to ensure that the completed work will be within the
tolerances specified herein. Concrete work that exceeds the tolerance limits specified herein shall be
remedied or removed and replaced by the Contractor.

6.2 Permissible Tolerances

The accuracy of the various types of concrete components are divided into the following numbered
No. 1: Prefabricated concrete components of fine aggregates with faced surfaces such as prefabricated
beams, columns, parapets, slabs, etc.
No. 2: Prefabricated concrete components of coarse aggregates with rough surfaces to be covered by
plaster or other means
No. 3: Structural face concrete not to he covered by plaster or any other linings, such as in-situ
columns, beams, trusses, slabs, parapets, etc., visibly exposed
No. 4: Structural concrete parts with surfaces to be finished by plaster or rendering such as walls,
slabs, roofs. columns, beams, etc.
No. 5: Structural concrete parts with surfaces to be covered permanently and dimensional accuracies
being of minor importance, such as underground foundations, exterior of underground walls
and slabs
No. 6: Structures with special requirements
No. 7: Mass concrete
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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 45

(All measures in mm)

. I .
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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 46

6.3 Mass Concrete

All structures:

buried construction,

rom the plump from the specified ba
from the curved surfaces of all structures, including
lines and surfaces of columns, walls, piers, buttress
arch sections, and visible arises

- ......
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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 47


7.1 Quality Control and Assurance

7.1.1 Personnel
Making. using, and testing concrete, and the supervision of concreting operations, shall require the
employment of reliable key personnel (agents, foremen, etc.) who have already been successfully engaged
in concrete and reinforced concrete construction and who possess adequate knowledge and experience for
the proper execution of such work.
For the execution of welding operations on reinforcing steel, the requirements for personnel and equipment
shall be as laid down in the relevant Standards or in these Specifications.
On Sites the Contractor shall use only key personnel (agents, foremen, etc.) who have previously been
responsibly concerned in making, placing and curing concrete of at least grade of 25 Nlmm2.
For the preparation, erection, assembly and support of formwork the Contractor shall employ a number of
skilled and experienced carpenters under the guidance of at least one carpenter foreman being responsible
for works and equipment at the carpenter's yard and one carpenter-foreman being in charge of erection,
assembly, support and dimension alignment and load control. The latter shall also be experienced in
handling and erection etc. of steel formwork.
The Contractor shall ensure that the key personnel, the skilled personnel (e.g., machine operators)
concerned with making concrete and formwork on the Site, and the skilled personnel of the permanent
testing laboratory are, at intervals of not more than three years, instructed and trained in the making.
placing and testing of concrete so that they are able to take all steps for the proper execution of the Work,
including testing and quality control.
The Contractor or the head of the permanent concrete testing laboratory shall keep records of the training of
his skilled personnel. In the case of independent concrete testing laboratories, the facilities shall be
inspected as to equipment range and functionality and the testing capacity be appraised in order to warrant
the timely completion of testing works.
Independent Laboratories shall be designated to the Employer in due time for his approval.

7.1.2 Permanent testing laboratory

The Contractor shall have at his disposal a well-equipped testing laboratory at the site, which is equipped
with all the necessary apparatus for carrying out preliminary tests and quality control tests on the concrete.
The laboratory shall be so located as to enable close co-operation with the Site.
If the Contractor uses the services of a laboratory not owned by him, it shall he entrusted with the testing
and quality control duties under suitably long-term contracts.
The permanent concrete testing laboratory shall, in particular, undertake the following duties:
carrying out the preliminary tests for the concrete;
carrying out the quality control and hardening tests insofar as these are not performed by site
personnel - possibly in co-operation with a concrete testing laboratory;
checking the site equipment before commencement of concreting operations, routine checking and
advisory services during concrete making, placing and curing. The results of these checks shall be
placed on records;
to warrant quality control in concrete mixing. planning and curing;
assessment and evaluation of the results of all of a Contractor's site tests, placed under the care of the
, a
~ a ~ a c h hHPP
u Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 48

The concrete testing laboratory shall be under the direction of an expert experienced in concrete technology
and concrete making (e.g., concrete engineer). His specialized knowledge of concrete technology needed
for this function shall have been certified by a document (certificate, diploma) issued by an authorized
The Contractor is allowed to use the services of an independent concrete testing laboratory only if it has
been proved that this laboratory fulfils the requirements laid down in this sub-clause.
The test results reported by the concrete testing laboratories and the experience gained on sites shall be
analyzed and utilized for the benefit of subsequent work.

7.13 Equipment
The Contractor shall provide maintain and operate sufficient testing equipment to perform promptly all
required tests as specified. He shall also provide for sufficient test material storage and handling and curing
facilities including transpon from sampling places to the laboratory. Special arrangements have to be made
for the disposal of materials tested, considering environmental requirements.
In detail, the Contractor shall provide equipment. facilities and services for:
a) testing the constituents of the concrete, e.g., sieve tests on the aggregate;
b) testing the concrete, e.g., consistency measurements, checking the cement content in the fresh
c) making and storing the specimens for testing the compressive strength and, where applicable, the
impermeability to water.
Paragraphs b) and c) shall also apply to tests of ready-mixed concrete.
For quality control, it shall be in addition necessary to have adequate equipment available for:
a) determining the settleable solids;
b) determining the inherent moisture of the aggregate;
c) testing the composition of the fresh concrete and the bulk density of the compacted fresh concrete;
d) determining the air voids content in the fresh concrete if air-entraining agents are used (e.g., by the
pressure method);
e) nondestructive testing of concrete;
0 checking the measuring appliances (e.g., by means of test weights).
For checking in doubtful cases, paragraphs c) and e) of this clause shall also be applicable to tests of ready-
mixed concrete. All the equipment and apparatus referred to in this clause shall be checked on Site before
concreting commences for the first time and thereafter at suitable intervals as determined by the Employer
to ensure that they function properly.
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Chapter 07 Concrcte & Reinforced Concrete - 49

7.2 Submissions

72.1 Product data General
The Contractor shall submit the details specified in the following paragraphs with respect to materials
covered by this Section of the Specification. Before orders are placed the Contractor shall submit details of
the proposed supplier(s) together with sufficient information on the proposed methods of transport, storage
and certification of the cement to enable the Employer to satisfy himself that the quality and quantity
required can be supplied and maintained throughout the period of construction. Having obtained the
Employer's approval of the source(s) of supply, and the methods of transpoc storage and certification of
the cement, the Contractor shall not modify or change the approved arrangements without first having
obtained the permission of the Employer. Aggregates
The Contractor shall submit the following details in respect of aggregates proposed to be used in the
petrological type@)

7.2.13 Admixtures
The Contractor shall submit the following details in respect of admixtures proposed to be used in the
- source(s)
- type(s)
- manufacturers' technical details

721.4 Fly ash

The Contractor shall submit the following details in respect of fly ash proposed to be used in the concrete:
- source(s)
- chemical analysis
- physical analysis Water
The Contractor shall submit the following details in respect of water proposed to be used for the mixing
and curing of concrete and mortar:
chemical analysis
- physical analysis
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 50 Steel reinforcement

The Contractor shall submit the following details in respect of steel reinforcement to be used in the Works:
- source(s)
- mill sheet including chemical analysis
Steel Grades
Transport of different steel grades in one consignment shall be avoided as far as possible. Curing compounds

The Contractor shall submit the following details in respect of curing compounds proposed to be used in
the Works:
- source(s)
- type(s)
- manufacturers' technical details
- quality certificates

7.2.2 Test reports

The Contractor shall submit, as soon as possible after their completion, reports on the tests

7.2.3 Certificates
The Contractor shall submit certificates of compliance with the specified Standards, or other recognized
and equivalent Standards, in respect of the materials mentioned in the following paragraphs. Cement
The Contractor shall submit to the Employer, in respect of each consignment of cement delivered to the
Site, a certificate showing the place of manufacture and the results of standard tests carried out on each
day's bulk supply from which the cement was extracted. All cements shall be certified by the manufacturers
as complying with the requirements of the appropriate Standards.

7.23.2 Steel reinforcement

The Contractor shall submit to the Employer copies of the manufacturers' certificates of tests for all steel
reinforcement supplied.

7.2.4 Samples
The Contractor shall supply the samples specified in the following list
If so instructed by the Employer the Contractor shall deliver samples to a nominated laboratory for the
further analysis and testing envisaged in these Specification
Steel reinforcement
- Aggregates
- Flyash
Dpchhu HPP Seaion 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specikications
Chaptcr 07 Con- & Reinforced Concrete - 5 1

7.25 Execution drawings and other design details

7.25.1 General
Execution drawings shan be submitted according to Sub-clause and to the following
All execution drawings shall include the strrngth class and any special properties of the concrete.

735.2 Reinforcement execution drrrwings

The execution drawings shall include
- the types of steel
- number, diameter, shape and position of the reinforcing ban and site welds (e.g., spacing of bars,
gaps for insertion of vibrators, lap lengths at splices and anchorage lengths, disposition and
configurarion of welds, stating the filler metals, execution of welds, and weld dimensions)
- the concrete cover to the reinforcing ban (including stirrups) and the supports for the top
- the minimum diameters of the forming 1011s for bendiig of bars.

7253 Formwork, false work and scaffolding

For false work and scaffolding for which mctural calculations are necessary, e.g., for h t a n d i n z and for
multi-storey false work or scaffolding, execution drawings for use on Site shall be prepared. Execution
drawing shall also be prepared for false work, which has to resist high lateral pressures exerted by the
fresh concrete.
The Contractor shall submit details of the methods and materials proposed for the f m w o r k to each
element of the Works.
Details of formwork to produce special finishes shall be submitted for approtal in writing by the Employer
before any materials me brought on to the site.
The Contractor shall submit complete cmshuction execution drawings, including method diagrams and full
supporting calculations where required by the Employer, of the formwork to each major smctural element
of the Works and of the false work or centering, if any, required to support it and of the foundations thereto.

725.4 Plant details

Tbe Contractor shall submit details of the types and sizes of items of equipment pmposed to be used for the
batchin& mixing, msporting, placing and compacting of concrete and of h e proposed manner of their

73 PreUminary Testing

73.1 General
The materials shall he tested at the place of manufacture (or elsewhere if convenient and appropriate) by an
approved testing agency to ensure that they comply with this Specification.
The Employer may, at his discretion, decide that any consignment of material, on arrival at the Site and
also after it has been stored at the Site prior to use, be subjected to the whole of the tests and analpes
required by this Section and no materal of that consignment shall be used in the Works until it has been
tested by the Employer andlor accepted by him as satisfactory.

732 Cements, admixtnres, additives

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Rcquircmmts 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Conme &Reinforced Conmte - 52

Observance of the required and specified properties of cement, admixtures and additives shall be proved
regularly by the producer of the cement and independently by govemment-owned institutes or material
testing institutes officially appointed for standard tests.
Where necessary, the Employer may require further representative samples of the proposed cement,
admixtures and additives to be taken and forwarded to a nominated laboratory for analysis and testing
before the source(s) islare approved.

733 Aggregates
Tests to assess the suitability of the aggregates proposed for use in concrete to be placed in the Permanent
Works shall be carried out only by the Contractor accprding to Standards at least 6 weeks prior to the start
of concreting works.

73.4 Steel
Observance of the required and specified properties of reinforcing and pre-stressing steel shall be proved
regularly by the producer of the cement and independently by govemmentawned institutes or material
testing institutes officially appointed for standard tests.

73.5 Tendons and aeeessories

Three (3) test pieces selected by the Employer sball be tested by the Conuactor prior to the commencement
of work Manufacture of cables or placing of tendons shall not commence unril satisfactory results have
been received from these tests and the Employer has approved the use of the material in the tendons.
Fulther test pieces, approximately one for each tonne of tendons used in the construction, shall be taken
during the progress of the work and tested by the Contractor for conformity with the requirements of this
The ratio ofJength to diameter of test pieces shall exceed 100:l. Test pieces shall not be taken from the end
1.5 m of a coil of wire or strand. Should any test piece fail to satisfy the required properties of the steel as
specified, the quantity of material represented by that specimen sball not be used in the Works and shall be
replaced in accordance with relevant Standards.
All testing shall be carried out in a laboratory approved by the Employer. At least 30 days before the start
of concreting operations, the Contractor shall supply, to the Employer, details and results of tests canied
out on the following:
Two complete anchorages and couplings for each type of tendon to be used in the Works.
Two sample lengths of tendon with ends treated for anchorages and couplings.
Fuaher anchorages and couplings shall be tested during the progress of the work at the rate of one
anchorage of each size and one coupling for the strand pre-stress tendons and one complete high tensile
steel bar tendon for each consignment delivered to the Works.
Sufficient length of the appropriate made-up tendon shall be tested with each anchorage or coupling for the
strand pre-stressed tendons to suit testing arrangements.
Installation of anchorages and the tendons sball not commence until satisfactory results on the testing of the
anchorages have been obtained from tests and the Employer has approved the use of the anchorages.
Should any anchorage or coupling fail to satisfy the relevant requirements, the quantity of anchorages or
couplings represented by that specimen shall not be used and shall be replaced. The Employer will not
approve the use of further similar anchorages or couplings until he is satisfied that they will be able to meet
the above requirements.

73.6 Mixing water

er proposed to be used for the production and an independent authority shall test curing of concrete.
test shall be in accordance with the methods specified in relevant Standards. :
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7.3.7 Concrete
Preliminary quality control tests (trial tests) shall be performed before the concrete is used in permanent
works. These tests shall verify that the composition, intended materials and consistency can be reliably
placed and worked under the conditions of the Site in question, such that the required propenies (including,
for example, the air voids content) are ascenained.
Preliminary tests shall be repeated if there has been a significant change either in the materials from which
the concrete is made or in the site conditions on which the preliminary tests were initially based.
Preliminary testing on the site may he omitted if such testing has been carried out by the permanent
concrete testing laboratory, or if ready-mixed concrete is used, or if the requisite properties have with
certainty been obtained, under the same working conditions for concrete of the same composition and made
with the same materials, in earlier tests.
For each mix prepared for the purpose of preliminary testing, and for each intended age at testing, at least
three specimens shall be tested. If it is expected that concreting on the work will be done in cold or in very
hot weather, particularly if admixtures, additives or slow-hardening cement are used, the Contractor shall
also determine the workability, the setting time, and the hardening of the concrete under such temperature
conditions. This shall also apply to ready-mixed concrete. If heat treatment is employed, it shall be
ascertained by preliminary tests that the required strength can with certainty be attained with the intended
The performance of the preliminary tests on concrete shall comply with the routine tests described in the
Dagachhu HPP Scctiun 6- Employe's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chupter 07 C o n ~ W c& Reinforced Con~mre- 55

7.4 Routine Testing

7.4.1 General
The Contractor shall ensure that results of quality routine controls comply with the values stipulated in the
respective clauses and that the conditions for independent quality control are satisfied.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the execution and interpretation of the quality control routine tests
specified in this clause and for taking due account of the results of such tests in the execution of the Work.
If not specified othenvise in this clause, the following minimum test program shall be performed:

Test i No. of tests i Sampling site
Grading of coarse aggegate
Grading of fine aggregate
. :once a month
I. once a week
-. <....... - i aggregate stockpile
i awegate .stockpile
.-..- . .
Test for organic impurities in i as required i batchiig plant
sand i
Compressive strength 7,28and j once for each 200 m3 of concrete
mixing plant or at placing site (9

90 days 'placed directed by the Employer for each

j ;time)
.... ..-iiii--__(......... ....i

Test specimens
-- .- --- - .....
S~rrfacemoisture of fine I more than 3 times a day i mixing plant
agegate i
.- -

Slump imore than 3 times a day / mixing plant andl or placing site as
-- .. m
i directed by the Employer
Air content in Fresh concrete j more than 3 times a day mixing plant or placing site as
1 directed by the Employer ..
--.-I-----..-- .---- ~.---..-T

Temperature i more than 3 times a day 1 mixing plant or placing site as

j directed by the Employer
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Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 56

7.4.2 Visual checks Cement
For each delivery of cement, it shall be checked that the information of the package or on the delivery note
with regard to the type, strength class and quality control (quality control mark) of the cement conforms to
the particulars in the Specification.
In the case of admixtures, it shall be checked that the package is provided with a valid test mark
In the case of additives, it shall be checked that they fulfill the requirements.
The dosage specified in the Execution drawings shall not deviate by more than 2 % without the Employer's
approval. Aggregates
Aggregate shall be regularly checked visually with regard to its granulometric composition and other
significant properties. In cases of doubt, the aggregate shall be examined more thoroughly.
The batching equipment of the concreting plant shall be accurately set to suit the quantities required for the
concreting operation. Therefore, regular checks shall he undertaken which include the following items:
- Regular control of proponioning
- Check on mixing time
- Check on number of hatches of each kind of concrete made for each concreting section (essential for
determining material consumption, spreading loss, etc.)
- Comparison of produced and placed concrete volume. This control shall he canied out after each
poured section to reveal immediately faults in the batching equipment.

7.4.23 Waterlcement ratio

The waterlcement ratio shall, for each type of concrete used, he checked at the time of frst placing the
concrete and thereafter about once daily or upon request by the Employer.
The average of three consecutive waterlcement ratio determinations shall not exceed the waterlcement ratio
established for this type of concrete in the preliminary tests, and individual values shall not exceed it by
more than 10%.
Waterlcement ratios established for concrete with special propenies or to ensure corrosion protection of the
reinforcement shall not be exceeded even by individual values.
If ready-mixed concrete is used, the waterlcement ratio may be taken to be as stated on the delivery note or
in the concrete types Schedule. This shall not apply if compressive strength tests are to be replaced by twice
the number of water1 cement ratio determinations. Consistency
The consistency of the fresh concrete shall be constantly supervised by visual inspection during concreting.
For each type of concrete, the consistency check measurement shall be performed at the time of first
placing the concrete and every time the specimens for preliminary tests and quality control tests are made.
The consistency check measurements shall be repeated at suitable intervals, as directed by the Employer
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrere - 57 Concrete
The concrete surfaces exposed after stripping shall be inspected by the authorized personnel of the
Contractor, together with the Employer. The following Standards shall be valid for the assessment of the
concrete quality:
The appearance of the concrete surfaces must conform to the specified classification of finish
The concrete surface must be uniformly smooth, even and free of ridges and other irregularities.
The concrete must have a pore-free, dense surface on all sides with no evidence of segregation or
inadequate compaction,
No reinforcing bars may lie exposed or signs present. which indicate an inadequate concrete cover of
the reinforcing bars,
No hair cracks shall be visible.
During the inspection, the Employer will determine the type and extent of defects to be eliminated.
The Contractor shall make good any defects to the satisfaction of the Employer at his expenses,
comprising, hut not limited to:
to expose reinforcing bars, which apparently have an inadequate concrete cover, in the area
determined by the Employer and to bend them inward through suitable measures,
to caulk out honeycombs and similar defective spots, which are traceable to segregation of the
to pressure-grout damaged areas, cracks, etc.,
to seal all hair cracks of a measured width of more than 0.1 mm, with suitable and recognized epoxy
resin material,
to fill air pores or other defects in the concrete surface with cement slurry of suitable consistency,
- to seal all holes resulting from the removal of formwork bolts and the like,
- to propose and apply any other proven system or measures according to the type and extent of the
defect, in order to achieve a result and an appearance acceptable to the Employer.
Mapping work shall begin at the latest 24 hours after stripping, however it shall in no case be undertaken
prior to carrying out the joint inspection of the concrete by the Contractor and the Employer. Patching and
repair work shall be executed only through qualified personnel using high quality and recognized materials.
e.g., concrete and cement or special mortar. A special bonding agent such as suitable epoxy resin and the
like, of first class quality shall be used where appropriate, to ensure good bonding and adequate denseness
also in the joints.

7.43 Cement, Admixtures, Additives

Cement Routine tests shall be performed including the following items:
fineness of grinding
- chloride content
- water required for standard consistency (to Vicat)
- soundness (boiling test)
- initial and final setting
- water required (WIC ratio) for standard consistency of mortar
- compressive strength after 2.7.28 days
- bending tensile strength after 2, 7.28 days
- heat of hydration
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 58

For each of the routine tests, samples of at least 5.0 kg shall be taken at a suitable location at the concrete
mixing plant during concreting operations for each part of the work and for each type of concrete used in
each such part. The cement sample of the routine test and the test specimens for the concrete quality control
shall originate from the same mixture to ensure a fair comparison of the test results obtained for the cement
as well as the concrete specimens. If pozzolanic cement or other ultra-fine materials are admixed to the
cement on Site, sampling shall take place before such materials are added.
The samples for the site tests as well as the retained samples shall be clearly marked with the number of the
relevant delivery note, and the samples for the standard specification test shall clearly show the test number
of the relevant set of concrete specimens.
For each quantity of 1,000 m3 of poured concrete, a complete standard specification test shall be carried
out. The samples taken for the purpose according to this provision shall, without special request, be
submitted to the material-testing institute together with the relevant concrete test specimens.
A completely filled-in form, in duplicate, shall accompany each sample. The sample containers shall be
clearly marked, and shall also hold corresponding identification slips.

7.4.4 Aggregates
Routine tests shall include
- Grading
- Magnesium Sulphate Soundness
- Specific Gravity and Water Absorption
- Clay, Silt and Dust Content
- Organic Impurities
- Sulphate and Chloride Content
- Aggregate Crushing Value; alternatively 10 % Fines Value or Aggregate Impact Value as decided by
the Employer
- Elongation and Flakiness Determination
- Potential Alkali Reactivity
- Abrasion Resistance
- Aggregate Drying Shrinkage
- Grain shape, flakiness and elongation index
- Inherent strength and moisture
- Settling and elutriatian far ultra-fines
- Durability
These tests may also be carried out in accordance with the appropriate Standards and the result shall
comply with the limits given therein or as otherwise stated in this chapter.
The moisture content and water absorption value of all fine and coarse aggregates shall be tested by the
Contractor twice daily.
The flakiness index and elongation index of the predominant-size fractions in each single-sized coarse
aggregate shall not exceed 20 % and 35 % by weight respectively.
Sieve analyses (tests on grading of aggregates) shall be made when the first delivery is effected and
whenever there is a changeover to a different supplierlor sources.
The grading of aggregates shall he tested by the Contractor on a weekly basis at least or after production of
each I00 m3 whichever is the sooner when concrete is being produced on a regular basis, or before the start
of production when the production of concrete is irregular.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 59

The grading of the combined aggregate is to be regarded as satisfactory if the percentage passing any
individual sieve does not deviate from the specified grading curve by more than 5% of the total weight, or
by not more than 5% of the total absolute volume in case of particle size fractions differing greatly in the
specific gravity of the particles, and its characteristic value for the grading or the water demand is not more
unfavorable than that for the specified grading curve. In the particle size fraction 0-0.25 mm, however, the
permissible deviation shall not exceed 3%.
Size of samples shall be as follows:

Size class in mm Weight of Sample in kg

0-5 1
+.... ..
5 - 15 1
15-30 8
30 - 6 0 15
............. ..... "..- ......,,,
6 0 - 100 60

7-43 Concrete General
Routine quality control tests shall be used to establish that the concrete made for use on the job attains the
requisite properties as specified. In case of unsatisfactory test results, the Contractor shall
- inform the Employer immediately of this fact
- search for the reasons of test failures
- shall consult the Employer on remedial actions and if agreed upon take forthwith the required action
at his own expense.
Test cubes or cylinders will be made, cured, stored and tested in accordance with respective Standards
under ambient climatic conditions.

7.4.52 Sampling for compressive strength tests

A sample of concrete shall be taken at random on eight separate occasions during each of the tint five days
of using a mix. The standard deviation will be calculated from at least 40 individual cube results, each
representing separate batches of similar concrete produced by the same plant and under the same
supervision. Thereafter, one sample will be taken at random from every group of 25 batches made by each
batching plant, for each grade of concrete, and at least one sample will be taken on each day on which any
concrete of a particular grade is made.
Further samples will be taken and two cylinderz cast to determine the Indirect Tensile Strength of the
concrete at 7 days and 28 days, as specified in the respective Standard. These samples will be taken from
every 1M) batches or at least once a week during concreting operations. Sampling shall coincide with
samples taken for test cubes. The frequency of sampling may be varied at the discretion of the Employer.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificationr
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 60 Compressive strength testing

From each sample, two specimens (cubes or cylinders) shall be made for testing (compressive strength) at
28 days and one for testing at 7 days for control purposes. Each 28-day specimen result shall be the mean
of the specimen strengths of the two specimens made from the same sample. For mass concrete or where
pozzolamic material are used one specimen shall be provided for testing at 90 days.
If the range of individual cube strengths made from the same sample exceeds 15% of the mean then the
method of making, curing and testing cubes will be examined thoroughly. In the event of a result having a
range exceeding 2090, the result shall be unacceptable and the Employer may order any of the actions
outlined in relevant Clauess of the present Specifications. Strength requirements

If three or more results in 40 are below the characteristic strength or if one result in 40 is less than 85 % of
the characteristic strength, the Employer may order any or all of the following actions to be taken:
- the checking of the mix andlor improvement to the standard of quality control;
- the cutting of test cylinders from the concrete for examination and testing of specimens prepared
there from;
the canying out of load tests on areas/stmctural members containing the suspect concrete;
- the cutting out and replacement of such volumes of concrete as, at his discretion, he considers to be
- the carrying out of non-destructive tests to assess the in-situ quality of the suspect concrete.
In the event of a result having a range exceeding 20%, the result shall be unacceptable and the Employer
may order any of the actions outlined in paragraph 4 (a) to (e) above to be taken. Conversion of the compressive strength tests results:

If cylinders of 15 cm diameter and 30 cm height are used instead of 20 cm cubes, the cube strength (aw)
may, if the specimens are stored under similar conditions, be derived from the cylinder strength (ac) as
(aw) = 1.25 (ac) for concrete class 15 and lower
(aw) = I . 18 (ac) for concrete class 25 and higher
If cubes or cylinders of some other size are used, the compressive strength ratio with respect to the 20 cm
cube shall be verified separately for concrete of each composition, strength and age in the preliminary tests.
This shall be done for at least six specimens of each type of specimen.
If the expected 28day cube strength (aw) 28 is to be estimated from the 7 d a y cube swength (aw) 7 in
preliminary tests and quality control tests, this may in general be done on the basis of relationships, which
are subject for approval, by Employer for each cement strength class. Estimation ratios may also be
adopted, if they have been determined in the preliminary tens. Hardening test

Hardening tests shall be used to give an indication of the strength of the concrete in the stlucture at a
particular point of time and thus also give guidance as to the formwork svipping time. The hardening can
be determined on test specimens or by non-destructive means.
The specimens for these tests shall be made from the concrete intended for the stmctural components in
question and shall be stored directly beside or upon these components and be cured in the same manner
(influence of temperature and humidity). At least three specimens shall be made for the hardening test, but
it is advisable to make more so that if the strength determined in the test at a particular time is found to be
inadequate, the test can be repeated later on.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrete & Reinforced Concrete - 61

In judging the results, it shall be bome in mind that components whose dimensions differ significantly from
those of the test specimens may attain a different degree of hardening from that of the specimens, e.g, in
consequence of differences in heat evolution in the concrete. Verification of concrete strength in the structure

In special cases, e.g., if no compressive strength test results are available or if the results were inadequate
according to Clause or if there are other reasons for seriously doubting the suength of the concrete
in the structure, the Employer may order the determination the compressive strength of the concrete by
taking specimens (drilled core) from the structure or by non-destructive testing performed on the finished
component or by both methods. In connection with such tests, the age and the conditions of hardening
(temperature, humidity) of the concrete in the structure shall be taken into account. The Contractor shall
provide suitable drilling equipment for obtaining 15 cm diameter core samples from concrete structures
designated by the Employer. Compression t e a shall be performed on the samples. All cost related to
verification tests shall be bome by the Contractor including the cost for remedial actions required. Non-destructive test of compression strength

For this purpose, approved rebound hammers shall be used. Prior to compressive strength test all cubes
shall be tested with the rebound hammer, so the relation between cube or cylinder compressive strength and
impact strength is determined for each type of concrete. A subsequent strength test of the solid concrete for
certain pans of suuctures by means of rebound hammers shall be canied out by the laboratory on Site and
test records be kept. Additional tests

Concrete shall be tested as the Employer may decide for Drying Shrinkage, Water Absorption and Moisture
Movement for which purpose 102 mm cubes and 76 mm x 76 mm prisms shall be prepared and tested
following approved Standards. The acceptable limits for these tests are:
Drying Shrinkage: 0.05%
Water Absorption: 3% absorbed after 10 min.
6.5% absorbed after 24 hours:
Moisture Movement: 0.03%
In addition to test cubes described above, the Contractor shall make additional specimens if so requested by
the Employer to carry out uials in order:
- to determine stripping times for formwork;
- to determine the duration of curing;
- to check testing and sampling errors.
- to check the indirect tensile strength according to relevant Standards.
Flexure test beams representing pre-cast concrete units shall be prepared and tested in accordance with
approved Standards.
When air entrained concrete is being produced. the air content shall be determined for each hatch of
concrete produced. This frequency may be reduced once consistency of production has been achieved.
In the early stages of permanent works concreting, the Contractor shall allow for the cutting of six (6)
No.150 mm diameter cores 200 mm long through horizontal reinforcement in order to assess the plastic
qualities of the concrete.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 07 Concrew & Reinforced Concrete - 62

7.4.6 Workability of concrete

The Contractor shall cany out compaction factor, slump or Vebe tests in accordance with relevant
Standards as required during concreting of Permanent Works. The purpose of these tests is to ensure the
adequate control of workability at the batching plant and the site of the pour. The degree of workability
obtained when concreting the Permanent Works shall be in accordance with the trial mixes. Checking on fresh concrete

To ensure uniform concrete quality, the fresh concrete shall be continuously checked on Site and during
concreting operations for the following properties:
- Consistency (spread or slump)
- Workability
- Air content
- Volume weight (wet and dry density)
- Water and cement content (water-cement ratio)
- Aggregate content
- Bleeding in accordance to relevant Standards
A minimum number of such tests as a general guide cannot be specified. In general such tests shall be
canied out over a period covering the whole concreting operations of each section. At the beginning of a
concreting section and when concrete is poured during night shifts, the fresh concrete properties and in
particular the concrete consistency shall be checked at frequent intervals.
The quantities required for quality control of the concrete shall be taken from the concrete mixing plant, not
from the point of the final placement.
The fresh concrete taken for the quality control and setting test shall correspond to the average properties of
the poured concrete. The quantity of fresh concrete required for this purpose shall therefore be taken from
several successive batches and well mixed, using shovels.
The fresh concrete needed for the regular check of the fresh concrete properties shall, however, be taken
from a single hatch, with the object of checking the fluctuation or uniformity of the fresh concrete
properties. Reinforcing steel

Checking the steel
For each delivery of reinforcing steel, it shall be checked that the steel bears the distinguishing mark for the
steel group and also the steelworks mark. If not, the steel shall not be used.
Testing the welding of reinforcing steel
Testing the welding of reinforcing steel shall be in accordance with the relevant Standards.
Dagxhhu HPP Sstion 6 -Employer's Rquiremenu 6.2 Tshoical Specificatians
Chaper Ll7 Concnre & Reinforced Concme - 63

7d.7 Structural components and other materials

For each delivery of pre-cast components, it shall be checked that a delivery note with all the particulars is
available, that they come from a factory, which is subject to quality contml supervision, and that they are
marked as required and that they have dimensions conforming to the technical documents.
Checking intermediate components and floor blocks: For each delivery of structually interacting
intermediate components made of concrete and of structurally interacting floor blocks, it shall be checked
that they have dimensions conforming to the Execution drawings and Speciiications and have vertical
joints of the shape required. For each delivery of structurally non-interacting intermediate components, it
shall be checked that they have the required dimensions and shapes.

7.4.8 Cement mortar

For each type of mortar used and
- for every 200 m (or less) of load-bearing joints made with it,
- for each storey in multi-storey building construction, and
- for every 7 consecutive working days on which mortar is made, series of three 10 cm cubes made of
mortar from different hatches shall be tested. If more than one of these alternative conditions is
involved, the one requiring the largest number or series of test cubes shall be applied.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6- Employcis Rcquircmcntr 6.2Techniml Speeifimtions
Chapter 07 Concrete 8; Reinforced Concrclc 64


8.1 General Ancillary Works

Ancillary works shall include, but not be limited to the following:
- Measurements for the execution and payment of the work, including provision of the measuring
equipment, gauges, marking-out pegs, etc., the maintenance of the gauges and marking-out pegs
during building construction, and the provision of labor.
- Provision of water, gas, and electricity from the mains on Site indicated by the Employer to the
points of use.
- Provision of mall equipment and tools.
- Transport of aU materials and building components, even materials supplied by the Employer, from
the stores on the Site to the points of use, and return trru~sport.
- Supply of all required materials.
- Securing the works against surface water, which must normally be reckoned with,and possibly its
removal where required.
- Grouting of pre-cast concrete units insofar as building-in of pre-cast concrete units is to be
performed by the labor of the Contractor.
- Raking out of slots, small openings, cut-ouu and the like, insofar as this is provided for in the
Contract Documents according to type, size, and numbers of the rakings out, and the details are
notified in good time.
- Provision of scaffolding for the own use and of other contracton, as well as covers and enclosures of
openings, up to 3 weeks beyond the Contractor's own completion period for use or as otherwise
directed by the Employer. Conclusion of the Coonactor's own use shall be notified to the E~nployer
in writing without delay.
- Protection of the placed concrete against heat, wind, cold, chemical attack, vliration, and drying out
- Any actions for proving the quality of the building materials and of the concrete in accordance with
all the requirements of the Specifications.
- Provision of test loads according to Stan& and as laid down under this chapter - if the contractual
quality of the Work cannot be proved by other methods.
- Removal of all garbage and pollution resulting from the Contractor's operations, and of the
Contractor's debris.
- Protection of the completed works and of the equipment, deices, embedded parts etc. handed over
for incorporation into the works against damage and theft until provisional acceptance.
- Unless otherwise specified, all and any k i d of works, materials, equipment, services, safety
measures, etc., as well as, and if so requested by the Employer, all tests and samples requited forthe
completion of the Work shall be included in the unit prices.

8.2 Construction Joints

Supply and installation of water stops for consmction joints, required for a reliable sealing at areas, where
seepage water is to be expected, shall be included in the unit rate for the relevant item for concreting.
This is particularly applicable for constructionjoints in tunnel concrete linings.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing

Section 6 Employer's Requirements


Chapter 08

bid davmncdlot I civil un?ksUa I r o l v m #i\pul

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chaptn 08 Waterprwfing .ii


Section 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 08

1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................... 1
2 MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................ 1
2.1 General ....................................................................................................................................1
2.2 Bituminous Materials .............................................................................................................. I
2.2.1 Undercoating materials I
2.2.2 Top coating materials. to be worked cold ................................................................. 2
2.2.3 Top-coating materials. to be worked hot 2
2.2.4 Bituminous felts. factory-finished ........ 2
2.2.5 Bituminous felt with jute-fabric inlay ..................................................................... 2
2.2.6 Bituminous felt with fiber inlay .............................................................................. 2
2.3 Insulation and Protective Foils ............................................................................................... 2
2.4 Damp Proofing of Structural Joints ........................................................................................ 3
2.5 Adhesive Compounds ........................................................................................................... 4
2.5.1 Mastics. to be worked cold ........................................................................................ 4
2.5.2 Mastics. to be worked hot ........................... . . .......................................................4
2.5.3 Priming materials ...................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Epoxy-Resin Based Material ..................................................................................................4
2.7 Cement Grout with Plastic Additive 4
2.7.1 Bitumen mixture for water-proofing ......................................................................... 4
2.7.2 PVC-Water stops .................... . ............................................................................. 5
2.7.3 Water stops of rubber ............................................................................................... 5
2.7.4 Water swelling rubber sealing materials ...................................................................7
3 EXECUTION OF WORK .............................................................................................................. 7
3.1 General .................
.............................. 7
3.2 Damp Proofing of Walls Against Rising Moisture ..............................................................8
3.3 Damp Proofing Against Lateral Moisture .............................................................................. 8
3.4 Damp Proofing on Floors with Thermoplastic Sheeting ........................................................ 8
3.5 Sealing Joints in the Protective Laye ................................. 8
3.6 Connection of the Damp Proofing to Penetrations ................................................................. 8
3.7 Damp Proofing over Construction Joints ................................................................................ 9
WATERPROOFING AGAINST PRESSURE WATER ........................................................... I0
4.1 Tanking Against Pressure Water .......................................................................................... 10
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements '6.TTechnical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterpmfing - iii

4.2 Waterproofing on Basements (Tanking

4.3 Protection of Concrete Placed Below Groun
5 TESTS AND PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................ 1
5.2 Leakage Test of Water Tanks

6.1 Genera
6.2 Requirements for the Works
SHAFTS ...................................................................................................................................... 13
7.1 General ............................. . . ....................................
7.1.1 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 13
. .
7.1.2 Submssion .............................................................................................................. 13
7.2 Material and Equipment ................................................... ..I3
7.2.1 Protective felt .......................................................................................................... 13

7.2.3 Accessone

7.3.1 Surface preparatio

7.3.3 Preparations
7.3.4 Fixing of felt ............................................................................................................
7.3.5 Fixing of waterproofing membrane ......................................................................... 16
7.3.6 Protective measures ................................................................................................. 16
7.4 Tests and Properties ..............................................................................................................

7.4.2 Testing of Seam

7.5 Auxiliary Wor
7.5.1 General .................................................................................................................... 18
7.5.2 Requirements for the works .................... . ........................................................ 18
8 SURFACE LISISG FOR RESERVOIR ....................................................................................19
8.1 Scope of Work .................... . . ........................................................................................... 19
8.2 Natural Sealing Material ...................................................................................................... 19
. .
8.3 Concrete Lining .................................................................................................................... 20
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing - I

This Specification applies to the following services:
- sealing against rising and lateral moisture
- sealing against percolating water, surface water and leakage
- sealing against pressure water
In addition, this chapter shall be deemed to comprise damp proofing against non-pressure water, damp
proofing against lateral and rising moisture; damp proofing against seepage water, surface water and the
like in the open air and indoors, as well as damp proofing against pressure water by means of bituminous
damp proofing with unbacked felts against water under hydrostatic pressure (e.g.. groundwater, held water,
pressure hill water).
All services also include supply of the materials and building components connected therewith, including
unloading and storage on the building site.
2.1 General
Materials and building components which the Contractor has to supply and build in, i.e., they go into the
structure, must be new and unused. They must comply with standards and dimensions.
For non-standardized materials and building components, the Contractor shall supply samples and name the
manufacturer. Such materials shall be subject to the approval of the Employer.
The Conuactor shall furnish an approved manufacturer's surety bond on all waterproofing material
covering a period of ten (10) years.
All sealing materials shall conform to the latest editions of approved standards, which have to be submitted
to the Employer.
2.2 Bituminous Materials
Bituminous material shall possess the following properties: the residue remaining, when the solvent or the
water of the emulsion has evaporated normally or has been removed in some other way, is regarded as the
solid. Fillers must neither swell nor dissolve in water.
Damp proofing bituminous materials with fillers which must be acid-resistant may contain only filler
materials which dissolve in a 5% hydrochloric acid solution at +20 degrees C (permissible variation
+1 degree C) within 24 hours to a maximum of 10% by weight.

22.1 Undercoating materials

Bituminous solution: bitumen content 30 to 45% by weight; softening point of the solid not less than
115 degrees C, if not otherwise specified.
Bituminous emulsion: bitumen content not less than 30% by weight; softening point of the solid not less
than 45 degrees C.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing - 2

2.2.2 Top coating materials, to be worked cold

Bituminous solution without filler: bitumen content not less than 50% by weight; softening
point of the solid not less than 60 degrees C.
Bituminous solution with filler: bitumen content not less than 30% by weight; softening
point of the solid not less than 60 degrees C.
Bituminous emulsion without filler: bitumen content not less than 45% by weight, softening
point of the solid not less than 45 degrees C.
Bituminous emulsion with filler: bitumen content not less than 30% by weight; softening
point of the solid not less than 50 degrees C.

2.2.3 Top-coating materials, to be worked hot

Bitumen without filler: softening point of the bitumen without filler not less than 115 degrees C, if not
othenvise specified.
Bitumen with filler: bitumen content not less than 54% by weight; softening
point of the bitumen with filler not less than 115 degrees C.

2.2.4 Bituminous felts, factory-finished

Bitumen felts, factory-finished, shall consist of a felt-inlay and outer bituminous layers at both sides of the
inlay: the outer layers shall be sprinkled with fine sand. Softening point of the outer layen: 55 to
115 degrees C. Deleted specifications shall be submitted to the Employer.
The inlay and the outer layers shall well bond to each other. The sanding to the outer layers shall adhere
Impregnated inlays shall not have visibly non-impregnated places; woven glass inlays in building paper are
The bituminous felts shall lie flat on an even bed and shall not have any unevenness (e.g., bulges,
depressions). It shall have a regular surface and thickness and be free from faults such as cracks, folds, etc.

2.2.5 Bituminous felt with jute-fabric inlay

Bituminous felts with an inlay of impregnated 300 g/m2 jute fabric, with bitumen outer layers on both sides
shall have a thickness not less than 3 mm. Longitudinal and transverse breaking strength (breaking load),
not less than 600 N.
Longitudinal and transverse ductility, not less than 5%.

2.2.6 Bituminous felt with fiber inlay

Bituminous felts with an inlay of impregnated woven tiberglass shall have the following properties:
- fiberglass inlay: minimum 60 gIm2
- type of bitumen: 115115 - 1300 glm2
- thickness: 2.0 mm
- weight: min. 3.3 kglm2
- tensile strength longitudinal: 400 N
- lateral: 300 N
2.3 Insulation and Protective Foils
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing - 3

- thickness: I .0 mm for protective layen 1.55 mm for insulation

- W - r a y resistance
- resistance against bitumen
- be of flexible consistency
- resistance against saline, sulphuric, carbonic and humic water
- resistance against alkaline
- gravity: min. 1.6 g/cm3
- tensile suength: 450 NIcm2
- water absorption 0.1% by weight after 6 weeks at +20 degrees C
2.4 Damp Proofing of Structural Joints
The materials to be applied for damp proofing of structural joints shall either be of the permanent elastic or
of the plastic type, whichever is specified for the particular case.
Materials to be used for joint filling may either be a one-component sealant, a twocomponent sealant or a
compressed elastic band, each one meeting the following minimum properties being:
- W-resistant
- non-flammable to not readily inflammable
- resistant against bitumen
- of good bonding
- in case of permanent elastic material, be elastic up to 25% expansion and compression
- water-resistant
- resistant against solvents
- durable
The type of sealing material to be applied shall meet the particular requirements to be expected at the place
of application.
These can be:
- silicone sealant
- acrylic sealant
- polysulfide sealant
- polyurethane sealant
- polyethylene flat profiled, self-adhesive foam suips
Prior to selection of the sealing material, the approval by the Employer shall be obtained, supported by
certificates stating the technical properties and experienced applications.
The manufachrer's instructions shall strictly be observed and followed.
Dagachhu HPP Section h - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing - 4

2.5 Adhesive Compounds

Melting point of adhesive compounds without filler shall not be below 54 degrees C.
Melting point of adhesive compounds with filler shall not be below 60 degrees C. Content of bitumen shall
not be less than 50% weight-percentage.

2.5.1 Mastics, to be worked cold

Mastics, with a bitumen base, bitumen as solution with filler: softening point of the solid not less than
90 degrees C.
Mastics, with a bitumen base. bitumen as emulsion, with filler: softening point of the solid not less than
90 degrees C.

2.5.2 Mastics, to be worked hot

Mastics with a bitumen base, with filler (e.g., mastic asphalt): bitumen content not less than 16% by

2.5.3 Priming materials

Content of bitumen must be 30 to 45% weight-percentage; melting point must be above 60 degrees C.
2.6 Epoxy-Resin Based Material
The coating procedure shall start by leveling the concrete surface with a hydraulically curing trowelling
compound, which contains added synthetic resins.
After curing of this material, an epoxy resin-based coating shall be applied, which is solvent-free and cures
through chemical reaction.
It shall be applicable as a thin coating and as mortar and must allow after curing a final colored painting
The coating material must pass successfully any taste and odor tests and must be unobjectionable in any
respect complying with the regulations for drinking water.
2.7 Cement Grout with Plastic Additive
The composition of this material shall consist of cement, fire-dried silica sand and emulsifying plastic
The coating material must pass successfully any taste and odor tests and must he unobjectionable in any
respect complying with the regulations for drinking water.
Before applying the coating material, the surface must be clean, dry, and free from oil, dust and din. These
works have to be included in the unit prices.

2.7.1 Bitumen mixture for water-proofing

The bitumen mixture shall consist of asphalt of low penetration (20/30 grade). sand and an inert filler
powder. The sand and powder mixture shall have the following sieve characteristics:
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chaprer 08 Waterpmofing - 5

B.S. Sieve Percentage by Weight

Passing No. 200 40-50
Passing No. 72 and retained on No. 200 10-25
Passing No. 25 and retained on No. 72 10-25
Passing No. 7 and retained on No. 25 5-15
Retained on No. 7 0-5

The asphalt shall be mixed with the sand and filler in proportions that will ensure a workable compound. It
is expected that 2530% asphalt by weight and 70.75% sand m d filler are likely to give such a mix. It is,
however, the responsibility of the Contractor to determine the eract proportions.
The sand and powder shall be mixed and heated up to 200 degrees C in a metal container. Simultaneously
the asphalt shall be heated in a separate boiler to the same temperature. The sandlpowder mixture shall then
be gradually added to the asphalt while continuously stirring the contents to ensure a homogeneous mix,
and the complete mixture shall be kept stirred at 200 degrees C for half an hour.
The mixture shall be applied in one layer 10 mm thick. The layer shall be applied in alternate strips about
600 mm wide with chamfered edges with infilling strips overlapping the adjacent ones by 50 mm. In
applying a layer, care must b e taken that no entrapped air is kept beween the masic and the ranel=

2.7.2 PVC-Water stops

The PVC water stops shall be fabricated from virgin polyvinyl chloride and shall contain no reclaimed or
scrap material. The material shall be fabricated and cured in such a manner that any crnss-section will be
dense, homogeneous and free from porosity and other imperfections. For PVC water stops, all necessary
molded or pre-fabricated intersection pieces and materials shall conform to the relevant standards.
The PVC material, when tested in accordance with the relevant standards, shall have the physical properties
mentioned under these standards.
Test shall be carried out at 25 degrees C.
- tensile strength (min.): 1400 NIcm2
- elongation at break (min.): 285%
- hardness degree (shore): 42-52
- water absorption; total immersion in distilled water for 48 hours at 50x (in % b y weight)
- cold crack temperature not higher than: minus 25 degrees C
- accelerated aging test: retention of initial tensile strength not less than 85%
- tension of initial elongation at break less than 85%
- stability in effect of alkali test: weight gain after 7 days not more than 0.25%
- weight gain after 30 days not more than 0.40%
PVC water stops and all necessary molded for prefabricated intersection pieces and materials shall conform
to the relevant standards.

2.73 Water stops of rubber

The rubber water stops shall be fabricated by molding or extruding with integral cross-sections as shown on
the drawings. The materials shall be fabricated and cured in such a manner that any cross-section will be
se, homogeneous and free from porosity and other imperfections.

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Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specitications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing - 6

The following minor surface defects will be acceptable:

- Lumps and depressions not exceeding 0.64 cm in longest lateral dimensions and 0.16 cm deep with
no limit to the frequency of occurrence.
Lumps and depressions between 0.64 cm and 1.27 cm in longest lateral dimension and 0.24 cm deep
as long as the frequency of occurrence does not exceed six in a 15.0 m length, and there are at least 5
cm between any two such defects.
- Marks resulting from the tubing operation or handling during manufacture, with no limit to width or
frequency of occurrence, as long as the thickness of material below the mark is not less than the
minimum thickness.
- Coarse or grainy surface texture
- Suck-back along flash lines of molded goods, if not more than 0.16 cm wide, 0.16 cm deep, and not
more than 0.60 m long.
Any defects which are not within the above limitations shall either be repaired as approved by the
Employer or be removed by cutting out such defects and splicing the water stop at that point. All factory
splices shall be molded splices. All molded splices shall withstand being bent 180 degrees around a 5 cm
diameter pin without any separation at the splice.
Rubber for the water stop shall be high-grade, tread-type compound. The basic polymer shall be natural
rubber, synthetic rubber or a blend of both. The rubber, when tested in accordance with the relevant
standards shall have the physical properties mentioned under these standards.
Gum rubber and rubber cement shall be suitable for making field connections in rubber water stops.
- tensile strength (min.): 2.1 kNIcm2
- elongation at break (min.): 500%
- hardness degree (shore): 60-65
- compression set by Constant Deflection Method max. %of original deflection: 20%
- water absorption after 48 hours at 70 degrees C (% by weight): 5%
- accelerated aging test: (48 hours at 70 degrees C and 21 kpIcm2 of
- retention of initial tensile strength not less than 75%
- retention of initial elongation at break less than 75%
Rubber water stops and all necessary related intersection pieces and materials shall conform to the relevant
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Walerpmofing 7

2.7.4 Water swelling rubber sealing materials

This water-swelling rubber sealing strips shall be applicable to concrete, steel and plastic surfaces to seal
joints if water will come in contact with the material.
The sealing strips shall be built in accordance to plans and to the satisfaction of the Employer. Placing shall
be done according to manufacturer's instructions.
A manufacturer's written guarantee for water-tightness and ageing-stability will be needed for approval
prior to placing.
The swelling rubber material shall have the physical properties mentioned as follows:
- tensile strength (min). 2.0 kNIcm2
- elongation at break (min): 500 %
- Volume coefficient of expansion (min): 2
- hardness degree (shore): 20 - 40
- Vulcanization: shall he possible

3.1 General
The Contractor shall check the structural conditions for suitability of application of the damp proofing. He
shall inform the Employer in writing without delay of any objections to the intended method of application,
if it does not suit the structural conditions. Subject to this provision, objections shall have validity.
particularly in regard to:
- too rough, too porous, too smooth surfaces
- sharp edges of boarding and ridges
- deviations from the horizontal or the fall stipulated in the specification or required by the
- non-rounded comers, edges and channeling
- stress and settlement cracks, holes
- too moist surfaces
- non-sealing of voids (e.g., in lightweight concrete)
oily surfaces, paint residue
- unsuitable type or position of penetrating structural members
- lack of provisions for connections to structural members which penetrate the damp proofing
- inadequate precautions against slipping of the structure on the damp proofmg and against slipping of
the protective layers on the damp proofing
- surface too strongly absorbent
Damp proofing works may only be carried out under favorable weather conditions not causing any
detrimental effects on the works. In case of adverse weather conditions, damp proofing works will only he
allowed to be carried out if special precautions have been taken preventing any damaging affects to the
Such weather conditions could be temperatures below +5 degrees C, raining, snowing, sharp winds or
During execution of such works, the Contractor shall pay attention to any conditions, which may arise
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing - 8

Upon completion of any layer of damp proofing felt, the Contractor shall carefully inspect it for possible
defects. If any damages or defects have been identified. they shall immediately be remedied. If any finished
layer of damp proofing felt has not immediately been covered by a protective layer (gravel, tiles, cement
screed or similar), the Contractor shall repeat his investigation for eventual repair before carrying out the
following layer.
The Employer shall be informed in due time prior to the investigation, giving him a possibility to take part
when examining the damp proofing layer before being covered up.
The Contractor shall protect the damp proofing felt against harmful sunrays, overheating or other damages
until placing the protective layer.
Horizontal and slightly inclined layers of damp-proofing felts (with the exception of damp proofing in
walls) must receive a protective covering immediately upon completion.
Steeply inclined and vertical layers of damp proofing felts must also be covered with a permanent
protective lining immediately after being completed in order to reduce the risk of being damaged.
Bolts of flanged pipes penetrating the damp-proof layers must be retightened before being covered up.
3.2 Damp Proofing of Walls Against Rising Moisture
Damp proofing of masonry walls against rising moisture shall be carried out with two layers of 500 g/m2
hituminized roofing felt. The felt layers shall neither be bonded to the bed nor to one another. Each layer
shall overlap by not less than 10cm.
33 Damp Proofing Against Lateral Moisture
Damp proofing of walls against lateral moisture shall be carried out with only one (I) prime coat and three
(3) top coats.
The first coat shall be a prime coat to be worked cold. The following top coatings shall only be applied
after the prime coat and each following coat has thoroughly dried.
The three (3) following coats shall be of bituminous solutions without fillers and shall be of the type to be
worked cold. The instructions of the manufacturers shall strictly be observed and the Contractor shall fully
guarantee the dampproofness of the coating.
3.4 Damp Proofing on Floors with Thennoplastic Sheeting
Damp proofing with thermoplastic sheeting shall be carried out with one layer of plastics sheeting. On
slightly inclined surfaces, the lengths shall be fixed with adhesives. The courses shall be laid with the joints
staggered. They shall overlap at least 5 cm.
The lengths shall be joined by solution welding. With solution welding, the over-lapping shall neither be
water-moist nor soiled with bitumen, adhesives, or other substances; if necessary it shall be shielded from
contamination with strips of paper. The edges of lengths which are uppermost at the overlap shall not to be
tapered or smoothed off. Unbacked 500 gIm2 bituminized felt shall be bonded to the sheet as a protective
layer. The hituminized felt shall be bonded to its bed over the entire surface by means of an adhesive
coating applied to its underside and to the bed. The upper face of the bituminized felt shall he given a top-
coating with the same adhesive. Not less than 1.0 kg of adhesive shall he applied per square meter for
bonding coats, not less than 1.5 kg per square meter for top coats.
3.5 Sealing Joints in the Protective Layers
Joints in the protective layers applied onto dampproofings of floors and slabs shall be raked out without
damaging the damp proofing and completely be filled with hot-flow bitumen sealing compound.
3.6 Connection of the Damp Proofing to Penetrations
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterpmofing - 9

The connecting elements (fixed flanges and loose flanges) shall be cleaned to remove st and dirt. The
points which are in contact with the damp proofing shall have a prime coat applied to them immediately
after cleaning.
Bonding shall not be carried out on top of fixed flanges. Loose flanges shall not be tightened until the
undercoat has dried thoroughly and contains no more solvent. The undercoat on fixed flanges shall be free
from moisture before bonding on top of it; if necessary. special steps shall be taken to dry the surface
shortly before coating.
In the region of fixed flanges, the damp proofing shall be reinforced by applying an additional layer of
unbacked felt extending at least 30 cm beyond the flange in all directions. In the region of the fixed flanges,
the individual layers shall meet the butt joints; the joints in the individual layers shall be staggered relative
to each other.
The damp proofing felt shall be clamped between the fixed flanges and the loose flanges,
3.7 Damp Proofing over Construction Joints
Damp proofing over structural joints shall be reinforced unless stated to the conuaq in the Specifications.
Damp proofing over suuctural joints intended to allow only for the contraction and creep or only the
expansion of suuctural members shall be reinforced by putting in cup-fluted copper strip 0.2 mm thick. The
copper strip shall be bonded.
Damp praati~g overstructural joints intendedonly to allow for differentid vertical m o af d j a h~k ~ g ~
suuctural members up to a settlement differential of 1 cm shall be carried out as above. If settlcment
differentials of more than 1 cm are to be allowed for, the damp proofing shall be carried out in such a
manner that the more stringent conditions involved are satisfied. Prior to execution of damp proofing
consuuction joints, the Contractor shall inform the Employer of the designed method to be applied for
Damp proofing over structural joints designed to allow for movements resulting from temperature changes,
vibration, torsion, etc., shall be carried out in such a way that both type and extent of the expected
movements will be satisfied without damaging effects on the damp proofing. The methods of satisfying
such conditions shall be approved by the Employer prior to execution.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing - 10


The lean concrete base shall be primed with a prime coat compatible to the succeeding PVC foil. Then, a
protective PVC foil shall be brought onto the primed base and the joints shall be glued to each other with
the hot air method. Minimum thickness of foil: 1.00 mm.
Then, a layer of insulation foil of 1.5 mm thickness shall be placed on the first foil and sealed at the joints.
A third layer of PVC foil as protective layer shall cover the insulation foil. The same sealing method shall
apply as previous. As soon as these procedures have been completed, a protective course of concrete shall
cover the insulation.
All insulation and protective foils shall have been laid out in abundant length beyond the building
foundation for the purpose of bending them up, when wall constructions have been built up. Then, the foil
shall be connected to the wall insulation of identical built-up. Above pressure water level, the foil shall be
fastened to the wall by dowels and wall of lime bricks shall protect the foils against mechanical damages
from the outside. The wall shall be filled with mortar at the rear to produce a continuous connection to the
The foils to be used shall meet the following minimum requirements:
- thickness: 1.0 mm for protective layer 1.5 mm for insulation
- UV-ray-resistant
- resistant against birunren
- be of flexible consistency
resistant against saline, sulphuric, carbonic and humic water
- resistant against alkaline
- gravity: min. 1.6 gIcm3
- tension: 450 NIcm2
- compression: 1.0 kNlcm2
- water absorption 0.1% by weight after 6 weeks at +20 degrees C
4.1 Tanking Against Pressure Water
Structures, basements or foundations reaching with their depth into the groundwater and being designed to
be waterproofed against pressure water shall be tanked to the outside in the following way:
A I0 cm concrete sub-base shall be laid with smooth and even surface true to line. Then three (3) layers of
bituminous felt shall be sealed to the sub-base. The bituminous felts of 500 g/m2 shall project beyond the
limits of the structure to be tanked for later connections to the vertical waterproof insulation.
Onto the 3 layers of bituminous felts a protection screed shall be placed and the structure below the water
table shall be constructed. Upon completion of the exterior walls three (3) layers of bituminous felts of 500
gIm2 shall be sealed to the wall up to an elevation of at least 30 cm above the highest possible ground water
The top end of the felts shall be fixed by galvanized steel ships one fastened to the sub-base by anchor
bolts and the other one being bolted to the bottom strip for holding the felts in position.
The vertical waterproof insulation shall then be protected against mechanical damages by raising a masonry
wall in front of the felts all round the structure. The gap between masonry and felt shall be filled with
The top of the masonry shall be protected by a concrete beam cast in-sib.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chaptcr08 Waterproofing - 1 I

4.2 Waterproofing on Basements (Tanking)

Where basement constructions reach below level of the water table 4 layers of bituminous felts shall be
Particular attention shall be paid to the fact that the retaining wall will be based on a sliding course to
enable the wall to be pressed against the final concrete wall of the main structure.
43 Protection of Concrete Placed Below Ground
Not less tban 5 cm of blinding concrete shall be placed as a base for all concrete to be placed below ground.
The surface of the blinding and the vertical surfaces of all concrete in contact with the ground or filling
shall receive a dense continuous and waterproof bituminous membrane not less than one millimeter in


5.1 General
All materials to be supplied and installed shall be in accordance with the applicable Standards
Selection of samples for testing material will be made by the Employer.
The Contractor shall prior to use of any type of sealing materials submit samples to the Employer for
approval with certificates from an independent authority or institute testifying the conformance of the
materials with the Standards and specified qualities of these Technical Specifications.
5.2 Leakage Test of Water Tanks
Besides dimensional and quality control of the water tank structures, a leakage test has to be performed
The time of the leakage test shall be 48 hours and the water level inside the tank shall not drop during this
Any unintentional drop of the water level shall be scrutinized, located and repaired at the Contractor's
account, including necessary discharging and refilling of the water tanks for re-testing.
Performance of the Leakage Test:
Prior to any testing, the water tanks shall be filled with water for at least one week. to permit water
absorption by the concrete.
During testing, all aeration openings shall be closed to minimize evaporation.
The water shall be filled to the designed maximum height and all valves of the incoming and outgoing
pipes shall be closed and sealed.
The following data shall be observed and recorded prior and after the test:
- the deviation of the water level from any fixed point.
- the temperature of the water and the air inside and outside the reservoir
The test can be considered as successful, if the drop of water level is less tban 5 mm
If this limit is exceeded, all pipes connected with the tank shall be closed by blind flanges or other methods
and the test shall be repeated.
If this retesting does not yield an acceptable result, the reason for the failure should be attributed to
suuchlral defects.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chaplcr 08 Waterproofing - 12

For water tanks for potable water, any sealing compound andlor coatings shall comply to drinking water
quality requirements, i.e., they shall not affect taste, odor, and color nor shall they be detrimental to health

6.1 General
All kinds of works, materials, services, equipment. safety measures, etc., as well as tests and samples if
requested by the Employer or which may or may not be specifically mentioned in the Contract Documents
and which may or may not be shown in the Drawings shall be included in the lump sum or respective unit
6.2 Requirements for the Works
The unit prices shall include among others:
- cleaning of base and surfaces
- provision of all scaffoldings
protection of executed works against damages and detrimental influences from environmental
conditions such as adverse mechanical attacks
averaging out, making up for minor lack of gradient or incorrect level of the base
- transportation of all materials and equipment to the place of installation
- provision of all equipment, devices, tools required for the preparation and performance of water
proofing works
- preparation of the base if surface is too rough for taking water-proof coating or membrane
- all extra works at comers, abutments. joints required for water-proofing the surfaces
diversion and draining of adverse water excess if conditions require.
Dagachhu HPP Scclion 6 - Employer's Rcquircmcnb 6.2 Technical Sprcificalionr
Chaprer 08 Wsrcrpmoling - 13


7.1 General
7.1.1 Scope
This part of the specification coven the waterproofmg for underground smctures by means of a continuous
waterproofmg membrane installed to the outside of the final concrete lining. It does not include provisions
for other elements such as water stops in concrete, sealing of joints etc.
Sections of the Hendrace Tunnel and Surge Tank, which are located above the ground water table shall be
furnished with a waterproofing membrane along the complete circumference or made w a t d g h t by other
means. In these sections only concrete inner lining, 'not shotcrete inner lining shall be installed. In case of
leakage, provision shall be made for all leakage to be repaired.
The purpose of the membrane watapmofing to underground structures is to prevent leakage of water into
the ground. Waterproofing shall be applied to crown, sidewalls and invert arch. The waterproofing
memhrane shall always be located between shotcrete support and final concrete lining.
The waterproohg system shall consist of two layers: the first shall consist of a protective felt fastened to
the shotcrete surface; the second layer shall be the actual waterproofing membrane properly fxed by
special means.
While the sealing function shall be provided by the membrane, the layer of felt is required to protect the
waterpmofing membrane against damage from contact with the shotcrete surface, to prevent interlocking
between concrete and shotcrete in case of differential movements of s h o t m e support and fmal lining, and
to provide a drainage layer allowing to drain off gmundwater into the longitudinal latml drainages.

7.1.7. Submission
Tbe following submissions shall be h h e d for approval in accordance with the conhact requirements:
Certificates of compliance attesting that the materials meet specification requirements.
Manufactum's instructions for installation of felt backing and waterpmofing membrane, including
procedures for preparation, fixing, welding and splicing, flashing etc.
Manufacturer's and installer's qualifications to include evidence of experience of the manufacturer and the
installers, as well as resume of lining installation supervisors.
Samples as listed hereunder:
Membrane: One square meter of each typc membrane.
Protective felt: One square meter of each type of felt.
Welded splice: 1 m of welded membrane splice for each trpe of membrane
Fixings and fittings: 10 samples from different lots of rondels and nails,
2 samples of sealing flanges for projections passing through the memhrane
Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval showing all necessary installation details for felt and
waterproofing mnnbrane, including installation sequence, position of joints, treament of projections,
connection to water stops, connection to waterproofing of structures in open cut, local reinforcements etc.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Rqukements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing - 14

The mechanical properties shall comply with the table below.

72.1.1 Required mechanical properties

Source: SpecificationDS 853. Annex 1110n. of the German Federal Railway DB

Determination o f the nominal thickness in compliance with DIN 53854
Determination of the nominal weieht in compliance with DIN 53855, pan 1
Determination of the maximum tensile force and the related elongation in compliance with DIN 538571pan 2
Fig. 8.1: Required Mechanical Properties for Protective Felts

7.22 Waterproofing membrane

The waterproofing membrane shall meet the requirements of the table below
The membrane shall be furnished with a signal layer, i.e., a thin sheeting in different color, bonded to one
side of the membrane, which is intended to facilitate the detection of damages.

7.22.1 Required mechanical properties

The tests for the evaluation of the required mechanical properties shall be done in compliance with DIN
16726 or equivalent standards.
The mechanical properties shall comply with the table shown in fig. 8.2.
' ,,
,4! .: "~ .

Dagaehhu HPP Section 6- Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 08 Waterproofing - 15

No. Description of material properties Required

1 Tensile strength, longitudinal and transverse N/mm2 2 10.0
2 Elongation at failure 90 2 300

3 general appearance No blisters

4 Dimensional stability, 70 < -3,O
long. and VanEVerSP
Variation of tensile %
Material characteristics during and strength, longitudinal
( after storage at 80°C I
a i d tran&erre I
elongation at failure,
longitudinal and
no fissures
temperature of -20
degrees C
8 Behavior at water pressure no leakage below
0.5 MPa
9 Behavior during perforation test no perforation at
750 mm height of
10 Behavior at folding at a temperature of -20 degrees C
no fissures
II Variation of tensile 90 <*I0
strength, longitudinal
and transverse

MBehavior after storage in acid andlor t elongation

Variation of 90

I I alkaline solutions
at failure.
longitudinal and

no fissures
temperature of -20
degrees C
14 Behavior of the seam weld no leakage at 0.05

15 Shear strength of splice with bitumen I N150 mm 2 I00
Source: Specification DS 853,020890.of ihc German Federal Railway DB

Fig. 8.2.: Required mechanical properties of membrane

7.23 Accessories
Fixing material, flashing, reinforcement for expansion joints, sealing flanges and preparation of corners and
intersections shall be made as recommended by the manufacturer of the membrane.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Warerprooting - 16

7.3 Execution of Work

7.3.1 Surface preparation

All surfaces to which waterproofing is to he applied shall be sufficiently clean, smooth and free from
deleterious materials and projections.
The following treatment of surfaces shall be performed prior to the installation of waterproofing:
For the fixing of the protective felt and the waterproofing membrane, a minimum shotcrete cover of 5 cm to
rock is required.
Irregularities of the shotcrete lining surface shall be eliminated by means of additional shotcrete. The ratio
of the diameter to depth of irregularities shall be not less than 5 1 . Roundings at bearing plate of rock bolts,
etc. shall have a min. radius ra of 0.3 m.
Transitions and intersections of tunnel profiles shall be rounded off with a minimum radius of 50 cm.
Protmding steel bars, wires, spacers, pipes, etc., shall be cut off unless treated with additional shotcrete
Exposed steel pans such as rock bolts, if not intended to remain accessible, shall be covered with shotcrete.
All shotcrete surfaces shall finally be smoothened with fine-graded shotcrete (rounded aggregates, grain
size 0-10 mm) and applied in a layer of 2 cm minimum thickness.

7.3.2 Application
Prior to the application of the waterproofing, all surfaces to which it shall be applied shall be inspected and
approved by the Employer.
The application shall follow the written instructions of the manufacturer. Generally procedures are the

73.3 Preparations
Special preparations will he required for waterproofing at tunnel intersections and for projections passing
through the membrane. They shall be carried out according to the manufacturer's recommendation.

7.3.4 Fixing of felt

The protective felt shall be attached to the shotcrete surface using suitable fixings specified by the
manufacturer. Depending on the location 2 to 4 nos. fixing elements shall he used per square meter. The
felt shall be laid with sufficient slack to avoid overstress during concreting. Adjacent sections of felt shall
be overlapped by I0 cm and joined by point welding or similar suitable method. Along the bottom of the
tunnel sidewalls the felt shall extend sufficiently to cover the lateral drainages as required.

7.3.5 Fixing of waterproofing membrane

The waterproofing membrane shall he installed to cover the felt and shall be attached to the felt fixings by
means of thermal welding. No perforation of the membrane shall be allowed for installation purposes. The
waterproofing membrane shall be laid with the signal layer towards the inside and with sufficient slack to
prevent overstressing during concreting. Adjacent sheets of waterproofing shall he joined by a double weld.
Along the bottom of the tunnel sidewalls the membrane shall extend sufficiently to cover the lateral
drainages as shown on the drawings. Connections to water stops and to the waterproofing of structures in
open cuts shall be carried out according to drawings to be furnished by the supplier.

7.3.6 Protective measures

., Every care shall be taken not to damage the waterproofing membrane during or after installation. Any
d shall be repaired and tested before the casting of the final concrete lining.

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7.4 Tests and Properties

7.4.1 Quality Assurance

Suitable products shall be supplied and installed, designed and manufactured specifically for application in
tunnels under conditions similar to those encountered on this project and having had acceptable
A manufacturer (or manufacturers) shall be selected, who is (are) regularly engaged in the production of
similar materials for tunnel structures and has demonstrated successful application on at least five recent
projects of comparable nature.
Manufacturer's representative shall be present at least during the first 15 working days of installation and
later as often as necessary.
All installation and testing under the direct supervision shall be executed of an individual with recent.
continuous, acceptable experience in the installation of tunnel membrane linings.
All personnel involved in lining installation and testing shall be provided with adequate training prior to
beginning lining work.
Installation records jointly signed by the Contractor's Responsible and the Employer's Representative with
all relevant data for all seam checks shall be issued and shall form pan of the submission to obtain approval
to proceed with the installation of the inner concrete lining, see also Clause 7.1.2 of this specification.

7.4.2 Testing of Seams Seam test with compressed air

For seams between adjacent sheets of waterproofing membrane the testing for tightness shall be carried out
by means of compressed air pumped into the test channel which is formed by the double welded joint.
Initial test pressure shall be 2 bar for a test period of 5 minutes or 1.5 bar for a test period of 10 minutes.
The joint shall be considered waterproof if the loss of air pressure is in both cases not more than 20 %.

7.4.22 Seam test with vacuum equipment

For the testing of areas of membrane of limited size such as special configurations of joints or local repairs
with patches, vacuum equipment may be employed. This consists of a vacuum bell, which, after being
fitted tightly over the area to be tested, is evacuated by pumping in order to detect leaks in the membrane.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing - 18

7.5 Auxiliary Work

7.5.1 General
All kinds of works, materials, services, equipment, safety measures, etc., as well as tests and samples if
requested by the Employer o r which may or may not be specifically menrioned in the specifications and
which may or may not he shown in the tender drawings shall be included in Works or in the relevant unit
rates of the Bill of Quantities.

7.5.2 Requirements for the works

The unit prices shall include among others:
- cleaning of hase and surfaces
- provision of all scaffoldings and gantries
- protection of executed works against damages and detrimental influences fmm envimnmental
conditions such as adverse mechanical attacks
- transportation of all materials and equipment to the place of installation
- provision of all equipment, devices, tools required for the preparation and performance of
waterproofing works
- preparation of the hase if surface is too rough for taking waterproof coating or membrane
- all extra works at comers, abutments, joints required for waterproofing the surfaces
- diversion and draining of adverse water and seepage if conditions require.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6- Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificalions
Chapter 08 Waterpmmfing - I9


8.1 Scope of Work
This part of the specification covers the surface lining for the reservoir next to the weir, if necessary in
addition to the grouting works at the weir. by means of a continuous watertight facing applied to the slope
of the reservoir next to the weir. It also refers to the execution and method required for connections caused
by concrete structures passing through the watertight lining and the dam structure. It does not include
provisions for other elements such as water stops in concrete, drainage layers, etc.
The unit prices shall include among others:
- preparation, cleaning and leveling of underground and surface where required
- provision of all tools, machinery, devices and equipment for the preparation and the placing of the
various surface layers. A detailed layout of site installation shall be submitted prior to start of
- protection of executed works against damages and detrimental influences from environmental
conditions such as adverse mechanical attacks
transportation of all materials and equipment to the place of installation
- all extra works at corners, abutments, joints to adjacent sheets, connections to concrete structures
required for water-proofing the reservoir surface
At the end of this item, a supplementary paragraph refers to variant solutions regarding asphaltic lining
8.2 Natural Sealing Material
The purpose of the relevant layers of the water-sided facing of the reservoir is to prevent leakage and loss
of water into the ground and into the dam embankment structure. The technical requirements shall he
according to Technical Specifications "Earth and Rockwork". Due to normal operation of the reservoir
(lowering and rising of the water level) no erosion of the inner lining layers shall be possible. The
compliance with acknowledged filter-rules has to be proved. The matching of grain sizes of the various
inner-lining layers has to be approved and grain size curves have to be developed.
The reservoir surface suucture shall consist of following layers from top.
- R i p Rap as protection layer against mechanical wear, consisting of hard rock blocks ranging from
diameter IOOmm to 1000mm. set in slopes and bottom, set into concrete (plumb concrete).
- Filter Gravel as top drainage layer, consisting of hard rock gravel ranging from diameter lOmm to
80mm, set in slopes and bottom of the reservoir, thickness of layer 200mm.
- Tightening Layer as the low permeable layer, consisting of soil ranging from diameter Omm to 60mm,
set in slopes and bottom of the reservoir, thickness of layer 1.0m on bottom. Min. required Permeability
factor (k) shall be 1 0 . mls.
~ In order to reach the required permeability factor the Contractor has to mix
material found appropriate by laboratory tests.
- Filter Gravel as bottom drainage layer, consisting of hard rock gravel ranging from diameter lOmm to
40rnm. set in slopes and bottom of the reservoir, thickness of layer 200mm.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 08 Waterproofing - 20

8.3 Concrete Lining

In particular, any solutions shall pay special attention to connections to concrete structures as well as to the
watertight implementation of adjacent foil sheets or strips.
Furthermore, any solutions shall comprise a comprehensive description of the work including specifications
and other technical data as well as a memorandum demonstrating in a concise form the advantages of the
variant solutions in comparison with the official Bid.
All kinds of works, materials, services, equipment, testing procedures, safety measures, etc., as well as tests
and samples if requested by the Employer or which may or may not be specifically mentioned in the
specifications shall be included in the relevant item rates.
Every connection to existing concrete structures passing through the asphaltic lining and concrete lining
shall he carried out with special care and shall be supervised by the Employer permanently. Prior to the
final connection, the required preparatory work shall be inspected and approved by the Employer.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technic:ll Specifications
Chapter 09 Steel Lining

Section 6 Employer's Requirements


Chapter 09

rU376Wrhhu hid davnrmdlnr I civil WrksUol I m l v m CWi l - m l o n 6rrqU Zrrrhnirrl rp;ri~ianons~rhspai

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 09 Steel Lining .ii .


Section 6.2 Technical Specifications



1 STEEL LINERS ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 General................................................................................................................................ I
1.1.1 Scope of Work ...................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Documentation ................................................................................................... 1
1.1.3 Calculations ..........................................................................................................
1.2 Materials and Equipment.................................................................................................. 3
1.2.1 General ................................................................................................................. 3
1.2.2 Plates ....................................................................................................................3
1.2.3 Stiffener Rings. Seepage Collars. Stiffeners. Thrust Collars and
Structural Accessories ........................ .
1.2.4 Welding Electrodes ....................................3
1.2.5 Source................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Execution of Work ............................................................................................................... 4
. .
1.3.1 Fabncatlon............................................................................................................ 4
1.3.2 Site Preparatio 6
1.3.3 Delivery ................................................................................................................ 6
1.3.4 Installation ............................................................................................................7
1.4 Tests of Materials ................................................................................................................ 8
1.4.1 General ........................................................ 8
1.4.2 Test Requirements................................................................................................ 9
1.4.3 Test Reports .........................
........................................................................... 9
1.5 Auxiliary Works 10
1.5.1 General ............................................................................................................... 10
Aux~l~ary Works .................................................................................................10
....................................................................................................... 11
Scope of work .......................... .......................................................................... 11

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specitications
Chapter 09 Steel Lining - iii -

. .
1.6.3 Palnting systems .............................................................................................. I1
1.6.4 Surface preparation .........................................................................13
. .
Execution of palnting .......................... .
.................................................. 13
1.6.6 Quality control .............................................................................................. 14
1.7 Measurement and Payment ........................................................................ 15

I i3356Uapchhu bid W n m n ~ o Il worX1Uot I r o l u m i#ionns - r t n n n 6 q ! b 21mhncal rptt~ficsrbns~hopccrUq~rrl

Dagchhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Rcquire~nents 6.2 ~cchnicalSpecifica1ion.c
Chapter IM Steel Lining I -


1.1 General
In the following Chapter the principle features of the steel lining are specified. All paas associated with the
pipeline, which are not specifically described, but essential for the complete plant, installation, operation
and maintenance including all lubrications, mounting and dismantling devices and spare parts shall be
deemed to be included in the relevant unit rates.
The Civil Works Cotltractor shall coardinate his design and all interrelated matters with the mechanical
and elecmcal equipment.
Water Level at Desilter: 841.OO m above sea level
Max.Operation Water Level (max. upsurge in the surge rank): 849.80 m asl.
Water Hammer. 15% of maximal Head
Turbine nmner centre line: 537.00 m as].
Inner diameter: 2200 - 4500 mm
Corrosion provision: 1 mm shall be added to the thickness of steel liming according to statics calculations.

1.1.1 Scope of Work

Steel lining and auxiliary works shall be executed in the following areas of the project:
- Connection bend from the Headrace Tunnel to the Pressure Shaft (reduction in internal diameter
from 4500 mm to 3400 mm)
- Steel Lining Section at access to HRT (intwal diameter 4500 mm)
- Connection from the Surge Tank to the bend above the Pressure Shaft (internal diameter 4100 mm)
- Pressure shaft (internal diameter 3400 mm)
- Bend at the base of the Pressure Shaft
- Pressure Tunnel (internal diameter 3400 mm)
- Bifurcator Chamber
- Bifurcator Tunnel 1 (internal diameter 2200 mm)
- Bifurcator Tmnel2 (internal diametm2200 mm)
The scope of steel lining and auxiliary works shall be as listed below.
- Design, detailing, fabrication, factory inspcction and resting, delivery, installation. including
seepage collm, t h s t collars, stiffener rings, bifurcations with stiffeners, access manholes, drain
pipe connections, fill-line connection, grout boles with reinforcing plates and plugs and corrosion
protection. All materials and welding shall be tested as specified herein
- Design, detailing, fabrication, delivery, and installation of all erection supports, bracing, tie-downs
and temporary connections necessary for assembling, bracing, supporting, and holding liner
sections during traosporting, installing, welding, testing, and concreting, including the furnishing
of all necessary welding electrodes.
In addition to the above, all the steel lining mrki (supply and installation) hthe Weir to the Tailrace
Outlet is withi the scope of the Civil Works Contractor. Only tbe supply and installation of pressure pipe
from the bifurcator to the ball valves shall be done by the E&M Contrnctor.

1.13 Documentation
Documentation required and to be submitted to the Employer for approval relating to steel lining and
auxiliary works includes:
All statics calculations and verifications of operational strength;
A11 installation I fabrication, detailed and factory drawings, lists
Dagachhu HPP Section 6-Employds Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chaptcr 09 Steel Lining - 2 -

The documents are to be delivered to the Employer in the desired quantity, form and format

All necessaq calculations relating to steel lining should be canied out by the Contractor before fabrication
to ensure smooth progress. All calculations and dimensioning shall be checked by the Employer.
Calculations shall be delivered to the Employer so that checking of calculations by the Employer will not
impose on deadlmes for fabrication. All calculations shall be according to approved standards and delivered
to Employer in paper and elecfzonic formats.
Methods for calculations and assumptions shall be agreed with the Employer.
Calculations by the Contractor for the design of any structure shall be prefaced by a statement explaining
the principles of design and the type of analysis adopted. The statement shall also indicate the codes of
practice and specifications upon which the design is based.
The smctural calculations to be submitted shall contain at least the following details:
- Loads and horizontal thrust on which the calculation is based
- Dead weight
- Type of material of the main smcttual parts and means of jointing
- Measurements and cross-sections of all essential structural elements
- Maximum stresses as well as maximum pressures on supports and moments of all individual
structural elements and of their joints
- Evidence of stability
- Deflection of the main supporting structures.
Seismic loadings shall be assumed to result from a basic ground acceleration of not less than 0.06 g.
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Chapter 09 Steel Lining - 3 -

12 Materials and Equipment

12.1 General
All materials shall be new, of high quality, free of defects or imperfections and shall comply with the
specified grades and standards. The minimum steel class to be used for all steel shall be P355N according
to EN 10028-3 (Euro-Norm, European Standard) or equivalent as approved by the Employer.
The maximum allowable stress in steel components shall be 213 NIIMI*(0.6 *yield strength).

1.22 Plates
Steel plates for use as steel lining in the areas specified in the scope of work shall conform to the following
- EN 10025: Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels; technical delivery conditions;
- EN 10029: Hot rolled steel plates, 3 mm thick or above, tolerances on dimensions, shape and mass;
- EN 10207: Steels for simple pressure vessels; technical delivery requirements for plates, strips and

1.23 Stiffener Rings, Seepage Collars. Stiffeners, Thrust Collars and Structural Accessories
All stiffener rings, seepage collars, stiffeners, thrust collars, and suuctural accessories permanently welded
to the steel linings shall match the steel grade of the steel plates that they are welded to.
All temporary accessories such as internal bracing, tiedown rods, erection suppotts, etc. shall conform to
ASTM-A36, "Specification for Smctural Steel.", or equivalent standards.
All cover plates for grout holes shall be made of stainless steel conforming to EN 10088-2: Stainless steels
- Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for sheet plate and strip for general purposes, or equivalent

1.2.4 Welding Electrodes

Welding electrodes shall conform to I S 0 15607:2003: Specification and qualification of welding
procedures for metallic materials - General rules. The electrodes shall be low hydrogen and suitable for the
current characteristics, materials, and welding position. The quality of the weld metal in the submerged arc
process shall be equivalent to that obtained with the electrodes specified above.

1.2.5 Source
All steel plates shall be furnished from one mill
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Chapter 09 Steel Lining - 4 -

13 Execution of Work

1.3.1 Fabrication General
Fabrication, assembly, and erection shall be in accordance with these specifications and the applicable
requirements of:
EN 13445-1:2002+A3:2007: 'Unfired pressure vessels. General', or equivalent standards
EN 1344511:2W2+A2:2006: 'Unfired pressure vessels. Fabrication' or equivalent standards
ICE Recommendations, valid at the time of execution of the works
Before completion of fabrication andlor installation, tests to he carried out as well as samples shall be
agreed upon by the Contractor and Employer.
Upon completion of fabrication, the work is to be documented, with documents detailing all adopted
manuals, inspection certificates, lining segment identification etc.
The Contractor shall be liable for all damages, caused by breach of approved standards and ICE
recommendations at his fault. Cutting and Bending

All plates shall be cut to the size and shape in accordance with the provisions of the ASME Code except
that plates 13 mm or more in thickness shall not be cut by shearing. All plates shall be cut accurately to the
dimensions required. with allowance provided for weld shrinkage. All edges shall show sound metal free
from lamination, surface cracks, and other injurious defects. Segments of cylindrical and conical sections
may be rolled or bent by any process that does not impair the strength of the plates and by which the
curvature continues to the edges of the plate. Prepared edges shall be protected from rust with an
appropriate thick film rust preventive compound.

1.3.13 Welding

13.13.1 General
All welding shall meet the specifications of I S 0 15607:2003: 'Specification and qualification of welding
procedures for metallic materials - General rules', and of EN101 1-2 or equivalent standards. The welding
processes are restricted to the shielded metal arc (SMAW) and submerged arc (SAW) processes. All welds
shall be continuous welds.
Before commencement of fabrication, the procedure shall be tested, (i.e. welding of samples including
choice of electrodes, welding powder and welding method) and approved by the Employer.

1.3132 Qualifications of Welders and Welding Operators

Welders and welding operators shall be qualified in accordance with the applicable provisions of EN 287-1,
EN 1418 and EN 729 or equivalent standards.
The Contractor shall provide certificates for all welders and welding operators for inspection. Only suitably
qualified welders and welding operators may be assigned, who have been named before work has
commenced. The employer shall have the right to check and observed the work of any welder at any point
and at any time. Welding Procedures

all be carried out in accordance with EN I S 0 15609-1:2004: 'Specification and
procedures for metallic materials. Welding procedure specification. Arc welding'.
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Chapter 09 Steel Lining - 5 -

All procedure qualification tests must be performed on plate samples of steel to be actually used under
these specifications. Welding procedure qualification records (PQR) shall be maintained.
Assessment of quality levels for imperfections shall be as according to EN IS0 5817:2007: 'Welding.
Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded). Quality levels for
The welders and welding operators shall initial the steel lining in colour by each hand-welded seam they
carry out.
The wansition between plate and weld shall he smooth and without notches and therefore easily testable
Depending on lining thickness and material quality, welding should be carried out pre-heated as approved
by the Employer.

13.13.4 Material for Qualification Tests

All performance and procedure qualification tests shall be performed on plate samples of steel to be
actually used.

11.4 Shop Assembly

Prior to welding, all bends, reducers, and bifurcations shall be shop assembled to insure fabrication for
proper fit. For the ease of transpon and setup of the lining. as few makeshift mountings as possible shall he
welded to the lining.

13.1.5 Tolerances
If large faults in the steel plates are discovered during fabrication (e.g., doubling up, large variability in the
thickness), the respective steel plates are to be cut out and be replaced by non-faulty plates.
The following tolerances shall be kept for the fabrication:
a) The cylindrical and conical sections shall be sufficiently true to round so that the difference
between maximum and minimum diameters, with temporary bracing in place and measured inside
and outside, at any cross section along the length, shall not exceed 0.25% of the theoretical
diameter for the section.
b) After m n g e m e n t pre-welding, the edges of circular weld seams shall at no point be offset greater
than 1 mm (or 5 % of the wall thickness if wall thickness is greater than 20 mm).
c) Any point on the ends of a cylindrical section shall be within a tolerance of 5 3 mm with respect to
a plane normal to the longitudinal axis of a section.
d) The flattening of the longitudinal seam shall not exceed 2 mm. A gauge of 500 mm chord length
shall be used for measurement.
e) The innerdiameters or the lining cross sections (measured in various directions) shall not exceed
0.5% of the theoretical inner-diameters.
f) The maximal deviation of the roundness, measured with a .,SO0 Montel- Template" shall be 5 mm.
This deviation of roundness shall be considered in the structural analysis for external pressure
(placement of concrete, water in mountain).
g) The misalignment of the longitudinal welded seam shall not exceed 1.0 mm. For measurement, a
gauge of 300 mm chord length shall be used.
h) Angles of bends shall he within a tolerance of plus or minus 5 minutes of angle.
The tolerances listed are exclusive of any allowance provided for shrinkage or distonion to compensate for
effects of welding.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 09 Steel Lining - 6 - Erection Provisions

Attachment to shell of brackets, clip angles, eyebolts, etc., will be permitted for use in handling for
shipping, provided that such attachments do not impair the strength of the steel linen. All bracings,
supports, anchorages, and any yokes, jigs, or fixtures that may be required for accurately holding, setting.
adjusting, and aligning individual sections during transporting, installing, testing, or concreting shall be
designed, furnished, and attached to the conduit plates where practical. All supports required during
concrete placement shall be designed without ties to forms or reinforcing steel. Internal Bracing

Internal bracing shall be designed to maintain circular shape of the sections and to resist the external
pressure resulting from placement of concrete to the elevations required. The bracing shall remain in place
a minimum of 14 days for steel liner sections and 28 days for bifurcation sections following placement of
concrete to the maximum elevation indicated in the vicinity of the bracings. Following this period, the
bracing shall be removed, and all paint surfaces under bracing attachment welds shall be inspected repaired
and painted.

1.3.2 Site Preparation

A suitable surface in an appropriate location shall be chosen for the assembly and welding of fabricated
steel lining segments. Temporary storage of oon-assembled and assembled fabricated steel lining segments
shall also be un this surface.
If necessary, ventilation of the surface shall be provided by the Contractor for the removal of gases
produced by welding.
The Contractor shall produce installation plans for the planned surface, which will be approved by the
Employer. Plans shall include provision of electricity, types of socket, number of sockets and all other
necessary connections and services.

1.3.3 Delivery
Each lining segment to be delivered should be numbered according to the installation plan, with flow
direction and material quality also given. These should be engraved onto the pieces and painted on in
colour. In addition, the association of each lining piece to its respective lining and installation position, the
material quality and thickness should be detailed in a list. The Employer shall be allowed to request the
sanding off of the engravings.
Pans shall not be painted before delivery. The worked surfaces should however have a coating to protect
against rust which can be washed off.
Steel lining segments should be lifted by a mobile crane
The cost and risk of the haulage of the parts to be delivered shall be borne by the ConWactor. The
Contractor is also responsible for the realization and supervision of the transport, as well as the transport of
assembly plant to and from the assembly site.
Transportation insurance shall be borne by the Contractor and shall be included in the item rates.

1.33.1 Loading, Reloading, Unloading

The Contractor shall be responsible and bear the costs for all loading activities, including the provision of
all cranes for loading, reloading and unloading.

1.33.2 Dispatch documents

The Contractor shall send the dispatch documents to the Employer before arrival of the parts. A reputable
Dagachhu HPP Section 6Ernployer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 09 Steel Lining - 7 -

13.4 Installation
All sections or can assemblies of the penstocks, steel liners and bifurcations shall be individually assembled
and held together by temporary fastenings and bracing. Tack welds shall be subject to the same quality
requirements as the final welds. When assembled and ready for welding, the adjoining can assemblies or
sections shall be rigidly held with end spacing as required for hill penetration welds. Dimensions and
tolerances will be checked prior to final welding.

13.4.1 Bedding Concrete and Grouting

The steel lining will be fitted in sections and each section to be filled with concreted shall be filled in
multiple stages. The steel lining shall be sufficiently braced by the Contractor, shored up to prevent lifting
and fixed.
After completion of all steel linina- in the immersed tunnel. the remaining- space . between the bedding-
concrete and the rock support will be filled using grouting tubes placed in the tunnel section. Two injection
fittings (nipples) in the tunnel roof between 11:OO and 12:00 shall be used per. concreting section.
The grouting pressure shall be fixed at 3 bars. The respective buckling safety factor of I .5 shall at least be
To ensure the impermeability of each injection nipple, a skilled worker sball be assigned by the Contractor
for the steel lining of the immersed tunnel. He or she shall mark, label and subsequently pack each removed
sealing plug af the tespective injection nipple, so that they ase ptatected from dirt and damage.
After injection of the remaining space, the injection nipples shall be diligently cleaned by the Contractor.
The assigned plug shall be used to close and secure the lining. The impermeability shall be checked by the
Bracing preventing uplift shall not be directly welded to the lining sections. For areas where supports are to
be used, backing steel plates shall be used for welding onto the steel lining.
The time required for placing of the bedding concrete for the steel lining shall be accounted for in the
construction plan of the Contractor.
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Chapter 09 Steel Lining - 8 -

1.4 Tests of Materials

1.4.1 General
All material and welding tests, measurements, dimension control, etc., including the supply of all necessary
equipment shall be carried out by the Contractor on his own costs, responsibilities and risk.
The Employer shall entrust on his own costs an independent authorized Inspecting Authority for the
supervision of steel plate approval, welded joints testing, the competent execution of the fabrication and
installation as well as dimensional control.
By these means. the Employer and Contractor shall reach agreement for the extent of the quality control.
Individual inspections shall be carried out by the Inspecting Authority, should the personal not he present.
Materials, pans, and assemblies thereof entering into the work shall be tested according to the best
generally accepted method for this type of work. Where it is desired to use stock material not manufactured
specifically for the equipment furnished, evidence that such material conforms to the requirements stated
herein shall be obtained, in which case tests on these materials may be waived. Certified mill test reports
may be acceptable.
All testing must be carried out by testing personnel, who are qualified in accordance with EN 473 (or
equivalent). Examination certificates for the respective testing must be able to be provided to the
Employer, Inspecting Authority or on the construction site at any time.
The Employer andor their Inspecting Authority shall at any time have the right (after giving due notice) to
be present during fabrication and testing. Using all samples and controls, protocols shall be drawn up,
which are to be signed off by the Employer andlor their Inspecting Authority.
The Employer andor their Inspecting Authority shall be entitled to request extra tests to be carried out at
the expense of the Contractor.
In connection to each quality inspection that the Contractor undertakes in his factory, workshops of his
suppliers, or on the construction site, inspection protocols andor certificates shall be provided to the
Employer in the format and quantity the Employer wishes.
An inspection sheet concerning installation shall be provided for each lining segment, with the form and
contents of the sheet agreed upon with the Inspecting Authority.
The following services can be requested as part of inspections:
a) The lining segment number (as shown on the installation plans);
b) The measured circumference of both ends of the segment, measured length of the segment and
results of the tolerance inspection;
c) The quantity of plates used, the associated fusion and material quality;
d) Examination and finalization of welding procedure
e) Inspection of welding material and electrodes to be used
f ) Check or qualifying tests and approval of welders;
g) Supervision and examination of welds;
h) The results of ultrasonic and fissure testing;
i) The measured wall thickness;
j) Measurement of corrosion coat thickness;
k) Attendance at hydraulic tests;
I) Check of special tests in the event those performed by the supplier are judged to be unsuitable
If testing of a delivered item shows that it is defective or contrary to contract specifications, the Contractor
shall rectify any defects without delay and redress the contractual condition of the delivered item. Testing
for the participation of
Inspecting Authority shall be borne by the Contractor.
Dagachhu HPP Senion 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 09 Steel Lining - 9 -

Invitation for inspections shall be made with sufficient time for the Employer to have the opportunity to
plan the inspections and so that no delay to the schedule arises. This also applies to the sample of test and
procedural certification and all decisions, which require the agreement of the Employer.
For inspections outside of Europe, the costs of travel and the resulting travelling time of the Employer
personnel and the personnel employed by the Employer for inspections are to be borne by the Contractor.

1.4.2 Test Requirements

Steel plates shall be tested for their Charpy V-Notch Impact Strengths at -20°C as according to EN 10025,
Part 2 or equivalent standards.
Steel plates shall also be Tension tested according to EN 1002 or equivalent standards.
All plates shall be ultrasonically examined in accordance with requirements of EN 10160 or equivalent

1.43 Test Reports

Certified copies of test reports shall be obtained prior to incorporating the material in the work. The reports
shall identify the component for which the material is to be used and shall he in such form as to enable
determining compliance with the applicable specifications.
.. 0 G
Dagachhu HPP Scclion 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 09 Stecl Lining - 10 -

1.5 Auxiliary Works

1.5.1 General
Unless otherwise specified, all and any kind of works. materials, equipment, services, safety measures, etc.,
as well as and if so requested by the Employer, all tests and samples required for the completion of the
work shall be included in the unit prices.

1.5.2 Auxiliary Works

Further to the above, auxiliary works to be included in the unit rates of the bill items in the Bills of
Quantities for steel lining shall comprise, among others, the following works and commitments:
- Establishment of structural analysis, shop drawings and all details for the designed steel lining or any
- Supply and manufacturing of the structural elements and members;
- Transportation from manufacturing plant to Site including packing, handling, off-loading, adequate
storing and protection against damage and spoiling;
- Shop coating of the structural members against corrosion;
- All erection equipment for assembling the steel structure;
All connecting components, such as bolts, rivets, nuts, washers, shims, welding rods, etc., required
for completing the job;
- All drilling, welding, wedging, plumbing, levelling, alignment etc., required for completing the job:
- Training of welders, if required;
- Provision of all instruments, gauges and other appliances for inspection and testing of the structures
by the Employer or any assigned authority including all ancillary access supports.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 09 Steel Lining - I I

1.6 Corrosion Protection

The information in this Sub-chapter specifically concerning the corrosion protection of steel lining is to be
considered as extra information to that given in Chapter 12, Painting. For corrosion protection, Chapter 12
also applies.

1.6.1 Scope of work

The works shall cover the procurement of all materials and the preparation and application of the painting
and other protective coats as specified: all costs shall be included in the relevant item rates.

1.6.2 Painting materials

The Contractor shall provide a complete and reliable coating system. Coating materials shall be standard
products of a paint manufacturer with proven experience in the field of corrosion protection of penstocks
and steel lining.
The Contractor shall submit full details of the preparation, materials, methods and sequences he proposes to
use to comply with the requirements for the protection of the structures, machinery and equipment for the
Employer's approval.
With regard to materials, the Contractor shall submit full details including the source of the basic raw
materials, volatile matter content, nature of solvent, number of components, type of coat, coverage, time
interval between application and number of coats, compatibility of each coat with the previous coat, toxic
properties, physical properties, shelf life, resistance against chemical attack and abrasion, resistance against
ozone and UV-radiation, compatibility with drinking water standards, etc.
The Contractor shall describe in detail the treatment he proposes to apply in order to give adequate
protection during transport, Site storage, building and concreting and subsequent erection.
The different coats of primer and subsequent coats shall be each of different colours
The Contractor shall submit to the Employer for approval an overall colour scheme in accordance with the
"Colour Code" for the finished surfaces of all equipment. All final coats shall be in the colours approved by
the Employer. 00 request of the Employer, painting samples for the different coats and colours shall he
All pigment, paints and primers shall be delivered to the Site in sealed containers packed by the
manufacturer. The manufacturer's instmctions for storage, preparation and application of all painting and
protective coats shall be strictly observed.

1.63 Painting systems

The table below "Painting Schedules", indicates painting materials considered suitable for the various parts
of the mechanical equipment. The Bidder shall state in his offer the manufacturer and identification of the
product, which he proposes as an equivalent.
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Chapter 09 Steel Lining - I2 -






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Chapter W Steel Lining - 13 -

1.6.4 Surface preparation

The term "preparation", as used hereafter, includes any cleaning, smoothing or similar operations that shall
he required to ensure that the material to he painted attains a suitable condition.
To be ready for painting, a surface should he clean. dry and sound. The surface to be coated shall he free
from any deleterious material liable to impair good paint adhesion or attack the coat.
For removing rust and mill scale on structural steel, piping and other steel surfaces, those parts suitable for
sandblasting shall be sandblasted to a grade specified or required in accordance with SIS 05.59.00 (Swedish
Standards Institute), the American's SSPC-SP standard, or equivalent standards. This applies particularly to
parts which will he in contact with water, exposed to heavy condensation and humidity or subjected to high
For health reasons, sandblasting with quartz sand is not permitted.
All pans of the equipment shall be sandblasted at the shop unless otherwise specified or approved by the
Employer. The sandblasted surfaces shall receive a shop coat with a quick-drying highly pigmented 2-pack
zinc-rich primer, unless otherwise specified.
Pans that cannot be sandblasted shall he cleaned of rust by power tool cleaning to the highest degree
Hand or power tool cleaned paRs of minor importance and not exposed to water or humidity may be coated
with a quickdrying rustproof primer formulated on a combination of synthetic resins (ready-mixed paint).

1.65 Execution of painting

The Contractor shall supply full details regarding the extent to which the sandblasting and subsequent
painting shall he performed in his workshop. on the Site or in-situ after installation. A properly equipped
paint shop shall be set up at the Site with a crew of specialists experienced and skilled in the preparation
and application of protective coatings, to deal with all site-protective treatment.
Unless otherwise specified painting shall he executed in accordance with DIN 55928 "Protective Coatings
for Steel Structures" or any other equivalent standard approved by the Employer.
Painting operations shall only he made in dry weather condition and shall be interrupted in case of
condensation. Painting shall not be camed out at temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius or at temperatures
(air or surface) ahove 50 degrees Celsius and humidity levels ahove 90%. During the entire erection period
the Contractor shall make available two sets of thermometers and humidity gauges.
Painting works shall only proceed when the prevailing temperature is 3 degrees Celsius minimum ahove
dew point.
Each coat shall be free from pores, runs, pinholes, and sags. Each coat shall he allowed to dry or to harden
before the succeeding coat is applied. Where pore-free coats are specified, it shall be compulsory for the
Conrractor to prove this quality with adequate instruments.
Care shall he taken to maintain full paint thickness at all comers and edges and special attention shall be
paid to the application of protective coatings over welds, miterjoints, etc.
The first coat shall be applied (manual application by brush) immediately after sandblasting and shall he
finished within six (6) hours to avoid new corrosion.
Shop coats shall be checked for good quality and, where necessary, before proceeding with the painting or
coating operations at the Site, the Contractor shall clean and repair all shop coats which are defective or
Oil and grease shall he removed before mechanical cleaning is started. Clean cloths and clean fluids shall
he used to avoid leaving a film of greasy residue on the surfaces being cleaned. Any required wash
-ireatmen1 shall be camed out in accordance with the manufacturer's painting instructions.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 09 Steel Lining - 14 -

The Contractor shall consider that damage to paint work during storage and erection is practically
unavoidable and the application of all protective treatment should be programmed accordingly. Care must
be taken to remove salt crystals deposited during sea transport andlor storage at a seapon, by thorough
washing with clean fresh water. It is essential that before any coat of paint is applied, the surface shall be
prepared as described above so that it is clean and free from all deleterious matter and completely dry.
Temporary or permanent welding shall not be permitted on areas where the welding will damage paint or
other protective coatings, unless the areas of coatings, which would be damaged thereby, are accessible for
repairing and inspection. Material which has been painted shall be handled with care and protected as
necessary to preserve the coating in good condition.

1.6.6 Quality control

The first and each successive coat shall not be applied without inspection and approval by the Employer.
The minimum dry-film thickness prescribed in these Specifications shall be observed. Of each 100 m2, an
area of 10 mz will be measured for dry-film thickness. No measured thickness shall be less than the
specified thickness. Where the minimum thickness is not achieved, the coat shall be repaired to reach the
specified minimum dry-film thickness.
The dry-film thickness shall be measured by approved gauges: the cost of two new electronic gauges shall
be included in the Works for use of the Employer.
For checks on porosity, the Convactor shall furnish a D.C. variable high-tension test instrument with built-
in pore counter. The test voltage shall not exceed 20M) V. The tests shall not be performed within 0.5 m
distance from uncovered, corrosion resistance surfaces.
Upon completion of each coat, the painter shall make a detailed inspection of the painting finish and shall
remove from adjoining work all spattering of paint material. He shall make good all damage that can be
caused by such cleaning operations.
A detailed inspection of all painting work shall likewise be made and all abraded, stained, or otherwise
disfigured portions shall be touched up satisfactorily or refinished as required to produce a first-class job
throughout and to leave the entire work in a clean and acceptable condition.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificalions
Chapter 09 Steel Lining - 15 -

1.7 Measurement and Payment

Steel lining shall be measured by the theoretical length of steel linings in linear metres along the axis of the
profiles, shown in the drawings of the Contractor.
Payment of steel lining sections shall be made at the unit prices stipulated in the Bill of Quantities. Figure
9.1 below shows which underground works (and therefore unit prices) contain steel lining sections.
Pressure Shaft steel lining includes the lining from the end of the Headrace Tunnel, both bends and the
connection from the Surge Shaft. Pressure Tunnel steel lining includes the lining between the end of the
lower curve and the start of the Bifurcator Chamber.
Steel lining in the Bifurcator Chamber and Bifurcator Tunnels is scope of works of Lot 2 E&M Equipment.
Payment of steel lining sections shall be made only when the steel lining sections satisfy the test criteria
stated in the 'Tests and Properties' Sub-chapter of this Chapter. Should a steel lining section not meet the
requirements of the tests carried out, the cost of replacing the section shall be borne by the Contractor.
Payment shall include the design, manufacture, factory inspection and testing, delivery, installation
(including all welding works, required plant and works associated with welding), field testing and
The embedding of the steel lining sections in concrete shall be remunerated as detailed in the Bill of
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 09 Steel Lining - 16 -

Figure 9.1: Sections of steel lining for payment


Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements

6.2 Technical Spcificatims
Chapter 10 Drilling & Grouting


Part I1 Requirements
Section 6 Employer's Requirements


' Chapter 10
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter LO Drilling & Grouting ii .

Lot 1 Civil Works. Volume I1
Section 6.2 Technical Specifications

Chapter 10

1 GENERAL......................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Scope of Work ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Installation of Equipment....................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Sampling ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Water Pressure Tests .............................................................................................................. 6
1.5 Equipment .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.6 Material ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.7 Standards................................................................................................................................ 6
1.8 Plans and Program of Works.................................................................................................. 6
2 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT ......................................................................... . .7

2.1 Drilling Equipment ................................................................................................................ 7

2.1.1 General...................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 Requirements for drilling equipment ........................................................................ 7
2.1.3 Double-core barrels .................................................................................................. 8
2.1.4 Flushing of drill holes ............................................................................................... 8
2.2 Grouting Equipment............................................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 General...................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Pumps ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Mixers ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.4 Packers.................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.5 Pressure and rate gauges ......................................................................................... 10
2.3 Material Requirements..................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 General.................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.2 Cement.................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 Special cement ........................................................................................................ 11
2.3.4 Cement storage ....................................................................................................... 11
2.3.5 Sand ........................................................................................................................ 11
2.3.6 Bentonite................................................................................................................. 12
2.3.7 Additives................................................................................................................. 12
2.3.8 Water ...................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.9 Selection of materials ............................................................................................. 12
3 EXECUTION OF WORK ................................................................................. .1 2
3.1 Type of Works ..................................................................................................................... 12
Grouting Program ........................................................................... :.................................. 13

t2". '""'"'~bmm1'6-IYim?dw iE--.oblY'. w p ,i9.

Dagachhu HPP Section 6 .Employs's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapta 10 Drilling& Grouting .iii

3.3 Requirement for Drilliig ...................................................................................................... 13

3.4 Drilling Grout. Test. Exploratory and Instrumentation Holes ............................................. 13
3.4.1 General 13
3.4.2 D n h g operations ..................................................................................................13
3.4.3 Accuracy of drill hole angle ................................................................................... 13
3.4.4 Casings.................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.5 Additives................................................................................................................. 14
3.4.6 Flushing of boreboles ............................................................................................. 14
3.4.7 Borehole arrangements........................................................................................ 14
3.5 Drilling for Grouting............................................................................................................ 14
3.5.1 General................................................................................................................... 14
3.5.2 Method of drilling................................................................................................... 14
3.6 Core Dnllmgs ....................................................................................................................... 15
3.7 Records................................................................................................................................. 15
3.7.1 Drilling.................................................................................................................... 15
3.72 Logging of cores .....................................................................................................16
3.8 Drilling Drainage Holes ...................................................................................................... 16
3.9 Pipes, Fittings and Outlets for Grouting .............................................................................. 16
3.9.1 General.................................................................................................................... 16
3.92 Tunnel plug grout system ....................................................................................... 16
3.9.3 Materials ................................................................................................................. 17
3.10Gmting of Rock ................................................................................................................. 17
3.1 1Surface Grouting for Excavation ......................................................................................... 17
3.12Low Pressure Contact Grouting........................................................................................... 17
3.13Grouting of Steel Lmngs ..................................................................................................... 18
3.14Consolidation Grouting........................................................................................................ 19
3.1 5 Curtain Grouting .................................................................................................................. 20
3.16Gronting Curtain around Diversion-Tunnel........................................................................ 21
3.17Grouting Pressure................................................................................................................. 22
3.18Clean up after Grouting........................................................................................................ 22
3.19Records of Gruuting Work ................................................................................................... 23
4 TESTS AND PROPERTIES -., ........................................................................ 23
4.1 Laboratory and tests ............................................................................................................. 23
42 Type of Tests to be Performed on Site................................................................................. 23
4.3 Other Test Requirements ......"............................................................................................. 23
4.4 Testing of Holes ................................................................................................................... 23
4.4.1 Water pressure test .................................................................................................. 23
4.4.2 Further testing ......................................................................................................... 24
4.4.3 Materials for pressure grouting............................................................................... 24
5 AUXILIARY WORKS ...........................
....- ........................................................................25
6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT .......................................................................... 25
6.1 General ............................................................................................................................... 25
6.2 Measurement and Payment for Drilling and Grouting......................................................... 26
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requimentr ' 6 2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 10 Drilling & Grouting .iv

6.3 Grout Tubes.......................................................................................................................... 26

6.4 Grouting ............................................................................................................................... 26
6.5 Core Drilling ........................................................................................................................26
6.6 Permeability Testing ............................................................................................................ 26
Dagachhu HF'P Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chaoter 10 Drilline & Groutine - 5


1.1 Scope of Work

These Specifications serve to provide the Conuactor with adequate information and requirements,
standards and regulations to be observed for the execution of the works, the equipment necessary for the
performance of the works, the technical superintendence for the execution of the works, trials and tests to
be performed, preparation of a working program and works to he performed as a result of field findings.
These regulations apply to all structures and rock formations in which grouting will be used, such as for
strengthening rock for foundations, as special ground support in tunnel construction, for sealing of joints in
concrete and rock and for the deep reaching g o u t curtains underneath dams and weirs. The amount of
grouting materials actually to be used will depend on the conditions encountered during the work.
All grouting work requires extensive experience of adequate techniques and shall be executed by
Contractors only, whose staff and equipment will guarantee proper work. Grouting procedure is directly
connected to drilling work.
Grouting and drilling may either be canied out hom the original ground or from the bottom or the slopes of
excavations, from completed structures or from underground structures.
The works to which these Specifications refer shall consist mainly of, but not be limited to:
- Additional exploratory drilling with and without core recovery.
- Drillings for subsequent grouting to establish the contact, the consolidation, and the curtain sealing
or stabilization below dams and weirs.
- Drillings for subsequent grouting of abutting structures and linings to rock, including the
surmunding rock.
- Drillings for drainage holes, for the installation of piezometers and other equipment.
- Drillings for anchors.
- Borehole deviation measurements.
- Water quality tests,
- Installation of grouting test fields including drilling and grouting works to determine parameters for
the grouting works (curtain grouting).
- Drilling work without core recovery with subsequent grouting required for: permeation grouting,
fissure/fracture grouting, compactionlconsolidation grouting, contact grouting as well as for
constnrcting a grout curtain.
- Drilling and grouting in concrete and steel lined tunnels and underground works
All directions of drillings also overhead shall he included.

1.2 Installation of Equipment

The Conlractor is required to install and bring into operation drilling and grouting equipment to any
position needed for an adequate execution of his work. Diameter, depth, and direction of boreholes shall be
as necessary in order to meet the requirements. Type and number of all members of the equipment for
drilling and grouting work. as well as all materials used and consumed, are subject to the approval by the
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 10 Drilling & Grouting - 6

1.3 Sampling
The possibility of continuous sampling shall be provided in rock, concrete and soil, both for disturbed as
wcll as undisturbed soil samples. Samples and drill cores shall be kept in core boxes with proper labelling.
Undisturbed soil samples shall be sealed and carefully handled according to normal techniques and sent to
material testing laboratories if so directed by the Employer.

1.4 Water Pressure Tests

Water pressure tests shall be carried out in stages of depth not exceeding 5 m with clean water. The results
shall be expressed in Lugeon units. 1 Lugeon unit is determined by a water pressure test where a leakage
occurs of I litre of water per minute per metre length of hole under pressure of 10 bars.
Water pressure tests will be required in all depths of drilled boreholes, as specified in this Specification.
Though it is to be expected that the majority of tests will not exceed a pressure of 20 bar, higher pressures
equal to the grouting pressures may also be applicable.

1.5 Equipment
It is understood that all equipment, temporary plant, tools, machinery, installations, materials, auxiliary
services, tests, etc. are to be provided by the Contractor as required for an adequate performance of the
works as well as in such number as to perform the works within given time limits, taking also into
consideration that simultaneously heavy construction work is talang place at the same site.

1.6 Material
The actual amount of drilling and grouting material will depend on the nature of the rock as disclosed, the
excavation, on the results of water pressure tests and on the results of the actual grouting operations.
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any increase in the unit rates tendered in the Bill of Quantities due to
change or omission of the quantities or by reason of the location of the required drilling and grouting.

1.7 Standards
For all works to be performed and for all data obtained, the metric system (SI-system) shall be applied. If
not otherwise mentioned. the works shall be performed in conformity with these Specifications. For the
performance of tests relevant international standards shall be followed.
Records of work shall be kept throughout all drilling and grouting activities using forms and standard

1.8 Plans and Program of Works

Plans and program of work referring to drilling and grouting work are of tentative character only and based
on present stage of knowledge. Results as per Section 6.9 Geological Report and Drawings shall serve as
information only and shall in no way justify claims for unilateral deviations from the works specified. The
Employer may, however, approve modification of existing plans, specifications, etc., if new findings as a
result of the specified work hereunder so justify. These modifications may refer to number of boreholes,
diameter and depth of boreholes, drilling methods, grout mixtures, grouting pressure sequence of boreholes
to be treated, adjacent tests and works, work related ovenime for the completion of particular works not
allowing interruption, etc.
Prior to commencement of drilling and grouting work, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer his
program of the works including updated equipment list for approval by the Employer. In preparing his
program, the Contractor shall duly consider the overall construction schedule and arrange the drilling and
grouting work such that the overall program and the progress of other works will not be affected. This
program shall show operation and time requirements related to particular structures or working sections,
type, number, and other data of equipment used details on grouting operations and methods to be applied.
In general, drilling and grouting work shall be planned in such a manner that relevant works can be
executed concurrently with other civil works. Appropriate arrangement shall be made to reduce
/.. . -interference with other working processes to a minimum.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 10 Drilling & Grouting - 7


2.1 Drilling Equipment

2.1.1 General
Rotary, core and percussion drills may be required, and only electric, or air-driven tools will be accepted
for works to be executed underground. Equipment with diesel or other drives shall be used only for open-
air operation. This refers also to all drives for auxiliary equipment and temporary plant necessary for the
particular works. The rates shall also include the provision of measuring equipment such as photo or
electrical borehole sounds in order to check the actual inclination of boreholes.
The Contractor shall record all his activities in accordance with accepted standards in an approved form. In
case of core drillings with core recovery, the Contractor shall treat, handle and store cores and samples
according to the accepted standards or as directed. Copies of all records shall be promptly given to the
Employer. Casing for drill holes may be plastic or mild steel, solid or perforated.

2.12 Requirements for drilling equipment

Drilling equipment including all auxiliaries, instruments, temporary plant and installations shall be of
modem, appropriate design as to meet specified requirements, and shall be in perfect working conditions
when brought to the site. Sufficient auxiliaries, spares, tools, etc. shall be provided andlor kept in stock at
the site to warrant uninterrupted operation.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 Employer's Requiremenls 6.2 Technical Specificalions
Cha~ter10 Drillina & Groutine - 8

2.1.3 Double-core barrels

The following table of double-core barrels of suitable size is an example for comparison with other

2.1.4 Flushing of drill holes

The supply, operation and maintenance of pumps, pipes, and accessories for flushing drill holes shall be
included in the unit rates. as well as additives to the flush water, such as bentonite or filler.

22 Grouting Equipment

2.2.1 General
The grouting equipment to be used shall be of a type, capacity and mechanical condition to suit the Work to
be carried out, and shall consist of, but not be limited to, mixer, material storage tanks, pressure gauge,
pressure nozzles, tools, pumps, pipes, valves, and all accessories necessary to maintain a continuous supply
of grout and control of pressure. Automatic writing recorders for pressure and amount of grout are required
for all the grouting works. An accurate master pressure gauge to check periodically accuracy of all pressure
gauges installed in the grouting system shall also be furnished.
The equipment for mixing and placing grout shall be capable of effective mixing with high speed and
stining the grout and forcing it into the holes o r grout connections in a continuous, unintempted flow at
any specified pressure.
The internal diameter of the pipes and the grout mixture shall prevent harmful solid sedimentation at times
of pumping with low capacity.
The grouting equipment shall be maintained in a proper manner and shall be capable of continuous and
efficient performance during any grouting operation. Provision shall be made to permit accurate control of
grouting pressures and grout flows into the grout holes.
The mixing and pumping equipment shall be housed in one or two central stations as to enable continuous,
undisturbed work, independent on outside weather conditions and as to guarantee constant mix
Stand-by equipment for immediate continuation of work in case of disturbances shall be provided. The
distance between the grouting place and the pumps shall allow for continuous work without running the
risk of clogged pipes.
The arrangements shall be such as to ensure the continuous and unintermpted flow of grout to the hole
being injected. The grouting shall be carried out by a return flow system to guarantee continuous
, . circulation of grout to the hole being injected and return surplus grout which is not accepted by the hole to
the holding tank.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 10 Drilling & Gmuting - 9

Drilling equipment including all auxiliaries, instruments, temporary plant and installations shall be of
modem, appropriate design as to meet specified requirements, and shall be in perfect working conditions
when brought to the site. Sufficient auxiliaries, spares, tools, drilling bits, etc. shall be provided andlor kept
in stock at the site to warrant unintempted operation.

222 Pumps
All grout shall be pumped with electriclhydraulic pumps allowing independent regulation of pressure and
discharge arranged with interconnecting pipes and valves in such a way as to permit a stand-by pump to be
brought into immediate service.
The pumping equipment shall be capable of transporting grout into holes or grout connections in a
continuous, unintempted flow at any specified pressure up to a maximum of 4.0 MPa (40 kg/cm2), only
minimum fluctuations in pressure during pump cycle being permissible. The maximum internal diameter of
lines shall be 25 mm.
Also, low pressures will be required in the vicinity of linings and close to rock surfaces.
The grouting equipment shall be arranged as to provide a supply line and a return line from the grout pump
to the grout hole. They shall enable the discharge of 2 litres per minute up to 150 Umin, depending on the
system to be grouted and on the purpose. High rates are required for water pressure tests mainly.
Special emphasis shall be given to the control devices for pressure and volume of grout and for water tests.
For all curtain grouting works, self-recording devices are required for both pressure and discharge. For
contact grouting between steel or concrete linings and rock, for consolidation of rock around tunnels or in
the vicinity of structures, and for grouting to support excavation works, self-recording pressure meter and
hand-written accounts of the grout rate shall be satisfactory.
Grouting of anchors may be performed without recorded control except for indications of pressure and
grout rate in the reports.
The pressures applied shall be taken at the borehole head and be transmitted to such automatic recording
Synchronized operation of pressure and discharge recorders must be ensured. For regular checking of
pressure at the pumps, these shall be fitted with additional pressure gauges having an accuracy of 0.1 MPa
( I bar).
All pressure gauges used shall permit safe reading of 0.1 MPa (1 bar), that means gauge scaling and the end
reading shall be adjusted to the applied pressure. Pressure and discharge recorders shall be checked against
calibrated gauges at appropriate intervals.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 10 Drilling & Grouting - 10

2.2.3 Mixers
The equipment for mixing the grout materials shall be capable of effective mixing and stimng with high
speed (colloidal type).
The mixers shall be provided with an accurate meter for controlling in lives the amount of mixing water
and other liquids such as bentonite slurry which are used as a mix component at an accuracy adequate to
the volume of the containers.
The minimum revolution speed of the mixer shall be 1200 rpm. In addition to the grout mixer, hold-over
agitator tanks with stirring propellers shall be provided.
Two compartment, high speed, colloidal mixers are to be used. The grout shall be mixed in one
compartment and be discharged into a separate tank. A screen shall be inserted between the holding tank
and the suction of the grout pump. The grout in the holding tank shall be continuously agitated. A water
meter shall be provided for the accurate measurement of the water to be used for mixing. The holding tank
shall be provided with a volume measure indicator to achieve a record of grout take to be made.

2.2.4 Packers
All packers used shall guarantee proper sealing of the respective borehole section and shall then be capable
of withstanding water pressure exceeding the maximum grout or water pressure to be used at the level
without leakage. This may require the use of different types and sizes of packers, such as double-tube
packers, hydraulic packers. pneumatic packers or self-sealing packers, each in accordance with the rock
conditions. The Contractor shall have all types of packers required available on site for immediate use.

2.2.5 Pressure and rate gauges

If and where the Employer directs, automatic self-recording gauges, the tapes of which indicate time,
pressures and rates of absorption, shall be installed during grouting operations and shall be calibrated with
reasonable accuracy. After usage, they shall be cleaned and recalibrated at frequent intervals.
According to standard techniques, pressure gauges of adequate accuracy shall be placed at pumps and
borehole collars or wherever required. Accurate master pressure gauges for different pressure ranges shall
be furnished to check periodically the accuracy of all gauges used. Such recorders shall be of modem and
sturdy design wananting reliable operation and exact recording to measurements. No grouting is permitted
without the use of such instruments unless particularly approved by the Employer. Particular attention of
the Contractor is drawn to the fact, that only records from such automatic recording instruments will serve
as basis for payment of grout material quantities and time.

2.3 Material Requirements

2.3.1 General
Grout shall be composed of water and cement plus sand and additives, depending on previous and further
investigations and site conditions. All materials shall be of approved quality. The grout mixes shall be
varied to meet the requirements. In general, a cement grout shall be used. Where necessary, sand shall be
mixed so proportioned as to be readily pumpable. If reasonable, bentonite, rock flour or other fillers shall
be added, also chemicals and additives in case of aggressive groundwater or particular underground
Material consumption records including water shall be submitted to the Employer in writing and in due
time together with necessary information and test results. All tests required for approval or for periodical
contml shall be performed by the Contractor without additional payment.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 10 Drilling & Grouting l l

232 Cement
Where chemically aggressive groundwater occurs, a special cement or Portland cement with admixture of
additives shall be used. All such contingencies shall be considered and agreed upon beforehand with regard
to the type of cement to be supplied by the Contractor. Compatibility of the binder with the intended
additive and the percentage of the same to be added shall be tested by the Contractor in the presence of the
Employer prior to use.

233 Special cement

"Special fine ground cement" with a specific factor of 3,000 to 4,000 cmUgram measured by the Blaine
Test Method as required shall be applied.

23.4 Cement storage

Cement shall be stored in adequate quantities and in an appropriate manner so that the quality remains
unchanged. All instructions by manufacturer have to be considered.

23.5 Sand
Aggregates shall meet the following specifications:
- The sand shall not contain more than an approved percentage of flat or elongated grains having a
maximum dimension in excess of five times the minimum dimension.
- This maximum percentage shall be such as to preclude the possibility of supply pipes being clogged
when pumping grout at the lowest waterlcement ratio at the lowest anticipated pressure and at the
lowest velocity.
- The sand shall be well graded from fine to coarse and a p d a t i o n as determined in accordance with
the relevant standards and shall conform to the requirements.
Gradation shall be approximately as follows (expressed as passing through sieves of the U.S. standard

Sieve No. i Passing(%)

200 (0.007 mm) f 3-7
IOO(O.15mm) i 25-40
50 (0.3 mm)
- i
50 - 70
.. 30 (0.6 mm) 1 80-90
Pan i 1 0 - 20 (to be excluded)
- If the sand is a combination of several sizes or classifications produced separately, the different
components shall be blended before being filled into the mixer.
The percentage of surface moisture in terms of the sand shall be determined by the Contractor in
accordance with the relevant standards or other method giving comparable results.
Both the adherence to the appropriate standards and the uniformity of the fractions shall be continuously
observed and guaranteed.
The aggregates shall be stored in adequate quantities and in an appropriate manner so that purity and
aggregate composition remain unchanged.
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 -Employer's Requirements 6.2Technical Specifications
Chapter 10 Drilling & Grouting - 12

23.6 Bentonite
Bentonite shall be of the sodium montmorillonite type and may be added to the grout. Bentonite addition to
the grout may vary from 2% to 4% of the weight of cement, applicable for Liquid Limits (LL) of 550 and
350%, respectively.

23.7 Additives
All additives used such as accelerator or retarders or bentonite or chemicals, shall be free of chloride. Tbey
shall not promote steel corrosion or adversely affect the strength development and hardening pattern of the
grout, other than has to be normally expected. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the suitability of
[he additives. He shall safeguard himself by manufacturer's guarantees. It is noted that special tests shall be
performed to check the compatibility of any additive with any cement in use. The quantity used shall be
kept to the absolute minimum necessary to attain the desired results. The additive shall be fed to the mixer
directly and in the exact proportion.
Prior to commencement of work, the Contractor shall provide the Employer with test results of how the
additive influences the strength development up to the point where the final strength is reached.

2.3.8 Water
The water used in the grout shall be fresh, clean, and free of sewage, oil, acid, alkali, salts, organic or other
undesirable matters. In cases of doubt; necessary tests have to be performed by the Contractor without
additional payment.

23.9 Selection of materials

The Contractor shall inform the Employer in writing 30 days prior to commencement of works of the type
of binders, aggregates and additives he proposes to use.


3.1 Type of Works

There are several types of work:
- Exploratory drilling
- Drilling and grouting for test fields
- Drilling of drain holes
- Drilling through concrete
- Consolidation and contact grouting along grouting gallery
- Drilling and grouting for curtain grouting
- Contact and consolidation grouting in tunnels and underground works
- Grouting-in of anchor bars, embedded steel parts and rock bolts
- Grouting of contraction joints

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uopaas-ssoia p 01 ueql =om saaeds punol%iapun -

uonaas-sso~azru 01 mo[aq slpqs/s[auum -
n e uado -

alarauo3 largo pue saual@% [onuoa 'sde3 inoi% jo alarziuo3 paaioju!ar q8nolql saloq S u y ~ q -
:Llanoax a103 lnoql!m s%qw
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:iaKoldm~aw Lq pnaar!p se xaqmasla pue 'surane3 's~uaruu%!plauum pue
sainl3nns jo uoneao[ a m naM aql u! (arqeuen lalaurerp) spas pue qaor u! s%u!~ppaios Lro~eroldxa -
:suoneaol I U ~ ~ u!
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I! ayem s%uipugaql pue yrom l o ssar%oidaql j! suo!~eag!pou 01 ~aarqnsaq Ileqs s m % o i dq3nS .suo!lrpuoa
al!s pue [ea!Soloa% aql pue yiom aql jo aso&nd n l n a w d aql 01 spre%arql!m syiom aql jo >uamaauaunuoa
01 loud io13muo3 aql Kq paleioqela s m e ~ % o ~ 01d 8u!pio3ae pauuopad aq [pqs y o m %u!~noiS[[v
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employef s Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 10 Drilling & Gmuting - 14

3.4.4 Casings
It may be necessary to install casing in portions of holes drilled for grouting. Except in those portions of
holes which are not to be grouted, casing shall be provided. Wherever possible, any casing that is installed
for the purpose of keeping the grout hole open for grouting shall be removed immediately prior to or
simultaneously with the grouting process.

3.4.5 Additives
All holes shall be drilled without mud-support and without the use of grease, 'rod-dope'or other non-water
soluble material or the lubrication of the drill rods. The Employer may permit the use of an additive in the
drilling water. A sample of the additive shall be submitted to the Employer prior to its being used. The
concentration of the approved additive shall not exceed the manufacturer's recommendation.

3.4.6 Flushing of boreholes

All holes shall, immediately after drilling, be thoroughly washed out with water under pressure from
bottom to top. Water flushing shall continue until waste water runs clear.

3.4.7 Borehole arrangements

The location, direction and length of holes and their reference number shall he shown on the drawings. The
Contractor shall at any time increase or decrease the number of holes or instruct drilling to a greater or
lesser depth, if required. The order and timing in which holes are drilled shall be appropriate to reach the
If foundation conditions and rock conditions as revealed by the excavation, drilling, testing and grouting
operations indicate that grouting at greater depth or closer spacing or in other locations as those shown on
the drawings is necessary, the Contractor shall drill holes to such necessary depth and spacing.

3.5 Drilling for Grouting

3.5.1 General
Grout holes without core recovery shall be drilled wet with percussion type drills except where these are
found to be unacceptable for grouting. Rotary type diamond drills shall only he used where necessary. The
use of "rod-dope", grease or other lubricants on the drill rods or in grout holes will not be permitted. The
minimum diameter of grout holes shall be 50 mm. The depth may reach 40 m.
In rock surrounding tunnels, it is anticipated that the depth of drilling will in general not exceed approx.10
m into rock. In caverns, the depth may go beyond the 10 m. The diameter of such grout holes shall not be
less than 40 mm. All drilling directions upward and downward are included.
Grout holes shall be drilled through soil, rock and through reinforced and non-reinforced concrete.
Alternatively, where grout holes are to pass through heavily reinforced concrete, pipes shall be embedded
in the concrete, but the Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the position of pipes allows drilling
boreholes at specified direction. Grouting to be carried out through concrete shall not commence earlier
than 14 days after concrete pouring. Grouting shall also not he commenced in an area until all blasting have
been completed within 50 m.

3.5.2 Method of drilling

The requiremenL3 as to depth, spacing and direction of holes are subject to revision during the progress of
the drilling and grouting.
Curtain grout holes at the weir shall be drilled at spacing and directions as per the design of the Conuactor.
Generally, the split spacing method shall he applied, i.e., the first holes drilled shall be spaced widely and
shall be drilled, tested and grouted before intermediate holes are drilled. These intermediate holes shall then
be drilled and grouted before funher intermediate holes are drilled and grouted, and in this manner the
uting of holes shall be completed to such final spacing as the grouting requirements are
holes in a region have been drilled and grouted, it may he found necessary to drill
holes which could be upstream, down-stream or between the existing holes. No
quoted in the Bill of Quantities will be made for drilling of such additional
ng equipment to other operations and returning to a previously drilled area.
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Chapter 10 Drilling & Grouting - 15
Both upstage and downstage grouting shall be used or a combination of these where required.
The depth of each successive drilling operation, the length of stage, the type of grout and mixture used the
pressure for each stage of grouting and other details of grouting procedure shall be designed and defined by
the Contractor.
No payment will be made for all operations such as over drilling or drilling a new borehole close to the one
which may be blocked by a lost packer.
Any hole which becomes obstructed shall be opened at the expenses of the Contractor in a proper manner.
Re-drilling required because of Contractofs failure to clean out a hole before cement grout bas set shall be
performed at the Contractor's expense. Any increase of the tendered rates in the Bill of Quantities for
drilling grout holes will not be made on account of the requirement for cleaning out holes prior to further
drilling, nor on account of additional moving of equipment becoming necessary due to the requirements for
such successive drilling and grouting holes to various depths. All drill cuttings shall be continuously
flushed from the hole during the drilling operation. Upon completed drilling operation, an additional
flushing shall be carried out using separate wash-out equipment.

3.6 Core Drillings

The Contractor shall core drill such holes as may be found necessary to determine the condition of the
foundation rock or the effectiveness of the grouting operations. Permeability testing shall be carried out in
these holes. The holes may be drilled at various inclinations from the vertical to the horizontal.
All core drillings shall be performed with rotary-type hydraulic feed core-drilling equipment, bottom
discharge diamond bits and double1 uiple tube, swivel inner tube type core barrels. Holes will be required
to be drilled to varying depths with a maximum depth of 40 m. The Contractor shall ensure that cores
obtained are in a condition as good as possible from all holes.
Drilling lifts shall be terminated and the cores removed from the barrel as often as considered necessary to
secure the maximum possible amount of core. Drilling lifts shall not be longer than the length of the core

3.7 Records

3.7.1 Drilling
Within 24 hours after completed drilling of a cored hole, the Contractor shall submit in duplicate a
complete log of the hole in a form approved by the Employer. The log shall include the following data:
- location (coordinates)
- borehole number
- type and diameter of boring
- ground level
- immediate, intermediate and equilibrium water levels with times and dates; note on colour and
losses, etc.
- description and state of weathering of rock and the levels of its boundaries
- percentage core recovery
- fracture log
- the results and levels of all in-situ testing
- a record of the driller's observations on progress of boring. rate of penetration, type of bit and speed
of rotation bit
- water pressure test results
- location of sample extraction (waterlcore material) for tests and change in s m t a can be readily

casing and depth to which taken

ination of borehole.
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Chapter 10 Drilling& Grouting - 16

3.7.2 Logging of cores

The logging of rock cores shall be based upon relevant standards. Preferably, cores shall be logged by the
same approved person to avoid discrepancies in description of rock. Even the fact that the Employer may
be present for keeping a record of the drilling results, this shall not relieve the Contractor from the
requirement forkeeping his own accurate log as described in this sub-clause.
The Contractor shall provide strong 1.05 m long core boxes. Each box shall hold cores from 5 m of hole
and they shall be provided with fastenable lids.
The Contractor shall place the core in the box in the correct sequence upon extraction from the core barrel.
The core at the bottom of each lift shall immediately be marked as soon as it has been placed in the box and
a corresponding mark shall be printed on the side of the core box and on the rock core. When core is not
recovered, timber blocks of square cross-section shall be placed in the box by the Contractor. These timber
blocks shall be cut to the same length as the core losses and placed in positions at which the core was lost.
A box shall not contain cores from more than one hole. Designation marks, hole numbers and elevations
shall be placed on the boxes and along the line of cores. The covers shall be fastened securely to the core
boxes, and the boxes shall be delivered to the Employer at a point designated by the Employer in the
vicinity of the works.
Where directed by the Employer, the cored holes shall be grouted.

3.8 Drilling Drainage Holes

Drainage holes of 50.100 mm in diameter shall be drilled into rock or formed or drilled through concrete
and drilled into rock at the locations in the direction and to the depth as required.
Drainage holes shall be drilled with percussion type drills or by other appropriate means. Drainage holes
shall not be drilled until all adjacent grout holes within a distance of 50 m have been drilled and grouted. It
is anticipated that the depth of drilling will generally not exceed 40 m.

3.9 Pipes, Fittings and Outlets for Grouting

3.9.1 General
The Contractor shall furnish and install standard mild steel pipes for all standpipes and grout connections
set in the concrete or rock at the locations as required.
Pipes for grouting shall also be set over springs, crevices in the rock, faults or other foundation defects
Grout pipes set in concrete except those for the grout cap shall end not less than 30 mm inside the finished
surface of the concrete. When grouting is performed after the completion of concreting operations, a
standard coupling and wrapped nipple to facilitate removal after grouting shall be attached to the grout pipe
and shall extend outside the finished surface as required. The holes left upon removal of the wrapped
nipples shall be filled immediately and completely with element mortar.
The size of the grout pipe for each hole and the depth of holes for setting pipe for foundation grouting shall
be as required. Each pipe shall be anchored into the rock or concrete into which it is set and the space
around the pipe shall be carefully sealed with grout or other suitable material. All pipes and fittings to be
embedded in concrete shall be cleaned thoroughly of all din, grease, grout and mortar immediately before
being embedded in the concrete or rock.

3.9.2 Tunnel plug grout system

A system of pipes, fittings and special grout outlets shall be installed between the concrete placements for
the tunnel plug. Any pipe that becomes clogged before grouting due to any cause shall, if practicable, be
cleaned or opened. If the Contractor fails to clean or open a plugged contraction joint system pipe, the
Employer will direct alternative work to be carried out by the Contractor to ensure that the contraction joint
involved can be effectively grouted. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment or
Dagachhu HPP Section 6 - Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specifications
Chapter 10 Drilling &- Grouting - 17

3.93 Materials
All standard pipes and fittings for grouting, special grout outlets, all nails, tie-wire, wooden plugs, mastic
material for sealing purposes, temporary supports and other accessories required for installation of the
grouting system shall be furnished by the Contractor. The pipes shall be cut to length, threaded and
fabricated where required and placed by the Contractor.
The pipe shall be medium thickness in accordance with relevant standards. The pipe fittings shall be
malleable iron suitable for the pressure to be applied during grouting.

3.10 Grouting of Rock

Grouting mix, pressures, the pumping rate and the sequence in which holes are grouted will be determined
in the field.
Grouting shall be performed in steps using packers to seal the corresponding borehole length. It is expected
that the grouting will be done from the bottom to the top of the bore holes; however, other cases may
require special procedures. The common step is 5 m in length.
Different grouting pressures will be applied for different sections at most of the grout holes. After fixing
the packer in respective position, the borehole shall be grouted starting with a proper rate and then to be
gradually lowered according to the development of pressure. Grouting shall be finished with the minimum
allowable rate which sball not exceed about 3 litrelmin. After completion the packer shall remain in place
until there is no back pressure.
Grouting of holes shall go on without intemption.
Immediately prior to the start of grouting, the holes shall be thoroughly washed under pressure. All
intersected rock crevices, seams or faults containing clay or other washable materials shall be completely
washed with water under pressure to remove as much of such materials as possible.
If during the grouting of any hole, grout is found to flow from adjacent grout holes, such holes shall be
capped temporarily. If grout is found to flow from any part of structures, such leaks shall be plugged by the
Conuactor as directed. In the case that ground connections are found between adjacent boreholes, the
affected boreholes shall be thoroughly cleaned before the grout has set in order to ensure proper subsequent
grouting of such holes. Should the grout have set or hardened in the adjacent borehole prior to its grouting,
the adjacent horehole should be redrilled and flushed. In general, any borehole ready to be grouted shall be
cleaned of mud, grout, solids, etc.
All damages due to exceeding the allowable pressure shall be the direct responsibility of the Contractor,
who shall pay for the repair deemed necessary. The same is applicable for damages caused by force.
The Employer can prohibit starting grouting work or stopping it completely. This will not give the
Contractor the right to claim in case of malfunctioning of the pressure and grout rate control and its
limitations turning out unsatisfactory resulls.

3.11 Surface Grouting for Excavation

Grouting performed before and during excavation should be executed in such a way as to stop seepage or
consolidate the rock in order to facilitate the execution of excavations in an appropriate way. Such grouting
shall be executed according to the applicable requirements of this sub-chapter taking into account that the
plugging of some seepage cracks may require very high pressure.

3.12 Low Pressure Contact Grouting

Low pressure contact grouting shall be canied out to ensure that all voids between the concrete lining and
the mck surface or between concrete lining and liner plates or lagging will be filled with grout. Whenever it
is possible, dry cavities shall be grouted before wet ones with the upper ones to which grout pipes will not
grout appears out of them, or when the lower holes do not receive the grout at the

shall have been poured at least 30 calendar days prior to grouting work.
ut shall be placed at low pressures not exceeding 3.5 bar for each section.
Section 6Employer's Requirements 6.2 Technical Specificalions
Chapler 10 Dnlline & Grouting - 18

A sanded mortar grout shall be used. The gmuting of any hole shall not be considered complete until all
voids have been filled.
Vent pipes shall be installed for the release of air and water during grouting of crown, and overhreak
cavities which cannot he filled with concrete.
If any contact gmut hole may also he used for consolidating grout, the hole shall be cleaned for the first
grouting through the depth of the concrete lining. Prior to start consolidation grouting, contact grout shall
have set.
The borehole shall then be re-drilled to the depth as required, flushed and subsequently grouted

3.13 Grouting of Steel Linings

Steel linings of water conduits shall he provided with standard threaded holes every at least 10 square
meters of lining surface. Into these, the Contractor shall screw connecting pipes and grout the contact
between steel and concrete.
A joint knocking test by the Employer will prove that the contact has completely been sealed. If it does not
prove to be satisfactory, the Contractor shall have additional holes drilled at his own expense, threaded and
supplied with plugs. He shall then grout through such holes until the knocking sound of the hammer at the
lining produces a solid uniform sound everywhere.
If required, the drilled holes shall be further extended into the surrounding rock and grouting shall be done
after washing and testing holes; this washing and testing should be carried out in sections not longer than 4
meters at a time. Shorter sections shall be used in the event that drilling water does not return. In this case.
the drill hole shall be grouted at the depth reached.
Water tests indicating a loss of water of more than one litre per minute shall be cause to grout such section.
During grouting of such areas, ungrouted sections shall be protected by packers left in position.
The grout injection pressure shall be built up gradually by thickening the mix, but if pressure builds up
rapidly, the consistency shall be thinned immediately in order to avoid plugging.
The Contractor shall then fill the hole with gmut, clear the threaded holes in the steel lining and screw the
standard plugs back into the position.
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Chapter 10 Drilling & Gmuting - 19

3.14 Consolidation Grouting

The rock surrounding the borehole shall be consolidated by grouting in order to seal defects caused by
blasting, excavations or by natural forces.
Different grouting pressures will be required for grouting different sections of most of the grout holes.
Where such grouting of a hole is required, the grouting shall be performed by attaching a packer to the end
of a grout-supply pipe; lowering the grout-supply pipe into the hole to the top of the bottom section that is
required to be grouted at a different pressure; grouting at the required pressure, allowing the packer to
remain in place until there is no back pressure: withdrawing the grout-supply pipe to the top of the next
higher section that is required to be grouted at a different pressure: and thus successively grouting the holes
in sections at the specified grouting pressures until the entire hole is completely grouted. The grout-supply
pipe shall be furnished by the Contractor. The packers shall consist of pneumatic tubes or expansible rings
of rubber or other suitable material attached to the end of the grout-supply pipe. The packers shall be
designed so that they can be expanded to seal the drill holes at the specified elevations; and when
expanded, shall be capable of withdrawing, without leakage, for a period of 5 minutes, water pressure equal
to the maximum grout pressures to be used. The amount of packer-grouting that will be required will
depend upon the conditions disclosed by the drilling of the grout holes. Immediately before the injection of
grout into any hole is begun, the hole shall be thoroughly washed under pressure and shall be pressure-
All intersected rock crevices, seams or faults containing clay or other washable materials shall be
completely washed with water and air under pressure to remove as much of such materials as possible.
Such materials shall be ejected from one or more holes by pressing water into an adjacent hole. Grout holes
shall be thoroughly tested with clean water under continuous pressure up to the required grouting pressure
in order to effectively clean intersected cracks and seams and to determine rate of take and extent leakage.
All holes sufficiently tight to build up the maximum required pressure shall be washed at such pressure and
the washing shall continue as long as there is any increase in the rate at which water is taken. Open holes in
which little or no pressure can be built up shall be washed for a period of 5 minutes or for such period of
time as fracture-filling is being removed. as determined by the escape of muddy water through surface
opening or other grout holes.
In general, if the foregoing test indicates a tight hole, grouting shall be started with a thin mixture of one
part Portland cement to two to four parts water; if an open hole condition exists, the waterlcement ratio
shall be reduced accordingly and, with the grout-pump operation as nearly as practicable at constant speed
at all times, the ratio shall be reduced further, if necessary until the required pressure has been reached.
When the pressure tends to raise too high, the waterlcement ratio shall be increased. If necessary to avoid
premature stoppage, periodic applications of water under pressure shall be made.
If due to the size and continuity of openings, the desired results are not obtained with the thickest pump
able mix, grouting in the hole shall be discontinued. In such event, the hole shall be cleaned, the grout
allowed to set, and additional drilling and grouting shall then he done in this hole or in adjacent area, as
directed, until the desired resistance is built up.
If, during the grouting of any hole, grout is found to flow from adjacent grout holes or grout connections in
sufficient quantity to interfere seriously with the grouting operation or to cause acceptable loss of grout.
such connections shall be capped temporarily. When grouting is being done with packers, the pressure of
the grout returning from any adjacent hole shall be measured with sealing packer in the adjacent hole and
such pressures shall be kept below the allowable pressures for that stage of that hole.
Where such capping is not essential, ungrouted holes shall be left open to facilitate the escape of air and
water as the grout is forced into other holes. Before the grout has set, the grout pump shall be connected to
the adjacent capped holes and to other holes from which grout overflow was observed and grouting of all
holes shall be completed at the pressures specified for grouting. If during the grouting of any hole grout is
found to flow from any parts of the structures, such flows or leaks shall be plugged or caulked by the
Conmctor as directed.
The grouting of any hole shall be continued until the hole or grout connection takes grout at a rate of less
the grout mixture in 20 minutes if pressures of 3.5 bar or less are being used, in 15 minutes
between 3.5 and 7.0 bar are being used and in 10 minutes if pressures between 7.0and 15.0 bar
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Chaner 10 Drilline & Grautine - 20

So far as practicable. the full grouting pressure shall be maintained constantly during grout injections.
However, as not to run a risk of rock or concrete displacement or while grout leaks are being caulked, the
pumping pressure or the suspension of pumping may be reduced. After the grouting of the holes or
connections is completed, the pressures shall be maintained by means of stopcocks or other suitable valve
devices, until the grout has set sufficiently so that it will be retained in the holes or connections being
Any faulty stage or zone shall be re-grouted with grout which may differ from that originally used, until a
satisfactory result is obtained or, if this is unattainable, the depth concerned shall be grouted using
immediately adjacent holes until a satisfactory result is obtained in the original hole. The completed hole
shall then be filled with thick grout.

3.15 Curtain Grouting

The general purpose is to achieve a permeability criterion of 3 Lugeon units just below the weir foundation
and to increase the admissible values in greater depths. The proposed Lugeon criteria, depth and built up of
the grouting curtain shall be submitted to the Employer prior to commencement of the grouting works for
approval and shall be measured from the final foundation level.
It has to be emphasized that the approach can be regarded as a guideline only due to the lack of detailed
information still to be adapted to the results of the test fields and curtain grouting as well.
Details of suitable borehole directions, spacing, row distance, inclination and depth of curtain grout holes
will have to be determined during performance of grouting tests of locations as indicated in the execution
Cunain grouting of any portion of the foundations shall be carried out using the following criteria
- Curtain grouting shall generally be started by the drilling of primary holes. Secondary holes shall be
midway between the primary holes. Zones where third series holes (closure holes) may be necessary
will then be decided as required. No holes of subsequent series shall be drilled until grouting has
been completed to full depth in adjacent holes of the previous series. Locations of grout holes shall
be shown on the execution drawings.
- Grouting shall be carried out in stages adapted to the jointing, etc. of the rock and the grout to be
used but not exceeding 5 m (except as allowed below) and shall be performed by using the upstage
method except where the downstage method proves to be necessary for satisfactory grouting.
- In downstage grouting, sufficient time shall be allowed for the grout to set before the next stage is
- The water pressure test shall be carried out in stages before grouting. Permeability shall be measured
in Lugeon units at the point in the hole being tested. A stage need not be grouted on its own, but may
be included in the next stage where the permeability of the stage is less than 3 Lugeon.
- The grouting of each stage shall commence with a lean grout of the type most likely to penetrate the
rock according to the jointing, etc. of the rock and of the results of the water pressure test, with the
grout pressure being increased towards the maximum grout pressure described below.
- Fissure splitting shall be avoided.
- The viscosity of the grout shall then be increased if the pressure fails to increase the required
pressure per meter of depth whilst there is a high rate of take or be decreased if there is a rapid
increase of pressure with a poor rate of take at high pressure. The grout shall be changed to a more
viscous type or to a less viscous type as appropriate if the change of viscosity of the initial grout
does not result in a satisfactory rate of take at the required pressure.
- The Contractor shall, where necessary, carry out as an alternative to changing the grout type, the
technique of fissure-splitting to be adopted to increase the spread of the grout. The maximum grout
may be increased providing that surface heave is avoided. Fissure-splitting technique shall
not be used in holes under or adjacent to concrete structures.

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Cha~ter10 Drilline & Groutine - 21

- During grouting, grout leaks shall be caulked, but if this cannot be achieved and the leaks are
excessive, grouting shall be stopped and resumed later when the grout already injected into the
leaking fissures has hardened. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that the grout does not enter other
pans of the works such as drains. Where necessary, the Contractor shall establish level reference
points, upheaval gauges, etc. to be observed as a check against uplift. Any possible movement shall
be taken as an indication that the grouting pressure being used is excessive and it shall be
immediately relieved.
- Where grouting is practicable, the full grouting pressure shall be maintained constantly during grout
injections. However, as,a safeguard against rock or concrete displacement or while grout leaks are
being caulked, the Employer may require the reduction of the pumping pressure or the suspension of
pumping. After the grouting of the holes or connections is completed, the pressures shall be
maintained by means of stopcocks or other suitable valve devices, until the grout has set sufficiently
so that it will be retained in the holes or connections being grouted.
- Grouting of a hole shall not be considered completed until the required results have been reached.

3.16 Grouting Curtain around Diversion-Tunnel

Pressure grouting of the grout curtain for instance wound a tunnel plug shall be performed as follows:
- boles shall be drilled in each case to a depth of 3 m and grouted at that depth up to a maximum
pressure of 5 bars;
- the holes shall then be re-drilled to a depth of 10 m or more and grouted up to a maximum pressure
of 10 bars with a packer at a depth of 3 m.
Test holes shall be grouted in the same way as the grout cunain holes.
Pressure grouting around underground structures in the vicinity of the grout cunain may carried out with
uunost care.
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Chapter 10 Drilling & Groutine - 22

3.17 Grouting Pressure

The grouting pressure shall be the same as the maximum pressures provided for the Lugeon tests and shall
not exceed them. The applicable grout pressures depend on the specific grout ability of the rock mass such
as to be determined in grouting tests or in the course of grouting measures. Thus, the values listed below
may serve as a guideline to be adapted.

Under embankment load of e.g. 40 m, the following grouting pressures for second stage grouting from the
gallery shall not be exceeded:

This grouting procedure shall include contact grouting to fill the joints between gallery and rock surface

3.18 Clean up after Grouting

All necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent grout from escaping into and setting upon finished
concrete surfaces. The Contractor shall clean up and remove any such grout leakage which may have

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