Critical Lens Essay Planner

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Critical Lens Essay Outline

Essay must include references to TWO works

A) Begin by stating the critical lens quotation: According to…or Someone once said…




B) Next, restate the critical lens quotation in your own words: This means that…




C) State whether you agree or disagree with the critical lens: This quote is valid/invalid because…
or I agree/disagree with this quote because…





D) Next, write your thesis.

This quote is supported in the novels ________________________________________

by __________________________________________ and


by _________________________________________.

E) BODY PARAGRAPH # 1 Topic Sentence (should connect to quote):




F) Supporting details/situations (minimum of 3 examples)
NOTE: Use references to literary elements such as plot, characterization, setting,
imagery, theme, etc.

First example: Begin with First,…








Second example: Begin with Next,…








Third Example: Begin with Finally,…







G) Concluding Sentence: Begin with Therefore,… or Clearly,…





H) BODY PARAGRAPH # 2 Topic Sentence:

Topic sentence should connect to the quote and should begin with a transition phrase
such as In the novel…




I) Supporting details/situations (minimum of 3 examples)

NOTE: Use references to literary elements such as plot, characterization, setting,
imagery, theme, etc.

First example: Begin with First,…








Second example: Begin with Next,…







Third Example: Begin with Finally,…








J) Concluding Sentence: Begin with Therefore,… or Clearly,…





K) CONCLUSION: Effectively close the essay with a few sentences that refer to the
novels and why they reflect the idea put forth in the quote. Begin with a transition such
as In conclusion,… Certainly,… or Undoubtedly,…








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