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Credits LAST UPDATED 10/11/10
Authors: John Chambers and Errata Team Prime (Michael A.
Goodwin, John Mørke, Holden Shearer)
PDF Layout & Editing: Charles “Plague of Hats” Spaulding

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Corebook Errata • When selecting Charms, players no longer need to choose
at least five Charms from Caste or Favored abilities. The char-
acter may start with any ten Charms she meets the prerequi-
Traits sites for.
• Charms cost 4 bonus points, 3 if within a Caste or Favored
Dawn Anima Effect Ability.
Replace the current Dawn anima power with the following:
• Players receive 18 bonus points at character creation.*
By spending five motes of Essence, the character may ap-
• The above changes also apply to Abyssal and Infernal
pear glorious and terrifying until the end of the scene (or until
character creation.
she decides to let the effect dissipate). She appears taller and
• Items marked with an asterisk also apply to Alchemical,
fiercer, with a terrible visage, burning eyes and a deadly, rend-
Dragon-Blooded, Lunar, and Sidereal Exalted.
ing grasp. This effect comes into play automatically once the
Solar spends 11+ motes of Peripheral Essence.
While this power is in effect, the character exudes a fear aura
which causes all opponents attempting to attack or oppose her Hearthstones: The Monkey Stone
(socially or physically) to suffer a -1 external penalty on all at- The Monkey Stone’s ability to double a character’s jump rat-
tack rolls. This unnatural Emotion effect costs five points of ing no longer stacks with Charms or Sorcery. Use the greater of
Willpower to ignore for the rest of the scene. The Dawn’s ter- two effects to determine jumping distance.
rifying glory unbound also disrupts attempts at coordinating
attacks against her, increasing the difficulty to arrange such at-
tacks by 2. Additionally, the immense Essence pressure within
Supernatural Martial Arts
the character’s anima slows all incoming attacks, increasing Form Weapons
the character’s DVs by 2. Finally, Solars of the Dawn Caste When using a Martial Arts style which allows the use of Ar-
are immune to all fear-based Emotion effects while their anima chery, Melee, or Thrown weapons by inclusion in the style’s
power is active. If a complementary mass combat unit is forced list of form-type weaponry, the character’s attacks are capped
to check for rout because of the Dawn Caste’s actions while by their rating in the associated Ability until the character has
this anima is active, they suffer a -2 external penalty to the roll. mastered the style’s Form-type Charm. For example, a char-
The above also applies to the Dusk and Slayer anima powers. acter using Righteous Devil Style would base his Martial Arts
attacks with firewands on his Archery score until learning
Eclipse Anima Effect Righteous Devil Form. This cap applies even if the style has
Should the Eclipse anima power be used to learn a foreign no explicit additional Ability minimums. This condition does
Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability, the Eclipse must also not apply to the first Martial Arts style the character wishes to
apply a Solar Flaw of Invulnerability to the Charm when she learn; only subsequent styles are affected.
activates it.
The above also applies to other beings using Eclipse-equiva- Form-type Martial Arts Charms
lent powers to activate foreign Charms with a Flaw of Invulner- All Martial Arts Charms with the Form-type keyword now
ability, substituting Solar Flaws for native Flaws. Infernals must also possess the Combo-Basic Keyword. However, the first time
always add the Imperfection of the Shadow of All Things to in an action that a Charm with a Flaw of Invulnerability is acti-
non-native perfect defenses. vated in a Combo in conjunction with a Charm possessing the
Form-type keyword, a two Willpower surcharge is added to the
Solar Character Creation Charm’s cost.
The following adjustments should be made to Solar charac-
ter creation: Charms and Combos
• Players may raise any of their character’s abilities to five
without spending bonus points. Infinite Rate
• Players receive four specialties to distribute amongst their Infinite Rate becomes Rate 5.
character’s abilities.*
• Virtues may be purchased for 1 bonus point each. How- Upgrading Combos
ever, Willpower is calculated independently of Virtues.* New Charms may be added to existing Combos by paying the
• Characters begin with Willpower rated at 5. Willpower usual experience point cost to place the Charm(s) in a Combo,
may be increased at a cost of 1 bonus point.* plus a one experience point surcharge for modifying the Com-
• Characters may start with (Willpower + Compassion) In- bo. This applies to all beings capable of creating Combos, not
timacies without spending bonus points.* just Solar Exalted.

Chapter One • Errata: Dawns 3

Mutations: Stackable mutations such as Toxin and Multiple One action or less. Charms whose mote cost are paid for en-
Limbs may apply their benefits no more than the character’s tirely from a character’s Overdrive pool do not count as Charm
(Essence rating) times. Any additional applications of such activations, but must obey normal Combo rules if used in con-
mutations are merely cosmetic. This does not apply to muta- junction with other Charms. Other restrictions may be present
tions which become different mutations upon being purchased in the text of the Charm. Motes gathered into the pools created
multiple times, such as Wolf’s Pace or Large. by Overdrive Charms dissipate at the end of the scene, bar-
ring additional Charms to prolong their existence. Temporary
New Keywords mote pools created by the Overdrive keyword share their motes
Dawn: Solars of the Dawn Caste may buy Charms with this and stack together to determine the storage capacity of the
Keyword for eight experience points, even if they do not Favor overall pool. This Overdrive pool may store no more than 25
the Ability the Charm is located in. This Keyword applies to motes, regardless of the size of the pool generated by individual
the following Charms: Charms with the Overdrive keyword.
Resistance: Essence-Gathering Temper, Durability of Oak
Meditation, Spirit Strengthens the Skin, Iron Skin Concentra- Archery Charms
tion, Iron Kettle Body, Adamant Skin Technique, Unbroken
Chain Resolve, Ruin-Abasing Shrug There Is No Wind
Occult: Spirit-Cutting Attack, Ghost-Eating Technique New Keyword: Martial. Prerequisites: None. This Charm
Athletics: Thunderbolt Attack Prana, Increasing Strength does not negate DVs.
Exercise, Hill-Hurling Might, Lightning Speed, Godspeed Martial: Thrown. The Essence 3+ upgrade does not apply
Steps, Speed of Light Approach to Thrown.
Awareness: Panoptic Fusion Discipline
Dodge: Seven Shadow Evasion, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Forceful Arrow
Leaping Dodge Method, Refinement of Flowing Shadows, Di- Cost: 1m. If an attack enhanced by this Charm strikes its tar-
vine Witness of Utter Safety get and rolls even one die of damage, the target is automatically
Dusk: Abyssals of the Dusk Caste may buy Charms with this knocked back (archer’s Essence x 3) yards without opportunity
Keyword for eight experience points, even if they do not Favor to resist. A character who has learned the Charm Lightning
the Ability the Charm is located in. This Keyword applies to Strikes Twice may apply the effects of that Charm to a knock-
the following Charms: back caused by Forceful Arrow.
Resistance: Injury-Absorbing Discipline, Spirit-Hardened
Frame, Wounds Mean Nothing, Far Beyond Ruin
Trance of Unhesitating Speed
Cost: 2m or 3m per attack. Prerequisites: None. Each shot
Occult: Corpus-Rending Blow, God-Slaying Torment
normally costs two motes; weapons such as firewands or siege
Athletics: Corpse-Might Surge, Headstones Flung Like Peb-
crossbows cost three motes.
bles, Falling Scythe Attack, Shadow Races the Light, Death
Draws Near, Swifter Than a Scream Arrow Storm Technique
Dodge: Flickering Wisp Technique, Uncanny Impulse Eva- Cost: 5m, 1wp.
sion, Foe-Shaming Defense, Thousandfold Shadow Dance,
Shadow Fades at Dawn Flashing Vengeance Draw
Enhanced: This Charm denotes ‘hero style’ Charms which New Keyword: Martial-ready.
grant an enhanced benefit when used by the Exalt type they be- Martial-ready: Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown.
long to (for example, Solar Hero style Charms used by a Solar).
Martial: Charms with this Keyword may also be used with or Summoning the Loyal Bow
applied to the listed Abilities when the Solar’s rating in those New Keyword: Merged.
Abilities meets the Charm’s minimum Ability rating. Merged: Summoning the Loyal Steel (Melee).
Martial-ready: This Keyword replicates all the effects of the
Martial keyword. In addition, the Solar may use the Charm Rain of Feathered Death
with or apply its benefits to any of the listed Abilities that he Cost: 1m or 3m per duplicate. Basic duplication costs one
has as a Caste or Favored Ability, even if their ratings are lower mote per duplicate, or three motes if duplicating ammunition
than the Charm’s minimum Ability requirement. costing more than one dot of Resources or if in a Combo with
Merged: Charms with this Keyword exist in more than one Charms which enhance the shot’s damage.
Ability. Buying this Charm in any of the Abilities it exists in
means the character also has that Charm in all other Abilities Martial Arts Charms
it exists in.
Overdrive: Charms with this Keyword create a temporary
Fists of Iron Technique
New Keyword: Enhanced. Type: Reflexive. Duration: One
pool of Peripheral Essence, which can only be filled by terms
outlined in the text of the Charm. Motes in these pools may
Enhancement: When Solar Hero Form is active, Fists of Iron
only be used to activate offensive Charms with a duration of
Technique does not count as a Charm use.

4 Chapter One • Errata: Dawns

Sledgehammer Fist Punch Thunderclap Rush Attack
New Keywords: Enhanced, Martial-ready. Type: Supplemental. New Keyword: Martial-ready. This
Enhancement: When used by a Solar, this Charm also ignores Charm drops a supplemented attack’s Speed to 3.
the object’s soak. Martial-ready: Archery, Melee, Thrown.
Martial-ready: Melee.
Melee Charms
Dragon Coil Technique
New Keyword: Enhanced. Hungry Tiger Technique
Enhancement: The dice added by this Charm do not count Prerequisites: None.
toward the Solar’s dice caps.
One Weapon, Two Blows
Solar Hero Form Cost: 3m. Duration: Instant. New Keyword: Martial. Pre-
New Keyword: Enhanced. requisites: None. Replace the text of this Charm with the fol-
Enhancement: While this Charm is active, the Solar adds his lowing:
Martial Arts rating to his natural bashing and lethal soak. The Solar is as swift as the first rays of dawn. Repeat steps
7-10 when resolving the damage for this Charm, effectively
Heaven Thunder Hammer damaging the opponent twice.
New Keyword: Enhanced. Martial: Martial Arts.
Enhancement: The target is thrown three yards for each point
of pre-soak damage. At Essence 4+ the Solar may add one Peony Blossom Attack
mote to Heaven Thunder Hammer’s activation cost in order to Replace this Charm with the following:
send the victim flashing an additional (Essence x 5) yards to-
ward an object he can perceive. This movement occurs before Peony Blossom Attack
the normal movement caused by Heaven Thunder Hammer Cost: 3m; Mins: Melee 3, Essence 2;
begins. This additional knockback distance does not add to the Type: Simple (Speed 5, DV -1)
damage the victim takes for yards they would have otherwise Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
traveled, but helps to ensure that the victim strikes a solid ob- Duration: Instant
ject at the absolute beginning of his flight, even if that object Prerequisite Charms: One Weapon, Two Blows
is far from the point of attack. This effect expressly allows a The Lawgiver moves as smoothly and rapidly as ice on hot
Lawgiver to bash a rooted target into scenery within (Essence metal, his weapon flashing in a dazzling golden arc to strike all
x 5) yards without actually moving the target. The target does those around him. The Solar makes a standard Melee attack
not appear to move; rather nearby walls and trees develop giant at his full dice pool, and applies it to all enemies within three
craters as if the victim were being driven into them, while the yards; each target resolves defense and damage separately.
Solar’s blows are seen to unleash devastating shockwaves that
annihilate the scenery. Treat all such blows as incurring the Iron Whirlwind Attack
full damage of a Heaven Thunder Hammer collision at point- At Essence 3+, the character may select to levy fewer than
blank range. Using this effect turns Heaven Thunder Hammer (Dexterity + 1) attacks against her target, to a minimum of
Obvious. zero attacks. She may also cancel her attack prematurely. For
example, when attacking a target which has a tick-long coun-
Crashing Wave Throw terattack effect, she may decide to end her flurry early to avoid
New Keyword: Enhanced.
further counterattacks.
Enhancement: The Solar hurls opponents (Martial Arts x 7)
yards upward or (Martial Arts x 14) yards horizontally. Invincible Fury of the Dawn
As points of clarification: This Charm no longer modifies
Ox-Stunning Blow Peony Blossom Attack in any way. It modifies Iron Whirlwind
New Keyword: Enhanced. Stunning damage counts as stun-
ning penalties in conjunction with Wicked Dissolve Dust. Attack by granting it two additional attacks (for a total of Dex-
Enhancement: Solars may spend as much Essence as they like terity + 3 attacks).
when activating this Charm.
Call the Blade
Hammer on Iron Technique Cost: — (1m). Type: Permanent. New Keyword: Merged.
New Keyword: Enhanced. Duration: Permanent. The Solar may reflexively spend one
Enhancement: This Charm creates (Essence + 3) attacks, mote to activate this Charm as described. He may only call
which may be directed at multiple targets if the Solar desires. his blade from up to (Essence x 2) yards away while in battle,
Shockwave Technique Merged: Call the Blade (Thrown).
New Keywords: Combo-OK, Enhanced.
Enhancement: The Solar’s opponent, when used as a weapon, Summoning the Loyal Steel
has +2 accuracy and +6B damage. The attack made with this New Keyword: Merged.
opponent may be applied to all characters within that unfortu- Merged: Summoning the Loyal Bow (Archery).
nate’s flight path.

Chapter One • Errata: Dawns 5

Glorious Solar Saber Solar Counterattack
Cost: 3m, 1wp or 5m, 1wp. Replace the text of this Charm New Keyword: Martial-ready. If the Lawgiver has stocked
with the following: any free reflexive attacks, she may expend one such attack as
The Essence of the Lawgiver manifests in a gleaming blade part of the three mote cost of this Charm’s activation to make
of the sun. This blade is always a glowing weapon that inflicts her counterattack unblockable.
aggravated damage to creatures of darkness and sheds light as Martial-ready: Archery, Martial Arts, Thrown. The unblock-
bright as a torch. The Exalt can summon this weapon to her able version of Solar Counterattack is available only to Martial
hand from anywhere it has fallen, as a diceless, miscellaneous Arts and Melee.
The character defines the form of her weapon upon pur- Ready in Eight Directions Stance
chasing this Charm. Statistically, the weapon has traits equal New Keyword: Martial. As with Solar Counterattack, the
to single or paired basic 1, 2 or 3-dot close-range orichalcum Solar may expend stocked free reflexive attacks to make un-
artifact weapon (such as a daiklave, grimcleaver, or direlance) blockable Martial Arts and Melee counterattacks.
of the player’s choice. Paired 1-dot weapons or a singular 2-dot Martial: Archery, Martial Arts, Thrown.
weapon costs 3m. Paired 2-dot weapons or a single 3-dot weap-
on costs 5m.
Protection of Celestial Bliss
The Solar needs commit only a single mote to reserve a use
Players wishing to have multiple options may purchase this
of Heavenly Guardian Defense with this Charm. At the time
Charm a number of times equal to their character’s Melee
Heavenly Guardian Defense is actually used, he must pay the
score, creating a different weapon with each purchase.
remainder of its cost. (For example, an Essence 5 Solar would
If the character possesses an Overdrive pool, she gains one
commit 1m to reserve a Heavenly Guardian Defense use, and
offensive mote to that pool each action while she is wielding
then pay an additional 3m to activate the defense when he
Glorious Solar Saber. The character must be in battle to benefit
wished to use it.)
from the one mote drip.

Iron Raptor Technique Thrown Charms

This Charm inflicts automatic knockdown if it strikes its tar-
get. If the character has learned Lightning Strikes Twice, she
Joint-Wounding Attack
New Keyword: Martial-ready. Cost: 2m. Prerequisites:
may activate it as soon as the knockdown occurs, catching her
weapon’s hilt as she flows into her second attack. Sandstorm
Martial-ready: Archery, Martial Arts, Melee.
Wind Attack cannot be blocked without a Charm, rather than
without a Charm or stunt. Observer-Deceiving Attack
Cost: 1m. Prerequisites: None.
Blazing Solar Bolt
Cost: 5m, 1wp. Replace the text of this Charm with the fol- Mist on Water Attack
lowing: Cost: 1m per action. New Keyword: Martial. This Charm
The Solar’s Caste mark blazes as she casts molten sunlight functions thanks to the icy tenor of the Solar’s killing intent.
from her weapon. This Charm is a Melee based attack with a It will not function if the Solar stabs himself or an ally for the
pool of (Dexterity + Melee + Essence), which may stretch out purpose of enjoying enhanced stealth.
to strike any opponent the Solar is able to directly perceive. Martial: Archery.
This attack is unblockable and undodgeable, and ignores any
cover less than 100%. It deals lethal damage with a base dam- Triple Distance Attack Technique
age, before adding attack successes, of (the Exalt’s Strength Cost: 2m.
+ Willpower). This damage is aggravated against creatures of
darkness. Call the Blade
New Keyword: Merged. All errata to Melee version also ap-
Dipping Swallow Defense plies to this Charm.
New Keyword: Martial. Prerequisites: None. This Charm Merged: Call the Blade (Melee).
negates penalties to the Exalt’s Melee-derived Parry DV.
Martial: Martial Arts. Resistance Charms
Bulwark Stance Essence-Gathering Temper
New Keyword: Martial. This Charm negates penalties to Cost: —. Type: Permanent. Keywords: Dawn, Overdrive,
the Exalt’s Melee-derived Parry DV. Native. Duration: Permanent. Replace the text of the Charm
Martial: Martal Arts. with the following:
The more terrible the enemies and adversities they face, the
Fivefold Bulwark Stance greater the power of a Solar’s spirit. This Charm grants the
New Keyword: Martial. This Charm only applies its benefits character an additional ten-mote peripheral Essence pool in
to the Exalt’s Melee-derived Parry DV. accordance with the Overdrive Keyword. Whenever the Law-
Martial: Martial Arts. giver is injured, she gains motes which are used to refill this

6 Chapter One • Errata: Dawns

pool: one mote for being struck by an attack without taking Rising Sun Slash
damage, two motes per point of bashing damage, or three motes Remove the Holy Keyword. For 4m, the Solar may select
per point of lethal or aggravated damage suffered. whether to make the attack unblockable or undodgeable. For
Essence-Gathering Temper will only provide motes when the 6m the attack becomes unblockable and undodgeable against
Solar is injured against her will; she may no more order a bound any target, including non-creatures of darkness.
demon to assault her in order to obtain motes than she may
gain them from stabbing herself. Health lost in order to pay Life-Severing Blade (Abyssal
the activation cost of a Charm likewise never produces motes.
At Essence 3+ the Solar may also refill her Overdrive pool
Mirror of Rising Sun Slash)
For 4m, the Abyssal may select whether to make the attack
when she perceives her allies being injured, at the same rate as
unblockable or undodgeable. For 6m the attack becomes un-
though she were taking damage herself. In order to gain motes
blockable and undodgeable against any target.
in this fashion, the Solar must directly perceive the character
being injured at the moment the injury occurs, and must have
a positive Intimacy toward that individual (the character’s Lu- The Manual of Exalted
nar mate also always qualifies). Finally, the injuries may not be
self-inflicted, as outlined above, and may not be inflicted by the
Solar herself.
Athletics Charms Archery Charms
Withering Feathered Maelstrom
Monkey Leap Technique Cost: 1m or 2m per attack. Prerequisites: None. Each shot
While this Charm is active, the character may reflexively normally costs one mote; weapons such as firewands or siege
Jump only once per action, on her action tick. This does not crossbows cost two motes.
replace her Move actions, and she may still only Jump once
per action. Doom Drawn and Imminent
New Keyword: Martial-ready.
Soaring Crane Leap Martial-ready: Martial Arts, Melee, Thrown.
Cost: 4m. As a point of clarification, this Charm (along with
Monkey Leap Technique) enables the character to take a Jump Banished Bow Arsenal
action reflexively on her action tick, not in place of a Move ac- New Keyword: Merged.
tion. The character may still only Jump once per action. Merged: Void Sheath Technique (Melee).

Dodge Charms Melee Charms

Leaping Dodge Method Savage Shade Style
Leaping Dodge Method moves the character (10 + [Strength Prerequisites: None.
x Dodge]) yards vertically or (10 + [Strength x Dodge] x 2)
yards horizontally. Characters may not enhance the distance Unfurling Iron Lotus
this Charm carries them through the use of hearthstones, arti- Identical to the post-errata Peony Blossom Attack (p. 5) save
facts, sorcery, or other Charms. for its prerequisite.

Time-Scything Technique
Glories of the Most High: At Essence 3+, the character may select to levy fewer than
(Dexterity + 1) attacks against her target, to a minimum of
The Unconquered Sun zero attacks. She may also cancel her attack prematurely. For
example, when attacking a target which has a tick-long coun-
Melee Charms terattack effect, she may decide to end her flurry early to avoid
further counterattacks.
Flashing Edge of Dawn
Replace the text of the Charm with the following: Thousand Wounds Feinting
This Charm permanently enhances its prerequisite. If she As points of clarification: This Charm no longer modifies
wishes to, the Solar may ignore steps 7-9 on her second dam- Unfurling Iron Lotus in any way. It modifies Time-Scything
age application and simply repeat step 10. Additionally, her Technique by granting it two additional attacks, as well as two
post-soak damage is raised by one die whenever she uses One additional maximum attacks (for a total of Dexterity + 3 at-
Weapon, Two Blows. tacks).

Chapter One • Errata: Dawns 7

Blade-Summoning Gesture Death-Deflecting Technique
Cost: — (1m). Type: Permanent. New Keyword: Merged. Cost: 4m. Keywords: Combo-OK, Mirror (Heavenly Guard-
Duration: Permanent. The Abyssal may reflexively spend one ian Defense), Obvious.
mote to activate this Charm as described. He may only call his
blade from up to (Essence x 2) yards away while battle, how- Fluttering Moth Defense
ever. The Abyssal needs commit only a single mote to reserve a
Merged: Hungry Missile Technique (Thrown). use of Death-Deflecting Technique with this Charm. At the
time Death-Deflecting Technique is actually used, he must pay
Void Sheath Technique the remainder of its cost.
New Keyword: Merged.
Merged: Banished Bow Arsenal. Thrown Charms
Resplendent Shadow Blade Aid of Ill Wind
Cost: 3m, 1wp or 5m, 1wp. Replace the text of this Charm Cost: 2m.
with the following:
The Essence of the Abyssal manifests in a weapon formed Hungry Missile Technique
of Essence-hardened shadows adorned or intertwined with New Keyword: Merged. All errata to Melee version also ap-
corpse-elements. This blade inflicts aggravated damage to plies to this Charm.
creatures of the Wyld and slightly dims any light brought near Merged: Blade-Summoning Gesture (Melee).
it. The Exalt can summon this weapon to her hand from any-
where it has fallen, as a diceless, miscellaneous action. Dodge Charms
The character defines the form of her weapon upon purchas-
ing this Charm. Statistically, the weapon has traits equal to
Flickering Wisp Technique
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dusk, Mirror (Seven Shadow Eva-
single or paired basic 1, 2 or 3-dot close-range soulsteel artifact
sion), Obvious
weapon (such as a daiklave, grimcleaver, or direlance) of the
player’s choice. Paired 1-dot weapons or a singular 2-dot weap-
on costs 3m. Paired 2-dot weapons or a single 3-dot weapon
costs 5m.
Scroll of the Monk
Players wishing to have multiple options may purchase this Pounding Hammer of Devastation
Charm a number of times equal to their character’s Melee Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
score, creating a different weapon with each purchase. (Step 1); Prerequisite Charms: Dome-Shattering Smite (Ink
If the character possesses an Overdrive pool, she gains one Monkeys, Vol. 33). Replace the text of this Charm with the
offensive mote to that pool each action while she is wielding following:
Resplendent Shadow Blade. The character must be in battle to A child must learn to crawl before it can walk, just as the
benefit from the one mote drip. wicked must learn to fly before they can stand against the Solar
Additionally, this Charm may be purchased a second time to Hero. The character’s fist becomes a falling star, striking the
upgrade all weapons that may be created through Resplendent earth to unleash a shockwave that rips through the ground in a
Shadow Blade, granting them the benefits detailed on page 130 straight line up to (Essence x 50) yards distant. Upon reaching
of The Manual of Exalted Power—The Abyssals. an opponent in range, the attack terminates in a massive deto-
nation of force, with a diameter of 10 yards and reaching up to
Elegant Flowing Deflection 100 yards high. Everything caught in the range of this attack is
New Keyword: Martial. Prerequisites: None. This Charm immediately hit by an unblockable Heaven Thunder Hammer
negates penalties to the Exalt’s Melee-derived Parry DV. strike using a dice pool of (Dexterity + Martial Arts + Es-
Martial: Martial Arts. sence). Characters struck by this attack are always launched up
or away from the Lawgiver. The Solar is immune to the effects
Eye of the Tempest of his own attack and may stand in the absolute center of this
New Keyword: Martial. This Charm only applies its benefits devastation unharmed.
to the Exalt’s Melee-derived Parry DV.
Martial: Martial Arts.

Vengeful Riposte
New Keyword: Martial-ready.
Martial-ready: Archery, Martial Arts, Thrown.

8 Chapter One • Errata: Dawns

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