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Camera shot into the ground

(mumbles) just another day of misery

camera focuses on Boots Beauty sign

(longingly) Ahh beauty. Today I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna buy them, I know what I need. I’ve made this
journey countless times but I always lose courage at the vital moment. Here they are (picks up Bikini
wax) (earnestly) This shall solve all my problems... (doubtfully) hopefully.

walking down the street past hoi polloi

Look at all these people, living their lives mindlessly, continuing their mundane routines (mumbles

(notices newspaper) (excitedly) Jungle Babe?

(Turns newspaper) Oh Fuck. She’s not real. She’s just an automated robot like all the rest of these

(continues walking down the street looking at people until noticing trainer) Well what’s this, Divine
intervention? As clear an instruction as I’m likely to discover in this ugly vague world. Perhaps I should
adorn myself in this form of human apparel. I’ll have to go home and change. Tomorrow maybe I can be
a robot too…

(when confronted with banana, Gorilla is silent. Perhaps slightly heavy suggestive sexual breathing. But
gorilla is clearly dumbfounded by meeting his soul mate.

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