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Video Biography Rubric

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Name: -\r",, l\riJ.'^
Content Approval (Due: mm/dd) l,A ,,0

Purpose is clear to audience

lmages are stylistically Some are stylistically appropriate Not stylistica lly appropriate
(color, lighting, and focus)
Audio choices enrich video Audio does not effect video Audio detracts from video

Text Use
1 0-----------9---------- -- - *4 - -- -- - -----3------- - ---2----- -- - -1
Enhances viewer comprehension Does not relate appropriately to story Dominates the video
Demonstrates careful proofreading Some grammar/spelling errors Neglects grammar/spelling
Or-video is complete Mo the use of text

Transition and Flow /

1 0-----------9-----------8-----------7 -------- €
f :--f'\ ---5--------- 4 -
- -- - -- - --3 -- - -- - -- - - -2 - - -- - -- - -1
Story is clear
\\ Storyjd confusing Story is incomprehensible
Transitions in logical progression .-Tryrfsitions raise questions Transitions are confusing
Mewer feels a sense of closure Viewer feels some sense of closure Viewer is ieft with questions
(Story does not end abruptly.)

Editing (--.,
1 0----------9---------+-8-----F-----7 -----------6---------5-----------4-----------3-----------2----------1
Clean, clear edits \ I Some edits are rough/disjointed All edits are rough/disjointed
Scenes flow smoothly \ / Choppy scene changes Abrupt scene changes

material is cited appropriately Some material is not cited Material is not cited

Relationship Wth Audience

10----------- -----------5- ------- - --4 -----------3 --- -- - -----2--- ------ -1
Story engages audience Story is adequate Story is uninteresting
Story is entertaining and original Entertaining but lacks originality Not entertaining or original

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